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Wallpaper for uneven walls. How to hide uneven walls with the right wallpaper

Walls and ceilings are rarely ideal: even and smooth. Often we have to observe uneven walls and think about what to do with them during each subsequent home renovation. Moreover, these are not those small irregularities and cracks that can simply be covered with plaster, we are talking about global problems.

On the one hand, cladding can hide irregularities and flaws, but this extra costs that can be avoided.

There are a number of inexpensive and clever tricks that can hide uneven walls. Although these methods will not bring ideal results, their implementation will take very little time and money. In general, we offer you several ready-made solutions, but how you use this information is up to you.

How to hide uneven walls: what to do

1. Using wallpaper

All kinds of minor unevenness in walls and ceilings can be eliminated if you choose good and high quality wallpaper. Wherein important parameter will be the thickness of the sheet, the density of the wallpaper. Accordingly, paper wallpaper is no longer suitable for solving the problem, due to its thinness. If you cover problem walls with paper, all the flaws will appear outward and will be clearly visible.

Uneven walls can be hidden only with thick sheets of vinyl, non-woven fabric, bamboo, and glass wallpaper. It is desirable that the color of such wallpaper be matte, and the pattern be small, with relief present. In addition, the wide one can also fulfill its useful role.

By layering non-woven and vinyl wallpaper, you can hide wall imperfections even for your next home renovation. The bottom line is that multi-layer canvases are removed in parts, and the bottom layer is usually not removed at all. New canvases are simply glued onto it, leaving not a trace of noticeable problem areas.

2. Using visual techniques

If you choose the accents of light correctly, uneven walls can be made invisible. The main rule is to shade problem areas, excluding light from entering them. The more illuminated the uneven area, the more noticeable the flaws will be.

Taking these features into account, it is worth selecting and home lighting. For example, a low-hanging chandelier, a lampshade with diffused light and other tricks.

3. Using external pads

Another way to hide uneven walls is to simply block off the problem areas. To solve this problem, you can use any available finishing products, furniture, and other linings. For example, a wall that is not smooth can be:

  • decorate with borders, frames, baseboards, dividers, padding
  • hang with carpet, appliqué, posters, paintings, children's drawings, photographs
  • make furniture, hang mirrors, shelves, stands
  • hide with technology (for example, hang a large TV, etc.) or by any other available means.

If you pay attention to color matching finishing materials and wallpaper, it will turn out very elegant and original solution for the interior, which will distract attention from uneven walls or ceilings. In general, you can show creativity yourself and come up with any other solution that comes into your head after reading this article.

Many people who started renovations in own home, are faced with a problem uneven walls. This is real headache, because leveling walls requires a lot of effort, money, time, and most importantly, special skills that owners often do not possess. Therefore, there is a desire to simply hide the defects.

What wallpaper is better to choose? in this case– thick or thin? Which one is the right one to use on uneven walls in a room or kitchen? This article will discuss various wallpaper options suitable for uneven walls, their properties and features.

Paper wallpaper duplex (two-layer)

Double paper wallpaper - great option at a favorable price

If the budget allocated for repair work is very limited, then you can use the cheapest option - two-layer wallpaper. They are denser than single-layer ones, and often also have embossing. Due to the density of the material, it is convenient to work with wallpaper.

Once on the surface, the paper does not stretch so much, which reduces the risk of wall defects appearing on the surface of the wallpaper after drying.

The cost of one roll fluctuates around 150-200 rubles.

Vinyl wallpapers

The properties and quality of this wallpaper are noticeably different from paper version. In addition, there are several different types, which allows you to make the most accurate choice for a particular case.

  • Foamed. They have a fairly decent thickness, allowing you to successfully hide problem areas of the walls, hiding them from prying eyes. Foamed vinyl provides aesthetic beauty due to not only various color solutions and ornaments, but also texture. When choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, we recommend paying close attention to the option with a 3D effect. The cost of one roll is about 750 rubles.
  • Hot stamping. In addition to the thickness of the sheet, vinyl made by hot stamping has good mechanical strength. Such wallpaper can be washed, but when choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, it is important to pay attention to the lack of shine, because on walls with uneven surfaces, gloss will enhance the visibility of defects. Offered on the market wide choose wallpaper with a matte top layer. The price of one roll is from 750 rubles.
  • Washable. The use of this type is not recommended for masking uneven walls due to the glossy surface, which visually highlights problem areas of the walls.

Non-woven wallpaper

The density of the fibers, as well as the relief surface, hides the unevenness of the walls quite well, masking their imperfections. Often non-woven and intended for painting. Painted wallpaper has a strong top layer. Solvent-based compositions are not suitable for non-woven fabrics, so you should choose water-based paints (dispersion, acrylic, latex) with a minimum content of binder.

When applying paint from the back side of the wallpaper, it will appear on the front side and after drying it will take on a matte appearance. Therefore, for uneven walls, it is recommended to use this type of painting.

The cost of one roll is from 800 rubles.

Advice: When selecting wallpaper for uneven walls, avoid clear patterns (stripes in different directions) as this will only draw attention to the defect. It is better to opt for chaotic prints. Bright pictures are also suitable. For supporters of a calm interior, you can resort to design technique and stick bright wallpaper only on bad areas walls. To do this, you should choose a print that contrasts with the main design of the room, which will allow you to achieve harmonious combination colors.

Liquid wallpaper

And finally - . Due to their ability to fill small cracks and damage, they are also suitable for such tasks. However, liquid wallpaper will not be able to correct the situation in cases of large curvature or deep damage to the walls.

Having decided to wallpaper their home, many people do not know which option to choose. There are many different types of wallpaper, each of which has its own unique features, and this choice directly determines how attractive the final result will be. When choosing the right type, it is important to pay attention to many different factors and characteristics.

Today, there are more than ten different types of wallpaper, ranging from simple options such as paper or vinyl, to modern models, like liquid or quartz wallpaper. Each of the presented options has not only its own gluing methods, but also many other unique characteristics, ranging from service life to care requirements. It is important to study the features of a particular option in advance, choosing the most suitable one for yourself. suitable type, in which you will not be disappointed even after several years.

  • Paper wallpaper is one of the most popular options, successfully used for several decades. You can glue it however you like, as this wallpaper is unpretentious. Low cost and large assortment are the main advantages of this wallpaper.
  • Vinyl wallpapers are the absolute leader today, as they are inexpensive and have many various options colors and quite reliable. The main advantage of this wallpaper is that it is washable. vinyl covering, abrasion resistant. Vinyl wallpaper can be divided into two types: vinyl on a non-woven basis and on paper based. The main disadvantage of this type of wallpaper is poor breathability and not environmentally friendly. Also, when wet, this wallpaper expands and when it dries, it contracts, which creates certain difficulties when gluing.
  • Non-woven wallpaper is the same as paper wallpaper, but with the addition of polyester fibers, which gives it strength and reliability. Non-woven wallpaper is absolutely deservedly considered one of the most environmentally friendly options, with great breathability and durability. This type wallpaper does not shrink or deform after drying.
  • Fiberglass is another representative of the finishing material for walls. Mainly used in office premises. They are resistant to abrasion, do not require good surface preparation before gluing, and reinforce (strengthen) small cracks. They do not look aesthetically pleasing in residential premises.
  • Textile wallpaper is a representative of the expensive finishing segment. They consist mainly of natural fabric materials on a non-woven or paper base. They have the maximum number of advantages, are less susceptible to fading than others, but have low resistance to dust, dirt and odors.
  • Liquid wallpaper - in its essence, relates more to decorative plaster, while combining high quality wallpaper coverings and the flexibility of applying plastic materials.

Wallpaper may vary in roll width. Most often, rolls are half a meter wide, but there are also meter-long models. On the one hand, it’s easier with them, you get fewer joints. However, there is also a difficulty - dealing with them will require more effort.

Wallpaper or wall painting, which is better?

If a few years ago wallpaper was the main option for wall decoration, today many people opt for painting, considering this method simpler and less expensive. Of course, painting has its advantages, such as the ability to choose any color and long term services, but wallpaper can also be of different palettes, shades and have different textures, and the right wallpaper can last even longer than painting. It is important to understand that high-quality preparation for painting is expensive, and high-quality paint costs a lot of money. Accordingly, when quality repairs By choosing to paint the walls, you won’t be able to save money. Here it is important to understand what you really want to get from your interior? If you have a large budget, you can choose any type of finish. However, if your budget is limited, it is better to choose wallpaper.

How to glue wallpaper?

Let's first figure out which wallpaper is easier for a non-professional to hang? Best viewed by a non-professional simple options wallpaper, such as paper, vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. These wallpapers do not require any special approach, and anyone can handle them. Enough to have good preparation walls and purchase the appropriate glue.

Regardless of the type of wallpaper you choose, you first need to prepare the wall. Level it and remove remnants of old wallpaper, if any. In many ways, the success of the entire process depends on the preparation of the walls.

Preparing walls for wallpaper is as follows:

  • Removal of old covering (wallpaper, paint).
  • If there are pockets of mold, treatment with an antiseptic composition is recommended.
  • Surface primer.
  • If necessary, level the wall completely or partially with plaster.
  • Subsequent priming of the plastered surface.
  • Full (2 - 3 layers) or partial putty of walls.
  • Cleaning the putty surface.
  • Dust removal and subsequent priming of the surface.

Almost any application of the main types of wallpaper begins with priming the surface with glue. Why prime the walls before wallpapering? This is necessary to prepare the wall material in advance and provide additional adhesion.

Is it possible to glue wallpaper without a primer? It is possible, especially if you choose good glue, but it’s still better not to miss this moment, since it doesn’t require much effort. How long after priming can I hang wallpaper? If you are not pressed for time, it is best to wait a few hours for the walls to dry completely.

Should I glue wallpaper before or after the stretch ceiling?

What to do first: glue wallpaper or stretch it suspended ceiling? First, they wallpaper the entire room, and then install the ceiling. Is it possible to glue ceiling plinth for wallpaper? It is much easier to glue the baseboard onto the wallpaper than to adjust the wallpaper to the baseboard. How to glue ceiling plinth to wallpaper? First, the ceiling and walls are glued and dried, and then the baseboard is glued using a special glue.

Gluing technologies

How to glue wallpaper on the ceiling correctly and in what direction (sticking ceiling wallpaper)? You should start working from the window. If there are no windows in the room, then they “go” from the street wall.

Wallpaper is glued overlapping and end-to-end. Wallpapering with an overlap is practiced only for gluing joints in the corners of the room or other hard-to-reach places. And this method requires more material consumption. Butt gluing is used in all other cases. Let's take a closer look at how to glue wallpaper end to end.

Butt to butt

The roll is cut into sheets of a certain length with an increase of 5 cm. Glue is applied to the spread sheet from the center to the edges. After which the treated strip is folded in half for more thorough impregnation. The impregnation time indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging must be the same for all subsequent strips. For a perfectly even wallpaper sticker, you can use a plumb line to draw an even line on the wall. For those who don’t know which side to start gluing wallpaper from the window or towards the window, let’s say right away that the wallpaper is glued from top to bottom from the window.

The canvas glued to the wall is smoothed with a wallpaper spatula. Excess glue, as well as air bubbles, are removed with a dry cloth or sponge and pressing firmly on the joints. The next canvas is glued end-to-end to the previous one, without the edges “creeping” over each other.

Attention! Excess pieces at the bottom are carefully cut off with a knife only after complete drying.

Sticking in corners

The most difficult thing for people who decide to do repairs for the first time is the corners (internal and external). But with due skill and following simple rules these elements of the room will look aesthetically pleasing.

  • When part of the wall has already been glued and it has reached the outer corner, glue is applied to the wallpaper and the wall. The width of the canvas in this place should be such that the corner itself overlaps, and about 5 cm of material passes onto the adjacent wall. The sheet is lifted to the ceiling and applied to the wall. The fabric is wrapped around the protrusion. Top part It is pressed a little, and the bottom one is cut with a wallpaper knife. The surface is smoothed with a brush or roller to remove air.
  • On the adjacent wall, in the same sequence, the sheet is glued overlapping the first layer and smoothed with a brush.
  • To avoid having two layers of overlay on the corner, the top layer is cut off. A long metal ruler is applied to the edge of the corner. A knife cuts through the layers. The top layer is removed.

Tip: To avoid wrinkles, skew on the outer or inner corner, do not glue the entire wide strip onto it.

Internal corner

The inner corner is glued only with an overlap. An exception is glass wallpaper, which is glued end-to-end at the corners, since even the slightest overlap is very noticeable.

Steps for gluing the inner corner:

  • The distance from the already pasted strip to the corner is measured, adding 2 cm to the obtained measurement result. The sheet is cut and bent along this allowance, after which it is glued to the adjacent wall. The air from under the wallpaper is “expelled” with a dry cloth.
  • The same actions are carried out with the wall nearby. The sheet is glued overlapping onto the previous sheet. It is smoothed out with a brush, but the seam allowance in the corner is not pressed too hard.
  • Using a knife, cut through both layers and remove the excess top layer.
  • The wallpaper in the corner is pressed hard to get rid of the air.
  • The bottom and top allowances are trimmed.

Attention! The denser the wallpaper material, the smaller the overlap should be.

How to glue combined wallpaper correctly?

How to properly glue combined (two types or more) wallpaper? Several can be used in one room different types wallpaper Reasons to use combined wallpaper there may be several: to hide the imperfections of a wall or the room as a whole, to focus attention on a separate area, to zone the space of the room.

Tip: buy material of the same thickness, but of different textures and colors.

Horizontal stripes

Is it possible to glue wallpaper horizontally? It is possible, but it is important to consider several points here. Optimal width individual paintings are selected taking into account the height of the walls. For rooms with low ceilings You should stick wallpaper up to 100 cm wide, and with high wallpapers - from 150 cm to 200 cm.

The technology of gluing with horizontal stripes is quite complex, since it requires precise measurement of where the strips join. To do this, draw a horizontal line, which should be parallel to the floor.

Gluing with horizontal stripes begins with gluing the top strip, after which the bottom strip is glued. At the joints, overlaps are left that are not coated with glue. After the wallpaper has dried, cut off the excess pieces and re-glue it.

Vertical stripes

An excellent result can be achieved by covering walls with multi-colored vertical stripes. It is advisable to buy material of the same width and texture. The technology of gluing with vertical stripes does not constitute special difficulties. The connection of adjacent elements is carried out both overlapping and butt-to-butt. The connecting areas will not be visually noticeable, since they will lie on the border of color transitions.

Using inserts

Wall decoration using wallpaper inserts is carried out on an already prepared surface. Inserts are applied to painted walls or walls with new wallpaper. Inserts can be made from massive wallpaper, on a non-woven basis, different shapes, size. The inserts are easy to glue, since their edges will be under the frame.

Wallpapering various wall surfaces

The external attractiveness of the wallpaper and its service life directly depend on the material, condition and surface treatment.

What wallpaper is best to glue on uneven walls?

How and what wallpaper is best to glue on uneven walls? An excellent solution This question will be solved by liquid wallpaper, which can independently eliminate all flaws, making them completely invisible. It is important to apply liquid wallpaper to uneven walls as carefully as possible. And if everything is done correctly, the result will pleasantly surprise you and eliminate the need to level the walls.


Is it possible to glue wallpaper directly onto concrete walls in an apartment or house in winter, and if so, at what temperature? It is recommended to glue wallpaper in the warm season, when the walls of the room are relatively warm. If you are not afraid of uneven walls, particles of concrete that will appear through thin wallpaper, or you decide to paste over the surface with a dense material, then gluing is possible directly onto a concrete base.

The surface must be pre-prepared: dust free and primed twice. You can use heavily diluted wallpaper glue as a primer. Wallpaper gluing technology concrete wall no different from gluing on a putty surface.

How to glue wallpaper on plywood?

How to glue wallpaper on plywood and is it possible to do this? You can glue wallpaper onto plywood if you choose the right material and treat the surface well. Although paper wallpaper is the simplest and cheapest solution, due to its thin base, which is not capable of masking and leveling plywood joints, it is not suitable for gluing wooden sheets. Good options Liquid wallpaper on plywood, vinyl, non-woven, textile, fiberglass wallpaper and bamboo sheets can be used for finishing.

Surface preparation consists of processing uneven surfaces with a grinding machine and coarse-grained sandpaper. Crumbling joints can be smoothed out by gluing sickle tape and sanding with sandpaper.

How to glue wallpaper on drywall? Is drywall putty?

Is it possible and how to glue vinyl paper wallpaper onto drywall ( plasterboard wall) without putty?

It's possible, but not necessary. But first things first. Before wallpapering, drywall is primed. This is done in order to protect the walls from mold and mildew, as well as to ensure good adhesion. The primer is applied from top to bottom with a roller or brush. The joints of plasterboard sheets are sealed with adhesive sickle tape, which in appearance resembles a medical bandage. Apply to the top of the seam starting putty. The recess is filled with putty flush with the rest of the surface. After drying, remove excess with a piece of sandpaper. When the processing of the joints is completed, they begin to completely putty the surfaces.

Do I need to putty drywall before wallpapering? This is necessary even if the plasterboard sheets are completely new. There is an explanation for this:

  • This way you can hide all the bolt heads.
  • Putty will help hide the transitions of drywall sheets.
  • If you glue wallpaper onto a plasterboard sheet without first preparing it, then during subsequent repairs, removing the wallpaper without damaging the surface of the gypsum board will be problematic.

Putty is a dry material or a wet mixture in a plastic bucket. There are two types of putties: starting and finishing. The starting putty is applied at a depth of 2–3 mm for preliminary leveling. The finishing putty is applied in a layer of up to 1 mm and is intended for final finishing. Only after complete drying are the surfaces sanded: starting - with coarse sandpaper; finishing - fine-grained sandpaper.

A layer of primer is reapplied to the sanded surface to ensure good adhesion of the glue to the surface. How to glue wallpaper on a plasterboard ceiling? The technology for gluing drywall with wallpaper is no different from gluing a regular wall.

How to glue wallpaper on an OSB board?

Is it possible to glue wallpaper on an OSB board? Can. OSB boards After installation, they are usually painted or pasted over. Pasting wallpaper directly onto the slab is possible, but not advisable, since the rolled material can quickly peel off. For gluing, it is recommended to adhere to the following algorithm:

  • secure the serpyanka mesh;
  • apply primer to the wall;
  • apply putty;
  • re-prime the surface;
  • stick wallpaper.

Tip: it is better to use a drill or mixer to mix the putty solution. This way you will get the right consistency and avoid unnecessary lumps.

Before gluing wallpaper, it is advisable to glue plain white paper to the treated surface.

How to glue wallpaper over whitewash?

Is it possible and how to put wallpaper on whitewashed walls (whitewashed walls)? You can glue wallpaper onto a whitewashed wall, but you need to take into account that the whitewash contains lime, which tends to crumble over time. If there are problem areas on the surface, then the cracked areas need to be cleaned and puttied. Next, the surface is sanded to remove lumps and other irregularities. If you intend to paste surfaces with thick wallpaper material, the last procedure can be carried out less carefully. The walls are primed twice. After complete drying, wallpaper glue is applied.

Is it possible to glue new wallpaper onto old wallpaper?

Many people are interested in carrying out repair work as quickly as possible, so they immediately glue new wallpaper over the old ones. Experts still recommend carrying out a number of mandatory measures: dismantling the pasted material, leveling the walls, priming, applying putty, etc. However, you should not discard existing option gluing over old wallpaper.

Attention! The wall to be pasted must be dry, degreased and pre-treated with a primer.

To minimize all risks of new material peeling off, the following conditions should be observed:

  • old wallpaper should be thin and made entirely of paper;
  • the material must adhere firmly to the surface;
  • The surface to be pasted is smooth without three-dimensional patterns.

It is not recommended to glue new wallpaper onto old vinyl or non-woven wallpaper. Due to its water-repellent properties, this material does not adhere well. And its relief structure can be noticeable under the new layer. Therefore, it is easier to remove the previous coating.

Wallpapering painted walls

How to put wallpaper on painted walls? Is it possible to glue wallpaper onto water-based paint (painting on top of the emulsion)? Quite common questions that cause a lot of controversy. Yes, wallpapering on painted walls possible, but you need to consider the type of paint applied. If this water-based paint, then there will be no difficulties. The only thing you need to check is whether it sticks well to the wall. If the wall is covered oil paint, it will have to be removed, as the wallpaper glue may fall off immediately.

A painted wall for gluing is prepared in the following way:

  • all irregularities are puttied;
  • the surface is washed with a weak soap solution and washed off with clean water;
  • The wall is primed with a light primer.

Let's sum it up

Choosing wallpaper for a room - pretty difficult task. How to properly glue large wide meter-long wallpaper on vinyl based How to properly glue non-woven wallpaper for painting onto walls? After all, you need to take into account not only color, texture roll materials, but also the surface to which they will stick. Moreover, each basis requires careful preparation, otherwise the new wallpaper will not serve its intended life.

Pasting wallpaper in Russian houses is still a hassle, especially if you pay close attention to the surface being pasted. The walls in our standard apartments very rarely have a small number of defects and have flat surface, most often it’s quite the opposite.

If you approach repair work with the proper degree of seriousness and begin major renovation, then you need to take care of the alignment of the walls. This work will entail large financial and time expenses, which do not always suit us. In addition, it is almost impossible to independently correct the geometry of the walls.

Wallpapers with geometric shapes dark color

Wallpaper manufacturers have known about this problem for a long time and are ready to offer their solutions; some types of wallpaper can actually be glued to a surface with some defects, and the wallpaper will cover them.

Let's take a look at the most popular types of wallpaper intended for gluing to uneven walls.

Duplex - thick paper

If you undertake to glue simple paper wallpaper, then all the defects will immediately be clearly visible, but there is a special type of paper wallpaper called duplex.

Duplex wallpaper consists of two dense layers of paper, pressed together. They have nice embossing and designs.

In addition to being environmentally friendly, thick paper wallpaper with a frequently repeating pattern disguises wall unevenness

To the touch, the wallpaper resembles a sheet of thick cardboard.

Wallpaper of this type sticks perfectly to uneven surface walls, since they are not able to completely adhere to it. The wallpaper always keeps its shape, which hides potholes and bumps on the wall.

The cost of such paper wallpaper small, any average person can afford them. But if you are not satisfied with the decorative side of this option, then you should pay attention to vinyl samples.

Vinyl - durable and bright

Vinyl wallpaper belongs to the more expensive segment of the wallpaper market. They are executed in several versions, which to one degree or another satisfy the requirements various rooms in an apartment or house.

Surface irregularities are not so noticeable on bright wallpaper

The thick structure and deep texture of vinyl allows you to hide more defects on the wall. In addition, vinyl is able to imitate the texture of natural finishing materials, which are not always available to us.

If we consider the huge group of wallpapers recommended for hanging on poor quality walls, then three areas stand out.

Foamed vinyl is the cheapest and easiest option produced big amount domestic and foreign wallpaper factories. Due to the thickness of the canvas, the wallpaper will perfectly hide defects on the surface, but decorative coating not the strongest and most durable.

Texture of foamed vinyl upon closer examination

When choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, you can start with this type, try to choose a color, and only then move on to more expensive options. From an aesthetic point of view, it is much prettier and more pleasant.

Washable vinyl - a thick and soft layer of vinyl can hide small defects in the walls in the kitchen, and the surface of this wallpaper is easy to clean. The only “but” is that large bulges in the wall are visible on the glossy surface of the wallpaper, so before gluing, try to get rid of them; it’s better to have depressions or dents.

Decorative vinyl for the kitchen, washable

Hot stamped vinyl is the thickest type of wallpaper available. The wallpaper fabric is very durable and massive, has a deep texture that can completely hide uneven walls. Vinyl wallpaper produced by hot stamping is not afraid of moisture and can withstand regular wet cleaning.

An important point when choosing a pattern is to try to avoid gloss, since when the wallpaper is bent it shimmers in places of bulge or depression.

The cost of a roll of such wallpaper is already significant, since, firstly, they have a large standard length, and, secondly, they belong to the more expensive quality segment of the wallpaper market.

Durable and textured imported wallpaper perfectly masks wall defects

Hot Stamped Vinyl - Flagship wallpaper production many factories, so in the vast majority it has impeccable quality. The non-woven backing, which is capable of holding a heavy and massive canvas on the wall, also contributed to this quality.

Non-woven fabric - modern material, combining fabric fibers and cellulose, wallpaper is also produced from it.

Paintable non-woven wallpaper

The combination of paper and fabric components allows you to create unique material, durable, tough quality. In the case of adding a decorative vinyl backing to it, we get full-fledged wallpaper, but even without the decorative component, the non-woven material is ready for use.

Entirely non-woven wallpaper is available for painting. Since the material holds its shape well, such wallpaper is suitable for uneven walls. In addition, after gluing the wallpaper before painting, a layer of dye is applied, which further hides all defects.

Non-woven wallpaper for painting is sold in large rolls of a meter wide and 25 meters long, they have White color and some ornament.

Texture of wallpaper for painting

Non-woven wallpaper is painted with water- and acrylic-based paints; solvent-based enamels are not suitable as they can corrode the surface. The paints are tinted to the desired color, and in any case the painted surface will be matte, which means it will not concentrate attention on the unevenness of the wall.

The cost of a roll of non-woven wallpaper for painting is approximately comparable to a meter-wide roll of foam vinyl.

If you don't want to glue wallpaper, but give the wall decorative look necessary, then liquid wallpaper will help you out.

Liquid wallpaper - decorative plaster

On large area walls, the use of liquid wallpaper is justified if there is a whole cloud minor defects. The liquid mixture will fill all cavities and slightly level out small bulges, but with big problems She's unlikely to make it.

Liquid wallpaper is wear-resistant and durable; in large, dirty rooms it will be an excellent wall covering.

Green decorative plaster

These are the options for choosing wallpaper for uneven walls, and finally we would publish a small set of rules for choosing a pattern and color.

Rules for choosing colors and patterns

You should not choose designs with geometric shapes or stripes, since there will be obvious distortions in places where the walls are defective, which will inevitably attract the attention of others.

You need to choose patterns with a high coverage density, plain wallpaper, wallpaper with prints scattered in random order.

Excellent ornament for hiding maximum quantity wall defects

It is best to look for a rich, perhaps even bright color; it will be difficult to detect distortions in the canvas.

If you are a supporter of calm colors in the interior, then use bright wallpaper on uneven walls, as if creating an accent. In this case, more attention will be focused on calm wallpaper glued to smooth walls.

To summarize, we can conclude the following: do not worry about your uneven walls, they are also easy to choose beautiful wallpaper, different quality and prices. If you have a very limited budget, choose a duplex; if your needs are a little larger, choose thick and beautiful vinyl, and if you plan to paint the walls one color, then, of course, non-woven fabric. Decorative plaster is also ready to become the finishing layer for walls.

Often, when carrying out repairs, we encounter certain shortcomings flooring, ceilings or walls. This is due to the fact that we are forced to look for a certain way out. What wallpaper is best to glue on uneven walls - this question is of interest to many people who are faced with such a problem. At the same time, you need to understand that the work itself on leveling partitions and walls is quite expensive and difficult for people who do not have the appropriate professional skills.

So, let's talk about wallpaper for uneven walls, which, like any other material, has its own distinctive features and performance characteristics. There are several types of similar coatings on the market.


Among the most popular types of coverings that can be used in such cases are vinyl, non-woven, paper and fabric (textile). So, let's see what wallpapers for uneven walls can be, types, as well as their characteristics.


Speaking about this material, you need to remember that it is produced in several varieties:

  1. Washable. If you are thinking about what kind of wallpaper to glue to uneven walls, then we can safely say: most washable ones are not suitable for this. The reason is that they have a shiny glossy surface, which will reveal all the unevenness of the walls.
  2. As for foamed wallpaper, they are quite thick. All this helps to visually hide unevenness on the walls. Besides, this type the coating is attractive appearance and very interesting decorative layer. This becomes possible due to the somewhat voluminous texture.
  3. Speaking of vinyl wallpapers hot stamping, it is worth noting that they are distinguished by an increased level of strength. Besides, . All this makes them optimal solution for their use.

So if you are thinking about which wallpaper is best for uneven walls, know that the choice of options is quite wide. Wallpaper for uneven walls, photo:

Liquid wallpaper is a great solution

Remember! In addition to the fact that the wallpaper sheet in such cases should be thick, we must not forget about the strength of the material.

Double layer paper wallpaper

This coating, also known as duplex, is good choice for a low cost. So, if your budget is somewhat limited, we recommend that you pay attention to similar option. In the same time distinctive feature is that, unlike single-layer paper wallpaper (simplex), duplex is characterized by increased strength. Additionally, they are not as prone to tearing after application or drying.

Liquid wallpaper

This kind wall covering, to be honest, does not at all resemble the classical and familiar to all of us roll wallpaper. The fact is that it is more similar to decorative plaster. This option is almost ideal for use as decorative finishing damaged or uneven walls.

One of the advantages of this material is that they can be used. Moreover, you can use paper and many other available raw materials for this. Wallpaper for uneven walls, photo options:

Non-woven wallpaper

In addition, quite often non-woven wallpaper is produced specifically for painting. This means that they can be painted, which greatly speeds up and simplifies repairs. Among distinctive features I would like to note a fairly durable and reliable outer layer, which performs both decorative and protective functions.

Attention! Before gluing wallpaper on uneven walls, experts advise deciding on the right choice. The fact is that in such cases it is advisable to abandon options with smooth and clear geometric patterns, for example, with stripes. So, choose either just a monochromatic option, or a rather random pattern. By the way, in the latter case even end-to-end gluing is allowed. These will help hide some unevenness, at least visually.

Other useful information

Multi-colored or patchwork combinations are also a good option.

When talking about how to hang wallpaper on uneven walls, you should not forget about certain features that are typical for gluing in such conditions:

  1. In cases where you plan to use wallpaper for painting, consider the following. When you paint them, it is advisable not to use too much large quantity paints so as not to weigh down the canvases themselves.
  2. When gluing with your own hands, you should remember that you need to wait some time after you have applied adhesive solution. This is exactly what will be right.
  3. You can remove excess glue using a clean, dry sponge or rag. At the same time, remember that you need to act with extreme care so as not to damage the decorative layer.