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Signs about the mother-in-law's tongue flower. Signs and superstitions about the mother-in-law's tongue flower

Mother-in-law's tongue, despite the many superstitions and signs associated with it, has settled on almost all window sills. From organizations and offices to home indoor flower beds. Mother-in-law's tongue is a flower whose care is so simple that, despite superstitions, even the most inexperienced gardeners buy and grow it.

Sansevieria grows very quickly and does not require complex care, received its name in honor of a prince from Italy named San Seviero. At least that's what is commonly believed. I don’t know what the flower and the notorious prince had in common.

People call it Sansevieria mother-in-law's tongue or pike tail. There are a few other names that make you shiver. How do you like, for example, the devil's tongue or snake skin? She got all her names for her appearance. Its leaves really resemble snake skin, and their pointed ends look like the sharp tongue of an evil mother-in-law.

It’s a strange thing, they are afraid of mother-in-law’s tongue, they attribute to the flower bringing all sorts of troubles into the house, but in terms of prevalence it is not inferior homemade geranium, or pelargonium, as it should properly be called.

What he loves home flower mother-in-law's tongue, how to care for it and what it looks like. So - I ask you to love and favor this undeservedly hung with superstitions, home plant- mother-in-law's language.

Sansevieria care at home photo

The flower grows in countries with very hot climates, so it simply needs a large number of light, heat and watering no more than once a week summer period. In winter, watering should be reduced to 2 times a month. Excessive humidity and cold will kill the plant.

Make sure the top layer of soil is dry before watering. Dry soil does not stick to your fingers if you check the soil in the pot by touch.

Before boarding, make sure you have good drainage. Be sure to make large holes at the bottom of the pot, place stones and sprinkle them with sand. The soil for the flower should consist of a mixture of sand, turf and leaf soil. Ratio 1:2:2.

After transplantation, you can use cactus fertilizer. Just keep in mind that the rate indicated in the instructions must be divided by two. Sansevieria, if fed in excess, can change the color of the leaves and become unattractive.

For the first five years, the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower grows very actively, so it will have to be replanted once a year - in the spring. After growth slows down, it is sufficient to replant once every 3 years.

Choose a pot taking into account the fact that mother-in-law's tongue thick, long, strong roots, and the height of the plant can reach up to a meter. But perhaps you have a shorter type of it, and it does not reach such a height.

But in any case, its roots are developed and strong - otherwise it would not be able to survive in the natural conditions of a hot climate and lack of water. He extracts it from all subsoil layers around the flower.

How it blooms and how to propagate

Many people believe that Sansevieria does not bloom. In fact, it is blooming. And at the end of flowering, berries are formed that contain seeds. Therefore, mother-in-law’s tongue propagates not only by cuttings, but also by seeds.

  • Ripe berries need to be collected and planted in a tray to a depth of about a centimeter. The distance between seeds is 5 centimeters. Prepare the soil in the same way as for replanting. Place a tray with
  • seeds in a bright, warm place, cover with film and wait for germination. The first ones will hatch in two weeks. As soon as the plants get stronger, they can be planted in pots.

It’s easier and faster for “mother-in-law’s tongue” to propagate by cuttings. Separate the cutting, leave it in the air for 10 minutes to dry the cut, and then plant it in the prepared soil.

You can divide the roots that have green rosettes. It is better to do this when transplanting, in the spring.

If there is a yellow edging on the leaves of your mother-in-law's tongue, none of the propagation methods described above will work. Only the leaves need to be divided.

  • Cut a healthy leaf at the base at a 30-degree angle.
  • Place the leaf in the pink manganese solution.
  • Then lift it so that only the yellow corner is in the manganese solution.
  • Roots will appear from there.
  • Also plant at an angle.
  • When sprouts appear, cut off this leaf with a sharp knife.

Mother-in-law's tongue - can you keep it at home?

Sansevieria is beneficial for human health:

  • it purifies the air,
  • makes him healthier
  • carries within itself positive energy.

Like all the plants that grow next to us, mother-in-law’s tongue is also healing and can help us solve some health problems.

What does mother-in-law's tongue cure?

  1. Decoctions can be prepared from the roots to boost immunity.
  2. The juice of the leaves can be instilled into the ears for otitis media.
  3. And if you grind the leaves into a paste and apply it to fresh wounds or burns, the skin will quickly recover and the pain will go away.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower omens

About the mother-in-law's flower, people come up with superstitions, supposedly it becomes the cause of gossip and scandals. And its name is appropriate. Nice plant They won’t call it mother-in-law’s language.

Well, for example these:

If a flower blooms in winter, expect trouble. There will be quarrels, scandals or troubles at work. At any other time, flowering does not carry any negativity.

Since mother-in-law’s tongue blooms very rarely, if its flowering coincides with some family event, such as the birth of a child, pregnancy or preparation for a wedding, people begin to wonder whether mother-in-law’s tongue blossomed for good or for ill.

It is also believed that if mother-in-law’s language is spread in the house, then life in the family will be poisoned by scandals, gossip and quarrels.

Why they hung all this on an ordinary plant - one can only guess. Very much unusual shape leaves of this indoor flower. So associations arise that are given the status of signs. Most likely this is speculation and superstition.

But the fact that mother-in-law’s tongue takes away bad energy was noticed by employees of local institutions: hospitals, public organizations, clinics, banks. Where there is a lot of different people, sometimes excited and nervous, indoor plant Sansevieria blooms more luxuriantly. It’s as if it takes over the entire nervous aura.

Therefore, in places where people come to do their business, they willingly grow sesseveria. The flower does not require special care, but perfectly decorates the interior. Especially minimalistic or formal, typical for the environment of organizations and company halls.

There is no reason why this flower should not have the same calming effect on the decor of the home. Try to abstract yourself from negative signs, attributed to mother-in-law's tongue and breed it at home. Perhaps everything will turn out to be completely different from what superstitions portray to us?

Try to treat it as a creature torn out of the usual and convenient conditions for growing, take care of it, create conditions close to natural ones.

It seems that something will definitely change for the better in your family. This will be the basis for new signs associated with mother-in-law’s tongue. And they will be kind, these new signs.

Sansevieria, or as it is popularly called “mother-in-law’s tongue,” comes from Africa. This is a plant of the agave family, numbering more than 50 species. Among them there are even epiphytes living in the tropics. IN indoor floriculture 7-8 species are common.

At home, “mother-in-law’s tongue” adapts well to environmental conditions and tolerates varying degrees lighting. Because of its unpretentiousness and beauty, Sansevieria is deservedly popular among gardeners. It fits perfectly into many design solutions interior

Types of "mother-in-law's tongue" differ in height, size and color: these can be green leaves with chaotic dark spots, with yellow longitudinal stripes, small plants up to 20 cm in height or with leaves more than a meter.

Sansevieria blooms very interestingly: neat flowers resembling stars appear on a small peduncle, which have a pleasant smell. The peduncle most often grows next to the leaves.

  1. Pot. For growing sansevieria, it is better to select spacious clay dishes, as they are powerful root system, adapted for long droughts, plastic dishes will soon break.
  2. The soil. It is better to select loose soil, and to avoid stagnation of water, it is recommended to make drainage from gravel or expanded clay.
  3. Support. The leaves of “mother-in-law’s tongue” are tall and heavy, so it would be better to fix recently transplanted plants near a wall or support.
  4. Lighting. Sansevieria loves bright lighting. Therefore, it is advisable to choose well-lit places for it, otherwise its leaves will turn pale and the plant will stop blooming.
  5. Watering. In the hot season, you should water the “mother-in-law’s tongue” once a week, and in cloudy weather – as needed. IN winter period this should be done on average once a month.
  6. Air humidity. Since “mother-in-law’s tongue” refers to succulents, air humidity is not important for it. Although it is recommended to wipe the leaves from dust more often.
  7. Fertilizer. In the summer, it is advisable to feed the “mother-in-law’s tongue” liquid fertilizer. At the same time, recently transplanted plants begin to be fertilized no earlier than six months later.

Reproduction of "mother-in-law's tongue"

  • propagation by division of rhizomes - with a sharp, clean knife, the rhizome is cut into pieces of about 10 cm, and for each piece of rhizome there should be several rosettes of leaves. The sections must be dried and planted in the substrate.
  • reproduction leaf cuttings– the most common types of Sansevieria can be propagated by leaf cuttings. Wherein mature plant will grow from cuttings in two years. This method propagation is not used for variegated varieties with yellow stripes, since young plant in this case there will be no stripes. The exception is the three-striped Sansevieria with a yellow stripe along the edge of the leaf. It is necessary to cut off the sheet at the base of the socket under acute angle near the yellow stripe and place it in a pale solution of potassium permanganate so that only the yellow corner of the leaf is in the solution. It is characteristic that the spine appears precisely in this part of the leaf. At exactly the same angle as in the solution, it is necessary to plant the cuttings in the soil. After a few months, a rosette similar to the mother plant should appear. And the sheet from which the rosette appeared must be removed with a sharp knife.
  • propagation by children from aerial rhizomes - some varieties of “mother-in-law’s tongue” produce children on aerial rhizomes. They need to be carefully trimmed with a sharp knife, dried and planted. In this case, roots should form within a couple of months.
  • propagation by seeds - seeds are sown in a greenhouse in soil from a mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1: 2: 1, respectively, and placed in a warm and bright place. The seeds sprout in a couple of weeks, and after a month the plants need to be planted in separate pots.

Problems when growing "mother-in-law's tongue"

  1. Rotting, yellowing and dying of leaves. This is a consequence of excessive moisture of the plant. If only part of the plant is damaged, then the affected parts should be removed and the cuts should be sprinkled activated carbon or sulfur, and change the pot for the plant.
  2. Cervical rotting in the absence of excess moisture may be caused by hypothermia. Optimal temperature in winter for sansevieria it is considered +12-+14 degrees. And at temperatures below +5 degrees the plant may die.
  3. Brown spots on leaves. This is evidence of waterlogging of the plant; watering should be done less often.
  4. The leaves are pale. This means there is not enough light. In this case, it is recommended to move the plant under direct lighting.
  5. The edges of the leaves are damaged. This may indicate that the plant is unstable in the pot or that it has been frozen. The flowerpot should be strengthened by placing it in an external container, or moved away from the window.
  6. Pests. "Mother-in-law's tongue" is susceptible to damage by thrips, spider mites, mealybugs.
  • mealybug - white spots appear on bottom side leaves - the pest likes to settle at the base of sword-shaped leaves and peduncles and suck out their juice, while the leaves and peduncles become bent, turn yellow and fall off. Pests are collected by hand, and the infected plant is washed with water. In case of severe damage, the fight is difficult, since the scale insects are able to gather on leaves and stems in large colonies. In this case, treatment with karbofos is indicated.
  • thrips - whitish silvery spots and dark brown dots appear on the underside of the leaf. Here you can consider small insects with wings. Insects are not very dangerous. They fly or crawl from leaf to leaf, leaving behind silvery streaks. These pests interfere with the growth of the plant, and after them the leaves become discolored and turn yellow, but most of all they harm the flowers, causing them to become deformed and stained. The fight against this pest is not very difficult - you need to regularly irrigate the sansevieria with water, increasing the air humidity. In case of significant damage, it is necessary to treat with Actellik
  • spider mite - a cobweb appears on the leaves, visible to the naked eye. At the same time, the leaves begin to turn yellow, acquire a marbled color and dry out. This is the most dangerous pest indoor plants located in warm, dry climates, which can affect almost all house plants, causing their growth and development to slow down, leaves to yellow and fall off. To combat mites, it is necessary to regularly irrigate the affected parts of the plant with water and wipe the leaves with a damp sponge. In case of significant damage, it is necessary to apply Actellik.

Traditional methods of pest control for “mother-in-law’s tongue”

A solution of Persian chamomile and green soap. The infected plant is treated with this mixture, and after a day it is washed with plain water. It is recommended to carry out the procedure until the pests disappear.

Signs associated with “mother-in-law’s tongue”

"Mother-in-law's tongue" also has many folk names: “pike tail”, “Indian sword”, “snake skin”, “devil’s tongue” and this influenced the emergence of various signs and superstitions, most often unfounded, associated with this plant:

  • a plant of gossip - some believe that “mother-in-law’s tongue” brings frequent quarrels and family destruction into the house. This is an absolute lie - Sansevieria is an excellent plant for strengthening the family - quarrels and showdowns disappear, love and mutual understanding return
  • energy – the plant absorbs negativity – rudeness, Bad mood, anger and encourages positive communication, while emitting the energy of creativity and peace
  • getting rid of ill-wishers - the plant is able to stop gossip and drive away ill-wishers
  • flowering of a plant - it is believed that if “mother-in-law’s tongue” blooms in winter, this is a sign of a major scandal associated with excessive care. If flowering occurs at any other time of the year except winter, this is a good sign that speaks of good luck in new endeavors.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a flower often found on the windowsills of Soviet apartments, in public medical institutions and kindergartens. Its long leaves, usually rich green in color with dark splashes or stripes, were a common attribute of any self-respecting housewife of the USSR. As it turned out, in the 21st century, culture from Africa also found a place next to man. IN modern world Sansevieria, as mother-in-law's tongue is also called, is quite widespread and continues to win the hearts of indoor plant lovers around the globe.

A flower with many names

Born under the scorching sun of subtropical countries, Sansevieria or Sansevieria has taken root quite well on modern window sills. As soon as they don't call indoor flower, which in nature has 69 varieties. The most common folk names of the heat-loving beauty are:

  • mother-in-law's tongue;
  • pike tail;
  • snake skin;
  • Indian sword.

Sansevieria received its official name from the famous scientist and botanist of the 18th century, a native of Italy, Prince Sanseviero.

The plant not only looks picturesque, but also has a sufficient number of beneficial properties. According to research American company NASA, the pike tail is almost the only representative of the flora that clears space of carbon dioxide and other harmful substances. Scientists were also amazed by the fact that an Indian sword is capable of absorbing and processing all carbon dioxide in the room where it is located. Neutralizes mother-in-law's tongue and harmful secretions from plastic windows.

Folk signs associated with culture

Before bringing home this or that green window sill dweller, some housewives are also interested in the energetic influence of the plant. So, for example, popular superstitions used to attribute a bad reputation to mother-in-law’s tongue. It was believed that sansevieria represents the wife’s mother, and it has long been believed that this particular lady loves to teach young people, meddle in their affairs and gossip.

It used to be believed that by having a pike tail in the house, the family doomed itself to a short-lived existence as a married couple. Between husband and wife, disagreements and constant quarrels and scandals must begin. However, modern esotericists believe that the ancient signs associated with mother-in-law’s tongue are nothing more than legends. Experts are convinced that it is Sansevieria that is called upon to protect peace in the house where it grows, and is named after the long tongue of the wife’s mother as a joke.

By growing pike tail at home, the housewife provides her family with a calm and peaceful atmosphere in her home. Observations have shown that the number of quarrels and scandals with the appearance of mother-in-law's tongue on the windowsill is significantly reduced and eventually disappears altogether. People living near her improve their mood and sleep.

There are also signs on the topic of Sansevieria flowering. A native of the subtropics rarely shoots an arrow with buds. Popular rumor claims that if a plant throws a flower into winter time from December to February, then this is a sign of trouble, and during the next year you should not expect gifts or mercy from fate. In other seasons, the blossoming of mother-in-law's tongue promises happiness and prosperity to its owner.

Modern experts are sure that sansevieria produces buds only in a favorable atmosphere, which means that its flowering in any of the 12 months brings good luck.

Varieties of mother-in-law's tongue

Caring for sansevieria at home is not particularly difficult, and its buds smell pleasant and are beautiful in appearance. The most popular varieties of mother-in-law's tongue include the following plants:

  • big;
  • hyacinth;
  • Duneri;
  • graceful;
  • pick;
  • Liberian;
  • three-lane;
  • cylindrical.

A reddish border along the edge of a wide, almost 60 cm ovoid leaf with stripes indicates a large sansevieria. This plant blooms with white or greenish-transparent inflorescences.

Indian sword hyacinth and duneri

The hyacinth piketail stands out among its green relatives with tufts of lanceolate leaves with light horizontal strokes. The flowers of this representative of mother-in-law's tongue are small.

Duneri is another type of Indian sword. Her characteristic features are flat, straight-directed leaves, periodically intersected by dark wide stripes. The buds are distinguished by their whiteness.

Graceful mother-in-law's tongue and pickaxe

Often in indoor pots You can also find Sansevieria graceful. It is distinguished by small pointed shoots of a greenish-gray hue. The color of its rather wide stripes is grayish-beige.

The leaves-tongues of the pickaxe can reach a height of 1.8-1.9 meters in an adult plant and have a soft green tint. The spots that nature generously endowed this sansevieria with are both white and white-green. This variety of mother-in-law's tongue produces light buds.

Liberian, three-strip and cylindrical sansevieria

The flowers of the Liberian Sansevieria are considered the most strongly fragrant. The leaves of this plant are flat, lance-shaped and grow parallel to the ground. The stripes that cross the tongues are usually light green.

Three-strip sansevieria is named so because of the vertical lines that strip its leaves. Fresh green shoots have a white or light border around the entire perimeter and dark stripes located horizontally. This representative of Sansevieria usually blooms with small greenish-white buds.

But the leaves of the cylindrical Indian sword are often used to braid the plant. The rich green tube shoots have a diameter of up to 2 cm, and the mother-in-law's tongue itself blooms with unusual brown flowers that secrete sweet nectar.

How to care for sansevieria?

To grow healthy and pleasing sansevieria at home, you need to follow several rules. TO important details Mother-in-law tongue care includes:

  • choice of location;
  • landing;
  • watering;
  • fertilizer.

Despite the fact that the subtropical plant is unpretentious by nature and even some of its species prefer to live in a canopy, perched on tree branches, right choice space will be the key to the health of the window sill inhabitant. The flower doesn't like straight lines sun rays However, constant light is vital for him.

Sansevieria loves the east or west side.

Temperature environment in summer should not exceed +25 degrees Celsius. In the winter season, the thermometer in the room where the mother-in-law's tongue grows must be at +10 and above.


Pike tail prefers shallow but wide pots, as its roots spread wide rather than deep. There must be drainage under the soil layer so that the water in the vessel does not stagnate and the plant does not rot. The best option The soil mixture will be turf and leaf soil mixed with sand in a ratio of 4 to 2 to 1. A substrate for geranium will also be suitable. It is recommended to regularly wipe off dust that accumulates on the leaves with a damp cloth.


Sansevieria needs to be watered moderately from April to October. During the cold season from November to March, it is recommended to limit the amount of water. You should definitely make sure that liquid does not get into the center of the flower rosette, as this can lead to rotting of the plant.

Reproduction of pike tail

Like any other green inhabitant of window sills and indoor shelving, Sansevieria has a weakness for feeding. Experts recommend fertilizing the soil from March to August, and fertilizer for cacti (the dosage is reduced by half) is suitable as a healthy “delicacy” for mother-in-law’s tongue.

Pike tail propagation can also be done at home. Sansevieria produces:

  • dividing the rhizome;
  • seeds;
  • cuttings.

Root division

A new plant is obtained by transplanting an adult Sansevieria. To do this, you need to remove the mother-in-law’s tongue along with the root and rinse thoroughly. Next, the rhizome of the flower is divided into the required number of pieces using a well-sharpened knife. In this case, there must be leaves on the separated parts. The new sansevieria is placed in a prepared pot and covered with soil. Then the seedling is watered abundantly. After some time, the soil can be fertilized.

Sowing seeds

When propagated by seeds, they are collected after the mother-in-law's tongue has flowered. Next, the slightly dried material is planted in selected pots and placed in a small greenhouse for germination. After 21 days, the seeds will sprout.

After the new pike tails have sprouted, they are picked and, if necessary, transplanted to permanent place in a large container. Watering and caring for young plants is identical to the recommendations for the first breeding option.

Germination of parts

Cuttings from leaves are considered by experts to be the most difficult way to propagate a native of subtropical forests. In order to get a new plant from an existing sansevieria, its leaves, selected in required quantity, cut into several pieces and dried.

Then the slightly withered parts of the mother-in-law’s tongue fragment are immersed on one side in wet sand to a depth of 2 cm. After 54 days, the cuttings will take root, after which they are planted in a permanent place of growth and, if necessary, in a larger pot. It is recommended to care for such sansevieria in the same ways as for those grown using previous methods.

The plant requires mandatory replanting when it begins to regularly turn the pot onto the floor.

How to repel plant pests?

Despite the fact that mother-in-law's tongue is quite unpretentious, and it is affected by pests. The most common diseases of Sansevieria are spider mites and thrips. They are combated with special insecticides purchased from flower shops. For example, Vertimek or Fitoverm will help in pest control. The course of treatment takes place at intervals of 7-10 days.

Web Maker

Another pest that is difficult to see in time due to its small sizes, is a spider mite. This insect reproduces quite quickly and affects indoor green spaces in a matter of days. If a barely noticeable cobweb and black spots appear on the flower, it means that the pest has already attacked a representative of the home flora.

Usually, flowers affected by mites cannot be saved. They urgently need to be isolated from other neighbors in pots. If there is a desire to try to resuscitate a green patient, then he is sprayed or watered from the shower until wet, and then placed in a container with special solution drug. Treatment also takes place in several stages at intervals of 5-10 days. Usually processing special means carried out 3 times.

Appearance brown spots or fragments on the leaves may also indicate that the crop has received an excess of moisture. In this case, the rotten leaves are removed. Mother-in-law's tongue is an excellent indoor plant, which is easy to care for and pleases the eye with its fresh greenery. If we manage to create ideal conditions for the inhabitant of the windowsill, then you can admire its flowering.

Mother-in-law's tongue is a houseplant that is still held in high esteem by our flower growers. This decorative flower, unpretentious and great for breeding in offices and at home. Not all flower lovers know that the scientific name of this plant is Sansevieria.

Description of the flower

“Mother-in-law’s tongue”, “dragon’s tongue”, “pike tail”, “bayonet plant”, “snake skin” and many other names this houseplant has. The tropics of Africa and Asia are considered the homeland of sansevieria. There are more than 60 varieties of plants in nature.

However for home breeding Only some varieties are used. It is necessary to find out whether it is possible to keep a mother-in-law’s tongue flower at home and how to care for it so that it pleases its owners? According to some sources, these plants are classified as members of the Dracaena and Iglitsa families. Yours interesting name The flower was found in honor of Prince von Sanseviero.

Low-demanding and persistent flower Mother-in-law's tongue and varieties in nature:

Depending on what species the flower belongs to, the leaves may be grayish green, green or dark green. The shape of the leaf directly depends on the species. Wide white or yellow stripes may appear on the leaf. Stripes of a different color, such as light green, may be placed across. The leaf may have a reddish edge. Brief flowering occurs in spring.

Varieties for home care

The decorative flower is grown not only at home, but also as an office decoration. Because the plant is unpretentious, it is very easy to care for it. But flower growers still distinguish several varieties of mother-in-law’s tongue:

Mother-in-law's tongue flower and care at home

If someone decides to grow sansevieria at home, then it is important to follow a few simple tips:

  • Support temperature regime in the room.
  • In the summer, any temperature is suitable for the indoor flower mother-in-law's tongue.
  • In the cold season, the temperature should be at 14-16 0 C. But you still need to take into account that minimum temperature- this is 10-11 0 C. Sudden changes have a bad effect on the plant.

It is known that the flower retains water in its leaves, so it should be watered sparingly.

When keeping the mother-in-law's tongue flower at home, is it possible to fertilize it and with what preparation? Sansevieria is not very fond of nitrogen. Therefore, when purchasing fertilizer, you need to pay attention to the fact that it should contain the least amount of fertilizer. It is enough to fertilize once a year. In winter, the plant is not fertilized. In spring summer time fertilizing can be done with cactus formulations.

Flower pests and how to deal with them

The main pests of the mother-in-law's tongue flower are:

  • Thrips.
  • Spider mites.
  • Mealyworms.

The fact that a flower is infected with spider mites can be determined by the color of the leaves. They change color to a paler color.

Thrips settle on the lower part of the leaf in large colonies. In the same time top part the leaf is covered with gray-brown spots with a silvery sheen.

If a mealyworm has settled at the base of the rosette, it begins to suck the juice from the leaves and peduncles. Leaves become diseased and distorted.

How to deal with pests of the mother-in-law's tongue flower? Can I keep it at home? chemicals or is it better to use folk remedies? You can try everything, but you need to start with plant prevention:

  • Make an infusion from citrus peels. Moisten a cloth with this infusion and wipe the leaves of the flower.
  • Carry out regular preventive spraying with the biological product "Fitoverm".
  • If pests are detected, you can spray with Actellik and Decis.

Does Sansevieria bloom?

When to bloom, the plant chooses the time for this completely independently. Mother-in-law's tongue may not bloom for years, and then suddenly bloom into delicate flowers. Their aroma is reminiscent of vanilla. Fills the entire room and extends beyond the front door.

The beauty lasts for about a week. The reason for unexpected flowering is that the plant senses the approach of death and nature forces it to bloom in order to leave behind seeds.

By folk superstitions, the mother-in-law's tongue flower, blooming in winter, tells the owner about impending troubles.

Benefits of a flower in the home

Sansevieria is popularly considered a real healer. It has been established that it helps with the following ailments:

  • Cystitis.
  • Inflammation of the appendages.
  • Otitis (shooting pain in the ears).
  • Skin lesions (scabies, ulcers, itching, wounds and cuts).

Many people have no idea what mysterious properties has the flower of mother-in-law's tongue. Is it possible to keep a healer at home who:

  • Destroys harmful bacteria.
  • They release oxygen.
  • Absorbs negative energy.

It has been noticed that if there is this flower in the house, then the owners of this miracle:

  • They suffer less from headaches.
  • They suffer from colds less often.
  • Pressure drops in hypertensive and hypotensive patients become less frequent.

Placing a flower in a classroom promotes better learning and active creativity.

What do people say about him?

Mother-in-law's tongue flower and signs associated with it:

  • If flowering happened in the summer, then you need to expect great luck. And if it blooms in winter, then this is a sign of impending troubles.
  • If the leaves turn yellow and this is not the work of pests, then you are about to part with someone.
  • If healthy plant begins to hurt and waste away, this indicates that the situation in the house is tense.

Is it possible to keep a mother-in-law’s tongue flower at home if people talk about various signs? Of course you can, because it is a peacemaker plant. And not all signs promise trouble. There are also good ones, for example:

  • If a person is sick, then you need to stroke the flower more often to release negative energy.
  • A husband and wife will no longer quarrel if a flowerpot with a plant given by the parents of one of the spouses is placed in their bedroom.
  • Unmarried young ladies can cast spells in mother-in-law's language.

Of course, grow a beautiful and proud plant.

If you decide to get a plant like Mother-in-Law’s tongue in your home, you should listen to folk beliefs, because some of them promise good things, while others are a harbinger of unpleasant life changes. What signs exist about the Mother-in-Law flower and how they can be recognized will be helped by the advice of experienced fortune tellers.

Interpretation of superstitions about the plant

This flower has several popular names - in floristry the indoor flower is called Sansevieria, popularly - snake skin, pike tail, devil's tongue or Indian sword. The flower received this name for a reason - its long and pointed foliage is really appearance resembles swords or long tongues.

As the sign about the Mother-in-Law flower says, a bush growing in the house is an excellent symbol of strengthening family relationships between spouses and all family members. Practice shows that families who acquired such a flower lived for a long time in happiness and love, and all quarrels, disagreements and troubles left their home.

Despite the name, which implies gossip, discord and disagreement, the Mother-in-Law flower, on the contrary, is a real and powerful protection for all household members from any negativity - the evil eye, damage, evil eye and other magical effects.

The flower scares away all ill-wishers who have bad thoughts and bad intentions towards your family. It protects household members on an energetic level and prevents negativity from entering the house.

Energy properties

Folk signs about the Pike Tail claim that such a flower is capable of balancing the energy balance of any home - be it a house or an apartment. In a house where there is no such plant, complete discord will reign.

By folk signs, Mother-in-law’s tongue in the house is able to absorb all the negativity - anger, hostility towards others, bad mood, and in return charge the person with positivity and positive energy. The pike tail helps all family members get closer, find mutual language and understanding. Long leaves they take away everything bad and radiate the energy of calm, comfort and well-being in the home.

If there is a negative atmosphere in the house, it has worsened financial position If one of the family members is often sick, it is necessary to place Mother-in-Law's Tongue in a place where all family members often gather. This could be the kitchen or living room. The plant will soften the tense atmosphere, absorb all negativity and direct positive energy in the right direction.

Signs about flowering

Signs about the Pike tail, which blooms, have several meanings.

  1. If Mother-in-law's tongue blooms earlier or later than expected, it is a bad sign. A major scandal or quarrel awaits you at home or at work (if the plant is located in the office). A quarrel can be provoked by excessive guardianship or concern for other people. Usually this phenomenon occurs in winter, which is not typical for Sansevieria.
  2. Some believe that Mother-in-Law’s tongue blooms only in a house or apartment where there is a favorable atmosphere, understanding and comfort. Therefore, if a plant blooms at any time of the year except winter, there is nothing bad or alarming about it. As superstitions and signs say about the Pike Tail flower, new and successful endeavors await a person - obtaining a new position, developing a hidden talent, concluding a new deal, etc.

How to get the most benefit from a plant

For positive superstitions to come true and for you to be able to force the plant to diligently take care of the well-being of the family, you need to provide it with good care:

  • water frequently;
  • feed periodically;
  • keep in a bright, warm place where there are no drafts and sudden temperature changes;
  • To maintain its decorative effect, periodically wipe the leaves with a damp cloth.

When buying mother-in-law's tongue for your home, it is important to remember what such a plant brings maximum benefit only positive, kind and optimistic people. The plant subtly senses the home aura and the atmosphere in the house, multiplies it and directs it in the right direction.