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Presentation on the topic of mushrooms in the middle group. About mushrooms

Abstract of GCD for children of the senior group on the topic: Mushrooms

Description of material: Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention a summary of direct educational activities (for middle-aged and older children) on the topic: “Mushrooms”. This material will be useful to preschool teachers.


Goals: introduce the appearance and characteristics of edible and inedible mushrooms
Introducing children to different types of mushrooms.
Fostering a caring attitude towards nature.
Development of preschoolers’ speech, outlook, cognitive interest.
Materials: pictures depicting edible and inedible mushrooms, a picture of “Forest” on whatman paper, glue, scissors, paints, brushes, parts of small and large mushrooms cut out of paper: caps, legs; projector. Conversation about mushrooms
In summer there are not only a lot of berries, but also a lot of mushrooms. What mushrooms do you know? (The teacher shows images of mushrooms: boletus, aspen, white, chanterelle, honey mushrooms) (slide 2)
White mushroom, boletus. A noble representative of his species. The owner of a very thick, fleshy light-colored leg and cap. (slide 3)
Chanterelles. Unusual red mushrooms, in which the stem smoothly turns into a cap with a wavy edge. (Slide 4)
What does a mushroom consist of? (Children say: cap, stem) You named everything correctly, and mushrooms also have a mycelium. (slide 5)
Sunny fine day
My friends and I are going to the forest.
We carry baskets with us.
This is a good path! (Walking in place)
Picking strawberries
We are looking for delicious blueberries,
Blueberries, stone fruits,
Sourish lingonberries. (Bends forward)
And there are plenty of raspberries all around.
We couldn't pass by.
We collect from the bushes.
Great places here! (Turns left-right)
We are walking through the forest again. (Walking in place)
And everything around is so interesting! (Stretching - arms to the sides)
It's time to rest, my friend.
We'll sit down on a tree stump. (Children squat down)
Guys, what types of mushrooms are there? (Edible/inedible) (slide 6)
What animals eat mushrooms? (Squirrel, hedgehog, wild boar, elk, magpie). (Slide 7)
Where can you most often find a mushroom in the forest? Of course, under the tree. It is not for nothing that many mushrooms get their names from the names of their best friends - the trees under which they grow (aspen, birch). What explains this proximity? Just because mushrooms cannot provide themselves with all the necessary substances, as plants do. Therefore, many of them try to make friends with trees in order to get the products they lack through their roots. (Slide 8)
Game "Collect a mushroom"
The teacher shows the cap and stem of a mushroom cut out of paper and connects them. Then he offers the children parts of small and large mushrooms, and they announce the task: match the parts by size and glue them onto whatman paper. (Children together with the teacher create the application “Forest”).
Introduction to inedible mushrooms
Children are shown pictures depicting a toadstool and a fly agaric. The teacher explains their difference from edible mushrooms.
(Slide 9) The most famous inedible mushroom is the fly agaric. Let's discuss where this name could come from. Fly agaric is very dangerous for various insects, and our ancestors placed its mushrooms on the windows to prevent flies from flying into the house.
(Slide 10)
Death cap. We look at its image, looking for distinctive features. The most observant will be able to note:
white color of the plates under the cap;
the presence of a specific sac at the base of the mushroom stalk.
The flesh of the toadstool always remains pale when cut, which is why this mushroom got its name.
Task: Find only edible mushrooms in the pictures with mushrooms.
Game “Which mushroom is the odd one out?” (slide 11)
Assignment: from the four mushrooms shown, children choose the extra one and explain why.
Pinning (slide 12)
About mushrooms
If the hat is red,
Lots of white dots
So, the matter is clear -
The mushroom is poisonous!
We won't take him
So as not to get poisoned.
This colorful army
We must stay away.

If you look unsightly,
Hides skillfully
This is the most delicious mushroom
Under the name "white"!
Cut it carefully
Add to cart
Marinate, salt and eat
Until spring, all winter!

And on an old stump,
And especially in the shade,
Mushrooms grow as a family -
Together, like soldiers,
Honey mushrooms are stretching.
There are boletus in the spruce forest.
Those unpretentious ones
The caps are snotty.
Seems ugly
But if you fry it, it’s great!
Everything is clear with these.

There is also a mushroom - milk mushroom,
Sadness will be driven away from the soul.
He looks like a funnel
White in color,
Often hides away
From daylight.
Salted breast milk is something!
All mushrooms taste better!
What a mushroom hunt,
Let's go to the forest soon!
(Elena Dolgikh)
Outdoor game “Hedgehog and mushrooms”
A Hedgehog is chosen from among the playing children. Children are given names of mushrooms. The presenter asks the Hedgehog:
- What did you come for?
- For a mushroom.
- For which one?
The hedgehog calls a mushroom. The mushroom runs out. The hedgehog catches him. If there is no named mushroom, then the leader drives the hedgehog away. The game continues until the hedgehog collects all the mushrooms.

Presentation on the topic: Mushrooms

Presentation for children of the senior group on the topic: “Mushrooms” Prepared by: Smagina L.N. teacher of the 1st qualification category MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 29 “Crane”, Michurinsk, Tambov Region “I invite you to the autumn forest.” Your friend is Grandpa Au. Grandfather Au invites us to a forest clearing, where mushrooms are visible or not visible. The structure of mushrooms (using the example of boletus) cap leg mycelium White mushroom or boletus I am a white mushroom, I am the king of mushrooms, An invaluable gift of mushroom forests. Growing in oak groves and forests. Widely famous throughout the world. And if you find me, You will find out for yourself how good I am! Boletus Under the birch tree in front - Boletus, look, On a tall slender leg... The leg is a little speckled! Compare boletus and boletus Boletus I am growing in a red cap Among the aspen roots. You will see me a mile away. My name is ... boletus Ryzhik. The name of the royal mushroom is Red, with circles. It is tasty and aromatic. It is always pleasant to eat it Fried or salted, or baked in dough. Oiler Chocolate-brown mushroom, The leaf stuck to the slippery cap. The openwork collar is thin - this mushroom is called... Butter can. Chanterelles What kind of yellow sisters hid in the thick grass? I see them all perfectly, I’ll take them home soon. A very clean, tasty mushroom - both the cook and the mushroom picker are happy. These yellow sisters are called... foxes. Honey mushrooms There are family mushrooms, They live only as a family On stumps and on roots, And in the grass in clearings. These friendly guys are called... honey mushrooms. False honey mushrooms It is not at all difficult to guess that I am a false honey mushroom. I am painted in a bright color, there is no fringe on my leg. There are no scales on the beret. Don't tear me apart, kids! Compare real and false honey mushrooms. Edible honey mushrooms (on the left) have a clearly visible ring on the stem. In false honey mushrooms (on the right), there is no ring on the leg. In the edible honey mushroom, there is a ring made of film on the leg. And all the false mushrooms have bare legs to the toes. Fly agaric. Even kids know the red and white mushrooms. Those that are not friends with flies. Don't take them for dinner - this mushroom is inedible, even though it looks handsome. It has been called for a long time that red mushroom... fly agaric. Pale toadstool She stands pale, she looks edible. If you bring it home, it will be a disaster. That food will be poison. Know that this mushroom is a deception, Our enemy is a pale... toadstool. Rules of conduct and picking mushrooms in the forest. Children can only go to the forest to pick mushrooms with adults and not go far from them; . It is best to collect mushrooms in a basket; . Only well-known edible mushrooms should be collected, but even those should not be tasted; . mushrooms must be carefully cut with a knife so as not to damage the mycelium; .it is better not to collect old, overripe mushrooms, as harmful substances accumulate in them over time; . unfamiliar and inedible mushrooms should not be trampled or knocked down, as they serve as food and medicine for many animals; . in nature there is nothing unnecessary or superfluous, so learn to treat it carefully and with care.

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Kingdom of Fungi Mushrooms are a separate kingdom of organisms, numbering over 80 thousand species, different in lifestyle, structure and appearance. It is believed that there are only one and a half million species of mushrooms on Earth. They are classified as a separate kingdom of eukaryotes.

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Nutrition of fungi Unlike plants, fungi do not have chlorophyll and feed heterotrophically. On the other hand, fungi have a rigid cell wall, and most of them, like plants, are not able to move.

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Macromycetes The most known to each of us are macromycetes, which are mushrooms with caps. These can be species different in their systematic position and morphological characteristics, united by the presence of fruiting bodies of sufficiently large sizes that can be observed with the naked eye.

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Saprotrophs Most macromycetes settle on all kinds of plant debris - fallen needles and leaves, on twigs and cones, stems of annual grasses and other elements of forest litter, in the litter - these are litter saprophytes. Saprotrophs also include molds (penicillium, mucor) that settle on soil, bread, rotting fruit, and yeast.

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Symbiotrophs Symbiotrophic mushrooms are widespread in nature, obtaining the organic substances necessary for life through symbiosis with higher plants (mycorrhiza or fungal roots). Probably most terrestrial plants are capable of entering into this kind of relationship with soil fungi.

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The significance of mushrooms The significance of mushrooms is not limited to their use as food. Saprotrophic fungi play an important role in the cycle of substances in nature. By destroying plant residues in order to obtain the nutrients necessary for life, saprotrophs return some of these substances to the soil, making them available for absorption by other plants.

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Harmful mushrooms Many mushrooms are harmful. Thus, molds cause rotting and spoilage of food, grain, fruit, and fabrics. Many saprophytic fungi are active wood destroyers. Settling on the wooden parts of houses and other buildings, on sleepers and poles, on stacks of timber in warehouses, fungi render the wood completely unusable. Various types of smut fungi infect oats, barley, millet, corn, wheat and other grains. In addition to grains and trees, parasitic mushrooms live on potatoes, gooseberries, and apples. Thus, the parasitic fungus ergot also lives on grain crops, turning healthy grains into poisonous black horns. All fungal diseases spread quickly, since the spores are easily carried by the wind.

Learning to identify mushrooms Prepared by teacher of MBDOU “Kindergarten “Topolyok”” Kochetova Yu.A.

Strong, dense, very stately, wearing a brown and smart hat. This is the pride of all forests! The real king of mushrooms! (ceps) Edible mushrooms.

Edible mushrooms Mushrooms hid together under the fallen leaves. Very cunning sisters These are yellow... (chanterelles). Edible mushrooms

The mouse sat on........, And ........ is a sticky mushroom, So the mouse stuck. Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay! Mom, mom, help me out! (oil can) Edible mushrooms

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these, adults and children know, they grow on stumps in the forest, like freckles on the nose (honey mushrooms) Edible mushrooms

I don’t argue - I’m not white, brothers, I’m simpler, I usually grow up in a birch grove. (boletus) Edible mushrooms

I am growing in a red cap among the aspen roots, You will recognize me a mile away, My name is... (boletus) Edible mushrooms

I love white milk mushrooms, I love black milk mushrooms, But the color doesn’t matter to me - I love them salted! Edible mushrooms

Edible mushrooms Moss mushroom Dubovik Champignon Rizhik

Edible mushrooms Russula

She stands pale, she looks edible. If you bring it home, it’s a disaster, That food will be poison. Know that this mushroom is a decoy, our enemy is ... Poisonous mushrooms - toadstool

Poisonous mushrooms But someone important On a little white leg. He has a red hat, and there are polka dots on the hat. fly agaric

Amanita stinking or white toadstool Amanita panther Poisonous mushrooms Amanita

Poisonous mushrooms False honey fungus brick-red Champignon reddish Talker waxy False honey fungus sulfur-yellow

Game "Collect a basket"

Morel Strog White dung beetle Gray dung beetle Fancy mushrooms

Stropharia blue-green Umbrella mushroom Porchovka Raincoat Fancy mushrooms

Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms” This finger went into the forest, This finger found a mushroom, This finger began to clean, This finger began to fry, This finger sat down and ate, That’s why it got fat.

Finger gymnastics “Fingers in the forest.” One two three four five. (showing fingers, starting with the little finger) The fingers went out for a walk. (fingers walk) This little finger went into the forest. (show little finger) This finger found a mushroom. (nameless) I began to clean this finger. (middle) This finger began to fry. (index) Well, this one only ate, That’s why he lost weight! (big)

Counting table One - honey fungus, Two - butter can, Three - a handsome boletus. Here is a wave on the edge, a champignon and a raincoat. Here is a small chanterelle, a boletus mushroom, here is a morel and a line, and also a boletus. The flywheel stands on a leg, the breast and the golden saffron milk cap. I'm not used to returning home with an empty basket!

Thank you for your attention!