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Construction of houses from aerated blocks in the Moscow region. Projects of houses made of aerated concrete blocks

Before you start building a house, you should decide on the building material. It must be remembered that several factors are important:

  • Material price.
  • Construction speed.
  • Performance.

Pay attention to the projects of houses made of aerated concrete. Houses built from this material are reliable and durable. They have a number of advantages over other options. Projects of houses 9 by 9 on.

Advantages of house projects made of aerated concrete and foam concrete

The use of aerated concrete blocks and the most modern technologies, allows you to significantly reduce construction time. Literally immediately after the construction of the house, you can begin laying engineering communications And internal work. And the final finishing of the facade can be postponed to a later time. The only mandatory condition that must be strictly observed during work indoors is constant ventilation. In terms of construction speed, only houses made of aerated concrete can compete with frame houses. But the service life of houses built from aerated concrete blocks is much longer.

Thanks to special technical specifications aerated concrete, house construction can be carried out both in winter and summer. And the use of special glue turns the wall aerated concrete house almost a monolith. But at the same time - without seams, which could become “cold bridges” and increase heat loss. Of course, houses made of aerated concrete do not warm up as quickly as wooden ones. But thermal inertia is important here. In a house built from aerated concrete blocks, heat is retained much longer, even if it is outside subzero temperature. This is very important for permanent residence in a buiding. In addition, aerated concrete “breathes”, providing comfortable conditions for residents.

To finish the facade of a house built of aerated concrete, you can use almost any material: brick, siding, natural stone, artificial, metal or composite panels. It is only necessary to ensure uniform air circulation between the insulation and the cladding. This gap should prevent the formation of condensation. Otherwise, condensation will be absorbed into mineral wool and aerated concrete, reduces their thermal insulation characteristics.

Aerated concrete is classified as non-combustible building materials. We can also add here that aerated concrete is less radioactive than regular concrete, because it does not contain granite, which has a higher natural radioactive background.

Projects of houses made of aerated concrete and foam concrete: conclusions

Aerated concrete is the best material today from which you can build any suburban a private house. The advantages of aerated concrete are obvious - they are environmentally friendly, durable, good thermal insulation and fire safety. The Dom4M company has an extensive catalog of projects made from this material, and it is quite possible that one of them is for you.

The specialization of the company "HOUSE CONCRETE" is the construction of houses and cottages from aerated concrete blocks, supplied to us directly from leaders in the industry: Xella (Ytong), Poritep, Bonolit, ECO, Aerostone, El-Block, DSK, etc. We provide a guarantee on all types construction work and materials used.

Our catalog contains ready-made projects of houses made of aerated concrete, among which each of our clients will be able to choose the optimal one. To make it more convenient for our customers, we can change the layout of any house at will and individual requirements, and if the need arises, our specialists are ready to develop completely original project at affordable prices. If a construction contract is concluded, the house design is provided free of charge.

House projects from the company "DOM BETON"

Projects of houses made of aerated concrete blocks from the company "HOUSE CONCRETE" LLC are one of the most optimal options for those who are planning suburban construction. In our database you can find many different ready-made projects of houses made of aerated concrete, or you can order the development of an individual project for a private cottage.

If you have chosen aerated concrete as an environmentally friendly, lightweight, energy-efficient and fireproof material, then our specialists are ready to provide full consultation on choosing the optimal project in terms of cost and parameters.

Depending on how the house will be used - for seasonal or permanent residence - we are ready to offer you projects of inexpensive houses made of aerated concrete with a garage, a ground floor, and outbuildings. Regardless of which project you choose, we guarantee that the house will be built with high quality and from materials from trusted suppliers.

Aerated concrete house project - the best choice

One of the most important characteristics of aerated concrete is low thermal conductivity. It is worth saying that this material is three times warmer than brick, two times warmer than ceramic blocks and eight times warmer than monolithic ones concrete structures. Wherein aerated concrete blocks significantly lighter than other materials, due to which the overall weight of the structure is reduced, which means that you can save on arranging the foundation. Special attention is paid to the fact that aerated concrete is produced only from natural components, making it an environmentally friendly material - it is absolutely safe to build private houses from it.

An important advantage of aerated concrete blocks is their correct and precise geometry, thanks to which you can abandon the usual cement-sand mortar and use special glue, the thickness of the seams will be only 1-3 mm. The use of such adhesive solutions allows you not only to save money, but also to reduce the number of “cold bridges”. A house built from aerated concrete blocks is distinguished by maintaining a comfortable temperature regime– it is warm in winter and cool in summer, so you can get significant savings on heating and air conditioning.

In our office you can get professional advice from specialists regarding what aerated concrete is, what features of its use are and what needs to be taken into account before construction.

If you are planning to order a project and build a cottage from aerated concrete, then you should entrust everything construction works specialists of our company "HOUSE CONCRETE". We are ready to provide you with all the necessary technical documentation for the materials used and build a house according to the standards of all building codes and rules.

General information about the project.

1. Initial data on the design of a house made of aerated blocks with drawings free of charge 92/80

1.1. Working project "Cottage "Sentence"
- Architectural and planning assignment;
- Regulatory documents on design and construction of buildings and structures.
1.2. The house building is supposed to be equipped with lighting, heating networks, water supply and sewerage networks, and a ventilation system. 1.3. It is planned to improve the area around the house with the planting of green spaces, the installation of pedestrian paths and benches. 1.4. The construction of the house is supposed to be carried out in one phase. 1.5. The project was completed without engineering surveys.
1.6. The designed area has a flat topography.
2.Climate data ( Leningrad region; Saint Petersburg)
2.1. The average temperature of the coldest five-day period with a probability of 0.92 1 cold, five-day period = -26 °C;
2.2. Duration of the heating period ZOT, per = 220 days;
2.3. Design temperature outside air TOT, per = -1.8 °C;
2.4. Duration of the period with negative average monthly outdoor air temperature ZO = 152 days;
2.5. Duration of the period with negative average monthly outside air temperature Zl = 2 months;
2.6. Duration of the spring-autumn period Z2 = 5 months;The greatest depth of soil freezing is assumed to be 2.0 m.
2.7. Duration summer period Z3 = 5 months;
2.8. Average temperature of the period with negative average monthly outside air temperature TO = -5 ° C;
2.9. average temperature winter period Tl = -7.8 °C;
2.10. Average temperature of the spring-autumn period T2 = -0.2 °C;
2.11. Average summer temperature T3 = 13.9 °C;
2.12. The terrain of the site is flat (calm) according to the Architectural and planning specifications.
2.13. The greatest depth of soil freezing is assumed to be 1.8 m.

3. The general part of the project of a house made of aerated blocks with drawings is free.

3.1. This project involves the construction of a house from aerated blocks and wooden floors along the beams.
3.2. The designed building belongs to residential buildings and structures.
3.3. The building belongs to the 111th degree of fire resistance.

4. General plan for the project of a house made of aerated blocks with drawings for free.

4.1. No topographical or design materials were used during the design.
5. External engineering networks of the project from aerated blocks with drawings for free.
5.1. For the design of on-site utility networks, see Album NVK, ES.

6. Landscaping of a house project made from aerated blocks with drawings is free.

6.1. This project does not include landscaping of the site.
7. Organization of relief and drainage of rainwater.
7.1. A project for organizing the relief and drainage of rainwater for the site is not being developed.
8.Space-planning solutions for a house project made of aerated blocks with drawings for free.
8.1. Space-planning and design decisions of the building are made based on the conditions for ensuring convenient operation of the building.
8.2. The building has the correct rectangular shape in respect of.
8.3. Technical and economic indicators:
8.3.1. Construction area - 98.71 sq.m.,
8.3.2. Construction volume - 911 sq.m.,
8.3.3.Total area - 186.45 sq.m.
8.4. The building is built on three main levels. The height of the first floor is 3.3 m, the second floor is 3.0 m. The actual height of the premises from floor to ceiling of the first floor is 3.0 m, the second floor is 2.7 m, the attic is 2.5 m (1.5 m minimum).
8.5. The level of the finished floor of the first floor is taken as the 0.000 mark.

9.Constructive solution for a house project made of aerated concrete blocks with drawings for free.

9.1. According to the technical specifications, the foundations are developed by local design organizations.
9.2. Walls: load-bearing part - 400 mm aerated concrete blocks, partitions - gypsum fiber board on a metal frame.
9.3. Columns: timber. 9.4. Floors: wooden on beams. 9.5. Staircase: internal - wooden, external - wooden.
9.6. Floors: wooden, floor in bathrooms ceramic tile on a concrete screed.
9.7. Roof: mansard gable, wooden, with slopes of 25 -70°. The rafters are made of timber with a section of 50 x 200 mm. Non-slip roof structure with opi is adoptedcutting the bottom of the rafters onto the walls.
9.8. Roof: bitumen shingles"Shinglas".
9.9. Windows: double-glazed windows (triple glazing), frames - wood profile according to GOST 24700-99 (2001).
9.10. Doors: internal - in accordance with GOST 6629-88(2002), external - in accordance with GOST 24698-81(2002), wooden upon individual order.
9.11. The facades of the house are covered with transparent weather-resistant compounds. The base is lined with natural stone.
9.12. According to the technical specifications, the decoration of the premises and the design of the floors are developed by local design companies.
10.Utility networks internal project houses made of aerated blocks with drawings for free.
10.1. Technical unit located in the boiler room in ground floor. Entrances into the building (water supply, gas, electricity) are made into the boiler room. 10.2. Sewage is local.

The popularity of private house projects made from aerated concrete blocks indicates the demand for structures made from this material. This is due to its unique thermal conductivity properties. It is three times warmer than brick, twice as warm as ceramic blocks, and 8 times as warm as plain concrete! Aerated concrete consists of natural components, therefore it is environmentally friendly and does not emit harmful substances during operation. He has optimal sizes and a relatively low price, which speeds up construction and allows for savings.

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Advantages of ordering a house project made from aerated blocks

If you want to build a private house from aerated concrete blocks, order a ready-made project from the Unix-Stroy company. We offer a large selection of structural and design solutions, designed by experienced engineers. Our company provides full set technical documentation allowing construction to begin immediately. You can buy a house project made from aerated concrete blocks of any number of floors and architecture.

The main advantages of such buildings:

  1. light weight of the walls (due to the reduced load, the foundation is cheaper);
  2. high strength (can be built quality cottages several floors);
  3. efficiency of turnkey construction (about 5 months, including finishing and landscaping);
  4. increased comfort of seasonal living (rooms warm up much faster, which is important for country houses);
  5. There are no restrictions on finishing options (you can plaster and paint the walls or line them with brick, natural and artificial stone, siding).

How to choose a house project made of aerated concrete?

When choosing a project, consider:

  • family composition;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • total area houses made of gas blocks;
  • layout;
  • distribution of utility networks;
  • Availability additional structures(garage, attic, etc.).

If you want to save money, order turnkey construction from us. In this case, you will receive design documentation completely free of charge. In addition, we take full responsibility for our developments and are well aware of the technology for constructing structures of the presented type.

Our company can adapt ready-made standard project for a house made of aerated blocks in accordance with your individual wishes or design from scratch, taking into account financial capabilities. As a result, you will save yourself from additional worries and get maximum result at the best price.

Increasingly, in private construction, customers are choosing new materials and technologies, refusing to build a cottage “the old fashioned way”: from or. In response to the request, our company develops standard (ready) and individual projects houses made of aerated concrete (aerated blocks). For car owners we have options with a garage. In general, the cottage turns out to be more economical and provides more scope for imagination in terms of architecture and designer decoration. It’s nice when a building pleases the eye, surprises neighbors, and delights guests.

From modern materials The most famous are cellular concretes. They are widely used in Finland and can withstand severe frosts. Our catalog architectural projects houses made of aerated concrete represents interesting solutions for the construction of cottages of both one and two floors. Among them there are complex ones - using a monolithic frame and brick.

What is good about a house made of aerated concrete blocks?

While remaining “non-flammable,” this porous building stone allows air to pass almost as well as wood and is highly durable. Manufacturing a block from aerated concrete is possible only in factory conditions. It has many advantages.

  • Low cost, additional savings on transportation (light), rental of heavy special equipment.
  • Precise geometry, which allows you to lay blocks with minimal gaps and increase resistance to cracking.
  • Ease of processing reduces construction time. Aerated concrete is sawed, drilled, and grooved using simple tools.
  • Good thermal insulation — the material is 2-3 times warmer than usual, which allows you to save on heating.
  • "Breathability" However, hygroscopicity is undesirable in humid climates and protects against it brick cladding aerated concrete cottage.

The company's architects help you select a standard residential building project that best meets the requirements in terms of price, size, and style.

Design documentation for a house made of aerated concrete

On the website, the future owner of the cottage can examine it from all sides, change materials, color, and calculate an estimate for construction. Doing conscious choice, as a result, he will receive exactly such a modern Vacation home, which I dreamed of. When viewing any finished project With the layout and photos from the catalog, you can notice several important details.

  • Detailed study— the documentation package includes detailed drawings: the area and dimensions of each room are given.
  • Selection of building materials- they are indicated for each type of structure: foundation, floor, walls and roof (reinforced concrete slab, block, wooden logs).
  • Exterior finishing - V project documentation different ones are listed possible options (decorative rock, brick, plaster).

Professionally executed solutions allow you to build a house from aerated concrete in a technologically correct manner, with a guarantee of durability.

A cottage made of artificial stone is beautiful and reliable

I love you the most unconventional idea Can . Whether traditional, crisp white, or contemporary - there are almost a thousand to choose from ready-made solutions! From it you can build big cottage, and a small guest aerated concrete house for summer holidays.

Using a filter in our catalog, you can easily select the style of architecture, an option with a garage, a terrace, or a balcony. Fashionable now original layout with a second light is implemented both in spacious and small houses (116 m2).

By purchasing a cottage project made of aerated concrete with a layout from our bureau, you get confidence that it takes into account everything technological features this building material.