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Linden habitat. Linden blossom is an amazing resource of health, beauty and youth

The linden tree is no less common in our squares and parks than maples, birches and poplars. It is valued for its unpretentiousness, exceptional longevity, and thick silky crown. The entire plant, from flowers to wood, brings great benefits. Inflorescences, bark, buds and bracts are valuable medicinal raw materials, not a single Russian steam room is complete without a linden broom; they are made from durable bast eco-friendly dishes, washcloth, burlap.

By right among the trees this green beauty considered a real treasure. In addition, it is easy to grow it yourself. In a word, the linden itself asks to be placed under our windows. All that remains is to learn the intricacies of planting and caring for this amazing plant.

In the old days, seals were made of metal, which was expensive and difficult to process. Craftsmen began to forge them, cutting blanks from soft and pliable linden wood. Since then, the “fake” label has been firmly attached to all fakes.

Description of the tree

In Russia, linden is found throughout the entire territory, with the exception of the most northern regions. Some of its varieties have mastered the Far East and Southern Siberia. Linden looks wonderful both in single plantings and in alleys and green tunnels.

Linden belongs to woody plants family Malvaceae. Young leaves have stipules that quickly fall off. The blossoming leaves are heart-shaped or oval, with jagged edges. The flowers are collected in inflorescences-umbrellas, which extend from the bract leaf, unlike all the others. After flowering ends, a nut-shaped fruit with seeds ripens.

In the open, linden forms as a spreading single-trunked or multi-trunked tree. In the shade it looks more like a tall shrub. Life expectancy reaches 600 years.

Types of linden

The Linden tree genus describes about 45 species. IN Eastern Europe Several varieties are common - heart-shaped linden (small-leaved or winter). It is distinguished by the bluish underside of the leaves, on which there are tufts of light brown hairs.

The second variety is large-leaved linden (flat-leaved or summer). It wakes up earlier in the spring and has larger leaves without a bluish coating.

In the Caucasus, Crimea and the central European part of Russia, felt or silver linden is also found. Its heavily pubescent leaves resemble felt to the touch. This variety reaches 35 m in height and has a wide pyramidal crown.

The Caucasian linden is also different greater height, spherical spreading crown and reddish-brown shoots.

Manchurian linden is a low tree with good winter hardiness. It is often multi-stemmed. Widely distributed in the south of the Far East.

Linden is easy to propagate by root shoots, stem layering, seeds and seedlings.

How to grow linden from seeds

Propagation by seeds is the longest growing method. From the moment the seedlings transform into a young tree, at least 10 years will pass.

For good germination, linden seeds must be stratified. They are placed in a container with a damp substrate and placed in a cool, dark place for 5–6 months, periodically moistening.

In spring, stratified seeds are sown in open ground. Seedlings are protected from the wind and heavy rain, thin out. At the beginning of summer, seedlings are fed with fertilizers containing nitrogen; in the second half of summer they switch to phosphorus-potassium mixtures.

For the winter, young sprouts need shelter. The following year the plants are planted permanent place, which it is advisable to fence.

Reproduction by layering

To obtain stem cuttings in the spring before the leaves appear, bend the lower branches to the ground, place them in shallow grooves and dig them in. Cuttings of currants and gooseberries are obtained in approximately the same way. After 1–2 years, the branches will sprout roots and a new plant will appear above the ground. It is cut off from the mother root with a sharp shovel and transplanted to a permanent place.

Propagation of linden by root layering is even easier. Mature plants produce abundant shoots, which are carefully separated from the parent tree and transplanted to a new location.

How to plant a linden seedling correctly

Linden is undemanding to soils, but prefers light sandy loam with a high content of humus. Does not tolerate high groundwater.

When planting linden seedlings to create a hedge, you should know that they will reach full development only by 25–40 years.

Young linden trees easily tolerate minor damage to the roots, but still, when planting, care should be taken to leave the earthen lump intact. When purchasing a seedling from a nursery, it is advisable to choose specimens with a closed root system.

The planting hole for a standard linden seedling should be at least half a meter in diameter and depth. A layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom - pebbles, crushed stone, expanded clay or broken brick. A layer of mature compost mixed with superphosphate at the rate of 50–60 g per seedling is placed on top of the drainage. Then the seedling is placed in the hole and covered with soil with the following composition:

  • 1 part of turf land;
  • 2 parts humus;
  • 2 parts sand.

To strengthen the seedlings you will need stakes. Along the edges landing pit drive in 2-3 pegs and tie them to the trunk with soft loops.

The root collar is placed at ground level. If the soil in the hole settles slightly and the neck is slightly lower, this is not a problem for the linden tree.

After planting, caring for the linden tree consists of: abundant watering. Grown trees are fed twice a year. In spring, add to a bucket of water:

Mix everything and pour into trunk circle after watering clean water. In autumn, add 20 g to a bucket of water.

Crown care and formation

Only young plants need regular moisture. Adult specimens tolerate drought without problems. They are watered only during the driest period at the rate of 20 liters of water per 1 square meter. m of tree trunk circle.

Loosening the soil under a linden tree is carried out several times a season, simultaneously removing weeds. Before winter, seedlings are mulched leaf litter, sawdust, wood chips or peat 10–12 cm thick.

The linden tree is pruned twice a year. Spring sanitary pruning carried out until the buds open. The tree is carefully inspected and dry, broken and diseased branches are cut off. During autumn formative pruning, crowns growing inward and strongly thickening branches are removed.

At the very first pruning, the branches are shortened by no more than 1/3.

With such careful care, the linden tree will quickly turn into a luxurious, spreading beauty. Rest in its shade will be serene, and the aroma of flowers on a July afternoon will refresh and bring back the best memories.

Planting a linden tree in a summer cottage - video

Linden is invaluable for traditional medicine resource medicinal properties. Its flowers provide optimal benefits for the body. You can get acquainted with their properties, indications and contraindications, as well as see photos in our article.

During the flowering period of the plant, a pleasant aroma hovers in the air. This characteristic smell is a kind of signal for supporters of traditional medicine, and its appearance is like a command to action. The aroma that appears when the linden blossoms signals that it is time to stock up on valuable medicinal raw materials. For those unfamiliar with the plant, find out useful flower Among others, the photo below will help.

As a rule, the tree begins to bloom at the age of twenty. But if it is grown in plantations, then the first flowers may appear ten years later. Repeated flowering takes place every year. It is especially noticeable during the first two months of summer - then their benefits are especially great. But unfortunately, the flowers only live up to two weeks.

What do flowers look like?

Linden flowers are golden-white. They are combined in small quantities into complex inflorescences that grow from plates of oblong leaves. The stamens protruding from the flowers form peculiar bunches. The multilocular ovary is solid and contains a pair of ovules for each ovule. In the photo below you can see them in more detail.

How to pick flowers correctly

In order for flowers to become a high-quality basis for the preparation of medicines, and for the maximum benefit from them, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules of collection and preparation. Since the flowering period is short, it is important not to miss the right time. The optimal moment is when most of the flowers have already opened, but buds can still be seen among them - then they should be collected. If you rush, the plant will not have time to absorb all the necessary beneficial features. If you are late, the bulk of them will already be lost.

It is believed that the most best places for collecting flowers, those that are distant from roadways and factories emitting exhaust. That is, where trees grow on fresh air. Perfect option- collect them in the village. As a last resort, you can search fragrant flowers linden trees in the suburbs or in the outback of city parks.

If the dust and dirt typical of cities settles on the flowers, then these nasty things will no longer be able to get rid of. All because healing product It is not recommended to wash. Otherwise, it will be of little use. It is worth remembering that flowers are not picked or cut individually, but in inflorescences. Also, you should not collect linden blossoms after precipitation or in the morning when dew is on the tree. Dry weather is best for this.

Dry healthy linden inflorescences in well-ventilated areas. It is worth remembering that direct hits sun rays will lead to loss of medicinal qualities. The easiest way is to spread them in a thin, even layer on paper, wood or fabric. You can protect from the sun by covering linden flowers with gauze or similar material, which will provide good ventilation.

They must be stirred periodically, otherwise they may begin to rot. And as soon as the flowers begin to break and crumble, drying stops. They are preferably stored in glass containers, and for greater preservation of beneficial properties - in fabric bags.

Beneficial features

Linden flowers help increase the production of gastric juice, normalize the formation of bile and its outflow into the duodenum. They also have diuretic properties. This is an indispensable remedy for diarrhea, constipation and other problems with the stomach and other digestive organs.

Since linden inflorescences are rich in vitamin C and contain phytoncides, flavonoids, various essential oils, as well as tannins. They have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antihistamine properties. They also have an antiseptic and bactericidal effect.

Colds, flu, bronchitis, tracheitis - all of these ailments go away faster, thanks to the beneficial, healing properties of linden flowers. They are also effective fight with cough and high temperature. Their testimony also includes a diaphoretic effect.

How additional effect inflorescences will help calm nervous system, relieve stress, relieve insomnia and headaches. They cause an antipyretic effect, normalize arterial pressure. In addition, thanks to them, female hormones are put in order during menopausal changes. The photo shows how beautiful the golden linden decoction is, which is consumed as a healing hot drink.

It is worth remembering unique property, which helps speed up metabolism, and every woman will like anti-cellulite properties. A unique therapeutic complex will increase the skin’s ability to regenerate after damage and relieve tissue swelling. And thanks to the content of phytohormones, they promote rejuvenation and can even slow down the aging process.


The most common use of such useful flowers linden - in the form of tea. This drink is quite effective against flu and colds and has no contraindications. It not only eliminates unpleasant symptoms of diseases, but also promotes a speedy recovery. Also, tea drunk before bed helps with insomnia. In addition, it is often drunk for headaches. It will also be very useful for those wishing to lose weight: assistance in losing weight is included in its indications.

A special composition for gargling is made from linden blossom. It helps with all types of cough. This composition has proven itself in the treatment of pharyngitis, sore throat and other diseases. respiratory tract. People who suffer from heart disease can take linden tincture. The indications of linden also cover the cosmetic aspect: to treat damage and inflammation of the skin, linden flowers are used externally in the form of an infusion.

It will also show its beneficial properties in herbal medicine. It will be good for those who are often sick to just go out and breathe in the healing aroma blooming linden. The good thing here is that such treatment certainly has no contraindications, which we will discuss later.


There are no contraindications for use as such, but you need to understand that linden is medicinal plant and you shouldn't abuse it. Everything is good in moderation. Therefore, for example, linden tea should not be used instead of a traditional drink. It is better to alternate it with the use of linden honey, the benefits of which are also obvious.

Any treatment should be carried out after consultation with a doctor, regarding individual characteristics. It is especially important to notify your doctor if you have any chronic diseases. Treatment must be carried out competently, following the expert’s recommendations regarding the use of medications, taking into account all contraindications, and only then will there be visible benefit from it.


About what beneficial properties it has wonderful plant, indications and contraindications will be discussed again in the video below.

Linden is one of the most durable and easy-to-care trees that can be used to decorate own garden or yard country house. It is easy to care for, it can be planted in any area, and the tree will bloom profusely and delight you with its beautiful and green leaves until late autumn. This material will tell you how to properly work with this variety so that it grows quickly on your site and does not die prematurely from pests or diseases.

Description of the tree

Linden is a strong perennial tree that grows in almost all regions of our country. May look like a large shrub ( wild varieties), and big tree over 40 meters in height. It has a large deciduous crown of a round, oval or pyramidal type (other shapes are possible in rare varieties). A linden tree does not necessarily have one trunk; it can branch into two, three or more branches.

Linden grows well both in shady areas of the garden and in sunny places. The tree is not picky about the choice of soil, but grows best on sandstone flavored with humus. Various varieties of linden trees tolerate frost well, are generally very resistant to pests, and even poor care They bloom regularly and produce seeds.

The tree has a good root system, thanks to which it can long time do without watering and fertilizing. The linden tree reaches full strength in 20-30 years. At the same time, it begins to produce the richest flowering used in medicinal purposes, as well as honey production.

What Aubrieta flowers look like and how they need to be grown can be seen in this article:


Proper care of linden involves the following activities:

  • crown trimming. It is carried out once every six months - in the spring before the buds open and in the fall. It should be carried out after the first year of the tree’s life, removing no more than a third of the branches.

  • feeding. Held twice a year. In the spring, it involves adding a solution to the soil in the proportions of 1 kg of manure, 25 grams of ammonium nitrate and 20 grams of urea per 10 liters of water. The second time feeding the tree is carried out in the fall, using 20 grams of nitroammophoska per 10 liters of water. In another additional feeding the tree doesn't need it.

  • watering. For young trees, moisten the soil at the rate of 20 liters of water per 1 square meter crown projections are carried out once a week depending on the weather; it should not be carried out after heavy rainfall. For mature trees, this event is not mandatory. Linden tolerates dry periods well; watering is necessary only when the soil is seriously dry.

  • Loosening the circumferential circle. It is enough to carry out 2-3 times a season. At the same time, weeds are removed.

In addition to the basic care procedures described above, it is recommended to inspect the tree once every week or two for the presence of pests or diseases. This will allow you to identify the problem in time and eliminate it at an early stage, while the tree is not yet seriously damaged.


The process of caring for and growing linden is shown in more detail in the video below.

Preparing for winter

Wintering linden, like others garden trees, also requires special preparation from the gardener. Its correct implementation involves performing the following actions:

  1. Before the cold weather, the gardener needs to remove fallen leaves from the tree and burn them, and also inspect the linden branches for the appearance of frost holes. It is recommended to treat detected formations with any antiseptic.
  2. During the same period, the surrounding circle is covered with insulation. It is best to use peat or manure. With them, the roots of the tree become thicker.
  3. In the first years, it is advisable to wrap the tree crown with dense material. This will protect the branches from frost and snowstorms. When the tree gets older, this measure can be abandoned.
  4. In addition, closer to winter it is necessary to fertilize the trees so that they can stock up on the necessary substances for the winter.

With age, the frost resistance of linden increases and it becomes easier to prepare for winter. However, when working with this tree, the gardener should always exercise increased attention in order to avoid damage to branches due to frost or improper treatment of the plant in autumn period. This way, if you are careless, you can lose a large part of the crown.
Spend everything necessary measures This variety can be prepared for winter in 1-2 days. Activities are recommended to be carried out in late October - early November before the first frost.

Disease and pest control

Linden is a susceptible tree various diseases, among which:

  • white rot or tinder fungus, manifested in the curvature of the trunk, poor overgrowth of knots and curling of the bark;
  • fungal diseases of various parts of the tree, including seeds, leaves, seedlings;
  • infectious drying of wood.

Akktelit helps to cope with such tree diseases. Fitosporin is also used as a preventive measure for trees. The solution, however, should not be overused. One treatment per season is enough to fully protect the tree from such infections.

Remember that linden often becomes infected with infections, including fungal ones, from neighboring trees. Even if there are no signs of infection yet, the plants still need to be treated for preventive purposes.
Tree diseases are often caused by rodents and insects that weaken the tree. Among the most dangerous pests for linden it can be called:

  • the soldier bug that damages fruits;

Soldier bug

  • lacewing butterfly striking top part crowns;

Lacewing Butterfly

  • willow scale;

Willow scale

  • linden felt mite;

Linden felt mite

  • leaf roller, whose caterpillars penetrate the tissues of leaves that have not yet blossomed and destroy them;

Leaf roller attack

  • mole cricket eating buds and tree leaves.


The tree can also be undermined by yellow-necked mice, shrews and voles. The fight against linden pests comes down to loosening the circle around the trunk, treating it with soapy water, and also spraying the trunk with insecticides selected depending on the type of pest.
A special role in the fight against insects that destroy linden leaves and flowers is the annual pruning of the tree. It allows you to cut off the buds in which insects overwinter. To avoid reinfection of the tree, all cut branches must be burned.


General linden care different varieties is not particularly difficult for either an experienced or a novice gardener. To ensure this, it is only necessary to timely water, prune and loosen the soil, properly prepare the plant for winter and prevent the spread of pests and diseases of this type of tree. And then the linden tree will decorate yours for several hundred years. garden plot. Read also our article “For material for greenhouses and greenhouses” »

The heart-shaped linden is one of the most common and popular trees in our country. The scent of its flowers hovers over many cities in June-July. Linden tolerates Russian frosts quite steadfastly, blooms and produces seeds even with minimal care.

Throughout its long life (up to 300 years), the small-leaved heart-shaped linden not only pleases a person with its austere beauty, but also gives him the most valuable medicinal raw materials, which have been successfully used by folk healers since ancient times.

When we think of the linden tree, we immediately imagine well-groomed linden alleys with centuries-old trees. It is cultivated as a landscaping plant ornamental plant. Linden is especially good in bloom, covered from top to bottom with fragrant yellowish flowers.

Botanical description of the cordate linden

This tree belongs to the Malvaceae family, which includes up to 40 species. large trees and shrubs and more than a hundred hybrid species. Even in the time of the great Carl Linnaeus, over three hundred and fifty species were described. Most of them were later identified as synonyms of currently existing taxa. Linden heart-shaped, Latin name which - Ptilon cordata, can be found in the works of Roman scientists.

It consists of two words - ptilon translated from Greek means “wing”. The tree received it thanks to wing-shaped bracts that are fused with the peduncle. Cordata means “heart-shaped” and, as you can easily guess, is explained by the shape of the leaves of the tree. The Russian name dates back to ancient times and comes from the word “lipati”, which meant “to stick”. It is explained by the presence of stickiness of young leaves and sticky juice.

Linden heart-shaped (Malvaceae family) - pretty powerful tree, which grows up to thirty meters and has a spreading crown. The bark is dark, covered with deep cracks and furrows.


Long-petioled, alternate, heart-shaped, rather large leaves of the heart-shaped linden. Their plates reach a length of ten centimeters and are painted dark green. They are serrated from above, with a pointed apex, usually symmetrical, much less often they are unequal. Their width is almost equal to their length.

The underside of the leaves is bluish-green, with tufts of yellowish-brown hairs located at the vein nodes. Leaves are blooming heart-shaped linden in May-June.


When the linden tree begins to bloom, the air becomes very pleasant and quite strong aroma. This usually occurs in June and lasts about two weeks. Too dry and hot weather The heart-shaped linden fades faster.

The inflorescence consists of three to eight flowers. The buds are spherical, no more than four millimeters in diameter, slightly pubescent, yellowish, correct form. The inflorescence is located on the axis to which the pre-flowering leaf is attached. It grows tightly together with the petiole, from the middle of which the inflorescence emerges, so cordate linden flowers are usually collected with the pre-flowering leaf.

The flowers are very fragrant, yellowish-white, about a centimeter in diameter, collected in semi-umbrellas. They are pollinated by insects, mainly bees.


Round, slightly elongated nuts with a dense shell, sometimes with grooves, about 10 mm long and about the same width. The seeds are obovate, about five millimeters long, shiny, red-brown in color.

Growth dynamics

In the first years, small-leaved heart-shaped linden grows quite slowly, growth accelerates from 4-5 years, and after sixty it slows down again. Having crossed the centennial anniversary (at 130-150 years), the tree completely stops growing. The average lifespan of this tree is about three hundred years, but long-lived specimens have also been recorded, living up to 600 years.


Linden cordate reproduces by stump shoots and layering. In some forests, the linden tree stand is entirely of coppice origin.

This tree is shade-tolerant and fits perfectly with coniferous trees and oaks. It has a well-developed, powerful root system. Heart-shaped linden, a photo you can see in this article, is very demanding on soil fertility. Does not tolerate waterlogging at all. It is quite resistant to cold, due to the fact that the leaves bloom quite late and the plant is not injured by returning spring frosts.


Various types of lindens are distributed throughout Europe. Linden heart-shaped is widely represented in middle lane Russia, in the mixed forest zone, in Bashkiria, the western foothills of the Urals, in the Caucasus, in Moldova, Western Siberia, in Crimea, in Ukraine.

Chemical composition

The flowers of this tree contain essential oil. It includes:

  • glycosides;
  • farnesol;
  • tiliacin;
  • saponins;
  • vitamin C (31.6%);
  • flavonoid glycosides (kaempferol and quercetin);
  • carotene;
  • tannins.

Linden leaves contain a lot of vitamin C, protein and carotene. The fruits contain more than 60% fatty oils, close in quality to Provençal oils, and the taste resembles almond or peach. Thiliadin, a triterpene substance, as well as oil, was found in the bark.

Pharmacological properties

The healing properties of cordate linden are due to kaempferol and quercetin. Linden preparations provide:

  • painkiller;
  • choleretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • diuretic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • expectorant;
  • anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, they stimulate the stomach and very gently reduce blood viscosity.

Use in folk medicine

Linden-based preparations are used orally for:

  • nervous excitability;
  • cold;
  • convulsions;
  • chronic cough (including smokers);
  • accumulation of sputum;
  • some diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • hypertension;
  • as an aid for acute bronchitis and influenza;
  • insomnia.

Tea made from dried or fresh flowers Linden has a diaphoretic, expectorant, antispasmodic, hypotensive, laxative effect. It is recommended in the treatment (as an adjuvant) for indigestion, atherosclerosis, hypertension, nervous vomiting, hysteria and palpitations.

Use of linden on the farm

The heart-shaped linden, the description of which we have presented to you, is the main honey plant in the parks and forests of Russia. An amazing fact - per hectare of linden forest there are more than seventeen million linden flowers, with a supply of nectar of more than one and a half tons. In good years, only one bee colony is able to collect up to five kilograms of honey from a linden tree per day and up to fifty kilograms during flowering.

Experts consider linden honey to have healing and taste qualities one of the best.

In Korea and Far East young leaves and buds after cooking are used in spring vitamin salads. Porridge is made from the young, most tender and soft shoots, no more than ten centimeters long from the end of the branch. The twigs are cut into three centimeter pieces, then each of them is cut into thin stripes along the grain and cook in lightly salted water until tender.

Linden fruits, which taste like nuts, are used to obtain edible oil. Linden blossom is widely used instead of tea. It has a very pleasant aroma. In addition, linden flowers are used to flavor non-alcoholic and alcoholic drinks.

Linden juice is collected in the spring. It is used fresh as a drink or processed into syrup.

Linden wood is light, almost white or cream color. It lends itself well to processing. This material is used to make tubs, beehives, dishes, troughs, furniture, and burn high-quality charcoal.

Wood waste that contains a large number of starch, grind and feed to livestock. Bast is used to make mats, matting, washcloths, and a wide variety of wickerwork. In former times, bags made of such material were the most popular containers in Russia, and the famous bast bast shoes were the traditional footwear of the villagers. Harness was made from bast, ropes and other household items were made.

Use in construction

The lining made from heart-shaped linden looks very impressive. In addition, it is resistant to temperature changes, durable, tolerates air humidity well, and is easy to install. That is why it is very often used for internal treatment of baths and saunas.

Use in cosmetology

If you want to refresh your tired face, try applying a compress. To do this, you need to brew tea from linden flowers and add two mint leaves to it. Strain the resulting mixture and heat it up a little. Pour it out hot tea into a large bowl. Place a cup next to it cold water, and prepare two soft cotton napkins in advance.

First, soak one of the napkins in hot tea, wring it out, place it on your face and hold for no more than two minutes, then do the same with the second napkin, which needs to be soaked in cold water. Change the compresses two or three times, but the last one should be a cold one, which must be kept on the face for at least five minutes.

Linden flower infusion

Pour a glass of boiling water over a handful of linden flowers and let it brew for fifteen minutes, wrapping it warmly. Then add a quarter teaspoon of honey to the infusion. Moisten your face and neck generously with the mixture and leave it on the skin for ten minutes. Place the rest of the infusion in the refrigerator. Use it the next day. Shake the composition before use. This simple remedy effectively rejuvenates the skin of the face, making it more elastic and firm.

Lotion for dry skin

Pour a glass of boiling water over one and a half tablespoons (tablespoons) of dried linden flowers. After fifteen minutes, add a teaspoon of honey to the infusion. Instead of washing, wipe the face with this composition.

For sagging skin

In this case, a hot compress will be useful, which is prepared from linden blossom, mint and hops in equal parts. To do this, brew the herbs with boiling water (a tablespoon of dry raw material per glass of water), strain after fifteen minutes. Soak a linen napkin in the hot infusion, wring it out a little and apply it to your face. Once it cools down, repeat the procedure. It should last for a total of ten minutes.

For hair loss

This disease is quite common today. A decoction of linden blossom will help you fight it. Pour 500 ml of water into eight tablespoons (tablespoons) of linden blossom and boil over low heat for about twenty minutes. You should wash your hair with this decoction once a week.

For burns

This recipe will help you with severe burns. Pour 500 ml of water into four tablespoons of linden flowers and simmer the mixture over low heat for ten minutes. Refrigerate until room temperature and apply compresses to the affected areas.

  • Esotericists believe that linden is endowed with soft, but very strong energy. It is able to absorb negativity, relieve depression and depression, and restore vitality.
  • Linden has long been a favorite tree in village estates. Today at different regions In ancient parks in Russia there are centuries-old linden trees. For example, in the village of Mikhailovskoye, an amazing linden alley has been preserved, where A. Kern once loved to stroll.
  • There is a similar alley in Yasnaya Polyana. Researchers claim that the great L.N. Tolstoy drew inspiration here.

A few words in conclusion

Every year there are fewer and fewer heart-shaped linden trees left on Russian soil. The Red Books of the Tyumen (2004), Tomsk (2002) regions, and the Komi Republic (2009) have already been replenished with this plant. In the forests it is cut down almost uncontrollably, and in cities, imprisoned in asphalt, it lives no more than sixty years. And for this short term, it provides great help to humans: in just a year, this tree absorbs about 16 kg of carbon dioxide, which is one and a half times more than oak, and five times more than spruce.

The linden tree has 45 species. The average lifespan of a tree is 500 years. It's big deciduous tree, which became famous for the aroma of its flowers and healing properties linden honey.

Genus: Linden

Family: Malvaceae

Class: Dicotyledons

Order: Malvaceae

Department: Flowers

Kingdom: Plants

Domain: Eukaryotes

Linden description:

The linden tree can reach a height of up to 30 meters. The crown of the tree is wide and oval. The trunk is straight and strong. Root system quite powerful. The leaves are shaped like a heart. On the outside, the leaf has a more saturated green color, and on the other side the leaf is lighter. The edges of the leaf are jagged. When the leaves bloom, there are stipules that fall off quite quickly. And nectar glands may very often be present at the base of the leaf.

When does linden bloom?

Linden begins to bloom around June-July and flowering lasts about 2 weeks. All this time, there is a pleasant aroma around the trees that fills the air.

The flowers of the tree are collected in groups of 2 or more together, forming umbrella-shaped inflorescences. The flowers are light yellow. The inflorescences emerge from a bract leaf, which is very different from ordinary leaves. The flowers have a very pleasant smell, which can spread over a fairly long distance. Linden is one of the most important honey plants. Linden honey is highly valued and considered one of the best varieties.

Where does linden grow?

The linden tree is most common in the temperate and subtropical zones in the northern hemisphere of the planet. Loves warmth and moisture. The tree is quite hardy and is widely used in landscaping towns and cities.

Linden fruits

Linden fruits are nut-shaped. First they light color and then become dark in color. They are the size of a pea. They fall in a whole bunch at once. Each such cluster has a special leaf, which spins when it falls and helps the seeds fly as far as possible from the tree to give life to a new plant.

Linden propagation

Linden can reproduce in several ways. First of all, seeds, as well as seedlings, shoots and stem cuttings. The ideal soil composition for a linden tree is 1 part turf soil and 2 parts sand with humus.

To propagate linden by stem layering, you need to lower the lower branches down and dig them into small trenches for 1-2 years. When the branches take root, they are separated from the tree and carefully transplanted to the right place. This needs to be done in early spring before the first buds appear.

The most the easy way Reproduction is propagation by shoots or root layering. The linden itself produces such layerings. All that remains is to carefully disconnect them and transplant them to the right place.

It takes years for linden to propagate from seeds. The first step is to place the seeds in sawdust or damp sand for 5-6 months in a cold place. At the same time, do not forget to moisten the sand or sawdust. This process is called stratification. It is for this reason that linden seeds do not germinate next spring after falling to the ground. They do not have time to undergo stratification. And only after a year they are able to germinate. In the spring, when the seeds germinate, they are planted in the soil. The strongest of them germinate and turn into seedlings.

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