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Radon baths - the benefits and harms of the chemical element Radon. Radon baths: the benefits and harms of radioactive treatment

Invented by medicine various ways treatments, among which were and remain the most popular and effective. Therefore, we will further consider what radon baths are, and also read reviews about them.

Radon baths - a type of physiotherapy, which is based on the effects of mineral water enriched with radon.

Radon- an inert gas that is colorless and odorless. During its half-life it emits radioactive alpha particles. In minimal doses they are capable of exerting powerful therapeutic effect on human body.

Radon baths - effective method treatment of many diseases

Reference. Radiation in minimal doses used in the treatment process is safe for human health.

Radon water is widely used in various areas medicine for the treatment of pathologies of many body systems. The technique is especially popular in the field of rheumatology, orthopedics, and gynecology.

Pros and cons of therapy

Radon therapy is used as an additional technique as part of the complex treatment of various ailments. It is used as monotherapy in rare cases.

Reference. Like any therapeutic technique, radon baths can have benefits and harm to the body.

Has a beneficial effect

So, this method has the following medicinal properties:

  • painkiller;
  • vasodilator;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • metabolic;
  • regenerative;
  • epithelializing.

Also, the benefit of radon baths is to accelerate all metabolic processes in the body and strengthen one’s own defenses.

What rocks harmful effects, then such sessions are generally well tolerated and do not cause any negative reactions from the body.

Side effects may occur

However, in rare cases, the following phenomena may occur:

  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • rapid breathing;
  • dyspnea;
  • increase in blood pressure.

If such signs appear and increase, you should stop therapy and inform your doctor.

Having familiarized ourselves with the basic information about this physiotherapeutic procedure, we will then find out what radon baths treat and to whom they are contraindicated.

Indications for treatment

The list of indications and contraindications for radon baths is impressive, so before starting therapy you need to take into account all the points: the type and nature of the disease, the age and individual characteristics of the patient’s body.

What does radon treat? This procedure effective in combating many pathologies that affect various systems human body:

Widely used in various fields of medicine

  1. Dysfunctions of the musculoskeletal system— , osteomyelitis, recovery after , .
  2. NS disorders(central, peripheral) - neuritis, neuralgia, sleep disorders.
  3. Endocrine pathologies- hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, gout.
  4. Gastrointestinal ailments- inflammatory lesions of the stomach, gall bladder, intestines, chronic peptic ulcer disease.
  5. Respiratory lesions- lung diseases, rhinitis, sinusitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  6. Dermatological diseases- long-term non-healing wounds, psoriasis, neurodermatitis.
  7. Ailments of the heart and vascular system - hypertension, ischemia, varicose veins.

The technique is also widely used in the treatment diseases of the genitourinary system(fibroma, endometriosis, prostatitis, disorder hormonal levels, infertility).

Despite the fact that the therapy is generally well tolerated, it has some contraindications related to the characteristics of radon exposure.

Reference. The restrictions are based on the fact that alpha radiation activates all processes in the body, which is not beneficial in some pathologies.

Who are contraindicated for radon baths? Categories of people who are prohibited from taking such procedures have been identified:

The technique is contraindicated in many cases

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period;
  • any disease in the acute phase;
  • radiation sickness;
  • tumor formations (benign and malignant);
  • individual intolerance to radon;
  • mental disorders, epilepsy, severe neuroses;
  • alcohol intoxication;
  • purulent inflammation on the skin;
  • childhood;
  • tuberculosis;
  • blood cancer;
  • increased body temperature;
  • leukopenia;
  • low estrogen levels;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • some heart rhythm disturbances (atrial fibrillation, unstable angina).

This therapy may negatively affect the course of these conditions, provoking an exacerbation or causing the development of complications.

Treatment with radon baths requires some preparation from the patient, which consists of fulfilling simple requirements:

Preparation begins with a visit to the doctor

  1. Getting examined by a doctor.
  2. Complete cessation of smoking and alcoholic beverages for the period of therapy.
  3. Bowel movement and Bladder before the procedure.
  4. Take a bath half an hour to an hour after eating (the procedure is not carried out on an empty stomach or on a full stomach).
  5. Elimination of stress and physical activity before the procedure.

Such preparation will increase the effectiveness of the upcoming therapy and eliminate possible side effects.

The bath itself is prepared by the medical staff of the sanatorium. To do this, 100 ml of a concentrated radon mineral solution is dissolved in 200 liters of water at a temperature of 34-36°C.

The method of therapy depends on the type of procedure prescribed, the characteristics of the pathology and the individual characteristics of the person.

Reference. Regardless of the type of procedure, the patient must follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

As for the classical procedure, the rules for taking radon baths are as follows:

Follow the rules when taking a bath

  • you need to enter the prepared bath smoothly, without sudden movements;
  • the water level during immersion should not reach the area of ​​the heart (in case of heart disease, the water should be at the level of the navel);
  • while in the water you need to relax and try not to make sudden movements;
  • duration of the procedure - 5-20 minutes(time increases gradually);
  • You should also exit the water smoothly;
  • You can’t wipe yourself, you can only blot your skin with a towel;
  • provide rest for an hour.

The standard course of treatment consists of 10-15 procedures, which are carried out at intervals of 1-2 days.

A repeat course is possible only through 6-12 months, since the therapeutic effect lasts for six months.

Radon irrigation

Irrigation with radon-containing water is one of the types of radon therapy, widely used to treat the genitourinary system. Carried out in compliance with the following measures:

  • duration of manipulation— 15-20 minutes;
  • water temperature— 35-40°С;
  • a course of treatment— 18-20 sessions.

Irrigation of the nose and mouth, head, vaginal, rectal, microenemas, suppositories - developed techniques that are not inferior in effectiveness to baths.

This variety has all the characteristics of radon baths, but does not put stress on the heart muscle (can be used for patients who have had a heart attack).

During the session, the patient is in the box. Exposure occurs through air enriched with radon.

Such baths are safer for the heart

Reference. The air in the box is humid and warm (24-42°C).

There are several types of this procedure: general, local and steam baths.

Other types

There are other equally popular methods of radon treatment, which include:

  1. Radon inhalations- inhalation of enriched air.
  2. Oral administration- taking radon water or radon oils.
  3. Local applications- compress, wrap.
  4. Injection of liquids containing radon.

Each of these techniques has its own advantages and has its own preferred applications, which are determined by the doctor.

Consequences and possible complications

Radon treatment It has a high therapeutic effect, since after the course the following positive changes in the body are observed:

  • elimination of inflammation, pain, acceleration of regeneration processes in connective tissues;
  • activation of metabolic processes;
  • stimulating rapid healing of the skin;
  • decreased excitability, normalization of sleep;
  • normalization of heart rate,
  • normalization of blood pressure indicators;
  • dilation of blood vessels, strengthening and toning their walls;
  • improvement of rheological properties of blood;
  • normalization of the adrenal glands and the process of glucocorticoid production.

Concerning possible complications, then their occurrence may be associated with excess radiation doses. So, the effect on the body increased concentration Radon can cause a significant decrease in immunity, leukemia, lung cancer, etc.

Important! In this regard, such therapy is carried out in sanatoriums under strict control specialists.

After the procedure, the body does not need any recovery measures.

The only thing that is required from the patient is compliance with these simple rules:

  • drying the water or draining it carefully— you can’t dry yourself with a towel, because radon remains on the skin and continues to act;
  • rest- after the session, a person should rest for 1 hour without engaging in any active activity.

The patient must rest after the procedure

These requirements are mandatory. If they are not followed, the likelihood of achieving the maximum therapeutic effect is reduced.

Cost of radon therapy

The cost of therapy depends on the type of procedure, the duration of the therapeutic course and the class of the sanatorium.

The price of radon therapy depends on many factors

So, a two-week therapeutic course based on natural sources may cost within 13500 - 16000 rubles.

Regarding artificial baths , then the cost will depend on the type radon treatment. Thus, the lower price limit for 1 procedure is about 150 rubles(four-chamber bathroom with radon), at the upper limit of the cost - 930 rubles(dry air radon bath).

It is sad that some seriously ill patients who have tried all types of traditional treatment are deprived of the opportunity to experience the therapeutic power of radon. We hope that our modest notes will reach the masses, and society will learn about the benefits of radon therapy.

Radon therapy – what is it?

This method of therapeutic treatment has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole through water saturated with radon. Patients are placed in a tank with mineral water for a certain time. As experts say, such procedures are highly effective for ailments of the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, respiratory tract and other problems with the body. In particular, when:

  • radiculitis;
  • inflammation of the spine;
  • neuralgia;
  • asthma;
  • heart diseases;
  • kidney diseases;
  • gastrointestinal ailments;
  • chronic ailments of the female genital organs;
  • skin diseases (neurodermatitis, etc.).

Benefits of radon baths

Using baths with mineral water enriched with a chemical element, doctors effectively fight a wide range of diseases. It turns out that when a patient remains in water for a long time, radon enters through the skin into fatty tissues and human organs. Under the influence of an element alien to the body, metabolism is significantly accelerated, the condition of the skin improves, internal tissues are restored, and inflammatory processes are slowing down. Moreover, the effect is noticeable after just a few sessions.

The beneficial effects of radon on the vascular system should be highlighted:

  • the pulse rate returns to normal due to the calming of the heart;
  • blood circulation is also normalized;
  • the walls of blood vessels acquire elasticity and reliability.

To the central and peripheral nervous system miraculous radon has the most direct effect. The chemical element distinguishes the effect of an effective and absolutely safe sedative. The gas allows a person to relax, as a result of which pain disappears and sleep normalizes.

The beneficial qualities have already been felt by hundreds of patients struggling with pulmonary and joint pain. Distinctive feature from mineral waters and mud baths in a particular case lies in the effectiveness of the procedures. So, after the first session, patients feel relief. Painful sensations dull, you feel better, your mood improves.

Women will certainly appreciate the complex miraculous effect of radon. The fact is that the chemical element, among other things, promotes weight loss and accelerates metabolism. If grueling workouts in the gym coupled with following draconian diets make you despondent, pay attention to painless water procedures. By the way, many centers for effective weight loss already offer similar options.

The most important thing, as doctors say, is that preventive measures should be carried out strictly according to the recommendations. In addition, radon baths alone will not be enough to cure all ailments. This is an excellent auxiliary product that stimulates the renewal of the body. But it is not recommended to use it as the main treatment.

So, radon baths have the following effect on the body:

  1. General well-being improves.
  2. The skin is renewed.
  3. Acceleration, as a result, excess fat is burned.
  4. Slowing down inflammatory processes.
  5. Tissue restoration.
  6. Stimulating blood circulation.
  7. Strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  8. The nervous system is strengthened.
  9. Sleep is normalized.
  10. Pulmonary and joint pain is eliminated.

Now about the best part. The result of taking radon baths is good, sound sleep, general well-being, healthy skin– lasts up to six months with normal nutrition, absence and exercise.

Treatment with radon baths

We can confidently say that the procedures for taking radon baths in Lately are appointed as additional remedy for treatment wide range diseases. Nevertheless, such sessions have gained relative popularity among beauty priestesses. In aesthetic salons, radon is known as reliable means for weight loss and for solving skin problems.

At the same time, we should not forget about the healing effect that the miracle gas has. The variety of diseases that we talked about earlier can be overcome thanks to comprehensive treatment. And such procedures fit exactly into the concept of complex treatment.

To be fair, it is worth noting that radon baths are rarely prescribed as the main means of therapy. In practice, pleasant sessions are additional effective procedures. MirSovetov responsibly states that the effect is especially noticeable when the order of sessions and other therapeutic appointments is strictly observed. And of course they are important healthy sleep and walks in the fresh air.

Doctors often prescribe ten sessions daily for patients. During the procedure, the patient is immersed in warm water with enriched radon in its composition. A person stays in the bath for about 10 minutes, after which the session ends. As a rule, with a progressive disease, the patient feels an exacerbation in problem area exactly upon completion water procedures. This is quite normal, this is how the body reacts to foreign penetration. Some patients complain of excessive drowsiness, a strong feeling of hunger, and decreased blood pressure.

What a standard session looks like:

  1. Pour 200 liters of fresh filtered water at a temperature of 38°C (the temperature is maintained at this level throughout the procedure).
  2. Add 100 ml of radon solution.
  3. Carefully position the patient to chest level.
  4. The duration of the first therapy reaches 10 minutes, subsequent ones – 15.
  5. The patient is carefully removed without causing waves.
  6. Wrap the patient in a towel so that radon particles remain on the skin.
  7. They recommend an hour's rest with a categorical refusal to engage in any activity.

Radon baths for fibroids

For diseases of the female genital organs, any physical procedures are prohibited, which significantly increases the time of treatment and rehabilitation. The only remedy that accelerates the recovery of organs is radon. Moreover, such sessions, as we have already said, should be prescribed as an addition to conservative treatment:

  • taking complex vitamins;
  • a specially designed diet;
  • needle therapy;
  • hormonal therapy;
  • surgical intervention.

Doctors prescribe baths taking into account the individual characteristics of the body and the severity of the disease.


Without taking into account the great many objective advantages, there is a fly in the ointment in this barrel. Radon baths have certain contraindications, which are recommended for all potential clients to familiarize themselves with.

In particular, it is not advisable to take baths during pregnancy and. Although sometimes experts make an exception. However, this is individual. You should not go to a session on your own in pursuit of beauty.

In addition, radon-enriched water is contraindicated for people suffering from serious heart disease. Sometimes patients exhibit individual intolerance. In such cases, seizures, dizziness, and fainting are common.

The list of contraindications also includes:

  • the presence of malignant neoplasms;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • severe neuroses;
  • exacerbation of skin pathologies;
  • radiation sickness;
  • decreased ovarian function;
  • hypoestrogenia (low estrogen production);
  • some types of infertility;
  • leukopenia;
  • acute stages of inflammatory processes.
Those who have thyroid works with disorders, as well as those who suffer from atrial fibrillation and angina pectoris. Such treatment is indicated for children only from the age of five.

As Paracelsus said, every plant and substance can act as a poison and medicine. It all depends on the concentration and dose. This statement is proven using the example of radon baths. Moderate use of a radioactive substance may lead to mobilization defense mechanisms body modern man, pampered by the lack of adrenaline and natural dangers.

Radon baths - benefits and harms chemical element Radon

Radon is a chemical element that emits radiation. After its discovery in 1900, many scientists became interested in this inert gas and began to explore its capabilities.

It was from then on that resorts, sanatoriums and hospitals began to open, in which radon baths became a “guest program”. The most important thing that specialists must do when treating patients in this way is to select the correct amount of radon.

History of radon baths

ABOUT medicinal properties Radon was known long before its discovery. The Romans also noticed that some springs enrich the human body with strength, help treat diseases and improve overall well-being, and they set up baths next to them. In 1900, after taking a huge number of samples from similar sources, scientists discovered radon - it was the healing component.

Already in 1911, the first radon resort was opened, which officially recognized the chemical element of the same name as the main component therapeutic effect water It is interesting that the first Russian health resort of this kind opened in 1867, although its creators were not aware of the new element.
Today, the use of radon baths is widely known, this type of healing has its fans, and many resorts have made such treatment their specialization.

How do radon baths affect the body?

Many doctors consider radon therapy an ideal substitute drug treatment. Radon dissolved in water easily penetrates the subcutaneous layer, passes through the fat layer and reaches the organs. Depending on the concentration of the chemical element in the water, stopping radon can occur at any of three stages.

Thanks to radon, ionization occurs in tissues, which has a surprising effect on the patient’s entire body.

While a person relaxes and calms down, which also happens under the influence of this substance, all tissues begin to work hard: the circulatory system is strengthened, the walls of blood vessels become thicker, the pulse normalizes; skin condition improves, internal damage tighten faster, and metabolism accelerates.

Therefore, radon is used to eliminate problems such as:

  • metabolic disorders of any degree;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • skin rashes;
  • diseases digestive system chronic;
  • prostatitis;
  • hormonal disorders and much more.

Radon baths are especially effective in combating blood pressure and joint pain. Procedures do not disrupt work of cardio-vascular system, but at the same time quickly alleviates the condition of patients.

Types of baths

In baths, water from natural sources is used, or fresh water is enriched, to which radon is added artificially. In natural sources, radon exists not only in pure form, but also as derivatives. Their correct concentration brings invaluable benefits to the human body.

Based on the amount of radon in water, three types of baths are distinguished:

  1. baths with low radon concentrations are used most often;
  2. medium concentrated;
  3. highly concentrated waters are used very rarely, only for the treatment of very serious diseases.

It doesn’t matter whether artificial or real waters are used during procedures - the benefits are the same.

How is the procedure done?

Treatment with radon baths is very simple - the patient only needs to go to the treatment center every day and lie in the water for about 10-12 minutes. This time is enough for the element to penetrate deep enough into the tissues and organs and start healing processes.
Before taking a bath for the first time, the doctor always warns that after the procedure, short-term pain in problem areas and sharp pain are possible.

We must not forget about drowsiness, which can occur while taking a bath or after - radon has a calming effect on the nervous system.

The temperature of the water in a bath with radon should be approximately equal to body temperature; complete evaporation of the element will occur 2-3 hours after the procedure. The course of treatment is 10–12 procedures, and the effect appears only after a month. At the same time, it is worth remembering that you cannot spend more than 20 minutes in the bath, because radon is still radioactive element.

Indications for treatment

Radon baths, the benefits and harms of which have been well studied and accurately described, are prescribed to patients with the most various diseases. And not only those that affect both men and women, but also those that are clearly tied to gender.

For example, in gynecology, radon is used in the treatment of fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and some others. For the stronger sex, the chemical element is especially useful for prostatitis - it relieves inflammation, improves potency and blood circulation. Sexual desire also increases.

In general, doctors prescribe radon baths in many of the cases described above. The main thing that they should write down well in the recipe is the dose of the element in the water.


But there is no perfect cure for all diseases. Radon did not become one either. For all its remarkable properties, this chemical element was and remains radioactive. An increased dose leads to irradiation of the patient, so radon must be handled very carefully.

But even with the strictest observance of all the rules, radon baths cannot be used by some categories of people. For those who have the following contraindications:

  • radiation sickness. A person exposed to radiation should never come close to radon;
  • blood diseases such as leukemia;
  • neurosis in a severe stage;
  • epilepsy of any severity;
  • unstable angina and angina pectoris 4 F;
  • acute inflammatory processes;
  • any, no matter whether benign or malignant;
  • and some others.

In addition, radon baths also have an allergic effect. Individual intolerance is a good reason to quit procedures and look for other methods of treating existing diseases.


Radon baths, the contraindications to which are discussed above, are an excellent way to improve your overall health or cure certain diseases. The benefits of radon have been known for a very long time, but the conscious use of this chemical element in medicinal purposes began only at the beginning of the 20th century. Since then, resorts, sanatoriums and health resorts with radon baths have flourished.

Many fans around the world have already been able to heal and relax while sitting in water enriched with radon. Even, about which there is a lot of talk now, cannot guarantee the same effect that is obtained from radon.

Therefore, the popularity of sources with this chemical element is growing every year, and even ardent skeptics are increasingly recognizing its benefits.
Treatment with radon baths is easy and simple, the main thing is to follow the doctor’s instructions and be patient, because the result will not be immediate. However, after common benefit the body will become huge.
Even a simple relaxation in a warm bath with radon will be much more interesting and beneficial than simply lying on the beach.

Video: Radon baths

Radon baths are the treatment of a patient by placing him in radon mineral water.

Why radon? This is because an inert gas is added to its composition - radon, which, during its decay, releases a-radiation. After they enter the skin, the protein and water molecules that make up the dermis are ionized and, as a result, toxic oxygen metabolites are formed.

During this procedure, radon penetrates into the body and has a positive effect on internal organs person. Thanks to this, the synthesis of various active substances and immunoglobulins in the body.

A-radiation, in turn, increases the production of melanin in the skin.

The therapeutic effect of radon baths and the effect on the body

Treatment with radon baths helps improve blood flow in various tissues of the body.

Natural baths can calm the nervous system and relieve pain; they also improve heart function and restore blood pressure.

Thanks to radon radiation, the body accelerates the processes of resorption and healing not only in muscle tissue, but also in bone, as well as in nerve fibers. And this is not all the list of what radon baths treat.

The therapeutic effect of radon baths is:

  1. Relieving inflammation.
  2. Anesthesia.
  3. Acceleration of metabolism.
  4. Boosting immunity.
  5. Vasodilation.

There are several factors that indicate the need for radon treatment:

  • Heart disease and hypertension.
  • Various types of cardiosclerosis, the initial stage of atherosclerosis.
  • Varicose veins
  • Radiculitis.
  • Neurasthenia, insomnia.
  • Arthritis and osteoarthritis.
  • Bone fracture.
  • Lung diseases.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Kidney disease.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Scleroderma, as well as other diseases.

It should be remembered that when prescribing radon baths, the indications for them are purely individual. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account the condition and diseases of each patient individually.

Contraindications for treatment

There are also many reasons for contraindications to radon baths, these are:

  • Various inflammations in the body.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • Angina pectoris.
  • Heart failure or rapid heartbeat.
  • Individual intolerance to radon.
  • Shortness of breath or dizziness.
  • Contacts with radiation in the professional sphere.
  • Neoplasms of a benign nature.

Reviews about radon baths, the benefits and harms of this method differ quite strongly in the opinions of even the most “advanced” scientists. One of them even said that all drugs used for treatment are both poison and medicine.

It all depends on the dose of the drug used: in smaller quantities it can cure an illness, and in larger quantities it can kill. This is how we can characterize the effect of radon on the human body.

Maybe it is because of the added dose of radon to the water that all the debate about its benefits or harm occurs.

Many Western European medical experts say that the resulting harm from radon baths greatly affects the human body. But at the same time, in Europe for a century there have been hospitals in which radon is widely used.

Radon baths are available to patients of clinics, visitors to sanatoriums and health resorts. The benefits of radon baths have long been the subject of study by scientists, and even today discoveries are being made in this area.

There are some rules for taking radon baths, because the procedure is quite specific. Before prescribing, the doctor must consult the patient, after which the patient undergoes a course of treatment or prevention with radon baths.

  1. Each patient is assigned an individual course of the procedure, but there must be at least two days free from baths per week.
  2. The duration of use also varies, but should not exceed twelve. But how long one procedure will last will depend on the general condition of the patient’s body.
  3. When first immersing yourself in the bath, the time spent in it should not exceed five minutes. Later, this time increases each time and should reach fifteen minutes.
  4. It is not recommended to immerse your whole body in the bath: the water level should not be higher than your chest. Taking such a bath should be supervised by a specialist so that the person does not make unnecessary movements, because in such cases recovery may not occur.

The benefits and harms of radon baths will directly depend on the duration of the treatment procedure. If you sit in it too long, the patient may experience various complications. In addition, it is necessary to monitor the temperature of the water: it should be the same as the temperature of the human body.

During the procedure, you can once again check with a specialist about the benefits of radon baths.

After the session time is up, it is better to wipe the wet body with a towel. Wash clean water after such a bath it is better after one hour. During this time, everything will remain on the skin useful material radon, so you can just sit on a chair and relax. Some clinics provide their clients with comfortable rooms with beds for relaxation.

If the patient does not feel very good after such a bath, then he should not immediately and flatly refuse medical procedures. You need to consult your doctor about this and develop optimal time stay in water and frequency of procedures.

Thanks to the correction of the procedure schedule, the patient will learn the full benefits of radon baths.

  • Immediately before a radon bath, it is necessary to cleanse the intestines and bladder.
  • You cannot take a radon bath with an empty stomach. Be sure to eat half an hour before the procedure.
  • Do not smoke before and after the procedure.
  • If you are sweaty or tired on the way to the clinic, then you need to take a bath after a while, because radon baths will definitely have contraindications.

If the patient follows all the doctor’s advice, at the end of the course of treatment there will be good result. You will only be able to see him in about a month. In addition, the procedure itself will be easily tolerated.

Today, non-traditional methods of eliminating medical problems are becoming increasingly popular. In addition, many adherents of a healthy lifestyle also try to use various ways to maintain the tone of the whole body. One of these procedures was radon baths.

What is technology

The essence of this therapy is to saturate all skin cells with an inert gas, which is a decay product of the radioactive substance radium. Of course, this chemical element in its pure form cannot be beneficial, since it emits very strong alpha radiation. However, people have long learned to benefit from dangerous natural phenomena. Considering that the exposure to radiation on the body during the session is minimal, the patient’s risk of receiving a critical dose of radiation is reduced to zero. However, you should not neglect the minimum precautions. Remember, all such procedures should be carried out only with the permission of a medical specialist.

The mechanism of action of the technology is as follows. The patient is placed in a filled warm bath per 200 liters, to which 100 ml of radon diluted to a safe concentration is added. It must be said that due to the increased degree of radiation, the substance is located in a special lead container. In addition, its preparation is carried out by experienced specialists who are familiar with the safety precautions for working with such elements. Typically therapy involves 10 to 15 sessions of 30 to 60 minutes each.

During the procedure, the inert gas gradually penetrates into the upper layers of the skin. Then it moves deeper into the body and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of internal organs.

The effect of such therapy is obvious. Radon baths, reviews of which are mostly positive, speed up the body's metabolism and improve skin condition. In addition, sessions can relieve you of certain diseases. However, this does not apply to all categories of patients.

It is also worth remembering that in specific cases different dosages of gas concentration in water will be required. A high degree of fluid saturation is most effective, but such therapy is not indicated for everyone. Most often, a weakly diluted bath is used. At the same time, the level of radiation received by the patient is approximately 15 times less than the lower permissible threshold, which indicates the radioactive safety of the procedure.

Treatment options

Today there are two methods of conducting this kind of sessions. There are natural radon sources and baths made artificially. Among the most popular domestic natural baths, radon baths in Pyatigorsk are widely known. In addition, such health resorts as Molokovka and Ust-Kut are popular. Among the countries of the near and far abroad, the baths of Tskaltubo, Khmelnik, Ischia and Bad Gastein are famous. Many healing springs are located in Germany. Among them are Bad Brambach and Bad Nauheim.

You can conduct a course of treatment in an artificially created font in any sanatorium with radon baths. Moreover, today many of them offer such a complex of therapy. It all depends on your personal preferences and financial capabilities.

Mechanism of action and result of the procedure

First of all, you need to find out how these sessions affect the body. After all, radon baths, the benefits and harms of which can be equivalent, in some cases require mandatory consultation with a doctor before starting such therapy.

As mentioned above, the substance enters the body through the skin. Then it moves into the deeper layers of the skin and affects the internal organs. The element is eliminated through breathing over several hours. It must be said that such treatment is usually not conservative. Rather, it is a general strengthening effect, which is carried out in combination with other procedures.

Baths with radon gas relieve inflammation, improve the general condition of the body, increase immune defense and promote tissue healing. In addition, the sessions will help normalize blood clotting and stabilize blood pressure. It is also known to have a beneficial effect on the central and peripheral nervous system and metabolic processes.

Recently, this therapy has become especially popular due to its ability to quickly and effortlessly lose excess weight. Today, many cosmetology clinics provide a similar course of treatment. It should be noted here that the effect of taking baths is noticeable after just a short time. After all, not every person has sufficient willpower to carry out daily workouts and strictly adhere to a strict diet. The same method allows you to achieve a similar result without any effort on your part.

Another quality that should be highlighted is the calming effect of the inert gas on the patient’s nervous system. In some cases, procedures are indicated for patients suffering from sleep disorders and anxiety. This type of therapy can easily relieve anxiety and relieve pain. Among people who have undergone this course of treatment, doctors note a high percentage of positive results from this technique.

Despite such an impressive list beneficial influence, you should approach very carefully such procedures as radon baths, the indications and contraindications for which are very wide. Of course, you should not self-medicate. All therapy must take place with the permission and supervision of a specialist. Of course, there is a group of patients who need such a course. It is in these cases that the technique will be truly effective. The following list of patients falls into these categories:

  1. Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Treatment is usually indicated for varicose veins, atherosclerosis and angina. The sessions will ease the consequences of a heart attack and cardiosclerosis. An excellent effect is also noted in the treatment of coronary heart disease.
  2. Disorders of the central and peripheral nervous system. In this case, sessions are appropriate for people suffering from neuralgia, neuritis and neurasthenia. In addition, baths have excellent results for patients who have suffered closed injuries to the brain or spinal cord.
  3. Problems associated with dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system. This category includes both chronic patients with arthritis, osteoporosis and osteomyelitis, and patients who have received mechanical injuries.
  4. Skin diseases. Here the range of indications is very wide. The therapy can help both people suffering from superficial rashes and acne, and patients with more serious problems, such as psoriasis. In addition, the procedures contribute to the speedy healing of violations of the integrity of the skin and scars.
  5. Chronic inflammation of the genitourinary organs. Baths cope with benign hormonal tumors in women and prostatitis in men. However, in the case of the appearance of tumors, you need to be extremely careful, since sessions can provoke their growth.

In addition to the above properties, this treatment is indicated for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and various chronic diseases gastrointestinal tract, lungs and kidneys. In addition, patients can achieve an excellent effect in the fight against excess weight.

In a word, positive aspects taking radon baths a lot. However, even less harmless procedures usually require a full examination and consultation with a doctor, and such therapy has an extensive list of contraindications for its use. Therefore, to decide whether this treatment is right for you, you need to be aware of the possible negative consequences.

Risk of complications

Of course, every person who wants to improve their health in this way must also know about negative side question. After all, radon baths, the contraindications for the use of which are fully known today, can cause irreparable harm to the body. The list of such precautions looks like this:

  1. The acute phase of any chronic disease. Here they include all the same categories for which treatment is recommended. This is especially important for patients with impaired heart rhythm function. Of course, once you have passed the peak of the exacerbation, you can continue the course after consulting with your doctor.
  2. Active inflammatory phenomena in tissues or organs. In this case more Negative influence It is not radon gases that can have an effect, but immersion of the patient in warm water, which can contribute to an increase in the source of inflammation. Although, in these cases, the decision is made by the attending doctor based on the individual characteristics of the disease.
  3. Poor tolerance of the procedure. As a rule, it is not possible to determine this in advance. If you experience breathing problems, heavy sweating or dizziness while taking a bath, be sure to notify a specialist. You may need to avoid this treatment.
  4. Low white blood cell count. A decrease in white blood cells indicates poor body resistance. In this case, even a small dose of radiation can have fatal consequences. Of course, such a procedure is strictly prohibited for patients with radiation sickness.
  5. Increased radiation dosage due to professional activities. It is better for people who are constantly in contact with such substances to refrain from taking these procedures.

This list only outlines the main contraindications for treatment with radon. Of course, there are also other characteristics and diseases for which such a course is not recommended. However, this should only be determined by a qualified professional. Therefore, before deciding to begin such sessions, be sure to undergo a full medical examination and, if necessary, pass necessary tests to avoid harmful consequences for the body.

It is obvious that baths saturated with inert gas during the half-life of radon have a high healing effect and can alleviate the course of most chronic ailments. However, we should not forget that any technique also has negative sides. Remember that in this case it is optimal to trust the doctors and not your own intuition.

To eliminate the possibility of complications, do not self-medicate, but trust qualified specialists

Pyatigorsk is the most popular domestic health resort with radon baths

In addition to the general strengthening effect, radon baths have many healing properties.

The best solution would be to undergo a course of such therapy in a sanatorium.

The optimal solution would be a consultation with a specialist before the procedures and constant medical monitoring during the course.

Therapy will help you get rid of excess weight and strengthen the nervous system

Natural bath with healing effect

Many supporters of a healthy lifestyle speak enthusiastically about radon baths

Despite the fact that the main component of therapy has become a radioactive element, the benefits from it are enormous