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Project of a house with a second light - pros and cons. Second light in private homes - what is it, features and examples of projects

By second light in the interior we mean a room in which window openings are located in several rows. The ceiling in such rooms is high, and there is no overlap between the rows of windows. The room turns out to be bright and spacious, but not all homes can implement this option. The area of ​​the house must be at least 200 square meters. m so that the designer’s idea is revealed as much as possible.

From history to modern times

Second-world interiors have been around since the Middle Ages in churches, shrines, government buildings and the homes of influential people. In those days, artificial light (candles) was not used so often, but the premises needed it. Therefore, this solution made it possible to solve several issues at once - to make the room brighter and to decorate the façade of the entire structure.

Not today, interiors with second light are found not only in the above buildings, but also in private houses and city apartments. In the latter case, it could be a penthouse or a duplex apartment.

This solution is especially popular in loft-style apartments. In private homes, the range of styles is wider - the interior of a house with a second light can embody Empire, Baroque, Rococo, classic, rustic and similar trends.

Advantages and disadvantages of second light in the interior

Second light in rooms provides the following advantages:

  • Fills the room with sunlight, making it brighter.
  • You can observe a beautiful play of light on the decoration and interior items.
  • Makes the interior and exterior presentable.
  • Space is created in the room.
  • Suitable for different styles.

Along with the advantages, we would like to mention the disadvantages:

  • Decreases effective area building.
  • It will take longer to warm up the room in winter.
  • Heat loss due to large area glazing.
  • Special requirements for heating and ventilation that must be implemented by specialists, otherwise warm air may accumulate at the top, and people will freeze below.

Methods for creating windows in 2 rows

You can implement interior design with a second light in the following ways:

  • Draw up a house project with such an architectural solution in advance. This option is the most convenient and suitable.
  • Dismantle the existing ceiling, abandoning the room located above. The work process will be labor-intensive and should only be carried out by competent specialists.
  • Lower the floor. The method is available only in private homes and involves the installation of steps from the hallway to the living room.

Install two rows plastic windows and attach horizontal white blinds to them (separately to the bottom and top rows), and on the sides, along the entire length, hang a light translucent light gray curtain.

  • The interior of the second light in the house has good acoustics. Therefore, you can put a piano or other musical instrument. You can also install a home theater to watch movies in the company of loved ones.
  • IN dark time good day will be needed artificial lighting. Hang a massive central chandelier from the ceiling with multiple lights to match your chosen style. Also advisable pendant lamps on chains, large floor lamps and table lamps.
  • Select tulle and curtains in advance - these can be massive curtains, drapery, or just light and airy tulle. You can also use vertical or horizontal blinds.
  • Curtains along the entire length of the glazing will look impressive.
  • To reduce heat loss during cold periods, the top row of windows can be made smaller.
  • Between the top and bottom rows of windows there is sometimes a long shelf for storage. decorative items. It can be either along the entire perimeter of the room or along one wall.
  • The fireplace will warm the room on a cold winter evening. Since the room big size, then the fireplace should not be small. It can be finished with tiles or natural stone, and arrange a sofa area next to it.
  • Furniture items should be larger than in ordinary rooms. On one of the walls you can do bookshelves up to the ceiling. To reach them, special folding ladders are used.


Interior country house with second light or a city apartment will always effectively highlight your home both inside and outside against the background of other buildings. But to implement such a solution, the help of professionals is needed, since the issue is not only in the correct design, but also in the safety of the building.

TopDom specialists will help you develop and implement the interior design of houses in which the second light will not only provide additional light, but will also become the highlight of the entire home in which you will want to spend every day.

In our photo gallery with house design there are more than 1,500 ready-made design projects, including those with second light. We guarantee you high level professionalism and a result that will meet your expectations.

Currently under construction wooden houses are engaged in two cases: to live in these houses; surprise others that you are the owner of a wooden house. In the second case, people most often visit such a premises for holidays, weekends or business meetings. There is no need to particularly rack your brains about arranging such a house; it simply must be well built, have the basic elements of everyday life and be well lit. IN residential buildings everything is much more serious, they try to save every centimeter of space to make sure you can and make sure that with limited space every corner is used. But the topic of our article is the second light. You may not yet know what it is, but by the end of reading you will be fully aware of it. this concept, and also decide for yourself whether it is advisable to build wooden houses with a second light or not.

We will look at the following sections in more detail:

What is second light and its positive aspects

Second light- This is a method of building wooden houses in which they are not intentionally installed. As a result, you get one big and high room, above which the roof of the building is located. This significantly increases the visible space, but to put it simply, this type construction consists of combining the first and second floors of the log house.

People would not be people if they did not have adherents and obvious opponents of the construction of the second world. Aesthetes are in favor of its implementation, but rationalists will do everything to install an interfloor ceiling and organize a bedroom on the second floor. Both the first and second are right, and then you will understand why. To understand this it is necessary to consider the positive and negative sides second light.

What are the positive aspects? With the help of the second light you will give yourself a feeling of freedom; we are all used to living in apartments with low ceilings, but here we are invited to feel truly free, since the ceiling will not visually press on you. In addition, a second light is very respectable, not everyone can afford it, so guests will appreciate your taste and understand that you are not ordinary person, squeezed into the opinion of the majority, but are ready to experiment and this leads to great results.

Let's add to this the presence of abundant lighting due to the possibility of installation large windows. There will always be so much light in the house that people will be jealous. And green plants that exceed a height of several meters. Could you really afford this in an apartment, but now everything will be different, you just have to try. A huge chandelier will create an additional atmosphere, and exactly the kind of chandelier you saw in films and palaces. If we haven’t convinced you yet, then look at the photo presented above, only it can change a lot, but imagine what it looks like in real life.

Negative sides

But along with positive aspects, there are always negative ones. Since our site strives to bring to the visitor all the information regarding a particular topic, we simply cannot remain silent about the negative aspects of houses with second light.

You will definitely lose a lot of space where you could place cabinets, beds, a kitchen, and maybe even a toilet. You may not have all this, since, in essence, you are giving up one large or two small rooms in favor of one huge and very tall one. Of course, your cottage will number several hundred square meters, then this is not a problem and you can easily build it in the living room, but with budget construction such generosity is not permissible.

But another point is more important. No one has yet been able to break the laws of physics and have it lead to good consequences. What we mean is that there may be problems with heating the log house, which will have a second light. Warm air, one way or another, tends upward, and since a person does not know how to fly, it will always be in the cold part, i.e. at the bottom. It is not rational to heat a space that will not be used. It is this argument that forces many to abandon the second light in the house. Below we will teach you how to solve this problem.

Additional material

While you are still confused and know whether you need it or not, we will give some tips for houses with second light. In order not to lose heat, take care of the thermal insulation of the walls and roof; thus, warm air will not leave the room.

In addition to this, we advise you to call specialists who will calculate required amount room heaters. Remember, you need heaters that emit heat, i.e. light They are installed towards the floor of the building and heat objects rather than the air. If you give preference to heaters that circulate air around the room using a fan, this will not help; all the heat will still go up. Therefore, do not make a mistake when choosing a room heater.

A simply chic addition to this would be installing heated floors. If it doesn’t work out well, then he will walk around warm floor and just enjoy the gigantic room with second light. Many people have already confirmed that .

This is how they will fight the cold, although in the summer you won’t have to do this, and people go to such houses to relax most often in the summer, although New Year to meet in it is very good.

This is where we can finish. You can read all the pros and cons of the second light and decide for yourself whether it’s worth building it or not. Remember that it can always be rebuilt, but why ruin a piece of art. It's better to refuse right away. Remember just one thing - the second light does not have to be built in the entire log house, you can separate it small space, and in the remaining part to build a second residential floor, which will result in good bedrooms, but at the same time part of the house will be without a ceiling. This is where he will receive guests and celebrate holidays.

What happens if panoramic windows make it even bigger on the entire wall? Cottages in which part of the overlap between floors is missing, and in the living room has a height of 6-8 meters, are called houses with second light. This is a rather original and not yet very common technique that allows you to add more light, freedom and monumentality. Moreover, thanks to the second light, you can create a unique one and enjoy picturesque landscapes at home. Similar decision today used primarily in arranging.

Idea glass houses is not new, it was embodied in the twentieth century in the form of modernist office and public buildings. and cottages with panoramic views have recently developed; this is the fashion of the twenty-first century. The reasons that hampered the construction of houses with transparent walls in previous periods are not technical, but psychological in nature. A house with one completely glazed wall seemed unprotected and fragile, and therefore there was no demand for such construction. The situation changed when cottage villages with protected areas and large plots began to be built.

From the living room there is access to the premises of the first and second floors. To climb to the second floor, a decorative, screw or marching one is built. Another feature of houses with second light is the need think carefully, because a room with a height of more than 5 meters requires a special approach, and it will not be enough.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses with second light

If we compare all the advantages and disadvantages of such houses, then there are many more of the former, so we can start with them. So, The main advantages of houses with second light include:

  1. opportunity to create unique design , and sitting in the living room you can enjoy a panoramic view of the beautiful landscapes;
  2. opportunity to create unique, since in a room with such high ceilings you can use luxurious or a lot of spotlights, or other interesting solutions, with the help of which the house will truly become unique;
  3. if you like to grow plants, then houses with second light will allow you to create an extensive collection, even arrange one, and at the same time the amount of light will be maximum, and you can afford even the tallest plants;
  4. huge ones will significantly save on lighting and make the most of natural light;
  5. the fragility and insecurity of houses with second light has long been refuted. To organize glazing they use durable double glazed windows, which work on the greenhouse principle: Sun rays pass freely through the glass, heat up all objects in the house, and are converted into infrared rays, which can no longer pass through the glass.

But also disadvantages of houses with second light also have:

  1. loss of usable space, because the absence of part of the floors forces you to abandon a couple of not always extra rooms: bedrooms or utility rooms. That is why “second light” is organized only in houses with sufficient space so that this bonus does not cause discomfort;
  2. ceiling height in living room- This additional difficulties, since it will be almost impossible to change the light bulbs in a chandelier without outside professional help, and this is an extra cost;
  3. difficulties also arise when organization of the heating system, because ordinary radiators, even if there are a sufficient number of them, will not be enough - the laws of physics work. That is why it is better to involve specialists in developing a heat supply system. As a rule, you will need a thermal curtain, when a stream of heated air moves along the glass from top to bottom. Walls and roofs will also help, and as heaters it is better to use those that heat objects in the room, rather than the air.

10 interesting projects of houses with second light

If some of the disadvantages of such houses do not bother you, then you can move on to designing and building such a structure on your site. Of course, you can create your own unique project, taking into account all individual requirements, but you can buy a ready-made one: it is several times cheaper, and all these projects are thought out to the smallest detail so that the built house is comfortable and cozy. Let's look at the most interesting of them.

No. 1. Grace

This is a chic project two-story house with an area of ​​319 m2. Great for big family, who can not only relax here for several weeks a year, but also live fully - all the necessary premises are provided. The main part of the first floor is spacious kitchen-living room, from which a panoramic view opens. The area can comfortably accommodate a kitchen and dining area, as well as a relaxation area. In addition, on the ground floor there is a bathroom and a lot of utility rooms for storing things, gardening tools and other things. There is a garage for two cars and a terrace where you can have picnics or just sunbathe.

On the second floor, the project involves placing three bedrooms, one of which has its own bathroom, as well as one more. So many recreation rooms are enough for a large family, and a house built according to this project, will be comfortable and conducive to relaxation.

No. 2. North

A house built according to this project, unlike the previous one, will be suitable for a small family, who will not spend very much time here, since it is compact and has a minimum of bedrooms. A special feature of the house is a spacious terrace, which can become an excellent place for relaxation and family celebrations. total area This two-story house is only 76 m2, so the project is suitable only for a specific group of people.

On the ground floor, as is customary, there is a spacious kitchen with a living room, as well as a bathroom. In that part of the house where there is no panoramic glazing, a children's room is organized and small bedroom. On the second floor, according to the project, it is possible to place more spacious bedroom and a dressing room.

No. 3. Optimum

Such a house can become a place of complete and varied recreation, and there is enough space for a large family or a large group of friends. The design of this two-story house boasts an area of ​​more than 530 m2. From the ground floor there is access to a huge terrace that can be used in different ways. Also on the ground floor there is a leading to a spacious living room, the decoration of which is the “second light”. The kitchen is separated from the living room and also has ample space and a separate dining area. From the kitchen and living room there is access to the terrace, so on fine days you can easily have dinners on fresh air– all products can be easily and simply taken out.

Also on the ground floor there are a couple of bathrooms, a huge Gym, sauna with swimming pool, boiler room, pantry, utility rooms and for two cars. The staircase from the living room leads to the second floor into the hall, which also offers stunning views from the window. On the second floor there is a bedroom with a separate bathroom and dressing room, as well as three other bedrooms and two additional baths. Such a project is suitable for those who dream of relaxing in their country house with maximum comfort.

No. 4. Greece

This is a project of another spacious two-story house with an area of ​​302 m2. Both the external and internal solutions are thought out to the smallest detail. So, on the ground floor there is a living room overlooking the terrace and surrounding landscapes. The kitchen and dining areas are nearby, but separated by a short partition. From the dining area there is access to the terrace, so if desired, everything cooked can be easily taken outside to have lunch or dinner in the fresh air. On the ground floor there is also supposed to be a bathroom, storage room, boiler room, wardrobe, as well as a bedroom, from which there is also access to the terrace.

From the living room, a staircase rises to the second floor hall, from where doors lead to three bedrooms, a bathroom and a dressing room, and another bathroom is provided in one of the bedrooms. The result is a good project for a country house for a large family.

No. 5. Finnish house

Enough interesting project, according to which you can build a cozy two-story house with an area of ​​286 m2. Thanks to the layout features, this area will accommodate even more useful objects than in previous version. The basis of the first floor is a living room with second light. Next to the living room there is a dining area with access to the terrace, and the kitchen is located right there. In addition to these rooms, as well as the hallway and hall, on the ground floor there is a bathroom, a bedroom with a dressing room and a bath, but that’s not all. A special feature of the project is that there is space for a sauna with a shower and a changing room.

As in all other projects of houses with a second light, here the staircase to the second floor leads from the living room and goes to the hall on the second floor. It is also used as a relaxation area, because the view is the same as from the living room. There are also three bedrooms, one of which has a wardrobe and a balcony, and one bathroom for all.

No. 6. Arrow

The design of this house is truly unique and interesting, it is suitable for those who want to achieve original solution, but at the same time not deprive the house of comfort and coziness. The area is 370 m2, there are two floors, and the peculiarity is the presence of a gallery on the second floor, as well as a lot of facilities for rest and relaxation. The house has a peculiar shape, and on the ground floor there is a living room and a kitchen-dining room, and they are located so that they form a single room, and two walls parallel to each other are completely glazed. In addition, on the ground floor there is a vestibule with an entrance hall, a bathroom, as well as a hall with access to the bathroom, utility rooms and a gym, next to it there is a passage to the swimming pool, from which you can exit onto a spacious terrace. Best solution I can't think of a place for a relaxing holiday. For convenience, there is space for a two-car garage on the ground floor.

Since the “second light” is actually located on two sides, the second floor is planned using a gallery that leads from the staircase to two children's rooms. Also on the second floor there are two bedrooms and a bathroom.

No. 7. Friends

The name of the project of this house speaks for itself. The rooms here are located and equipped so that there is enough space for a huge group, and so that everyone’s stay is as comfortable as possible. It’s worth noting right away that the house design does not include a garage, but the issue of parking can be solved in a lot of other ways. But on an area of ​​450 m2 all the necessary rooms are located.

On the ground floor there is a huge living room with second light, it connects to the dining room, from where it also opens beautiful view. The kitchen and dining room are combined, and from the latter there is access to the terrace for outdoor dining. Also on the ground floor there is a guest room with access to the terrace and its own bathroom, dressing room, gym with bath. The second floor has a spacious hall, a dressing room and four bedrooms, each of which has a separate bathroom - ideal for big company friends.

From small apartments with a bedroom under the ceiling up to country mansions With open second floor: we often publish photographs of multi-level housing on our blog, so it’s time to understand the terms and list the pros and cons of such a layout.

“The second light is that part of the volume of the room that falls on the plans of the floors above. Simply put, a double-height room occupies two or more floors in height,” explains architect Elina Bogus the strict meaning of the term.

In ordinary speech we often call second light not top part free space, but the rooms located at its level, especially if they are small and open. In this case, it would be more correct to talk about the second floor or tier, or use the term mezzanine.

Mezzanine - p a landing in the volume of a double-height room with an area of ​​no more than 40% of the floor area of ​​a double-height room or an internal platform of an apartment located within a floor with an increased height, having an area of ​​no more than 40% of the area of ​​the room in which it is being built ( SNiP 31-03-2001).

The mezzanine can be either a small balcony a meter below the ceiling or an almost full-fledged room, and in the latter case the remaining space can rightfully be called double-height.

So, what are the features, pros and cons of houses with double-height rooms?

Aesthetics. First of all, it's beautiful. Such a house is associated with luxurious bohemian or aristocratic life, and objectively it is pleasant to be in a space with an abundance of light and very high ceilings.

Saving/wasting space. Anyone who is considering whether to install a second light in a room two full floors high is faced with the temptation... not to do it. Indeed, a second light in a spacious country house is a luxury; in its place it is quite possible to place one or two more full-fledged rooms. On the other hand, in ordinary apartments with very high ceilings, where it is still impossible to create a full second floor, a mezzanine can be added to 40% of the area and will relieve the pressure on the main level of the house.

Light. Regardless of whether you install panoramic windows or leave them in two rows, the double-height room will be bright. This is important if you live in an area where sunlight few. True, you will have to make sure that the windows are really well insulated.

Noise. Partially missing ceiling between floors and high empty walls create excellent acoustics, so that even the loudest sounds will reach the top. For lovers open plans and large common spaces This effect will be pleasant, but if there are children in the house or the sleep patterns of family members are very different, this can become a problem. Thick curtains and other sound-absorbing coverings can help a little.

Ladder. IN two-story houses it cannot be avoided, but if you are going to build a mezzanine for now ordinary apartment, think twice. Small daily exercise stress a healthy person will only benefit, but for small children, the elderly and people with injuries, the stairs can become a serious obstacle. In addition, a full-fledged staircase takes up a lot of space, and is often made very steep or simply installed as an attic.

Cleaning. A room with a second light means minus a few square meters of floors that need to be washed, but plus high walls and windows, as well as chandeliers and curtains hanging from the ceiling, which will also need to be cleaned from time to time. The height of a regular stepladder may not be enough for this.

Heating. Spacious houses with double-height rooms are often difficult to heat: warm air goes upstairs into useless space. In such cases, it is recommended to install radiant heaters or install heated floors.

Ventilation. Double-height rooms are usually used as common rooms, but the bedrooms are located under the ceiling, so you need to check whether the house is well ventilated, and, if possible, make a second level not far from the ventilation hole. Otherwise, you risk constantly not getting enough sleep due to stuffiness.

Project of a two-level workshop for a creative family

Selection of furniture and decor. Decorating a double-height space is a real challenge, both challenging and interesting. It, for example, requires more massive furniture, so you can afford to buy a huge leather sofa. But the main thing that needs to be taken into account is that you will look at the double-height space not only from the height of human growth, but also from above. An unusual arrangement of chairs or a carpet pattern will be read much better, but something extra may come into view. The design may also be a problem. high walls, which without decoration will seem too bare.

P.S. If you like double-height spaces and want to learn more about them, stay tuned to our blog. Tomorrow, designer Evgenia Topilskaya, using the example of a real project, will tell and show how to organize a mezzanine in a city apartment.

Cover photo:

Modern residential buildings with a second light - these are structures in which there are no overlaps between floors. This solution promotes the active penetration of natural sunlight, but has its drawbacks. Architects and designers who know everything about second light note that such a solution is not suitable for every home.

A small house with a second light, made in a laconic design

The unusual design coexists with the excessive “transparency” of the home with a second light, so debates between supporters and opponents of this technology continue to this day. Like any method of decorating a house, the choice of second light should be based on an analysis of all its features. Let's consider the features of such a solution, and how the second light in the house can be designed: design, photos of interesting examples in our article.

Features of a residential building with a second light

Country housing or a two-story apartment with second light is a single living space, equipped big amount window openings. A house decorated using this technology looks spacious and “airy”; the effect is enhanced by the flow of natural light freely penetrating through the windows.

The basis of such architectural projects is the beauty of the surrounding landscape, since most of the finished building is occupied by panoramic windows. In general, what is second light with aesthetic point vision? A technological way to highlight the beauty surrounding nature, therefore, such buildings are best suited for owners of plots on the coast and in picturesque hilly areas.

Houses with a second light will add elegance to even the most banal view outside the window

The implementation of the second light system occurs either by eliminating the ceilings of the first floor, or by lowering the floor level. The first option involves loss living rooms on the second floor, while the owners receive a spacious living room. The second option is more common, and involves installing steps leading to the living room, decorated with second light.

Installation of a second light by eliminating the ceilings of the second floor

History of second light technology

Among professional architects, the technique of eliminating ceilings is known as a “double-light hall,” and the name of the second light is given to the second tier of walls with windows that provide a high level of illumination. Using similar technology, the state rooms of castles and palaces were decorated back in the Middle Ages. Double-height halls can be found in European and Russian state halls; domestic architects often used a similar technique in estates. The second light decorates the halls of the Grand Palace in Peterhof, in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, the Elysee Palace in Paris, and Herrenchiemsee Castle in Linderhof, Germany.

Second light in palace interiors: the state hall in Peterhof

When the era of palaces and balls in state halls gave way to the democratic Soviet system, buildings without ceilings between floors were erected for public needs. The Palace of Pioneers on the Lenin Hills in Moscow, as well as most of the main staircases in typical Soviet buildings, were complemented by several tiers of windows. This visually increased the available space in the room and created the impression of a monumental building.

Modern architects use second light in the house when building country estates, as well as in spacious two-level apartments. The relevance of this technique is due to the fashion for “natural beauty” in architecture: open spaces, natural raw materials, plenty of light and minimal amount decorative elements. Abundance of durable and aesthetic finishing materials allows you to create a cozy and “airy” interior in a spacious house with second light.

Modern halls with second light - less luxurious and more comfortable than a palace

Technical features of the “second light” architectural solution

A similar design of living space is used in large houses, optimally more than 120 square meters, since combining two floors into one reduces the number of living rooms.

The result of using the second light is a spacious room with high ceilings, which must be equipped with the system additional heating. Ordinary radiators will not be able to provide comfortable temperature air, especially if the house was built in a cold northern climate.

The optimal effect from the use of second light is achieved by the extensive panoramic windows that line the residential building. Their shape and location are limited only by the imagination of the owners, but the number and size in most modern buildings are doubled on average to create natural lighting.

The strict geometry of windows in houses with second light is a way to enliven the interior

The staircase to the second floor in such dwellings is not located in the center of the first floor room, but along one of the walls, often closer to the corner. This feature allows for more efficient use of space without blocking the owners’ view of a single room with the construction of staircases.

Projects residential buildings with double-height halls they create a spacious living room around which the rest of the rooms are grouped, eliminating the need for an abundance of corridors. Traditionally in similar houses The public area (kitchen, living room, hallway, utility rooms) is located on the first floor, and the second floor is occupied by the master bedrooms.

Video description

A detailed overview of one of the projects in the video:

Arrangement of a comfortable microclimate in houses with second light

The main feature of installing home heating with a second light is to counteract uneven heating of the central room. Warm air rises under the roof, while its lower part remains insufficiently heated. If the insulation is poorly made, cold air will seep in and make the situation worse.

A large room created by a second light system must be carefully heated

The solution to the problem is a heated floor system - installation electrical cables or heating pipes in front finishing. The floor area heats up, raising the temperature in the lower third of the living room. The flow of cold air penetrating from the roof is leveled, and as a result the room receives a comfortable average temperature. As a rule, a heated floor system provides an air temperature of no higher than 60 degrees, so it should not be used to heat large rooms.

A universal option for second light in house designs of any size is a combination of radiators and a heated floor system. This technological solution allows you to create optimal temperature air and resist the cold. For the successful functioning of an engineering structure, it is necessary to ensure good level heat conservation by installing double-glazed windows with high insulating properties.

Installation of a heated floor system – good decision for heating houses with second light

Technological solution for houses located in harsh climatic conditions– installation of heaters in technological niches next to window openings. In this case, it is used as natural convection - the process of rising warm air up, and the fan system forming thermal curtain around the windows.

Properly selected curtains help create a visually comfortable impression of a living space. Depending on the size and location of the windows, curtains can be the main accent of the interior or serve the practical function of protecting the room from prying eyes. In any case, when installing curtain rods and choosing material for curtains, it is necessary to take into account the direction of light so as not to block its flow with too thick fabric.

Advantages and disadvantages of houses with second light technology

The main attractive feature of such residential buildings is the powerful lighting system, which combines natural light and large lighting fixtures that act as decorative and functional elements.

Original and catchy hanging chandeliers add even more sophistication to the home

A layout with high ceilings visually expands the space, so owners have a second light in wooden house there is a feeling of spacious living space even in cases where the total area does not exceed 150 square meters.

The absence of unnecessary partitions on the ground floor allows for zoning, interior items are adjusted to the needs of the owners: dinner table It can be easily moved to a relaxation area, and the cooking process can be combined with watching TV.

Panoramic windows and high ceilings visually “let nature in” into living spaces, which allows you to enjoy the beauty of the landscape located outside the window.

Second light in classical northern latitudes

An unusual and attractive home lighting system also has its drawbacks, among which both objective disadvantages and technical features, easily removable with the help of experienced specialists.

The main disadvantage of creating a house with second light is the high level of costs for thermal insulation, large windows, and heating the entire room. Like most original ones modern technologies, the second light does not apply economical options building a house.

A single room on the first floor contributes to the spread of sounds and smells throughout the home, which is not always comfortable.

Finishing work, choice of decor and window maintenance (washing, replacing curtains, light bulbs) lighting fixtures) will require either the use of a high stepladder or the payment of specialist labor.

Decorating windows in houses with second light takes time and effort

Refusal interfloor covering leads to a decrease in the number of living rooms. This feature is offset by an increase in the area of ​​the second floor, on which the necessary premises are located.

Complex calculations and installation process heating system can be easily performed at the proper level by qualified engineers and technicians. For example, creating frame house with a second light turnkey includes the installation of a high-tech heating system.

Projects of houses with second light

Classic wooden houses with a second light allow you to combine the warmth and comfort of finishing from natural material with the “airiness” of the interior created by second light technology.

And examples of projects in the photo:

A house with second light, built from rounded logs - a cozy and warm home

Light finishing of logs and strict combination of colors with second light

Finnish house with a second light used in every room: a spacious home

Traditionally for Finnish home with a second light, the staircase is located near the entrance to the living room

Second light when building a frame house

Most often the second light is used as bright element living room or kitchen in a relatively small house


Second light is an ancient technology for arranging residential buildings, which has received a second life in modern construction market. A consistent approach to the design, construction and finishing of buildings using this type of lighting will delight the owners with a practical and unusual home.

On our website you can get acquainted with the most popular house projects, including with the second light, from construction companies, presented at the exhibition of Low-Rise Country houses.