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Removing glue from a sticker. How to remove glue from stickers from various surfaces

Many people are interested in how to remove different surfaces sticker glue. Nowadays, manufacturers are trying in every possible way to decorate their goods, and if they don’t decorate, then put forced markings on the goods, and this leads to inconvenience in everyday life. There are many ways to cope with this problem, but you need to understand that there are different surfaces and where one method will bring 100% results, on another surface it may be absolutely ineffective, and may even cause damage. Do not remove the sticky layer mechanically, this may cause damage.

Kitchen tools

If you have problems with:

  • Dishes (plates, cups, wine glasses, shot glasses)
  • Tile (tiles)

Often just hot water and detergent will help, but it all depends on the type of glue and how long the sticker was on the surface.

  1. A very light and affordable way. You will need a cotton pad (perhaps a piece of natural white cloth, but most importantly soft so that it does not leave scratches) and nail polish remover (acetone). Then everything is simple, apply the liquid to the cotton wool and remove the remaining sticky substance. Be sure to rinse well with water after this procedure.
  2. Housewives also practice another method: moisten a cloth in sunflower oil and remove the remaining stickers. This method is effective precisely with the remains of the sticker itself.
  3. Table vinegar is also suitable for such materials. It is enough to apply it on the surface itself, or on a napkin (paper towel, soft rag, cotton pad) and remove all remnants of price tags and markings with skimming movements.


This group of products has not been spared by stickers. Here you need to understand that there is paint on the surface, or the product is made of plastic, here you need a soft method that will not damage the surface or spoil appearance.

  • Refrigerators;
  • Washing machines;
  • Hairdryer, curling iron;
  • TVs;
  • Electric meat grinders, juicers;
  • Microwaves;
  • Coffee makers;
  • Small electrical appliances.

It must be taken into account that the work will involve electricity and equipment, and precautions are needed. It is necessary to ensure that no water gets inside the devices during processing, since stickers are often glued to joints and crevices.

  1. For these types of surfaces, a hairdryer is often used; a hot air stream copes with this task. For this method you will need: a cloth soaked in any neutral kitchen product and the hairdryer itself. First you need to warm up the sticker using a hot stream of air, then remove the sticker itself with a rag. If this procedure does not completely help the first time, it can be repeated. If the plastic is very thin, there is no need to use this method to avoid damage from hot air.
  2. For these surfaces it will be appropriate and sunflower oil, but in cases where the sticker was not applied a couple of years ago and has not fused with the material. It is better to apply it and let it absorb a little, then roll it up with a rag or paper towel. Do not use mechanical cleaning to avoid damaging the surface.
  3. Citrus-based cleaning agents containing citric acid are helpful. To do this, apply the substance and let it stand for a while, then remove it with a rag or paper napkins.

Double-glazed plastic windows, window sills, slopes

Although these materials are not very delicate, they have their own subtleties. Do not use rough materials as they leave scratches. Solvents may leave stains. Therefore, it is better to be patient.

  1. It will be convenient to use a cleaning agent that contains citric acid. Often the composition includes citric acid in exactly the same cleaning products that are intended for washing windows. This is convenient because you don’t have to deal with stains on the glass after removing the stickers. The cleaning mechanism itself is the same as when washing windows, with only one difference: it is better to apply the product and let it soak in a little, since the paper dries firmly and reliably to the material. If a regular rag does not help when removing, you can use a sponge or spatula, but always with rounded ends. Do not use sharp or rough materials when cleaning.
  2. Cleaning that uses a highly concentrated solution is well suited. laundry soap. You need to apply generously and let it soak in, after which you can use a sponge or spatula, but always with rounded ends. Then rinse with clean water.
  3. You can still use the same vegetable oil, but, of course, it will leave greasy solutions, which is bad for glass, but vinegar, acetone or white spirit will help here.

Wood and furniture

Here you need to be very careful when cleaning. Tree natural material, which is easily damaged.

  1. If the wood is not treated, painted, it tolerates temperature well, then you can use a hairdryer and hot air. Heat the area to be cleaned and carefully remove the sticky layer. This tree also tolerates alcohol-containing products well. Using a moistened napkin or rag gradually removes dirt.
  2. If the furniture is varnished, polished, a lotion of vegetable oil will help. You need to apply a cloth or napkin previously soaked in oil, let it absorb and remove the sticky substance. But it is worth cleaning in small areas.
  3. If you clean with alcohol or gasoline, you need to remember that it contains caustic substances that need to be quickly and completely removed from the furniture.


Car enthusiasts often encounter problems with adhesive substances on their auto. In these cases, the same hair dryer helps, only instead of a regular hair dryer, a construction hair dryer will do. A cleaner containing citric acid is also suitable. Regular gasoline is also used.

Clothing and fabric surfaces

When working with fabric, you need to understand that the material can be dyed and precautions must be taken. Do not use very hot water when using chemicals have confidence that it will not cause harm; if the method involves friction, this must be done delicately and patiently.

  1. Laundry soap will help, if you can wash it, then it is better to pre-soak the item. If this is not possible, then we apply soap solution(high concentration of laundry soap) let it soak well, but not dry, wash off with a sponge or rag.
  2. Sprays are also suitable for removing stains and cleaning cuffs and collars. But here you need to be careful, since there are fabrics that do not tolerate such treatment.
  3. Alcohol is suitable, for this we need to apply it, let it absorb well, but not dry, and use dishwashing detergent and a rag to remove any remaining glue. Then rinse well with hot water.

There are products that are designed specifically to combat these problems, but chemical composition not always safe for humans. Safe and less expensive are more profitable. It is also practiced to remove glue with ordinary wet wipes, if it is not an old sticker. They also use a school eraser, which is suitable for hard surfaces that are not afraid of friction.

Often alcohol, kerosene, solvents and essential oils, But different colors and types of surfaces have a reaction that cannot be predicted, since the composition may be different and the end result is not what is expected.

We kindly ask you to thoroughly rinse the treated surface after each manipulation with any product you use. Also, do not use a removal method that is not intended for this surface. If you are not sure whether the surface and method match, it is better to check on an inconspicuous small area and check the reaction.

Many housewives are faced with the problem of how to wash a label from a bottle, other glass, plastic or wooden utensils. Today there are many known folk ways, which effectively help remove glue at home. There are also special professional products.

How to remove glue from plastic dishes

There are a number effective ways wash off the sticky layer from the label with plastic dishes.

It is important to first test the method in an inconspicuous place to determine whether it will damage the surface of the product.

If the product has corroded the plastic or spoiled the appearance of the paint, it should not be used:

  • Apply ice for a while, then carefully remove the glue with something sharp, such as a blade or knife, so as not to damage the dishes.
  • There is also the opposite method - heating with a hairdryer. Warm the label well and remove it using your fingers or tweezers.
  • The sticky layer from tape and stickers can be easily washed off with alcohol.
  • If there is no alcohol in the house, then any alcohol-containing product will do: vodka, lotion, cologne, white spirit.

With glass

Often, unsightly traces of glue remain on glassware, even if the label itself has already been washed with water. In this case, two remedies will help get rid of the sticky layer:

  • Vegetable oil. Moisten a cotton pad, a piece of cotton wool or cloth, and apply to the contaminated area. Leave it like this for a while, let the oil absorb. After this procedure, the glue should come off easily. Next, wash off the oil from the glassware using a degreaser.
  • Nail polish remover. Moisten a cotton pad generously with the product and rub the surface with it. Under the influence of an aggressive liquid, the glue will dissolve and it will become easy to remove the label from glass jar or other glass object.

If these methods do not help, you can try to wash the glue from the sticker from the glass with acetone, vinegar, white spirit, gasoline or kerosene. Use the listed aggressive agents carefully, especially in the kitchen.

Chemical substances must be carefully removed from the surface so that they do not end up on food plates and harm human health.

With wooden

It is not an easy task to remove the sticky layer from the sticker from wooden utensils. In this case, you need to be very careful not to damage the varnish or other coatings. In the fight against glue on wood they often use vegetable oil according to the scheme of work with glassware, but there are other ways:

  • You can remove glue from dishes made of ordinary, unpainted wood using vinegar. To do this, you need to saturate the area of ​​the label and carefully scrape off the residue.
  • Surfaces made of untreated or painted wood tolerate contact well with certain types of alcohol-containing substances and acetone solvents.
  • You can easily remove the sticky layer from varnished wooden utensils using a regular school eraser.

Professional products

If folk remedies did not help to wash off the glue, then help will come special liquid for removing labels. The table contains effective professional tools to solve this problem:



Price in rubles

A sticker and tape cleaner that is a blend of citrus oils. Effectively removes remaining tape, stickers, ink, tar, petroleum products and other contaminants. Penetrates deeply and quickly removes label stains.

Label Mark Remover contains an effective combination of solvents to remove labels and labels. Active substance softens and removes glue residues. The product can be used universally and does not run off vertical surfaces, which guarantees the highest efficiency.

Acetone, solvents, and gasoline quickly remove traces of glue, but they are too caustic and are usually not used for cleaning plastic. To erase the sticker, the most justified special means. There are also many ways to clean with gentle home remedies.

Tools and materials

Special means:

  • LiquiMoly - consisting of natural substances universal cleaner, suitable for many types of surfaces, including plastics that are resistant to its effects;
  • ScotchRemover contains citrus oils that actively affect glue, removes traces of labels and tape;
  • ASTROhim softens and removes stubborn traces of glue, safe for surfaces.

Household products:

  • glass cleaners containing alcohol;
  • dishwashing detergents (FAIRY, etc.);
  • vegetable oil;
  • citric acid solution or lemon juice;
  • vinegar;
  • flow of hot air or steam;
  • wet wipes;
  • nail polish remover;
  • soda;
  • ammonia;
  • scotch;
  • degreaser.

The choice of cleaning products depends not only on the type of plastic, but also on the composition of the glue that is used to attach the label; not all of them are suitable for dishwashing detergent and hot water. Labels and price tags most often have to be removed using more powerful means.

Advice! An aggressive product (gasoline, degreaser, etc.) must first be tested on an inconspicuous area of ​​the product or surface so as not to spoil the appearance of the purchase.

The most convenient way to remove the top layer of the sticker is with a plastic spatula or other non-sharp thin object. The remaining glue can be easily removed by a regular dish sponge, microfiber cloth, gauze, fine calico, etc. You should not take cotton wool or fabrics with lint - they will leave their shreds on the glue and not remove it.

General procedure

Many stickers are made from combined layered materials (foil with paper, etc.), as well as from polymer films.

If they are also glued strong glue, then you will have to get rid of them in two stages:

  1. First, the label must be heated with a hairdryer or hot steam to soften the glue. You need to act carefully, because not all types of plastic can withstand high temperatures. A short exposure is sufficient.
  2. Using a strong cleaning agent, remove any remaining adhesive from the surface and wash with soap and water or dish gel detergent.

Household products

IN household There are always sufficiently effective substances on hand to remove glue from the label.

Alcohol and alcohol-containing products

You can use cologne, vodka, but it is best to use alcohol. The higher its concentration, the easier it is to clean the plastic surface from glue.


  • Soak a napkin in alcohol.
  • Rub the stain, changing the area of ​​the napkin to a clean one if necessary.
  • Wash with soapy water.

Other flammable substances

To clean labels from glass and metal, as well as from sustainable types of plastic, purified Galosh gasoline, kerosene, lighter refill, and automotive degreaser are used:

  1. Moisten the adhesive trace generously with cleaner.
  2. Leave for a few minutes.
  3. Wipe off the glue with the same napkin that was used to apply the product.
  4. Wash with soapy water.

Vegetable oil

This product softens the glue well and allows, for example, to easily wash a bottle of label residues.

The procedure is exactly the same as when working with gasoline. After cleaning, the surface must be washed with soap, or better yet, with dish gel.

Advice! In particular difficult cases You can moisten the glue with oil and leave it for 1 or even 2 days - after that, the remaining substance will be removed simply with a dry cloth.

Vinegar 11%

It's effective yet gentle. active remedy, suitable even for delicate surfaces.


  • apply vinegar to the stain;
  • after 5 minutes the glue is carefully scraped off;
  • the residues are washed off with a wet soapy sponge.


Use citrus itself or a solution of citric acid - this product can easily cope with stickers on plastic.

Operating procedure:

  • rub a piece of lemon onto the stain;
  • After a few minutes, carefully scrape off the glue;
  • Wash off any remaining residue with soapy water.


This method is suitable for removing fresh, easily peeled labels, including from glass and plastic bottles:

  • stick tape over the remaining traces of the sticker;
  • tear off with a sharp movement, completely or partially, repeat until the remaining label is completely removed;
  • For complete cleansing, rinse with water and dishwashing gel.

Advice! In practice, the method with adhesive tape is more like not tearing off, but rather intense blotting: quite quickly, using your fingertips, a piece of tape is pressed and torn off many times.

Effective ways to remove glue from stickers, suitable specifically for plastic surfaces, a lot of. It is quite possible to cope with the help of plastic-safe products that are easily available in any household. Some of them are attracted by the speed of the result, others by the simplicity of the actions.

.:: 10.04.2016

Today, no matter what you buy, there is always a label attached to it, sometimes more than one. Sellers make labels tightly, especially in chain stores, so that unattended buyers do not re-stick them with cheaper goods. Labels and price tags are found on every thing - dishes, packaged foods, clothes, books. Branded stickers are on any household appliance, and children love to stick beautiful pictures on a refrigerator or furniture.

Why does the question of removing sticker marks even arise? Because they all have adhesive base of different composition. Manufacturers label the glue as permanent - the most stable composition and removable: removable or non-permanent. But even removable glue in some cases can be removed easily, without any means, as long as the label has been affixed recently.

Try this: pick up a corner of the label with your fingernail and begin to pull slowly. If the object is small, for example, a plate, then at the moment when you remove the label, breathe on this place with your mouth - a warm, moist environment helps, believe me, this method sometimes works.

If the glue is more reliable or the label has been stuck on for a long time, this method will not help; you need to use other methods.

How to remove glue from stickers

First, how to wipe off traces of glue: do not use cotton wool, cotton pads and synthetic fabrics. You need to wipe it with a cotton rag, or you can use a piece of an old terry towel.

Products that help dissolve glue:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Alcohol
  • Nail polish remover without acetone
  • Hair dryer
  • Acetone
  • White Spirit
  • Gasoline (kerosene)

You should always start with the safest ones - vegetable oil and alcohol. They, as a rule, do not cause color changes in plastic, textiles, or materials.

Vegetable oil must be applied to the price tag or label, wait until it is absorbed and then removed. Moisten a cloth with alcohol and wipe away traces of the price tag or label. But do not rub back and forth - movements should be targeted, in one direction or from the edges to the center. The fact is that this way the glue will curl into a sticky lump, you will carefully collect a small ball. If you just rub sticky place, then the glue will smear for a long time, like chewing gum.

If these remedies do not help, use a hair dryer. The hairdryer will heat the glue, it will become more fluid and can be wiped off with a cloth, also with rolling movements directed in one direction. You can also heat the label that has not yet been torn off with a hairdryer.

A hairdryer or any heat (for example, an iron) can only be used on objects that do not deform from heat, cannot burst or crack. For example, from dishes, from metal surface, from a book cover, from fabric - you can. From furniture, from cosmetic jars and tubes - be careful. And from thin plastic, household appliances, thin glass, soft plastic- you can’t, the plastic can warp, swell, the glass will crack, the surface of the equipment will become cloudy.

If neither oil, nor a hair dryer, nor alcohol helped you, let’s think about how resistant the surface of the object is to solvents. All of them: kerosene, acetone, white spirit, etc. dissolve not only glue, but also paint from plastic, fabric, metal, Teflon and other coatings. IN best case scenario, if you have time to lightly touch it, you will get a cloudy spot; in the worst case, the paint will rub off and the texture will be smeared.

Therefore, of all the solvents, we choose the safest one - nail polish remover without acetone. But you need to try it on an inconspicuous corner; if the color of the object does not change, we try to wipe off traces of the labels.

With acetone and solvent, you can safely and very quickly remove glue only from obviously stable or inconspicuous surfaces - from a chandelier shade, from a mirror, from a toilet cistern or sink, from a stone surface, from the bottom of a pan, flower pot, legs of a stool or under a tabletop. But many household plastics, for example, sockets and switches, computer and Appliances, the surface of the refrigerator, from contact with acetone or solvent, deteriorates and becomes cloudy. Moreover, the glossy surface will become matte, the matte will lighten, sometimes it will lighten almost to white.

How to remove a sticker without a trace

There are other ways to get rid of sticker marks. For example, another sticker will help us. By sticky trail you need to walk over another sticky surface; it will, in fact, attract the remaining glue onto itself. But if you just put another label on it, it won't work. You need to remove the glue with quick jerky movements - touch, instantly tear off.

Sometimes this takes quite a long time, but if the surface of the object being treated does not tolerate either solvents or a hair dryer, the labor costs are justified.

In some cases, a piece of tape helps (very good quality), but it’s easier to buy any cheap children’s stickers in the stationery department and use them.

If traces of the label cannot be removed by anything, or it is impossible to remove them due to the fragility of the item, remember what you do with boring tattoos - simply stuff a new design in that place. Think about it: it might be easier to choose new, beautiful, stylish stickers and use them to mask old traces of glue, as well as scratches and abrasions.

All products have markings and instructions for use, which are printed on a label firmly affixed to the product. How to remove glue from a sticker from plastic is of interest to many, since almost everyone has encountered a similar problem. Some manufacturers deliberately use high-quality and durable glue so that the label, which contains all the information, is not lost during transportation and throughout the entire journey of the product from production to receipt on the shelves.

If it is incorrect to initially remove labels and stickers, then glue residues can remain on the product for a long time and spoil its appearance, since it is quite problematic to remove it. Methods and means for removing glue are selected depending on what material the product itself is made of. Plastic requires a special approach, since many methods can severely damage its surface or lead to deformation. But not every known remedy capable of removing one or another industrial adhesive. It is necessary to select and carefully try; this should be done first on a small area with remaining glue to avoid possible damage.

Product cleaning products

Most often, the following means are used to remove glue from a sticker:

  1. 1 Ammonia.
  2. 2 Alcohol.
  3. 3 Vinegar.
  4. 4 Vegetable oil.
  5. 5 Acetone and nail polish remover.
  6. 6 Dishwashing liquid.
  7. 7 Kerosene.
  8. 8 Melamine sponge.
  9. 9 Fen.
  10. 10 Iron.
  11. 11 Wet wipes.
  12. 12 Glass washing liquid.
  13. 13 Soda.
  14. 14 Essential oils.
  15. 15 Stationery eraser.
  16. 16 Solvent for paints.
  17. 17 Lemon.

These agents act individually, and some can be mixed to enhance the effect. Many people prefer to scrape off residual glue with sharp objects, but such cleaning actions may leave residue on the plastic. visible marks in the form of scratches, which again will cause inconvenience and spoil the appearance. You can remove the glue by scraping using an old plastic card.

Easy removal methods

It happens that the glue is not too strong, and when the sticker is completely wet and carefully removed, not a trace remains. If the item is waterproof and can be placed in water where the label is, then it is perfect option. Soak the sticker for 15-20 minutes, wipe dry and carefully remove the residue with your fingers, rolling up a thin layer of paper.

Vegetable oil can soften the glue; to do this, it is applied with a cotton swab to the contaminated area; after a while, using a non-sharp object, you can easily remove the remaining glue. Finally, you need to rinse the item detergent to remove the oil film. Essential oils are used in the same way, sometimes at the end with great and smooth surface use window cleaner.

For a product made from more rough looking plastic, and these include household buckets, cups, dish drainers, use a cleaning paste prepared on the basis of soda. To obtain it, mix soda with warm water and add a few drops of detergent, there should be little liquid to form a paste. Gently rub the label mark with this product and leave it for a few minutes, after which time you should repeat the steps and rinse with warm water.

Alcohol can remove glue from stickers very quickly. To do this, you just need to wet it required area on the surface with alcohol and rub well with a damp cloth. But so that alcohol does not change the color of the plastic and does not remove glossy surface, you should first test its effect on a small area of ​​the surface. In this way, you can use not only alcohol, but also cologne, alcohol-containing lotions, perfumes and even vodka.

Some sellers immediately remove the sticker from the purchased product using a hairdryer. This method is the most harmless, a hot air stream is directed to the label, and under the influence high temperature the glue softens and is easily removed from the surface.

At home, the sticker can be removed without a trace using an iron: first, a thick cloth is placed on the surface, and a hot iron is applied to it for a few seconds. The glue will soften and the label will come off easily. The same applies if it is necessary to remove traces of glue.

In order to remove traces of labels, price tags and stickers, table vinegar is often used.

It is able to dissolve remaining glue and make it easier to remove. Use a sponge dipped in vinegar to rub the area with traces of glue; the surface should be well moistened. You should allow a few minutes for the vinegar to penetrate completely; after a while, repeat the action and scrape off any remaining glue and paper. You have to be careful: vinegar can also ruin the glossy surface or change the color of the plastic.

Kerosene, nail polish remover and solvent quickly dissolve glue residues. The product is applied to the surface for only a few minutes and after time is washed off with warm water. These substances can deform thin plastic and change its color. It's best to try on a small area first and make sure the plastic doesn't react.

Regular wet wipes can remove the sticker and its traces. Rub the surface to be cleaned thoroughly with a napkin to completely wet it and roll off the remaining dirt layer by layer. Baby wipes are not suitable for this, since they do not contain alcohol; you should choose regular cleansers and hand sanitizers.

For many housewives, the melamine sponge is a godsend of the century; it is capable of removing strong and old pollution from any surfaces. The sponge should be moistened with water and squeezed well, then rub the surface. If there will be food on the surface to be cleaned, then after the sponge it should be washed with dishwashing detergent.

For fresh, not old traces of glue, use a regular school eraser. The area must be moistened with warm water and rubbed with a cloth. Next, wipe with a paper napkin and rub with an eraser.

Lemon is one of the oldest stain removers, but it can also soften glue. Rub lemon juice on the surface and leave for a few minutes, then carefully scrape off any remaining dirt using non-sharp objects.

When choosing a method for removing adhesive residues from plastic, you should always consider what type of material the product is and what kind of item needs to be cleaned. If this is electronics, then you should be more careful with water and oil. It's always best to test the product on a small area before removing any remaining adhesive from the entire surface.