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The best time to take clematis cuttings. Propagation of clematis by division

Clematis are extremely decorative and unpretentious, but still have their own preferences. In our article we will introduce you to all possible ways breeding of this plant.

Reproduction methods

There are 2 ways to propagate clematis: vegetative, which includes dividing the bush, layering, grafting, cuttings and seed. Let’s say right away that for hybrid clematis Only the first method of propagation is suitable, and the second is used for small-flowering species. If you sow hybrid clematis seeds, they will sprout, of course, but it is difficult to predict what will grow from the seedling, at least not exactly similar to the source.

These types are most often practiced vegetative propagation, such as layering, cuttings, and dividing the bush.


If you need to get a large number of plants, then The best way For this purpose cuttings. It's fast and allows you to get healthy plants. The technology of propagation by cuttings is simple and leads to success if the following recommendations are followed:

  • Cut cuttings before the bush begins to bloom.
  • Bushes 3-4 years old are suitable for harvesting planting material.
  • Cut cuttings from the middle of the shoot no lower than 0.3 meters from the ground. Make the cut at an angle of 45 degrees. The length of the cutting is from 50 to 60 mm. Number of nodes – 2.
  • Treat the workpieces with a root-stimulating agent.
  • Prepare the soil by mixing peat and coarse sand.
  • Plant the cutting in the ground, deepening it to the node. Water with a solution containing a growth stimulator.
  • Irrigate them periodically with water, because... They really need moisture during this period. Protect from direct ultraviolet rays. Under these conditions, rooting will occur in about a month.
  • Build a shelter for the winter in the form of a cap. You can cover the cuttings with a box and insulate them with fallen leaves.
  • Transplant the plant to permanent place in the spring.

Dividing the bush

If clematis already lives on your estate, then the simplest and reliable way To propagate it, simply divide the bush. Just remember that propagation of clematis by dividing the bush is possible when your plant reaches 5 years of age. It is better to do this in autumn or spring. If the bush has grown very widely, then it is enough to simply dig it up from any side and separate part of it. A small bush is dug up completely and then divided into parts. Bushes older than 7 years should not be divided, since their roots are very powerful and do not separate well, so the bush can simply be destroyed.

The main thing with this method of propagation is not to upset the balance between the root system and shoots, otherwise clematis will take a long time to take root in a new place. If everything is done correctly, the bush will bloom quickly.

Another important point– do not divide a diseased bush, because if you divide it, the disease will be transmitted to the planted plants.

By layering

Up to 10 seedlings are obtained when clematis is propagated by layering. This method is simple and anyone can do it:

Grooves are made around the bush to a depth of 8 to 10 cm.
Select shoots that are fully ripe and place them in prepared places.
The internodes are fixed with a wire bent into an arc and covered nutritious soil. Only 200-250 mm of the top should be visible from the ditch, which is best tied to a small support.
Water regularly and fertilize. Drying out should not be allowed.
Repeat the process when the top grows back.
Vertical shoots are separated from the donor bush in the spring of next year.

All the characteristics of the mother plant are transferred to the new bushes. This method is most effective when propagating clematis in the fall, because Having overwintered, the bushes have time to form well over the summer and are ready for planting next spring. If you make layering in the spring, they will go into winter weak, so they can easily be damaged by frost.


When deciding on such a troublesome experiment as propagation by seeds, you should be guided by three rules:

  1. If you collect seeds yourself, select the largest ones for sowing.
  2. You can plant it immediately after harvesting, i.e. in autumn as well as in spring. Wherein seed propagation clematis in the spring must necessarily be preceded by stratification. It lasts about 3 months at temperatures from 0 to -5 degrees C.
  3. Preparing soil mixture for sowing, add 30-50% sand to it.

To obtain clematis seedlings, fill the boxes or pots with soil, and then:

  • Scatter the seeds, cover them with sand, and crush them.
  • We provide the optimal temperature for germination - from 25 to 30 degrees C.
  • We water regularly, and if the seeds are sown immediately in the garden, we also remove weeds.
  • We protect the emerging seedlings from direct ultraviolet rays.
  • When the first leaves appear, we dive the plants directly into the garden bed, where trenches 60 mm deep have already been prepared for this. We maintain a distance of 20 cm between seedlings.
  • We shorten the emerging shoots so that the seedlings give good roots and branch better.
  • We cover young plants for the winter.
  • In the spring we grow the seedlings by transplanting them to another bed, again in trenches. We increase the distance between them to 40 cm. Before doing this, we cut off the shoots, leaving 2-3 buds.
  • After waiting for the first flowering, we transfer the clematis to a permanent place. This will happen in 2-3 years.

  • To ensure that clematis cuttings take root well, maintain a temperature of at least 10 and maximum 20 degrees C.
  • If possible, place a fog-forming apparatus in the place where the cuttings are rooting.
  • If, when dividing the bush, you dug up too long roots, then shorten them by ¼. Dry the cut areas slightly and then treat them with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.
  • In order for the plant from which you have separated a part to recover faster, water it with a nutrient mixture.
  • If you planted a bush formed from a layer, and it decided to bloom in the first spring, then it is better to remove the buds, because... flowering will greatly weaken it.
  • To prevent young clematis bushes from being damaged by mice and slugs, place special preparations under them in the form of “Storm” tablets, which protect against mice or metaldehyde granules - against slugs.
  • To propagate your favorite clematis variety by grafting, you need to be a specialist. If you are not one, better use one of the methods we described.

Clematis belongs to the ranunculaceae family and is represented by great variety species, which include tree, shrub and herbaceous plants.

These flowers prefer abundant watering and good lighting and bloom from early spring until the first frost. The plant is actively developing and growing on alkaline soils which are well protected from the wind.

Main structural features of clematis

The root system of clematis not only mechanical function, but also absorbs nutritious and organic substances from the incoming moisture useful material. Depending on the structure, tree roots can be represented by the following types, which include:

1. Rod. Development occurs from embryonic roots and are considered the simplest. Therefore, the propagation of clematis involves carefully strengthening them due to the absence of secondary shoots.

2. Secondary. Their development occurs from the buds of the stems.

3. Fibrous. Characteristic of most varieties, transfer passes without any complications.

The stem of a plant is the main organ that connects the root system with the leaves. The buds are located in the axil of the leaf; there are vegetative, generative and mixed. The leaf can be simple or complex, and the flowers consist of stamens, pistils and perianth.

How to propagate clematis

This plant has the following methods of propagating clematis, which include:

  • Use of seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush.

Features of using clematis seeds

Propagation of clematis by seeds is carried out in the process of their selection or by natural pollination wild species. Seed ripening usually occurs within three months, and their period corresponds to the flowering period, which occurs at the end of May.

Clematis seeds begin to ripen in mid-autumn, and they are different sizes. Depending on the mass of the seed and the period of its ripening, they are divided into subgroups.

Which include:

1. Large-fruited. The seed size ranges from 6×5 to 12×10 mm. They are characterized by uneven germination and a long period. Mostly the first shoots sprout after about one year. Germination is 4 years.

2. Average. The fruits are 6x5 mm in size, germination is 3 years, which occurs in 3-6 months.

3. Small ones. Dimensions up to 5×3 mm, and germination from 20 days to 4 months, which lasts for up to two years.

In order to increase the period of seed germination, they are washed and soaked while simultaneously exposing them to air. To do this, use a glass cylinder with a valve at the bottom.

An aquarium compressor is attached to it, which supplies air to the cylinder through it. Experts recommend washing the seeds with air supply for five days, and changing the water 4 times.

The sowing date depends on the size of the fruit, and the seeds are sown in prepared pots after autumn cleaning. Containers are placed in a warm room to ensure comfortable conditions for active germination.

Small seeds are sown in pots in March; wetted ones germinate better than dry ones. They germinate in the second year, and in some cases in the first. Large-fruited plants germinate later and bloom mainly in the third year.

Vegetative propagation of a flower

This method is based on the ability to restore missing plant organs (shoots, buds or roots). To the main advantages vegetative method applies:

  • Faster budding and seed germination;
  • homogeneity at the genetic and physiological level;
  • the ability to self-renew as a result of the loss of any upper organ;
  • durability and endurance of the flower;
  • opportunity to protect young plant from viral and other dangerous diseases.

TO vegetative methods This includes grafting, cuttings, the use of layering, and dividing bushes. Each method has its own characteristics, and in order to get a healthy and strong plant you should know how to propagate clematis, while observing planting technology.

Grafting and cuttings of clematis

It is believed that vaccination is one of the most common methods and differs from other methods in the presence of a large number positive aspects. It is possible to graft the plant throughout the year to ensure uniformity of work. With this method it is possible to obtain from one plant maximum number planting material.

The essence of grafting is that the roots of the rootstock perform their functions until the scion has its own root system. This process consists of several stages, which include the heterotrophic period, the time of scar tissue formation and the stage of thorough fusion.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings is carried out by cutting cuttings from the main plant, and it is better to take root from the shoots of the current year. They are cut during the period of bud formation, when they contain the largest number of biostimulants.

It is necessary to comply with agrotechnical care rules behind the main plant and fertilize it thoroughly. During active growth, herbaceous cuttings are cut, and woody cuttings are cut in the autumn months, which include a dormant period.

Cuttings are carried out from March to early autumn inclusive, while green shoots are cut from a young growing plant. Cuttings cut in summer are rooted in open ground, and autumn ones - in the greenhouse.

It is not recommended to cut off more than one third of the shoots from the mother plant at a time in order to avoid disruption of the vital functions of the organs. After clematis trimmings should be fertilized with special fertilizers. The air must be moist, so the cuttings are covered with film, and regular watering and spraying are performed to constantly maintain humidity.

Reproduction by layering and dividing bushes

Reproduction of clematis by layering is the most simple ways and occurs in two ways, which include:
1. Ordinary vertical layering. Feature this method there is no damage to the flowering of the bush, while one part of the shoots is directed upward;

2. Chinese horizontal layering. The essence of the method is to place part of the shoot into a dug small groove, cover it with earth on top, while the other end remains outside. Performed in spring and autumn period, having previously fertilized the bush selected for propagation by layering.

There is another method that is less commonly used and it is called aerial propagation layering. This method is used to propagate mainly herbaceous and semi-shrub varieties.

Adult bushes are divided into 5-20 parts, and the process depends on the ability of clematis to bush. Dividing the bushes is necessary in order to ensure best quality flowering and flower growth.

Flowers are propagated only with a healthy root system, while a trench is dug on one side of the bush and a separated part of the plant is placed in it. A prerequisite is a thorough examination of the roots for possible defeat their various diseases.

The popular ones that are grown in our area are usually hybrid. Therefore the only suitable option Their reproduction is vegetative. Very often, plant owners root cuttings. This can be done not only in spring or summer, but also in autumn. Flower growers give step-by-step recommendations with photos and videos on how to properly cut clematis.

How to take cuttings correctly

Whatever time you choose to propagate clematis, start the procedure by obtaining cuttings. As mother plants, florists advise using healthy, well-developed and well-groomed specimens no more than 5 years old:

Attention! Most quickly, the roots form short side shoots, which the clematis released after severe pruning. They contain greatest number substances useful for rooting.

When preparing cuttings, cut off no more than 1/3 of the shoots. This is important so that the mother plant continues to live and develop normally. After the procedure, feed the flower mineral fertilizer. For example, Kemira-universal.

To strengthen the cutting, soak it in Kornevin solution before planting. The drug is prepared according to the instructions. An alternative for soaking is a solution of succinic acid. Dilute 2 g of powder in half a liter of water and soak the cuttings for about 10 hours. If time is short, a cut of the cutting can simply be treated with dry Kornevin.

Proper soil preparation for rooting cuttings

One of the key conditions for the survival of clematis shoots is loose and light soil with high level moisture absorption. Meets this requirement, for example, soil made from 2/3 plant humus and 1/3 river sand. In this case, your main task in the process of growing a flower is to ensure that the soil under it does not dry out.

Attention! Very popular and alternative materials for planting cuttings: perlite, vermiculite, coconut fiber.

For ground rooting of clematis, ordinary plastic glasses are often used:

  • make holes in them for drainage;
  • pour the substrate;
  • moisturize generously;
  • deepen the cutting so that the internode is half in the ground.

If planting in a large container or on a plot, dig a hole in the ground. Fill it with a nutrient substrate, cover it with a 3 cm layer of sand on top. Deepening the cuttings occurs according to the same principle.

With both planting methods, the cutting will require a moist environment at the first stage of rooting. For this:

  • build a greenhouse;
  • spray the plant with water at least 2 times a day;
  • irrigate the cuttings with zircon solution once a week;
  • after 2 weeks, begin to ventilate the plant by opening the film or glass for 15 minutes. per day;
  • remove the greenhouse after shoots appear.

Advice. Irrigation with sodium humate 2 times a month has a good effect on a young plant.

An alternative method of rooting clematis cuttings - in bottles - is considered even simpler and more effective. Suitable for this procedure plastic containers. Cut off the top of the bottle. Root the cuttings into the stable lower part, as in the case of cups. After this, put the top of the bottle in place and wrap it with tape. You will get a mini-greenhouse.

Take the bottles out into the garden and bury them down to the level of the soil inside. The plant needs light to form roots, but direct rays and overheating are contraindicated. It is best to choose partial shade. To ventilate the plant (after 2 weeks), simply unscrew the plug for 20 minutes. After strong shoots have formed, remove the top of the bottle and make drainage holes in the bottom.

Features of clematis cuttings at different times of the year

Some flower growers call best time for cuttings of clematis May, others - late June and early July. In fact, focus on the developmental phase of the flower first. Optimal time- the beginning of budding or a period of intensive growth. At this time, the green mass of clematis is filled with juice, which is a stimulant for flower growth.

Spring, summer and autumn reproduction differ slightly:

  1. In the spring, to obtain planting material, not cutting, but breaking out is used. Carry out the procedure carefully.
  2. In June, when clematis begins to bloom, the shoots are cut off. Leave at least a couple of developed buds on each stump.
  3. In summer, cuttings are rooted in spacious pots, containers or directly in the flower garden. You can first place the shoots in water to take root. In spring, it is better to plant them in small containers indoors.
  4. In autumn, clematis is propagated in September. For this they use blooming liana. Rooting is carried out exclusively in closed ground.

The most important thing when rooting a cutting is its proper preparation, as well as temperature. It is optimal to keep it in a greenhouse at about +25°C. With proper care, the new plant will take root in about 1-1.5 months.

Propagation of clematis by cuttings: video

Many gardeners dream of collecting their own collection of magnificent clematis, but finding young plants of the desired variety on sale is sometimes difficult. Having mastered the skills of grafting and rooting cuttings, you can grow high-quality seedlings yourself.

Species clematis (alpine, virginian, paniculata and others) are relatively easily propagated by cuttings and seeds, while retaining all parental characteristics. Decorative large-flowered forms, which are especially popular, are much more difficult to propagate. Hybrid forms As a rule, they do not set seeds, and even if they are obtained, the plants do not inherit varietal characteristics. In this case, you can use clematis propagation by green cuttings.

Cuttings from the current year's shoots take root most easily. They are cut from fairly young bushes during active growth and during budding. From clematis that bloom on last year's shoots, cuttings can be cut not only before flowering, but also after it, and they can even be rooted in open ground.

During spring pruning, cuttings are taken from healthy bushes at the age of 4-5 years. Before the operation foliar feeding plants, in this case the cuttings take root better. Ripe shoots, ready for cuttings, become elastic and do not break at the bend. They are cut off completely, leaving only 1-3 internodes. In this case, no more than a third of the lashes are removed so as not to weaken the plant. After pruning, the mother bushes are fed with complete mineral fertilizer and carefully looked after throughout the entire period. growing season.

The top of the shoots is very weak and is not suitable for cuttings, so it is removed, and the middle part is cut into pieces with one, rarely two internodes in each. The upper cut is made at a height of 1.5-2 cm above the kidney, it should be straight. Having stepped back 4-5 cm from the bud, a lower oblique cut is made. On cuttings with two internodes, the lower pair of leaves is removed, and upper leaves shorten by a third or half.

Prepared cuttings are dipped into a solution of heteroacoussin (100 mg per 1 liter of water) and incubated for 12-16 hours. You can simply sprinkle the lower sections with root.

The cuttings are planted in small boxes, pots or greenhouses, pre-filled with a mixture of sand and peat, which are mixed in a ratio of 2:1 or 1:1. To prevent rot, the substrate must be disinfected. The cuttings are placed so that top part the kidneys remained on the surface, and the lower one was at a depth of 2-3 mm. Then new roots form not only on the lower cut, but also at the node, and sometimes under it.
The plantings are sprayed with soft water, covered with glass and always shaded from direct sunlight. But you cannot completely cover the cuttings, since intensive root formation is possible only in good lighting.

Caring for rooted cuttings

The process of root formation lasts 2-2.5 months. All this time it is necessary to maintain constant air humidity (85-90%) and soil. Optimal temperature– from 18 to 22°C. Plantings are regularly ventilated and inspected, removing dead plants. The number of rooted cuttings largely depends on the growing conditions and variety, and can vary from 30 to 90%.

Certain species and varieties of clematis reproduce well by cuttings. In this case, the cuttings are planted in individual pots, 1-2 pieces each, and placed in a greenhouse. The survival rate in this case will be at least 80%. In greenhouses and greenhouses, cuttings are planted quite densely, leaving 10-12 cm between rows and 5-8 cm between plants.

During spring cuttings, the rooted plants are left in the greenhouse until next spring. In this case, the plantings must be insulated: covered with dry leaves or sawdust, covered with frames, and pieces of roofing felt or film placed on top. It is better to dig up seedlings grown at a later date and store them in a cool, dark room until planting.

In spring, the plants are transplanted to a permanent place. In the first year, the growth of seedlings is limited and the buds are removed. If seedlings from a greenhouse are transplanted into small pots, a more powerful root system will form.

Good cuttings can also be obtained at the end of summer (in August-September), but they can only be rooted in closed ground.

Rooting cuttings in water

A small number of green cuttings can be rooted in water. To do this, they are tied into bundles and placed in a small dark glass container (you can wrap a transparent jar thick paper). Use only soft water, preferably rainwater, to which pieces are added charcoal. The container is filled with water so much that the lower sections of the cuttings barely touch its surface. Care must be taken to ensure that the water level does not drop.

The container with cuttings is placed in a transparent Plastic container or a bottle cut in half, where they are created ideal conditions for rooting. The container is left in a bright room (but not under direct sun rays) at a temperature of about 22-25°C. In this case, the cuttings take root in 2-2.5 months.

After the roots reach a length of 2.5-3 cm, the cuttings are planted in separate pots, placing one plant in each. The pots are placed in a greenhouse or greenhouse, where ideal conditions are created for the further growth of clematis - high air and soil humidity and optimal temperature.

Fogging unit

With the help of special fogging installations, it is possible to root green cuttings even on an industrial scale.

The mother plants are young three to four year old bushes, which are carefully cared for throughout their life. It includes feeding, regular abundant watering, mulching and loosening the soil around the bushes, as well as the prevention of fungal diseases. By the age of five, each uterine bush has on average up to 40 well-developed shoots. From each shoot you can get from 6 to 10 cuttings.

IN different regions cuttings begin at different time: in the south, the budding period occurs in May-June, in more northern regions - in June-July. The determining factor is the ripeness of the shoots - if they are elastic, easy to bend, but do not break, you can begin cuttings.

Separate beds are prepared for planting. Sand, black soil and high-moor peat are mixed in a ratio of 1×1×1 and poured in a layer of 15-20 cm. A layer of sand 2-3 cm thick is laid on top.

The cuttings are soaked in a solution of growth stimulants (heteroauxin, sodium humate, succinic acid). At the same time, the survival rate of cuttings significantly increases. But you can take cuttings without the use of synthetic stimulants.

Provided that fogging plants are used, in the southern regions cuttings can begin in early spring. Each batch of cuttings takes root within 20-30 days. Early spring cuttings already form a powerful root system and above-ground part by the end of the growing season.

Young clematis are transplanted into separate containers a volume of at least 1.5-2 liters is placed in a greenhouse, mulched with sawdust and watered. In the spring of next year (March-April), strong shoots grow on the seedlings, which are often also used for cuttings. In May, clematis are planted in a permanent place.

Rooting cuttings indoors

IN middle lane green cuttings are rooted in greenhouses or greenhouses. Planting material Prepared from April to June. Cut cuttings 4-5 cm long into one internode and plant them in a nutrient substrate, which is prepared from high-moor peat, river sand, perlite and fertile land. The rows are placed at a distance of 7-8 cm, 3-4 cm are left between plants in the row.

Plantings are watered once a week and must be sprayed several times a day. IN hot weather carry out up to 5 sprayings. Under such conditions, cuttings take root normally after 2-2.5 months.

In regions with unfavorable weather conditions you can use the method developed in Belarus. From May to June, cuttings 7-8 cm long are cut into one node and rooted in greenhouses or greenhouses using a fogging installation. Prepare a substrate from sand, peat and chernozem, taken in equal quantities, and pour a layer 15-20 cm thick. Add sand, perlite or fine gravel (4 cm) on top.

The cuttings are soaked in a solution of stimulants, which increase the survival rate by 1.5-2 times. Mark rows at a distance of 10-12 cm from each other and plant cuttings, placing them obliquely. There should be 4-5 cm between neighboring plants.

The surface of the substrate is compacted and the plantings are watered. At high humidity air and a temperature of 18-20°C, by the end of summer a powerful root system and well-developed aboveground part with several shoots.

No less interesting is the method developed in Japan. It is used for reproduction large-flowered clematis. Shoots for cuttings are cut from young clematis obtained from green cuttings in the previous season. 2-3 nodes are left on the plants, from which by the beginning of next year a new powerful bush is formed, suitable for planting in the ground. In this case, there is no need to specifically grow mother plants.

Lignified cuttings of some small-flowered clematis take root well in greenhouses (in November-December) or in early spring in open ground.

Sometimes cuttings taken from large-flowered varietal clematis do not take root; in this case, it is better to use other methods of propagation: root grafting, dividing the bush, propagation by horizontal and vertical layering.

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The long-awaited April does not always bring pleasant surprises with the weather. But sooner or later, all work in ornamental garden will start in April. From simple household chores and clearing plant debris, cutting dry clumps and mulching the soil to planting new flower beds, you will have to take care of a lot. Planting comes to the fore in April. It is better to plant bushes, trees, and vines this month. But don’t forget about caring for seedlings.

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Spring sanitary pruning allows you to form beautiful crown, stimulates the formation high yield. Trees easily tolerate it, recovery occurs very quickly, wounds heal well. The main goal is to form the crown and remove branches that are broken and dried out during the winter. Especially necessary winter pruning in the first four years after planting, when skeletal branches are formed. Optimal time spring pruning - from the beginning of winter to the beginning of spring.

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