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The microwave makes a noise when turned on. What to do if the microwave sparks and crackles

It is impossible to imagine a kitchen without microwave oven. She has merged very closely with life modern man. But one day it just stops working normally. And How special case breakdowns - the microwave sparks and crackles after switching on. At this moment it’s scary to be around her! But you shouldn’t immediately transport it to a service center. After all, there is a high probability that the mica plate burned out in the microwave. And in this case, restore functionality household appliance simple enough.

Why does the microwave spark?

Everything is banally simple. Most often this inappropriate behavior kitchen equipment consists in burning out the gasket separating the magnetron. The mica plate for the microwave fails as a result of its contamination. And to be more precise, as a result of fat getting behind it. There, under the influence of direct magnetron rays, the fat begins to burn, which leads to similar consequences for the gasket itself. Through the resulting gap, rays from the magnetron penetrate into the body of the microwave oven, resulting in sparking.

Replacing the mica plate

First, you should make sure that the problem lies precisely in the mica plate. To do this, you need to open the microwave oven and on the right side internal space find the corresponding element. The photo shows that there is a small burn mark on the gasket. This is already enough for a replacement.

The microwave mica plate is easy to remove. To do this, unscrew one or two screws (depending on the model) and remove it from the latches. From the photo below you can see that the burn on the opposite side of the gasket is not so small. Traces of burning are also visible on the metal elements of the furnace in front of the magnetron. All traces of burning must be removed. It is also necessary to remove all grease from the area where the gasket is located. And ideally, it wouldn’t hurt to completely clean the interior space.

Restoring the device's functionality involves replacing the damaged element with a working one. But there is one small but unpleasant nuance - they are not on sale. The same thing is usually said in service centers, after which they offer to make a spare part to order. And this is already a waste of money.

The way out of the situation is self-production details. You can buy mica at almost any electrical components store. Thus, the cost of a plate with dimensions of 30 by 30 was only 280 rubles (March 2015). You can make four gaskets out of it!

So, replacing mica in a microwave oven begins with making a duplicate of the damaged element. To do this, first wash the old gasket in warm running water to remove any remaining fat deposits.

The old gasket should be placed on a plate purchased from a store. And with the help a simple pencil trace it like a stencil.

The resulting outline is cut out using a sharp knife. You can also use other cutting tools.

The workpiece must be processed with sandpaper or a file to eliminate defects.

Well, the mica plate for the microwave is ready.

Next, you need to rinse it in running water to remove dust and crumbs, after which the already dried one can be installed in the place intended for it.

If the new gasket is suitable in all respects and no extra gaps are formed anywhere, then you can fix it with a screw and check the operation of the microwave oven.

This completes the replacement of the mica plate.

The microwave today occupies an honorable first place among kitchen electrical appliances. And this is not at all surprising, because with the help of a microwave you can both heat and defrost, and cook various dishes. But most often we warm it up in it. You can heat up a nice bowl of soup or pasta with cheese grated on top in minutes. In short, useful thing- microwave.

According to legend, the inventor of the microwave, American engineer Percy Spencer, working in the forties with magnetrons for radars, once noticed how, during one of his experiments, the microwave radiation of the magnetron heated a chocolate bar in his pocket so much that the chocolate melted and burned Spencer.

So Spencer came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a microwave oven, and already in 1947, the first microwave oven “Radarange”, designed for defrosting food in soldiers’ canteens, saw the light of day. This first microwave was as tall as a man, weighed 340 kg, had a power of 3 kW, and cost $3,000 in 1949.

Today you won’t surprise anyone with a compact and powerful microwave in the kitchen. However, like all household electrical appliances, the microwave is no stranger to malfunctions. Typical fault is described by the following phrase: “the microwave crackles and sparks.” This forces the owner of the device to take it to a service center, spend money on repairs, etc. This is not very pleasant.

But why does the microwave crackle and spark? Can I fix this problem myself? To answer this question, let's look at the probable causes of sparking, and try to understand what can be done about it. So, there may be three reasons:

    Metal or with metal coating, dishes in the microwave;

    The enamel coating of the microwave oven chamber is damaged;

    Breakage of the mica plate.

In the first case, simply remove the unsuitable dishes from the microwave; for example, these dishes may be a metal plate, or a plate or cup with a pattern along the edge, which is precisely made with paint containing metal.

Spoons and forks also should not be placed in the microwave; for example, leaving a spoon or fork in a plate of heated food will easily cause sparks. Conclusion - remove the metal device from the microwave and heat the food in a container without metal elements.

In the second case, if the enamel coating inside the microwave chamber is damaged, it is enough to purchase suitable enamel and cover the exposed areas inside the chamber. In fairness, we note that the violation enamel coating chambers are caused by the lack of regular cleaning of the inside of the microwave. Fat accumulates on the walls, fat spots form, and enough heavy pollution this kind is quite capable of damaging the enamel during operation of the microwave, of course sparks occur.

And finally, the third reason is mica. There is a mica plate in the microwave that separates the microwave chamber space from the compartment where the magnetron is installed. So, the mica plate in the microwave is installed in order to prevent contamination of the magnetron, which operates under high voltage. Mica is a dielectric, and perfectly transmits microwave radiation through itself, like a window that allows light to pass through, but does not allow air to pass through. various items inside the room. It's the same here.

If the mica plate is contaminated with grease, pieces of food, etc., then of course the plate will overheat, sparks and crackling will appear, and eventually the plate will break and crack. If this process is started, then the magnetron will also burn out, and it is quite expensive, so it is better to prevent the situation from getting worse and simply replace the broken mica plate in time.

So, you have identified a broken mica plate. There are two possible options here. The first is to take the microwave to a service center, where the plate will be replaced. The second is to fix the problem yourself by buying mica, cutting out the plate, and installing it in place of the broken one.

If you decide to replace the mica plate yourself, then the first thing you need to do is buy it. Mica is sold both online and in some electrical stores. If the mica you purchased is slightly larger than your plate, you will simply need to cut a piece of the appropriate size.

Remove the broken plate from the microwave; it may be held in place with screws or latches. Attach the broken plate as a template to the purchased mica. Mark the mica. Cut out the new part with a stationery cutter. Holes can be drilled or punched. Sand the edges with fine sandpaper. The plate is ready.

Install it in the microwave in place of the broken plate, having previously cleaned the installation site of dirt, and check, say, by heating a glass of water. If nothing is cracking now, then the problem is solved.

If you decide to use the services of the service, then there is nothing reprehensible in this; professionals will do everything efficiently and reliably. However, it is not always necessary to complicate everything, because sometimes the problem turns out to be easily and quickly solved with your own hands.

Not many people know what to do if the microwave sparks. But, as with other equipment, problems also occasionally occur with it, and sparks in the chamber are perhaps the most common. If sparking becomes noticeable during operation of the device, you need to immediately turn it off and then find out why the microwave is sparking. Failure to do so may result in serious damage.

Improper use of the device

The instructions for any microwave oven, as a rule, contain information about what dishes are suitable for use inside the device. Failure to follow these recommendations can also lead to the microwave sparking and cracking during operation.

Important! Do not use the device if it has been noticed that the microwave is shooting or sparking. Further operation can lead not only to complete failure of the equipment, but also to exposure of those who come into contact with it.

Prohibited utensils include hardware and plates or mugs with any metallic rim or design with gold and silver inclusions. The sparking may be short-lived, but repeated frequently can lead to magnetron failure and costly repairs.

When choosing plastic and other utensils for the microwave, you should be guided by the signs on the products. The drawn waves indicate that such dishes will not harm the appliance and will not deteriorate from exposure to microwaves. What kind of microwaveable dishes can be used and how to understand the markings: you will find the answer.

If sparking occurs due to the use of incorrect utensils or cutlery accidentally falling into the chamber, it can be easily eliminated. You just need to stop the microwave and remove the dishes. But if the microwave oven sparks even after all objects with signs of metal have been removed, then this is a sure sign that it is broken.

Mica plate needs to be replaced

The most common reason for sparks appearing inside a microwave oven is the burning of the mica plate, which is the microwave diffuser. If you do not care for your microwave oven carefully, grease and burnt food residues accumulate on the plate. This leads to overheating of the plate and its destruction. If the mica is not replaced in a timely manner, damage to the magnetron may occur, and this is the main element of the device and costs almost as much as the microwave itself.

To understand whether the cause of the sparking is really in the diffuser plate, you need to take a closer look at which side is sparking. If sparks only come from the mica side and there is a burning smell in the chamber, this indicates that the plate needs to be replaced. Using a microwave with a faulty plate is unsafe for the appliance.

Replacing a mica plate is one of the DIY repairs you can do. First you need to make sure that it is the microwave diffuser that is the problem and check it for burnt spots. Before installing a new plate, the chamber must be thoroughly cleaned of grease.

You can purchase a new mica plate from a hardware store or from the online store of the manufacturer of your specific microwave oven. The first option will most likely be cheaper, but the size of the plate may not match the one that was installed and will have to be cut. To do this, the old mica is placed on top of the new one and the excess is cut off with a sharp knife, and all uneven edges are processed with sandpaper so as not to scratch the camera coating during the installation process. New holes for fastenings can be made using a hammer drill.

More detailed instructions How to replace the mica plate yourself can be found in the video:

After installing the plate, you need to check the microwave and make sure that the sparks inside have disappeared. During such a check, you cannot turn on the oven with an empty chamber.

Damage to the coating inside the chamber

Another common reason for a microwave cracking and sparkling could be due to damage internal covering device. The chamber where food is cooked and heated is coated with special enamel. Burnt food and scratches from dishes lead to various damage to the walls over time.

Only special enamel is suitable for restoring the coating. Ordinary paint does not have the necessary properties. Of course, it is better to entrust this repair to specialists. The procedure is not that expensive, but you will have to tinker with finding coverage. But if there is free time, then you can do everything yourself.

Before restoring the coating, all dirt must be removed from the chamber walls. In those places where old enamel comes off, it needs to be removed. Blow out the damaged areas with the purchased product and leave for a while. Then check the functionality of the device. If no sparks appear when you turn it on, then all manipulations were carried out correctly and gave a positive result.

To prevent fat and food from accumulating on the walls of the chamber, it is worth cleaning regularly. Grease and carbon deposits are easier to remove if, before washing the camera, warm up the microwave at low power for 10-15 minutes with water inside. Then wipe the walls of the chamber with a soft sponge soaked in a non-abrasive detergent with a fat-breaking effect.

Utensils that are too bulky and placed in the microwave can also cause damage to the enamel. Even if the plate placed in the chamber does not touch the walls, then when the tray is rotated, it may move a little. With constant friction of dishes against the walls, the enamel will become thinner, which will lead to deep damage.

Careful care kitchen appliances Extends the life of devices for a long time and reduces the likelihood of expensive repairs. For a microwave oven, it is important to clean the chamber on time and use only utensils intended for it.

In contact with

They are complex electrical appliances that can also pose a danger to the user. In normal operating condition, the kitchen unit does not pose a threat, but its failure functional elements makes further operation unsafe. The difficulty in troubleshooting lies in the fact that one sign of a breakdown can have several causes. If the microwave sparks, this may indicate various problems in the device. Before you begin repairs, you should understand the situation in more detail.

Causes of malfunction

There can be several reasons for the problem, from mechanical damage until some parts of the microwave overheat. In particular, burnout of the mica diffuser is the most common. Unfortunately, this problem It occurs in all types of such ovens, and it is quite difficult to insure against it. Problems of this kind are not associated with gross malfunction of the device and more often arise due to the poor quality of the element itself. Also, if the microwave sparks when turned on, this may be a sign of damage. internal surfaces in the camera itself. The fact is that microwave ovens are processed inside special coatings made of enamel. Deformation of this layer usually occurs as a result of use metal utensils. That is, breakdowns of this kind can be prevented if the basic rules for operating an electrical appliance are followed. By the way, it is not advisable to use it for heating in the microwave and ceramic dishes with metallized coatings.

What exactly sparks?

To understand the causes of this problem, you need to understand the very nature of sparking. So, if the microwave sparks and crackles, this means that there is an interaction process between two electrical conductors inside. In other words, conditions were created for the formation of an electrical discharge or arc. Such phenomena can be accompanied not only by sparking and crackling, but also by light effects, which looks even more frightening.

What elements are in in this case It may well have been provoked by metal elements that ended up in the chamber with the dishes. Again, it doesn't have to be all metal utensils. If a microwave with a ceramic plate sparks, it may be due to pieces of foil. Moreover, a charge does not always occur even in the presence of full-fledged metal parts in the cell. To activate such processes, there must be appropriate power, which will be enough to overcome the barrier in the form of an air dielectric.

Can I use a sparkling stove?

The answer to this question depends on the condition of the microwave oven and its components. The mere fact of sparking does not always indicate damage to the same diffuser or enamel coating. Another thing is that the appearance of sparks should be a reason for a comprehensive inspection of the device. That is, if the cause of this phenomenon was the very presence of a metal element in the chamber, then further operation is quite acceptable provided that the functional contents of the device are intact. But in any case, it is important to stop the heating process if the microwave sparks. What to do in such situations? First of all, turn off the device through the control system. Next, the power supply is turned off. After this, the working elements are checked, among which the most important will be the magnetron - the most expensive and critical part of the microwave.

Checking the magnetron

This operation is performed by electrically ringing the contacts of the part. The contacts of the high-voltage transformer are connected to the magnetron - they should be checked for functionality. Masters usually examine such areas for the presence of resistance, and the electromagnetic responsiveness of the device body is also assessed. If there is activity, then the magnetron is fine and does not need to be replaced. But even with a working magnetron, you can observe how the microwave sparks. What to do in such cases? You should begin to inspect the mica diffuser and the condition of the enamel coating.

Mica diffuser repair

The microwave diffuser is a mica plate which, if damaged or excessively dirty, can cause sparking. This is a small detail that is quite subject to self-recovery if the microwave sparks when turned on. The repair will consist of updating this component. Required in service center manufacturer of a specific model or on the radio market, purchase a diffuser that matches the characteristics and replace the old plate with it. Moreover, sometimes experts recommend not dismantling the old mica plate, but only installing a new element and first cleaning the installation site.

Restoring the enamel coating

The formation of sparks can also result from mechanical damage to the enamel-treated chamber walls. The latter is used not only to form dielectric insulation, but also to maintain surface cleanliness. During operation, it is quite possible that this layer may be damaged by the edges of the dishes or as a result of careless movements with food. If after such manipulations the microwave sparks, it means that the insulating coating has been damaged and needs to be restored. Damaged areas are repaired using specialized environmental compounds. Previously working surface cleaned, after which new enamel is applied in accordance with the instructions.

How to avoid microwave sparking?

It has already been noted that sparking occurs either due to low-quality components or due to violations of operating rules. To minimize such risks, other recommendations for using such ovens should also be followed. For example, you should not reheat food without covering it with a special lid - splashing greasy particles, for example, can contribute to the same damage to the enamel. The microwave often sparks due to excessive contamination of the mica plate itself. It may be intact, but dirty. In this case, it is not necessary to purchase a new element - it is enough to carry out timely care of the mica surface.


It may seem that microwave oven sparking is not a serious problem and is at least fixable at home. But if the device is used with such a defect for a long time, then Negative consequences may become irreversible. For example, if the microwave crackles and does not heat. Is it possible to fix the device in this case? The absence of a basic operating function may indicate damage to the magnetron or its adjacent contact infrastructure. Theoretically, updating it is possible, but the cost of such an operation is usually almost half the price tag of a new microwave. Therefore, it is advisable to solve the problem at the first sign of a spark.

The failure of a microwave oven becomes a real tragedy for many. After all, it significantly saves our time, which we spend on cooking or heating food. To restore the furnace to working order, you must first find the cause of the malfunction. In many cases this cannot be done without the appropriate knowledge.

The main element is a magnetron - a generator of electromagnetic high-frequency waves. When high electrical voltage (approximately 4000 volts) is applied to it, it begins to emit waves. The oscillation frequency is 2.4 gigaHertz, that is, 2.4 billion times per second. At this frequency, water molecules resonate and the water heats up. This is the basic principle of operation of a microwave oven.

Sparks inside a microwave oven are an electrical discharge or arc between two electrical conductors. These conductors can be pieces of foil, metal coating on dishes, or any other metal objects. Under the influence of variable electromagnetic field Eddy currents arise in the conductor.

In the case when two conductors with different induced electric potentials find themselves at a distance from each other less than that at which the electric discharge can be held by the dielectric separating them (in this case, air), an electric discharge (electric arc) occurs between them.

As a result, sparks appear in the microwave chamber. That's why When operating a microwave oven, do not use dishes with any metal elements . In the case when foil is used during cooking, individual pieces of it should not be placed at a distance of less than two centimeters from each other or from the walls of the chamber.

Possible reasons for the formation of sparks inside the microwave

Among the reasons why sparking may occur inside the working chamber of a microwave oven are:

  • burnt mica plate of the diffuser;
  • using metal utensils to heat food and periodically touching the walls of the oven;
  • using cookware with decorative elements from metal powders;
  • damage to the enamel coating of the inner walls of the working chamber.

During electrical discharges inside the working chamber of a microwave oven, the power circuits of the electrical circuit experience increased load, which can lead to failure of the device. The simplest failure in this case is a blown fuse, but more serious malfunctions may occur, for example, damage to a high-voltage diode, magnetron or power transformer.

Ways to eliminate the causes

First of all, let's look at what needs to be done to avoid damaging the mica plate. This plate is a cover covering the so-called waveguide chamber - a special recess on the right wall of the working chamber. Through this recess, food enters the microwave chamber. electromagnetic waves, emitted by the magnetron.

If food particles and splashes of fat accumulate on a mica plate, they begin to burn, and fire, as is known, is plasma. In this substance, electrons are in a free state and can move, so plasma is an electrical conductor. If there are stains of dirt on the waveguide cover, an electric arc is formed between these stains and the wall of the microwave chamber, the magnetron antenna, or the wall of the waveguide chamber. This looks like sparks inside the oven chamber.

Sometimes, when boiling and then pouring out the product, dirt accumulates in the center of the working chamber, namely at the bottom of the stove under the rotating plate. Therefore, an electric arc can also occur in this place, which causes the combustion of the plastic spindle that rotates the plate. In addition, the plate itself may burn out.

Troubleshooting is performed in the following order:

  • checking the condition of the mica plate. If it is dirty or burnt, then it must be replaced with a new one. You should wash it well inner chamber microwaves;
  • magnetron check. The antenna cap needs to be checked. If it has not burned out, then the magnetron is installed in its original place. Otherwise, the magnetron should be replaced.

To get to any internal components, the microwave must be disassembled. First remove the casing. To do this, you need to unscrew the bolts located on the back wall of the device. Internal structural elements are usually secured not with bolts, but with the help of special locks, which can be opened by pressing their protruding part. I would like to note that you should not disassemble the microwave if it is still under warranty.

Malfunction prevention

To avoid sparks inside the microwave, you must use special plastic caps., which cover dishes with food to prevent splashing. When a mica plate becomes dirty, replacing it alone is not enough.

Often it is necessary to clean the magnetron antenna and waveguide chamber from carbon deposits. If this is not done in time, the magnetron itself may fail, and replacing it is quite expensive. If the microwave has been in use for quite a long time, replacing the magnetron may not be economically viable.

It is also useless to clean carbon deposits from the mica lid., because during education electric arc a fairly deep local metallization of the burnt area occurs. For the same reason, you should not clean carbon deposits from a burnt spindle or plate. These parts require complete replacement, therefore, repair of a microwave oven in case of malfunctions of this kind is possible only in specialized workshops that have spare parts for each specific model.


The microwave oven is quite complex and high-tech device, requiring careful handling and unconditional compliance with the operating rules prescribed by the manufacturer. DIY repair operation of this device is only possible if its owner has the necessary knowledge in the field of electrical engineering and electronics. When making repairs, you should not neglect safety rules, since the operating principle of a microwave oven is based on the use of increased electrical voltage and microwave radiation.