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Installation of roof eaves. How to make a house roof cornice - design, installation

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Competent filing of the roof eaves - choice of 3 options and step by step guide

The facade of the house will never look finished and neat if the roof overhangs are not trimmed. Now there are different variants development of this sector. Based on the extensive experience of the practitioner, I have chosen the 3 most popular types of cornice cladding and then you will find out why most owners prefer them, and at the same time we will step by step analyze the installation process with our own hands.

Why hem the cornice?

The aesthetic component of the cladding is, of course, important, but in addition to it, eaves overhangs also perform an important practical function:

  • In the vast majority of roofs, it is now customary to insulate, and if the roofing cake is not covered along the edge with a frontal strip, then it will remain defenseless against the vagaries of nature and will begin to actively deteriorate, especially for insulation;
  • The front plate, which covers the front plate and is also considered part of cornice structure, is the basis for the ebb system, in most cases the ebbs are attached to it, it’s easier;

  • Ventilation of the under-roof space proceeds from the bottom up; accordingly, in sloping roofs, the air enters through the eaves overhang and exits in the area of ​​the ridge. A well-designed eaves overhang plays the role of a kind of filter, preventing debris and excess moisture from entering under the roof;
  • And finally, birds, insects and other living creatures often build their homes under the roof, and by covering the overhangs, you extend the life of your roof.

What is the difference between a gable overhang and a cornice overhang?

Such structures are divided into pediment and cornice. Each of these overhangs performs its own function:

  • Cornice are called horizontal overhangs that originate from the lower section of the roof. Their arrangement is considered the most important, since this is where the air comes in to provide under-roof ventilation;
  • Gable overhang- this is the lower inclined sector roofing pie, bordering the gable of the house. It does not take part in ventilation and the sheathing is needed here only for beauty and to protect the insulation from living creatures.

Pediment overhangs can only be in those roofing structures, where there is an inclined cut of the roof plane, for example, gable roofs. Hip, hip and other closed rafter systems have only eaves overhangs.

Three options for finishing materials

In reality, there are many more such options; we took only the most popular ones, plus even in popular destinations There are differences between models and types.

Option No. 1: wooden overhangs

Until recently, wood was the most common material. beauty natural wood is indisputable and the sheathing is installed quite easily. The only downside is the need for good wood impregnation. The line includes lining, as well as hemmed and edged boards.

Illustrations Recommendations


The main advantage of such planks is the convenient tongue-and-groove connection. There is a tenon on one end and a groove on the other. Thus, the cornice finished wooden clapboard, there will be no cracks or gaps.

Hemming board.

This board has a peculiar shape, its ends are beveled at an angle, which allows you to equip the surface without visible cracks.

In eaves overhangs, the good thing about hemming boards is that you can leave small ventilation gaps between the slats that will not be visible.

Edged board.

This is the simplest option. Edged board You can stuff it flat with small ventilation gaps between the slats, but it won’t be very nice.

Or sew up the cornice with a herringbone pattern, as in the photo on the left, although in this option you will have to leave special gaps for ventilation.

Option No. 2: soffits or siding for eaves

Covering eaves with siding is now breaking all records of popularity. To be precise, eaves siding is usually called soffits. Such planks differ from conventional siding by the presence of ventilation meshes or grilles. Otherwise, both the material and the installation of soffits are similar to the arrangement of siding.

Illustrations Recommendations

Copper soffit.

Copper soffit with correct installation will last longer than the roof itself. Copper does not need to be painted or impregnated with anything, it is good as is. The only problem is that copper soffits are very expensive.


Aluminum soffits are just as durable as copper ones. Plus, these planks are powder painted, which means the color can be matched to any façade. True, the price of aluminum soffits is not much lower than copper ones.

Cink Steel.

The price here is average, plus galvanized soffits are also painted and if they are not scratched, they will last a long time.


Vinyl soffits can be called the best option. They are light, not afraid of moisture and the most affordable. The main thing is not to buy cheap models, as they change color over time.

Option No. 3: profiled sheet

Finishing with corrugated sheets is not much different from covering eaves with soffits; they are even visually similar. Moreover, the corrugated sheet is made from the same galvanized and painted metal as steel soffits. Only the dimensions of these sheets are much larger and there are no ventilation meshes on them. They will have to be arranged separately.

Overhang installation technique

Installation of overhangs is carried out after the roofing pie is completely arranged. It is desirable that the wall decoration is also finished, but this requirement is not necessary.

Types of structures

Sheathing of overhangs can be carried out in 3 options:

  1. Under the rafters;
  2. Using hanging fillies;
  3. Tied to the wall.
Illustrations Recommendations

Sheathing parallel to the roof.

Roofs with a small angle of inclination, usually up to 30º, are covered under the rafters. Fewer calculations and measurements will be required here, but it is important that all rafter legs are of the same thickness and located on the same plane.

Hanging fillies.

Box designs are more common. According to the rules, it is necessary to equip the fillies as in the diagram on the left and attach the lining to them.

Snap to the wall.

This installation is much simpler than the previous one, but it is impossible to sheathe overhangs using this scheme wooden houses, since during shrinkage they may warp or even collapse.

Installation of end and front boards

  • Installation should begin with trimming to level rafter legs and under-roof sheathing strips. To do this, a cord is stretched between the extreme points and everything is trimmed along it;
  • The end board is nailed along the sloping edge of the roof. It will become a limiter for installation gable overhang;
  • Under the front board, the edges of the rafter legs must be cut strictly vertically, but before installing it, first a strapping or hemming board is nailed and only then the front board is attached to it;
  • The dimensions of the hem board should be about 20x150 mm. The end and front boards are taken thicker, from 30 mm.

Arrangement of spotlights

It doesn’t matter what material the soffits are made of, their installation technology is the same. From the material we will need a J-chamfer, a J-profile, a finishing profile and the soffits themselves.

There are 3 schemes for arranging a cornice with soffits, we will take 1, since it is cheaper.

Illustrations Recommendations


We measure the J-profile. Outdoor and inner corner V gable roof are the same, in other roof structures they need to be measured separately.


Soffits and profiles are easier to cut with a grinder.

Fastening profiles.

The profiles are fastened with self-tapping screws with a wide head. Self-tapping screws are driven into the center of the mounting hole.

There should be a gap of 1 mm between the screw head and the profile for free movement during temperature fluctuations of the material.

Calculation of spotlights.

The strip is measured and cut 6 mm shorter than the distance between the grooves of the profiles.

If you are dealing with plastic soffits and work in winter, then the tolerance should be about 10 mm.

We insert soffits.

Finishing of the frontal board.

Here everything is done in the same way: J-profiles are attached to both sides of the board, after which the planks are cut to tolerance and attached to the front board.

Gable overhang.

IN in this case Installation of the gable overhang is done in the same way. The only difference is that it is not necessary to install soffits with mesh for ventilation on the gable; here you can use regular siding.


The described technique for arranging overhangs with soffits is considered the most complex. The video in this article has more simple options finishing. If you have any questions, write in the comments, I will try to help.

October 16, 2017

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If you are interested in lining your roof eaves, the options we intend to offer you may come in handy. This The final stage construction of any roof, after the roof has been completely sheathed. Unfortunately, at this stage, many people make mistakes that lead to technical problems with the roof and lead to improper drainage of rain and snow masses. So, how to hem the cornice?

Highlights of this process

Sheathing the eaves of a roof with eaves serves several different functions. First of all, this is to protect the facade from damage due to precipitation and runoff from the roof. The cornice must also properly provide ventilation to the roof to prevent rotting. rafter system. But high-quality overhangs must perform another function - to give the building a finished and neat look, which is impossible without a high-quality cornice.

This work, of course, cannot cover everything existing types cornices and the materials used for their manufacture, so we will focus on several basic options so that you know what and how to make a roof lining. In particular, these will be such popular materials in private homes as corrugated board, wooden lining and soffit. They answer everyone technical requirements, which are necessary for the roof lining to be successful. At the same time, the price makes these materials accessible to a wide range of citizens. That is why we decided to focus on them.

Step-by-step scheme of work

The first thing we will dwell on in detail is correct device roof eaves, which will be disassembled into its main elements. In such a matter as filing roof overhangs, it is the elements that will be discussed further that should be given the main attention if you do not want urgent repairs to be required in a year or even a few months.

So what is this eaves overhang and why do you even need roof overhangs for a private home? The cornice is the part of the rafters that protrudes beyond the front of the house. This is the part of the roof that hangs outwards, hence the name.

There are two main types of eaves overhang: simple and with extension. We recommend using the first one, as it is not so complicated to set up and will not create problems in the future. In strong winds, there is no hum or other sounds, which is often the problem with the remote version.

The first main element we will focus on is the roof overhang assembly. We will not give here detailed drawing, you can easily find it on the Internet. But we will indicate its main parts, which you cannot do without. First of all, this is, of course, a drain. What it serves, in general, is clear - in the rain and when the snow melts, water will flow down its gutter. This way it will not blur the walls of the house. It is advisable that the gutter be directed away from the house so that the constant flow of water does not gradually erode your foundation. Therefore, we do not recommend building in the same way as private homeowners sometimes do, whose drainage goes down close to the wall of the house. You should think about this even at the stage of building the roof and installing the facade of the house.

Another important part of the assembly is a special protective sheet of metal, which should cover the frontal board behind and under the drain. No matter how ideal the latter is, some of the water will still fall on the wall in separate drops and splashes. This metal apron will help protect the wood from rotting.

The eaves overhang of the roof may have different kinds, namely frontal and lateral. Let's look at them in more detail, because without studying this issue you cannot make the roof overhang correctly. Below you can find out what advantages and disadvantages each option has.

As the name suggests, a front overhang is necessary to provide adequate protection to your home. This roof overhang also determines how attractive your home will look from the outside, so be careful with it. This cornice represents the two edges of the roof slopes. Therefore, if you have a hip type roof, also called a hip roof, it will be absent.

The ordinary overhang of the front cornice is designed quite simply. The supporting beams are brought out and fixed to the rafters. But there are still other options. For example, many, in order to save money and simplify the installation, make a cornice from lathing laid on top of a vapor barrier, directly under roofing material. The eaves board itself is already attached to this sheathing, to which, in turn, the selected roofing material will be sewn. This version of the device is also quite acceptable if for some reason it seems more convenient and simpler to you. But remember that the sheathing boards must be good wood.

But the side overhang can be seen on any type of sloping roof. How is it created? Its basis is the rafters that extend beyond the walls of the house. Each time, the distance to which they will be placed must be calculated individually during construction, based on the height of your house and how wide the blind area is. But usually it is about 50 to 70 centimeters, rarely more and almost never less.

So, now that you know how to properly make eaves for the facade and sides of the house, it’s time to move on to another important issue - creating the necessary ventilation through the eaves for the roof. Without this, your roof will not last long, rot will begin in the rafters, mold will appear in the insulation, and many others. unpleasant consequences. Rising from inside the house warm air must come out freely, otherwise condensation will begin to form.

Therefore, when installing a cornice, do not use sealants under any circumstances, and also polyurethane foam. They tightly block the movement of air, thereby creating an incorrect atmosphere inside that is harmful to materials.

But you should also know that the front overhangs must be completely closed, and only the side overhangs must be ventilated. This is due to the characteristics of air circulation.
Now let's look at the features of all the material options for covering the eaves, so that you know what you can use to line the eaves of your house. Above we have already listed the options that can be found on this moment on sale. When choosing, we recommend focusing not only and not so much on visual appeal, but on guaranteed service life, because no matter how beautiful the material is, you are unlikely to want to change it too often.

The first material you should pay attention to is corrugated board. What he really is? This is a special galvanized steel that can have different colors polymer coating. Corrugated sheets have excellent technical characteristics, resistant to mechanical damage, as well as sudden temperature changes environment. What’s also important is that corrugated sheeting copes well with even the strongest winds. But in order for there to be normal ventilation, make a gap between the corrugated sheeting and the house, which should be approximately equal to the wave height of its sheet. Sheathing cornices with such metal profiles is quite popular due to its high strength.

Over the years, another material has become increasingly popular; lining the cornice with it has many advantages. These are the spotlights. By their structure they are regular panels made of plastic. But these panels have ventilation holes already made during manufacture, which ensures excellent air circulation. What is also important is that the soffits are perfectly protected from exposure sunlight, including ultraviolet rays, making them ideal for installing the eaves of a house located in a well-lit area. That is why more and more people are deciding to hem the roof eaves with soffit.

Sheathing the cornice with wooden clapboard is a classic option. It is captivating because it is natural material, which goes well with wooden houses and creates a beautiful organic look. But you need to choose the right tree. It should not be too thin; the minimum acceptable width is about two centimeters. After all, the lining will have to provide reliable protection roof overhangs from atmospheric influences and therefore must be durable and reliable.

A good tree will be one that has average humidity - then it will last longer.

Now you know how to hem the roof eaves and with what material, and also why it is so important to create proper ventilation. Although hemming cornices is not as simple as it seems at first glance, it is quite feasible for one person. You will be able to do everything yourself if you approach the matter responsibly and seriously, having calculated everything necessary in advance.

The roof of a house is unthinkable without installing a cornice on it. Its function is protective. It prevents moisture from rain from entering the roof covering. The presence of a cornice is provided for in all types of roofs. The exception is a roof with a parapet structure. The cornice with its base is designed to cover the edges of the rafter boards. According to the instructions, it is recommended to place the rafter system half a meter further than the perimeter of the walls. The cornice successfully copes with its function and covers the rafter boards.

The pediment of the house needs special protection. And in this case, the roof eaves help. The width of the roofing (eaves) overhangs, which shelter the pediment from environmental manifestations, can have parameters of half a meter. It is important to install an eave board at the end of the roof. The lower edge of the overhang installation is sheathed protective materials. The curtain rod assembly closes wooden board(the most common method).

Note: installation of pitched and front overhangs has different way installation

Typical classification of roof eaves

The craftsmen have developed enough schemes for installing cornices. Consequently, many types of roof overhangs are considered:

  1. Unlined cornices are cornices used when installing a hip (hippable) roof of a building. Their use was also observed in the arrangement of single- and double-slope pitched roof.
  2. Hemmed - widespread in gable and hip roofs.
  3. Box type cornices - has non-standard use. Used during installation pitched roofs and broken roof pattern.

4. Shortened roofing unit(a striking example is Danish roofing). We use it for all of the above types of roofs.

Roof cornice: considering other types

The overhang unit has a specific character. Its type is used according to climatic conditions terrain. There are several types:

  1. Flush cornice overhang

Its arrangement occurs in the absence of a protruding rafter system. In this case, the rafter board is secured with a drain structure located parallel to the surface of the ground. Such an installation will protect the gable part from precipitation. An additional advantage will be the possibility of installing gutters to ensure the removal of accumulated water.

Negative characteristics of the flush cornice assembly:

Openness of the upper edge of the wall, the possibility of moisture getting on it;

Insufficient knot length (half a meter).

Compensation for the lack of rafter projections - fillies (trimmings are used wooden beam, they are attached to the rafters and then the cornice system is screwed to them).

  1. Open cornice assembly

It is created by protruding rafter installation gable roof beyond the gable line. The gutter structure is fastened to the side of the rafter boards.

Open cornice assembly in its own way functional qualities used for broken type roofing.

  1. Closed overhang assembly

They are created by closing the rafters that extend beyond the gable. The groove technology is used from the inside. The components of the cornice trim are attached to it.

It is important to note: the pediment assembly can be mounted beyond the perimeter of the walls. The selected option shows the preferences of the home owner and the recommendations of a specialist. Any choice involves covering the unprotected surface of the eaves overhang.

What material should I use for the roof eaves?

Consider the list necessary materials, often used for covering the cornice assembly:

  • Board (preferably pine needles);

  • Galvanized steel sheets;

  • Aluminum sheets;

It is important to note: the wooden base chosen is moisture-resistant, capable of not collapsing under the influence of external factors. Pre-treated with a moisture-protective agent (based on paint, varnish). Thickness wooden material- on average 0.2 centimeters. The thickness of the steel layers is 0.08 centimeters. They must be opened with paint. The parameters of aluminum raw materials are thickness 0.6 centimeters, width 30 centimeters.

Tools used:

  1. Level
  2. Hammer
  3. Yardstick
  4. Electric screwdriver
  5. Angle measuring tape
  6. Length marker
  7. Auxiliary fastening parts.

For more detailed information, we suggest watching the video in the next tab.

After installing the roof, it is necessary to carry out work on its cladding. The binder will perform three functions at once:

  • it will give the house a finished look;
  • will provide roof ventilation;
  • will protect the facade.

Today we will talk abouthow to hem a roof eavesand what should be used for this.

A cornice refers to rafters that protrude beyond the boundaries of the building's façade. This cornice is:

  • frontal;
  • lateral.

Let's look at each of them.

The main function of the front overhang is to protect the facade. Essentially these are the side edges of the roof slopes, therefore, hip roof, having 4 slopes, there are no such edges.

If we're talking about Ogable roof(and in most houses this is exactly the case), then the supporting beams installed on the rafters are released outside. You can also often see an overhang of sheathing boards laid under the roof on top of a vapor barrier. The main cornice board is attached to them, which is subsequently sheathed (more on this later).

Side overhang

Every sloping type roof has such an overhang. It is created by rafters extending beyond the walls of the building. The length of the projection depends on the blind area and the height of the building, but in most cases it ranges from 60 to 70 cm.

Despite the norms, sometimes narrower cornices are found. This can be fixed in two ways:

  • reliably protect the wall from the wind, since in slanting rain it will get very wet;
  • installing fillies to increase the length of the rafters is a more labor-intensive procedure that few people want to perform (after all, you will have to open the roof that has already been made).

That's why the required length of the cornice should be considered at the design stage.

Along the entire cornice, the rafters are fastened with boards - in the future they need to be covered with facing material.

As already stated, cornices protect the roof and façade of the building from precipitation. But at the same time they should not become an obstacle natural ventilation spaces under the roof. And this applies not only to attics, but also to ordinary “cold” roofs.

The heated air, rising from below, must freely overcome the eaves, pass between the roof and the vapor barrier and exit through the ridge. That is why When installing the overhang, do not use foam or sealant, otherwise condensation will occur and, as a result, the insulation will get wet.

Note! Only the side cornices should be ventilated, while the front ones must be sealed tightly.

About the choice of materials for the overhang

Today there are quite a lot of materials for cornices, each with its own pros and cons. Nevertheless, they all very effectively provide ventilation and protect the roof from moisture. When choosing one or another of the materials, pay attention not only to its appearance, but also for the service life.

This material is galvanized steel coated with polymer spraying. Corrugated sheeting is resistant to heavy loads, temperature changes, and has suitable rigidity. Between the layer of corrugated sheeting and the surface of the wall, you need to leave a gap that would be equal to the height of the waves of the material.

A more popular material used in the construction of roof eaves, which is nothing more than siding, but with ventilation holes. Another difference between the material is the use of specialultraviolet stabilizers, protecting the cornice from harmful effects sun rays.

Soffits are divided into several types depending on the material used in manufacturing.

  1. Characteristic feature copper soffits is durability and presentability, but at the same time high cost. Such soffits are very durable and non-flammable.

  2. They cost less, which is why they are more popular when filing overhangs. They are light in weight and have a pleasant appearance, yet they effectively protect the roof from moisture. The installation procedure is quite simple. The result is a seamless fabric that provides good ventilation. Today there are several types of vinyl soffits -solid three stripes, perforated and perforated three stripes.

  3. Galvanized soffitsgood because they don't require ongoing care behind you. They are characterized by strength, fire and moisture resistance. The only disadvantage can be considered heavy weight, which is why the installation procedure can be quite labor-intensive.

  4. They are lightweight and elastic; if necessary, they can be easily repaired. In addition, the paint that is applied to the aluminum surface is very durable, which is why the color does not fade even with prolonged exposure to sunlight. The only disadvantage of aluminum soffits is the undiversified palette, consisting only ofbrown or white.

No matter what new materials appear, and even today, overhangs made ofreal wood. In this case, you need to select the material very carefully, because the cornice will be located on the street and, therefore, exposed to aggressive environmental influences. There is no need to save money and buy thinner lining - try to keep the thickness of the material at least 2 centimeters. The humidity of the lining should be at an average level.

Note! A lining that is too wet is absolutely not suitable, because it will definitely “lead”.

The boards need to be nailed two centimeters from the wall to ensure good ventilation.

You can hem the overhang using one of two available methods:

  • along the rafters;
  • on a wooden box.

Overhang on raftersSuitable only for roofs with a slight slope. This method is complicated in that as a result the edges of the rafters should form flat plane. This is not always possible, so the only solution may be small planks, length from the edge of the canopy to the wall, attached to the rafters. To nail them evenly, you first need to pull the twine and align it. For fastening useiron corners or screws.

Cornice on a wooden boxPerfect for roofs with a significant slope. To construct this box, you need to take a 40 mm thick board and secure it between the rafters and the wall surface. If one edge of the board is attached to the rafter leg, then you will need additional installation second board, vertical.

The box is finished, now you can start attaching the sheathing.

Note! The sheathing should be secured with screws, but not nails - this will provide the necessary rigidity.

The installation procedure consists of the following steps.

First stage . It is necessary to equip the soffits with a pair of special strips in the form Latin letters F and L. The first needs to be fixed on the side of the cornice, the second - on a special rail attached to the wall. All fastenings are made using self-tapping screws. It is advisable to pre-mark everything so that the planks lie evenly.

Second phase . Then you need to measure the cornice and subtract 6 millimeters from the resulting figure - this will allow you to create a gap to compensate for thermal expansion. Next, you need to cut the soffits into strips of the required length.

Third stage . The soffits need to be slightly bent and inserted into the installed profiles. Self-tapping screws are also used to secure them.

What you need to know when installing soffits

  1. It is not advisable to carry out workat temperatures below 15°C,let the manufacturers talk about the possibility of installation even in winter.
  2. Soffits need to be installed only at an angle of 90°C.
  3. Soffits should only be stored on flat surface, in stacks of 15-20 pieces.
  4. You should always leave the gap mentioned above.
  5. To cut soffits, you need to use a “circular saw” with reverse teeth (you can also use special metal scissors).
  6. The length of the screws must be at least 3 millimeters.
  7. The step between the fasteners should be a maximum of 40 centimeters.

Corrugated sheeting technology

First stage . First, a block should be nailed to the wall in a horizontal position, strictly at the level of the overhang. In parallel, a second block is attached at the same level, this time along the rafters.

Second phase . Then you need to cut strips of corrugated board (not forgetting about the same thermal expansion) and attach them with self-tapping screws to the bars.

Third stage . The joints are decorated with strips of the outer and inner corners.

Actually, the installation of corrugated board is completed.

Clapboard hemming technology

It is advisable to carry out this procedure from below, using a stepladder or scaffolding.

Note! The cornice can be hemmed only after completion of external insulation, installation of moisture insulation and cladding.

First you need to check if all the rafters are the same length and if they are installed parallel to the wall. Then you need to attach the wind boards to them and only then proceed with installation.

First stage . Screw the board to the wall in a vertical position. The bottom edge of the board should be flush with the rafters.

Second phase . Secure the next board between the previous one and the rafters, aligning along the bottom edge. The result will be a base - and you need to install the sheathing on it.

Third stage . The frame is covered with boards. Traditionally, a slight gap should be left between them and the surface. The boards should be smooth, approximately 20 millimeters thick.

Note! To ensure ventilation, it is advisable to install special grilles every one and a half meters.

Although it is worth noting: few builders do this, relying on the fact that wood has the ability to “breathe”.


As a result, I would like to note that upon completion of installation, the installed material must be treated with an antiseptic agent - it will additional protection for him. If you follow all the selection and installation instructions given here, the cornice will last a long time and look great.

Video - Lining the roof with soffit