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Cleaner for chrome taps. How to clean a faucet? Review of effective remedies

Housewives are well aware of the problem of calcification of chrome-plated plumbing elements. To restore their previous appearance we have to look for effective means, which allow you to remove limescale from the tap quickly and without damaging its surface.

The cause of limescale is related to high content calcium and magnesium salts in water. With the tap open, especially hot water, it produces steam, which condenses and forms a coating. In the absence of timely care, it crystallizes over time, turning into persistent scale. white, which is difficult to remove with regular wiping.

Folk remedies

Despite the abundance different types household chemicals are still popular folk remedies, which are easy to prepare at home. These are solutions and pastes based on lemon, soda, vinegar or other products.


This type of citrus fruit has long been used as a natural cleanser due to its high acid content. The fruit must be cut into two halves, the cut side should be treated with chrome surfaces and wait 10 minutes until the acid destroys the salt deposits. Then wipe the mixer dry with a soft, dry cloth. Citric acid can be an effective alternative. In a specially prepared container you need

  • pour out a small amount of crystalline substance;
  • add some water;
  • mix everything thoroughly until completely dissolved;
  • soak a soft sponge in the solution;
  • clean the areas affected by plaque.


To use this product, soda slurry is prepared. The cooking process is simple and does not take much time:

  • Place a few spoons of powder in a cup;
  • dilute it with a small amount of water;
  • mix until smooth;
  • leave for up to 5 minutes until large abrasive particles dissolve.

When the paste is ready, it should be applied to chrome parts washbasin and leave for an hour. After this, the product must be carefully removed with a soft cloth without applying force. If there are any stains left, they can be wiped off with light movements using a soft sponge.


Vinegar solutions are another popular cleaner option. The composition may include table vinegar with a 9% concentration or its apple equivalent. An essential component is water, which is mixed with vinegar in equal parts. After cooking

  • the sponge is moistened with the solution;
  • treat plumbing;
  • wait a few minutes;
  • Using a soft cloth, wipe everything dry.

The solution immediately reacts, allows you to quickly get rid of lime deposits, and the lack of abrasive properties protects the sensitive surface from scratches.

Coca Cola

Since the appearance of this overseas drink in space former USSR housewives quickly discovered it amazing property clean dirt. In this case, no preparatory procedures are required, it is enough

  • soak a piece of cloth in soda;
  • put it on the sink faucet;
  • hold the compress for about 20 minutes;
  • wash the treated surface from any remaining dirt and drink;
  • wipe with a dry cloth.

The acids that make up Cola destroy water stone and restore the shine of the surface without damage.

Laundry soap

  • grind the soap into shavings;
  • dissolve with a small amount of hot water;
  • add a little baking soda;
  • mix the ingredients until a paste with a homogeneous consistency is formed.

The mixture is applied in a continuous layer over the entire surface of the tap and left for about an hour. To completely clean it of scale residues, you will need to rinse everything off with running water.


More effective way Stone removal is considered to be the use of household cleaners. It is advisable to use products specifically designed for stainless steel surfaces with chrome plating. Popular drugs include

  • Russian Sanox, for metal sanitary ware and products with a ceramic base for similar purposes;
  • Ravak Cleaner Chrome from a Czech manufacturer for equipment coated with chrome;
  • Cif from Hungary, well known to domestic housewives, designed for cleaning metal;
  • Another domestic product, Cillit Bang, effectively removes salt deposits from metal parts;
  • German Top House is designed for the care of kitchen sinks and other equipment made of of stainless steel.

Necessary and general condition The use of these compounds is to protect the skin, in some cases the eyes and respiratory organs. Other details of use should be found on the label or in the accompanying instructions, if provided. For final shine, you can use polishes, which, among other things, can create a film that prevents calcification. Such substances include Indesit and Dumax.

This information will be useful for novice housewives who do not always know how to clean a faucet from limescale deposits of varying complexity at home.

How to avoid plaque

In full accordance with the saying “prevention is better than cure,” it is much easier to prevent calcium deposits from occurring than to struggle with its removal. There are three main preventative measures, which allow us to solve this problem:

  • wipe the tap after each use, preferably dry;
  • carry out regular cleaning at least once a week;
  • prevent plumbing leaks and correct faults in a timely manner.

Liquid or solid products: which is better to use?

For knowledgeable person there is no such dilemma. The choice should definitely be in favor of liquid preparations that are gentle on the surface. Most powders are abrasive, which can damage surfaces.

Should you use a water filter?

According to user reviews, the filters are really useful thing. They remove excess salts and soften the water, reducing the likelihood of deposits forming. There are reagent and non-reagent varieties. When choosing the first option for filter devices, you will have to regularly spend money on updating the reagent. The second one is more economical, despite the additional energy consumption, and is not inferior to its reagent analogues in terms of efficiency. Another advantage of the electromagnetic option is the ability to act equally on cold and hot water.

Cleaning the faucet from plaque with a miracle product (video):

Limescale can be combated with specialized means household chemicals sold in stores. However, if we consider that in most cases we're talking about On surfaces that come into contact with the body or food (for example, a bathroom surface or a kettle), many people try not to use powerful chemicals. In such cases, home remedies will come to the rescue.

Limescale is destroyed by any acid. Therefore, in the fight against it, the main role can be given to “food” acids, which can probably be found in any home. And the first places in terms of efficiency will be:

  • oxalic acid,

  • acetic acid,

  • citric acid (can be replaced with lemon juice).

To clean surfaces from limescale, 5-9% acid solutions are used. In order to obtain a solution of this concentration, you will need to dissolve a heaped tablespoon of oxalic or citric acid in a glass warm water. Table vinegar does not require dilution - it is sold in just the concentrations necessary for cleaning surfaces.

Baking soda and potato starch are also effective in combating limescale - they are also among the proven means for combating gray crust.

How to clean stains from kettles, coffee makers, pots and other utensils

To remove limescale from a kettle or coffee maker, pour a packet of citric acid into it, add water and bring to a boil. Then let the water cool, remove the fallen pieces of lime crust. If on the walls or heating element There is still a gray coating left - rub it with a sponge. The softened gray crust will come off without much difficulty. Repeat the procedure if necessary.

Instead of citric acid, you can use lemon, cut into several pieces.

Metal utensils coated gray coating, you can wipe with half a lemon and leave lemon juice for 5-7 minutes, then wash and rinse thoroughly in clean water.

How to remove limescale from taps, plumbing fixtures, and tiles

For cleaning metal surfaces It is better to use vinegar - it effectively copes not only with limescale, but also with rust. Apply the vinegar solution to a sponge and wipe the surface of the sink, pipes or taps, then brush with a soft brush, rinse with water and wipe dry. For hard-to-reach places and joints, you can use a toothbrush.

If the layer of limescale is thick enough, you can add a little baking soda to the vinegar, this will make cleaning more effective. You can also use a “vinegar compress” instead of cleaning with a sponge - soak a cloth in vinegar, place it on the area that needs cleaning and leave for an hour and a half.

Removable parts (for example, a shower head) can be placed in a warm solution of vinegar, lemon or oxalic acid, then rinse thoroughly with water.

To clean limescale from tiles, wipe it with a sponge soaked in a solution of any of the mentioned acids. You can also clean it with soda - mix it with water and apply the resulting slurry to the tiles, then wipe thoroughly and rinse with water.

How to clean a washing machine from plaque

To remove limescale washing machine, pour 3-4 sachets of citric acid into the main wash compartment or directly into the drum, then set the longest wash cycle at the highest possible temperature.

When washing, rumbling sounds are possible - they are made by pieces of scale while draining the water. After finishing washing, you need to check the drain, drum and rubber elements - if fragments of limescale are found there, they must be removed.

Tap water always contains numerous mineral substances, the concentration of which determines not only the hardness of the life-giving moisture itself, but also the condition of the faucets installed in the bathrooms. A difficult-to-remove whitish coating begins to appear on them, the presence of which no housewife will ignore. And in order for the taps to shine with their chrome-plated sides again, their cleaning should be approached comprehensively and competently. How to clean a bathroom faucet correctly?

What are faucets made of?

Before you clean your bathroom faucets, you need to understand what they are made of. Most often, such products are made from copper, brass, bronze, or their various alloys, chrome-plated or in kind. For example, on the market you can find taps made of stainless steel and nickel with an enamel coating.

But since enamel chips easily and quickly, and nickel can provoke allergic reactions, in everyday life it is more common to use brass faucets. They are budget-friendly, have a wide range of products, are easy to install and fit literally any style of bathroom, from minimalism to high-tech. Fans of classicism and retro will like bronze or copper taps, which not only look noble and impressive, but are also easy to maintain. For comparison, nickel-plated products have to be removed from plaque for a long time and diligently, while bronze ones can only be wiped with a dry cloth.

If we talk about what faucets can be made of, then we cannot fail to mention plastic and ceramic taps. The former are still quite rarely found on the open market, although they are becoming in demand among the end consumer. And that’s all, because plastic is a budget material, devoid of all the disadvantages of metal: it does not rust and is not covered with limescale. The only negative is the fragility of plastic taps, but experts are already working on solving this problem.

For your information: Ceramic faucets are almost perfect solution, which simultaneously combines all the advantages of plastic and metal, but they are quite expensive.

Cleaning brass taps

Brass is a tarnishable material that can always be restored to its original shining appearance. Moreover, this does not always require the use of expensive chemicals and sophisticated methods. We offer several options for how to clean a bathroom faucet. , made from brass:

  • The surface of the mixer can be wiped with a soft viscose cloth soaked in hot and concentrated soapy solution. Difficult places cleaned with a brush.
  • Interesting, but tomato paste Removes even the most stubborn stains from brass. It is simply applied to the metal surface, left for half an hour, and then washed off with plain water and a brush/napkin.
  • A little salt is poured onto half a lemon, and the tap itself is cleaned with it, like a brush.
  • If things are really bad, you can cook liquid mixture from salt, table vinegar and flour. The tap is removed and completely immersed in this composition for an hour, after which it is washed well.

In order to wonder as little as possible about how to clean a bathroom faucet made of brass, you don’t need to use metal brushes or hard fabrics, intending to make it shine. You can also renew the old varnish layer, if available. And if it is not there, then apply it for the first time.

Advice: Linseed oil- This is an excellent remedy against tarnishing of brass, so periodically apply it to the faucet for preventive purposes. Maintain systematic cleaning and polishing, do not neglect by industrial means, focused specifically on brass products.

Cleaning copper taps

Before cleaning a bathroom faucet made of copper, it is advisable to determine the degree of contamination. If it is not high, then you can get by with lemon-salt rubbing, as is the case with brass faucets. However, when the problem is advanced, the device will have to be dismantled and proceed as follows:

  • Place in boiling water for half an hour with a little regular kitchen detergent added. The faucet is then rinsed and polished.
  • Boil it in a vinegar-salt solution, remove, cool and rinse, then grate.

Again, stains different color problems typically found on copper faucets are eliminated different ways. Green washes 10% citric acid, yellow ones - with ordinary vinegar, and reddish ones - with a 5% ammonia solution.

Bronze taps: how to clean?

Such devices quickly become covered with a patina, which not everyone likes. As with copper, before cleaning bathroom faucets made of bronze, the degree of contamination is determined. Initial view The mixer can be returned using purchased products such as TRILON-B or GOI. The latter is sometimes mixed with gasoline to obtain maximum cleaning effect. Among the traditional methods, we can recommend the following:

  • A mixture of water and chicory powder;
  • Boiling a dismantled tap in pea broth;
  • Wiping with solutions of sodium or potassium hydroxide, but only in extremely advanced cases.


Finally, a little about how to clean chrome-plated bathroom faucets. Typically used for these purposes purchased product, which does not contain abrasive particles. But you can also get by with home methods, such as wiping with dishwashing detergent, scrubbing with soda or a small amount of table vinegar.

For washing chrome coatings and accessories in the bathroom, they use not only folk remedies that saved our grandmothers, but also household chemicals. Before choosing a product, it is recommended to carefully study the label: make sure that the substance does not contain abrasive particles and alkalis, which negatively affect chromium. We propose to take a closer look at the issue of cleaning taps, chrome-plated plumbing fixtures, aerators using improvised means and industrial chemicals.

White water deposits can be seen in almost any bathroom. It appears due to the increased content of calcium and magnesium in water. When it gets onto taps and plumbing fixtures, it is deposited in the form of a cloudy white scum. If you do not clean it in a timely manner, your plumbing may become clogged and become unusable.

If in the case of a shower head or faucet aerator the housewife can solve the problem herself, then difficulties arise when cleaning chrome surfaces. Such coatings must be cleaned with care. It is recommended to comply following rules when washing them:

  1. Do not use metallic hard sponges to clean taps and plumbing fixtures. The resulting scratches will be impossible to remove.
  2. When choosing a chemical or folk method cleaning, do not use abrasives that damage the surface.
  3. If household chemicals contain hydrochloric, sulfuric or phosphoric acids, do not use this detergent. The consequences after it are as follows: the appearance dark spots, as well as rust, which will be difficult to remove.
  4. You should not mix several cleaning compounds at once yourself - there is a high risk of damaging the chrome coating with such combinations.
  5. Ask the store consultant about special detergents for chrome. It is better to choose a substance, even if it is more expensive, but intended specifically for a specific situation.

Damaged plumbing fixtures wrong choice the funds will have to be replaced, which will result in large costs. At the end of the article, a recipe for a composition will be presented that will help restore chrome products with minor scratches.

Traditional methods for removing limescale

In order to spend less time cleaning faucets from limescale, it is recommended to wipe the products with a dry cloth after use. Most housewives forget to perform this procedure, and return to the problem only when scale has already firmly established itself on the plumbing.

Among the home remedies that do an excellent job of removing plaque are the following:

We suggest considering the cleaning recipe using each of these methods in more detail.

Take a few spoons of baking soda and dilute it with a small amount of water. Apply the resulting slurry to the surface of the tap, and also treat other chrome coatings. Leave the mixture for 1 hour, then remove thoroughly soft cloth remaining funds. If you find small stains, gently rub them away. reverse side dish sponges.

Apply the soda slurry using a soft sponge, damp cloth or toothbrush. You should not use steel wool, and make sure that the resulting mixture does not have visible abrasives. To do this, after preparing it, leave the soda for 5 minutes so that it dissolves in the water.

Hypoallergenic and disinfectant properties laundry soap have been known for a long time. It will also easily help remove the resulting white coating on plumbing:

A soap solution helps to deal with many contaminants, including scale. Experienced housewives can confirm that you can actually clean all surfaces in the bathroom and kitchen with laundry soap.

To remove mineral deposits on the faucet, you can use either a 9% table composition or Apple vinegar. The recipe for the product is simple: mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio. Take a cloth and wet it with the resulting liquid. Apply the substance to the plumbing fixtures and wait a little. Vinegar acts instantly, which is why it is a favorite cleaning agent for housewives in any situation.

Wipe all taps and showers in the bathroom and kitchen with a soft cloth. If stains from dried soap are noticeable here and there, wash them off with water.

Another way to get an effective result is lemon or citric acid. It is absolutely not worth using it in dry form: large abrasive particles can easily damage the surface of taps and showers.

To treat a faucet with acid, do the following:

  1. Pour a little product into the container.
  2. Add a couple drops of water.
  3. Without adding water, you can dip a damp cloth in dry acid and wipe the surfaces with it.

In addition, a natural source of acid, lemon, copes with the task no worse. Take a whole lemon and cut it into 2 parts. If processing is expected large quantity area - both halves will be useful. Squeeze a little juice into a container - you won't need it, it can be used for culinary purposes. Rub half a lemon over all chrome-plated items and leave for a while.

After treatment, wipe the taps and plumbing with a clean, dry cloth and enjoy the results.

Home cleaning methods are good because they involve the use of available means available to any housewife. If the above methods do not help, and the stubborn plaque does not go away, we suggest using household chemicals.

Anti-plaque chemicals

All chemical compositions pose some danger to human skin, so before use, be sure to wear rubber gloves, and if necessary, a face mask. Some products cause allergies; read the label and manufacturer's recommendations before purchasing.

Today, household chemical stores offer a range of products for chrome and steel products. They are divided into 2 types:

  • Cleaners - help get rid of contaminants.
  • Polishes - used at the final stage of cleansing.

To make cleaning your taps faster, purchase both products together.

Among the cleansing compositions, the following well-known effective agents can be distinguished:

Among the polishes, we can separately highlight the popular products “Domax” and “Indesit”. The latest brand specializes in the production household appliances Therefore, the compositions offered for polishing plumbing fixtures meet all standards.

These products are used not only for chrome taps. They have also proven themselves excellent in cleaning stainless steel surfaces - sinks, stoves, furniture fittings and even dishes. The compositions are easy to apply: most of them have a dispenser nozzle, with which the substance is sprayed onto the product.

Following the manufacturer's instructions, the product is left for some time to penetrate the pores of the material, after which it is wiped dry, removing any residue. Polishes are used after cleaning: they process products to a mirror shine.

Some detergent compositions create an invisible film on the surface of the product, protecting the plumbing fixtures from plaque. Glass cleaner can also produce a similar, although not long-lasting, effect. Before treating the surface, check the label to ensure that it does not contain alkalis or acids.

Stuck faucet: how to get out of the situation?

When the faucet or mixer switching the water to the shower is not used for a long time, it may jam. The cause of such damage is often plaque water stone, which can be dealt with like this:

  1. Clean the faucet using one of the above remedies or traditional methods.
  2. If this method is not suitable, let's turn to another. Take vinegar and dilute it hot water. Dip the prepared rag into the solution so that it absorbs the product. Wrap a cloth around the jammed faucet, then wrap it cling film. This is done so that the vinegar does not evaporate, but saturates the plaque deposits well and removes it.
  3. Another method that any housewife can handle is the use of universal WD-40. It can be used to fix many problems, and a stuck faucet is no exception. Spray the joint between the tap and the mixer with the product and wait a while. The substance can be purchased at any hardware or automotive store.

If the proposed methods do not help open the tap, you will have to call a plumber. In the future, to prevent such situations, promptly clean the gaps in the taps.

It also happens that the surface of the tap is cleaned, and internal parts became clogged due to deposits formed. Most often, the mesh nozzle that sprays water, the aerator, suffers. It serves to enrich the water with oxygen and ensure its uniform flow. Aerator – useful element crane performing the following functions:

  • reduction of noise level due to the formation of small bubbles;
  • reduction of droplet splashing;
  • significant water savings;
  • filtration fine particles garbage.

When an aerator becomes clogged, all of its intended functions are lost. Often this part is covered with lime flakes, which causes the holes to no longer cope with the task. Such blockages are characterized by the fact that when the tap is fully opened, water flows slowly and does not spray. In this case, the element must be cleaned:

  1. Unscrew the faucet nozzle: to do this, wrap it soft material and use pliers to turn clockwise.
  2. It is important that the aerator is made of steel, in the case of plastic part there is a high risk of it breaking when removed.
  3. To unscrew a jammed attachment, you can use the above method using WD-40.
  4. Rinse the tap hole with water.
  5. Place the aerator in the vinegar solution for several hours.
  6. The holes in the aerator must be additionally cleaned with a needle.
  7. Screw the cleaned element back into the tap. It is better not to tighten the fastener too much, so that you can remove it and clean it at any time.

If you have difficulty unscrewing the aerator, contact a plumber.

Cleaning plumbing fixtures

In addition to cleaning chrome taps, other plumbing fixtures also require cleaning: shower heads, darkened areas of appliances, as well as buttons on the toilet, cabinet fittings.

For cleaning, improvised means are also used, and if they fail, household chemicals come to the rescue.

Cleaning the shower head

It is important to clear clogged holes in the shower head in a timely manner, before they are completely covered with lime flakes. To do this, try to disassemble the shower head. Soak the parts that were removed from the structure for 2 hours in a heated vinegar solution. After this, rinse them with water to remove the odor.

The hydromassage nozzle itself must be cleaned using a needle. It is also recommended to use some chemical compounds and clean the injectors with a toothbrush.

Unfortunately, it is often impossible to restore damaged chrome plating. However, there is a tool that helps hide cleaning mistakes. For this purpose, a special composition is used for polishing metal parts of a car, including Goi paste. You can purchase such substances at any auto store, having previously consulted on this issue.

Another method of bringing chrome coatings to a shine is the use of car wax shampoos. They create a water-repellent film on the coating and protect the material from corrosion.

Don’t forget about timely cleaning of chrome taps, and then you won’t have to think about finding suitable products.

Every housewife wants the taps in the kitchen and bathroom to shine. But tap water, contains many minerals, which causes white streaks and limescale to appear on the outside and inside of the taps.

To prevent the appearance of soap stains and limescale, it is important not to forget to wipe the mixer dry with a soft cloth after each use. However, due to the hardness of the water, it is unlikely that their occurrence will be completely prevented. So let's look at a few effective methods, how to clean the faucet and remove limescale.

Everything is simple here, let's buy special remedy for cleaning chrome products and follow the instructions. It is only important to follow a few simple rules:

  • Products that are intended for cleaning plumbing fixtures (sinks, toilets, etc.), removing rust, and any bleaches are absolutely not suitable for this purpose. They can damage the thin chrome layer covering your faucet and cause permanent dark stains that are difficult to remove.
  • You should also not mix different chemicals. There is a great risk that their interaction will result in the release of hazardous harmful substances.
  • It is best to use liquid and foam products, because... The powder with its abrasive particles damages the surface, forming micro-scratches.
  • When using household chemicals, do not forget to wear gloves to avoid chemical burns and allergies.

Home Remedies

Not many people know that limescale deposits from a faucet can be cleaned just as effectively without the use of special household chemicals. And using homemade simple recipes.

Table 9% or apple cider vinegar must be diluted 50/50 with water. Using a soft cloth or sponge soaked in the resulting solution, carefully treat the surfaces damaged by plaque, rinse with water and wipe dry with a napkin.

For particularly contaminated areas, it is recommended to use a vinegar compress. Heat the vinegar, soak a cloth in it and wrap it around the faucet. Leave for an hour or an hour and a half, then rinse with water and wipe with a dry cloth. Also removable parts For example, the shower head in the bathroom can be unscrewed and placed in a vinegar solution. Leave for 1-2 hours, depending on the degree of contamination, clean, then rinse thoroughly with water. Vinegar will do an excellent job of removing traces of even persistent, old plaque and will also help clean other surfaces damaged by plaque in the bathroom.

Citric acid and soda

A solution of citric acid or regular baking soda will help give your faucet an initial shine. Dip a damp sponge in soda or citric acid solution and clean the surface of the tap and mixer. We complete the procedure by thoroughly rinsing the treated areas with water and wiping with a dry cloth. Hard to reach places Can be cleaned with a regular toothpick.

Coca Cola

Don't be surprised, even Coca-Cola can help remove limescale from a tap. After all, the drink, beloved by many, contains, in addition to caffeine and sugar, acids that will help us cope with old plaque. Using the principle of working with vinegar and citric acid, we use cola compresses and rub the surfaces of the mixer and taps with it. Many housewives should take note of this method, because this “magic drink” can not only remove dirt, but also clean the inside of your faucet, and even remove blockages. Coca-Cola is just as easy to handle unpleasant smell without emitting any harmful fumes.