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Measures to combat field bindweed (dodder, birch, loach). How to get rid of birch weed in the garden

Field bindweed is one of the most famous and harmful species weeds, which are found on most fields in our country. It has a thin climbing stem, the length of which can reach 300 cm, white or pink flowers, reminiscent in their shape of a gramophone bell, as well as thin oblong green leaves. The plant is extremely prolific - in one season it can produce up to 9.8 thousand seeds, which can germinate from a depth of up to 15 cm.

Methods to combat bindweed


The most well-known way to get rid of loaches is regular weeding, carried out in a timely manner. IN in this case the main task is to prevent this weed from spreading across the field. It is also necessary to ensure that its seeds do not ripen. Bindweed should be removed from the field as early as possible.

Deep plowing of the soil can also help in the fight against this weed. But it will be effective only if everything, even the smallest roots, is removed from the ground. To dig up the area, it is recommended to use pitchforks rather than shovels. The latter will be able to save root system the bindweed is intact, therefore, there will not even be small pieces of roots left in the ground that can give life to a new plant.

If the area where bindweed has grown is not very large, agronomists advise using roofing felt or black film - it is enough to cover the soil with it to prevent sunlight from reaching the weed plant. For the same purposes, you can use ordinary straw covered with boards on top. Such a shelter must be kept on the site throughout the entire season in order to achieve complete clearance of the soil from this weed the following year. Some agronomists prefer to combine this method with planting large plants, having a powerful root system that can not only compete with bindweed for nutritional elements, located in the soil, but also release substances into the surrounding soil that can accelerate the process of decomposition of the weed roots.


These methods of getting rid of bindweed in a potato field include sowing green manure - plants that can improve the soil structure and suppress the growth of weeds. Their dense foliage, which creates shade, and a powerful root system make it possible to get rid of bindweed in one or two seasons. Many agronomists sow fescue, bluegrass and other meadow perennials in their fields to create dense turf. The bindweed does not have enough strength to break through, so it gradually becomes weaker and eventually dies.

You can limit the spread of this weed throughout the area by surface composting or simply mulching with a thick layer of organic matter. Sawdust, chopped straw, chaff and any other bulk material that can lie tightly on the ground are suitable for this. The only problem is the size of the plot - the larger the area of ​​soil cultivated in this way, the more costs its owner will incur.


You can also get rid of bindweed in your garden and potato field by using modern herbicides. Their action is aimed at suppressing growth, and then complete destruction weeds. Herbicides can cause weed death in two ways.

The first is the effect on the above-ground part of the plant. But, as a rule, a positive result from treatment can be observed only during one season - despite the fact that the flowers and leaves of the weed have died, its root system contains large stock nutrients. And with the onset of next year, bindweed seedlings appear in the fields again.

The second is the influence on the roots, which are the main tool for vegetative propagation. In order to keep the situation under control over a long period of time, effective herbicides are required that can destroy the root system.


head of the representative office of the company "August" in Novosibirsk

Field bindweed is considered one of the most difficult to eradicate weeds in the Novosibirsk region. ( ConvolvulusarvensisL.). Experiments conducted by the Siberian Research Institute of Agriculture showed that it is impossible to eradicate it using agricultural techniques alone: ​​even after 13 treatments carried out over 2 years of continuous fallowing, the weed grew back. Solving this problem is even more difficult in erosion-prone areas, where the possibility of repeated soil cultivation is limited by the threat of soil deflation.

Some authors note that one of the reasons for the increase in the proportion of root shoot weeds in agro-phy1-cenoses to 70% was the widespread use of herbicides based on 2,4-D. According to researchers from the Altai Research Institute of Agriculture, in crops, field bindweed is suppressed only by maximum doses of aryloxyacetic acid derivatives (2,4-D, MCPA), benzoic acid (dicamba), imidazolinones (imazamox, imazethapyr), nitriles (bromoxynil). Mixtures of dicamba with 2,4-D are more effective, but secondary regrowth of the weed is possible, especially when treated in the early stages. When using 2,4-D, the use of C 7 -C 8 heavy esters is more effective. The currently widely used sulfonylurea derivatives weakly suppress field bindweed, especially at early stages of treatment, but at later stages their effectiveness increases significantly.

Our goal was to evaluate the biological effectiveness of a number of herbicides against bindweed in field conditions. The studies were carried out on the basis of the farm "Pavlenko V.N." in 2008-2010 The predominant soil type is leached chernozem. Four-field grain-fallow crop rotation: pure steam- wheat - wheat - malting barley. The reserves of productive moisture before sowing spring wheat (the first crop after fallow) during the years of research were at the level of average values ​​(83-91 mm), with the exception of 2008, when they were lower (71 mm). According to hydrothermal conditions, 2007 was normal in terms of moisture supply (HTC = 1.1), 2008 was arid (HTC = 0.7), 2009 was excessively moist (HTC = 1.7).

We studied the effectiveness of synthetic auxins - octapon extra, banvel, dianat, elant; combination drugs - octigen (synthetic auxin and acetolactate synthase inhibitor), dialena super (synthetic auxins); tank mixture of dianate with magnum (synthetic auxin and acetolactate synthase inhibitor).

For comparison, the protection scheme included drugs based on 2,4-D, as they are most often used in agricultural enterprises, and did not include drugs based on sulfonylureas. pure form, since in preliminary studies they showed insufficient effectiveness.

All herbicides were applied during the period from mid to late tillering of the crop (stages 25-29 on the BBC scale). At the same time, field bindweed reached a height of 5-10 cm. The experimental variants were placed on wheat, which was grown as the first crop after fallow. The area of ​​the plots is 2.5 hectares, the location is systematic, the repetition is 4-fold.

Weediness of crops was taken into account during the period of early-mid tillering (stages 21-25) based on the biomass of weeds using the method of sequential sampling; when determining the effectiveness of herbicides - 21 days after treatment using the quantitative-weight method, selecting 8 sheaves from an area of ​​0.25 m2 in each option. The harvest was taken into account by selecting test sheaves from an area of ​​0.25 m2, 20 sheaves from each option. The obtained data were processed by analysis of variance.

According to the results of a phytosanitary survey carried out before herbicide treatment, the infestation of wheat was mixed with a predominance of root shoot species, while field bindweed accounted for 54% of the total above-ground mass. Weed biomass varied from 235.8 to 317.1 g/m2.

The high initial infestation of field bindweed (8.4-30 pieces/m2) confirms the data of I.N. Zhukov that it is impossible to completely get rid of this weed only by agricultural techniques, especially if the previous crops did not use herbicides, the spectrum of which it was included in the spectrum of action.

The use of herbicides made it possible to reduce the overall infestation of crops by 9.4-28.6%. However, with high efficiency against a complex of dicotyledonous weeds (at the level of 81.2-83.4%), the overall biological effectiveness was low due to the lack of graminicides in the experimental scheme. In all variants, an increase in the mass of bluegrass weeds was observed, which developed better with reduced competition from dicotyledonous species. High biological effectiveness against field bindweed was noted when using a tank mixture of dianat + magnum - 72.5%.

For all variants of the experiment, with the exception of the variant with octigen, a significant increase in yield was obtained - 0.27-0.41 t/ha (20.9-31.8%) compared to the control. High economic efficiency was noted when using octapon extra, dialene super and dianat + magnum tank mixture.

Observations of the condition of the crops 10 days after treatment with herbicides made it possible to establish that the herbicidal effect manifested itself most quickly when the crops were sprayed with octapon extra, octigen and elant. Stunted growth, curling, and discoloration (yellowing, redness) of weeds were noted. In the variants with the tank mixture dianat + magnum and the mixed preparation dialen super, curvature of the tops and lightening of the growth points were observed. Subsequently, the visual effect of the herbicides appeared more clearly in all variants of the experiment.

Thus, when spring wheat crops were highly infested with field bindweed, the most effective was the use of a dianat + magnum tank mixture. Spraying crops with it in the tillering phase of spring wheat against field bindweed, which has a height of 8-10 cm, ensured high biological (72.5%) and economic (increase 0.41 t/ha) efficiency. The use of dialene super (0.7 l/ha) and octapon extra (0.8 l/ha) was quite effective, with a biological efficiency of 53 and 61.3% and a yield increase of 0.41 and 0.37 t/ha, respectively.

Several years ago we happened to purchase soil from an unverified source. As a result, it turned out to be not only low in fertility, but also brought a lot of weeds onto our site. Subsequently, we had to work especially hard to get rid of field bindweed. Neither regular weeding nor the most thorough digging helped - field birch shoots (another name for this plant) periodically appeared here and there. How to deal with field bindweed in order to drive it away from the site once and for all?

Field bindweed is a perennial that reproduces by root suckers and seeds. It belongs to the same biological group as such widespread weeds as sow thistle, serpentine knotweed, spurge and common cress. Many buds are formed on the birch root system, from which throughout the entire growing season shoots develop, also capable of producing more and more new shoots.

Over time, a real “flowerbed” of offspring forms around one mother bush, and by the end of summer the area becomes hopelessly occupied by this insidious weed. Due to such a rapid spread and the difficulty of controlling root shoots, field birch is often classified as one of the most harmful weeds.

Bindweed has very powerful roots - their length can reach up to one and a half meters. The plant can be easily recognized by its alternate oval-shaped leaves and bell-shaped flowers. Its fruit is a two-cavity capsule. In each such nest, a pair of seeds ripen. One bindweed bush can produce up to 600 similar seeds, which can remain viable for up to 30 (!) years.

If you don't want to see bindweed sprouting all over your property for many years, don't let this weed become established!

Birch seeds are quite difficult to germinate, and seedlings are hardly noticeable. In the first month of development aboveground part The growth of the plant is weak, since it devotes all its strength to the development of roots. During the spring-summer season, the bindweed root system spreads in different directions by one and a half meters and grows to a depth of two meters. Flowers on the weed appear only in the second year of the growing season, and the seeds are finally formed by August-September.

Field bindweed causes significant damage to all vegetable and green crops. It entwines garden plants, clogs them and interferes with their growth, which inevitably leads to a sharp drop in yield. In addition, this creates serious difficulties with collecting the fruits themselves.

How to get rid of field bindweed

The main features of field birch as a weed include its ability to develop powerful roots and slow growth at the beginning of the growing season. In this regard, to combat bindweed, it is advisable to use the following chemical and agrotechnical measures:

  1. It is important to initially prevent the spread of foci of infection and promptly suppress any attempts by the plant to recover from offspring. To do this, it is recommended to frequently dig up the infected area while simultaneously removing the weed rhizomes. You can also try regularly trimming emerging shoots below ground level. It must be said, however, that this technique only works if the number of weeds is still relatively small.
  2. Many green manures can displace field birch from a site - vetch, oats, peas, oilseed radish, buckwheat, and white. They are sown in an area invaded by weeds. in early spring. In this case, the sowing rate must be increased by at least 20-25%.
  3. In the area where you noticed one or two bindweed plants last year, you can plant pumpkins, zucchini, squash or cucumbers. These crops have fairly strong stems that are not afraid of the “embrace” of a birch tree. At the same time, their rich foliage creates thick shadow preventing weeds from spreading.
  4. Continuous mulching of the soil throughout the summer and spring helps suppress the growth of all weeds, including field bindweed.
  5. Boiling water can also help eradicate this weed. To do this, you need to pour boiling water onto the plant, covering an area within a 50-100 centimeter radius around it.
  6. The most reliable and fastest destruction of field birch and other weeds that reproduce through root suckers is the use of herbicides. The most popular and effective of them is Roundup. After treatment, the death of the entire above-ground part of the weed plants very soon occurs. In addition, through the main stem the active substance will enter the rhizomes, which also provokes their gradual death. Roundup helps fight all weeds without exception, allowing you to clear even heavily overgrown areas in just one season. Field birch clumps can be sprayed with this herbicide two weeks before the grain harvest and 15-20 days before the potato harvest. Thanks to this, the weeds disappear, and the potato stems and grain straw dry out only slightly. The consumption of Roundup per hectare of land ranges from 30 to 50 grams.
  7. If field bindweed has occupied your greenhouse, you can also use Roundup to destroy it. Weed seedlings are sprayed aqueous solution drug at the beginning of the growing season. The effect of the herbicide wears off already in the third week after treatment - then seedlings of heat-loving crops can be planted in greenhouse soil.

Of course, field bindweed is an unwelcome guest personal plot, but it can also bring you some benefit. For example, pieces of bindweed can be used as a replacement for twine for tying garden and garden plants. The flowers of the weed (which, by the way, are very pretty to look at) attract pollinating insects to the site and smell very pleasant. A completely natural paint can be prepared from the stems and leaves of birch trees, and its roots are brewed as tea and drunk to improve intestinal motility.

I suggest you watch the video about the healing properties this malicious weed is famous for.

Every summer resident wants to get rid of weeds on his site. However, not all types of such plants can be easily bred. Bindweed is one of the difficult weeds. It has enviable vitality, so it causes a lot of trouble when it appears in the garden. How to get rid of bindweed, what measures are most effective to combat it?

Description of weed

Field bindweed or birch is a perennial climbing plant. It reproduces by seeds or root suckers. Outwardly, the weed looks nice and quite harmless. Him delicate flowers white or pinkish in color in the form of a gramophone pipe. They bloom from May to August. However, it is very difficult to control such grass in garden beds.

Bindweed has a well-branched root system. It goes 6 meters deep into the earth. The weed has well-branched stems that spread along the ground. The length of the stem often reaches 3 meters in size . It entangles all the plants around, therefore, garden crops become victims of bindweed. The further it grows, the more difficult it is to fight it.

This plant is found almost everywhere in Europe and Asia. It prefers to grow in clearings in the forest and in areas that are poorly cultivated. Birch grows well on sandy and loamy soils. For active growth, the field loach needs good and warm weather. If the summer is hot, then there will be a lot of birch trees on the site.

After the color appears a large the number of seeds germinating from a depth of 20 cm. The weed easily and simply reproduces by self-sowing. Seeds germinate in summer and autumn. They remain viable for three years. The plant is also dangerous because various pests accumulate in it, laying eggs on it.

Ways to fight

Since the weed is very prolific, it is not easy to control. Even a small piece left in the ground after weeding gives life to new shoots. The birch tree causes great damage to garden and garden plants and soil.

To remove field bindweed, you should use the recommendations experienced gardeners. They use a variety of weed control measures. Among them:

  • agricultural practices;
  • biological methods;
  • the use of "chemistry";
  • traditional methods.

To effectively get rid of bindweed in the garden, agronomists recommend using all of the above measures in combination. This will help you get rid of as much as possible weed .

Agrotechnical techniques

Timely weeding of the area will help keep it clean and protect it from a large number of weeds. Experienced gardeners It is recommended that after weeding, remove all weeds along with the roots. Very often the residues can give new life plants. They take root and send out new shoots. For this purpose, it is advisable to use a pitchfork to carefully remove the remaining roots from the ground. The pitchforks will leave them intact and will not cut them into pieces.

A good effect can be achieved using agrotechnical film or roofing felt. To get rid of weeds in the garden, dark-colored agricultural film is used. She won't let me get through sunlight and will limit weed germination. As a result, the bindweed will die. Some crops can be planted in film by making holes in the covering.

Biological method

There are also ways in which you can get rid of weeds without using harmful products. To do this, you need to sow green manure on the site. After sowing, such plants create dense growth and sprout very quickly. Green manures include:

  • rape;
  • mustard.

After germination, these plants will create a kind of protective barrier and will not allow the weed to germinate.

Mulching the soil will help keep weeds away. Organic material must be used as mulch. These include:

Any of the materials is covered in a thick layer on the soil for about 1 year. After this the area you should dig up and remove the remaining weed roots from the ground.

Folk methods of struggle

Not all gardeners have the opportunity to spend a lot of time on the plot. Eat folk remedies, which will not take much time and effort, but will give good result. The simplest and accessible means is salt. For this purpose the usual salt. You need to take:

  • 10 liters of water;
  • 1.2 kg table salt.

Salt dissolved in water and then spray the solution overgrown with bindweed. Instead of salt, soda or vinegar is also used. Any of the solutions should be used only on weeds and try to protect other plants by 20-30 cm.

Another effective method- Dig deep into the area where the birch tree grows.


Not all of the listed control measures help the first time. Herbicides can take effect quickly. The most effective and fast-acting drugs include Roundup. You need to take a 10 liter bucket of water and dilute 40 to 120 ml of the product in water. The dose used will depend on the number and type of weeds. Before spraying, the crops growing in the garden should be protected. They can be covered with plastic or glass containers.

All weed shoots are sprayed with the solution. Cultural plantings should be protected from chemical preparation, otherwise the plants will die. The drug is very poisonous. After some time after treatment with the drug, the flowers and shoots of the bindweed will begin to fade. Then the weeds will die, however, they cannot be removed immediately. It is necessary to wait until the product completely destroys the root system of the weed. The first signs of root death occur 3-4 days after treatment. It is advisable to remove weeds from the garden after 10-14 days.

During processing, you must be careful and wear gloves. If the product has not been completely used, then the remains are drained away from the garden.

Among the popular and effective means weed control also includes Hurricane and Tornado. Using any of them, you should carefully read the instructions for use and only then, observing the dosage and precautions, begin processing. Experts recommend carrying out such measures to combat weeds in the spring or late summer.

With bindweed in the garden It’s not easy to cope with, because such a thing requires an investment of time and effort. However, after processing it will be possible to collect good harvest fruits In the future, all that remains is to monitor the beds and prevent the bindweed from growing again.

Hello, dear readers! In almost every garden or vegetable garden, as well as in a flower bed, you can find an enemy weed. Weeds are harmful and even poisonous vegetation. But it also happens the other way around, useful and healing. Today I’ll tell you about one of the weeds – field bindweed. Many have met it on their site and are already very familiar with the birch weed. But do you know everything about this plant? Do you know what measures to combat field bindweed exist? Now I will tell you in more detail about all this.

Origin and description of the plant

Field bindweed has several folk names. IN different regions You can find the following plant names: bindweed, loach, birch, dodder, almond grass and others.

You can find bindweed on every continent. The homeland (more precisely, the Homeland) of this weed is: Asia, America, North Africa and Western Europe.

Field bindweed is a weed that is a beautiful, perennial, climbing plant. Its stem is thin and creeping. It may be bare or lightly covered with hairs. The length of the stem can reach 100-120 centimeters. Less commonly, however, there are plants with a stem of 1.5 meters. The leaves are triangular on long petioles. They somewhat resemble the tip of a spear.

The flowers of field bindweed are quite large and can be white, pink, and less often, purple and blue. The flower itself looks like a funnel or bell. From 1 to 3 flower buds can form on one peduncle. The birch tree blooms from April until the onset of cold weather.

The root system is quite powerful. The roots of the plant can reach 2.5, sometimes 3, sometimes 6 meters. The main roots of field bindweed extend into the depths of the soil approximately this distance.

Birch trees reproduce by seeds and root suckers. Many gardeners worry that the plant will give a large number of seeds (about 100 seeds per 1 gram of mass) after it has flowered. But they completely forget that root shoots form deep in the soil. If top part If you find and remove them, the roots remain in the soil, and they also need to be dealt with. But, more on that later.

Bindweed grows on any soil, but most prefers wet sandy loam and loam.

Harmful and beneficial properties of field bindweed

First let's talk about good qualities plants.

Despite the fact that bindweed is a weed, many people use it as medicine. Decoctions of the stems and leaves are used to treat liver disease, bronchitis, asthma, bleeding, swelling, ringworm and rashes.

Substances released by the plant prevent the formation of mold. Cultivated plants adjacent to birch trees in the garden are less likely to be affected by fungal diseases.

The plucked stems can be chopped up and used as mulch in the garden. Mulching will not only help preserve soil structure and moisture, but will also, in a sense, disinfect.

Now about the sore point - about the dangers of the plant.
Literally immediately after the snow melts, the field bindweed begins to grow and cover the entire soil. Thus, it prevents the germination of cultivated plants. The birch weed shades crops, entwines still weak plants, stifles their growth and leads to death.

Bindweed can be found in crops of any crop, but most often it is found in fields with grains.
The weed reduces the yield by almost half. The quality of the harvest itself is also significantly reduced.

Measures to combat bindweed

The main way to combat bindweed in eco-farming (according to some farmers) is peeling and crop rotation. I can’t say anything bad about crop rotation, but with hulling it’s not so simple (although it’s better than watering the field with herbicides).

Peeling is carried out in several stages:

  • the first - by 8-10 centimeters;
  • the second - at 10-12;
  • the third - by 12-15 centimeters.

For your own garden (up to 1 hectare), peeling to such a depth will be sufficient. If you carry out this procedure after harvesting before the onset of cold weather, then you will, simply put, “torment” the weed and it will die. But, if you are a farmer and you have large areas, then you should peel much deeper: 10-12, 12-15, 25-30 centimeters (respectively).

For peeling, you can use cultivators or flat cutters. For weeding, it is better to use a three-pronged hoe; it better catches the weed roots and removes them from the soil.

Many people recommend frequent loosening of the soil with hoes (several times a week), citing the fact that this reduces the number of weeds, but there is one caveat. Firstly, in this way you turn into a garden slave and have almost no free time left. Secondly, when using hoes, we seem to stimulate the growth of weeds and once again disturb cultivated plants. To make your life easier, I recommend using.

As for me, the peeling method depletes the land, but farmers believe that this method is good. My opinion is the following (and it will be confirmed by those who have long switched to eco-farming): after you stop digging up the garden in the fall and/or spring, organize narrow beds (you can read about them), sow paths between the beds lawn grass, use mulching, then bindweed will stop bothering you and you will look at it as another beautiful and useful plant. Perhaps farmers large fields There is nothing left to do but to carry out peeling against the birch tree, but on private plots it is quite possible to cope without this method.

Crop rotation consists of sowing forage cereal crops in areas that are too clogged.

Now you know about the dangers and benefits of field bindweed, as well as how to combat it in own plot. With this information, you can decide what to do with this weed. You can either use bindweed for mulch or as medicinal plant, or get rid of it completely. The main thing to remember is that you should not allow the birch tree to litter your garden uncontrollably. You want to get a good harvest, right?

Happy gardening!

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