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Brick fireplace designs - row layout, calculations of area, width and height of the firebox opening, depth of the fireplace insert. Counting the amount of building material

Since the time man became acquainted with fire and tamed it, this element has become almost irreplaceable. Many people like to spend time by the fire or at home, looking at the fire in the fireplace, basking in its warmth. After all, the fireplace is an integral component of peace and comfort in the house. Today, fireplaces have gained popularity not only as a heating element, but also as a fashionable feature. modern interior. In order for a fireplace to appear in your home, it is absolutely not necessary to contact a specialist, but simply take our advice and start self-masonry.

Before starting to install a fireplace, any master will select the material. Brick remains the most popular to this day. This material meets several requirements at once. He is strong, beautiful, capable long time will retain heat, and most importantly, the material can be budget-friendly.

As for the preparation itself, it is divided into 4 stages:

  • Selection of options for the final result;
  • Selection and preparation suitable place in the house;
  • Drawing up a drawing;
  • Selection and acquisition of necessary materials and tools.

On this moment on the World Wide Web, as well as in special magazines, you can find for free a large number of photos and examples of what they should look like ready-made designs. Therefore, we can say that the first stage will not take large quantity time. To begin with, it is better to focus on a simple design, which can be further decorated. interesting elements and give it any color.

If the choice falls on a conservative option, then for its organization it is better to give preference load-bearing wall. However, today you can also notice corner structures that are mounted in partitions. It all depends on the available space and personal wishes.

The most important thing is that such a brick fireplace meets safety regulations and does not cause smoke or fire.

Next, drawings are created. They are drawn on special paper or on a regular notebook sheet. Marking in this situation plays important role, it will allow you to display as accurately as possible the necessary room on the plan, as well as a schematic representation of the fireplace. The main rule is that the firebox should be less than 1:50 of the room. In this case, the heating chamber will have parameters of 1k2 of the entire structure. This calculation eliminates the possibility of smoke and rationally provides the room with heat.

The chimney should also be mentioned. Its diameter should be 8 times smaller than the entire surface of the fireplace. It can be either round or square. However, here too it should be taken into account that for round pipe length must be at least 5m.

Construction of fireplaces: choosing material

As mentioned above, a brick is best material for laying a fireplace. However, not every brick meets its characteristics. Experts recommend purchasing solid bricks individually. When purchasing, pay attention to its weight and shape; it is better to choose small red bricks. This is exactly what can be called a fireplace brick. This approach will help you save a lot during construction.

In addition to bricks, the following materials will be required during the construction process:

  • River type sand, it must be clean and uniform;
  • Cement and clay;
  • To fill the area with crushed stone;
  • Plywood;
  • Ruberoid;
  • Reinforcement up to approximately 70cm long;
  • Steel leaves;
  • Chimney damper;
  • Decorative material.

All materials from the list must be prepared in advance and in the required quantity. To do this, everything needs to be calculated after drawing up the drawing. Nothing should distract you from the laying process. Therefore, everything must be at hand.

How to make a fireplace with your own hands from brick: step-by-step instructions

Where should you start building a small fireplace? After all the dimensions and sketches are ready, the row layout is calculated and marked, you can begin manufacturing the building. The first thing you need to do is organize the foundation for the fireplace. At the same time, you need to take into account that it should not coincide with the placement of the foundation of the house, as this could violate the integrity of your home. A hole is created under the base; crushed stone must be placed on its bottom, which must be carefully compacted and leveled. The depth of the pit should be no more than half a meter, and its diameter should be 20 cm greater than the plane of the proposed fireplace.

After this, formwork is constructed from plywood and poured cement mortar. Plywood can be processed upon request. This can be a wax treatment or covering with roofing felt. The finished base is leveled and covered with polyethylene for a week until completely dry.

Please note that the surface of the foundation must be perfectly flat, as this is the key to a strong structure.

The strength of the structure will also be ensured by bricks, which will be lowered into water a few minutes before starting work. This will allow excess air to escape and ensure good tenacity of the material.

This also applies to clay. Before starting work, it is filled with water for several days, adding liquid as it is absorbed. Don't forget to stir it until it reaches the consistency of sour cream.

Now you can start the main work. After the foundation has dried, the polyethylene is removed and two layers of roofing material are laid. The layers, as well as the screed, must be perfectly even, because this is the basis for future brickwork. For rows of bricks, a flat base, which is made in a straight line, is very important.

The first bricks are laid edgewise and pressed tightly to the base, then a layer of clay is applied. Each layer must be covered with clay, so a construction triangle and a level may be needed here.

The laying of the chimney must be approached with special care; the order must be noted on the drawing. After three rows you will need to insert reinforcement. In the future, a fireplace grate will be installed on it. In the process of laying side projections, you can use half a brick. And at the end of the work, all seams are processed decorative mortar, to which you can add dye.

Thus, you can create a mini oven in your private home. The whole technology is not that complicated.

Scheme of a brick fireplace with an open firebox

Why is there such an emphasis on creating a diagram during the process of laying a fireplace? Everything is not so simple, because a correctly made drawing is already part of the success in the work performed. The type of material, its functionality, and most importantly, safety during use depends on its composition. It is possible to draw up a drawing without having any special skills; it is enough to take already well-thought-out ones as a basis. ready-made diagrams. If you want to compose professional scheme, we recommend watching training videos.

The diagram of a brick fireplace with an open firebox will immediately make it clear where construction will need to begin, what features this stove installation has, and what types of work will need to be performed. Therefore, the diagram is very important, because even the most experienced specialists often turn to their workpieces.

The design of a fireplace with an open firebox includes:

  • Portal;
  • Chimney;
  • Firebox;
  • Grate (or blower).

All these elements must be taken into account and depicted in the drawing. I would like to note that this composition is also inherent in a closed firebox.

Also, when designing such a fireplace, you must strictly adhere to all proportions. Namely, the width of the firebox, which should correspond to the indicator 2:3, and the height of the portal in relation to the depth of the firebox 1:2. Such ratios will not allow smoke to penetrate into the room, and will also increase heat transfer.

It should be remembered that fireplaces with an open firebox made of brick are good for their heat transfer, but only for small rooms or rooms with good ventilation. Only 20% of the energy from the fuel goes to raise the temperature in the room. In addition, this type of fireplace is demanding in terms of fire safety.

DIY fireplace: step-by-step instructions (video)

Creating a brick fireplace with your own hands is not easy, this is due to the peculiarities of the stove equipment. However, if you consider the issue in more detail and delve into all the nuances, this can be done without the help of a specialist. The most important thing is that this will not allow even the smallest errors in calculations, in the drawing and just stick to the plan.

A well-laid corner brick fireplace will be a wonderful addition to almost any interior. In this case, the unit will fully cope with the solution of space heating problems. Fireplace masonry can be handled on our own. Read the following recommendations and get started.

To accommodate corner fireplace you can choose a place both near the outside of the wall and near its inside. The most important thing is to determine the optimal order for installing the smoke exhaust pipe in accordance with current standards and rules.

If the corner fireplace will be placed near the inner wall, above which there is a certain difference roofing structure, this point must be taken into account - the chimney flue pipe must be installed above the ridge of the main roof.

During prolonged use of the fireplace for heating, the smoke exhaust pipe, and in parallel with it the rear wall of the structure, will noticeably warm up. In view of this, owners of buildings with wooden walls need to pay special attention to solving fire protection issues.

To install a private fireplace yourself, you must first of all establish its optimal dimensions for the specific heated room. The following guide will discuss the procedure for constructing a heating unit for a small room with an area of ​​about 15-20 m2. If necessary, change the size of the unit in accordance with the characteristics of your specific situation.

After reading the proposed manual, you will master the basic principles of laying corner fireplaces and in the future you will be able to build a similar structure without outside help.

Optimal fireplace sizes

When determining optimal sizes design, it is necessary to take into account the indicators of the area, as well as the volume of the room, which will subsequently be heated by the constructed unit. Specifically in this example, a fireplace with a hole is being built combustion chamber, having an area of ​​about 0.3 m 2. You can change the suggested sizes in accordance with the conditions of your situation.

Determine the optimal dimensions of the firebox portal. In the case of the design under consideration, the portal is called the combustion hole. Its main parameters are width and height.

Adhere to the standard ratio, according to which the width should be in relation to the height as 3:2. In this example, the width of the portal will be 560 mm, and the height will be 400 mm.

Maintain the height of the fireplace portal and the depth of the fuel compartment as 2:1; a ratio of 3:2 is also acceptable.

These sizes are the most optimal. If the firebox has a greater depth, the heat transfer of the unit will decrease significantly. If the dimensions of the firebox are reduced, smoke will appear.

In the situation under consideration, the firebox should have a depth of 240-300 mm.

After determining the optimal dimensions of the combustion chamber of a corner fireplace, proceed to calculating the appropriate dimensions of the hole for the smoke exhaust pipe. Select the dimensions of this hole taking into account the dimensions of the combustion chamber hole. The size of the chimney hole should be approximately 10-15 times less area combustion chamber openings.

The optimal size of a rectangular chimney is 140x140 mm. If the cross-section of the chimney is round, make a hole with a diameter of 100-120 mm. The optimal height of the chimney is 350-400 cm. This figure may increase depending on the height of the roof ridge.

In order to improve the heat transfer characteristics of the unit, the rear wall of its firebox is laid out with a forward slope. This slope should begin to be created from about a third of the height of the firebox.

The design includes a smoke collector. It is installed above the combustion chamber. Between the mentioned elements, the so-called. cornice, also known as a pass. This element will prevent the emission of soot, sparks, etc.

If your fireplace is made of carved brick, make sure that all its dimensions exactly correspond to the standard masonry module. Typical dimensions of the item in question building material are 25x12x6.5 cm. Maintain the masonry joint at a level of about 5 mm.

In accordance with the cross-section of the structure at the level of the combustion chamber, other dimensions of the structure being erected will be determined. Calculate them and draw up an order drawing according to which the brickwork will be made.

Also, creating the order and performing the necessary calculations can be entrusted to a professional. Everything you need if you want project documentation easily found in open sources. Do what is most convenient for you.

What should the fireplace be made of?

After creating the order, calculate the required amount of building materials and purchase them in a specialized store. Material should be counted individually. And even incomplete products must be included in the calculation as whole elements. Additionally add about 10% reserve.

It is important that the brick is solid and properly fired. You can also use used bricks from a disassembled stove, if they are in in good condition. It is enough just to clean the material from the remnants of the previous solution.

Lay out the firebox of the corner fireplace from fireclay bricks.

To prepare the solution you will need a number of materials. So, the sand for the solution should be quite coarse-grained (grains up to 1.5 mm). The sand must first be sifted and cleaned of various types of foreign inclusions.

Laying a fireplace will require the use of clay. The best option is Cambrian, also known as blue clay. But if you are confident in the quality of local clay, you can prepare a solution using it.

You also need to buy materials for arranging the foundation. This is ordinary Portland cement M400 and crushed stone with a diameter ranging from 20-60 mm.

Additionally, purchase a smoke damper and steel reinforcing bars. Rods with a length of 70 cm and a diameter of 10 mm or so are optimal. In the example under consideration, about 12 reinforcing rods are used. Depending on the dimensions of your fireplace, their number may vary.

Preparatory work

Work on arranging a corner fireplace begins with the construction of the base. It is strictly forbidden to connect the foundation of the structure under construction with the base of the main building - this will lead to very unfavorable consequences.

For determining optimal width foundation, add about 50 mm to the width of the front plinth row. Determine the length in accordance with the dimensions of the side row of the plinth. In general, the dimensions of the base should be slightly larger than the dimensions of the future fireplace.

When choosing a place for arranging the foundation and the fireplace itself, make sure that in the future the chimney pipe does not pass through the elements rafter system roofs and beams.

The foundation is done extremely simply - dig a pit required sizes, the bottom of the pit is covered with waterproofing, a layer of a mixture of sand and crushed stone is poured on top, reinforcement is laid and the solution is poured.

Allow the foundation to gain strength and cover it with a double layer of roofing felt.

While the foundation hardens, begin preparing building materials for upcoming use. So, the clay must first be soaked in water for a couple of days. Soak the bricks for the same amount of time.

Pre-calibrate the bricks you have. Elements with significant deviations from the previously mentioned size cannot be used for masonry.

To prepare the solution, use a standard and proven recipe. Pour the dry sifted sand into the clay pulp, and then mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Determine the required amount of water individually. The finished mixture should have the consistency of jelly.

Check ready solution. To do this, roll a sample out of it into a “sausage” about 1.5 cm in diameter. If the sample does not stick to your hands, holds its given shape normally and does not fall apart, everything is fine.

Also check how the solution you prepared behaves directly on the brick. To do this, place the mixture on the building element. It is necessary that the solution does not stick to the trowel, does not fall apart and does not spread over the brick under its weight.

Fireplace masonry

Prepare the required drawings in advance. The list of drawings must include the order, section, and façade of the fireplace.

During the construction process, you will use not only whole elements, but also halves of bricks and even three-fours. Reflect this point in the drawings using special symbols.

When laying out the basement row, it is better to place the bricks on edge - this way the structure will look more interesting, but this requirement is optional.

Starting from the 2nd row, lay the bricks flat. The bottom of the combustion chamber is usually located at a height of about 250-300 mm above the floor surface, which is a fairly comfortable indicator.

Start laying. We bring to your attention information about the laying order. To make it clearer, at each stage refer to the drawings you have.

First step

Lay out 1-3 rows of bricks. The rows are solid, no special recommendations. The main thing is that the masonry is as even as possible. It is more convenient to start with laying the corner elements.

Second step

Lay out the fourth row. It will represent the hearth of the corner fireplace.

Third step

Lay out the fifth row. At this stage, you need to arrange an ash pit-ash pit. Make a support for the grate from three strips of steel. The strips will be fixed by the sixth row of brickwork.

Place the soaked refractory brick on the clay mixture

Fourth step

Lay out the 6th row. At this stage of the masonry, lay the grate.

Fifth step

In the 7th row, lay out the lower frame of the fireplace portal.

Sixth step

Lay out the walls of the fireplace portal in 8-13 rows. Lay the bricks with bandaging masonry seams.

In parallel with this, in the 11th row, begin, and in subsequent rows, continue the construction of an inclined mirror near the rear fireplace wall.

Seventh step

In rows 14-15, close the fireplace portal. Continue laying out the mirror.

Eighth step

Finish arranging the mirror in the 16th row. At the same stage, build top part tooth Be sure to coat the tooth with the clay solution on the side of the smoke exhaust element. This treatment will protect the material from burning under the influence of high temperatures.

Ninth step

Lay out 17-19 rows of brickwork. At this stage you need to lay out the front of the fireplace. The bricks must be cut in the direction of the hill.

Tenth step

Form a chimney in 20-22 rows. In the 22nd row, install a smoke valve.

Eleventh step

From the 23rd row to the end (in order), lay out the chimney.

Finally, the fireplace should be allowed to dry and then done finishing and additional decoration at your discretion.

Good luck!

Video - Do-it-yourself fireplace laying


Modern projects brick fireplaces are distinguished by their functionality and external diversity. Fireplaces are not only interior elements. With the appropriate arrangement, the right choice of building materials and mortar for masonry, and other features of creating a fireplace, it can be used to heat a living space.

A homeowner who dreams of having a fireplace usually wants it to meet certain requirements:

  • safety and absence of discomfort as a result of smoke;
  • the appearance of the hearth corresponded to the interior and served as its decoration;
  • heated the room well.

Choosing a fireplace and its location

Fireplaces are classified according to different parameters.

One of them is the materials from which the hearth is built:

  • made of metal (such designs are usually industrial production);
  • made of concrete;
  • from brickwork;
  • from natural stone.
After choosing a brick fireplace project, you need to decide on several points.

Which type of construction is preferable:

  • closed - built into the wall during the construction of the house;
  • semi-open version - attached to the wall;
  • corner fireplace made of brick (see photo);
  • island option - free-standing.

Determine its future location

In the case when a home craftsman does not have the necessary knowledge and he does not have practical experience and the skills to build a fireplace yourself, you should definitely consult a stove maker with extensive experience on the question of which brick fireplace designs are better. Only a specialist can tell you how to choose building materials wisely.

Fireplace design project

First of all, you need to make the appropriate calculations. The size of the fireplace is calculated based on the size of the room. For example, you need to know the parameters of a fireplace for a room with an area of ​​20 square meters and a height of 3.5 meters.
V= SHxH = 20x3.5 = 70 m³.

Determining the size of the combustion hole. This parameter is determined by dividing the area of ​​the room by 50. As a result, the area of ​​the combustion hole in the example given will be 20 m² (20,000 cm²): 50 = 4,000 cm².

Calculation of combustion hole parameters. Since the ratio of height/width of the firebox should be 2 to 3, then for an area of ​​4000 cm², these values ​​will be:

  • height – 51/52 centimeters;
  • width – 78/77 centimeters.
Calculating the depth of the fireplace insert. Calculating the depth of the hearth portal must be approached responsibly. This value directly affects the draft of the structure, preventing smoke from entering the room, contributing to its effective heating. If you miscalculate and make the depth greater than necessary, then it will not be the room that is heated, but through the chimney environment. When this parameter is less than required, smoke in the living space can hardly be avoided.
The depth is calculated in this way: it should be equal to 2/3 of the height of the combustion hole. So, 2/3 of 51 centimeters is equal to 34 centimeters. This will be the depth of the firebox.

Using this method, you can determine the standard dimensions of the hearth portal for rooms of any size.

There is a table showing the dimensions of the structure for the premises various sizes, namely:

  • width and height of the portal;
  • firebox depth;
  • height and width of the rear wall of the firebox;
  • smoke collector height;
  • cross-section of a chimney with rough or smooth walls.
All calculations that relate to the chimney must be made with the direct participation of a stove-maker, since the slightest miscalculation leads to the appearance of “backdraft” in the built fireplace, which is very dangerous for the residents of the house due to possible poisoning carbon monoxide, combustion products.
The length of the chimney is usually from 4 to 5 meters.

Calculation of the amount of building materials

When the homeowner has decided on the type of fireplace structure and its location, the installation parameters of the firebox and chimney have been calculated, it is necessary to know the required amount of building materials so that brick fireplace projects can be implemented.
This calculation is important for the construction of a fireplace, since the cost of its arrangement for the property owner depends on it. For each specific design solution, the amount of building materials for installing a fireplace will differ. It is not difficult to make such calculations when you have a fireplace laying project, including drawings and layout diagrams for it.

Layout plans (ordinal layout), if you do not have the appropriate knowledge and skills, can be ordered from professionals or use ready-made ones design solutions. Finding them won't be difficult.

In addition to refractory bricks, you need to prepare:

  • oven clay;
  • cement grade M 300, M 400;
  • cleaned and sifted sand, fraction up to 1.5 millimeters;
  • crushed stone;
  • smoke damper;
  • reinforcing bars, which are round profiles with transverse projections and two longitudinal ribs. Their length is 70 centimeters and their diameter is 1 centimeter. You will need 20 such products.

Features of masonry

Masonry work is carried out in a certain order:

Exterior decoration of fireplaces

The choice of finishing materials for brick fireplace structures is now presented in a wide range. These are, first of all, plaster, tiles, sandstone, shell rock, cut stone, tiles (ceramic and marble), clinkers.

At exterior decoration fireplaces you should pay attention to:

  • to use only certain adhesives;
  • on the inadmissibility of using plastic cladding, which soon crumbles under the influence of high temperatures. Read also: "".

Installation of fireplaces in country houses, cottages, dachas in last years is becoming more and more popular. By appearance the fireplace looks like deep niche in the wall, equipped to remove carbon monoxide through a chimney. The structure mainly serves as a decorative element of the interior, capable of decorating even the most modest room with its stunning view and creating a feeling of special coziness and comfort.

A fireplace can serve as a source of additional heat in winter. In order for the heat received from burning wood to heat the room, you need to design the fuel chamber not too deep, but wide enough. Mainly wall structures are erected. Ideal place When installing a fireplace, the corner of the room is considered. The structure should never be installed against a wall with windows or opposite windows.

Construction materials for fireplaces

To build a real wood-burning fireplace, you need the most durable and durable materials. Such materials include sandstone, marble and brick. Imitation fireplace- a false fireplace can be built from lighter materials - plasterboard, polyurethane, wood. When building a traditional fireplace, preference is mainly given to fireproof and red bricks. Standard brick shapes make design and laying much easier.

Used in work whole brick, halves And quarters. The drawn up order will help to correctly calculate the amount of material needed, which will significantly reduce financial costs. It should also be said that brick fireplaces with high-quality masonry you can practically not decorate. The material used always looks beautiful and can decorate any interior.

We build a fireplace ourselves

If you follow the instructions below, then in the near future your home will be decorated with a real miracle fireplace.

Work order:

  1. Drawing sketches of the future structure.
  2. Selection of building materials.
  3. Brick fireplace.
  4. Chimney installation.
  5. Installation metal elements.
  6. Decorative finishing.

Sketching sketches of the future structure

All construction work begins with design, regardless of whether you are building a fireplace in an existing building or during the construction of a house. For drawing up a project, graph paper or checkered sheets are best.

First of all, you need to calculate the depth of the firebox, the height of the smoke collector, the angle of laying the side walls of the firebox, the height of the narrowing for the smoke to exit into the smoke collector. If you plan to install a round pipe, then its cross-sectional dimensions may be smaller than when installing a rectangular or square chimney. For a pipe 5 meters high, rectangular cross-section should be equal to 66 square meters. cm, square section - 62 sq. cm, and round - 56 sq. cm.

An example of calculating the size of a fireplace for a room of 20 square meters. m

The width of the fireplace portal must be a multiple of ½ the length of the brick, and the height of the portal must be a multiple of the height of the brick and 0.5 cm of masonry, which is equal to 7 cm. In our case, the width of the portal will be equal to three bricks or 77 cm, and the height will be 7 rows of masonry or 49 cm.

  • The height of the portal is 53.5 cm (seven rows of masonry).
  • Firebox width - 79 cm (three bricks).
  • The depth of the firebox is from 1.5 to 1.75 bricks.
  • The cross-section of the pipe is 14 cm by 27 cm.

Important! When drawing up a fireplace project, take into account the location of beams and rafters for correct installation pipes.

When starting to carry out the procedures, remember that It is better to lay the first row on the edge, and subsequent rows are placed flat. The bottom of the firebox rises above the floor by at least three rows of masonry. We will present you several arrangement schemes for fireplaces.

Scheme No. 1. Arrangement of a corner homemade fireplace

Scheme No. 2. Order wall fireplace for a room of 20 sq. meters

Scheme No. 3. English fireplace

Selection of building materials

To build a fireplace, you need the best quality building material.

  • Brick. We will need fireproof (fireclay) brick. When purchasing bricks, carefully check each product separately. The color should be orange-red, all corners intact, no chips or breaks, and a clear sound when tapped.
  • Sand. The sand fraction should be no more than 1.5 mm. The material is carefully sifted through a fine sieve. For better masonry, the sand is washed.
  • Clay. You need dark red or brown clay without impurities. If it is possible to get Cambrian clay, this will be the most the best option for laying a fireplace.

Important! The use of refractory bricks involves the use of refractory clay mortar.

  • Portland cement. An excellent option would be to choose brand 300.
  • Crushed stone. This material with a fraction of up to 6 mm is needed for the manufacture of a concrete foundation.
  • Smoke damper
  • Reinforcing bars. You will need at least 20 of them. 70 cm long and 1 cm in diameter.
  • Grate
  • Fireplace screen

Brick fireplace laying

Work on the construction of a fireplace starts with laying the foundation. A separate foundation is laid under the fireplace. We make the dimensions of the foundation area 6 cm larger than the fireplace base.


Important! The level of the finished foundation should be 6 cm below the field level.

Fireplace masonry

Three days before the start of work on laying the fireplace you need soak the clay adding water in small portions so that the solution is not too thick. The quality of the masonry depends on the quality of the prepared mortar. The finished clay pulp is poured into washed, dried sand and thoroughly mixed until it becomes a thick jelly. From ready mixture roll small sticks up to 15 mm thick. If the quality of the solution is excellent, the sticks will not fall apart and stick to your hands.

Make a thorough calibration of bricks. Lay waterproofing on the finished foundation; this can be roofing felt covered with two layers.

Everything is ready for work and the main stage of work can begin.

Important! If you prefer red brick, it must be soaked in water before starting work to maintain the strength of the masonry. Before laying, refractory bricks are dipped in water for a couple of minutes to allow air bubbles to escape.

To lay the first row, add to the solution up to 30% of the bulk Portland cement. Keep the drawn up order close to you to periodically check the accuracy of the work. Having laid the row and checked to ensure that the geometry of the planned structure is preserved, you need to mark the project. Laying a fireplace structure is a painstaking job, and such control will greatly simplify the task you have set yourself.

A trowel or trowel is used to lay continuous rows. Firebox and It is better to install the smoke collector manually. The thickness of the seam should not be more than 5 mm. Place the mortar in the middle of the brick in such an amount that it does not extend beyond the edges of the brick.

The laying of the firebox, smoke collector and channels is carried out with special care. Excess solution must be removed. It is very important to remember that these fireplace elements inside cannot be plastered.

For beautiful, high-quality masonry of a curved vault, you need to install a circle - temporary formwork. Having laid the first brick in the middle of the arch, continue laying in both directions.

Chimney installation

Laying out chimney necessary as often as possible check its verticality. The better the chimney installation work is done, the better the draft in the fireplace and the less likely it is to escape carbon monoxide into the room. The internal walls of the chimney need wipe with a cloth soaked in liquid clay, which will help create an ideal surface without cracks. To lay a chimney on the roof, a solution of cement and sand is used.

It will be much easier to carry out work related to the installation of a chimney if used in a smoke shaft special pipes. These could be chimneys from ceramic pipes, modular from of stainless steel, thin-walled structures made of acid-resistant and heat-resistant steel.

Installation of metal elements

During installation of the fireplace structure, metal reinforcement is placed in the seams leaving gaps up to 8 mm. It is not advisable to lay a lot of metal elements in the brickwork, but there is no way to do without them. A fireplace insert and a view are a must.

The frames of the firebox and the valves are not fastened with anything; they adhere perfectly to the prepared solution. The valve is installed at a height of 2 meters.

Decorative finishing

At perfect choice bricks and high-quality masonry there is no need to make additional lining of the fireplace. Enough using white solution, make a neat grouting joints.

If you still want to finish the fireplace, use special smooth or patterned tiles, capable of adhering perfectly to the hot surface of the fireplace.

Today you can purchase portals from fireplace manufacturers from natural materials different quality. It could be travertine, marble, stone. Ready-made portals will be able to truly decorate the fireplace you have built and give it even more uniqueness and beauty.

An excellent addition to the fireplace would be a special fireplace set made from non-ferrous or cast iron forged metal. The sets always include tongs, a hook, a broom and a dustpan. A beautiful and practical screen can protect a carpet laid out by the fireplace from accidentally falling embers.

Let's sum it up

Having completed the installation of the fireplace, it is necessary to give some time to dry the solution. It is better to wait a few days, and then, to check the draft, place crumpled newspapers in the chimney and set it on fire. When the fireplace is ready for use, the newspapers will burn well. Now you can try heating it with wood.

The main rule when laying a fireplace yourself is to take your time and carefully follow all recommendations.

Video of building a brick fireplace

They are most often chosen for cottages, dachas and country houses.

Brick fireplaces durable, strong, fire-resistant and easy to build. In addition, the construction material used allows you to lay out any shape you like.

According to their location in the room, fireplaces are divided into:

  • facial;
  • corner;
  • built-in;
  • street

Depending on the device type:

  • with open or closed fuel chamber,
  • with air or water heating.

By purpose they are distinguished:

  • traditional;
  • garden;
  • decorative;
  • ovens.

Brick fireplace installation

In order to figure out how to build a fireplace, first of all, consider its elements. It has a rather complex structure:

  • A - smoke chamber, its function is to collect combustion products and remove them through the chimney;
  • b - mantelpiece;
  • c - portal;
  • d - combustion chamber where the fuel burns directly;
  • d - fireplace shelf;
  • e - firewood.

A brick fireplace is built with your own hands to perform the following functions:

  • for heating the room;
  • as a decorative element;
  • for cooking.

In each individual project, these functions can be combined or used separately.

DIY fireplaces drawings and design

First you need to prepare a design for a brick fireplace. Having decided on the size and shape, take any standard solution as a basis and adapt it to your room. Don't ignore this stage as it will give you an accurate understanding of the entire process.

The order and diagram for masonry will allow you to make calculations required quantity bricks and binder material. As a rule, it is drawn for each row, except for the base one.

This option is most suitable for beginners. To complete it you will need very little material, however, this design will provide good heating for a room up to 35 square meters. m.

For the hall it can be built higher, the shelf can be decorated various elements. IN modern architecture private houses often use a rustic style.

The hearth can also be placed free-standing without mounting it against the wall. This allows you to highlight it decorative features.

Or vice versa, to save space, build it into the wall.

Corner order: diagrams and photographs

A corner fireplace, as a rule, saves space, so it is often installed in small hallways or bedrooms. The order is given below.

The hearth may have an open or closed firebox.

A modified version - a corner garden fireplace with a stove is very convenient for a summer residence. This structure not only has functional purpose, it will also decorate country cottage area. According to this scheme, it can be mounted both on the street and in a private house.

The circuit can be easily modeled depending on your needs. And it can be easily adapted to create a beautiful summer kitchen.

Garden hearth

An outdoor barbecue fireplace is not so complicated, familiarize yourself with its order and design and you can easily install it in your garden following the diagram.

With finishing from artificial stone The garden fireplace-barbecue looks very original. The basic scheme can be changed to your taste, as in the picture.

Laying a fireplace with your own hands

At this stage, one of the important issues is the choice of components for the solution. Cement is not suitable because high temperature it crumbles, and such a design will be unreliable.

Preparation of the binder solution

Therefore, clay is used for masonry. But if it is too oily or not saturated enough, then the result of your work will become covered with cracks.

The proportion of mortar components is similar to cement: 3 parts sand are added to 1 part clay.

Due to the individual properties of clay, the resulting mass is tested experimentally. Throw a ball of the solution you prepared onto a hard surface and look at the result:

  • if the mass crumbles, add clay;
  • has acquired the appearance of a cake - increase the amount of sand;
  • the form has hardly changed - the composition is optimal.

Choosing fireplace material

The quality of the work performed depends mainly on how to choose a brick for the fireplace. It is generally believed that only heat-resistant material is used. This opinion is wrong, since ordinary red brick copes well with heat.

It is checked by lightly hitting it with a hammer, which should produce a thin ringing sound. Also make sure that there are no defects and that correct form And smooth surfaces no chips. It is better to review each one before installation - this will insure against possible troubles. This procedure will not be too long, because on average you will need up to five thousand pieces for all elements.

Masonry procedure

The laying of a brick fireplace is determined by its purpose:

  • If it is built to heat a room, then the firebox is placed as low as possible so that the floor warms up.
  • When the structure will serve as a decorative element of the room, it is raised above the floor.
  • Additional equipment must be provided for cooking design features design.

Laying a fireplace begins with the foundation. It is laid out in continuous rows, which alternate: the first row lies lengthwise, the second across, etc. The number of rows can be from 3 to 6, depending on the purpose of the fireplace. The rest of the part, including the chimney, is laid out on the sides with a whole brick, and in front and behind - with half a brick.

Special attention pay attention to fire safety. To isolate the foundation from the main part of the house, lay two layers of roofing felt, between them - clay, previously soaked for 2-3 days.

Next, a blower is built - a cavity into which coals fall. A special cast iron grate is installed above it, which supports the fuel. To access the ash pit, a door is walled up in its front side.

When constructing the fuel chamber, consider the following:

  1. It is made in the shape of a trough so that firewood, ashes or coals do not fall out. To do this, two rows of bricks are laid flat. Afterwards, the cavity of the combustion chamber is formed.
  2. Cover the inside fire brick as in the photo.
  3. At a height of 60 cm from the bottom of the firebox, begin narrowing internal space. The chimney level is reached by narrowing to a width of 12 cm.
  4. Make the top of the rear wall of the firebox in the form of an oblique ledge; it is designed to reflect heat from the wall and direct it into the room. This configuration allows the front side to warm up.
  5. When moving to the chimney, to control the draft, install a damper - it prevents heat from escaping outside. In its absence, the fireplace does not function well and is difficult to light.

Constantly watch the corners, tie the structure so that it is monolithic and even.

Brick fireplaces photos of various finishes

Using finishing and decorative details, the fireplace can be made in absolutely any style, the main thing is that the material is heat-resistant and of high quality. The area where sparks can fall is laid out only ceramic tiles.

Small touches: an economical finishing option

If the masonry is smooth, from quality material, then you can leave everything as is.

Another economical option- perform only seam processing.

You can coat the surface with a special varnish for stone; it will repel dust, soot and moisture.

Plaster over brickwork

Plaster and cover it with heat-resistant paint - budget and easy way, allowing you to create a set decorative effects. Its advantage is that the paint can always be refreshed. But there is also a drawback: the plaster will fall off from an accidental blow, so it is better to cover the corners with stone or tiles.


Regular tile is not suitable for this, since it disappears when exposed to high temperatures. Heat-resistant terracotta tiles are used for cladding. This material is also heat-intensive: it warms up well and cools down slowly.

Porcelain stoneware is also used for cladding - it is practical, moisture-resistant, and non-flammable.

Porcelain tiles can be combined with other finishing materials.

Decoration with stone, wood and other materials

A natural stone Eco-friendly, fire-resistant and durable, it transfers heat well. The finish will fit perfectly into any interior, but its cost is quite high.

Finishing bricks are also widely used, which are not inferior in heat resistance to natural stone.

This material looks great on fireplace stoves like rustic style, and in the most newfangled designs.

The shape of the decorative brick can be different from the traditional one, as in the picture above. You can also choose absolutely any colors finishing material.


The type of wood can be any. Since it catches fire easily, I only make some of it from wood. decorative elements- the portal, shelves are treated with fire protection.

Drywall: creating an illusion

Used exclusively for decorative false fireplaces or electric heater in the form of a fireplace, since drywall is not intended for heating. This practical option, for example, for an apartment.

We combine

You can apply several types of finishes, their combination looks simply wonderful. Individual parts of this garden BBQ fireplace are plastered and lined with porcelain tiles.

Rustic stove lined decorative bricks, on the corners there is plaster and decorative molding.

Bottom line

Gas and electric fireplaces can be purchased, but a brick fireplace can only be made with your own hands or to order. To build in a private house, just choose suitable scheme, cook necessary materials, get acquainted with the technology and nuances of its device.

You can literally become a creator hearth and home- a place that brings family and guests together. Its majestic appearance will decorate any, even the most modest home. A flickering flame and crackling firewood will highlight the beauty and individual style of your home, as well as give comfort.