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Why can't you keep a monstera at home? Monstera - why you can’t keep it at home

It is difficult to imagine housing in the modern world without vegetation. Every home has indoor plants, ordinary and exotic, that add a special touch. Tropical settlers create a special microclimate, and various beliefs are associated with them. Monstera is one of these plants; we’ll find out why you can’t keep it at home.

General information

Monstera arrived on the European continent at the end of the eighteenth century from the forests of South and Central America. The trunk is classified as a vine of the Araceae family.

In nature, the plant reaches gigantic sizes; carved leaves and aerial roots seem a little creepy, especially in the semi-darkness. At home, the flower has large leaves, reaching half a meter in diameter. The leaf blade is dark green, leathery, shiny. The trunk of the plant is thick, with small fibers near the petioles. There are a lot of roots, they go down in search of soil with nutrients and moisture.

The name of the plant is translated as “bizarre”, “amazing”; our compatriots associate monstera with other concepts. Superstitious people compare the plant with a monster, these thoughts were fueled by travelers who saw human remains entwined with vine roots. Is this really true, is monstera harmful in a residential building?

What to be afraid of

The list of complaints about the plant is decent; most of the points are based not on scientific facts, but on signs and beliefs:

  1. The most terrifying reason why it cannot be grown indoors is the belief that it drives men out of the house. If a flower grows on an unmarried girl, she will never get married. A married couple will certainly separate; the vine does not like the stronger sex.
  2. Some consider the plant to be an energy vampire; if there is negativity in the home, it will absorb it, defusing the situation. If there is peace and comfort in the house, the monstera “throws out” the negative, provoking the residents to make trouble.
  3. It is a fiction that the plant contains or produces toxic substances. Unlike definbachia, monstera does not have the substances necessary for this. The fruits are harmful to living beings, but few people have observed flowering; we are not talking about fruits at home at all. The claim that Monstera is poisonous is false.
  4. Monstera growing in a house emits a huge amount of carbon dioxide, which causes suffocation in humans. It has been scientifically proven that the plant will not be able to reproduce that much poisonous gas.

It’s up to you to trust the myths; the facts have not been scientifically confirmed. As for the fruits, it is known that there is no poison in them. The above-ground part, leaves, and fruits contain irritants; chewing them causes a burning sensation in the mouth and gastrointestinal tract. This is the main reason why you should refrain from growing it if you have small children or inquisitive pets in the house.

Beliefs about the flower of other peoples

Eastern countries have a different attitude towards monstera in the house; it will not cause harm, only benefit. Is it possible to keep a flower at home is not discussed:

  • The standard is installed in a room with a sick person, they believe that the plant will take away the disease and eliminate headaches.
  • Liana is necessary for those who take on several things. The plant will help organize thoughts, bring clarity, and increase concentration.
  • In its homeland, the monstera is considered a talisman of the hearth; many plant it at the entrance to protect against evil spirits.
  • The plant will attract luck and luck if other representatives of the flora are placed nearby in the same room. The most suitable are geraniums and begonias of various shades.
  • Many nationalities believe that monstera in the house absorbs harmful radiation; you will find it in the kitchen near the refrigerator or microwave. The common room becomes another place of permanent residence; a standard is installed near the TV.

As you can see, the exotic vine evokes completely opposite beliefs among different peoples.

What will Feng Shui say?

The teachings of Feng Shui are gaining more and more popularity all over the world, and many are trying to strictly follow it. It did not ignore the monstera, the harm and benefits for humans in the home. According to the rules of harmony with nature, the standard has the following features:

  • is able to put a person’s thinking in order and facilitate the formulation of phrases;
  • the aura created by the vine encourages you to take more decisive steps;
  • You cannot place the tub in the bedroom; the tub weakens the libido of the spouses.

The latter fact forces you to keep the vine in hallways, kitchens, and dining rooms. At enterprises, the flower decorates meeting rooms.

Reasons to grow indoors

Scientists studied the monstera indoor flower and gave an answer as to whether it is possible to keep it in the house. Tropical liana is necessary in the house, scientifically proven:

  • the large surface area of ​​the plant leaves supplies the maximum amount of oxygen;
  • a room with dry air is filled with moisture in a short period;
  • actively absorbs dust, soot, carcinogens from the atmosphere;
  • leaves secrete substances that inhibit harmful microbes and bacteria;
  • used as a barometer; before rain or thunderstorms, small droplets of moisture appear on the leaves.

In addition, the plant will be a wonderful addition to any interior; the tropical liana will fit perfectly into the living room, kitchen, and hallway.

Monstera is an unusual flower in the truest sense of the word. This is how its name is translated into Russian. Those who grow this plant are often faced with a huge number of contradictory signs and superstitions. Some people consider Monstera a plant of good luck, some as an energy vampire, others as a “husband buster”. Such statements may seem controversial. But the beauty of the monstera does not require proof.

Monstera: truth and fiction

Monstera can be called a scandalous plant. Several centuries ago she was accused of murder! On one of the continents, human skeletons were allegedly found under the shoots of this plant. Of course, all this was a newspaper duck. Monstera is absolutely safe. Unlike some plants, such as Dieffenbachia, it is not poisonous. This means that it can be safely grown in homes where there are children or pets. At the same time, care should be taken to ensure that they do not tear off the leaves of this vine. Inside them there are sharp formations that look like small needles. When they come into contact with mucous membranes, they cause a slight burning sensation.

Monstera acts as a green indoor filter. It not only absorbs bad impurities in the air, but also suppresses the development of viruses, microorganisms and fungi.

From the point of view of its impact on humans, monstera has different abilities. It can pacify and suppress negative emotions.

Monstera can not only purify the air, but also moisturize it. Therefore, it is recommended to install it in extremely dry rooms. By the way, they say that This indoor plant can predict weather changes. Before heavy rain or thunderstorms, small drops of water can be seen on its large carved leaves.

The positive effect of Monstera on the indoor microclimate can be increased. For this it is necessary. Its leaves purify the air, so dust constantly accumulates on them, which reduces the absorption of harmful impurities. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically wipe the leaves of the plant and give them a light shower.

Monstera: why can’t you keep it at home?

  • Many people consider Monstera to be a flower that absorbs energy. This has its pros and cons. If you place the potty in a room where you sleep or often visit, then negative influences may occur. On the other hand, they say that the flower can also attract bad energy. For example, to treat a severe headache. To do this, just rest a little near the pot.
  • Plants are recommended to be grown in houses with a poor atmosphere. Monstera will help expel all negativity. But in an apartment where peace and tranquility reigns, it is not recommended to keep such a flower.
  • Another feature tells gardeners that they should not put a monstera pot in the bedroom. At night, it absorbs oxygen and releases carbon dioxide.
  • Most likely, such a number of negative opinions around growing a flower is associated with its appearance. Huge leaves, twisted roots, and growth in the dark leave an imprint of mysticism and mystery on the monstera.

  • It is worth noting that in other countries the plant is considered extremely useful. Monstera is loved in Asia and the East. In some regions it is placed in a room with a sick person for a speedy recovery, in others it is planted in front of the house as a talisman. Other positive qualities of monstera: the ability to eliminate chaos in thoughts and organize them, and increase a person’s concentration.
  • Monstera is necessary for those who are ambivalent and take on many things at once. This plant eliminates clutter around. It is believed that the flower protects the hearth and brings happiness and good luck. For those who want to grow monstera at home, but are afraid of bad omens, it is recommended to keep other flowers in the same room. Geranium and begonia will help balance energy absorption. It is believed that the plant becomes harmless if there is a cat in the apartment.
  • If you still take a risk, believing in its positive properties, then it is best to choose a large diameter pot. The plant has strong roots. It is better to keep the flower in partial shade. Every few years it needs to be replanted into a larger pot. The flower is propagated by aerial roots or cuttings.

A cute ornamental monstera plant that grows quite large in size, it looks great in living rooms or spacious hallways. However, many are wary of keeping the plant at home, citing its danger. Does Monstera really pose a threat to physical or psychological health, and perhaps even human life, or are all the “horror stories” just ridiculous speculation?

Monstera saturates with negative energy

Girls who are unlucky in their personal lives often attribute their failures to this plant, claiming that it absorbs positive energy and negatively affects a person’s aura. It is believed that Monstera literally pumps out all vitality and positive attitude. However, some people are trying to convey to the general public that everyone has an individual relationship with plants, and if one person doesn’t like a flower, then another experiences a real surge of strength when being next to it. There is already a greater grain of truth in this statement than in the blind belief in the exclusively negative impact of the plant on energy.

In fact, any plant that does not want to grow or acquire a mass of flowering shoots, dries out every now and then, or is simply not liked by the owners of the home, can have a “bad influence,” but who wouldn’t be pleased with beautiful, succulent leaves and bright flowers? Negative energy is one of the most common myths about the monstera and why it cannot be kept at home, but only in offices or public places.

There is no oxygen near the monstera

There is a claim that due to the large area of ​​green leaves, it is simply dangerous for a person to be in the same room with the plant. It’s as if the monstera will “take away” absolutely all the oxygen, and a person suffering from oxygen starvation for a long time will get sick and suffer from obesity due to a slowdown in metabolism due to a lack of oxygen. Pregnant women and patients with diseases of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are most frightened.

In fact, the plant cannot literally “take away” all the air, leaving no chance for a person to breathe normally. Quite the contrary - thanks to the same vast surface of the leaves, Monstera is able to saturate the air with oxygen and even significantly moisten it with evaporating particles of moisture.

Monstera is a poisonous plant

The indoor monstera is not a poisonous plant and will not harm not only people or animals, but also other plants. There are even absolutely edible species that residents of India and Australia enjoy eating. However, this fact is not worth checking “on your own skin” - the gastrointestinal tract will not say “thank you” in any case.

The only reason why Monstera can become a nuisance for small children or completely unintelligent pets is the presence of invisible needle-like formations on the leaves. If it comes into contact with damaged skin or mucous membranes, the leaf can cause a slight burning sensation, which goes away quite quickly without any external intervention. Monstera can cause an allergic reaction only in extremely rare cases. Of course, the possibility of a non-standard reaction cannot be completely excluded, since the sensitivity of each person is different.

Useful properties of the plant

With so many myths and speculations, often completely unfounded, monstera is not deprived of useful properties. The plant perfectly absorbs dust, in return it moisturizes and saturates the air with oxygen, releases beneficial substances that relieve headaches and insomnia, and destroys harmful viruses and mold. In addition, it is undemanding in care, distinguished by its beauty, and some believe that it is the monstera that allows you to maintain comfort in the house and attract good luck.

Monstera: is it possible to keep a plant at home?

Whether to keep Monstera at home as a houseplant or not is everyone’s personal choice. In the end, some may simply not like the appearance, and in some interiors the monstera will simply become “out of place.”

“Bizarre” and “amazing” - this is how the name of the Monstera flower is translated. This beautiful liana grows in tropical forests, has large, leathery, shiny leaves and many aerial roots. Those who believe in various signs and superstitions have doubts about Monstera. Is it possible to keep this vine at home or is it more suitable for offices?

Quirky is able to predict precipitation, for which people call her “crybaby.” Before rain, drops form on its leaves.

The first thing that catches your eye is the large leaves of the plant, each of which has holes and characteristic cuts. It is they who attract gardeners and make Monstera one of the most popular indoor flowers.

Since the plant is a liana, its stem, even at home, can reach several meters in length. Therefore, the flower needs support. With good care, it can bloom and form a corn-cob-like fruit with sweet and sour flesh. Only well-ripened fruits are used for food, from which the scales are easily separated. An unripe fruit contains a lot of sodium crystals, which can cause a burn to the oral mucosa. In their homeland, plants from Monstera fruits are made into jam and used for dressing ice cream and cocktails.

Monstera at home: care features, photos

Growing in tropical forests Is it possible to keep a monstera at home? Many people ask this question because they doubt whether the vine can survive in indoor conditions? It turns out that there is nothing difficult about caring for this bizarre plant. In order for it to grow and delight with its beautiful leaves, you must adhere to certain conditions:

  1. Place in good lighting without direct sunlight. The plant even tolerates shade, so it can be grown on the wall opposite the window.
  2. The air temperature should be moderate. At high temperatures, the vine grows quickly and will need to be pruned.
  3. The flower needs to be watered abundantly, and its aerial roots should be sprayed regularly. In this case, there should be no stagnation of water in the soil.
  4. Every two weeks from spring to autumn, it is recommended to fertilize decorative foliage plants with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. The plant can be propagated by cuttings and air layering with leaves and roots.
  6. Young vines are replanted annually, and in adult plants the top layer of soil is renewed in the spring.

Having studied the rules written above, you can immediately understand - can Monstera be kept at home? This unpretentious the flower is completely undemanding in care , but is able to decorate the green corner of the apartment with chic leaves.

Superstitions and signs about Monster

at? Many people are afraid to keep this flower in their apartment because of its name, which is similar to the word “monster”. And some consider the vine to be poisonous and think that it only brings harm. Should we believe them and can Monstera be kept at home?

In fact, these are all rumors. A flower with large leaves cannot have any negative impact on human health. It has been proven that even allergy sufferers can grow the plant. Of course, if you chew the leaves, their juice may cause burning of the mucous membranes. That is why you need to make sure that children and animals do not pick leaves and put them in their mouths.

In fact, the “crybaby” vine only brings benefits:

  1. Flower in Southeast Asia M O nstera is considered a symbol of good luck, health and happiness . It is placed near the patient and grown to preserve the hearth.
  2. Large leaves collect dust on their surface and release oxygen.
  3. Liana absorbs the negativity that is in the house. Thanks to this, everything is going well in the family.
  4. According to Eastern teachings, the plant helps formulate thoughts, treats headaches, develops intelligence, strengthens the nervous system.

If you still doubt whether Monstera can be kept in the house, then mark the vine in the office. Here it will help increase efficiency, add vigor and decorate the interior of the room with its spreading carved leaves.

Each owner decides for himself what colors to decorate the room with. It is unlikely that Monstera will be able to harm household members. A plant with fancy shiny foliage can only bring pleasure and joy.

Monstera is one of the brightest representatives of tropical fauna. It is especially popular among flower growers due to its unpretentiousness and spectacular appearance. However, many believe that keeping it in the house is dangerous for humans. The question of what harm the monstera causes and why it cannot be kept at home is asked by everyone who wants to grow this vine. In this article we will try to answer it.

Monstera description, photo

Monstera is an evergreen perennial tropical vine. Belongs to the arum family. Initially it was assigned to the genus Philodendron. However, in 1763, based on a combination of characteristics, it was identified as a separate genus.

It is a giant climbing vine that grows in humid tropical and subtropical jungles. Currently, science knows about 50 of its varieties.

As an ornamental plant suitable for indoor use, it gained popularity at the end of the 18th century. It was then that the fashion began in Europe to grow exotic species of flora in greenhouses and winter gardens.

Important! Scientific research continues today. At the end of the 20th century, tropical fauna researcher Thomas Croatt described 6 new species.

Distribution area

Natural habitat - Southern Mexico, tropical forests of Brazil and Guiana. In addition, in the 19th century it was introduced into Southeast Asia. In wild jungle conditions, its height can reach 30 meters. The long aboveground stem usually twines around tall trees, attaching to the trunk with the help of adventitious aerial roots.

When grown in artificial conditions, it has a more modest size - in greenhouses it can reach a size of about 10 meters, in apartments - a maximum of 5.


The leaves are large (up to 0.5 meters in diameter), round in shape, pointed at the ends with long flexible stalks. The leaf plate is dark green in color and covered with slots of different shapes and sizes over the entire surface. The leaves of young representatives of the species are entire and heart-shaped. After reaching a size of 10 cm, deep cuts begin to appear on them.


The root system consists of large quantity aerial and adventitious roots. The seeds usually germinate in the bark of large trees, on which it grows slowly, like an epiphyte. As it grows, long aerial roots are produced from the base of the main stem, several from each large leaf. Having reached the earthen surface, they bend and produce lateral roots covered with small root hairs.

When the roots become stronger in the ground, the vine begins to grow quickly, twining along the tree on which it sprouted.

Important: adventitious aerial roots are additional organs of the monstera. With their help, it is able to obtain the necessary moisture from the air.

Flowers and fruits

The flowering process occurs annually. The flowers are small, bisexual, united in the shape of a spadix, and are formed at the nodes. The color of the buds is white or beige, the core is yellow and has a cylindrical shape. Fruit ripening time is 10 – 14 months. The fruits are edible and have the shape of a cob. The fruits are called berries.

When grown indoors, it is almost impossible to create favorable conditions for flowering. Therefore, almost all photos of flowering vines were taken in natural conditions.

Monstera origin

There are 2 versions of the origin of the name. According to the first, the name comes from the Latin monstrum - monster. The first tropical forest exploration expeditions mistook the vine's dangling aerial roots for monstrous tentacles. The roots often grew through the skeletons of animals or careless travelers. This created the impression that it was the plant that killed people and animals, piercing them through.

According to the second version, the liana got its name from the Latin monstrosus, which means amazing, bizarre. Supporters of this version believe that this name was given for its beautiful and unusual appearance.

Interesting! Another name for monstera is crybaby. When air humidity increases, drops of water appear on the leaves, and it seems that the flower is crying.

Is it true that Monstera is a poisonous plant?

The aroid family is very numerous and has 9 subfamilies. Among them there are many species that are classified as poisonous. For example, philodendrons have a poisonous milky sap.

Monstera does not have laticifers, but in the intercellular spaces there are microscopic needle-like formations of calcium oxalate, called raphides, which, when they get on the mucous membrane, can cause a short-term burning sensation.

This usually happens when trying to chew leaves or unripe fruits. If the plant juice comes into contact with the skin, a burning sensation may also occur. Otherwise, this decorative foliage plant does not pose a danger to people.

Remember! If you have children or pets at home who can chew the leaves, you should be careful. The juice does not cause serious health problems, but discomfort is guaranteed.

Monstera flower - signs and superstitions, myths and reality

There is a widespread belief that Monstera should not be kept in residential premises. The only suitable place for it is office space. This point of view is based on numerous mythical properties that are attributed to this representative of the exotic flora.

The unusual appearance - huge dissected leaves of a strange shape and hanging roots, caused people to feel anxiety and fear. The vine, mistaken for a predator, was given the Latin name Monstéra, and this is the main reason for most fears and superstitions.

The plant is not capable of having a negative effect and does not emit any volatile compounds harmful to health - this is a superstition. There are some of the most persistent misconceptions that have existed for several decades.

Why do many people think that monstera should not be kept in the house?

The most famous myth is the poisonous properties of the vine. According to most people, absolutely all parts are poisonous. A person whose skin or mucous membranes get the plant juice gets severe poisoning, burns the esophagus and oral cavity. Which can even lead to death.

Why is this version popular? This is due to poor knowledge of the basics of botanical classification. Indeed, quite a lot of poisonous plants belong to the aronaceae family. However, not a single authoritative botanical reference book contains information about the poisonous properties of monstera.

Know! The calcium oxalate contained in the leaves is not poisonous. And the fruits can be eaten.

Other common superstitions about the monster:

  1. He is an energy vampire. Capable of absorbing positive energy, destroying the aura, personal life and negatively influencing fate.
  2. She cannot stand male energy and drives men out of the house. For this reason, it should not be kept by unmarried women. Young girls will not be able to get married, and married couples are likely to break up.
  3. Absorbs huge amounts of oxygen. It cannot be grown in a residential area; it is especially dangerous to place it in the bedroom - this can cause attacks of suffocation. This statement is based on the erroneous belief that large plants release oxygen during the day, absorbing carbon dioxide, and vice versa at night.

In addition to the negative properties, Monstera is also credited with a lot of positive qualities:

  1. He is the guardian of the home: he does not let bad people into the house, attracts wealth, good luck and ensures longevity.
  2. Capable of absorbing disease. To do this, it must be placed at the bedside of a sick person.
  3. May cure headaches.
  4. Helps organize the space around you.
  5. Has the ability to absorb electromagnetic radiation.

Curious! Droplets of water appearing on the leaves are the first sign of imminent rain.

Whether or not to believe in the extraordinary properties of the vine, everyone decides for themselves. However, if a person is influenced by superstitions, then it is better for him not to get a monstera.

Feng Shui and monstera in the house

The Chinese practice of symbolic exploration of space is very popular in Russia. It is believed that placing ornamental plants in accordance with all the rules of this teaching promotes energy balance and proper distribution of energy flows, creates comfort and enriches the space with oxygen.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, flowers used in decorating a room should be unpretentious and have a pleasant appearance. Monstera has both of these qualities. The apartment where this flower grows will have a healthy energetic atmosphere. It stabilizes energy flows and puts thoughts in order.

It should be placed in rooms with a lot of yang energy. The best place would be the hallway, corridor, living room and kitchen. The vine will also show its useful qualities (the ability to organize space) in the office.

Know! The bedroom is the least successful place to locate a flower. Monstera reduces libido, which leads to a deterioration in family relationships.

Conditions of detention, care and reproduction of monstera

To successfully maintain any plant, it is necessary to provide conditions that are closest to natural. Monstera is a rather unpretentious plant, but nevertheless it requires special care. This is especially true for maintaining the required level of humidity and temperature.


You can grow a vine in 2 ways - from seeds or from plant cuttings. The most favorable time to buy is spring. During the warm summer period, the plant will be able to adapt to the environment and will more easily endure the period of lower temperatures.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the condition of the leaf blade and aerial roots. The leaves should be intact and the roots should be strong.


The optimal temperature for keeping in the summer will be 22-24 degrees. At higher temperatures, active growth begins to occur. In winter, the temperature should not fall below 10 degrees.


The soil should always remain slightly moist, but not soggy. In summer, watering must be done daily with settled warm water. During the winter period, watering should be done 2 days later, after the top layer of soil has completely dried.

In addition, regular spraying of the leaf plate is necessary. In summer - daily, in winter it is enough to spray the leaves every 3 days.

Important! The earthen lump should not dry out.


Pruning is necessary in 2 cases:

  1. The presence of damaged or rotten parts of the trunk or leaves.
  2. The desire to form a more magnificent crown. After removing the upper part, growth in width occurs.


Favorable conditions will be diffused sunlight or partial shade. The liana does not tolerate frequent movements, so a place for a permanent location should be chosen very carefully. Placing it on the north side will not allow the leaves to develop normally - they will be weakly colored, small in size, and without characteristic slits. Direct sunlight will cause the leaves to dry out and turn yellow.


The most common growing problem is lack of moisture. This may lead to the following consequences:

  • darkening and dryness of the leaf blade;
  • the appearance of pests - spider mites and scale insects.

If these symptoms occur, it is necessary to increase watering and the frequency of spraying the leaves. It is recommended to control pests using pesticides.

Too much watering is no less harmful. Yellowed lower leaves and the appearance of rotten areas are the first sign of excess moisture. If these signs occur, watering is temporarily reduced and the affected leaves are removed.

Know! With proper care, Monstera rarely suffers from pests and diseases.


The time of active growth is summer and early spring. During this period, it is recommended to use fertilizers (mineral or organic). Without this, the growth of the vine slows down. Young plants do not need additional food sources.

If in winter the room is maintained heat, then you can use fertilizers at this time, but in smaller quantities.


The most popular and easiest method of propagation is stem cuttings. To do this, take a small part of the stem. For successful rooting, there must be at least 2 buds on it.

The cuttings are placed horizontally in a container with special soil. One kidney should be on the ground. The optimal soil composition will be: a drainage layer and 2 cm of humus or peat soil. You need to pour a few centimeters of sand on top. To preserve moisture, cover the top of the container with a glass jar.

The constant temperature in the room should be at least 20 degrees. Watering is carried out regularly 2 times a day: morning and evening. When the first leaf is formed, you can transplant it into a permanent pot. No less popular is propagation by apical cuttings. To do this, cut off the upper part of the stem with the formed leaf and aerial root. Such cuttings can be immediately planted in a permanent pot.

Remember! The seed propagation method is practically not used. This is due to the fact that under artificial conditions flowering is a very rare occurrence.


During the first 4 years, the vine actively grows, so replanting into a larger pot is recommended annually. Then, the frequency of replanting can be reduced to 1 time every 3 years. But it is recommended to replace the topsoil annually.

The optimal soil mixture looks like this:

  • compost soil;
  • peat soil;
  • sand.

All components are taken in equal proportions. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the pot.


Under favorable conditions, the first flowering can begin in the 2nd year of life. Although in our climatic conditions this happens very rarely.

Root system

Aerial roots are an important part of the root system. The more roots, the more nutrients the plant can receive. Under no circumstances should the roots be removed. They need to be directed along the trunk towards the ground. If this is not possible, the roots are collected in several pieces and placed in a separate pot with soil.

They are also necessary to keep the vine upright. For these purposes, tubes, gratings or ropes are used, on which adventitious roots can get caught.

Useful properties of monstera

In addition to unproven superstitions and signs, the plant has very real beneficial qualities:

  1. Thanks to the large area of ​​the leaf plate, it enriches the air with oxygen and aerons and absorbs carbon dioxide.
  2. Absorbs harmful impurities in the house.
  3. It has bactericidal properties and inhibits the activity of fungi, viruses and bacteria.
  4. Dust accumulates on wide leaves.

Important! Monstera is able to absorb formaldehyde, which is emitted by some modern building materials.


In addition, the exotic beauty of the plant with large shiny leaves and many hanging aerial roots brings new colors to the home interior and creates a tropical corner of the house. We hope that we were able to dispel the misconception about why the monstera flower cannot be kept at home.

Video: is it possible to keep a monstera flower in the house?