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Landscape design of a country house - new trends and design classics. Landscape design of a garden plot - how to design a beautiful garden and vegetable garden at the dacha

To arrange a personal plot, you must first decide what will be located on it and what elements will decorate and decorate individual zones. It is also necessary to understand the principles and rules of how to create the right landscape design. Without knowledge, it will be difficult to get a truly harmonious and beautiful garden plot. And without this, the meaning of this undertaking is lost, because the site is put in order primarily in order to create a beautiful and harmonious natural oasis.

Landscape design photo

Basic rules for site design

There are criteria in the formation of landscape design, observing which it will be possible to achieve the set goal. They imply high-quality elaboration of details and a balanced approach to design.

Definition and preliminary sketches stage

To understand what you want to see on your site, you first need to look at photos of landscape design already finished projects. Such a solution will allow you to find out how a site can be transformed in general, what separate zones exist in landscape design and how they are designed. Also in the photo you can see decorative techniques and accessories for decorating them. It is worth saying that it is not uncommon for this purpose to be used in decorating flower beds and alpine gardens - improvised materials, of which there are usually a huge variety at the dacha.

Landscaping at the dacha photo

Landscape design photo

Selecting suitable accessories, materials, etc. can significantly simplify the task - if you immediately decide on the style. After all, each style has its own specific characteristics and differences. And restrictions on style will narrow the circle of searches, and will also allow you to maintain a single design that is unique to it.

There are several styles in landscape design:

  • Classic style
  • Country style
  • Russian style
  • Japanese style
  • Romantic style

Country landscape design photo

When viewing photo catalogs, it is imperative to carefully consider each style in order to choose the most suitable one.

At the next stage, it is best to record the idea on a piece of paper, this will help to distribute - zoning, where everything will be located on the site, in which part the alpine slide, gazebo or patio will be located, where the garden and pond will be located. To do this, it is recommended that you first make an assessment right on the site itself - by presenting different location options, it will be easier to choose the most suitable option.

Preliminary study will not only allow you to choose the most suitable design and location, but will also help determine the scope of work. And this will make it possible to make preliminary budget calculations.

Landscape design of the site

Proportions of shapes, sizes and colors

When it has already been decided exactly what will be on the site, how and where it will be located, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and principles of landscape design.

In landscape design, as in the entire design industry, there is one important principle that really allows you to achieve harmony of shapes and sizes - this is the theory of the triangle. The presence of three components within one part allows you to obtain the most balanced state; more or less components disrupt the harmonious balance. Moreover, in any design, the category of three components includes such parameters as size, color and shape.

Landscaping site photo

So, for example, for decoration with stones alpine slide, stream, pond, etc., three sizes of stones are used - large, medium and small. Proportional shapes will allow you to achieve a neat and pleasing to the eye design. Of course, in order to strive for naturalness, you can use other sizes, but in this case it will not be possible to achieve aesthetic harmony of sizes and shapes.

Landscape design photos

The same goes for color design, flowers for alpine hills and flower beds are also selected taking into account this rule. Three colors will allow you to achieve a moderate color scheme for the landscape, and there should be no obvious variegation. Flowers should be selected in such a way that each type complements the other, regardless of the time of year. It should be said that the proportions of the colors or types of flowering plants should be different. For example, to decorate a flower bed, 9 plants with white flowers, 6 with red, and three with orange can be used.

One of the important principles of decorating an area with plants concerns their height. Along with decorating flower beds with flowers, there should also be plants of other sizes. Accordingly, medium ones are shrubs, and tall ones are trees. At the same time, one should not forget about the proportions, otherwise the site may turn into a forest or a dense garden.

Landscape design photos

Figures and figurines for decoration

Various kinds of figures and decorations on the site will help to add special charm and even magic to landscape design. The variety of garden figurines and figurines today is very large. They differ in materials of manufacture, sizes, and a wide range of topics will make it easy to find suitable figures. The most popular today are images of various animals and birds; they can be made in life-size. No less popular are figurines of elves, gnomes, angels and various other fairy-tale creatures.

Figures for landscape design photo

Figurines for landscape design photo

Figurines for the garden photo

Where to place garden figurines?

Most often they are placed near paths on the site, next to bodies of water - near a pond, stream, fountain or flower nursery. Placing them simply on open lawns is no less popular; in this case, even entire compositions can be depicted, depending on the style. For example, a driver on a cart with a horse harnessed or a simple carriage will perfectly suit the country style.

Examples of landscape design photos

But the figure of Buddha or another eastern deity will best fit into the eastern - Japanese style. White plaster figures among green shrubs are perfect for a Greek style or a style with a classical slant.

Beautiful landscape design of the site photo

Modern models figurines can not only be beautifully designed, but lighting can also be built into them, which will create beautiful illumination of the area in the evening. In this case, the lighting can be hidden inside the figure, or it can be figurative - for example, a gnome in his hands with a torch or a hand-held lamp with a built-in light source, where the latter will perform its direct task.

Recently, figurines with built-in acoustics have begun to appear; it is worth noting that most often these are not even figurines, but an imitation of an ordinary stone, stump, etc.

Projects that require serious work, due to the complexity or associated with an area of ​​difficult landscape, are implemented with the use of special equipment, therefore this work It is better to entrust it to experienced specialists who have both the knowledge and the appropriate equipment.

Landscape design photo

Citizens, tired of everyday work in a stuffy metropolis, are looking forward to the first sunny days to enjoy the peace and tranquility of their own dacha. They all dream of turning their plot into a true Eden - a place where they can relax comfortably, a place that will please the eye and allow them to relax. With even basic knowledge, you can turn the smallest and most unremarkable area into a real oasis. Moreover, you can do this with your own hands. The design of the dacha landscape, a photo of which we posted in this article, will help you create fresh ideas for landscaping.

How to arrange a dacha

Creating a beautiful and modern landscape is a difficult task, we won’t argue, but it is quite feasible for everyone. It is not at all necessary to change the topography of the site or create complex structures. It is quite possible that in your case it will be enough just to build a beautiful and cozy gazebo, lay out an interesting lawn or plant exotic plants to give your dacha a unique charm.

Where to begin

First of all, you should choose a style - it should not differ from general concept Houses. For those who are new to landscape art and have little understanding of styles, it is necessary to study special literature.

Consider existing ideas and select the desired landscape design options. Now carefully examine your site, conditionally divide it into a recreation area, a vegetable garden and economic activity area, etc. Do not try to use every centimeter of the site, do not clutter it with unnecessary elements - leave room for relaxation.

Decoration with flowers

You can improve your site with the help of a lawn in an unoccupied area and decoration original flower bed. Before starting construction work, consider the shape and size of the structure, select suitable plants. They all have certain characteristics, so you need to have a good idea of ​​which flowers suit you best.

Beautiful hanging baskets with hanging flowers planted in them look original. You can decorate an alpine hill using creeping thyme, perennial carnation, aster, anafalis, seaside army and saxifrage. At the top of the hill you should plant plants that grow well in bright sunlight. These can be iberis, cinquefoil, evergreen shrubs or heucheras.

Do-it-yourself landscape at the dacha: rock garden

Now we will try to build an alpine slide. This work must begin in early autumn.

The first step is to accurately mark the territory. The landscape of the dacha provides for the presence of an alpine slide of large, medium or small size. When planning a slide with an area of ​​10 m² or more, it is necessary to mark out future passages and garden paths.

If you are planning to create a landscape at your dacha with a rock garden, then you must understand that this structure is not at all a meaningless pile of stones, but a scaled-down model of a natural mountain landscape. To make it look similar to the original, the territory must have a “valley”, “cliff”, “plateau” and “peak”. Additional effect is achieved through various methods of illuminating these areas.

Slide diagram

If you decide to decorate your site with an alpine slide, develop its plan on paper. This will allow you to plan the work correctly, since this is quite a complex decor. After this, the plan must be transferred to the selected territory. It is advisable that the area be high and well lit. Make the markings.

Site preparation

If you are creating a dacha landscape with your own hands (you can see photos in publications for gardeners) with an alpine slide, you will need to prepare the site. To do this, it is necessary to remove the top layer of earth (the depth is at least 300 mm). Then the bottom layer (100 mm) is formed, for which broken brick, gravel, and slag are usually used. Then a second layer is created consisting of coarse sand(50-100 mm). All created layers are abundantly watered.

Next, we make an earthen mixture of soil cleared of weeds, crushed humus (peat) and coarse sand. The components must be taken in equal quantities. This mixture is poured onto the drainage layer, and a slide about one meter high is formed. If desired, it can be of greater height.

Laying stones

The created layers must undergo shrinkage, after which you can begin laying stones. First, the largest ones are placed along the edges, then medium-sized ones, and finally small ones. Small stones look great on top of an earthen hill. It is important that the alpine slide becomes a dense structure. That's why large stones should be buried in the ground three-quarters of their size. Using this technique, you will get a better simulation of rock outcropping.

Plant selection

When creating an alpine hill, it is important to choose the right plants. Not only the general appearance and the beauty of the structure, but also its compliance with the overall landscape design.

Paths made of natural stone

To create an unusual landscape at your dacha, a completely acceptable solution is to create stone or mosaic paths. The excellent decorative qualities of natural stones make them extremely popular, and the fairly simple technique of making stone mosaics allows you to make the cladding yourself retaining walls, decorate the recreation area in an original and stylish way. You will need a little bit of creativity and out-of-the-box thinking for this.

Ordinary river pebbles can be an ideal material for creating unusual paths with a bright ornament, it can be used to decorate the inside of a garden pool, which will make your site completely different from the neighboring one.

Today you can choose ready-made tiles made of natural stone. This will save you from having to select interesting stones yourself. In this case, creating a mosaic will not be difficult, provided that all the necessary tools and materials are prepared in advance.

It is also necessary to create a base for the mosaic. To do this, remove the soil to a depth of 10 cm, compact the soil and lay drainage layer. It is best to use crushed stone.

Then we will install a metal or wooden sheathing for pouring cement base. To do this, use a trowel and building level, which is necessary when leveling the surface. We lay a reinforced mesh on top, which is filled with 2 cm of mortar.

Leave the surface leveled in this way for 30 minutes for the solution to set. This will allow the material to be laid perfectly evenly and with better quality, and the mosaic will look more uniform and natural.

The stones must be evenly laid out over the surface and, using a soft rubber hammer, driven into the cement. Having created a decorative pattern, the seams are carefully rubbed with mortar and the mosaic is left to dry completely. The advantages of stone mosaic include its durability. With the help of this technique, your dacha (garden) will be transformed for a long time.

Landscape: small mechanization

Owning a summer cottage not only brings pleasure, not only gives an opportunity to be proud of oneself, but also imposes certain obligations on the owner. The larger the area in your possession, the more effort you will need to put in to ensure that it is always in proper order, and without a well-groomed, trimmed lawn in front of your house, the area will not be beautiful. In this regard, all owners are faced with the need to purchase a lawn mower.

Someone will argue that the landscape at the dacha (photos of which amateur gardeners like to show) can be created using the good old scythe, but it is already obsolete and, moreover, will not allow achieving uniform mowing.

To understand which lawn mower is best for you, you need to know how they differ different types, and therefore know by what criteria you should choose it.

The most significant difference is the type of engine used. In other words, the principle of its operation. Based on this principle, we can distinguish gasoline lawn mowers- devices that operate using a gasoline engine. They have advantages, including high power, the ability to use additional functions and various devices. But there are also disadvantages. This is, first of all, the presence of exhaust gases and operating noise.

Electric mowers are devices that operate using an electric motor. This type has less power, but is also less noisy, and is also characterized by the absence of emission of harmful exhausts. Naturally, such equipment requires power. It is carried out via a fixed network and from

Mechanical mowers are not the most common option, since their action is carried out using the muscular power of a person who pushes the device in front of him. The advantages of such a device include the absence of the need for power and low noise.

Bridges at the dacha

A dacha (garden), the landscape of which each person can create independently, gives great satisfaction to the owner. This is extremely enjoyable activity, because here people create a place for moral and physical relaxation.

Originally arranged flower beds, various decorative elements - all this lifts the mood and encourages further creative process.

Original bridges are a great opportunity to create original design in the country.

Types of bridges

The purpose of these structures has changed dramatically today. Nowadays, not all of them simply connect two banks. Their main purpose is decorative. In addition, they are used as a division of functional zones on your site. Therefore, when choosing the type and style of the bridge, carefully analyze what it will symbolize - this will mainly determine how best to position it.

  • The style of the bridge depends on where it starts and ends. For example, a rock garden suggests simplicity and sophistication, in accordance with Japanese culture.
  • Lush gardens require an ornate design.
  • Bridges that are located over streams or ponds should be located in close proximity to the gazebo on one of the banks - this achieves completeness of this part of the garden.

If you are planning to build a bridge with your own hands while creating a landscape at your dacha, then wood will undoubtedly be the most suitable material. Designs made from this material fit harmoniously into any style on a site of any size. In addition, it is easy to repair failed sections of such a bridge.

As you can see, creating a landscape at your dacha with your own hands is not too difficult. The main thing is don’t be afraid to experiment, show more imagination.

Owners of dachas and country houses are incredibly lucky. They can arrange not only the interior and exterior of the premises, but also decorate the landscape at the dacha. Often such areas remain abandoned and look unkempt. Those who want to transform their site and make the environment attractive will have to familiarize themselves with the concept of landscape design.

How to transform your yard yourself?

The market is crowded with the largest organizations offering comprehensive services not only for interior design, but also for the arrangement of areas adjacent to the house. If you are interested in arranging them with your own hands, here you will find answers to many questions regarding how to recreate beautiful landscapes in your dacha with your own hands. For example, where to start designing, how to choose plants and determine their combination, how to save on decorating a summer cottage.

Landscape design at the beginning

Many people associate a summer cottage with an abundance of greenery and flower plants. Dacha zone landscaped with lawns, colorful flower beds, and alpine slides. Many of the novice summer residents begin work on landscape design with the design of the lawn. Isn't it nice to grow a silky grass carpet on your site and reap the benefits of your own activities while relaxing on such a lawn? A green meadow creates a feeling of orderliness, comfort and tranquility. With the help of such an element it is easy to shade the landscape at the dacha with your own hands. The photo colorfully conveys all the attractiveness of a thoughtful landscape design.

A lawn on a property is an excellent choice, but won’t such a yard end up empty without flower plantings that please the eye? It’s easy to design original ones with your own hands flower arrangements, and you can use any seeds and materials for this.

Landscape design is more than just landscaping and landscaping. Creating gardens is an art with its own history of more than a thousand years. Everything changes: styles, fashion, but the gardens remain.

Unlike gardening and gardening in their usual perception, landscape design is a general and even universal discipline.

The landscape at the dacha is one of the most important elements for creating a beautiful and cozy atmosphere in the yard. Before you decide what you want to see in the end, develop a plan, create sketches. Conditionally divide your site into zones and estimate the style of landscape design. Based on your requests, determine the landscape budget, since without this, doing the work yourself will take a long time.

Once you decide on an idea, start planning. Create a scheme and allocate certain areas on the site for specific design elements, where you can create compositions by combining elements various kinds. In this matter, imagination is important, because to a large extent everything depends on it, and also on the scale of the budget, the availability of materials and living plantings.

The owner of a large garden area will have no questions about how to organize the space, combining aesthetics and functionality in design. But owners of small garden plots often have a question: how to create a landscape in their dacha?

Don't despair if your garden area is not large. Small areas lovely and charming. These qualities are manifested in special comfort. Here, every flower, every bush, every element is in plain sight, which is why it is so important to think through the arrangement correctly and combine the components of decorative art correctly. In a small area, multi-tiered living compositions of flowers, garden and ornamental plants look advantageous.

By applying the rules of landscape design correctly when arranging a summer cottage, you will understand how easy it is to visualize the space due to the hills enclosed by small stone walls.

The landscape at the dacha (there is a photo in the article) with limited space for creativity should not be oversaturated, at the same time the space should not be empty. A compact garden area involves the rational use of each square meter land.

Landscape design ideas for a small garden area

Alternatively, you can design a small garden plot by making a path covered with gravel or small crushed stone, leading from the house deep into the garden. You can focus on a round flower bed, complemented by a mini fountain closer to the center. All this is easy to do with your own hands.

If you can’t build a fountain or you don’t see such an element in your composition, you can replace it with a stone statue. Preferable plants include ornamental grasses (chistets), charming phloxes, geraniums, and lavender.

By installing a pond on your property, you will add freshness to the area. You can even make an artificial pond from an old bathroom or using a waterproofing film. Along the edges of the pond, daffodils, mint, primrose, irises, and hosts will look great.

Country landscape design involves many options for designing a site. All you have to do is choose the one that will look most balanced and harmonious in the rear of your home. Only then will the landscape at the dacha begin to truly please the eye.

More than 50% of summer residents love alpine slides. This decoration element can create the illusion of natural stone painting in combination with picturesque plants. In this matter, you should not be afraid to experiment. Unpretentious plants can be planted at the foot. For these purposes, choose creeping thyme, alpine edelweiss, young, and perennial carnations. Slides are selected for the middle tier alpine asters, Armeria maritima, fluffy anafalis, saxifrage, sedum. Sun-loving plant species are planted at the top: Iberis evergreen, cinquefoil, heuchera, and other types of unpretentious evergreen shrubs. Choose any plants, use all kinds of techniques, the main thing is that the alpine slide that you build has a natural look.

Your plot: how to turn it into a unique masterpiece

The main task of landscape design, according to experts, is to create an aesthetic space in combination with various amenities. Here it is important to make the landscape at the dacha not only beautiful, but also functional, for example, using attractive green spaces along with the infrastructure of buildings. These techniques may be indirect in nature or belong to a more comprehensive concept, in which we are talking about special planning using carefully developed landscape design schemes for a summer cottage.

Water bodies

Mini-reservoirs and ponds in this design are of no small importance and are popular with people ordering landscape design services. And the designers themselves love to create compositions that include a water feature. Before you decide to organize a pond on your property, ask yourself: why is there a pond on the property?

Judging by the photo, the landscape at the dacha, made with your own hands, as a result gives the site an attractive, colorful look. Get ready for the fact that you will have to purchase plants, flowers and bushes, livestock for ponds, specialized equipment, maintain equipment and care for the pond. In any case, the project should be organized correctly.

In addition to reservoirs, summer cottages can be arranged:

  • fountain;
  • water mill;
  • a circulating river;
  • cascade;
  • waterfall.

Floral and plant compositions

Growing flower plants always involves time, labor and material costs. In addition, you will have to make efforts to harmoniously decorate the landscape of your summer cottage.

About quantity existing species There is no need to say a lot about flowers and plants - they simply cannot be listed. To arrange a living corner, you can use classic, mixed and modern options. The choice depends only on the style of the overall design of the landscape of a small dacha.

Fairytale paths

If you are planning to start designing your backyard area, then remember - landscape decoration always involves arrangement garden paths. By using such a seemingly simple detail, you can easily create a truly unique landscape that will have no analogues. And if you decorate the path by placing along it flowering bushes or decorative elements and lanterns, then such a garden will immediately transform into a fairy-tale forest where children will play.

Paths in the yard are the most important component of the landscape created with your own hands at the dacha. They can lead to a gazebo, rock garden, shed, parking lot, or pond. This decorative element is not only aesthetic, but also practical, allowing a person to get to the desired part of the yard at any time of year and weather. When translating a plan into reality, it is extremely important to think through everything down to the smallest detail in order to arrange the territory as functionally as possible.

Architectural elements

The buildings will help you create a practical corner for spending your leisure time. 75% of landscape plans include an architectural component that is more practical in nature. Such buildings include:

  • gazebos;
  • tandoors with small open kitchens;
  • sheds for tools and garden equipment;
  • children's playgrounds and much more.

Combine spectacular buildings and general rules landscape - beautiful dacha you are guaranteed.

Living and decorative hedges

This element is purely decorative in nature, fulfilling for the most part an aesthetic role, since it is absurd to fence yourself off from someone on your site. In 95% of cases, a fence that runs along the line dividing two neighboring plots is not a decorative element of landscape design.

Landscape design at the dacha using fences is used for zoning. For example, to separate a garden, vegetable garden or playground from the rest of the area adjacent to the house. This way you can visualize the space with the help of decorative fencing made from any material. Sometimes it is appropriate to use hedges of climbing roses or other types of plants. The main thing is that such an element harmoniously complements the concept. Its meaning is not in fencing or hiding what is behind them, but in a reasonable division of the site into zones, without harming the aesthetic integrity of the dacha landscape. The vegetable garden, for example, can be separated from the yard by a wicker fence, and the path leading to the house can be decorated with hedges.

Other decorative elements when arranging the landscape at the dacha

These are things that complement the space, which don’t need to be talked about much. They are used to make the site unique in its kind. Use of pink flamingo figurines and garden gnomes- the squeak of the last century. Today it is in fashion to decorate the garden with flowerpots, using lighting, decorative fountains, patios, sculptures and other elements you can think of. These elements will complement any stylistic decision; the main thing is to make the right choice by combining a composition that is unique in its beauty.

As you can see, everything in decoration is relative. The main thing is that you know what you want to achieve, then you can safely get down to business. Many people use the services landscape designers, who, working with the project, form a dacha space according to the latest fashion. But you can make a masterpiece plot yourself, just having the desire and basic skills in gardening, because you will have to decorate the territory with living plantings. All inhabitants of the house can be involved in such work.

In landscape design country house There will definitely be work for a child, a teenager, an adult, and an elderly person, and creating something together is not only easier and faster, but also more entertaining.

Many people think that creating an exclusive design garden plot with your own hands, like in a photo gallery, this is something unreal. But that's not true. Design ideas can be easily moved to the local area own dacha or country house, creating a unique landscape with an atmosphere of harmony and comfort. A small cozy garden or a luxurious park requires the same approach, both in terms of architecture and design, and when choosing plants and space planning. Landscape design of a garden plot is a whole philosophy that unites nature and everyday life. There are many options for arranging a garden with a local area, among them you can always choose one that will fully meet individual needs. Style, harmony, convenience and simplicity are the basis for creating a unique atmosphere necessary for a relaxed holiday and comfortable country life.

Design project

Creating a landscape design on a garden plot with your own hands is not so much realistic as it is necessary, because today a dacha has ceased to be exclusively a place for growing vegetables. A country house is, first of all, a place where city dwellers come to relax from the hustle and bustle, admire nature, in a word - relax.

There is absolutely no difference: 4, 6 or 10 acres are available. With careful planning, if you manage space rationally and think through the design, even on a modest-sized plot you can create a landscape of stunning beauty.

Advice! When independently developing a design project for a garden plot, numerous photos from already ready-made solutions. Even if such a project cannot be fully implemented, you can always apply particularly attractive ideas for arrangement or decoration to your site.

The outlines of the site should be transferred to paper, drawing up a detailed plan. After this, you can begin to allocate functional zones - economic, recreation, decorative.

Advice! You should take into account in advance the purpose of the future site: only decorative, combined with economic or exclusively for recreation.

All zones need to be filled based on their purpose, your own needs, and the desired style. This stage includes the selection of vegetation, architectural details, arrangement of reservoirs, lighting, laying paths and other communications.

Separately, it is worth considering the boundaries of each site, which will be helped by hedges or lattice partitions covered with ivy. A good border could be paths, an artificial pond, or garden sculptures. The main thing is that the division of zones looks as natural as possible, without sudden changes or breaks.

Advice! The sloping terrain of the site often causes many problems. But if you organize it correctly drainage system in the lower part, and the slope is divided into several terraces, then you can achieve a stunning decorative effect, while simultaneously dividing the entire area into functional areas in height.

Garden plot style

The success of landscape design of a garden plot largely depends on a well-chosen stylistic decision. The style should not only take into account the size, topography and location of the personal territory, but also emphasize the character of the owner. The differences in styles and their features are clearly demonstrated in the photo gallery, but before you try on one or another design for your site, it is better to study the features of each.

English style

This design is characterized by maximum naturalness, lack of symmetry, and an abundance of greenery. The appearance of the site seems to have come out of an idyllic landscape painting.

Vegetation is selected of all types. A well-groomed lawn, deciduous trees, trimmed shrubs, and lush multi-tiered flower beds must be present. The latter are mainly composed of flowering plants and shrubs (roses, irises, cyclamens, oleanders, etc.). Trees should provide a lot of shade, so it is worth planting willows along with fruit trees.

Such a solution will look best on a spacious area with noticeable uneven terrain, where a smooth lawn abruptly turns into hilly terrain. The space should be divided into a garden and a park area, connecting them with winding paths with benches in the shade of trees, ponds framed with stone.

Mediterranean style

Mediterranean design is simple, with all the key elements centered around the patio. Such patio usually paved with stone, covered with wooden decking, partially surrounded brick wall, painted white or terracotta.

The vegetation is represented by a smooth green lawn, bright areas are formed with the help of flower beds. There must be a carved pergola (wooden or forged), partially entwined with ivy, and protection from the sun is provided by thick curtains made of light textiles. A relaxation area with this design must be complemented with wicker furniture, a sun canopy, and decorated with massive vases with bright flowers, elegant sculptures, and fountains.

French style

The French style is suitable for owners of spacious garden areas located next to a large stone house. This style is distinguished by luxury and plenty of free space. The central element of the site will be a wide alley, along which neatly trimmed bushes and trees are planted, antique statues and elaborate flowerpots are placed.

Main features French design- symmetry, adherence to proportions, clarity of lines that can be seen in everything. It is definitely worth adding fountains to the area classic style, artificial porticoes, grottoes or labyrinths, columns, stone bridges. The garden should be located at a level below the main building so that it has a full view.

East style

The Japanese style is suitable for both tiny plots of 4 acres and a large garden area. Minimalism and laconicism can be seen in everything: the absence of lush decor, flowering plants, and complex shapes. There must be a pond built around which large stones can be placed. An island will look good in its center, which can be accessed through a wooden bridge without railings.

Vegetation should be given preference evergreen trees and shrubs, including dwarf ones. In spring and autumn maples and fruit trees. The paths should be strewn with gravel; in some areas large stones can be laid out to set the pace of movement.

Advice! Instead of a flower garden, it is appropriate to set up a rock garden. In the evening, the area will be effectively complemented by built-in lighting.

The Chinese style is suitable for fans of the philosophy of Feng Shui, which implies the harmony of all elements and the arrangement of decorative elements ensuring freedom of energy flows. On garden area there should be a pond around which compositions of greenery and stones should be placed.

Gazebo-pagoda, bright wooden bridges, paths in the form of stairs, artificial waterfall, Buddha statue will emphasize harmony with nature. Must be planted bright flowers red, yellow, purple shades, and also take care of a smooth lawn of dense grass or moss of a rich emerald shade. Bright orange lanterns hung along the paths and next to the gazebo will add color.

Garden plot design: objects

The landscape design of a garden plot is always based on some main object, which can be a residential building, unusual terrain, trees, a neat lawn, etc. Taking into account their style and location, the plot is supplemented with secondary objects, these include:

  • Green spaces.
  • Gazebos and architectural elements.
  • Artificial reservoirs.
  • Garden sculptures.
  • Lighting.
  • Paths.

The final design should combine beauty and convenience, style and comfort. You shouldn’t try to place everything in your garden at once. It is enough to limit yourself to what is necessary and maintain the chosen style.

Green spaces

Landscaping is the most important element of garden design. Plants create a background for all other objects, fill the space with a special charm, uniting it with the surrounding nature.

Landscaping of the site includes phased planting of the following plants:

  1. Trees and shrubs different heights- create shadow, delimit the area, highlight separate zones. It is best to plant in the walking area low growing shrubs or fruit trees that miss sunlight and form comfortable environment, serve as an excellent frame for paths. It is recommended to plant coniferous vegetation in recreation areas, and willows or tall shrubs will look good next to ponds.
  2. Flower beds should be laid out when the main landscape has already been formed. Plants for them are selected taking into account the size of the site and the flowering period of each species. Vertical planting will look impressive along fences or walls when the height of the plants gradually decreases. The shade of the colors in the background should be darker and more saturated than those located in front, which gives visual volume and depth. Alpine slides allow you to beat the existing terrain of the site or create a new one.
  3. Decorating buildings and garden objects with the help of vegetation helps to achieve unity of architecture with nature. These can be all kinds of climbing plants that decorate the walls of gazebos, steps and garden sculptures, as well as flowers or shrubs planted along ponds.
  4. The lawn will serve as an element that will connect all the zones on the site into a single whole. He must be neat and well-groomed. Any herbaceous plants, including flowering ones, can be considered as a lawn covering.
  5. Advice! Beds, if necessary, should be located in the economic zone. If the plot is small, then it is best to design them not in a standard way, but in the form of a semicircle, which will help make more efficient use of the available area and visually expand the space.

    The design of a small garden plot should be moderate; an abundance of flowers and plants can look heavy and “eat up” the usable area.

    Gazebos and architectural elements

    The main building on the garden plot is a residential building, but it does not have to be the central element of the design, much less the only place for leisure and recreation. In design local area Much attention is paid to the use of all kinds of architectural elements that help to properly manage space, make it more practical and comfortable. The buildings also serve as spectacular decor, giving the site an aesthetic and lived-in look. Among them are:

  • Gazebos and pergolas should be placed near bodies of water, in park areas. On a plot of 4 acres it is appropriate to install a small open gazebo with lattice walls, placing it away from the house. Such a building is best designed using climbing plants or groups of trees. A spacious area can be decorated with a large pergola with textile curtains or a gazebo with columns, located on the shore of a pond or among a cluster of trees.
  • A patio or summer kitchen simultaneously serves as an outbuilding and a place to relax. Such a building is most often located in close proximity to the house or adjacent to one of its walls. In this case, the style and material of the building must match the design of the main building.
  • Bridges over ponds or ravines, as well as arches, help to effectively delimit the space on the site, while at the same time ensuring a smooth transition from one zone to another. It is recommended to plant near bridges tall plants, and the arch will be complemented climbing vines or lush flower beds. The elements themselves can be either wooden or stone, depending on the style of the site.
  • A recreation area must be present in the garden plot, regardless of its size. It is best to highlight such a place using wooden flooring, stone slabs or neat lawn. The resting place should be equipped with benches and barbecues, swings, a swimming pool, etc.

Advice! Do not forget about outbuildings when designing the site. They should fit organically into general style, if necessary, they should be covered with vegetation or a decorative hedge.

Artificial reservoirs

The presence of a pond in a garden plot can completely transform its appearance. Water makes the landscape dynamic, alive, refreshes in the heat, and fills the garden with a serene atmosphere.

Thinking through the design garden plots 6 acres or more, it is worth paying attention to the construction of an artificial reservoir, the size and purpose of which depend on individual needs:

  • The fountain is the ideal solution for not large plots. A reservoir of this type serves as a source of constantly moving water and can have any frame that fits into the most different styles. With the help of a fountain you can mark the center of the site or emphasize any part of it.
  • The waterfall will become great solution for garden plots with uneven terrain. Streams of water can flow over the stones of a rockery or alpine slide, forming below small pond, framed by plants. A water mill or decorative fountain can be installed at the top of the waterfall.
  • Ponds and circulating channels are ideal for decorating large areas. Such ponds will add naturalness to the landscape, in addition, they can be used as a source of water for watering the garden. You can add fish and ducks to the finished pond, plant plants around it and install a gazebo. Pond complex or elongated shape can be supplemented with a bridge that will connect different banks, continuing the paths.

Advice! The framing of the reservoir can be natural, in the form of a sand embankment or vegetation. Ponds and canals with a stone frame look impressive, which can be complemented by flowerpots with flowers or antique statues that become covered with moss over time.

Garden sculptures

Spectacular accessories add zest to any area. Usage garden sculptures allows you to create an individual style, highlight the character and features of the landscape.

Garden sculptures can be anything from antique statues to modern ceramic animal figurines. Greek or Gothic statues made of stone or metal will look good both in the midst of plants and on the shore of a pond. And bright ceramic figurines will complement flower beds or enliven a recreation area and make a walk more interesting.

Another spectacular accessory is stone flowerpots, inside of which you can plant flowers. Such decor can be made in any style from antique to modern, abstract. Sizes and shapes also vary, which allows you to choose a product for almost any area.


Arranging garden paths will help make your garden area as functional and comfortable as possible. These elements set the pace for the landscape, serve as its decoration, delimit the area and help freely move around it.

The material for the paths should be selected that is resistant to atmospheric influences, temperature, strong and durable. Gravel is best suited paving slabs, wooden flooring.

Advice! How smaller plot, the more winding the paths should be - this technique visually expands the space.

An obligatory element of garden paths is a frame, which can be curb stones, large cobblestones, tall vegetation, trimmed bushes, etc.

Advice! The paths should be provided with a slight slope from the center to the edge so that water does not accumulate on them.

Benches should be placed along the paths in the garden area, which will make any walk comfortable. They should emphasize the unity of style and complement it. Benches can be stone, forged, wooden, with or without a back.


When creating a garden plot design with your own hands, be sure to take care of the lighting. With the help of lighting, you can not only secure movement around the local area in dark time day, but also to emphasize the features of its design. The following can serve as functional and decorative light sources in the garden:

  • Lanterns- they can be placed next to benches or along paths.
  • Wall lights - most often installed on verandas summer kitchens, in the gazebos.
  • Built-in lamps and lighting - can be located next to any decorative element in the garden (under statues, along the fence, around the pond, under bridges and arches). The illumination of the lawn, which is provided by special lamps installed in the soil, will look impressive.
  • Hanging balls and garlands - this type of decorative lighting gives the garden festive look. With it you can create comfortable atmosphere both in a small gazebo and in the open space of a recreation area. Garlands can wrap around the trunks or branches of trees and buildings, creating a soft shimmer.

Designing a garden plot with your own hands will not cause problems if you take into account all the recommendations and also correlate them with the existing conditions. A competent choice of style and content guarantees stunning results even in a small area.