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Why cabbage rots on the vine: the main reasons.

Cabbage is rich in vitamins; you can use it to prepare many dishes that are traditionally found on the table. all year round, so it’s a pity when a fruit that is clean and dense on the outside rots on the vine. The article will discuss what causes this disease and how to deal with it.

The main causes of rotting cabbage on the vine

The main causes of root rot are:

  • incorrect agricultural technology;
  • unsuitable weather conditions;
  • cabbage diseases, which provoke the appearance and development of rot.

Incorrect agricultural technology

This vegetable crop- not too capricious, but regular and proper care. Gardeners who violate agrotechnical requirements can very quickly lose their harvest.
Root rot can appear for the following reasons related to improper care:

  • the vegetable grows in the shade or is too dense. Because of this, the leaves that grow do not allow air to circulate normally and block the entry of sun rays;
  • irregular loosening of the soil: a dense crust of soil forms under the heads of cabbage, due to which moisture is retained at the roots;
  • Neglect of crop rotation recommendations. There are microorganisms in the soil that contribute to the development of cabbage diseases;
  • excessive use of nitrogenous fertilizers;
  • vegetable crop planted on acidic soil. It is better to plant in soil with a neutral or alkaline reaction;
  • improper preparation of seeds for planting: no disinfection was carried out;
  • the beds become waterlogged or water gets into the outlet when watering.

Important!Most often, rotting is associated precisely with errors in agricultural technology, so it is necessary to properly care for the vegetable in order to grow a rich harvest.

Weather conditions that provoke the development of rot

Rotting of cabbage occurs unnoticed. Rotten tomatoes and cucumbers are visible to the naked eye, but cabbage “hides” its problem - the upper leaves do not even hint that rot has already overcome the head of cabbage. Once the rot is revealed, the situation can no longer be corrected. Rotting may be due to bad weather. Gardeners point out that downpours often contribute to this, since the soil does not have time to dry out, and, starting from the stalk, the vegetable spoils. In this case, removing leaf plates in contact with the ground can help.
Heat can also indirectly contribute to rotting, since active reproduction of pests begins. They damage the leaves and stems of plants, making it easier for infections to develop and cause rotting. To avoid this, you need to immediately combat insects and their larvae.

Cabbage diseases

Exists a large number of cabbage diseases, due to which the heads of cabbage begin to rot inside and out. Infection can occur both during the period of growing seedlings and in the garden.

One of dangerous diseases cabbage seedlings are black leg. Although its symptom is visible almost immediately: the lower stem becomes darker and rots. If you also add high humidity, and the soil turns out to be highly acidic, then nothing will stop the blackleg, and it will destroy the crop. The easiest way to counter this is: do not overdo it with nitrogen fertilizers, make sure there is sufficient ventilation, and do not water in excess.

Important!The temperature should be without sudden changes, but this factor depends on the gardener if the vegetable is grown in a greenhouse.

Nevertheless, you can fight black leg by choosing cabbage varieties that are not susceptible to it - Moscow late 9, Belorusskaya 455, Amager 611. Effective method: a vegetable crop should, if not seasonally, then “migrate” around the garden as often as possible, that is, change location.
Unfortunately, not all summer cottages may provide cabbage with a “new registration.” Then it is necessary to disinfect the soil in the old bed. Today there are a lot effective means. For example, “Baktofit”, “Fitosporin”, “Planriz”. Not bad and folk way, when still in seed boxes for cabbage seedlings the soil is watered twice with boiling water or a one percent solution of potassium permanganate.

White rot

White rot usually affects the outer leaves while still in the garden, especially if the cabbage has been exposed to constant rain. Mucus appears on the leaves, and between them there is a mycelium that occupies everything free place. Just one head of cabbage can infect all the others. Especially if there is high humidity where the cabbage is stored, then infection occurs through the soil: white rot moves from there to the lower part of the stem.

But there is also a way to control it: white rot feels comfortable at high air humidity. If you regulate such humidity by open garden bed impossible, then in a greenhouse or cellar this is not a problem.
There are also special means. In order to understand which one is suitable, it is necessary to take into account the climate. Simple, versatile and inexpensive preventive method: To suppress the spread of fungal spores in the soil, you need to calcine the soil before planting.

Downy mildew

Summer residents often use popular name peronosporosis - downy mildew. Seedlings and seeds are most often susceptible to this disease. But when the vegetable grows, takes on shape and color, downy mildew can attack it. Then you can see spots on the top of the leaves irregular shape yellow color. Soon the entire leaf turns yellow and dies.

A flour-like coating begins to appear, and it seems as if the cabbage has been powdered. Under such a coating, the fabric sags and becomes dark. Downy mildew is tenacious and long-lasting; the causative agent of the disease can live up to 6 years.
As for the fight against downy mildew, it is better to use agrochemicals:

  • collect seeds only from healthy plants;
  • Be sure to disinfect the seeds before planting;
  • maintain the density of cabbage planting;
  • change beds;
  • if grown in a greenhouse, ventilate it;
  • Do not leave cabbage residues either in the beds or in the greenhouse after harvesting.

Did you know? The state of New Jersey has a law that says cabbage can be consumed on all days of the week except Sunday.

Another common cabbage disease is mucous bacteriosis, better known as cabbage wet rot. It is caused by pectobacteria. As a rule, infection appears in the second stage of the growing season. Mucous bacteriosis develops in different ways:

  • the leaves “signal” about the disease - they begin to rot and spread bad smell. Then they wither and fall off, but the rot does not disappear, it attacks the middle of the head of cabbage;
  • The epicenter of the disease appears in the stalk. The cause of infection is damage caused by caterpillars that have penetrated inside the head of cabbage.

There are several reasons that cause wet rot:
  • the heads of cabbage were injured during the care process;
  • the soil receives more moisture than necessary;
  • due to frequent rains, the leaves and head of cabbage are constantly wet;
  • "Raids" of caterpillars.
You can notice the beginning of a problem or the development of wet rot if you carefully inspect the beds while caring for cabbage.

Favorable conditions for the appearance of this disease are warm weather With high humidity. The disease can be noticed by darkened vascular veins and black spots on the stem. If vascular bacteriosis occurs, then the cabbage does not set heads and grows poorly.
The cause of the disease is that the organic remains of last year’s harvest were not removed from the area designated for cabbage. Plus rainy weather during the cabbage ripening period.

Pests and disease vectors

Unfortunately, cabbage is loved by all sorts of pests. They can hit it from the inside or attack it from the outside. Aphids, cruciferous bugs and flea beetles tend to feast on cabbage; cabbage is attacked by secretive stalk insects, various caterpillars and larvae, so it is necessary to use means that will destroy pests. Experienced summer residents have already become convinced that insecticides such as Iskra-M, Knockdown, and Iskra Double Effect can be successfully used against cabbage pests.

What to do if the cabbage is rotting

Rotten heads of cabbage cannot be saved. The most The best decision- urgently remove them from the garden and then burn them. But that’s not all: you need to water the soil with a solution of copper sulfate at a concentration of 3%. Product consumption - 2 l/m². This is safer for the healthy neighboring cabbage.
Besides, healthy cabbage can be treated with Fitosporin. Don’t forget about the soil under healthy plants: you can use the drug “Previkur” with a disinfecting effect.

The following method: 10–12 days before harvesting the cabbage, treat the heads of cabbage with the fungicide “Quadris”. To do this, you need to prepare a solution: dissolve 5–6 ml of the product in 5 liters. Thanks to these measures, the vegetable will have a real chance of being stored without gray rot.

Preventive measures

Prevention is a universal method of protecting health, therefore, first of all, every gardener should take care of preventive measures:

  • you need to monitor the temperature of the room in which the vegetable is located before planting in the ground: it should not be lower than +15°C;
  • Dense dense planting should be avoided: the distance between the beds should be at least 1.5 m;
  • care should be taken to regularly expose the vegetable to sunlight;
  • proper watering;
  • changing beds, i.e. practice crop rotation;
  • weeding.

Did you know? In China, cabbage is considered a symbol of wealth.

So, this vegetable crop is generous and vulnerable, but you can and should fight for it. First of all, do not forget about controlling pests that cause diseases. You need to start by choosing those varieties that are optimal for the climate and resistant to diseases, and you also need to remember about crop rotation.

Hello, dear readers and guests of the blog. website ! Just the other day we figured out how to feed cabbage after planting seedlings in open ground, but there is one problem that darkens all of us the joy of creative work in the garden and in the country - these are cabbage diseases, however, not only cabbage is sick, but also many of our favorites from the garden beds.

What are there, I have already described, albeit briefly, but with today’s article, and perhaps a couple more, I want to expand this topic a little and talk in a little more detail not only about the cabbage diseases themselves, but also about measures to combat them. So, today we will look at the rot of cabbage - this is white rot of cabbage, gray rot cabbage, cabbage blight (dry rot) and cabbage mucous bacteriosis (wet rot).

White rot of cabbage.Fungal disease. Symptoms appear before harvesting heads of cabbage: the outer leaves become mucus, and develops on the surface and between the leaves. White mushroom, similar to cotton wool, which forms black spots up to 3 cm in size. Such a head of cabbage not only rots itself, but also infects neighboring ones.

Control measures. Plant cabbage in the same place no earlier than after 5 years. Since white rot of cabbage affects overripe and damaged heads of cabbage, it is necessary to harvest the crop in a timely and careful manner, preserving the covering leaves during harvesting. Storage for cabbage must be properly disinfected, and it should not be too warm (from zero degrees to minus one).

Gray rot of cabbage.It is known even to those who do not grow cabbage, but only eat it. Gray rot is fluffy mold with small black dots covering the petioles of the lower leaves.

Control measures. It is clear, of course, that healthy plant, grown in compliance with crop rotation and agrotechnical measures, as well as disinfection of storage for cabbage and correct temperature this disease will not be allowed to arise in it. If gray rot of cabbage has affected the “lady of the garden,” then it is necessary to thoroughly clean it of infected leaves.

Cabbage blight (dry rot).This fungal disease capable of infecting cabbage at any age. If the plant gets sick at the seedling stage, then such cabbage lower leaves become crimson or bluish, and the stem bends and dries out.

In affected areas, the plant tissue becomes brown and black or dark brown dots appear on it. The affected leaves turn gray, dry out, and the cabbage becomes rotten and brown inside. The section will show voids affected by white mycelium. Gray depressed spots are clearly visible on the stalks. Cabbage affected by Phoma dries out and is unsuitable for storage.

Control measures. Do not neglect disinfecting seeds before planting, do not water the plants cold water. If cabbage in the garden is infected, treat the plants in the same way as when powdery mildew. To prevent cabbage blight from overtaking your vegetables after harvesting, it is necessary to treat the stalks with chalk before storing them and maintain a favorable temperature regime.

Mucous bacteriosis of cabbage (wet rot of cabbage).bacterial disease, attacking plant any age. It can manifest itself in two ways. In the first case, the covering leaves begin to rot and emit an unpleasant odor, gradually the rot penetrates deeper and soon affects the entire head of cabbage. In the second case, damage begins with the stalk: it softens and becomes gray or cream. This is a focal disease transmitted from diseased plants to healthy ones. The harvested crop especially suffers from wet rot.

The pathogen penetrates from the soil, most often through leaves and stalks damaged by pests (or due to careless transportation). Especially favorable conditions When mucous bacteriosis of cabbage develops, it is prolonged wet weather. Wet rot often affects plants that are already sick with other diseases.

Control measures. Destroy pests in the beds, do not damage the cabbage during harvesting and transportation. As a preventative measure, it can be recommended to treat planting hole a preparation that is both a seed protectant and a fungicide for treating vegetative plants with a high growth-stimulating effect. Plants are also treated with it when the first signs of the disease appear. The main condition for preserving the cabbage harvest is disinfection of the storage and compliance with temperature regime. Here's some information for you: .

So, we have looked at all the rots of cabbage, but, unfortunately, the diseases discussed are not a complete list of what our “lady” can suffer from, and in the next article we will talk about her other diseases and measures to combat them.

I wish you success in your garden and dacha, and high yields! See you soon!


Cabbage is a very common vegetable in our gardens, but summer residents often wonder why cabbage rots when winter storage and why your cabbage rots on the vine. This actually happens quite often, and there may be several reasons for this.

Cabbage cannot be called very capricious plant, but she likes everything to happen evenly and regularly, the air temperature to remain constant or at least change smoothly and slowly. There may be several answers to the question why cabbage rots:

List possible reasons I could go on and on, but rotten cabbage is always the result of a violation of agricultural practices or simply a coincidence of unfortunate weather conditions and the spread of pests. If a rotten vegetable appears in the cellar during long-term storage, then the reason may lie in improper storage conditions.

Rotting is the result of diseases - bacterial or fungal. Their quick recognition will help stop the spread of the disease and save the crop.

Gray rot develops during storage of cut cabbage; it is indicated by the smell of mold and a gray coating on the leaves. This cabbage can be eaten if all damaged and infected parts are removed.

But cabbage affected by mucous bacteriosis cannot be eaten; it must be thrown away immediately. It is indicated by disgusting, foul-smelling mucus; it appears on the leaves outside and quickly penetrates inside. Mucous bacteriosis occurs when there is an excess of nitrogen and a lack of potassium and calcium in the soil.

White rot is fungal disease, often affects frozen heads or those that were cut off when they were already overripe. The leaves are covered with a white mucous coating.

Fusarium is also a fungal disease, it is provoked by dry weather. The affected vessels can be seen on a cross section of the head of cabbage, and the onset of the disease is noticed when the areas of the leaf between the veins turn yellow.

Rainy weather promotes the development of alterniosis with dark spots and sooty coating or rhizoctonia, when black spots appear at the base of the leaves, and diseased leaves are easily separated from the stalk. This is why cabbage rots.

Video “Cabbage diseases”

From the video you will learn all about cabbage diseases, as well as methods of prevention.

Fighting methods

To protect cabbage from rotting, you need to avoid excess nitrogen in the soil; the rule is appropriate here: it is better to underfeed than to overfeed. It is very important to follow the rules of crop rotation and agricultural technology. It is advisable to choose varieties that are resistant to diseases for cultivation. It is best to plant cabbage after beets, peas, and beans, but not after related crops.

You need to water cabbage regularly and correctly - if the water does not reach the roots, but collects from above, then it does not nourish the plant, but only contributes to the rotting of the leaves. When watering, there should be no water colder than air, and watering itself should be done in the morning or evening.

In any weather, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the soil around the plants; the soil must be loosened and weeds must be pulled out. Excessive shade promotes moisture concentration, which means it attracts slugs, snails and other pests, and contributes to the spread of fungal pathogens.

Aphids and cutworms are a nuisance themselves, but they can also spread bacteria that cause rot. If you plant plants that repel insects among the cabbage, dust them with wood ash, and monitor the condition of the cabbage heads, you can minimize the damage caused. It is better to remove diseased plants from the garden along with the roots as soon as possible in order to stop the spread of diseases.

Only absolutely healthy heads of cabbage should be stored for storage; correct mode storage The temperature in the cellar should be maintained between zero and -1 degrees. Before planting the crop, the room must be disinfected using bleach and copper sulfate.

Many summer residents ask an important question: why does cabbage rot during storage?

Cabbage rots under improper storage conditions and when the heads become infected. various diseases, which quickly develop in vegetables during storage, even under favorable conditions. Therefore, it is important to regularly inspect cabbage heads and remove those that have the slightest traces of rotting. Otherwise, you may lose all your winter cabbage reserves.

Insidious diseases
If the crop is stored correctly, but the heads still rot, you should look for the cause in diseases of the given crop. Vegetables can also rot severely if the heads of cabbage are damaged by various pests, such as cabbage cutworms and aphids. To prevent cabbage from rotting during storage, it is necessary to combat pests and diseases in a timely manner.
So, quite healthy-looking cabbage heads placed in basements and cellars can be affected by such diseases.
Gray rot
When storing cabbage, it appears gray coating and an unpleasant moldy odor. As a result, the heads rot partially or almost completely. In this case, rotting develops very quickly, being transmitted from a diseased head of cabbage to healthy ones. Vegetables affected by gray rot can still be eaten after appropriate treatment and removal of all rotting leaves. The main way to combat gray rot of cabbage during storage is the timely removal of vegetable heads damaged by the disease.
**Mucous bacteriosis
The cabbage heads become covered on the outside with foul-smelling mucus, then the rotting process moves to the internal parts of the head, leading to its rapid rotting. In infected heads, the leaves are easily separated from the stump. Vegetables affected by this disease should not be used for cooking at all.
Prevention of this disease consists of following all the rules of agricultural technology for this crop and choosing absolutely healthy heads of cabbage for long-term storage. When growing this plant, it is necessary to maintain a certain balance in the complex. mineral fertilizers, avoiding excess nitrogen in the soil. Mucous bacteriosis often occurs on those vegetables that grew on soils poor in potassium and calcium.
Fusarium wilt
It is a dangerous fungal disease in which blockage of blood vessels occurs, first of the lower ones, and then of the upper leaves. Infection with this disease can be determined by the yellowing of areas of the leaf located between its veins. At the same time, dark dots of blood vessels are visible on the cross section of a head of cabbage. Most often, this disease occurs in dry weather. Infected heads of vegetables quickly deteriorate during storage, becoming unfit for consumption.
It appears as dark limited spots on the covering leaves of a head of cabbage. They develop a sooty coating, which is a sign of sporulation of a fungal pathogen. Most often, such a disease infects a given crop in rainy weather. With this disease, heads of vegetables stored for storage rot very quickly. At the same time, they become completely unsuitable for food.
Most often it affects cabbage in rainy weather. During cold weather, the leaves of diseased heads rot. At the same time, they are easily separated from the stalk. Small black spots appear at the base of the leaves. Sick heads of cabbage can rot very quickly, infecting the rest.
White rot
Manifested by mucus on the leaves of vegetables and the appearance on them white plaque mycelium. White rot often affects overripe and frozen heads.

Attention - to the room!
Besides various diseases, rotting can be caused by incorrect conditions storage Most suitable temperature to preserve the cabbage harvest is from minus 1 to 0 degrees. Also, cabbage does not tolerate dampness, so there must be good ventilation in the basement (cellar).
Before storing cabbage, the room in which it will be located must be disinfected. To do this, dissolve 500 g of bleach in a bucket of water and treat all surfaces in the storage with this solution. Then whitewash everything wooden elements room with a solution of lime (2 kg per 10 l) and copper sulfate (100 g).
It is also important to properly prepare the heads of cabbage themselves before storing them in the cellar or basement. All heads with the slightest signs mechanical damage and diseases sorted from total mass. The discards can be used for recycling.
The variety of cabbage also plays an important role. For storage it is better to choose medium-late and late cabbage, which is different large size heads of cabbage and dense leaves. Heads of cabbage to be stored should have 2-3 covering leaves left.
Cabbage should be stored away from potatoes and root vegetables.
Stack the cabbage. Subject to conditions and not too much big harvest, the heads of cabbage can be hung. To do this, the heads should be pulled out of the ground straight from the roots. Remove the soil and tie the heads of cabbage by the stalk to the ceiling. In this case, the main condition: the heads should not touch each other.

Source –

Cabbage rotting from the inside is most often caused by a fungal disease called “mucous bacteriosis.” In common parlance, the disease is called “wet rot.” Infection can develop during all stages of cabbage development and even during its transportation or storage. The disease is very dangerous and can lead to the death of the entire crop.

The initial stage of the disease is very difficult to notice. Infected cabbage growing in a garden bed can have two options for the development of the disease:

  1. Covering leaves rot. The outer leaves darken, become covered with mucus and emit a rotten smell. Slowly and surely, bacteriosis takes over the entire head of cabbage, which leads to the inevitable death of the plant.
  2. The spread of infection begins from the stalk. In this case, pathogenic microorganisms infect the stalk through the soil or insects. It changes color to dark and becomes softer. The disease progresses rapidly inner leaves acquire a dirty cream color, soften and eventually the head of cabbage falls off.

Cabbage rots during storage for a long time goes unnoticed. The inner part of the stalk gradually decomposes and turns into a slimy mass with a putrefactive odor. It is possible to detect bacteriosis when most of the head of cabbage is affected.

Causes of the disease

Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum (Jones) Waldee is a bacterium that is the causative agent of bacteriosis. The pathogenic microorganism is widespread everywhere. It is active and affects crops most often against the background of reduced plant immunity. There are several reasons that trigger the slowdown protective work immune system.

Imbalance of nutrients in the soil

Excessive nitrogen content in the soil leads to the growth of huge leaves. In this case, the structure of the leaf plates becomes very loose and porous. Through such a surface, microbes easily penetrate plant cells.

A lack of calcium further aggravates the situation. Plant growth stops, leaves become thin and fragile. Even a slight wind easily tears and damages cabbage. Through wounds, the infection quickly affects the culture.

To avoid an imbalance of substances in the soil, the soil should be properly prepared for planting. Adding fresh manure or rotted manure in excess will cause the cabbage to become “fatty.” Feeding cabbage can be carried out strictly in accordance with the recommendations of agronomists. In this case, it is better to stick to the golden mean, not to overfeed the plants and not make them suffer from a lack of substances. So, with growth nitrogen fertilizers cabbage is no longer required, but phosphorus-potassium compounds will be very useful.


Can be used as phosphorus-potassium fertilizer wood ash. In addition to potassium and phosphorus, ash contains a large amount of micro- and macroelements.


The disease develops especially actively in damp and hot weather. Air temperature above 25 °C and high humidity– favorable conditions for the rapid proliferation of bacteria. During long and prolonged rains, a water film forms on the surface of cabbage leaves. Microbes accumulate in stagnant water and penetrate the plant tissue.

Protect cabbage from high temperatures impossible, but you can try to hide the plants from excess moisture. To do this, during rainfall, you can pull over the vegetable bed plastic film.

Violation of agricultural technology

Cabbage is not a very capricious crop, but failure to follow the basic rules of planting and care leads to disease. Main mistakes:

  • increased soil acidity;
  • location vegetable bed in the shadow;
  • violation of the landing pattern;
  • excessive watering and watering from above;
  • non-compliance with crop rotation;
  • allowing the formation of a surface crust on the soil;
  • unbalanced feeding.

Pest damage


To repel pests from the cabbage bed, you can plant plants with a strong aroma, such as marigolds or garlic, between the heads of cabbage.

Late harvest

There is an opinion among gardeners that cabbage should be harvested only after a good frost. This opinion is wrong; frozen cabbage is not suitable for long-term storage. Even if the freezing depth is not great, the risk of bacteriosis is very high. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the weather forecasts for the coming days and, if the temperature drops significantly, try to harvest the crop.

Treatment and prevention

It is not possible to save a crop affected by mucous bacteriosis. Cabbage showing signs of disease is not suitable for consumption. In addition, the disease can spread to other crops. Therefore, when diseased heads of cabbage are discovered, they are immediately removed from the beds, carefully collecting all plant debris.

You can save cabbage from this insidious disease by regular prevention and compliance with the rules of growing and caring for the crop.

Preventative treatments

Preventative treatments important stage in protecting cabbage from bacterial infections and pest attacks. Can be used as store chemicals, as well as folk remedies.

Chemicals and their use

  • Before transplanting cabbage seedlings to the garden bed, the roots of the seedlings are immersed for two hours in a suspension of the drug “Fitosporin-M”. For 10 liters of settled water, 40 ml of the drug must be diluted.
  • During the formation of the fifth leaf, cabbage is sprayed with Gamaira solution. One tablet of the drug is diluted in one liter of water. Consumption ready-made composition: 1 liter per 10 m2.
  • During the period of active growth, the leaves are sprayed with a 0.1% Sporobacterin working solution at intervals of 15 days. Consumption 1 liter per 10 m2.

When processing cabbage various compositions it should be remembered that the edible part is located above the ground and therefore chemical compositions can be used no later than 30 days before harvest.

Folk recipes

Folk recipes are primarily aimed at combating pests that violate the integrity of cabbage leaves, weaken the plants and spread infection.

  • Horsetail decoction

To prepare 200 grams of dried herb, pour boiling water (10 liters) and let it brew for 24 hours. The resulting infusion is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5 and sprayed onto the cabbage.

  • Onion-garlic cocktail

In 10 liters of boiling water, infuse 1 cup of onion and 3 cups of garlic peels for 24 hours. After the time has passed, the tincture is filtered and sprayed on the vegetables at intervals of once every seven days.

  • Essential oil solution

Fir or eucalyptus oil in the amount of 20 drops is diluted in 10 liters of water. Cabbage beds are sprayed with an aromatic solution.

  • Vinegar solution

For 10 liters of water you need to dissolve two tablespoons of 9% vinegar. The resulting mixture is used to irrigate the cabbage.

You should know!

Mucous bacteriosis persists long time on the plant remains of affected plants, so they are burned or taken far beyond the site.

Except preventive treatments Following simple rules will help you avoid encountering mucous bacteriosis in your area:

  • choose cabbage varieties that are most resistant to diseases. Cabbage varieties that are completely immune to mucous bacteriosis have not yet been developed. But by choosing a variety that is resistant to most fungal diseases, the risk of infection is reduced.
  • treat seeds before planting. Seeds treated before planting produce strong shoots, from which plants grow with stronger immune system. For processing, you can use ready-made products, such as Epin. Two drops of the substance are diluted in 100 ml of water. The seeds are immersed in the resulting solution for 5 hours. From folk remedies It is effective to soak the seeds for a day in the juice of an aloe flower, diluted in half with water.
  • disinfect the soil. To destroy pathogens living in the soil, the soil can be watered copper sulfate. For ten liters of water, one tablespoon of the substance is enough. Before processing, the soil must be loosened. Disinfection is carried out in the spring 2-3 weeks before planting cabbage and in the fall after harvesting.
  • Monitor the acidity of the soil. Besides the fact that cabbage simply does not like soils with high acidity, an acidic environment is ideal place for the growth of bacteria. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the pH of the soil and deoxidize the soil if necessary. Baking soda will deal with this problem perfectly. It can be applied immediately before planting cabbage in dry or diluted form.
  • apply crop rotation rules. The basis of crop rotation is the rule not to plant the same crop two years in a row in the same place. It is best to alternate different groups of crops annually. The ideal precursors for cabbage are: potatoes, tomatoes, garlic, and onions.
  • follow the planting pattern. The cabbage planting scheme must strictly comply with the recommendations of the variety's originator. In no case should you save space and plant plants often. Thickened placement leads to poor air circulation and accumulation of water on the leaves, and this contributes to the spread of bacteriosis.
  • do not violate the storage regime for vegetables. A month before storing cabbage, it is necessary to disinfect the cellar or basement. To do this, you can use ready-made products or dilute a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate. All surfaces should be treated with antiseptic solutions. The air temperature in the vegetable storage should be maintained at 3-4 degrees Celsius. Heads of cabbage can be laid out on racks or hung by stalks. In this case, there must be sufficient distance between them so that air can circulate freely.


In order for the cabbage to be stored better on the day of cutting, it is left to lie on fresh air for 8-9 hours.