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Tarusa raspberry variety. Propagation of unusual raspberries

The Tarusa variety refutes the usual idea of ​​raspberries as short thorny bush. The tree-like shoot actually does not have thorns, which makes harvesting, planting and caring for the plant very easy. And the large berries that grow in abundance on raspberries will not leave anyone indifferent.

The Tarusa variety was obtained in 1987 under the leadership of V. Kichina as a result of crossing the Stolichnaya and Shtambovy-1 varieties. But it was only in 1993 that raspberries appeared on the market.

“Raspberry tree” is another name for the Tarusa variety. This is due to the fact that the plant has strong, straight shoots that really resemble a tree trunk. Experts call such varieties “standard” (from the word standard - a tree trunk from the root collar to the crown).

The shoots are straight, elastic, thick, almost the entire height of the same thickness. They grow up to 1.5–2 m. Completely without thorns. The leaves are large, dark green, with a corrugated surface. Thanks to this, Tarusa is also valued for its decorativeness. The berries are large (up to 12–15 g), red, blunt-conical in shape, and double fruits are often found. The taste is moderately sweet. The seeds are small.

The weight of the Tarusa raspberry fruit reaches 15 g

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety - table

Landing Features

It is better to buy raspberry seedlings from a nursery. Plants need to be selected that are healthy, with elastic roots and shoots.

A place for planting Tarusa raspberries must be well lit and protected from drafts. Groundwater - at a depth of at least 1.5 m.

Tomatoes, potatoes, and strawberries should be placed away from raspberries, as these plants have common pests.

Planting is done in the spring, when the temperature has stabilized and does not fall below 15 o C. The distance between bushes is 1 m, in row spacing - 1.8–2 m.

Planting process

  • IN fertile land prepare a long hole 30 cm deep.
  • Place humus, peat, sawdust on the bottom.
  • Place the seedlings in the hole and cover with soil.
  • Trim shoots to 40 cm.

    After cutting the seedlings, their height does not exceed 30 cm

  • Water well (5 liters of water per bush).
  • Mulch with sawdust or compost.

    When planting raspberries you need to follow certain rules

  • The location of the raspberry bed needs to be changed every 9–10 years.

    Video: choosing a seedling and features of planting raspberries


    Tarusa raspberries can be propagated in several ways.


  • Dig up the bush and select roots with buds.
  • Cut into cuttings (each should have 2 healthy buds).

    The root must be divided so that each part contains 2 buds.

  • Plant them in containers filled with peat and sand 1:1.
  • Place in a warm, bright place.
  • When rooting occurs, transplant the plants into containers with fertile soil in order to obtain seedlings the next year.
  • Basal shoots

  • If the bush has no shoots, you need to cut all the shoots to the ground. Soon new shoots will appear.

    You can get shoots by cutting all raspberry shoots to the ground.

  • Dig up the shoots.
  • Divide it so that each shoot has a root.
  • Plant in pre-prepared beds, water and mulch.
  • Features of care

    Raspberries of the Tarusa variety are not very demanding to care for, but you should not completely forget about the basic rules of agricultural technology.


    Raspberries love moisture very much, but cannot tolerate its excess, much less stagnation. In order to protect the raspberries from waterlogging, you can form a small hill on which the seedlings will grow. During rainy summers, care should be taken to drain excess water.

    Raspberries need to be watered once every 5–7 days (5 liters of water per bush). Special attention Care should be taken to moisten the soil during the fruiting period of the plant.


    It is necessary to mulch raspberries because:

  • retains moisture in the ground longer;
  • prevents weeds from growing;
  • In summer it protects the soil from overheating, and in winter from excessive freezing.
  • You can use the following as mulch:

  • peat;
  • compost;
  • birch branches;
  • cut grass;
  • sunflower husk.
  • Mulch layer - 8–10 cm.

    Raspberries need a mulched bed

    Preparing for winter

    Tarusa is considered a frost-resistant variety, capable of withstanding temperatures down to -30 o C. However, in regions with such cold winters, gardeners recommend not taking risks and taking care of raspberry plants. Immediately after fruiting, while the shoots are still flexible, they need to be bent to the ground. Plant buds will be preserved more reliably under the snow.

    Snow will cover the raspberries and keep the fruit buds safe

    Raspberry feeding - table


    In the year the bush is planted in May, the top of the main shoot is pinched - about 10–15 cm. This stimulates the growth of side branches, which are pruned the next year. Thanks to such actions, numerous branches appear, on which ovaries will then form.

    After harvesting, the fruit-bearing branches of an adult plant are cut off. At the end of September, 5–7 strong shoots are left on the bush, their tops trimmed by 15 cm.

    Branches damaged by diseases and pests must also be removed.

    How to cope with raspberry diseases and pests - table

    The Tarusa raspberry tree is a standard variety large-fruited raspberries, bred in 1987 by Professor of the Moscow Institute of Horticulture V.V. Kichina. Thanks to its strongly thickened, hard sprouts, the Tarusa raspberry resembles small tree up to two meters high.


    Raspberry tree is the name of the planting method. But the varieties of raspberry trees have many names, for example, the Tarusa variety. The branches of this tree are interconnected, so during growth they do not branch and do not form unnecessary shoots. The shoots are bright green during flowering and brown when dormant.

    The tree is covered with leaves with jagged edges and a terry coating on the surface. The leaves at the top are drooping. Fruit branches, located close to one another, form a crown, as on ordinary trees. Each branch with 2-3 branches grows 20-30 oblong berries. The fruits of the Tarusa raspberry tree are large, juicy, aromatic and weigh up to 16 grams each. The raspberry tree blooms with bright red flowers. It is truly a beautiful sight.

    Benefits of the Tarusa raspberry tree

    • Raspberries are unpretentious for planting - there is no need to attach them to a trellis, since Tarusa is a standard variety.
    • It has high productivity, which increases over the years.
    • Does not require pruning of shoots.
    • Resistant to diseases and pests. Even if the tree itself is damaged by some kind of infection, this will not affect its fruiting and the yield will not decrease.

    • Tarusa bears fruit all summer without interruption, from the beginning of July to the end of August.

    Selecting a site and preparing the soil for planting Tarusa raspberries

    If you have decided to take up growing a raspberry tree for a long time and seriously and have chosen the Tarusa variety, then best place for its growth there will be a flat, protected from the winds, well-lit area of ​​the garden.

    Snow should accumulate here in abundance. There should be no old raspberries in the selected area. You cannot plant and grow this berry between other trees, where it will not receive enough light and nutrients.

    If the area is flooded with water, dig shallow channels to drain it. The level of the site still needs to be raised using bulk soil. For good growth plants and production high yield in the future, sow the area allocated for planting raspberries, legumes, rapeseed or mustard.

    Choose soil for raspberries that is loose, rich in valuable nutrients, moderately moisturized. Lime heavily oxidized soil a year before planting at the rate of 300-500 grams of lime per meter square area plot.

    How to plant a Tarusa tree correctly

    • Determine the rows on the site, the distance between which should be 170 cm.
    • Dig holes 30cm deep and place one or two seedlings in each hole.
    • First add one tablespoon of nitroammophoska and mix well with the soil directly in the hole.
    • Sprinkle the seedling with soil, deepening the root collar by 2-3 cm.
    • Next, cut the shoots so that 25-30 cm remain above the ground.
    • Mulch the ground around the bush by laying a small layer of humus.
    • And at the end of planting, water each seedling with water at the rate of 5 liters per hole.

    The raspberry tree, which is planted and cared for both in autumn and spring, is planted under a shovel. When you dig up the seedlings, you immediately need to remove all the leaves and shorten the planting material to 70 cm in height.

    The best time for planting seedlings of the Tarusa raspberry tree in the fall is the first ten days of October, and in the spring - the beginning of March - the end of April. Do not buy seedlings with leaves or dug up in advance. They do not take root well and may even die.

    Raspberries are usually planted on for a long time, for ten or more years. But with good and proper care raspberry tree may not reduce productivity for twenty years.

    Raspberry tree care

    Its yield depends on how much proper and timely care the Tarusa raspberries receive. Care includes feeding, watering, pruning and covering.

    The Tarusa raspberry tree is responsive to fertilizing with manure and other fertilizers. In the spring, before and after the tree blooms, fertilize it with mullein infusion or a liquid solution of complex fertilizers. And in the fall, feed each raspberry tree with manure, evenly distributing it on the surface of the ground. Sprinkle sawdust on top of the manure.

    Instead of manure, you can take peat mixed with urea or saltpeter. In spring, do not use mineral nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise the replacement shoots will be weak or not grow at all. It is better to feed the soil with them in the fall, in mid-October.

    The raspberry tree, planting and caring for which involves not only feeding the plant, but also watering it, loves moist soil. Therefore, it should always be watered: during planting of seedlings, in the spring before flowering, during drought, in the fall during the period of fruit ripening. Lack of moisture will have a detrimental effect on fruiting, and you may not expect a high harvest.

    The raspberry tree is a winter-hardy plant that can withstand frosts up to thirty degrees. But if the raspberry tree grows in areas with a more severe climate, the shoots bent to the ground should be covered with snow. They need to be bent at the end of September, after fruiting, when they still bend well. At this time of year there is a lot of green foliage on the raspberry branches, don't let that scare you.

    Formation and pruning of the Tarusa tree

    The Tarusa raspberry tree is formed by double pruning. The shoots are pinched for the first time in May in the year of planting, when their height reaches 60 cm. The stems need to be shortened by 5-10 cm. Thanks to this procedure, buds will begin to awaken in the axils of the upper leaves. And in the fall, lateral branches will grow on the shoot.

    The second pinching is carried out next spring, but the lateral growths are already pinched. When frost sets in, immediately cut off the branches, otherwise the shoots will not ripen by autumn. Thus, by pinching the branches at your discretion, you form a tree yourself the desired shape. After the second pinching, many fruiting branches appear on the stem, from which you can harvest a rich harvest in the fall.

    Beneficial properties of raspberries

    The raspberry tree, a photo of which is presented in the article, produces tasty, aromatic and very healthy fruits. They have a large set healing properties and are widely used in folk medicine. The berry is rich in organic acids, minerals and tannins, essential oils, glucose and fructose.

    Traditionally, the fruits, leaves and flowers of the raspberry tree are used for colds, flu, and to treat joint and back pain. Raspberries help cope with fever and neurological diseases, have antipyretic, hemostatic and antitoxic properties. It has a tonic effect on the skin of the face and normalizes blood pressure.

    Raspberry leaves contain substances that stimulate the intestinal walls. These berries are always present in the diet of pregnant women, since the folic acid they contain is necessary for the formation of the fetus. Raspberries, unlike other berries, do not lose their beneficial properties during and after heat treatment.

    Storing and harvesting Tarusa raspberries

    By many beneficial properties Tarusa raspberry possesses. The raspberry tree bears fruits suitable for harvesting and long-term storage.

    • Most in a simple way Preparing berries for the winter is drying. To do this, you need to keep the berries in the sun for a while, and then dry them in the oven. If raspberries are dried correctly, their berries will have a gray-raspberry color and the aroma of fresh fruit.
    • Frozen raspberries keep well. Everything is saved in it useful material, in this form it can be stored for a long time.
    • The most common way to store raspberries is in jam. The berry is good in compotes, jams, jams.
    • The beneficial properties are also preserved in berries grated with sugar. These raspberries should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

    1. Prepare a long recess, the size of which should be 1.5 meters in length by 30 cm in depth.
    2. Peat, sawdust, compost, and humus are laid out at the bottom of the hole. Each layer must be sprinkled with earth. This mixture provides additional nutrition to the planted young bushes.
    3. Planting of seedlings is carried out in spring and autumn period s.
    4. Before this, all seedlings must be cut to 40 cm in height, then the roots must be deepened, sprinkled with fertile soil and watered well.
    5. To retain moisture, it is recommended to mulch with humus, compost or good layer sawdust
    6. There should be a distance of at least 80 cm between neighboring bushes, and 1.5-2 meters between rows.

    After planting, it is necessary to regularly water the young bushes and add organic and mineral fertilizers. The old branch is completely cut off and removed only after the young shoots reach a height of 25 cm.

    Reproduction of Tarusa

    The Tarusa raspberry tree can be propagated using roots and shoots. Root cuttings are used when the bushes produce a small number of children. For this:

    • An adult bush is dug up and roots with buds are selected.
    • Of these, they are cut in such a way that each contains at least 1-2 good healthy kidneys.
    • Rooting and germination of such roots is carried out in boxes filled with peat and river sand in equal proportions.
    • The cuttings are planted and placed in a warm, well-lit place for further development.
    • After a while, sprouts will begin to emerge from the ground, when the raspberries are well rooted, the young bushes can be planted in fertile soil according to separate containers, excellent seedlings will be ready next year.

    Reproduction by root shoots is the simplest and most common method. In this case it is necessary:

    • Dig up the sprouts that have formed around the bush, so that a small piece of root remains on each young bush.
    • Such seedlings are planted in pre-prepared beds, fertilized, watered and mulched.
    • If an adult bush does not produce enough shoots, it can be stimulated. To do this, cut off the main central part of all shoots to the ground. After some time, sprouts will begin to appear.

    Secrets of pruning

    The raspberry tree needs regular pruning and... The first step in this process is to pinch out the top of the main shoot in the year the bush is planted.

    Pruning is carried out in May so that the side shoots in the axils of the leaves ripen and grow during the season.

    The next year, pinch off the tops of these shoots. There will be strong branching, which must be pruned by autumn so that they have time to ripen. Next year, a rich harvest will ripen on these branches. Pruning the Tarusa raspberry tree is an important process that requires special attention every year.

    The Tarusa raspberry tree is susceptible to attack by various pests and is prone to... It is recommended to treat the branches and leaves with special preparations in the spring to prevent various ailments.

    One of the pests of raspberries is the raspberry beetle, which feeds on the leaves and fruits of the plant.

    Its larvae develop in the soil, so it is recommended to regularly loosen it around the bushes, thereby destroying some of the pests. Also, during budding, all raspberry bushes are treated with targeted insecticides.

    If raspberry bushes are planted in the wrong place, this will be visible by white or yellow spots on the surface of young leaves. This occurs when there is a lack of water or, conversely, when the soil is waterlogged and waterlogged. In this case, it is recommended to completely move the plantings to a more suitable location.

    Application of Tarusa berries

    Raspberries have many beneficial properties. Large amounts of vitamin C, glucose, minerals, fructose has found its use in folk medicine. Raspberries are used for food both raw and in the form of jam, jelly and compotes. Raspberry extract is used in medicine and cosmetology.

    Raspberry fruits and leaves are used for colds and to treat intestinal ailments.

    There are several simple ways to prepare raspberries for the winter. The berries of the Tarusa variety are well transported, so after harvesting at the dacha, they can be easily and without damage transported home. The fruits are placed in plastic containers, plastic bags and frozen in the freezer. Also, if you have a dehydrator, the berries can be dried and stored in glass jars. It is good to make tea from such fruits.

    The classic and familiar way to prepare fruits is through jam. You can grind the fruits with sugar and, without boiling, pour them into jars and store them in the refrigerator. This jam retains its fresh taste, but can be stored for 3-4 months. You can also boil raspberries with varying amounts of sugar, resulting in jam, jam or compote.

    More information on how to prune raspberries can be found in the video.

    Everyone knows raspberries and, most likely, there is no person on earth who would not like to feast on its useful and delicious berries. Raspberry bushes can be found in almost any area, but not every gardener can boast of a rich harvest. Even high-quality care cannot save the situation when the variety is unproductive. In order for your work to pay off with a good harvest, you need to plant large-fruited, proven varieties. One of them is Tarusa raspberry.

    Biological features

    Raspberry is perennial plant, belonging to the pink group. It is a deciduous shrub with a development cycle of two years. It has straight stems, which in the first year have a green grassy color, become woody in the second year, and die off completely after fruiting is completed. The berry is quite complex, consisting of fused drupes, and may have different shade: yellow, red in different tones, black, orange, etc.

    Important: Raspberries are an excellent honey plant. This plant can be pollinated by bees even with light rain due to the special location of the flowers.

    Variety of varieties

    Cultivated plants were first bred in the 16th century and since then the variety of varieties has been growing all the time. According to the characteristics of fruiting, all varieties are divided into non-remontant and remontant. Relatively recently, varieties with a special shoot structure have been created - tree-like or standard. The shoots of these plants are thick, quite strong and more reminiscent of a small tree. Quite often they are also called raspberry tree. A representative of raspberry trees is the Tarusa raspberry.

    Features of the variety

    This variety was introduced into cultivation, tested and obtained in 1993 by the Russian doctor of biological sciences and breeder-professor Viktor Valerianovich Kichina. Tarusa raspberries have taken on significant yields and impressive berry size from their ancestors, Scottish large-fruited hybrids. Domestic varieties that participated in the selection gave Tarusa raspberries winter hardiness and resistance to pests and diseases.

    Raspberry Tarusa tree, what is it like:

    • The description of this species must begin with the size of the berries, which are significantly larger than the average size and can reach a weight of up to 20 grams. The size of the berry is also impressive - up to 5 centimeters.
    • The color is deep red and bright. The aroma is raspberry and pronounced.
    • Distinctive feature variety is a frequent double berry, this increases both the weight and the overall harvest, which is already quite significant - it can reach more than four kilograms per plant per season. This is the highest figure among the rest standard species. The berries do not fall off for a long time and stay well on the bush. Their taste is slightly sour and pleasant.
    • The bush is quite decorative, with a compressed shape and powerful shoots that reach a height of 50 cm.
    • The standard lower part does not have side shoots; they grow in the upper and middle parts of the plant, creating a kind of crown like a tree.
    • Tarusa raspberries have a number of side shoots that provide good harvest, can reach more than 10 with a length of up to half a meter.
    • Characteristic feature of this variety The absence of thorns is considered, this not only simplifies the care of the bushes, but also makes harvesting a pleasure.
    • Raspberries of the Tarusa variety have a low ability to produce replacement shoots; they will no longer spread around the garden, but the shoots are quite sufficient for propagation.
    • This raspberry tree has frost resistance down to -35 degrees, in areas with more severe climatic conditions The rather small height of the plant makes it possible to hide it under a layer of snow, carefully bending the shoots to the ground.

    Important: Bending down the shoots must be done in several stages and gradually, before the arrival of frost, which makes the shoots quite fragile.

    In terms of ripening time, this variety is medium-late; the time of fruiting will depend on the region in which it is located and can vary from late June to early September. The description of the standard raspberry variety Tarusa will be incomplete if we do not mention that after harvesting, the dense berry is well transported and stored, since it does not produce juice for a long time.

    Agrotechnics of cultivation

    Raspberry is not demanding plant, however, the standard varieties, to which Tarusa raspberries belong, have certain features in their care. The most important condition that ensures the health of Tarusa raspberries, good growth and its abundant harvest is compliance with the requirements for fertilizing, light and water conditions, and soil.

    Soil requirements

    Tarusa raspberry tree He loves to “eat” very much. Therefore, the soil must be fertile. Sandy loam, loamy and loose soils rich in organic matter are excellent. On sandy soil, this variety will begin to suffer due to the lack of required moisture, the berries will be small, and the yield will decrease. Even regular watering will not improve the situation. There is only one way out - improving the soil by adding required quantity clay and organic matter.

    Sand must be added to clay soil. An important indicator is soil acidity. Raspberries do not tolerate soil with a pH of less than 5.7 very well. The best hydrogen value is 5.7-6.3. If the soil does not meet these requirements and is very acidic, then it must be limed according to the norms of the lime mixture on the pack.

    Recommendation: When you plan to plant raspberries in the spring, you cannot lime the soil before planting in the fall, since during liming the bulk of the nitrogen contained in the soil is lost.

    Moisture requirements

    The Tarusa variety is not suitable for areas that are not very wet or very dry.. In those areas where The groundwater are located high, this plant will not grow, since the root system easily rots from large amounts of moisture. The earth must be moistened, but without stagnant water. In hot weather, watering is required once every 10 days, especially when filling berries.

    Mulching the soil around the bushes can help reduce the amount of watering. Any organic material is suitable for mulch, except fresh sawdust. The mulch layer must be at least 10 centimeters.


    This variety loves the sun; in extreme cases, partial shade is suitable. Raspberry shoots stretch out in the shade, the berries become sour, and the yield drops sharply. There is a rule - the more sun, the sweeter the berries. When choosing a site for planting, you must not forget that Tarusa raspberries do not tolerate gusts of wind and drafts.


    The more productive the culture, the more nutrients she needs it to grow. Raspberry Tarusa is a standard variety with potential increased productivity. Therefore, you need to pay great attention to bait:

    The first feeding coincides with the time of bud break. The next two feedings are done at intervals of two weeks. Any bait must be accompanied by further watering. clean water. They do not water only when heavy rains begin to fall.

    There should be more than half of the herbs in a non-metallic container, the rest is water. After infusion for a period of one week, bait is applied in a dilution of 1 to 10 per liter per plant. During the season it is necessary to make 2-3 baits.

    At the budding stage, foliar feeding is done with complex fertilizer Kemira-Lux or Ryazanochka at the rate of one and a half teaspoons per bucket. Bait is produced on the waxing moon in cloudy weather, but not rainy. The fertilizer is sprayed with a sprayer, treating the foliage well. It must be absorbed into it before the evening dew.

    Important: It is impossible to produce groundbait of the Tarusa variety mineral fertilizer with an increased amount of nitrogen in August, and especially in autumn.

    Nitrogen prolongs the growing season and promotes the growth of leaf mass. Raspberries will not have time to prepare for dormancy and will go into winter weakened. Phosphorus and potash fertilizers 25 and 35 grams respectively per square meter must be added.

    Planting Tarusa raspberries

    You should not plant Tarusa raspberries after potatoes, tomatoes and other nightshades; this will contribute to the spread of common pests and the outbreak of diseases. For raspberries, the proximity of strawberries and nightshades is undesirable for the same reason.

    Fruiting from this proximity in both crops improves, and diseases become less. It is necessary to plant raspberries with south side apple trees and in such a way that the latter does not shade it too much.

    Step-by-step planting instructions

    Planting standard Tarusa raspberries occurs as follows:

    • The land needs to be prepared in advance - for autumn planting in mid-summer, and for spring in autumn.
    • The step between the rows is approximately 2 meters, and the distance between the bushes must be no closer than one meter.
    • When you plan to plant several plants, you use the hole planting method; when you plan to grow a large plantation, it is best to plant raspberries in trenches.
    • So that in the future the area under Tarusa raspberries will be clean from weed, during its preparation you need to carefully dig up the ground and select all the roots.
    • During pit planting, their depth and diameter are 40 centimeters. The width and depth of the trenches are 60 and 40 cm, respectively.
    • In the pits, as well as in the trenches, you need to add humus - 2 buckets per linear meter trenches and 1 bucket per pit, 500 grams of ash, a glass of potash 30 and 15 grams, phosphate fertilizers 40 and 20 grams, respectively.
    • It is necessary to water the plants very generously during planting - up to 7 liters per plant. It is advisable to plant bushes in mud, in this case the survival rate increases significantly.
    • When planting, the root system of the seedlings is kept for 2 hours in a solution of root formation activators: root, heteroauxin.
    • During planting, the root collar needs to be deepened by 2-3 cm.
    • After planting, the shoot is cut to a height of half a meter.
    • To preserve moisture, the ground near the planted bush is mulched.

    Planting time can be either spring or autumn. Autumn planting is carried out a month before the onset of frost, spring planting - before the buds swell. The specific time will depend on the region where Tarusa raspberries will be grown.

    Attention: During autumn planting, you need to remove all leaves from the Tarusa raspberry seedling.


    Caring for a raspberry tree consists of weeding and loosening at least 5 times per season, fertilizing and watering as needed, and controlling insects: raspberry stem fly, raspberry gall midge and raspberry beetle.

    In Tarusa raspberries, replacement shoots must be normalized, leaving no more than 4-6 for a given variety. An obligatory stage is the formation of a bush. In order to get a real Tarusa raspberry tree, you need to use double pruning. During the proper formation and care of the bushes, the Tarusa raspberry tree will delight you a bountiful harvest delicious and beautiful berries.

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    ​In the 20th of September - in the first days of October, they begin to form the bushes - they cut off the top, leaving 15-20 cm, and remove the weakest shoots, leaving only the strongest ones in an amount of no more than 6-7 pieces.​

    ​If you plan to plant several raspberry trees at once, then dig holes at a distance of no more than 50-60 cm from each other.​

    Benefits of the Tarusa raspberry tree

    • ​After 8-10 years, it is recommended to replant the raspberry tree to a new location so that the crop does not reduce its yield due to the soil being depleted of microelements.​
    • ​Its cultivation is simplified by the possibility of not using supports in the form of trellises and stakes.​
    • There should be no raspberry bushes or trees on the site. The raspberry tree will not receive enough nutrients and light under such conditions, which will affect growth activity and yield. In winter, snow should accumulate well in the area with this plant, which will protect it from frost.​
    • ​Direct from the manufacturer​

    • ​You need to water these raspberries well, otherwise the short shoots will begin to break off and you will lose the harvest.​

    Selecting a site and preparing the soil for planting Tarusa raspberries

    ​. High-yielding variety(up to 20 kg per bush), the berries are large with excellent taste, strong, and tolerate transportation well.​

    Raspberry leaves contain substances that stimulate the intestinal walls. These berries are always present in the diet of pregnant women, since the folic acid they contain is necessary for the formation of the fetus. Raspberries, unlike other berries, do not lose their beneficial properties during and after heat treatment.​

    Sprinkle the seedling with earth, deepening the root collar by 2-3 cm.

    The Tarusa raspberry tree is a standard variety of large-fruited raspberries, bred in 1987 by V.V. Kichina, a professor at the Moscow Institute of Horticulture. Thanks to its highly thickened, rigid sprouts, the Tarusa raspberry resembles a small tree up to two meters high.​

    How to plant a Tarusa tree correctly

    In the first year after planting, it is advisable to insulate the seedling from frost - cover the ground around the bush.

    • ​Add organic fertilizer to each hole - wood ash or bird droppings.​
    • Raspberries can be replanted in the same area no earlier than 4-5 years.
    • ​The Tarusa tree got its name because its shoots resemble a standard - the lower part of the plant has no branches, and the top grows in the form of a small neat crown.​
    • ​The place should be high enough, without flooding with water. If water periodically stagnates there, it must be drained using ditches or raised by adding earth. To prepare the soil in the previous year, the site can be sown with legumes or rapeseed, which enrich the soil with nitrogen.​
    • ​I wasn’t too lazy and called this same Moscow research institute. They confirmed that Tarusa is indeed their brainchild, but for several years this variety has not been available. They refused to explain the reason. An employee warned me that gardeners who once purchased this variety can propagate and sell it.​
    • But these raspberries look amazing! I want to warn you right away: do not try to look for it on sale. There are varieties of raspberries that are more productive, both regular and remontant, but only people with large dacha areas can afford this one.
    • ​This shrub loves the sun, so designate the area for it. sunny place, hidden from drafts. Standard raspberries, like regular or remontant ones, like to grow on slopes, away from groundwater and stagnant water. It is desirable that the soil is well-drained, neutral or slightly acidic. Think immediately about winter, about the fact that the raspberries will be covered with a high snow cover. Otherwise, you will have to bend the branches of the bush to the ground.

    Tarusa raspberries have many beneficial properties. The raspberry tree bears fruits suitable for harvesting and long-term storage.​

    ​Raspberry tree is the name of the planting method. But the varieties of raspberry trees have many names, for example, the Tarusa variety. The branches of this tree are interconnected, so during growth they do not branch and do not form unnecessary shoots. Shoots during flowering have bright green color, and at rest - brown.​

    Raspberry tree care

    ​Another important condition for getting rich and healthy harvest- timely control of pests and disease carriers.​

    ​Place the seedling in the middle of the hole and lower it to the same depth at which it grew before transplanting (in the nursery) - no lower and no higher than the level of the root collar. Only when grown in light soils is it possible to deepen the root collar by 6-7 cm.

    Raspberries love frequent and regular moistening of the soil in which they grow. Does not tolerate drought, especially the first weeks after planting.​

    ​Powerful upright shoots of Tarusa can grow up to 2 m in height. Raspberry flowers are incredibly beautiful. Bright red or almost ruby ​​large berries have a heady aroma and excellent taste, hold tightly to the stalks and do not fall off. But despite this, picking ripe berries is easy.​

    The raspberry tree prefers loose soil. It should be rich in organic matter, with moderate moisture. Soil with an acidic reaction is treated with lime.

    Formation and pruning of the Tarusa tree

    ​But something else alarmed me: why is Tarusa not available even at the institute? Perhaps it did not live up to expectations, and they stopped experimenting with raspberries of this type?​

    I water the raspberries and make sure to mulch them, as this crop does not tolerate bare soil. Its roots are located too close to the surface, so it suffers from drought. But you shouldn’t overwater either, as this will make the berries less sweet.​

    Beneficial properties of raspberries

    ​The worst predecessors for raspberries are nightshades: potatoes, tomatoes. If you are preparing a site for planting in the fall, then it is advisable to plant rapeseed, mustard or any legumes (peas, beans, alfalfa, etc.) on it.

    ​The easiest way to prepare berries for the winter is drying. To do this, you need to keep the berries in the sun for a while, and then dry them in the oven. If raspberries are dried correctly, their berries will have a gray-raspberry color and the aroma of fresh fruit.​

    ​Mulch the ground around the bush, laying a small layer of humus.​

    Storing and harvesting Tarusa raspberries

    The tree is covered with leaves with jagged edges and a terry coating on the surface. The leaves at the top are drooping. Fruit branches, located close to one another, form a crown, as on ordinary trees. Each branch with 2-3 branches grows 20-30 oblong berries. The fruits of the Tarusa raspberry tree are large, juicy, aromatic and weigh up to 16 grams each. The raspberry tree blooms with bright red flowers. This is truly a beautiful sight.​

    • The raspberry tree is very susceptible to diseases and attacks by various pests. This can lead not only to crop loss, but even to the death of the bush. In order to properly take preventive measures and carry out treatment in case of infection, you must know what can be most dangerous for raspberries:
    • Dig the hole in with earth, compacting it around the trunk.
    • But Tarusa also cannot tolerate waterlogging of the soil; its roots can die from excess water. When choosing a site and soil for raspberries, remember this - groundwater should be no higher than 1.5 m.​
    • Each branch produces up to 20 pieces of elongated fruits weighing from 5 to 15 g and from 5 to 7 cm in length. You can collect up to 4 kg of berries from one bush.​

    Standard raspberries: planting and care, varieties, photos

    The raspberry tree is propagated by seedlings. Plant the plants in the prepared area in rows, with a distance of approximately one hundred and seventy centimeters. Holes are dug, the depth of which should be thirty centimeters. Fertilizer - nitroammophoska - is added to the hole. You need to take a tablespoon and mix it with the soil.​

    What raspberries are called standard raspberries?

    ​Failed experiment​

    Varieties of standard raspberries

    ​Mulch protects against temperature changes and retains moisture in the ground.​

      Standard raspberries (photo above), like any other type of this shrub, can be planted both in spring and autumn. In the first case, the approximate timeframe is mid-April. They may shift depending on each region. After all, for example, in the Urals at this time it is quite possible that the snow has not yet melted or the ground has not dried out. Very often you can come across the opinion that spring planting is most favorable. There is some truth in this. It must be kept in mind: the survival rate in the spring will be higher only if the buds have not yet bloomed and the plant has not begun to grow. In autumn, raspberries are planted at the end of September. Seedlings must be hilled 10-12 cm from the soil level. This will protect the bush from freezing the lower buds.​​Frozen raspberries keep well. It retains all the useful substances, and in this form it can be stored for a long time.​

      ​And at the end of planting, water each seedling with water at the rate of 5 liters per hole.​ Raspberries are unpretentious for planting - there is no need to attach them to a trellis, since Tarusa is a standard variety.

      The raspberry beetle is dangerous because it feeds not only on raspberry leaves, but also on raspberry flowers. And its larvae settle on the berries, eating them completely. The beetle and its pupae live in the soil. IN preventive measures You can dig up the ground under the bush during the pupation period, then the larvae will have less chance of surviving. And during the period when buds appear and before flowers appear, it is necessary to spray with special preparations - fungicides or insecticides. In early spring and late autumn, it is necessary to loosen the ground under the bushes to disturb the cocoons of the larvae.​ Cut off the shoots, leaving no more than 25-30 cm above the ground.

      The soil for growing raspberries should be loose, enriched with minerals and trace elements. Loamy and sandy loam soils are most suitable.​​Tarusa is different from other varieties complete absence thorns Does not tolerate long periods of precipitation and may completely lose the harvest.​

    Place for raspberries

    ​The seedlings are placed in prepared holes one or two at a time. They are sprinkled with earth so that the root collar is two or three centimeters below the ground level. After this, the above-ground shoots are cut off so that a cutting of twenty-five to thirty centimeters long remains above the ground. The ground around the seedling is mulched with humus. Water the seedlings with five liters per plant.

    ​I wrote to a colleague in misfortune, she lives in the Moscow region and has been growing Tarusa for seven years. He writes that without bending down for the winter, you won’t get a harvest. It seems that the variety was bred in the Moscow region, but for some reason they tested it in southern regions. Maybe the variety is good there, but further north it did not show itself either in the taste of the berries or in the yield. In addition, it requires early bending, which is inconvenient. If you miss time, Tarusa turns into a Christmas tree that doesn’t bend, but only breaks.​

    Time to board

    How to plant standard raspberries?

    ​Planting of standard raspberries can be done using the bush or strip method. In the first case, separate holes are dug for each bush, and in the second, a long trench is prepared. It’s difficult to say what is more correct, depending on what suits you.

    ​The most common way to store raspberries is in jam. The berry is good in compotes, jams, marmalade.​

    A raspberry tree, planted and cared for both in autumn and spring, is planted under a shovel. When you dig up the seedlings, you immediately need to remove all the leaves and shorten the planting material to 70 cm in height.​

    Standard raspberries: care

    ​Has high productivity, which increases over the years.​

    ​Raspberry moth in early spring settles on the kidneys and begins to gnaw them. It also settles in the bark of dried and fruit-bearing shoots. So one of the control methods will be the timely removal of such shoots. They cut out the shoots right next to the ground so that there is not even a small stump left in which moths can also settle. As soon as the buds begin to swell, the bushes can be sprayed with a mixture of anabasine sulfate with lime and water in a ratio of 2 g/10 g/1 l.​

    Watering and fertilizing

    ​Mulch the soil around the raspberry tree trunk. Use humus as mulch.​

    The soil for a raspberry tree must be prepared regardless of the time of planting:

    Pruning standard raspberries

    ​You can see in the photo how the Tarusa raspberry tree grows.​

    Raspberry trees are planted in spring or autumn. In autumn, it is best to plant in the first days of October, and in spring optimal time is the period from the beginning of March to the end of April, depending on the melting of snow.​

    Raspberry tree (photo) - planting and care

    Raspberry tree Tarusa - care

    Raspberries without raspberry flavor

    ​I mulch raspberries mainly with sunflower and millet husks. This is an excellent mulch, it rots slowly and provides excellent nutrition!​

    ​If you are going to plant raspberries cluster method, then you need to dig holes measuring approximately 50 by 50 cm. Dip the roots of the seedlings in mullein solution and carefully lower them into the hole, sprinkle with fertile soil mixture. Keep a distance of about one meter between bushes. With the strip planting method, you will have to dig a trench half a meter wide and deep. If there are several rows, keep a distance of 2 meters between them. Otherwise, it will be inconvenient to prune, harvest, and in general, the plants will interfere with each other. When planting in a trench between bushes, the distance should be 40 cm. You can add fertilizers, humus, and wood ash to the soil at this time.

    ​The beneficial properties are also preserved in berries grated with sugar. These raspberries should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.​

    The best time for planting Tarusa raspberry tree seedlings in the fall is the first ten days of October, and in the spring - early March - late April. Do not buy seedlings with leaves or dug up in advance. They do not take root well and may even die.

    ​Does not require pruning of shoots.​

    The raspberry-strawberry weevil causes harm by settling in the buds, laying its eggs in them, and then gnawing on the stalk. As a result, the flower dies and falls off. To prevent raspberries, strawberries and strawberries from infecting each other, they are not planted in close proximity. The diseased plant is sprayed with fungicides or insecticides.

    ​Water the seedlings with water at the rate of 5 liters per bush.​

    The soil is prepared no later than a month before the intended planting in the fall and a week before the spring.

    ​Raspberry Tarusa is an unpretentious plant; planting and caring for it is not such a troublesome task for those who are willing to work hard to obtain a rich harvest of berries.​

    The lifespan and fruiting life of a raspberry tree is ten years, and in some cases more. In order for the plant to bear fruit abundantly, one should not forget about correct feeding, watering, pruning and other care.​

    ​But personal experience above all. I found Tarusa and planted it, the bush turned out to be powerful and strong, the berries grew beautiful (large and bright pink), but absolutely tasteless. But this is the most important thing. Therefore, gardening friends, let’s not invent nonsense, there are gorgeous varieties of raspberries with sweet berries, and they’re worth growing!​

    ​In the fall I fertilize with rotted manure. None chemical fertilizers I don't use it. In the fall, I cut off the fruit-bearing shoots - they are clearly visible in the brown wood.

    Raspberry tree - planting and care: sharing experience

    It is necessary to plant a raspberry seedling so that after the soil settles, it is 2-3 cm deeper than the level at which it grew in the nursery.

    ​Raspberries, whether fresh fruits or aromatic jam in winter, attract everyone without exception. Growing this shrub in your own area does not present any difficulties. When choosing a variety, experts recommend paying attention to the standard form. What it is? Let's figure it out.​

    Raspberries are usually planted for a long time, ten years or more. But with good and proper care, a raspberry tree may not reduce its yield for twenty years.​

    ​Resistant to diseases and pests. Even if the tree itself is damaged by some kind of infection, this will not affect its fruiting and the yield will not decrease.​

    The raspberry tree gets chlorosis as a result of dry summers, growing near groundwater, and soil depletion. The first signs of the disease will be yellow or white-green spots on young leaves and a sharp decrease in yield. There is no cure for this disease, since it does not depend on the person. weather. The only thing you can do is not to plant raspberries near water bodies and in areas where groundwater is close to the surface. And also regularly feed the soil with fertilizers. Diseased shoots cannot be used as planting material, they must be cut out and destroyed.​

    ​Within 2-3 days after planting, try to provide shade to the seedlings so that they are not exposed to direct sunlight.​

    ​It is necessary to introduce fertilizers into the soil - humus, wood ash and nitroammophoska (nitrogen, potassium and phosphate fertilizers). For 1 sq. m. of land you will need 2 buckets of humus, 150 g of complex nitroammophoska and 250 g of wood ash.​

    The raspberry tree is more likely not even a variety, but one of the growing methods. Its essence is as follows - the tops of young shoots in the bushes are pinched, which makes it possible for the side shoots to awaken. There can be more than 10 such shoots. By the end of autumn, such a bush will already resemble a small, neat tree and will produce a large harvest next season.​

    ​In the spring, before flowering, raspberries are fertilized with mullein infusion or other liquid fertilizers. In autumn, manure is placed under the tree, distributing it evenly. Cannot be used in spring nitrogen fertilizers.​

    ​I mulch, sprinkle manure, spray urea along with copper sulfate (on bare branches) for the winter: for 10 liters of water - 700 g of urea and 100 g copper sulfate. Stir the urea in warm (40°) water until completely dissolved, and dissolve the vitriol in a separate small container. Mix and spray at an air temperature of at least 8°.​

    ​Agricultural technology for growing raspberries consists of timely pruning, treatment with pest control drugs, fertilizing and tying for the winter. In the very early spring (as soon as the snow melts), the shrub needs to be treated with special preparations to prevent gray rot, leaf spot, septoria, anthracnose and rust. Use 3% for this Bordeaux mixture. Repeated processing is done in mid-autumn. At the end of April and beginning of May, the soil between the bushes must be loosened and mulched, as raspberries love this very much.​

    ​We are all accustomed to the fact that raspberries are a shrub that over several years gives quite strong growth and without proper care forms real thickets. That's why regular varieties, as a rule, are grown using a trellis method. Selection does not stand still and now standard raspberries are extremely popular among gardeners. main feature This species is that it has thicker, stronger and more branched shoots. In this regard, you can often find the name “raspberry tree”. In fact, this is the same bush, only after regular pinching it gradually begins to resemble a small tree. However, if you do not follow special agricultural techniques, you will get the same thickets that will bear very little fruit. Do not fall for the tricks of unscrupulous sellers, there is no such thing as a raspberry tree. But there are standard varieties, and with enough effort, you will get good results from them.​

    ​Their yield depends on how much proper and timely care the Tarusa raspberries receive. Care includes feeding, watering, pruning and covering.​

    Tarusa – raspberry tree

    ​Tarusa bears fruit all summer without interruption, from the beginning of July to the end of August.​ It is advisable to pick ripe raspberries immediately, otherwise they will quickly become overripe and fall off. Tarusa raspberries begin to ripen in mid-July.​

    ​Properly planting a tree in the ground is not enough; it requires regular care:​

    ​For loosening clay soil Fertilize the soil with peat and humus.​

    ​Some dishonest sellers of seedlings allow themselves to sell wild trees dug up from abandoned plots under the guise of varietal raspberries, which will be unable to please you with at least some small harvest. Therefore, if you decide to plant a raspberry tree on your site for the first time, remember simple rules, they will help you avoid disappointments and spoiled mood.​

    ​During the period of ripening of berries, the tree should be watered abundantly.​

    Choosing a site for a raspberry tree

    ​In the spring we remove trunks that have not overwintered well, leaving the strongest ones. By the way, don’t forget to look at the raspberry trunks in the fall: if you see a thickening on the trunk, cut off the entire trunk without regret - it’s the raspberry fly that has laid its eggs. If such a shoot is not cut off, in the spring the eggs will hatch into larvae, which will certainly kill the plant. Burn the diseased and dry branches, and those that are healthy but unnecessary can be chopped and used for mulch.​

    In October, while the shoots are still flexible, it is necessary to tie the bushes. To do this, the branches of one plant are tilted to the ground and connected to another. The height from the ground should not be more than 30 cm. At the same time, you can feed the raspberries organic fertilizers.​

    ​The number of varieties increases almost every year, and any gardener will find exactly what he likes. We will mention only the most famous of them.​

    The Tarusa raspberry tree is responsive to fertilizing with manure and other fertilizers. In the spring, before and after the tree blooms, fertilize it with mullein infusion or a liquid solution of complex fertilizers. And in the fall, feed each raspberry tree with manure, evenly distributing it on the surface of the ground. Sprinkle sawdust on top of the manure.​

    Planting a Tarusa raspberry tree

    ​If you have decided for a long time and seriously to grow a raspberry tree and have chosen the Tarusa variety, then the best place for its growth will be a flat, protected from the winds, well-lit area of ​​the garden.​

    ​You should know that:​

    ​Immediately after transplanting, regularly moisten the seedling, preventing the soil from drying out, but also do not over-water, so as not to destroy the roots.​

    Caring for Tarusa raspberries

    ​To neutralize acidic soils lime is added at the rate of 600-800 g per 1 sq. m.​

    ​Purchase seedlings in specialized stores or plant nurseries.​

    The plant is winter-hardy, but if there are frosts of more than thirty degrees, the tree should be bent down and covered with snow.

    ​is a method of growing standard raspberries. There are many varieties of these plants. One of them is Tarusa.​

    ​© Author: Valentina Andreevna RUBITSKAYA, Rostov region. Standard raspberries love moisture, so you need to water them, especially during flowering and fruiting. The frequency is once a week, and the water consumption is about 5 liters per bush. good in in this case Drip irrigation system is suitable.​ ​Tarusa​

    ​Instead of manure, you can take peat mixed with urea or saltpeter. In spring, do not use mineral nitrogen fertilizers, otherwise the replacement shoots will be weak or not grow at all. It is better to feed the soil with them in the fall, in mid-October.

    ​Snow should accumulate here in abundance. There should be no old raspberries in the selected area. You cannot plant and grow this berry between other trees, where it will not receive enough light and nutrients.​

    ​cleaning is carried out every 2 days, as the berries ripen;​

    ​In general, throughout the growing season, raspberries require timely watering, especially during the fruiting period, because juicy berries simply need moisture.​

    ​After applying the fertilizer, dig the soil to a depth of 20 cm and loosen it. It is best to loosen the soil with a motorized cultivator, but if you don’t have one, then an ordinary wooden rake will do.​

    ​If you still decide to choose the market as your place of purchase, then pay attention to the sellers - they should have special cards that indicate the personal details of the owner of the nursery, as well as documents for this type and plant variety.​


    A special feature of this variety is its interlocking branches, which do not produce unnecessary growth during the period of activity. The leaves have uneven edges and a coating on the surface. The fruiting branches form a crown that is similar to the crown of a tree. The branches are located next to each other. Each branch has two or three branches, on which large berries grow in the amount of two or three dozen.​

    ​Vaccination against gullibility​

    Growing Tarusa raspberries

    During the summer, raspberries are periodically treated with karbofos. This protects against pests such as raspberry beetles and flies, weevils, leaf beetles, etc. Fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers is carried out during the period of active berry growth (early July). In October, before winter, it is recommended to add humus or manure at the rate of 5-6 kilograms per square meter. This is done in the form of mulching the soil, spreading organic matter in a layer of about 7 cm, and then ordinary soil (2 cm), or you can carefully dig everything up.​

    ​. High yielding and mid-late variety raspberries Powerful stems grow up to 2 meters in height. They have no thorns and are covered with a waxy coating. Winter-hardy variety, tolerates temperatures down to -30°C. In addition, the Tarusa variety is resistant to diseases. The berries weigh up to 15 g, are bright crimson in color, and have an elongated shape.​

    The raspberry tree, planting and caring for which involves not only feeding the plant, but also watering it, loves moist soil. Therefore, it should always be watered: during planting of seedlings, in the spring before flowering, during drought, in the fall during the period of fruit ripening. Lack of moisture will have a detrimental effect on fruiting, and you may not expect a high harvest.​

    1. ​If the area is flooded with water, dig shallow channels to drain it. The level of the site still needs to be raised using bulk soil. For good plant growth and a high yield in the future, sow the area allocated for planting raspberries with legumes, rapeseed or mustard.​
    2. ​You cannot pick raspberries immediately after rain or dew, when they are wet - such berries quickly deteriorate;​
    3. ​If the summer is hot, it is necessary to mulch the soil around the trunk. Sunflower or onion husks are suitable for this. Sunflower husks are not cheap, and to save money they can be combined with grass clippings. But the grass itself is not good; it rots very quickly.​

    Site selection and soil preparation

    In order for the Tarusa raspberry tree to take root, it must be planted at the right time:

    1. ​Never be tempted by cheap seedlings that are sold along the highways.​
    2. ​747​
    3. ​Advantages of the Tarusa variety
    4. ​The thought that breeders bred the raspberry tree deprived me of peace. Spreading, tall and completely covered with burgundy berries! Not a raspberry, but a dream!​
    5. Despite the fact that standard raspberries are sometimes called tree raspberries, they require pruning in any case. Moreover, it is practically no different from that in relation to conventional forms. It consists in removing shoots that have already given their share, that is, they have produced fruit. Or you can use the double pruning method. In this case, only one replacement shoot is left. It is pruned at the end of May or beginning of June by 10-15 cm, when it reaches about a meter in height. Towards the end of summer you will have small bush, resembling a tree and having 5-6 side branches. It is in this form that raspberries remain overwinter. It is advisable to carry out the second pruning in the spring, when the leaves have bloomed (mid or late May). In this case, the side branches must be shortened by 5-12 cm. This, in general, is the whole secret of standard raspberries.
    6. ​Fairy tale​
    7. The raspberry tree is a winter-hardy plant that can withstand frosts up to thirty degrees. But if the raspberry tree grows in areas with a more severe climate, the shoots bent to the ground should be covered with snow. They need to be bent at the end of September, after fruiting, when they still bend well. At this time of year there is a lot of green foliage on the raspberry branches, don’t let that scare you.​
    8. ​Choose soil for raspberries that is loose, rich in valuable nutrients, and moderately moist. Lime heavily oxidized soil a year before planting at the rate of 300-500 grams of lime per square meter of plot area.​
    1. ​Feed raspberries with fertilizers. For early spring feeding, it is better to take a urea solution (50 g per bucket of water). This is quite enough for 3-4 bushes. Or use chicken manure. At the end of May, you can fertilize with potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus minerals - 30 g per bucket of water.​
    2. ​Tarusa can be planted both in spring and autumn. But it is necessary to remember spring planting should be carried out as early as possible - immediately after the snow melts and the ground thaws. Be prepared for the fact that spring seedlings will lag behind in growth and will produce their first harvest only a year after planting.​
    3. ​When choosing a site and soil for planting and growing Tarusa, you must remember the following:​
    4. ​times​
    5. ​Since Tarusa is a standard raspberry variety, it can be planted in any place. The bushes do not require fastening to a trellis or garter. The productivity of the plant is high and continues to increase over time. The shoots do not need to be trimmed.​

    Planting period

    ​And it’s so hard to part with a dream!​

    1. ​Any gardener wants to get the maximum effect from minimum costs, or at least commensurate with them. One of optimal options fruit and berry bushes is a standard raspberry. Planting and caring for it will not take much time, but the result will definitely please you. Standard varieties are characterized by high productivity, large berries(up to 20 g) and resistance to harsh winters, which, of course, distinguishes them qualitatively from others.​
    2. ​. Standard raspberries of this variety have a very high yield(more than 12 kg per bush). It is also quite resistant to cold and various diseases. The berries are large, weighing up to 20 g, dense, easy to transport.​
    3. ​The Tarusa raspberry tree is formed by double pruning. The shoots are pinched for the first time in May in the year of planting, when their height reaches 60 cm. The stems need to be shortened by 5-10 cm. Thanks to this procedure, buds will begin to awaken in the axils of the upper leaves. And in the fall, lateral branches will grow on the shoot.

    Planting a raspberry tree in the ground

    1. ​Raspberries that are planned for transportation are best collected with the stalk. In this form, it does not release juice and is stored longer.
    2. Weed the raspberries regularly so that they are not clogged with weeds, otherwise they will lag in growth and begin to wither.
    3. ​In autumn, especially if it turns out to be warm, active vegetation may begin - seedlings will grow, which will lead to their death in winter. Therefore, it is not recommended to plant raspberries earlier than the second half of October.
    4. ​Give preference to light areas, without shading by houses and tall trees. Only in southern regions slight shading is preferable.​
    5. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests. Remarkable. That even if a plant is infected with infections, its yield practically does not decrease.
    6. ​My gullibility, pushy advertising and dishonest sellers have drained my wallet. Time after time I bought skinny seedlings at the market in the hope that this time I would definitely be lucky. No luck, but now I know for sure that the raspberry tree is an advertising product. I will be glad if I save at least someone’s savings.​
    7. ​I have already written about black and remontant raspberries, and now I will write about the so-called Tarusa raspberry, or, popularly, about the tree raspberry. Why is it called that?​

    Caring for Tarusa


    1. The second pinching is carried out next spring, but the lateral growths are already pinched. When frost sets in, immediately cut off the branches, otherwise the shoots will not ripen by autumn. Thus, by pinching the branches at your discretion, you yourself form a tree of the desired shape. After the second pinching, many fruiting branches appear on the stem, from which you can harvest a rich harvest in the fall.​
    2. ​On the site, determine the rows, the distance between which should be 170 cm.​
    3. ​With proper care of the raspberry tree, you will definitely be able to achieve high yields of this noble berry.​
    4. ​If the tree suffers from frost or mechanical damage, it is recommended to spray it with a special solution.​
    5. In general, planting times depend on the region in which you live. The period suitable for this is mid-September - late autumn, early March - late April. In the southern regions, you can plant a raspberry tree even in winter, if frosts are not expected. A newly transplanted tree may not tolerate frost and die.​
    6. ​It is preferable to either allocate separate areas for raspberries, or plant them along the perimeter of the site, along fences and hedges.​
    7. Tarusa raspberry tree (in the literal sense, of course, this is not a tree): planting and care Many amateur gardeners naively believe that Tarusa raspberries grow in the form ordinary wood. However, this is not quite true. Standard raspberries are the same bush as the species of this plant that are familiar to us. The crimson tree of Tarusa really resembles a tree in its appearance, especially after the leaves have fallen, but is not a tree as such. It belongs to one of the most prestigious and popular varieties raspberries
    8. Fruiting continues throughout most of the summer. It begins in the first week of July and ends in the last week of August or early September.​
    9. ​So a standard or a tree?​
    10. ​Because its shoots are very thick and do not droop. In my variety, short, 20-25 cm branches grow on the trunks along the entire perimeter, at the ends of which inflorescences grow, and then large sweet berries appear.​

    Pest Control

    ​. Besides the good ones taste qualities and yield, the variety produces very good shoots and forms a powerful root system, which allows it to be used by those who sell seedlings.​

    1. The raspberry tree, the photo of which is presented in the article, produces tasty, aromatic and very healthy fruits. They have a wide range of healing properties and are widely used in folk medicine. The berry is rich in organic acids, minerals and tannins, essential oils, glucose and fructose.​
    2. ​Dig holes 30 cm deep and place seedlings in them, one or two in each hole.​
    3. ​source​
    4. ​In the second half of July, it will be possible to prune off fruit-bearing shoots.​


    ​So, you have purchased seedlings, chosen a site and prepared the soil for a raspberry tree. Now you can proceed directly to planting Tarusa:​

    ​Do not choose strawberries, tomatoes and potatoes as your neighbors. They will infect each other with diseases to which they are susceptible.​

    • ​For the introduction of this variety into selection, we can thank Professor of the Moscow Institute of Horticulture V.V. Kichina. in 1987, Tarusa was obtained by crossing a standard donor with the Stolichnaya variety. The Tarusa raspberry tree was given for propagation in 1993. It is valuable as one of the most productive among mid-late varieties.​
    • ​To plant a raspberry tree of the Tarusa variety, you should choose a site in the garden that has protection from the wind, with sufficiently active lighting throughout the day. You should choose a flat area.​
    • ​When they talk about a raspberry (or raspberry) tree, they mean standard raspberries. It really looks like a tree in some ways: the branches do not need support, they are rigid with shortened internodes. As they grow, the fruit-bearing branches are cut out, and the tops of the young ones are pinched, this causes the awakening of the side shoots. If you leave only one replacement shoot, you can get upright bush. And on one stem a whole branched crown will grow, like a tree. Rather, it is not a variety, but a growing method. For raspberry trees, the first varieties I was given were Krepysh and Tarusa. The latter was obtained at the Moscow Institute of Horticulture by Professor Kichina.​
    • ​I should note that it is advisable to leave no more than three shoots in the bush, and even better to plant them at a distance of 0.5 m from each other.​
    • Raspberry planting care reproduction