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Smart home - what is this system and how does it work. What is a smart home system and an example of its implementation

About to do smart House with your own hands, Many people don’t even think about it, because they believe that this work is quite complicated and requires special knowledge. But it is not so.

Of course, you will have to try and put in a lot of effort, but the reward will be a home that is as comfortable and friendly to the person as possible.

Smart home system: what is it?

The very concept of a “smart home” is quite broad, and if we give a brief definition, then it is an object whose vital activity is controlled automatically without direct human participation, but maximally adjusted to his needs and interests.

Of course, such a system would not function without a person at all, but his role is limited to setting up the software and monitoring its operation, including remotely.

In fact, almost all activities in the house can be automated engineering communications, but most often this applies to systems such as:

Also noteworthy is the ability “ smart home» control not only the operation of all systems, but also its optimization, the main goal of which is the economical consumption of energy and coolants.

In essence, a system is being formed that maximally satisfies the interests of the residents of the house, therefore, using Newest technologies, you can configure the functioning of a smart home taking into account all priorities.

This aspect is especially important if people with disabilities and the elderly live in a house.

Do-it-yourself smart home, video:

How to teach your home to be smart?

Initially, back at the end of the last century, a “smart home” was just a conceptual solution bordering on a special philosophical perception of one’s home.

The trace of this continues behind it to this day, but it is already a fully formed technology based on the latest achievements modern science and telecommunications, which not only expands the possibilities when forming a system, but also simplifies the control process, including using voice control and remote access.

There are several ways to implement the idea of ​​a “smart home”:

  • purchase finished project and its turnkey installation, which is offered by many companies;
  • purchasing a ready-made modular kit and integration into the existing home system;
  • development, configuration and installation of the system"from scratch" on our own.

Theoretically, the second and third options are comparable in cost, the first is much more expensive.

But you should definitely take into account that, as a rule, all private country houses, namely, they are most often equipped with a “smart home” system, differ from each other.

Therefore, unified solutions in this situation are less interesting than individual ones.

But their main advantage is high reliability, while the system itself is closed, making any adjustments to it even with the involvement of specialists from a service company is quite difficult.

Developing an independent project allows you to build it taking into account your needs and interests, make it multifunctional, and at the same time open, which allows its modernization or expansion in the future, for example, when changing priority tasks or for the purpose of improvement.

Smart home management: how to establish a dialogue?

1. The first steps towards construction own home will project development and acquisition of the “heart”, which can be a computer, a remote server or a special control panel.

The first option is preferable in terms of walking distance, but the second is better in terms of reliability. But in order to eliminate emergency situations, you should think about a backup power supply for the control module.

2. Next step - installation of special software, which will take on the role of monitoring and managing the subsystems of the “smart home”.

3. After this you can proceed directly To installation work and connection.

If the development of such a system is being carried out for the first time, you can start by integrating several systems. It’s more logical to start with lighting, access control or climate control in the house.

4. At the next stage it is necessary think about what equipment and components: sensors, controllers, wires, etc. will be needed to implement the idea. You can also think about purchasing a ready-made solution, the so-called module, usually designed to connect one or more functions.

At the same stage, the question of how communication will be carried out between the elements of the system is also resolved. To do this, you can use the existing electrical wiring system or install a separate channel.

The second option, of course, is preferable, but it should be implemented at the stage of laying all utilities, that is, during the construction of a house or renovation. The use of existing electrical wiring allows installation to be carried out at any stage, but in this case, the reserve power of the network should be taken into account in order to prevent it from overheating.

But smart home appliances can work without the use of traditional network communications, using the capabilities of wireless communications and, above all, wi-fi.

Heating in a “smart” country house, video:

System installation

After everything preparatory work completed, goals and objectives are defined, you can proceed directly to installing equipment and laying cables.

In terms of labor intensity, this process is the largest and most complex, as it depends on the planned functionality of the system and the area of ​​the house ( or separate rooms).

The next step will be commissioning and testing of both the functioning of individual elements and the entire system as a whole. If necessary, it is at this stage that adjustments are made and re-programming is carried out. Upon successful completion of this process, the “smart home” is put into operation.

Imagine the operation of a “smart home” without the use of modern communication devices ( phone, personal PC or smartphone) is almost impossible, so connecting the system to the Internet becomes an urgent problem.

In this case, management and control of all processes can be done remotely, and smart gadgets for home They will unquestioningly follow commands, for example, an hour or two before coming home from work, they will turn on the heating or clean the apartment.

Such remote communication with home not only relieves the burden of everyday problems and increases the comfort of housing, but also makes it as safe as possible.

In this case, even a forgotten iron will not be a problem, since it will be easy to turn it off, and a visit uninvited guests is unlikely to escape the attention of the control system, which will simultaneously notify both the owner and the security service about the event ( in case of concluding a service agreement).

Smart home technology: how does it work?

The introduction of “smart” technologies makes it possible to solve many important and quite complex tasks life support of the home and its safety.

And it is no coincidence that, first of all, a security system is connected, which simultaneously integrates external and internal video surveillance, a security alarm and an alarm system.

Sometimes it also includes a subsystem responsible for fire safety. Depending on the settings, an emergency notification is sent to the mobile receiver of the owner and emergency services.

“Smart Home” also helps in maintaining an optimal microclimate in the house and/or in each room separately. Typically, heating, air conditioning and ventilation are integrated into this subsystem.

For their coordinated operation, controllers are used that coordinate the operation of individual devices.

For example, if the heating is turned on, the air conditioning is turned off, and vice versa. Additionally, the controllers connect to temperature sensors located in the room and outside, and take their data into account during operation. You can even take into account short-term forecasts by connecting to a weather forecast site.

Most often, automation affects the lighting system, including outdoor and duty lighting. The operation of each device is configured separately, taking into account its specifics.

For example, for street lamps 2 types of sensors are used: the first react to the degree of illumination and turn on at dusk, and the second to movement. Special sensors are used in the room to recognize the presence of a person in the room.

For convenience, you can include multimedia devices, a computer and other equipment in the smart home system. It all depends on desires and capabilities, including intellectual ones.

Control of the system can also be different: using peripheral devices, mobile gadgets, a computer - remotely or directly. For convenience, a special unit for manual control can be installed in each room.

Therefore, it is absolutely correct to put smart things for home to serve people and force them not only to monitor the consumption of resources, but also to optimize their expenditure.

Interesting note: in countries Western Europe First of all, this function is integrated into the “smart home” system, and the comfort of housing recedes into the background.

In Russia, the situation is different: comfort and prestige are a priority, and accounting and control in homes are almost never used, although the possibilities of a “smart home” in this area are practically unlimited.

The operation of the system involves simultaneously collecting information, analyzing it and drawing up a report.

Additionally, it can be configured to optimize costs, for example, if limits are exceeded, it can adjust the energy consumption of individual devices, for example, it will slightly lower the brightness of the lamps or reduce the water pressure, but so that the residents of the house do not feel any obvious inconvenience.

Life hacker understands how to automate an apartment and why it is worth doing.

What is a smart home

Remember Ray's story Bradbury "There Will Be Gentle Rain"? If not, then let us briefly remind you: we are talking about the life of a house left without owners. Automatic systems continue to work as before: the talking clock reminds you that it’s time to get up, the smart oven prepares breakfast on its own, and the weather box reports that it’s raining outside. It’s painfully reminiscent of modern technology, isn’t it? But the story was published in 1950.

A smart home is a set of solutions for automating everyday actions that will save you from routine. Here and Appliances- from robotic vacuum cleaners to devices controlled from a smartphone - and systems that control everything that happens in the apartment.

At its core, this is a story about improving the quality of life. Comfort consists of little things, and a smart home will take care of all the little things. If you wake up at night and go to the kitchen for a glass of water, you don’t have to make your way through a dark corridor looking for a switch: the light will turn on automatically. Have you ever worried that you didn't turn off the iron or TV? No more anxious thoughts: just send a command to the smart socket from your smartphone, and it will turn off the device that is powered by it.

Why is it needed at all?

Everything is obvious: to make your life easier and better. A smart home means peace of mind and significant savings.

Let's start with calm. If worrying about everything in the world is a common thing for you, a smart home will help you get rid of at least those worries that are associated with your apartment. Did you turn off the iron? No problem, send a command to the smart socket, it will quickly turn off the power. You are afraid that you are neglected before leaving home washing machine went out of order and set up a water park for the neighbors downstairs? It's OK. If it really is leaking, the leak sensor will instantly tell you about it.

The result: you worry less about non-existent problems and free your brain from unnecessary thoughts. You can check how things are going at home at any time using your smartphone.

Now about saving. To many, this advantage of a smart home will probably seem dubious. They say, what other savings can there be when you need to buy several sensors, sockets and a video camera? Believe me, it's tangible. Take the same smart socket - it can track how much energy the device connected to it consumes. As a result, you can identify the most power-hungry appliances and save a lot on bills. And it’s hard to imagine how much money you will save if the leakage sensor promptly reports an incipient flood.

In general, a smart home is an idea that fully justifies itself. A life without unnecessary worries is worth much more than a few sensors and sockets.

How to make your home smart

Easier than it seems. If you select correct technique, you don’t even have to call specially trained people for installation. For example, all Rubetek devices are equipped with simple and clear instructions, so you can handle it on your own without any problems. Let's figure out what's worth purchasing if you want to upgrade your home, but it's not very clear where to start.

This is probably the first thing you need to buy if you are serious. The control center will allow you to interact with all the smart devices you purchase: you can connect up to 300 devices to it. With its help, you can create operating scenarios for equipment. For example, if you leave home, you launch the appropriate mode. The lights in the rooms go out, the blinds or curtains close, and appliances powered by smart plugs turn off. No more running around the apartment, checking if you turned everything off.

The control center works in conjunction with a free mobile app, so it's easy to control from your smartphone. You can even give commands by voice.


They will protect your home from intruders, floods, fires and gas leaks. The guys from Rubetek secretly told us that very soon they will go on sale cool thing- temperature and humidity sensor.

If you connect it to the control center, the sensor will monitor whether the apartment is too hot or cold. For example, if the temperature drops below a set limit, the sensor will report this to the control center, and it will send a signal to the heater.

The opening sensor will be useful for parents of overly curious children. If you have cabinets or drawers at home where your child should absolutely not look, install such a sensor on them. As soon as the child climbs where he shouldn’t, you will know about it. And if you attach a sensor to the door, you can monitor whether the child came home from school on time.


What is your child doing while you are away from home, what is your pet doing right now, is everything okay with your elderly parents - a smart video camera will answer each of these questions. IN mobile application The Rubetek camera keeps an event log and saves screenshots; videos can also be recorded in an archive on Google.Disk or Yandex.Disk.

An outdoor video camera will be useful to car owners. Firstly, this way you will know for sure that everything is fine with your car. Secondly, it makes it easy to find out if there is a parking space near your house: you can do this right on the road. If someone damaged your car in this parking lot, you will identify the culprit in just a few minutes.

Smart plugs

A real find for everyone who doesn’t remember whether they turned off the iron or the TV. You send a command to the outlet - it immediately de-energizes the device powered by it. Dimmer sockets allow you to adjust the brightness of a floor lamp or wall sconce without getting up from the couch. You can install such an outlet in a children's room. If the baby is used to falling asleep in the light, the night light connected to it will go out gradually.

If your electricity bill surprises you every time, buy an outlet that measures your energy consumption. She will tell you exactly which device decided not to deny itself anything.

Smart technology

If you have been thinking about buying an air conditioner, you should definitely choose a smart option. It is worth purchasing a temperature and humidity sensor to pair it with. The sensor monitors the temperature in the room, and when it rises, it tells the air conditioner that it is time to correct the situation. Control the air conditioner from your smartphone, give it voice commands, integrate it into everyday smart home scenarios - in general, do not deny yourself anything.

Ready-made sets

In case you don’t want to think on your own which devices to buy, Rubetek has ready-made kits for specific needs. An excellent option for your first acquaintance with smart technology, moreover, such a kit is cheaper than the devices included in it separately. The “Video surveillance and access control” set is suitable for those who are concerned about protecting their home from intrusion by strangers.

The kit includes a control center, a video camera, an opening sensor and a motion sensor, which can be paired with a relay or smart socket so that the light automatically turns on when a person appears.

Set " Smart apartment» will save you from worrying about whether the faucet is leaking or whether the lights are turned off.

The set contains a control center, an opening sensor, a leakage sensor, a video camera and a relay for a two-key switch to turn the light on and off from a smartphone. For complete peace of mind, you can additionally purchase a smart intercom, socket, smoke and gas leak detectors.

Progress is not only about landing a man on Mars or transplanting everything that is possible, but also about solutions that help get rid of everyday worries. Yes, even if suffering about a leaky tap looks funny on a global scale, but if there is an opportunity to entrust the entire routine to smart devices, it would be a sin not to take advantage of it.

What is a smart home and how does this system work? Readers often ask. It will be difficult to answer this question unequivocally. But we can still say that here we're talking about about the introduction of the latest technologies that have found application in everyday life. Today, many have heard or read about the smart home system, but not everyone can even imagine what level of comfort and safety can be achieved with its help.

Review: “Smart Home” - what does it mean?

It is necessary to understand that a smart home system helps achieve two main goals:

1. Lighting, television, and all other electrical-related equipment in the house will be fully automated. It can operate both according to programmed parameters and in manual remote control mode via mobile communications or the Internet.

2. The “smart home” complex ideally copes with the security function, and protects not only from external penetrations, but also from internal fires, gas or water leaks.

Wouldn’t it be nice for the owner of the house, when driving up to the garage, to see how the smart home system opens the gate itself? And to do this, you don’t need to get out of the car or use the remote control.

Who wouldn’t want to live in such a smart home, where they don’t have to worry about forgetting to turn off the lights in some room or the TV when leaving for work? The system itself will worry about this problem. Currently, dozens of great and other types of smart home equipment have become available, which until recently were quite expensive. Therefore, only very rich people could afford such luxury. But now even people with average incomes can boast of a smart home.

History of creation

Americans first heard about such a system as a smart home. This happened back in the 70s of the last century. Then the Washington Intellectual University was able to develop a system to make living in a residential building easier, what modern technologies can be adapted for this. True, no one today would call such an innovation a smart home. But at that time it was a serious breakthrough.

Back in 1987, a description created by domestic engineers appeared in the Soviet magazine “Technical Aesthetics”. In countries former USSR The invention, which was called the “smart home,” appeared only in the late 90s. But it did not find much demand among the population then. The problem was not only that the equipment for a smart home system was very expensive. It turned out to be very difficult to install and operate. One could even say that this system was primitive, but very expensive. And since energy resources cost pennies, few people were interested in such an innovation.

And only from the beginning of the new millennium they started talking about a smart home in the post-Soviet space again. There were several reasons for this:

  1. Energy resources began to become more expensive, so there was a need to save them.
  2. Computers began to be used more and more actively.
  3. The Internet appeared, thanks to which a smart home could be controlled remotely.
  4. Due to the emerging competition, the implementation of a scheme for smart home equipment has become less expensive.
It is also important to remember that both the audio and television markets have begun to actively develop.

Equipment for a smart home: pros and cons

Now it’s worth figuring out what the advantages and disadvantages of a smart home are. First, it’s worth talking about the shortcomings. This system still has them. For example, for a smart home system, the equipment is still expensive. But this is only if it is offered from well-known European manufacturers. So why not think about it then? xiaomi smart home or other companies that produce relatively inexpensive, but very high-quality gadgets?

But you need to take into account that everything is not so simple here. For example, there is one small difficulty with the Xiaomi smart home. The fact is that Europeans do not understand it well, since the user needs to know Chinese. Therefore, to install and configure a Xiaomi smart home, you may need the help of a specialist. After all, even the fork here has a special design. Good master will be able to customize functional modules for the customer’s smartphone or tablet.

As for the advantages of such a system, they are much greater. Who used to do all the work in noble houses? These were butlers, housekeepers, servants, etc. They ventilated the rooms, opened the curtains on the windows, and monitored the comfort in the rooms. Today, such work can be performed by a smart home system, and for it this is not a problem.

Among its advantages, several very important points can be noted:

  1. Energy expenses can turn into "robbers". And if you implement this innovation, you don’t have to worry about energy saving. If you choose the right system, you can use it for years. And how much electricity will be saved during this time?
  2. A smart home system can turn into a reliable security guard who will never fall asleep. The owner immediately learns both about the penetration into the home and about the occurrence of a fire. The message will immediately go to the security console. So with such a system you can achieve complete home security.
  3. In this way it will be possible to achieve the ideal level of comfort in the premises. Smart home technology ensures that the house is always cool in the summer. But in winter time it will be warm and cozy. She will take care of heating, air conditioning, and optimal humidity indoors.
  4. Ideal ease of maintenance. After all, the smart home system program includes up to 50 different engineering actions.
If you equip your house or apartment with such technology, the owners will enjoy life. It will independently turn on the heating of the premises before you return from work, irrigate the lawn on the site, open the curtains in the morning, ventilate the rooms, etc.

The desire for comfort has always been one of the most important desires of man. Over the past decades, many innovations have appeared on the market that can provide comfort and optimal conditions. At the same time, the sheer number of such devices created the problem of managing them. If you equip the house modern heating, air conditioning, lighting and other equipment, you will have to spend too much time adjusting them. “Smart home” is a technology of the future that allows you to create your own infrastructure for interaction and management of all systems in the house and in the surrounding area.

What a smart home can do

Almost everything that is connected to the control complex. Smart home functions are based on the coordination of various equipment.

The standard set includes control and monitoring functions:

  • lighting;
  • microclimate;
  • executive systems;
  • fire and burglar alarm;
  • anti-flooding and gas leakage prevention system;
  • access to the house and territory;
  • multiroom, media center;
  • video surveillance and warning.

Design and principle of operation

The system has a modular configuration, so it can be designed for any home, apartment, budget and vary in functionality. The heart of the entire complex is a server connected to WI-FI. Receiver and transmitter modules are connected to the server, which will interact with sensors and power units via wireless communication.

The smart home is controlled in three ways: push-button or touch switches, remote control remote control or a smartphone from anywhere in the world where there is access to the World Wide Web. As a rule, the creators of smart devices have a resource of a set of applications, access to which is provided to users free of charge via the Internet. Thanks to the proposed applications, various modes are configured, equipment operation algorithms are programmed and scenarios are created. In addition, all personal settings are copied to cloud storage and in case of an accidental failure they can always be returned.

The simplest “smart home” is controlled sockets. They can connect equipment, set the operating mode and control via the Network.


To control the light, power units are provided, which can serve as a simple switch or dimmer. Lighting can be adjusted via a motion sensor. The user has the opportunity to turn on and off all or individual lighting points at the touch of a button. Select different brightness modes and program them according to time or depending on the situation. For example, you turn on the TV and the lights automatically dim. You can also choose a gradual fade in sleep mode or a constant brightness indoors that takes into account sunlight.

When connecting lighting through a motion sensor, the light will turn on automatically when a person appears in the room, and go out if there is no movement after a configured period of time. It is possible to choose your own lighting scenario for a party, a romantic date, or create the effect of presence while you are away. Settings allow you to notify the user if he forgot to turn off the light or turn it off automatically. Manufacturers claim that it is not only convenient and comfortable, but also economical. With well-designed lighting control algorithms, up to 30% of electricity is saved.


This function is provided thanks to temperature and humidity sensors. In this case, the devices are installed in those rooms where adjustments need to be made. The user can set different modes: select a constant temperature and humidity for the entire home, for each room individually, and also set variable modes by hour and day of the week. In accordance with the given algorithm, the system will regulate climate control devices(heating, air conditioning, humidification, dehumidification, ventilation). The apps have many additional features. For example, " open window" or "guests". In the first case, the heating will be turned off so as not to waste excess electricity or gas, and in the second case, when there is a crowd of people, the ventilation intensity will increase. On average, automatic microclimate control can save up to 40% of energy costs and create favorable conditions for the health of household members.

Executive systems

These include power devices that open/close doors, gates, barriers, curtains, blinds, and roller shutters. These can also be automatic valves on water supply, heating or gas pipelines, watering and fire pumps, and video camera rotations. Using these devices, you can close the curtain or open the door for a guest without getting up from the sofa. The possibility of settings allows you to program the automatic closing and opening of curtains/blinds according to the time of day or depending on natural light. You can set up watering of flower beds and lawns using external weather sensors. Gates, doors and shutters can work in tandem with security alarms and close in the event of unauthorized entry.

Multiroom and media center

This is the ability to distribute sound and video throughout the house and even around the local area. Moving around the room, the user uses a remote control or smartphone to switch sound and/or image to other devices. The function is also performed using motion sensors.

Among the latest developments, leading manufacturers offer Acustic systems voice controlled. At the same time, the device is able to adapt to the voice and pronunciation characteristics of the owner. In addition to music and videos, it answers questions using and filtering information from Wikipedia.

Access Control

In a “smart home”, even the door locks are connected to a system that “recognizes” only one owner, indicating the status of the other residents. In addition to the key, special locks can be opened using a smartphone, but only the owner has unlimited access. For others, access can be granted or denied, and can be timed or for a specific period.

Fire and security alarms

For safety, it is important to equip a “smart home” fire alarm. It includes smoke and fire sensors, which are located in fire hazardous areas. When fire and/or smoke is detected, the device notifies the owner by default, and optionally the concierge on duty, security, or sends a message to fire service, including audible alarm. If there is a fire extinguishing system, the smart home itself suppresses the source of fire.

The security alarm system is based on motion sensors, opening of doors and windows, and video surveillance. In the event of unauthorized entry by an outsider, the system blocks entrances and exits, activates an audible alarm and, as in the case of a fire, notifies the owner and the appropriate security services. As an additional function, a remote control can be installed to enter an access code after opening the doors or an alarm code to call security.

Preventing flooding and gas leaks

To determine an emergency situation at installation sites gas equipment gas analyzers are attached, which, when detecting any hydrocarbon in the air, send a signal to the server. As a result, the command is given automatic valve to shut off the gas and at the same time notify the owner. The rest of the household will learn about the leak through a loud alarm. If desired, notification of the emergency gas service can be configured.

To detect water leaks, a special sensor is used, installed at the lowest point of the room with plumbing equipment. The operation algorithm of the anti-flooding function is similar - the water is automatically shut off, and the owner is notified.

Video surveillance and notification

Video surveillance indoors and in the yard is carried out for two purposes. The first is the intercom function, which provides video communication with the visitor. The owner can see who rang the doorbell and record the communication session. The second purpose is video recording when the alarm is triggered. Video monitoring can also be carried out when using the services of a nanny, housekeeper or technical specialists. Video cameras can be installed openly or hidden and have IR illumination for night video recording. The user can turn on the camera at any time and see what is happening in his home. In the settings, you can select the baby monitor mode, and the camera will react to the noise and crying of the child.

The notification function is carried out on the smartphone of the owner or several users. You can set up an alert to any number, email. The reason for the notification is also customizable, since by default a message will be sent for every action of the “smart home” and will “clog” the memory mobile device or mail. The owner can control the operation of all equipment and find out the temperature in the premises at any time from any point.

Outdoor systems

An intelligent home is not limited to monitoring and controlling indoor equipment. After all, on local area You also need lighting, often watering or outdoor heating. Particularly relevant today are anti-icing systems on paths, steps and snow melting on roofs. All these functions can also be controlled by a smart home complex. As a result, a person may forget about everyday little things. While the “house” itself will solve all the problems, the owner can enjoy life with comfort and confidence.

Problems of "smart home"

The main problem of all intelligent systems is the lack of general standardization. Because of this, equipment from one manufacturer is not compatible with devices from another. Although in some cases there are exceptions. When choosing a “smart home”, the consumer is forced to take advantage of the offer of one specific manufacturer. If the selected company does not have some “interesting” function, then it cannot be supplemented with third-party devices. The same applies to applications, which are rarely universal. Even the means of wireless connection of modules varies.

For many main problem The cost of a “smart home” may become higher, but some of its elements are quite affordable.


The developers believe that the capabilities of intelligent control systems are far from exhausted and are at the initial stage of development. Despite the wide functionality, the potential of such equipment is enormous. In the future, it is planned to expand technologies and capabilities to include monitoring not only technical and engineering devices, but also the physical condition of residents. Future systems will be able to hear a person’s heart and breathing, analyze his behavior, and, if necessary, independently call an ambulance medical care or warn about a critical condition of the body.

It is generally accepted that the concept of a “Smart Home” (from the English smart house) originates in the middle of the last century, but due to the high cost of implementation similar projects are not widely used. The situation has changed radically with the development of electronics, and at present such systems, although still not being implemented everywhere, are no longer perceived as a curiosity. We propose to consider what a “Smart Home” is, its range of tasks, as well as the possibility of independently implementing such a project.

What is the Smart Home system?

This term means a software and hardware complex that allows you to automate and simplify management various systems, as well as other equipment of a house or apartment.

As an example, here are the functions that can be assigned to the “Smart house” (hereinafter SH):

Lighting system control, for example:

  • turn on the light based on a motion sensor signal;
  • imitation of the presence of the owners (lights are periodically turned on in different rooms);
  • change various options interior lighting;
  • remote control of light using a tablet or smartphone, etc.

Security system functional set option:

  • receiving SMS messages in case of activation, deactivation and operation of the system;
  • sending MMS messages from video cameras when signals are received from motion sensors;
  • the ability to view video recordings via the Internet, etc.

Climate control system:

  • maintaining the temperature at a given level, with the ability to set it remotely (for example, using a smartphone);
  • setting the maximum economy mode in the absence of owners, etc.

This is far from a complete functional set; it can be expanded depending on wishes and financial capabilities. Thanks to the development of wireless technologies, system scalability does not require overhaul.

What are the disadvantages of Smart Home:

  • Any electronics is not immune from failures or freezes. You need to be prepared for the fact that at any time you will need to reconfigure individual electronic systems and components manually;
  • Expensive. On the Russian and CIS markets, manufacturers sell systems at a minimum price of $2,000 to $5,000, depending on the “fillings” and the wishes of the customer.

How to make your home “Smart”?

Ideally, the implementation of such solutions should be carried out at the construction stage, but this option is due to various reasons not popular among developers. As a result, there are two automation options left:

  1. Contact a specialized company, where, based on the customer’s specifications, a project will be drawn up with its subsequent implementation. The minimum cost of such a solution varies, as mentioned above, in the range of $2000-$5000, the maximum depends on the functional set and the equipment used.
  2. Independently develop and implement the Smart Home system.

In the first case, the customer receives ready-made solution, Full construction. In the second, the cost of implementation can be significantly reduced, if not by an order of magnitude, then several times, especially if you use the Arduino platform for this purpose (we will talk about it a little below). We must warn you that programming skills will be required to implement the project, but the developers have tried to simplify this task as much as possible.

Briefly about the platform

The basis of the platform is a board with a microcontroller (hereinafter referred to as MK) and an electronic body kit for it. There are many different sensors and expansion cards available for the controller with various functions.


  1. Port for flashing (standard USB).
  2. Hard reset button.
  3. Reference voltage signal.
  4. Contacts for digital signals.
  5. TX signal.
  6. RX signal.
  7. Port for connecting an external programmer.
  8. Contacts for analog signals.
  9. Connecting external power.
  10. +5 V.
  11. +3.3 V.
  12. Reset signal.
  13. Connector for power supply.
  14. Microcontroller.

The peculiarity of the platform is that the process of programming the MK is simplified as much as possible. Firmware using the built-in bootloader program via the one on the board USB port. In case of accidental “overwriting” of this program, it is possible to flash it using standard programmers.

For programming, a free shell (Arduino IDE) is used, compatible with the most common operating systems (Windows, Linux, Mac OS). This shell includes a text editor for writing programs, a compiler and libraries. A simplified version of C++ is used as the basic programming language. More complete information about MK programming can be obtained on the developer’s website and thematic forums. In these same sources you can learn everything about visualization of system management.

Arduino programming shell

The estimated cost of the original base module is $30–$50 (depending on the modification), Chinese analogues are $10–$16.

Examples of expansion cards and sensors

Let's give short description shields that may be needed when developing your own SH project.

Module for connection to local network or the Internet using the standard TCP/IP protocol. The main element is the ENC28J60 controller. This device allows you to organize visualized system management from the website.

Connecting the network module to Arduino

The GPRS/GSM SIM900 module allows you to manage the system using data exchange through the network of any mobile operator. A standard SIM card is used to connect to the network. It is possible to send SMS and MMS messages; the module library supports other functions.

Electromechanical relay 10 A 250 V, can be used to control lighting or other related loads. When the power is connected, the red LED turns on; if the relay is activated, the green indicator additionally lights up. The signal can be supplied from any digital output of the MK.

Unfortunately, when maximum load or close to it for electromechanical relays, after a few weeks of operation the contacts may begin to stick, so they are not suitable for controlling the operation of electric heating system boilers. But don’t be upset, you can find modules for the Arduino platform for all occasions; in this situation, you can solve the problem using a solid-state relay, for example SSR-25DA.


  1. GND on base board.
  2. To digital output, e.g. D
  3. Power supply: 220 V.
  4. Load connection.

Please note that this module is implemented on a triac, and for its stable operation it requires heat removal, so we recommend purchasing a standard radiator along with the module.


Now let's look at several types of sensors that can also be useful for the project, starting with the HC-SR501 IR motion detector.


  1. Power supply from a source in the range of 5-12 V (can be connected to +5 V on the controller board).
  2. Signal coming from the sensor (connects to any digital input of the MK)
  3. GND is connected to the corresponding pin on the base board.
  4. Delay time (holding a logical one at the output) – from 5 to 300 sec.
  5. Sensor sensitivity (can be set from 3 to 7 meters).
  6. Switch to “H” mode (with a series of operations, a logical unit is set).
  7. Setting the “L” mode (when activated, a single pulse is sent).

No less useful is the DS18B20 digital temperature sensor (manufactured in sealed and regular versions). Their peculiarity is that the devices do not require calibration and each of them has its own unique identifier. That is, the sensor transmits temperature data and its unique number. Thanks to this, several sensors can be installed on one loop and the incoming information can be processed programmatically. The length limit for signal wires is 50 meters.

Concluding the topic of sensors, we present a module for measuring humidity; it can be used as a water leakage indicator or for organizing watering of indoor or greenhouse plants.


  1. Digital output, connects to any corresponding connector on the MK base board. Signals about humidity corresponding to the response threshold.
  2. Analogue output informs about the current humidity.
  3. Power supply +5 V.
  4. Sensitivity threshold control.

We have provided only three typical sensors compatible with the platform; in fact, there are many more. You can get acquainted with the variety of these products on the manufacturers' websites.

Having finished with the review of the equipment, let's move on to designing a control and automation system; we need to start by stating the problem.

Definition of initial conditions

First of all, it is necessary to decide on the statement of the problem, that is, on the functionality of the system. Let's say we have studio apartment, which can be divided into the following zones:

  • Tambour.
  • Hallway.
  • Toilet combined with bathroom.
  • Kitchen.
  • Living room.

Task: to automate the control of lighting, boiler and ventilation system.

Let's set tasks for each of the zones.


IN in this case You can automatically turn on the light when you approach front door. That is, you will need a motion sensor. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the level of illumination; accordingly, the automation should operate only in dark time days. To do this, you will need a GY302 sensor or a similar one (we did not include it in the review, but finding a description will not be a problem). Turning the light bulb on and off (after the time specified in the program) can be entrusted to a low-power solid-state relay, for example G3MB-202P , designed for a load current of 2 A.


Lighting control in this area can be organized according to the same principle as in the vestibule. You can add the light to turn on when you open the front door. A standard door reed switch is suitable as a sensor.

Toilet and bathroom

The turning on of the boiler can be associated with the presence of owners in the apartment. If no one is present, the automation forcibly turns off the water heater using the SSR-25DA module. There is no point in monitoring the heating temperature, since these devices turn off automatically when a specified threshold is reached. Lights and hoods should turn on automatically when a person enters the area, and turn off after a certain time if no movement is detected.

Kitchen automation

The lighting control of this zone can be left manual, but it can be duplicated with automatic control that turns off the light if no movement is detected long time. When working electrically or gas stove The hood should turn on and off some time after cooking. You can control the operation of the hood using a temperature sensor, which detects the increase in temperature when the stove is turned on.

Living room

In this room, it is better to control the lighting manually, but you can implement the ability to automatically turn off the light when there is a sufficient level of illumination.

The given example is rather arbitrary, since everyone develops the algorithm for the operation of a Smart Home depending on personal preferences.

Features of thermoregulation

In conclusion, we will give some recommendations for heating control. The greater inertia of this system should be taken into account. There is a high probability that control by simply turning the heating on and off, in accordance with the specified temperature range, can create quite uncomfortable conditions. In this case, you should use the PID regulation algorithm; a library with its implementation for Arduino is available on the Internet.

Without going into details, we can describe the operation of this algorithm as follows:

  • An analysis is made between the required and current temperature in the room, and based on the result, a certain power of the heating system is set.
  • Constant heat losses are taken into account. They may depend on the outside temperature or other factors. Therefore, when the set temperature is reached, the heating is not turned off completely, but is reduced to the level necessary to compensate for heat loss.
  • The last factor influencing the operation of the algorithm takes into account the inertia of the heating system, which does not allow the temperature to go beyond the set range.