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Preparations against onion fly. Ways to combat onion fly

The well-known onion fly in the garden bed is not harmless small midge and if you don’t know how to deal with it, then you can be left without a green harvest or get damaged bulbs, not suitable for winter storage. This is a highly specialized pest of onions and garlic, as well as bulbous flowers, widely known to every gardener. Damaged protective covers of the bulb - there are open gates for the penetration of secondary infection: various types rotten. At the same time, turnip harvest losses can reach 70%.

This fly may not be immediately noticed special attention, but this serious problem, against which you need to throw all your strength so as not to be left without the much-awaited first spring greens and vitamin salads, and subsequently without a harvest of spicy vegetables at all. Therefore, let’s take a closer look at how to deal with this insidious pest.

How to recognize the nature of damage

Everyone knows what an ordinary housefly looks like. So the onion differs in appearance only in size. The length of its body does not exceed 5 - 6 mm. At the same time, the insect itself does not feed on onion tissues; the main damage is caused by its larvae.

Flies overwinter in the pupal phase in the soil layer, at a depth of at least 10 - 20 cm. As soon as dandelions, cherries, and lilacs begin to bloom (the nectar of which it feeds on), and this happens somewhere at the beginning of the first - second decade of May, the fly begins its years, which lasts on average a week. By this moment, the onion is already growing its young green mass with might and main, and a fly flying above it lays several whitish, elongated eggs on the dry integumentary scales of the heads, the soil surface next to them (just one female can lay up to 40-60 eggs per season ).

A few days later, white, legless larvae are born and immediately move to plant tissues unprotected from its gnawing apparatus, gnawing into the bulb and eating its tissues either from the neck or from the bottom. Such onion trouble begins to stand out against the background of healthy onions: it lags behind in growth and development, gradually starting from the tips of the feathers, the onion begins to turn yellow, wither and dry out, and a fetid, rotting smell emanates from the bulb itself.

Eventually the plant dies completely: it looks completely dry. Meanwhile, the onion caterpillar does not calm down and goes to destroy the next heads.

So, during the growing season of the plant, the insect produces two to three generations with an interval of 3-4 weeks, which is why it is dangerous. Since by the time of harvesting, the last generation of flies is able to finish off the harvest of green vegetables remaining intact from previous generations.

Causes of onion fly

When spring arrives, it is already important to think about preventive measures to combat onion fly. And to lead effective fight it is important to know its reasons for appearing on your summer cottage. And by analogy, we can already guess whether it’s worth waiting for it in the coming season or not. So, what are these reasons:

  • non-compliance with crop rotation;
  • lack of spatial isolation of last year's onion crops from the new season's crops, which should be at least 400-500 m, which is not possible on our 6-10 acres;
  • lack of autumn digging.

Prevention and control measures

To protect onions, you need to fight correctly, following methods, without harm to your own health.

Knowledge of the biology of a harmful object is the basis of the organization effective ways and measures with which you can effectively combat any pest or disease, including onion fly. So in this case, knowledge of the peculiarities of wintering, the conditions for going out into spring time, feeding methods gives the sensor a head start and at the time a natural signal is sent (dandelion, cherry, lilac), you need to have at the ready an effective chemical or natural insecticide aimed at destroying the insidious fly or scaring it away from the vegetable crops.

So to preventive measures, capable of preventing the appearance of pests on onion plantings, can be attributed to:

  1. Use only healthy ones against onion flies. planting material. Why, before planting the seeds, you need to soak them for 3 hours in a saline solution (1 tbsp/1 liter of water), and then for 20 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Dry and plant.
  2. Before planting, you can place the onion in gauze and immerse it in hot water (55ºC) for 5 minutes, dry it and plant it.
  3. Try to spend more early boarding or sow the most small onion(sewing) in winter, so that by the time the fly emerges, the bulb has time to gain mass, become stronger and, as a result, produce more early harvest, which will allow us to bypass at least the exit of the last generation of the insect.
  4. Maintaining crop rotation. You should not return the onion to its original place earlier than 4-5 years. The same applies to its possible predecessor - garlic and bulbous flowers. Good predecessors for all types of bulbous plants are: eggplants, tomatoes, potatoes, carrots, parsley, dill, peppers, pumpkin and many other crops.
  5. The fly has a particular dislike for carrots, so alternating rows of onions with rows of carrots or placing onion and carrot beds side by side can completely protect the plantings.
  6. On properly selected onion beds there should be good ventilation, Sun. In the wetter, low-lying areas of the site, the pest population is always higher.
  7. When planting, add rotted manure or humus to the rows in the beds. Mulch the surface of the bed. The fly does not accept a loose surface and will not lay eggs.
  8. Application of insecticide Bazudin when planting sets. By introducing the dry mixture into the rows, for this purpose dilute 30 g of the drug in 1 liter filled with dry sand. Apply on an onion area of ​​20m2. Protective screen The drug is designed for 6 weeks, just from 2 generations of onion fly. By the time of harvesting, this one is high toxic drug will be safe.
  9. After planting, sprinkle the onions thickly with a mixture of ash, black ground pepper and ash or dry mustard and ash 1:3.
  10. If insect eggs are found on the soil surface, do not water the bed for at least 4-5 days.
  11. Remove snow from the onion beds planned for the next harvest in winter so that the ground is thoroughly frozen and so are the pests.
  12. After harvesting the turnips, apply lime to the dug up onion beds, then repeat the same in the spring a month before planting on the planned onion bed.

In case everything Taken measures fights were not able to completely protect the beds and it still appeared on the green onion bed, then there is no way to do without measures to combat the fly itself and its larvae. Why can you fight, how? folk remedies, and cardinal (chemical), completely eliminating it:

  1. If there are no pesticides on hand, and treatment is urgently needed, then you need to dissolve a piece of laundry soap in a bucket of water and walk it over the onion bed.
  2. The same can be done with an infusion of mint, wormwood, pine needles, dandelion, and other strong-smelling plants that the onion fly cannot stand.
  3. Ammonia will be very effective: take 3 tablespoons per bucket of water. alcohol In the evening, water the previously watered rows with it. Do this treatment at monthly intervals during the summer of each generation of flies. In addition, it is also an additional source of nitrogen for onions.
  4. The same thing with kerosene against flies. Prepare a kerosene solution: 1 tbsp. l./10 l. water. Water the rows of onions.
  5. Fighting flies can be quite simple: water the onion bed with potassium permanganate every 10 days.
  6. The saline solution is also used once a month, pouring it into the onion rows. Why do you need to dilute 1/3 of a pack of salt in a bucket of water? To avoid salting the soil with this method, you need to be careful: try alternating it with others.
  7. Tobacco dust solution: 250 mg powder/bucket hot water. Leave it for a couple of days and you can spray the onions every 5 days. You can sprinkle a dry mixture of ash, pepper and tobacco throughout the season.
  8. Effective in pest control and solution boric acid: ½ tsp. acids, 2 drops of iodine, 10 crystals of potassium permanganate dissolve in 10 l. water.
  9. Deworming tablets are also an excellent tool in the fight against onion flies. For this purpose 5 tab. Dissolve in 10 l. water, pour over the onions.
  10. Carefully remove damaged bulbs using a scoop and drown them in a bucket of water for several hours.
  11. The effectiveness of pesticides is undeniable: Muhoed, Aktara, Medvetoks, Zemlin, Karate Zeon, Tabazol, Sochva, Diazinon, etc. Use them according to the instructions for use, strictly observing personal safety rules. But if possible, it is still worth replacing them with the methods described above. Onion greens after chemical treatment insecticides are not suitable for food until harvested for storage.
  12. Fertilizing with ammonium carbonate salt ( nitrogen fertilizer), which allows you to destroy the fly larva and at the same time a number of diseases: powdery mildew and brown spot.
  13. Feed onions with urea in late April-early May to speed up growth.

Such a fight will be effective on the fly itself.

Onion fly - pictured

The appearance of the onion fly and why it is dangerous

Every summer resident has at least once in his life encountered the appearance of an onion fly on his property. This small winged insect, no more than 7 mm, causes significant damage to the onion crop. What to do if there is an onion fly, how to fight it? What methods are most effective in combating this pest?

The onion fly is visually practically no different from the house fly, but is much smaller in size: its ash-gray body with a greenish tint on the back reaches no more than 5-6 mm in length. The pest appears in the spring, when dandelions and fruit trees begin to bloom.

If you don't know how to grow large onion, then know that the onion fly chooses dried scales of bulbs as a place for laying, but if they cannot be found, it can lay eggs directly in the soil. The larvae are born literally after a couple of days - these are small white worms that infect almost the entire onion. In 2 weeks the plant is completely destroyed, they pupate, and by mid-summer the young onion fly is ready to destroy the crop!

onion fly

Note that the insect infects not only ordinary onions, but also bulbous plants- garlic and flowers with bulbous root. The affected plant dies - both young shoots and adult parts begin to turn yellow and dry, the bulbs begin to rot, and a fungus appears.

If on personal plot I noticed an onion fly, how to deal with it? How to keep bulbous plants healthy? Without carrying out preventive measures, o good harvest you can forget. It is important to know that it is extremely undesirable to destroy this pest using pesticides. This is explained simply - the bulb retains quite well chemical substances and insecticides, in the future the vegetable will simply not be edible.

onion fly - pest

What smells can repel onion flies?

The effect of such plantings, as they say, is obvious - there are no onion flies or carrot flies, so joint plantings in in this case will only be beneficial. Reviews from experienced gardeners about growing vegetables together are, in most cases, positive.

onions and carrots planted together to prevent onion flies - pictured

Spraying onions with strong-smelling decoctions of mint, valerian or pine needles will be effective. These decoctions are absolutely safe for plants. Another folk method of struggle is tobacco dust. This product is sold in retail outlets for gardeners. It can be scattered between the rows of onions or sprayed on the plants with a solution (the proportions are indicated on the package).

Folk remedies against onion fly

According to agronomists, the most effective method to destroy onion flies is ammonia, which must be diluted in a proportion of 3 tbsp. l. per 10 liters of water and water the soil under the plantings. Repeat the procedure three times, at intervals of 7-8 days. Nitrogen, which is part of alcohol, also acts in this case as a fertilizer for onions.

Among folk remedies, a tincture of dandelion rhizomes is quite popular among summer residents. 200 g of roots should be placed in a container and pour boiling water. Let it brew for a week. Water the beds with the solution once every 2 weeks.

Folk remedies for onion flies - pictured

Some people prefer to use regular table salt. The product is effective, but there is one significant drawback - the soil accumulates salt and becomes unfavorable for other plantings, so it is used once a year: dilute 250 grams in 10 liters of water and pour the onion under the root. After 3-4 hours, pour well clean water.

You are not mistaken, once a year will be enough. If you follow the advice on the Internet, where they write that you need to add a kilogram of salt to the soil in several stages per month, then you will simply destroy your land and after a couple of years of such skill, nothing will grow in your garden bed at all. You need to know moderation in everything!

Some farmers mix naphthalene with sand or ash in a ratio of 1:10 and sprinkle it on the plantings. One or two procedures are carried out during the summer of the onion fly and egg laying.

Another popular method is laundry soap. Dissolve a bar of soap in 10 liters of water and spray the plants with the resulting solution. In addition, potassium permanganate comes to the rescue again! Make a rich pink solution and water late in the evening to avoid burning the plants. Repeat the procedure if necessary, every 8-9 days. On the forum, according to reviews, many summer residents save onions from flies this way.

Preventive measures and insecticides against the pest

Selected healthy bulbs must be treated before planting in the ground. You can do this in two ways:

Hot water - the onion is immersed in hot water (approximately 50 ° C) for 15 minutes, then dried well and planted;

Potassium permanganate - the solution is prepared in a proportion of 1 g/l of water. The onions are kept in the solution for 30 minutes, after drying they are ready for planting.

It is worth noting that processing onions before planting is important and necessary step when growing vegetables, if you want to grow a rich harvest. Unfortunately, many gardeners do not want to bother with seedlings and simply plant them in the ground, dooming their plantings to a guaranteed low yield.

onion fly larva - pictured

Deep digging of the soil at the planting site in the fall will also help get rid of onion fly larvae. The pest survives winter at a depth of no more than 20 cm, which means that when digging, all the larvae will move to the surface, where they will die at the first frost. Another important rule- be sure to remove crop residues from the beds, as this will not provide a favorable breeding environment for the onion fly.

I have an onion fly in my garden, how can I fight it? - sellers of gardening stores often hear. In this case, you will definitely be recommended a drug such as Bazudin. 30 g of this product must be mixed with 0.5 liters of sand (can be replaced with sawdust) and poured into the ground. This must be done at the end of spring.

In addition, you can buy other drugs against onion flies - Fly eater, Diazinon, Dachnik, Medvetoks, Muraviin, Teradox and others. Don’t forget, if you grow onions for greens, some preparations cannot be used for processing. Fighting onion flies is much easier if you understand how to do it! It won’t take much effort and time, but in the fall you will definitely feel the results!

How to get rid of onion flies - video

If you use chemicals such as insecticides to kill insects, you will most likely ruin the crop, since harmful substances When cultivating the soil, they get inside the bulb and remain there. Over time, poisons accumulate in the fruit and can affect the health of the person who eats such vegetables. Unlike drugs, folk remedies are completely safe both for the land and for summer residents, so you can use them to treat crops without fear for yourself and your loved ones.

Onion fly preparations

  • Karate Zeon;
  • Bezudin;
  • Aktara;
  • Metronidazole;
  • Fly eater.

Preventive measures to combat onion fly

Rather than trying to fight insect pests that have already established themselves on a crop, it is better to take care in advance to prevent their occurrence. How to protect onions from onion flies:

  1. It is worth doing crop rotation regularly.
  2. The location of the plant should be changed annually.
  3. In the fall, it is necessary to dig up the garden (the fly remains in the soil for the winter and falls asleep at a depth of 20 cm).
  4. After harvesting, you need to remove all organic debris from the garden, leaving no food for pests.
  5. It is necessary to spray the garden saline solution three times a year (when the sprouts grow 5 cm, then after 2 weeks, and the third time after another 20 days). After treating the soil and plants with a spray bottle, wash off the salt from the sprouts, and three to four hours after the procedure, you need to water the onions with plain water.

How to fight onion fly with folk remedies

Like other pests, the fly brings a lot of problems to gardeners, but it is not at all difficult to fight it. There are several proven means that can quickly eliminate the pest and save your own crop. In this case, there is no need to use various aggressive chemicals, poisoning the soil and plants with them. Find out how to treat onions against onion flies.

Use of wood ash

Treating onions with salt to prevent onion flies

  • a third of a pack of salt should be dissolved in a ten-liter bucket of water (the amount is indicated approximately);
  • You need to water the onion shoots with salted liquid when they reach 5 cm;
  • after watering, 4 hours later, it is worth thoroughly rinsing the tops of the plant with clean water;
  • to consolidate the result, after 10 days the procedure is repeated, increasing the amount of salt (take 400 g).

Uses of potassium permanganate

Treating onions against onion flies with ammonia

It is worth starting the fight against insect pests with the use of ammonia, since this is one of the most effective means. How to deal with onion fly:

Methods for controlling onion fly larvae

Video: How to save onions from onion flies

Onions and garlic are unpretentious and can grow even with minimal care. But it should be remembered that the most dangerous pest for them is the onion fly. It is not easy to detect, so you need to pay attention to appearance plants. The fight against onion fly is a simple process, but it must be started immediately after detecting the first signs of damage to the plantings.

Life cycle of a pest

The onion fly is an insect 6–8 mm in size and has a light gray color. Outwardly, it resembles a housefly. Males have a pronounced dark stripe on their abdomen.

In spring, females lay 4–30 eggs. at a time on parts of the bulbs protruding from the soil, shoots and onion leaves. Eggs white, oblong in shape, with a longitudinal groove approximately 1 mm long. After 5–10 days, larvae emerge from them, the length of which does not exceed 10 mm, the body is narrowed from the side of the head, the food is fleshy scales of bulbs. If they appear in one clutch, they will stay in a group and eat away the entire inside of the bulb. After three weeks, the larvae move into the soil next to the plant and pupate, then young flies emerge. Females lay eggs almost throughout the summer season.

The beginning of spring summer coincides with the time when cherries bloom - in April. The duration of this period is up to 50 days. In July, a new generation of insects appears, after which the process of oviposition occurs again. The onion fly overwinters in the ground at a depth of 5–20 cm in the form of pupae. This type of insect is common wherever onion plants: throughout Russia, Europe, Asia and North America.

Signs of the appearance of onion flies in the garden

Insect larvae are quite difficult to see with the naked eye, since they are mainly found in the soil. The presence of a pest can be determined by the appearance of the plants. Sure signs of its presence are that garlic and onions slowly develop, their feathers turn yellow, dry out or wither, and the plants themselves emit bad smell. Bulbs affected by insects become soft, sluggish and rotten. These vegetables are not recommended for consumption.

Effective remedies against onion fly

If preventive measures were not taken or for some reason did not work, it’s okay, since it’s easy to fight the onion fly. This insect does not like strong odors, so the beds should be sprayed with decoctions of valerian, wormwood, wild rosemary, infusions of pine needles and mint. These products are safe for people and plants, for this reason they can be used frequently and without fear for the harvest.

You can also remove onion flies using other substances. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to use wood ash. This natural remedy will bring double benefits: firstly, it will destroy the pest, and secondly, it will serve as a fertilizer for the soil, which will have a positive effect on the yield of growing crops. As a rule, in the spring and autumn months there are always dry tree branches on the site. After burning them, ashes remain, which can be collected and used when an insect appears. To prepare the solution, add ash to water and water the plantings.

The next proven remedies for onion flies are peat and manure. Peat is no less effective than ash, but it is used much less frequently, since it is not available in all regions of the country. Manure repels insects and at the same time fertilizes the soil. It can be used in two ways: the first is to dissolve it in water and water the beds with the composition, the second is to spread it on the site.

An effective remedy for onion flies is tobacco dust, which is sold in specialized retail and online stores that sell gardening products. This product can be used in its “pure” form, that is, scattered over the surface of the soil at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. component per 1 m² of area. It is often used in combination with sand or naphthalene in a 1:1 ratio. You can pollinate the soil with a mixture of tobacco dust, wood ash and ground pepper. After the procedure, weeding should be carried out. You can also spray infected beds with tobacco infusion. To prepare it, you need to add 200 ml of the product to 10 liters of water and let the composition brew for two days.

Folk remedy - salt for onion fly

To get rid of the pest, you need to water the area with saline solution. An excess of the product should not be allowed in the ground, as this may negatively affect plant growth. Considering the fact that the onion fly does not like salt, the first treatment is carried out 14–20 days after the bulbs germinate. The solution is prepared in the proportion of ⅓ part of a package of salt per 10 liters of water. It is recommended to repeat the procedure with the same composition two weeks after the first, but in an increased concentration of the main component (0.5 packs). The third time you should treat the onions against onion flies with salt after three weeks in the proportion of ⅔ package per 10 liters of liquid. 4–5 hours after the planting procedure, you need to water it with clean water. It is recommended to pour the saline solution under the roots of plants without affecting their above-ground parts.

Onion fly: how to fight it chemically

There are many methods for exterminating insects. Each person chooses which one to use individually. Chemicals against onion fly help to quickly get rid of the pest, but create a danger of accumulation of pesticides in grown products.

An effective way to rid green spaces of the pest is to water them with a solution of ammonia. To prepare it, add 3 tbsp to a standard 10–12 liter bucket of water. l. drug. Watering the plantings should be done in the afternoon.

Even if it was possible to destroy insects after one procedure, for preventive purposes it must be repeated twice, because flies can settle in the same place up to 3 times per season. The frequency of treatment is once a month.

Onion fly, how to fight it using chemical methods:

  1. Spraying the area with a solution of the drug Dachnik (concentration 0.15%), gives an effect of 77.8-79.3%.
  2. Sprinkle onto the soil surface and then loosen it with a preparation designed to combat soil pests. The recommended dosage of the product is 50 g per 10 m².
  3. During the mass summer of insects, use insecticidal preparations to combat the onion fly.
  4. Treatment with pesticides and the insecticide Bazudin (20 g of granules per 100 m²) during oviposition shows good results in the destruction of pest larvae. It can be applied during sowing of the material and after 2-3 weeks in the furrows next to the young seedlings, followed by watering.

Important... Traditional methods of combating onion flies are more preferable than chemical ones. They are more economical and guarantee an environmentally friendly harvest.

Onion fly, larva: how to fight

The onion fly larva poses a threat to leeks, chives, onions, garlic and bulbous flowers. It makes its way through the husk into the inside of the onion and destroys its fleshy scales.

Four ways to remove pests from your garden:

  1. In the fall, dig up the soil after the onions, so the onion fly larvae will end up on the surface and die from the cold.
  2. Use deworming medications. To prepare the composition, dissolve 5 tablets of the product in 10 liters of water.
  3. Mix naphthalene and sand in a ratio of 1:10. Sprinkle the resulting mixture onto the ridges infested with small worms.
  4. Water the plants and plantings with a solution of laundry soap (50 g of solid product per 10 liters of water).

Onion fly: combating it with preventive methods

It is much easier to prevent an insect from appearing than to quickly get rid of it later in order to preserve the harvest. To date it has been developed a large number of various methods pest control.

Four effective preventive measures to combat onion fly:

  1. Correct landing. A nearby bed of carrots can protect onions and garlic from insects. Surprisingly, the onion fly cannot tolerate the smell of this root vegetable, so it does not live in such places. If these plants are planted nearby, there is a minimal chance of them being damaged by insects. You can also get rid of the pest if you plant strong-smelling crops near the onions, such as tomatoes, lovage and wild rosemary.
  2. Maintaining crop rotation. Plants cannot be cultivated in one place for several years. If the pest has settled in the soil, it will immediately overwinter, and in the spring it will begin to eat the plantings. To stop its reproduction, the onion should be returned to its original place no earlier than after four years.
  3. Before planting in the ground, it is necessary to inspect the planting material for contamination, since it may contain larvae. In this case, even treated and clean soil will not save the seedlings. To protect the material from onion flies, before planting it must be disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate or placed in hot water (45–50ºC) for 15 minutes.
  4. Damaged plants must be removed from the site and burned.

If an onion fly appears in the beds, how to fight the insect and preserve the plants becomes the main question for gardeners. There are many agrotechnical, chemical, and folk methods of control. Each of the above methods is effective, which has been repeatedly proven in practice.

From the article, the reader will learn what kind of pest the onion fly is and how to fight it with folk and modern methods, her life cycle, signs of a plant being affected by a fly, how to prepare planting material and soil to avoid infection.

There is probably not a single summer resident who does not grow onions on his plot. This is amazing and very useful plant used as food since ancient times.

He shows excellent medicinal properties, and is recognized by folk and official medicine. Onion culture has many natural enemies. We will talk about one of them, the onion fly.

Appearance and life cycle of the fly, photo

Let's get to know the enemy in person, for a better understanding of the fight against him in the garden. Onion fly wears beautiful Latin name– Delia antigua.

Sounds like houseflies, but differs from them in small sizes, about 5-7 mm. The body has an ashy color with a green tint.

The tarsi are black and covered with thick bristles. Wings with a yellow tint. Males with hallmark- dark stripe along the abdomen.

The eggs are white, up to 1.2 mm long. The larvae are worm-shaped, about 10 mm, with hook-shaped jaws.

They feed on onion fleshy scales and are able to eat the entire inside of the head. They pose a greater danger than an adult.

After a few weeks, the larvae descend into the soil, where they pupate. The pupae are brown, about 7 mm in length.

After 20 days, young insects emerge from the pupae. Adults become active at night and have a rest period during the day.

The female lays eggs all summer, on protruding onion scales or near the plant. During the summer, the fly produces two generations. The first generation larvae cause more harm. It overwinters in pupae, burrowing to a depth of 20 cm.

Onion fly: how to fight it using folk methods at home

What the onion fly is and how to fight it with folk remedies is of interest to many gardeners. If you do not get rid of it in time, you may lose your harvest.

It can destroy bulbous plants very quickly. The soil then becomes unsuitable for use due to high contamination.

The fight against harmful insects using folk remedies is varied. At home, you can use one or more of the recipes below.

To clean onion beds from the pest, you need a set of measures focused on the destruction of both adult individuals and fly larvae. There are many ways that have been proven over the years to deal with Delia antigua in the garden, rather than treating the planting material before planting. Most significant harm causes the pest in the larval stage.

Onion fly salt

To the question of how to water onion beds against onion pests, we will answer - watering with salt is effective way struggle. First of all, you need to prepare a saline solution for irrigation - pour 300 grams of table salt into 10 liters of water, dissolve the powder. The treatment must be carried out twice:

  • Primary watering is carried out when the seedlings have reached 6 centimeters in height
  • 5 hours after salt watering, water the beds well with clean water
  • the next onion treatment will be required after 10-12 days, with a more concentrated solution, which is prepared at the rate of 400 g NaCl per 10 liters of warm water

Treatment of crops from harmful insect can be carried out not only with saline solution, but also with just salt. For this purpose, take coarse salt, which is generously sprinkled on the onion plantings before the rain. During precipitation, the salt gradually dissolves and begins to affect the pest.

Ammonia for pests

How to water onion crops ammonia? It’s very simple, we prepare a solution at the rate of 60 ml of ammonia (ammonia) per ten-liter bucket of water. Treatment onion beds ammonia is carried out in the evening. Watering is carried out three times at monthly intervals.

Ammonia helps not only fight pests, but also serves as a fertilizer. The nitrogen it contains helps rapid growth green mass, prevents yellowing of leaves.

See how experienced gardeners do it:

In order not to use chemicals to combat flies, you need to know how to treat onions before planting. Birch tar works well. Two options for seed processing:

  • 30 minutes before planting the onion, mix it thoroughly with 1 spoon of tar in the bag
  • soak the sets for 2 hours in a solution prepared from a fly in the ointment and a liter of water

The specific smell of tar will repel the pest. Tar will also have an antiseptic effect on viruses and fungi found in planting material.

To water onions that have already grown by 10-15 cm, prepare a solution from a tablespoon of tar and 20 grams of laundry soap and a bucket of water. Watering is done twice with an interval of two weeks. The solution has a detrimental effect on the fly larvae.

Fighting the front sight wood ash

Zola one more thing good remedy from an insect. It is used in several ways:

  • tilling the soil with a mixture of 200 grams of ash, ground pepper and 15 grams of tobacco dust, sprinkle the bed and loosen the soil to a depth of 3 centimeters
  • prepare a solution from 1 liter of ash and 10 liters of boiling water, leave for 10-12 hours, pour over the diluted solution - 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters. water

Ash also not only fights pests, but also fertilizes the soil. Has a beneficial effect on plant growth.

Tobacco dust against onion fly

Many vegetable growers prefer tobacco dust as a means of pest control. Tobacco dust purchased at a garden store is used in two ways:

  1. Pour 200 grams of the drug into 10 liters of clean hot water, let it sit for 48 hours, spray the plantings twice with an interval of 10 days
  2. fill the surface of the bed tobacco dust, consuming 25 grams of powder per 1 square meter

Do this procedure necessary in calm weather, in evening time. Tobacco dust will also serve good fertilizer. It contains a large amount of nitrogen, K, and phosphorus, which increases productivity.

Laundry soap in the fight against insects

We'll tell you how to save onions by processing laundry soap. Cooking soap solution from 50 grams of soap plus 10-12 liters of water. Stir vigorously until completely dissolved and water the beds in the evening. Carry out the treatment no more than twice per season.

How to save onions with infusion of fragrant herbs

The onion fly does not like the smells of many plants. Gardeners successfully use this property in the fight against it. Prepare an infusion of herbs taken in equal quantities:

  1. valerian
  2. wormwood
  3. dandelion
  4. lemon balm

200 grams of dry raw materials, pour a bucket of boiling water, leave for a day. Treat plantings in the evening. The infusion is harmless to onions, so processing can be carried out an unlimited number of times. You can use it as fertilizer.

Modern or chemical methods are also used by many gardeners. This is an effective way to get rid of the pest. If time is lost and the pest has multiplied, it will not be possible to cope with it without these drugs.

But we must remember the disadvantages - chemicals accumulate in the plant and are unsafe for humans. And they need to be used with great caution when there are more than 7-8 eggs on one plant.


Moderately toxic drug, does not harm beneficial insects- to the bees. Dissolve 1 tablet in a bucket clean water room temperature. Water twice warm weather, with a two-week break. Vegetables after processing should not be eaten for 2 weeks.


An intensely toxic drug with a wide spectrum of effects. Economical, 5 ml of product is required per bucket of water. Carry out the treatment in the morning or evening, in the absence of wind. Does not wash off when it rains.


Liquid, very toxic product. Use in extreme cases. It works effectively and quickly. Prepared from 2 tablespoons of liquid per liter of water. Secondary watering after 20 days.


The product is effective in fighting insects. Treatment is carried out in the spring, before planting. For 20 m2 you will need 30 grams of the drug mixed with sand or sawdust.

There are others approved for use drugs:

  1. based on diazinon (Medvetox, Zemlin), the soil is pre-loosened, destroys the chewing apparatus of the larvae
  2. based on thiamethoxam (Aktara), affects the nervous system of the pest, used throughout the growing season
  3. based on cyhalothrin (Karate Zeon), harmful to nervous system flies, used regularly

These drugs will provide long-term crop protection from pests. Do not forget about the frequency and thoroughness of processing.

It is imperative to monitor the appearance of the plant. Signs that the bulb is affected by a pest are:

  1. wilted, yellowed leaves
  2. stunting
  3. unpleasant smell from the garden beds
  4. rotten onions

The appearance of at least one sign serves as a signal to begin pest control.

To grow a rich onion harvest, you need to practice prevention. This is a troublesome matter, so be patient. Let's consider preventive actions in order.

  1. Crop rotation does not allow diseases and pest larvae to accumulate in the beds. Therefore, bulbous crops cannot be planted in one place every year. Planting can be returned to its original place only after 4 years. Optimal precursors for onion plantings there will be cucumbers, tomatoes and cabbage.
  2. It is good to combine planting bulbous crops with planting carrots, parsley, parsnips, and celery. The insect cannot tolerate their aroma. Nightshade crops planted to the side will also repel flies. These are tomatoes and potatoes.
  3. When planting onions, you need to fill the row spacing wood ash. It will scare away the enemy and serve as fertilizer. Adding peat before planting will reduce the number of larvae in the soil.
  4. Mulching plantings is another agrotechnical technique. Mulch will make it difficult for flies to access the soil and seedlings. Sprinkle the soil around the neck of the bulbs with tobacco dust and ash weekly.

Single specimens of marigolds planted in the garden will also repel the fly. They interrupt the onion smell loved by flies.

Planting rules for pest control

It will also be important proper preparation planting material. This will serve as natural protection for the plants.

  1. Before planting, immerse the seeds in a weak pale pink solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) for 1 hour. You can soak the heads of the sets in an ash solution prepared from 100 grams of powder per liter of water.
  2. Landing time, one more important factor. Seeds should be planted at the end of April, after the cold weather. By the time the fly starts flying, the head will already be stronger. A large onion is more difficult for a fly to damage.
  3. Once every 3 days it is necessary to loosen the beds with plantings. This makes it difficult for the larvae to access the bulbs; it is difficult for them to move in loose soil.
  4. After harvesting, the beds must be cleared of plant debris. You can dig up the ground shallowly to make it difficult for the fly larvae to overwinter. If the gardener is against digging up the soil (there are some), then you can simply loosen it.

It is important to remember that prevention, timely watering, fertilizing and loosening will be more effective and bring more benefits than the use of chemicals.

Now the reader knows what kind of pest the onion fly is and how to deal with it traditional methods and modern drugs, its life cycle, signs of a plant being infected by a fly, how to prepare planting material and soil to avoid infection.