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Proper planting, care and pruning of jasmine is the key to abundant flowering. Mock orange: planting and care, reproduction and types

Many gardeners have wondered when is the best time to plant jasmine, what care does the flower require, how to properly water and fertilize the plant. In this article you will get answers to these questions, and also learn some interesting facts about jasmine.

Did you know? Exists folk sign: if the jasmine bloomed on May 9, then it is time to treat the trees with infusions against pests.

Comfortable conditions for jasmine, choice of location and temperature

Jasmine is evergreen shrub from the olive family, which is found in the warm zone of both hemispheres. It is cultivated as ornamental plant with beautiful flowers.

Important! Do not confuse jasmine with mock orange, which is often called " garden jasmine».

If you are concerned about the question of where to plant jasmine and what temperature will be optimal for it, then the information presented below is just for you.

For a bush you need open place with good lighting. In the shade, the shrub will also develop normally, but flowering will not be as long and abundant.

Remember that the plant does not like waterlogged soils. When planting, make sure that there is no high groundwater level in the area.

Minimum temperature, which jasmine tolerates painlessly, is 6˚C. Therefore, for the winter the plant needs to be insulated or moved indoors. Optimal temperature for the plant – 18˚С (in winter, the acceptable temperature is 8-10˚С).

How and when is the best time to plant jasmine?

To understand when to plant jasmine in the country in the spring, you need to start not only from the instructions, but also from real weather conditions.

Jasmine is planted in the month of May so that the bushes take root better. It is best to plant a bush in the evening in cloudy weather.

You can plant jasmine in the fall, in September, but in this case it takes root less well.

Prepare a hole for the bush, which should be larger than the root system. The roots are checked for diseases and damage. If there are any, they are removed. Chernozem or a mineral-rich earthen mixture is poured into the hole. You need to plant so that the root collar is at ground level (if you dig too hard, it may rot). After planting, the soil around the plant is compacted and moistened. For better preservation For moisture, jasmine can be mulched with peat or dry leaves (the thickness of the mulch should be no more than 3-4 cm).

It is important to choose suitable soil in which jasmine will feel comfortable.

A mixture of chernozem, ash and humus is used as a substrate. At the same time, about 1 kg of humus and ash is taken for 5 kg of chernozem. Also, do not forget about the drainage, which is laid out at the bottom of the hole when planting. For this you can use crushed stone or gravel.

How to water jasmine correctly

Jasmine does not require specific care, however, the watering schedule must be strictly adhered to so that the plant does not begin to dehydrate.

The plant does not have enough rain moisture, so you need to water the bush on time. Before flowering, you need to water the plant at least 2-3 times. When the jasmine blooms, keep the soil under the bush moist.

Important! With a lack of moisture, jasmine leaves lose turgor and turn yellow.

In addition to watering, you need to loosen the soil every week and remove weeds that grow near the bush.

Fertilizing jasmine, how and when to fertilize the plant

In addition to watering and loosening the soil, fertilizers that need to be regularly applied to the soil are important for shrubs. Therefore, next we will answer the question, how to fertilize jasmine and when to fertilize. In spring, jasmine is fertilized with manure, diluted in water (proportion 1:10). This way you will feed the plant before starting abundant growth and development.

Two years after planting you need to take care of mineral fertilizing jasmine To do this, at the end of spring, add to the soil a mixture of 15 g of urea, 30 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium sulfate, which is diluted in 10 liters of water.

Did you know? Essential oil is obtained from the flowers of Jasmine, which is used in the production of incense and various perfumes.

When is jasmine pruning necessary and how to do it correctly

Jasmine pruning is carried out both for sanitary purposes and to maintain a neat appearance of the plant.

Important! If you prune a young bush excessively, it will bloom only next year.

Plant pruning is carried out in the spring(late April – early May). At the same time, the main branches, on which many young shoots are formed over the summer, are lightly pruned.

Sanitary pruning of jasmine is carried out only after flowering, and the shrub itself may not tolerate the removal of shoots when it blooms.

Sick, weak and dry branches are subject to pruning. You also need to cut off the shoots that grow inside the bush.

Important! After flowering, you need to remove faded inflorescences to save the plant's strength.

Don't forget that Once every 4 years you need to completely renew the plants, cutting off the ground shoots. At the beginning of May, the three main trunks are shortened to 30 cm, the remaining shoots are cut off at the root. Sections need to be processed garden varnish. The renewed plant quickly puts out young shoots and blooms well.

What you need to know about plant transplantation

Indoor jasmine is replanted in March. Young plants require annual replanting, and adults - once every 3 years.

For young plants, when replanting, the following mixture of substrate is used: clay-turf soil, leaf soil and sand in equal proportions.

For old plants double the amount of clay-turf soil, when mixing soil.

Did you know? White jasmine is the national flower of Pakistan, where it is known as "Chambeli".

Features of jasmine propagation, how cuttings are performed

Jasmine can be propagated in three ways: seeds, layering and cuttings.

Let's start with propagation by cuttings. To cut the cutting, take a sharp knife and disinfect it. Cut off the apical shoot so that 3 eyes remain. We make the upper cut 1 cm above the eye (the top needs to be cut off), the lower cut is immediately below the eye. Lower leaves are removed from the cuttings, only the middle leaves remain, which need to be cut by 1/3. After this, the cuttings are planted in an earthen mixture (chernozem + river sand).

The substrate should not retain moisture, otherwise the seedling will rot. For planting, take a small pot, put expanded clay on the bottom, fill it with earthen mixture and plant the cutting so that it is deepened to the middle leaves. The top of the flowerpot is covered glass jar and placed in a warm place (but not in the sun, otherwise the seedling will rot). After planting, you need to regularly water and ventilate the young plant. The room temperature should be 19-20 ˚C.

Mock orange Philadelphus from the Hydrangeaceae family can be found almost throughout the Earth in the northern hemisphere, although Greece is considered to be its homeland. The origin of the name of the shrub is even more interesting and is connected with the Greek province.

Local residents mastered the craft of making smoking pipes, or, after the name of the province, chibouks. And although mock orange is similar to a shrub such as jasmine only in visual indicators, gardeners do not want to give up their erroneous opinion, continuing to call mock orange jasmine.

How to plant mock orange

So that the shrub can show all its beauty, first of all, a suitable place for it is determined.

If the selected area is swampy and shady, he is unlikely to like it.

In such conditions it will stretch out greatly in search of sun rays, delay flowering dates.

And in fact worst case will disappear from excess moisture. That’s why choosing a location is so important. sunny side plot, with soil without signs of waterlogging.

  1. You need to start by preparing the pit for garden jasmine. Its dimensions completely depend only on the volume of the root of the bush. Usually small shrubs are planted, for which a hole measuring 60 x 60 x 60 is considered the most suitable.
  2. If you are planning to plant mock orange as an element of a hedge or in a composition with other ornamental shrubs, you cannot ignore such an indicator as the maximum size of the jasmine crown. When planting a plant to create a hedge, the distance between the bushes is maintained at 0.7 m. With compositional planting, this figure doubles and is 1.5 meters.
  3. Before you start planting the plant, you need to prepare the soil. It should contain 1 share of sand, 2 shares of humus and 3 shares of leaf soil. Before planting the plant, you should dig it in with prepared soil so that the roots do not become weathered. It is also important to take care of drainage, the height of which from the bottom of the pit should be at least 15 cm.
  4. When planting mock orange, carefully monitor the root collar. It should not be located very deep. The depth limit for the root collar is 2 cm from the surface. If you ignore this condition, the jasmine may die from rotting.

How to care for mock orange in the garden

Garden jasmine does not require a scrupulous attitude. One has only to devote the minimum amount of time to him, and he will thank him even more. lush flowering. We'll tell you more below.

What, how and when to feed mock orange

Only once a year late spring, one bucket of diluted infusion of slurry is brought under the jasmine bush. To do this, take 1 part slurry and 10 parts water. Starting from the second year, in addition to manure, fertilizing is added mineral fertilizers.

It includes:

  • urea, in the amount of 15 g,
  • potassium sulfate - 15 g
  • and superphosphate in the amount of 20 grams.

All these components are diluted in a bucket of water, which is enough to feed 2 adult plants. This procedure is recommended to be carried out annually at the beginning of the growing season, in spring period time. After jasmine blooms, urea is excluded from the fertilizing composition, while wood ash is added.

In a bucket of water dilute:

  • 15 grams of potassium sulfate,
  • 30 grams of superphosphate, wood ash 100 gr.
  • This solution is enough for 1 m² of land.

How to water mock orange

During planting, 10 to 20 liters of water are poured under, depending on the size of the bush. Then another 30 liters of water are distributed to water the plant in the first 2 summer months.

Garden jasmine has enough moisture that gets into the ground with precipitation and morning dew. Only in dry periods is it sometimes worth watering the bush abundantly, but without stagnating water.

How to prune mock orange after flowering

Even at the very beginning, before planting, it is necessary to inspect the bush, remove all branches that interfere
formation beautiful crown. Leave branches with two or three healthy buds at the base of the bush. The rest must be removed.

A year later, after the mock orange has faded, an inspection is carried out. They do this in order to eliminate weak branches and those that have undergone a degenerative process. They are removed until growth begins. In the third year and subsequent years (after flowering), the branches are cut down to the part of the growth on which flowering was observed. If pruning rules are violated during sanitary pruning of the bush, up to 25% of dead and old branches are removed. Each subsequent year it will be easier to prune and shape the crown of the jasmine bush.

Trimming jasmine video:

How to propagate mock orange

To propagate plants, use one of the 4 proposed methods:

  • dividing the bush
  • layering
  • cuttings
  • seeds

The plant tolerates any type of propagation well and gardeners have no difficulties with this. When choosing one method or another, you need to know that using a bush seed for propagation, jasmine flowering can only be observed 3 years after planting.

Propagation of mock orange by cuttings

You can propagate mock orange from cuttings in several ways:

  • using annual cuttings cut in early spring, before the start of the growing season;
  • using cuttings taken in the fall.
  • green cuttings.

Further actions will depend on which cuttings are used for transplantation.

How to root cuttings taken in the fall

  • Cuttings are stored until spring. For this they will use basement, Where
    zero temperature is maintained.
  • With the onset of spring, prepared cuttings are placed in holes with sandy soil. In this case, the pair of upper buds should remain above the surface of the earth.
  • By autumn, a full-fledged root will form.
  • Next spring, when the cutting comes out of dormancy, it is cut off. They do this in order to give way to the development of young shoots.
  • In the fall, a fully formed young bush is transplanted to permanent place, specially reserved for him.

How to root garden jasmine cuttings cut in spring video

  • Cuttings are cut only from the healthiest and strongest branches. As for their length, approximately 6 - 8 centimeters is quite enough. Each cut cutting should have a pair of leaves and an internode.
  • In order for such a cutting to form a root, it is placed in greenhouse conditions and planted in prepared soil rich in humus, turf soil and sand.
  • The depth of the cutting is 1 cm.
  • After planting, the cuttings are sprayed several times a day. They do this so that it takes root faster. Approximately, the rooting period of cuttings is 2 - 2.5 months.
  • Hardening young plant- this is one of important stages carried out after rooting of the cuttings. To do this, they begin to open the doors of the greenhouse in the evening hours. For the winter, hardened cuttings with a formed root system are dug in the open ground on the leeward side.

The cuttings are transplanted to a temporary place by May, but the plant can count on a permanent place of growth only after three years.

Reproduction of mock orange by layering

In order for the process of propagation of mock orange by layering to be successful, the most beautiful and healthy bushes are selected in advance, pruning them to the ground in the spring. During the growing season, instead of old branches, young flexible and pliable shoots will begin to emerge.

Next spring, before the first leaves appear, a wire harness is placed on the flexible stem at a distance of 1 cm to the lower bud. After thickening, the stem sprouts roots. They become part of the single root system of the new bush. As soon as the first signs of rooting of the stem appear, it is tilted and sprinkled with nutrient soil.

During the season they hill up a couple of times and do not forget about watering. You should start separating this mock orange stem only with the onset of calendar autumn. Carefully ensure that it is well rooted and has new shoots. It is better not to transplant it immediately to a new place, but to arrange it in a temporary bed so that it becomes strong and hardy. In a couple of years, the mock orange will be ready to be transplanted to a new (permanent) place.

How to propagate garden jasmine by dividing the bush

Large jasmine bushes cannot be handled with this type of propagation. Very good young will do bush. It is not difficult to remove it from the ground and carry out all the operations to divide the bush.

At the first stage, the bush is dug up and carefully freed from lumps of earth so that it is clearly visible in which place it is preferable to divide it. It is important to carry out this procedure correctly, even if the bush is not divided in half. They look more at how the root system develops. When dividing, try not to harm the plant.

It is better to divide the bush in autumn period(For middle zone- this is October). Some experimental gardeners are not averse to dividing the bush in the summer. This is also possible. Just make sure that these manipulations do not coincide with the flowering period of the plant. Despite the fact that the transplantation takes place in the hot summer, new jasmine bushes are still planted in sunny places in accordance with the requirements of the plant itself.

Growing mock orange from seeds

And this method of reproduction requires special knowledge, the right approach, which boils down to this:

  • Purchased or those seeds that were collected on the site after ripening are sown in early spring in late February - early March;
  • Before sowing, prepare the soil, which must contain 3 components: peat chips, sand and humus;
  • Seeds for planting are placed in an elastic stocking, lowering it for 3 (or more) hours. special solution, consisting of water and a growth stimulant;
  • Then the seeds are placed directly in this stocking in sawdust for a couple of days;
  • After 2 days, the seeds are removed from the stocking and dried.
  • Since the soil in the containers has already been prepared in advance, all that remains is to make furrows, lightly moisten the soil and plant the seeds at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Sprinkling peat on top, moisten it again and wait for the first shoots to appear;
  • When the first two or three true leaves appear, the plants are picked into separate cups and grown on a windowsill or balcony to a height of 20-30 cm.
  • You need to water moderately, monitoring the humidity and not allowing the earthen clod to dry out.

Before planting in the ground, seedlings are hardened by taking them to Fresh air. Gradually the plants get used to natural environment and can safely remain outside for 24 hours. So you can leave young bushes in a shady place in the garden until autumn. If there is no threat of frost, seedlings are planted in the garden in warm autumn and covered with spruce branches or a thick layer of leaves for the winter.

How to replant mock orange garden jasmine

Not only for its powerful snow-white flowering, but also for its good ability to adapt after transplantation, garden jasmine is valued by many admirers. For replanting, plants are used at any time except for the flowering period. If the transplant is carried out in the spring, then this year the jasmine will not delight anyone with its flowering.

When transplanting, the following steps are carried out:

  • the jasmine bush is filled with water, in excess, to make it easier to dig it out of the ground;
  • While the ground is saturated with water, pruning is carried out: old branches, including last year’s branches, are cut off completely, while young ones are slightly shortened;
  • then they dig up the bush and transplant it to a new place.

At least 2 buckets of settled water will be needed to water the transplanted bush. After which the ground around the plant is sprinkled with a layer of humus as mulch.

Why mock orange does not bloom Pests and diseases

Among the pests that can spoil appearance jasmine, the most common are spider mite, insects of the aphid family and leafy green weevil. You can get rid of them using insecticides. During spring and autumn treatment of the bush, it is best to use karbofos in accordance with the instructions.

Mock orange may not bloom for the following reasons:

  1. The wrong place for the bush to grow is chosen. Shady places negatively affect the plant and it should be replanted.
  2. The soil does not meet the requirements, the land is severely depleted. You should dig up and transplant the jasmine bush into the soil necessary for its normal growth and flowering. Only fertile, breathable soil, with timely fertilizing with mineral components and organic matter will be suitable.
  3. Jasmine does not like severe waterlogging. In areas where it is too damp, it is not recommended to plant mock orange. Good installation drainage system to drain water from the ground will be an ideal way out of this situation. Sometimes a thick layer of drainage 15-20 cm in a hole for planting a crop helps to cope with this problem.
  4. Feeding the bushes is not carried out according to the rules; excess nitrogen is introduced. If you follow all the requirements, the problem will disappear on its own.
  5. Both excessive watering and lack of moisture greatly affect the condition of the plant. During periods of drought, additional watering of the crop is organized, otherwise the plant not only will not bloom, but may also die.
  6. When planting or replanting a shrub to another place, make sure that the root collar is not buried more than 2 cm. Otherwise, it will support, which will lead to its rotting and, as a result, the growth of the plant will be inhibited.

How to care for jasmine in autumn and winter

Jasmine needs care with the onset of calendar autumn, so it is important:

  • feed the bush with mineral fertilizers;
  • water if necessary;
  • trim damaged, old and dry branches.

How to prepare a jasmine bush for winter dormancy

  • In the fall, you need to pay attention to mock orange, whose age does not exceed 1 year. It needs increased protection from winter cold. Using thick, warm batting, young bushes are covered and tied with twine;
  • In the area where the root system is located, leaf humus is scattered on the soil surface.
  • V winter time, especially after heavy snowfalls, free the bushes from the snow cap.
  • with the onset of the end of winter and the beginning of spring, it is also recommended to remove snow from the crown of the bush.

Mock orange in landscape design

Designers have found many ways to use snow-white jasmine bushes to renew
area adjacent to the house.

You can often see:

  • jasmine bushes as a hedge;
  • as an element in the decoration of alleys;
  • will attract attention as a lonely flowering bush;
  • in a single composition with other plants, for example, roses, hydrangeas;
  • like a symmetrical geometric pattern in landscape zone summer cottage;
  • in the design of a theme garden.

What can you say in conclusion?

Be sure to plant mock orange on your site. Let it be not just one species, but several, and then you will enjoy the flowering of this unpretentious shrub all summer. The unique combination of the color of green foliage and the color of snow-white jasmine flowers contributes to the harmonization of space and peace of mind.

Types of mock orange with description and photo

Gardeners loved it the following types of this crop, which have become very popular when decorating summer cottages:

  • Jasmine virginiana;
  • Mock orange crown,
  • Mock orange lemoine.

Any type of snow-white mock orange can decorate a garden plot and create a festive atmosphere. As for planting and caring for the plant, it will not be difficult due to its absolute unpretentiousness.

Mock orange Philadelphus coronarius

The crowned mock orange is also called the common mock orange. The maximum height that can be achieved by the plant is 3.5 m, and it will grow up to 2 meters in diameter. The reddish-colored shoots bear light green, pointed leaves.

Somewhere at the end of May, the mock orange blooms its flowers and pleases the eye for the first month. The five-petal flowers have a creamy hue and a very pleasant aroma. It is not pretentious, grows on any soil, is resistant to gusty winds, and does not freeze in severe frosts. Very often, ordinary mock orange is used by designers when decorating the landscape.

Virginia mock orange or maiden mock orange Philadelphus x virginalis

Virginia mock orange philadelphus x virginalis ‘minnesota snowflake’ photo

Virginia jasmine was obtained by crossing small-leaved and evergreen mock orange. On garden plots grows up to 3 meters tall. Oval leaves, 7-8 cm long, together with brown shoots form the crown of the bush. From mid-summer it begins to bloom, releasing snow-white inflorescences consisting of flowers with double petals. The flowers reach 5 centimeters in diameter. Under favorable circumstances, at the beginning of September, the second flowering of Virginia jasmine of the season is observed.

Philadelphus × lemoinei

The lemoine mock orange differs from its fellows in that it has small size ovoid-shaped leaves. The crown of the bush is thick and spreading. Reaches up to 2.5 meters (diameter). The flower petals are double at the end. It seems that with the onset of flowering time for the lemoine chebushnik, which falls in the month of June, its leaves begin to hide behind snow-white flowers. A huge white ball is formed, which some time ago was completely green. This type of jasmine is characterized by the fact that it can also be two-colored. Through its snow-white petals a purple-pink core with golden stamens is visible.

You can't even imagine how much unique properties may occur in ordinary and widespread plants. In pursuit of exotic species with a capricious character and a lot of difficulties in terms of care, many summer residents simply ignore the popular green spaces that freely live and develop in our area. Among them is the jasmine bush.

Jasmine bush. Features of planting and care

This multi-trunk inhabitant can grow up to four meters in height and be colored in the most various colors . Most often it has snow-white or delicate creamy shades covering cream flowers and whole leaves. Gained great popularity due to its unpretentiousness in the choice of conditions of detention and excellent aroma.. During the flowering period, garden jasmine emits a sweetish, fresh smell that fills the garden with a real fragrance. If you drop off different types bushes in your backyard, this will allow you to enjoy charming compositions and a surprisingly pleasant aroma for a long time.

The jasmine bush is especially respected in eastern countries, where it is called a symbol of love and passion. Based on this exotic creature, they create the most valuable essential oils, which help relieve anxiety, stress, anxiety, depression and anxiety, raise hormonal status, and are also an indispensable component of highly effective cosmetic products. In addition, the pleasant smell of jasmine attracts beneficial insects-pollinators, including:

  • butterflies;
  • bees;
  • bumblebees.

Garden jasmine is often called mock orange, which is related to the purpose of bush wood in the old days. Even in Rus', pipes for smoking pipes were made from such material, hence the interesting name.

Varieties of jasmine varieties

As mentioned above, the jasmine plant is present in nature various varieties and many hybrids. However, there are a number of the most popular and known species which are great for home grown in the garden. Let's highlight some of them:

People also appreciate the variety pink jasmine, however, its cultivation is accompanied by certain difficulties. As a result of diligent breeding work and crossing the three above species, scientists have developed many new varieties, including: "Etheronos", "Glacier", "Alabaster" and others.

How to plant jasmine

Planting jasmine in open ground- Very important event, which determines the beauty and success of cultural growth in the future. In order for garden jasmine to delight you with long and lush flowering, you should respond correctly to a number of important points, including choosing a planting site and preparing the soil. It is important to remember that the comfortable distance between the roots and the walls of the hole should be at least 10 centimeters. It is better to sprinkle the rhizome with soil, deepening the root collar by 3 centimeters. Then all that remains is to water the bush generously and wait for rooting.

When choosing suitable place for planting, you should be guided by the fact that the plant grows and blooms especially actively in south side plot. However, even if you plant it in the northern zone or in partial shade, development will be quite normal. It is important that the soil composition does not contain stagnation of groundwater, which can cause the development of fungal microorganisms and putrefactive processes.

Many novice gardeners often ask the question: “When is it better to plant a bush in open ground and in what place will it bloom well?”

The best time to plant a tree is considered to be early spring or late autumn.. Try to have time to implement the action before the final opening of the buds. Experienced gardeners they plant the crop in September or mid-October, declaring that with such planting it will bloom very profusely.

As for the soil composition, the tree lives quietly in almost any soil, but special development efficiency is observed when growing in a fertile substrate. Immediately before planting in open ground, the soil must be thoroughly dig and arrange a hole at least 50 centimeters deep. Subsequently, nitrophoska is poured into the hole in a proportion of 30 grams per 1 seedling. Drainage layer made from the following materials:

  • gravel;
  • sand;
  • brick;
  • crushed stone

Features of reproduction

Currently, the jasmine bush reproduces in the following ways:

  • by seed;
  • cuttings;
  • layering;
  • dividing the bush.

Sowing seeds can be carried out at any time of the year. If you carry out the procedure in winter, it is important that there is no wind outside and that the thermometer does not fall below -10 degrees Celsius. It is important to cover the seeds with straw or pine branches. IN spring time the protection is removed, while the seedlings are protected from the aggressive effects of direct sunlight.

When propagated by cuttings planting material harvested in the fall and stored in the basement throughout the winter season. In early spring, planting is carried out in open ground. As soon as the cuttings grow slightly, they need to be hilled, which will be a good stimulation of rhizome growth.

To form layering, in early spring you need to select young shoots, which are laid out in beds and sprinkled with soil. When young shoots appear, the cuttings spud. In the autumn they are separated from the main bush.

Reproduction by dividing the bush It is considered the simplest and most common method of propagating jasmine. At this stage it is important to carefully separate the excavated root system, trying not to damage it. Individual parts of jasmine are planted in different parts of the territory.

Caring for garden jasmine

If you intend to plant a terry bush in your garden, be prepared to give it due attention and care, otherwise it will not be able to bloom as it should. Only if the key rules are followed exactly as established, the bush will delight you with lush and abundant flowering for a long time:

  • Every week the soil around the bush needs to be loosened, removing weeds;
  • Fertilizing with organic and mineral fertilizers is carried out regularly;
  • From time to time it is necessary to pinch the tops of the bushes to give the proper shape.

Jasmine needs plenty of watering, the intensity of which should be maximum during dry weather. Drying out the soil is an extremely undesirable phenomenon, which will cause yellowing of the leaves, as a result of which the crop will stop blooming. For one square meter The area needs to be drained of about three liters of water.

The first feeding activities are carried out only a year after planting, and in Mineral and organic preparations are used as fertilizers. In a 10-liter bucket of water, stir 30 grams of superphosphate and 15 grams of urea. This fertilizer is suitable for treating two bushes. As a good organic fertilizer, you can use slurry, which is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

It is known that Jasmine is characterized by excellent winter hardiness, therefore special preparatory activities no need to carry out. It is worth covering only young shoots using light cloth or rope.

Jasmine needs regular pruning, which are intended to give a neat shape and appearance. Every year, sanitary and cosmetic pruning should be carried out, thinning the bushes and removing dried inflorescences to thin the crown. Once every three years, old shoots older than 12 years should be removed.

In addition, the trimmings are also intended for rejuvenating purposes, during which the bush is pruned to 0.5 meters in the spring. If the stems are cut, it is better to treat the cut areas with garden varnish, which will prevent fungal diseases.

Protection from diseases and pests

Despite strong immunity and excellent stamina, jasmine needs reliable protection from spider mites, aphids, weevils and soft scale insects. Preventive measures consist of treating shrubs with various insecticides. Laundry soap or ash should be used as organic fertilizers.

When kept in gardens, jasmine is grown in large mixborders, being an indispensable addition for garden landscape. Dwarf varieties look great in rock gardens or rock gardens. They can be planted in flower beds, where they act as a living border or edging.

It is known that the jasmine bush looks great in a composition with lilac, hydrangea or weigela. Wanting to create a beautiful hedge, many gardeners arrange different varieties jasmine with luxurious shades and a unique shape of inflorescences. In addition, the plant looks beautiful when properly placed with other green spaces, representing nice decoration for gates, house walls or benches.

Jasmine is a delightful shrub, so its presence in the garden is a vivid example of the refined taste of the home owners. It is important to pay attention to the fact that some varieties are capable of being covered with flowers twice per season. And if we talk about low jasmine, which is used in the design of rock gardens, then it may not bloom at all. For this reason, people suffering from allergic reactions for jasmine, low-growing varieties should be grown.

As mentioned above, in addition to unique decorative properties and fragrant aroma, the culture has other beneficial properties. It is known that it is a strong honey plant that attracts beneficial insects, including various pollinators: butterflies, bees, bumblebees.

Features of planting and caring for indoor jasmine

Except garden species, indoor ones are also used in floriculture. If you intend to decorate your interior with such beautiful green space, be sure to place it in a large room, such as the living room. You cannot plant the crop in the bedroom, because... a very intense odor will give you troubles, including headaches.

To cancel from garden plants, indoor ones are distinguished by a more hardy character and do not show complaints about the internal microclimate. They live freely under the influence of sunlight, however, if the duration of such contact is not too long. In summer, jasmine requires abundant watering and spraying. Dry soil is an extremely dangerous phenomenon that can lead to the death of a crop. The intensity of watering is reduced in winter and is determined by the temperature in the room. Watering and spraying are carried out using soft, settled water.

Transplant young flower It is better to carry out every year, but when the plant grows to adulthood, then such activities are carried out every three years. When replanting, it is recommended to use ready-made soil mixtures, and careful drainage should be prepared in the container for planting.

Home crops need pruning and pinching, which have a positive impact on external condition and turn the bush into a lush tree. Reproduction indoor plants occurs using cuttings or layering.

Grow a garden or indoor jasmine maybe even a novice florist. The entire success of the upcoming lesson directly depends on the person’s responsibility and willingness to devote his time to studying the basic features of caring for colorful ornamental shrub. In this case, the flower will be lush, beautiful and healthy.

Garden jasmine is one of the most popular shrub plants, used in landscape design, due to its ease of care, ease of cultivation and reproduction.

Also, mock orange (the scientific name for garden jasmine) is known for its abundant flowering, which only further attracts the attention of not only experienced, but also novice gardeners who want to decorate their garden.

Selection of location and planting material

The shrub is shade-tolerant and unpretentious to fertility and soil structure. It can grow anywhere that receives at least a little sunlight.

However, under such conditions, jasmine does not grow into a dense crown, but in height and a riot of flowering should not be expected. The shrub is best suited for growing next to an obstacle that needs to be covered, but subject to normal lighting throughout the day.

The fertility of the soil determines how abundant the mock orange flowering will be. When choosing a mixture, it is important to remember the need for drainage (place pebbles on the bottom of the planting hole). The plant does not tolerate stagnation of water.


Autumn and spring are the period for planting shrubs. The hole prepared for the plant should be about 50 cm deep. The soil is pre-fertilized with nitrophosphate fertilizer. 30 g of fertilizer is applied to one jasmine cutting.

When planting, you must ensure that the root does not touch the walls of the hole. First make a hole so that the root has about 10 cm of free space. When filling the root with the prepared mixture, make sure that the root collar deepens no more than 3 cm.

Note: between planting cuttings there should be a distance of 50 to 100 cm.

In autumn, planting is carried out from mid-September to the first ten days of October. In the spring, when the buds have not yet begun to bloom. Be sure to choose a warm, clear day.


At the end of flowering, faded buds and weak, dry, damaged branches are removed.

Three years after planting jasmine, it is completely cut off, leaving only the root system and small rudiments of the trunk. A young healthy plant will grow from old roots.

The bush requires abundant watering, but so that the water does not stagnate.

Advice: Mock orange loves moist air, so it takes spraying very well (spraying is prohibited during flowering).

In the first growing season, mock orange does not require fertilizers, but every subsequent year it is necessary to apply fertilizers: humus, compost, apple or birch ash.

Reproduction methods

Mock orange is very easy to propagate, as almost any method is suitable for it: seeds, cuttings, shoots, dividing a bush or root layering.

The easiest way is propagation by cuttings. The average and most suitable length of the cutting is 5 cm. Having prepared the soil, or rather a mixture of sand and peat, plant the cutting in it at an angle of 30-40 0 and cover with a bag, glass or plastic cup.

The main thing is to create Greenhouse effect for a plant. A prerequisite for normal germination: the plant must stand in sunny place and spray regularly.

Diseases and pests

The spicy smell of jasmine attracts many insects, in particular pests such as aphids, scale insects, weevils, and spider mites. In such cases, the plant is washed with a light solution. laundry soap, and then etching is carried out.

Lack of water or sun also affects the plant. Falling and deformation of leaves indicate a lack of moisture.

If after this nothing has changed, you should transplant the jasmine to a darker place. In turn, the slow opening of buds indicates a lack of light, and the unnaturally dark shade of flowers indicates dry air.

Preparing for winter

There are many varieties of mock orange and not all tolerate cold well. Especially a young one-year-old plant needs to be insulated.

The branches of the bush are loosely tied with rope and covered with a white cloth. The roots are also insulated separately.

Most The best way, this is to sprinkle fallen dense leaves at the base of the bush. The fabric will keep the branches from freezing and, in snowy years, they will not break under the weight. Leaves, rotten, will warm the roots throughout the winter.


In the spring, all stems are removed with the exception of five sprouts, which will form the basis for the young plant. Cuts for those that remain are made at a height of 50 cm.

It is imperative that after each pruning, in particular in June, when sluggish and damaged branches are removed, the cuts must be lubricated with garden varnish. This will protect the plant and speed up healing.

There is no specific pruning schedule. In order for the bush to remain beautiful, it is necessary to regularly remove everything dry and painful, as well as what grows inside the bush.

Garden landscape design

Most often, mock orange is used as a hedge. If you plant the cuttings at a distance of only 1 m from each other, then it will be a real impenetrable “fence”. It is best to use several varieties of jasmine for decoration, as they bloom at different times.

The beginning of flowering always occurs in June and the earliest representative is the common mock orange, while the latest is the Lemoine mock orange. IN in this case The beauty of flowering can be observed for two months. Some varieties of jasmine, with simple flowers, look very harmonious with lilac.

Garden jasmine is easy to grow and creates a truly magical atmosphere in the garden. The scent is especially bright in the evening, brought with a slight coolness. The plant simply fits perfectly into almost any landscape design.

For information on the rules for planting jasmine, watch the following video:

Increasingly, in various parks and gardens you can see shrubs up to two meters in height, which are dotted with unusually white beautiful flowers, from which the aroma spreads throughout the area, this is garden jasmine.

This plant also has a second name - mock orange, this flower is very unpretentious and easy to care for, so even a novice gardener can grow it. In today's article we will figure out how to properly care for garden jasmine and in what conditions it is more comfortable to grow.

Suitable place to plant jasmine

Garden jasmine will grow in both sun and partial shade, but the abundance of flowering in the same bush will be different. Thus, bushes that are planted in the sun bloom better and look more spectacular, while a plant in the shade has more green mass.

Advice: garden jasmine is a frost-resistant plant, but even with all this, when choosing a suitable place for planting, it is better not to give preference to windy areas where there are constant drafts.

Also pay attention to the location of the selected area, is there a possibility that melt water in winter could flood the flower? Excess water can lead to waterlogging of chernozem and, as a result, rotting of the rhizome.

Optimal watering for garden jasmine

Despite all its unpretentiousness, garden jasmine, as mentioned above, does not tolerate stagnant water. And here's to groundwater, which are located close to the surface of the earth, mock orange bushes are treated normally.

You need to water the garden jasmine bush abundantly, but do not over-water the plant. Two waterings a week will be quite enough, and water that has been heated and previously settled should be used. A plant that is watered regularly is very cold water, are more susceptible to various diseases.

Necessary fertilizers for garden jasmine

Mock orange bushes especially urgently need additional feeding during the period of active growth and flowering. Therefore, the first fertilizing should be done in early spring, as soon as the snow melts; it is best to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers during this period, they will help the plant actively grow. But at the time of budding and flowering, it is better to use potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

Pruning a jasmine bush

The bush should be trimmed every 2-3 years, this will help it not to grow too much and at the same time “keep in shape.” Shearing occurs as soon as the plant has flowered or, conversely, after winter, until the bush has bloomed. In any case, pruning of excess shoots should be done carefully, because this procedure not so much aesthetic as medicinal, because after it the plant begins to grow and develop faster.

Propagation of garden jasmine bush

There are several methods for propagating garden jasmine, but the most popular are propagation cuttings And dividing the bush. Both the first and second methods can be performed both in spring and autumn, but most gardeners still prefer the period from mid-September to mid-October.

When dividing a bush, you need to dig out the bush very carefully so as not to leave part of the rhizome in the ground, it is better to get the root directly in the ground, and then wash this lump with water, and then remove all the rotten roots. To divide, you need to use a sharp knife; after completing the procedure, parts of the rhizome are planted in separate holes and watered; it is better to treat the cut area with ash.