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Popular products from Europe and America. Business ideas from Europe

Having decided to open his own business, every entrepreneur is faced with the need to choose a type of activity. In most cases, business ideas are based on the development experience of successful Russian businessmen, which is not always justified. For this reason, you should not get hung up on common options, but rather pay attention to those foreign business ideas that are not available in Russia.

Why do business ideas from abroad have the right to develop in Russia?

Entrepreneurship always remains relevant - most people working “for their uncle” dream of their own business, in addition, the state provides various subsidies and support that contribute to the development of the business. However, beginning businessmen often encounter a number of problems, including an insufficient legal framework and difficulties in conducting business.

In America and Europe, business is a significant market segment that provides economic growth. Doing business in these countries is somewhat easier than in Russia, since the entrepreneur receives advisory and information support completely free of charge. In addition, the rights of the owner of his business are reliably protected at the legislative level.

What attracts Russian entrepreneurs to small business ideas abroad?

Reasons for attention There are several business innovations abroad:

What do you need to know before implementing Western business ideas that do not exist in Russia?

Having decided to open your own business based on a Western business idea, you must consider the following factors.

Demand. Not every business that brings income to Western businessmen will be as successful in Russia. For example, a special taxi for animals or a hotel for pets will be in demand exclusively in megacities or regional centers, and in small towns the enterprise will be unprofitable.

Possibility of purchasing equipment. If you decide to organize a business for the production of goods, then make sure that you can purchase original equipment or its analogues in Russia and abroad.

Own financial and physical capabilities. Among the domestic ideas there are many that do not require large financial and time expenditures.

For example, it offers partners for 59,000 rubles to receive ready-made business with an online store. Entrepreneurs will be able to organize the sale of Bumvyazhiki - original handmade dolls.

Unique design matches perfectly with high quality and environmental safety. Businessmen get the opportunity to trade through dropshipping. They are also provided with recommendations to help them make a profit from using the franchise. Partners are offered the opportunity to receive stable income with minimal effort.

However, when implementing a foreign business idea, be prepared for large financial investments (especially if you are opening a production facility) and for working at least 8-10 hours a day - only in this case the business will become profitable and grow.

Popular business in America

U American business There are a lot of ideas, some of which cannot be implemented in Russia due to their absurdity. For example, in Colorado, the Auld Sod Export Company sells dirt and ships it anywhere in the world. Surprisingly, this service is in demand among Americans - in half a year, the creators of the project were able to earn $2 million.

Of course, there are also adequate ideas that are available for implementation in Russia - they can be studied further.

Work as a personal consultant

If you have unique knowledge, then you can easily earn money on your own - open a personal consultation on a specific profile for those who need it.

So, you can advise on psychological, legal, economic, dietary and other issues. The main thing is that you are a truly competent and highly qualified specialist.

Clients who turn to you for help receive obvious benefits:

  • personal information remains confidential and anonymous - the specialist does not know the client’s real data;
  • you don’t have to pay exorbitant sums for the service – its price is affordable.

Since a businessman does not have to pay rent for premises for consultations, the costs of organizing and running a business are reduced, and accordingly, the cost of a consultation is lower.

As a rule, an online consultant quickly recruits a staff of clients, so the business fully pays off within the first couple of months.

Production of car seat covers as a small business idea abroad

In the USA, they have recently begun to produce covers for vehicles designed to protect cars from adverse weather conditions. weather conditions- rain, hail and so on. Such products will be in demand among car owners who regularly leave their cars in the open air.

The easiest way to organize this business is purchasing car covers and their subsequent resale at a certain markup.

Alternatively, you can purchase a franchise from the copyright holder company “Hail Storm Products” for the production of covers, but this will require more impressive financial costs than working as a mediator.

Organization of comfortable tourism

Many people prefer to relax as “savages”, i.e. on one's own. To make their vacation more comfortable, Americans produce and sell special transformable kits that represent a fairly spacious tent. This tent has beds for tourists, small kitchen and other amenities, such as a shower.

In Russia, it is important to engage in both the sale of tourist kits and their rental. It is important to diversify the range of goods offered as much as possible, as well as provide tourists with the opportunity to rent or purchase related products.

Initial Investment into business start from several hundred thousand rubles, and pays off enterprise in 4-5 months.

Production of rubber tiles

Such entrepreneurship belongs to the sphere of production, so a businessman has the opportunity to receive material support from the state. Besides this, the idea has other advantages:

  • small number of competitors;
  • quick payback - from the moment of launch to reaching a stable profit takes less than a year;
  • production profitability exceeds 50%.

Initial material investments production costs are high - about 2 million rubles are spent on acquiring technology, purchasing equipment and raw materials. Sales of products do not cause problems - rubber tiles appreciated by consumers for its long service life, wear resistance, and aesthetic appearance.

Hosting silent events is a popular business idea in America

Quite often, when holding parties and other celebrations at home, neighbors are disturbed by noise and music, which leads to conflicts. Decide this problem simple - just install temporary sound insulation.

This business idea is completely new for Russia, but, according to professionals, its profitability will be quite high - up to 40%.

To engage in such activities, you will need to invest more than a million rubles in the business. This amount will include the purchase of equipment and official registration of the business.

Installation of machines with fresh flowers

The design of such a machine is highly technological:

  • the sales process is fully automated;
  • the assortment is formed after analyzing customer demand;
  • flowers remain fresh for two weeks after being placed in the machine.

In addition to the above advantages, such a business allows the entrepreneur to significantly save on renting premises and salaries of sellers.

Price equipment cannot be called low - one machine will cost 1,000,000 rubles, but this business idea, due to its originality, is quite viable and profitable, and the estimated payback period is six months.

Popular business in Europe

In Europe, new business ideas keep pace with emerging consumer demand, so most types of entrepreneurship are profitable and profitable. Since the needs of Russians are not much different from those of European consumers, it is quite possible to implement the ideas of entrepreneurs from Europe in Russia.

Fuel oil production

This business has a socio-economic focus. In addition, it helps to improve the environmental situation.

Such entrepreneurship has one important plus- a businessman will not have to spend money on purchasing raw materials, since most individuals and companies are ready to give away old tires for free rather than dispose of them themselves.

Fuel oil obtained from tires is used high demand consumers, so there are no problems with selling products. But expenses the cost of organizing and launching production is quite large - they amount to at least 5,000,000 rubles. If you manage to purchase equipment that has already been used, you can reduce the amount of investment by a quarter.

According to forecasts, such business in Russia will pay off in two years.

Edible tableware

In Europe, tableware that can be eaten is especially popular. This idea is also relevant for Russia; it can be implemented in the catering sector.

As a rule, containers are made from jelly or chocolate - this extraordinary approach to serving drinks and desserts delights consumers.

To implement such an idea special investments not required, since containers can be made manually without purchasing equipment. It is worth considering that this idea is auxiliary, that is, it will attract more customers to your cafe or restaurant.

Taxi prepaid

Almost all people use taxi services, but the service provided by companies does not always satisfy customers. For example, if a person goes to work at the same time every day, he has to call a taxi every day and hope that the driver will arrive at the appointed place on time.

The essence of the idea of ​​organizing a “taxi using a prepaid payment system” as a European business idea, which does not exist in Russia, is delivering the car to the client at a pre-agreed time in the right place for a certain period of time. Both the owner of a vehicle fleet and a private owner can implement the idea - to do this, it is enough to agree with several people who need such a service.

Caring for the environment

In Europe, they are especially concerned about the environmental situation, so all ideas related to its improvement are in great demand.

Russian businessmen can adopt the following ideas from their European colleagues:

  • growing vegetables, herbs, fruits in ecologically clean areas without the use of chemical fertilizers and other chemicals. Production costs vary from several tens of thousands of rubles to infinity, the amount directly depends on the type and scale of the production being opened. Will pay off small business for one season;
  • carrying out festive events in eco style. They are held in natural conditions, while using attributes from natural materials. The cost of holding eco-celebrations is quite high, and the expenses of the organizers are minimal, so this business is considered profitable - on average, it pays off in 3-4 months.

There are many ideas for business abroad that do not exist in Russia, but they can be successfully implemented. To prevent such a business from becoming unprofitable, you should analyze its demand and relevance in a particular region, evaluate your own capabilities and approach the organization with maximum responsibility.

If you are having difficulty finding interesting and non-standard idea to start your own business, maybe you should take a closer look at what they are doing in other countries?

So, business ideas from the USA They are distinguished by their originality and freshness, but at the same time, some of them can take root here, we just need to adapt them to our market conditions.

The advantage of adopting American business ideas is that here you will not have competitors, and if there are any, then in minimal quantities.

The downside may be that you will most likely encounter misunderstanding among potential clients, and due to this, the business can “burn out”.

Therefore, let's look at several options for business ideas from the United States that have successfully proven themselves in their homeland, and, perhaps, can take root in the post-Soviet space.

What are business ideas from the USA based on?

First of all, it should be noted that business in the USA has a number of features.

    American business is shaped by a culture that consists of the traditions of many nations.

    For this reason, business ideas from the USA may not be accepted in our countries.

    The service sector is extremely developed in the United States.

    Entrepreneurs always try to make life easier for residents, and creative thinking helps them in this.

    The main component of Eco BLAC bricks is ash.

    It makes up 70% of the total mass.

    The remaining 30% consists of clay, lime and sodium hydroxide.

    To get this famous construction material, no oven is needed, it is formed at normal temperature thanks to alkaline reaction technology.

    Therefore, if you are somehow connected with construction, then take note of this idea.

    Our countries also need bricks.

    5. Dish designer - as a business idea from restaurants and cafes in the USA

    In the USA, such constructors extend to the preparation of salads. The meaning is this:

    • at the beginning it is proposed to choose the base for the future salad;
    • then you can start choosing the main ingredients;
    • At the end, spices and dressing are selected to taste.

    This concept of catering establishments is inspired by the fashion for healthy eating.

    Not many people sticking proper nutrition, want to eat salads with mayonnaise or spicy seasonings.

    So why not give your customers a choice?

    You don't have to limit yourself to just salads.

    Create a menu of several dishes in which you can “play” with ingredients.

    And it’s worth opening such establishments in major cities close to business centers, universities, and other crowded places.

    The video below describes 3 unusual American business ideas:

    6. Business ideas from the USA related to pets

    “The most important thing in business is to focus on creating something important. I just worked on things that I would like to use myself.”
    Mark Zuckerberg

    Americans love to travel, but they can’t always take their animals with them.

    That's why they came up with hotels for pets.

    In Russia and Ukraine, such a business is also not a novelty.

    But in the USA, in addition to hotels, there are also taxis for animals.

    This may sound funny, but such a business is extremely popular in large American cities.

    So, not every owner can take his pet to the veterinarian or to the hairdresser, which is why he resorts to the services of such a service.

    If you are interested in this idea, then it can be implemented in Russia, but it will only be relevant in large cities, as well as among wealthy and extremely busy people.

    This idea can be tried by private veterinary clinics or salons.

    You can offer taxi services to your clients who do not have time for such visits.

    As you can see, business ideas from the USA affect many areas of people's lives and really make it easier.

    It is within your power to implement any of the proposals.

    Know that you have prospects, and perhaps you will be the “pioneer” in the domestic market.

    Analyze our conditions, draw up a detailed business plan and start your own business.

So, I present to your attention, interesting business ideas from America. In principle, people all over the world, with rare exceptions, are built the same way. One head, two arms, two legs. Even the brains of the vast majority are “cooked” the same way. Therefore, we can hardly expect that business ideas abroad are in any way different from ours in Russia. Either they borrow something from us, or we borrow something from them... But still, given the differences geographical location, mentality, economic development, and other “national” characteristics, I decided to take a closer look at “over the hill”, and in particular at the States - as one of the leading and highly developed states in the world.

Precisely, as an “advanced” country, the United States generates business ideas for entrepreneurship with such frequency, as if it were put on stream. And then, after implementation and testing in the United States, these ideas, like waves, spread throughout the planet.

According to the results independent analysis– every third business idea in Russia is American. It should be noted that in terms of putting ideas into practice, Americans are much bolder than others. As with us: “I thought. I thought again. I started doing it. Encountered obstacles. While he was “bypassing”, someone else did it.” And as for “them”: “I started thinking. I started doing it." Because, God forbid, someone gets ahead.

The best business ideas from America:

  • Intimate haircut services. Probably, American “intimate hairdressers” work under the slogan “It should be beautiful everywhere!” However, this idea has already gained some popularity in our country, but for the most part, all haircuts in intimate “places” are done independently. But today it is experiencing its “rebirth”, adopting new secrets of craftsmanship from “overseas” masters. Ideally, this idea will be combined with the opening of an ordinary hairdressing salon.
  • Cafe: dish designer. Imagine the situation: come to a cafe, you want something, but you don’t know what exactly. Sound familiar? Then take a business idea from the States! A cafe where you can choose the ingredients for your dish yourself; experienced chefs will only have to prepare it according to your wishes.
  • Sale of food and drinks in traffic jams. Residents of big cities know how much time they have to spend in traffic jams. Many have gotten the hang of spending this time watching a movie or listening to an audiobook. Why not also have a snack on the road? By the way, calculate how much money you can earn by selling food and drinks in a traffic jam two kilometers long?

  • Baking bakery products with a pattern on the cut. Why are these simple ideas don’t come to mind for Russian creatives? They are probably busy with more serious things. But do you agree that when you cut off a piece of bread, it will be much more pleasant to see a funny cartoon face on the cut, or something else? And you won’t have to persuade the children to eat an extra piece. However, to implement this business idea, you will first need to open your own bakery.

  • Providing an alibi. Of course, we are not talking about support in committing administrative or, even worse, criminal crimes. Although there is still some deviation from moral standards here. Although, some argue that money does not smell. Moreover, those obtained from providing an alibi for an unfaithful husband or flighty wife, or from “true” photographs confirming that you were at “that” time, “there” and with “those”.
  • Hotel for plants. You go on vacation and water while you're away indoor flowers no one to ask? Take them to a plant hotel for the duration of your trip, where they will safely await your return under the supervision of experienced gardeners.

  • Plant walls. How much do you think plants increase the productivity of employees at work, or, on the contrary, help them relax? home environment? Answer: 40 percent in both cases. This is exactly what they noticed and began to implement in American companies. But one or two pots of flowers or a lone palm tree in the corner were not enough. A whole wall of plants - just one look, and you're already in the jungle. Do you think Russian companies will accept this?

In Russia, many of these ideas have not yet been implemented by anyone, the rest are still very, very few presented, so be on time. Remember that while you are thinking about it, a more determined competitor will take advantage of the idea. If none of these ideas suits you for any reason, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the list

If we take as a basis that the Internet in Russia as a whole is following the Western path (although in Lately they are proving the opposite to us), and the country itself as a whole lags behind developed countries by an nth number of years, then, one way or another, we can come to the conclusion that all significant trends in the world will eventually come to us. For example, while in Russia they realize danger of selfies and stamped brochures , in the Rotting West they are already playing around with might and main Belfie And shoe selfies , to which we still have to grow and grow. But we digress.

We have caught for you several interesting and promising trends that are emerging in the United States right now, but we are looking forward to when they come to us and begin to pour traffic with renewed vigor.

1. Online grocery shopping

Online grocery retailers are poised to do best in the coming years in the United States, according to Business Insider Intelligence research. After all, Americans spent $600 billion on food in 2014, but less than 1% of it was spent online.

However, surveys show that people would like to buy products online: users in age categories 21-34 years old (57%) and 35-49 years old (also 57%). The mobile direction is especially promising - almost 37% of Americans noted that they would like to order cakes directly from their phone. However, so far only 5% of US supermarkets allow ordering through their mobile applications.

2. Razor blades online

In the middle of this summer, The Wall Street Journal talked about a new trend: the outbreak of boom in online sales of razor blades . It is curious that for several years such a market practically did not exist, but over the year the volume of online sales of blades almost doubled and amounted to 263 million dollars, or 8% of the total market volume.

It should be noted that for experts such rapid growth has become a complete surprise. It also took the undisputed market leader, Gillette, by surprise. Of course, it is also growing, but small companies are growing much faster. Now the leader in the internet is the Dollar Shave Club company, which 3 years ago was just a funny startup dabbling in provocative videos. Nowadays, their main feature is still the monthly delivery of cardboard envelopes with blades to their subscribers.

3. Doctor's home call services

Another one interesting thing, which is gaining momentum - mobile services that allow call a doctor at home . Such startups provide medical care at home, ranging from vaccinations to stitching wounds. Some also provide professional consultations with nurses via video link and, if something is really wrong, come to the patient.

According to The Wall Street Journal, notable players include Pager, Heal or RetraceHealth. The cost of a doctor's visit is on average 100-200 dollars and is not covered by insurance, but, as practice has shown, people are willing to pay to get help quickly and not waste time visiting a clinic. During the year of its existence, Pager alone was used by about 5k patients. The main target audience is young mothers with children. Routine procedures such as checking cholesterol levels, blood sugar, etc. are also very popular.

4. Mobile applications of job portals

Since everyone is going to mobile, then j ob-portals by th blow on mobile ,” leading HeadHunter expert Andrey Oblomov recently wrote about this. According to him, in the next couple of years the online recruiting market will face challenges that will change it quite significantly. In particular, three theses attracted our attention: the transition to mobile solutions, aggregators and automated systems.

Share mobile traffic will soon reach 60-70%, and mobile hunting applications will catch up and begin to bypass classic desktop players. It is even more interesting that some companies that lagged behind in the field of classic Internet recruiting can take the lead and overtake their older brothers due to a competent mobile strategy, like WhatsApp, for example, overtook Skype. The specialist also points out that in the West, job aggregators like and products that automate the process of searching for candidates on the client’s side are increasingly influencing the market. In the USA, almost all large companies already work with such ATS, and in Germany, Great Britain and Belgium their share is up to 40%.

5. Healthy lifestyle products and cosmetic services

Retail in the USA really shrinking . Thus, sales in department stores in July alone went into the negative by 0.8%, and electronics and Appliances decreased by 1.2%. In parallel with this, Americans began to shell out more for food in restaurants, sports equipment, beauty and medical services - the same restaurants increased by almost 10%.

It is no coincidence that sports equipment and medical services ended up here - a healthy lifestyle in America has already acquired the rank of a cult: they talk about it on TV, write about it on the Internet. Taking care of yourself is fashionable and necessary - hence the rise of services such as teeth whitening, as well as healthy organic eating and fitness trackers. In turn, pharmaceutical chains like CVS offer dietary supplements for every taste - the same productivity pills and stimulation of brain function. By the way, the same CVS already has ongoing project A 3D store on the iOS platform, where you can walk through real halls, look at the real assortment, and also select and pay for goods. And it is quite possible that this will also soon become a trend.


The world is moving to mobile. What can we say? It’s enough to remember that even now Americans spend an average of 4.7 hours a day on smartphones , and Americans use on average about 20 GB of traffic per month. However, in the UK Smartphones have become the most popular device for accessing the Internet and thereby pushed aside the laptops. Russia, of course still lagging behind and it’s not a fact that all these trends will take root here, but we will assume that the world is still moving in one direction. And if not, well, no one is stopping you from pouring money on the USA, Great Britain or Malaysia and enjoying life. =)

More than 300 million people live in the United States; only a very active and productive business can serve, clothe and feed so many people. Therefore, you should not be surprised that America became the birthplace of a huge number of business ideas, which were then replicated throughout the world. A successful idea can bring billions to an American entrepreneur, since the number of potential buyers in the country is large; In addition, in many areas, America is a trendsetter for other continents.

Urban farms

The idea of ​​using skyscrapers to grow greens and vegetables was prompted in the United States by the demand for organic farming. Shelf life of natural plant products small, during delivery the vegetables lose valuable vitamins. Greenhouses on roofs are organized in Canada, South America, Singapore, but it was the Americans who came up with the idea of ​​growing edible herbs, using a high-rise building not horizontally, but vertically.

Enthusiasts have installed a device that resembles a Ferris wheel: instead of booths, the vertical farm has trays with plants. The electric drive rotates them, providing uniform watering and access to light. Another popular idea is to grow greens without any soil at all - using the hydroponic method. In this case, the soil is replaced with mineralized water, which is proposed to be collected during rain in special tanks on the roof.

This is interesting! Skyscrapers are located mainly near the coast, so enterprising residents of the United States use abandoned warehouses and factories for organic farms. An example is the agricultural firm FarmedHere, in an empty warehouse in Chicago; its owner, Jolanta Hardey, grows organic greens here.

According to estimates, the 1st square meter vertical farm yield is 20 times higher than with traditional way plant cultivation. But such a small business requires additional investments - equipment, electricity, mineral fertilizing. However, urban eco-farms are considered not only popular, but also profitable, because delivery costs, staff salaries, chemical fertilizers, heating and irrigation systems. Plants on the innovative farm grow 2 times faster, and crop losses (due to the elements, pests, temperature changes) are minimized.


A “relative” of the previous concept is a kind of indoor mini-farms; in America they are called phytowalls. Walls made of living plants are created in institutions, hotel lobbies, establishments Catering– in the latter case, the greens can be edible and served on the client’s table directly from the wall.

The idea spun off from small businesses on vertical farms: flowers in pots were replaced by vegetation that does without land. The plant wall works for the positive image of the restaurant (hotel) and saturates the air with oxygen, so the number of customers for the new product in the United States is growing - this startup promises to become one of the most popular in the near future.