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Water temperature in the water supply in the apartment in winter. What temperature should the hot water in the tap be?

Once upon a time, hot water was a real luxury; today we cannot imagine life without it. In terms of the level of need, it can be put on a par with thirst and hunger.

Spring temperature hot water can be lowered by 10 degrees. Proposal to change the norms of sanitary and epidemiological rules (SanPiN) Rospotrebnadzor. What temperature standards for cold and hot water are established today and where to go if they are not met - read the material on the website.

Water temperature

According to the standards enshrined in SanPiN, temperature cold water should be below 20 degrees, and hot - from 60 to 75 degrees. In this case, slight deviations are possible.

From midnight to five in the morning tolerance no more than five degrees. In the daytime, from 5:00 to 0:00, the deviation should not exceed three degrees.

Current sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations require heating tap water to clean it from viruses that reproduce at temperatures below 60 degrees. For example, these are microorganisms that cause Legionnaires' disease.

This bacterium is very dangerous and can multiply in heating, air conditioning and humidification systems. Viral disease occurs with severe fever, intoxication, damage to the lungs, central nervous system, digestive organs, the development of multiple organ failure syndrome is possible.

At the same time, if you supply water at more than 55 degrees, you can get burned. Therefore, the use of hot water is recommended while turning on cold water.

Where to contact

It is important to know that residents pay about half of the total amount for water every month utility payments according to the line “Fees for maintenance and repairs”. And if the water temperature is less than 60 degrees, you should pay for hot water at the price of cold water. Therefore, you need to monitor the water temperature, and if something happens, immediately contact the authorities responsible for this.

Compliance with water temperature standards is monitored by the State Housing Inspectorate and other government agencies. They force the housing office to put everything in order. Violation of standards for the provision of utility services may result in a fine of up to 10 thousand rubles.

Every citizen has the right to contact government agencies to take temperature measurements at home. On average, utilities are given 45 days to eliminate violations. And to speed up the result, relatives and friends can also send an application, since the more requests of the same type, the faster the utility services will begin to work.

You need to contact the manager of the management company or housing and communal services. If the failures occurred due to an accident, the dispatcher is obliged to report this and indicate the estimated time frame for eliminating the breakdown.

If there are no prerequisites for a decrease in temperature, the dispatcher is obliged to record the application for further consideration. The consumer must note the application number, time of application and the name of the service employee.

Water is measured as follows: first, a special glass is placed under a stream of hot water. Then you need to place a thermometer in it with the liquid already collected. After a certain time, it is necessary to take readings from the thermometer.

Upon the fact of measurement, a report is drawn up, and if non-compliance with the standards is recorded, the consumer has the right to apply for a recalculation of payment at a reduced rate.

Hot water is what every person needs, regardless of the time of year and the temperature outside, whether he lives in Moscow or in a village in Siberia. The availability of hot water in the pipes determines the likelihood of timely elimination of outbreaks of various viruses and infections, as well as the likelihood of the development of pandemics and epidemics. Well, and, among other things, this is a mandatory rule that allows you to comply with sanitary and hygienic standards in the house, maintain cleanliness, live in comfort and not feel constrained by difficult life circumstances.

Basic temperature standards for hot water

According to the standards approved by SanPiN, the temperature of hot water should be approximately within the following limits:

  • not lower than sixty degrees - in open systems heat supply;
  • not lower than fifty degrees - in closed systems ah heat supply;
  • no higher than seventy-five degrees - for both systems.

This temperature threshold corresponds to sanitary standards and is necessary so that all harmful bacteria and viruses, which are abundant in tap water, are doomed to death. On the other hand, when supplying water hotter than fifty-five degrees, there is a risk of getting a burn. Therefore, the use of hot water is recommended while turning on cold water. Temperatures above seventy-five degrees may well cause rapid breakdown of the plastic part of the water supply, which is found in most modern apartments.

A deviation is already considered fifty-nine or seventy-six degrees. Minimum temperature hot water must be provided, regardless of the state of communications and heating equipment. All rules and conditions must be specified in the cooperation agreement between the client and the service provider.

For what reasons do they have the right to reduce the water temperature?

We all understand that some rules are immutable, especially when they directly relate to a person’s health and are paid by him out of his own pocket. On the other hand, there are a number of reasons why the temperature of hot water can be reduced below normal, simply because it is simply impossible to do otherwise in the current situation. What are these cases?

  1. An emergency situation occurs on the supply line, pumping station or breakdown of housing communications in your home.
  2. Implementation of planned and preventive repair work network communications.

During these events, the supply of hot water may be interrupted, but this should not affect the quality of life of residents. That is why there are standards that, in turn, limit the possibility of a prolonged interruption in the flow of hot water into the apartment building:

  • eight hours in one month, total;
  • no more than four hours in a row;
  • no more than one day (when we're talking about about the accident).

If these deadlines have been exceeded, then you have the right to a recalculation tariff plan. The latter should be reduced by fifteen hundredths of a percent during the shutdown of hot water (lowering its temperature).

How to check the norm and where to contact in case of deviations from it

Measuring the temperature of hot water cannot be done as the inspector immediately wants. There is a clear algorithm that must be followed, and only then the result will be recognized as true. In all other cases, measurements are considered incorrect and invalid.

  1. The tap opens with hot water, and the water flows freely for two to three minutes. In this way, the water that has stagnated in the pipeline and cooled down is released, the temperature of which does not interest us.
  1. A special glass is placed under the stream of hot water, after its temperature has been equalized to a uniform temperature.
  1. When the glass is full, it is removed, the tap is closed, and a sensitive thermometer with a scale of up to one hundred degrees Celsius (no less) is immersed in the glass.
  1. Wait a while until the thermometer heats up, and then take readings from it.

Despite the fact that in general a fairly wide range is given for the temperature of hot water, small deviations from it in any direction are allowed.

During the daytime, from five in the morning to midnight, there are fluctuations of three degrees Celsius, and at night (from midnight to five in the morning) there are fluctuations of up to five degrees Celsius.

It must be said that every three degrees of deviation reduces the tariff by one tenth of a percent, but only for the current date.

If you find deviations in the temperature of hot water from the norm in your apartment, you should first contact the housing and communal services. If these problems are caused by an accident and unscheduled repairs, then the dispatcher you contact is obliged to notify you about this, informing you of the estimated time frame for eliminating the problem. In the event that there are no reasons for a decrease in temperature at your site, your application should be accepted and reviewed as soon as possible.

To be sure that the application will not be shelved, as is often the case in institutions of this kind, be sure to write down the application number, the time you called the housing and communal services department, and the name of the person who accepted the application. After this, it will be examined for sure, and you can be sure that in the near future the temperature of the hot water in your home will rise to normal limits or some other measures will be taken.

According to sanitary standards, hot water from the tap should be from 60 to 75 *C. If the water temperature is less than 60 * C, then a recalculation must be requested.

I called the control room with a request to measure the water temperature. According to government decree 05/06/2011 N354 “On the provision of commercial services to owners and users”, the procedure should be as follows:

106. A report of a violation of the quality of a utility service can be made by the consumer in writing or orally (including by telephone) and is subject to mandatory registration by the emergency dispatch service. In this case, the consumer is obliged to provide his last name, first name and patronymic, the exact address of the premises where a violation of the quality of the utility service was discovered and the type of such utility service. The emergency dispatch service employee is obliged to inform the consumer about the person who received the consumer’s message (last name, first name and patronymic), the number under which the consumer’s message was registered, and the time of its registration.

107. If an employee of the emergency dispatch service of the contractor knows the reasons for the violation of the quality of public services, he is obliged to immediately notify the contacting consumer about this and make an appropriate note in the message log.

108. If the employee of the emergency dispatch service of the contractor does not know the reasons for the violation of the quality of the utility service, he is obliged to agree with the consumer on the date and time of checking the fact of the violation of the quality of the utility service.

109. Upon completion of the inspection, an inspection report is drawn up. [...] The inspection report is drawn up in the number of copies according to the number of interested persons participating in the inspection, signed by such persons (their representatives), 1 copy of the act is given to the consumer (or his representative), the second copy remains with the contractor, the remaining copies are transferred to interested parties participating in the verification.

In fact, it turns out that ZhEU-54 does not have such a practice. For example, a suitable form is not provided:
COMPLAINT about the refusal to recalculate the payment for hot water.

On March 17, 2011, at my request in connection with the low temperature of the hot water supply, the chief engineer of ZhEU-54 LLC, Khairetdinova Kh. The temperature of hot water in the bathroom and kitchen was measured.

After draining hot water for 5 minutes, the temperature of the pipes was measured. Since in the bathroom the hot water in the tap comes from the heated towel rail pipe, the temperature in the report is indicated as “return temperature (dry): 40.5 * C". Hot water measurements in the kitchen are indicated in the report as “DHW supply temperature: 50*C”.

The repeated temperature measurement provided for by paragraph 74 of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307 “On the procedure for providing utility services to citizens” was carried out only on April 12. The temperature of the hot water in the bathroom was 44*C.

In response to my request to recalculate the payment for hot water, a response was received dated April 11, 2011 No. 766 with the following content: “according to the act, the temperature of the hot water is 50*C, the temperature in the bathroom was not measured. DHW temperature corresponds to standard values, recalculation is not performed." Thus, among other things, there is a discrepancy in the answer with the fact that the temperature of hot water in the bathroom was measured and was equal to 40.5 * C

I did not agree with this decision and on April 19 sent a second request, in which I demanded a recount in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307. In the response dated April 25, 2011 No. 864, all my arguments were ignored and again there was only a reference to paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 Rule 307.

I insist that the recalculation should be made in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, since there is a violation of sanitary standards and the presence of paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307 does not mean that Management Company has the right to violate sanitary standards.

So, according to SanPiN
1.2 These sanitary rules are mandatory for everyone legal entities, individual entrepreneurs, whose activities are related to the organization and (or) provision of centralized hot water supply systems.
2.4. The temperature of hot water in water collection points, regardless of the heat supply system used, must be no lower than 60 °C and no higher than 75 °C.

According to paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of the Rules "On the procedure for providing utilities citizens", approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 307, one of the requirements for the quality of public services in terms of hot water supply is constant compliance of the composition and properties of hot water with sanitary standards and rules.

The fact that such an indicator as water temperature relates to the properties of water follows from the combined interpretation of the provisions of SanPiN (in particular, clause 2.1.) and Rules 307 (clause 6 of Appendix No. 1).

According to paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, it is stipulated that deviations in the composition and properties of hot water from sanitary norms and rules are not allowed; if the composition and properties of water do not comply with sanitary norms and rules, payment is not made for each day of provision of a utility service of inadequate quality (regardless of the indications metering devices).

In addition, the requirement of SanPiN to maintain a hot water temperature of at least 60*C does not contradict, but only tightens the requirement of paragraph 5 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, according to which the hot water temperature must be at least 50*C for closed systems centralized heating.

1) to attract OJSC "UZHKh Kalininsky district of the urban district of Ufa RB" to administrative responsibility provided for in Part 2 of Art. 14.4 Code of Administrative Offenses and Art. 6.4 Code of Administrative Offenses
2) issue an order to recalculate the payment for hot water supply for March in accordance with paragraph 6 of Appendix No. 1 of Rules 307, considering the period of provision of utilities of inadequate quality from March 17, 10:00 to March 31, 24:00
3) due to the fact that the response to my request dated April 19 was issued only on April 25, I ask you to warn OJSC "UZHH Kalininsky district of the urban district of Ufa RB" about the inadmissibility of violating the requirements of paragraph 49, subparagraph "I" of rules 307, according to to which notice of acceptance this requirement and subsequent satisfaction or refusal to satisfy it, indicating the reasons for the refusal, must be sent to the applicant within two working days, otherwise an administrative case may be initiated under Part 1 of Article 14.8 of the Code of Administrative Offenses
4) due to the fact that SanPiN does not provide standards according to which deviations in water temperature would be allowed during the first minutes, I ask you to explain to ZhEU-54 LLC that the water temperature should be measured without first draining the water. *

* Later it turned out that to measure the water temperature, a three-minute drain of water is still provided

10.05.2011 a whole delegation arrives to measure the water temperature: a representative of Rospotrebnadzor, an employee of the Federal State Institution "Center for Hygiene and Epidemiology in the Republic of Belarus", Chief Engineer ZhEU-54, two important representatives of Kalininsky UZHH.

23.05.2011 comes the answer from Rospotrebnadzor:

UZHH notifies:

Receipt arrives:

Just in case, I’m writing a statement asking for an explanation of exactly how the recalculation was calculated:

In accordance with paragraph 49 (subparagraph "p") of the Russian Government Decree "on the procedure for providing utility services to citizens" dated May 23, 2006 N 307, I ASK you to provide documents within 3 working days confirming the correctness of the recalculation of fees for hot water supply in the receipt for payment for June 2011
21.06.2011 UZHH sends a letter to the ERCC:

The ERCC issues a certificate. The text is hard to read, but the gist is that the amount of the refund was calculated using the formula: (<Тариф горячей воды> - <Тариф холодной воды>) * <Объём горячей воды> * (<количество дней с температурой ниже 60 *С> / <количестве дней в месяце>)

  1. SanPin:
  2. Old resolution:;base=LAW;n=114260
  3. New resolution:

According to the rules of SanPiN ( for an apartment, the standard temperature of hot water from a tap in an apartment building falls within the range of 60°C-75°C, regardless of the heating system. Resolution (No. 354-PP RF) allows deviation:

  • at night - within 5°C (0.00-5.00),
  • during the day - within 3°C (5.00-00.00).

The temperature of the water in the radiators determines the temperature norm for the premises, which is –18°C for the living room, kitchen and separate toilet, 20°C for the corner room, and 25°C for the bathroom. During the daytime, a downward deviation in a residential area is not allowed, at night - within 3°C, and upward - limited to 4°C. At the same time, if temperature regime is not observed, the consumer has the right to expect a reduction in the amount of payment. However, for this it is necessary to correctly measure and take into account a number of legislative requirements.
Legal requirements

The lower temperature limit for DHW, according to SanPiN, is determined by:

  • preventing infection by viruses and bacteria (in particular Legionella Pneumophila), which in an environment with
  • minimizing the content of chloroform,
  • prevention of skin diseases and pathological changes in subcutaneous tissue.

If the temperature deviates more than the permissible limit, for every 3°C the amount of payment during the period of violations is reduced by 0.1% every hour. This time is calculated by the amount of time during the billing period. If temperature measurements show a value below 40°C, payment for hot water supply is made according to cold water tariffs.

A possible break in the hot water supply, after which the fee for each hour will be reduced by 0.15%, is:

  • per month – 8 hours in total,
  • one time – 4 hours,
  • on a dead-end highway in case of an accident – ​​24 hours.

For heating, for each hour of deviation from the norm and exceeding the permissible break, the fee is reduced by 0.15%, and the permissible break itself is:

  • per month – 24 hours in total,
  • at a time - depending on the temperature of living quarters: 4 hours (8-10°C), 8 hours (10-12°C) and 16 hours (from +12°C).

Detection of violation of the established temperature regime

To correctly determine compliance with regulatory parameters, at the point of water collection (for example, from a tap), the cooled water is drained from the pipeline within 3 minutes (no more). It is assumed that the control measurement is made into a glass, into which a thermometer with a scale of at least 100°C is then lowered. The presence of water-saving devices similar to modernized aerators ( does not affect the quality of measurement.

Heating quality checks are carried out:

  • in the largest living room,
  • at a height of a meter and at a distance of half a meter from the battery,
  • in the center of planes half a meter away from the outer wall, and in the center of the room.

Owner's rights in case of deviation from the temperature range

For apartment buildings and residential buildings, the Rules governing the provision of utility services in paragraph 31 determine that the service company must carry out maintenance of engineering systems and recalculate for improper or untimely provision of services. That is, in the event of a temperature violation, owners do not have to pay to eliminate the causes of this violation.

If the condition of heating or domestic hot water differs from that in apartments in residential buildings beyond the agreed tolerances and represents a systemic problem, the consumer can:

  1. Inform the service organization about the problem and find out about its causes. In this case, it is advisable to record the request and data of the performer receiving the information.
  2. If no measures have been taken, contact government agencies to initiate an inspection (according to Article 33 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation). For violations of utility standards, a fine is provided (Article 7.23 of the Administrative Code).
  3. Set deadlines for receiving a response and eliminating the violation. Within 30 days, the official must send a response to citizens’ requests. (If sending the application by mail, it is necessary to add the mailing time). Failure to respond threatens the official with a fine (Article 5.59 of the Administrative Code). The time frame for eliminating violations is not the same for different houses, however, on average it is 45 days.
  4. Increase the flow of requests of the same type to increase the likelihood of execution. Relatives or friends can write, even if they do not live in the house.
  5. Contact the prosecutor's office if there are no actions aimed at correcting the situation on the part of authorized persons.

If the correction process has been started, then after the complaint a commission (an employee of the REU and a representative of the heating network) must come to the consumer to confirm the fact and reason for the complaint and draw up an appropriate report. After eliminating the problems, another act is drawn up confirming this.

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Hot water is not a luxury

People love comfort and convenience, quickly get used to comfortable living conditions, organized life and do not want to give up these benefits. The presence of cold and hot water in the tap is one of the necessary conditions for a comfortable life. Today, you probably won’t surprise anyone with cold water on the tap, while providing hot water supply will require some effort. But it is necessary for daily hygiene procedures, cleaning, laundry, washing dishes, even despite the fact that many processes in a modern household are automated: today almost every family has an automatic washing machine that independently heats the water, and household dishwashers are increasingly used.

Dangers of non-compliance with sanitary standards for hot water supply

Sanitary standards stipulate that the temperature of hot water supplied to the home should be in the range of 60-70 ºС.

Maintaining this temperature regime is very important. If the temperature of hot water exceeds t 70 ºС, this can lead to thermal burns due to negligence. Some will argue that it can be diluted with cold water. But it will take some time to accustom your child to this. And adults often forget about this danger in a hurry.

If the temperature of hot water is below t 60 ºС, then a completely different danger lurks - the proliferation of microbes. Legionella, an aerobic microorganism that causes lung diseases, poses a huge risk to human health. The disease occurs as pneumonia and is transmitted by airborne droplets. A favorable environment for the reproduction of this microorganism is a humid environment with air flow and a temperature of 40-60 ºС.

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Hot water supply

Organizing hot water supply begins with choosing a water heater:

  • heating water with heating boilers;
  • instantaneous water heaters;
  • storage water heaters.

All of the above methods of providing hot water supply require cold water in the tap.

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Heating and hot water supply

Water heating by heating boilers is used for centralized hot water supply. In this case, compliance with sanitary standards depends on the operating personnel and the relevant authorities, whose responsibilities include inspection and control functions. With such a system, the costs of hot water supply depend on the established tariffs.

Housing can be equipped with an individual heating system. Such a project can be implemented both in a private house and in an apartment in an apartment building, subject to certain safety requirements.

In this case, a double-circuit heating boiler is installed, which heats the water for the heating system and provides hot water supply. In the warm season, when there is no need for heating the room, the heating circuit is turned off.

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Instantaneous water heaters

Instantaneous water heaters are divided into electric and gas. Since water is a very energy-intensive substance, an instantaneous electric water heater can hardly be classified as economical; in this characteristic it is very inferior to a gas one. This is a good solution for organizing hot water supply in non-gasified premises where hot water is rarely used (for example, in a country house). Such heaters do not have a storage tank, which significantly reduces the risk of microbial formation.

Flow heaters are of pressure and non-pressure types. In a pressure type heater, the temperature of the hot water is controlled by increasing or decreasing the pressure. It should be noted that during the washing process the temperature of the supplied water may fluctuate slightly. You will need to adjust the temperature with the regulator knob and wait a little until the water at the desired temperature flows. Due to the instability of water temperature, it is advisable not to leave children unattended while taking water procedures using an electric instantaneous water heater.

Another disadvantage of flow-through heaters is the maximum water heating temperature. Instantaneous water heaters come in different capacities - from 3 to 8 kW. With a power of no more than 6 kW, such a water heater will not be able to cope with the heating task in the winter season, when the cold water temperature in the water supply system is approximately t 5 ºС. In the warm season, when the cold water temperature in the plumbing system is about t 15 ºC, heating to t 40 ºC is sufficient - this is a comfortable water temperature for taking a shower. Even a low-power water heater can do this.

It should be noted that flow-through electric heaters can provide heating of hot water only up to a temperature of 60 ºС. When t 65 ºС is reached, the device automatically turns off, so that overheating of the device is excluded.

A gas instantaneous water heater is more economical, so in gasified houses, as a rule, gas water heaters are used. Moreover, modern gas equipment is distinguished by reliability, safety, and, with proper maintenance, a long period of operation.