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Poisonous plant Peter's cross: indications and contraindications for humans. Peter's cross - a story from life

Peter's cross or Lathraea V currently belongs to plants from the Broomaceae family. Until recently, this dicotyledon was included in the list of Norichnikovs. Most often this amazing plant chooses shady places for life in European forests and in the Caucasus. The typical habitat is represented by broad-leaved and spruce-broad-leaved forests. Single plants can be observed in temperate forests.

Plant species

Several species of the plant described in the article have become widely known and widespread:

  • secretive or Lathraea clandestina;

The height of the stem, covered with fleshy modified leaves, ranges from fifteen to thirty centimeters. It is common for the root system to attach to the root system of another tree or bush.

Root system The plant is attached by suction cups to the root system of the tree, due to which this grass sometimes stretches over considerable distances. The plant has racemose inflorescences, and the color of the flowers varies depending on the species.

First stage The development of king grass takes place in the underground layers. The main growing season occurs in spring, when the grass enters the phase of active sap flow.

The stem of the plant is also very interesting. It is covered with white scales that have peculiar cavities that come out through a narrow slit and slightly resemble glands carnivorous plants. It was this feature that allowed Peter’s Cross to be classified for some time as predator plants. Today, the grass has “rehabilitated” its good name, and the scales are credited with the property of evaporating moisture released through the glands.

Growing a plant

The grass of the plant is noticeable only in spring period, and the seeds can quickly ripen and scatter. It is almost impossible to grow such a plant on the site, and in natural conditions Peter's cross is one of the rather rare and endangered species of medicinal plants.

Medicinal properties

For medicinal use, it is necessary to harvest plant materials during the flowering period. The entire herb can be used.

  • Peter's cross is widely used to treat diseases of the liver, gall bladder, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, as well as gynecological diseases.
  • The plant allows you to regulate the ovulation of the egg, and also stimulates its fertilization and normalizes the muscle tone of the uterus. Due to these properties, the medicinal plant is used to treat infertility.
  • Tsar grass has proven itself well in the treatment of ascites and cirrhosis of the liver. In addition, it has the ability to remove excess fluid from the body, as well as stimulate the activity of the heart, kidneys and liver.
  • Antitumor properties of the plant have been noted due to a large number alkylating substances.

Use of a medicinal plant

The most common recipe for various decoctions from the herb is Peter's Cross. For a properly prepared decoction, crushed roots of this medicinal plant.

  • One tablespoon of plant material is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  • The infusion must be covered with a lid and brewed over low heat for twenty minutes.
  • Then the finished broth is cooled to room temperature and filter.
  • This decoction should be taken twice a day, half a glass.

No less effective is the tincture of Peter's Cross, which, thanks to its fairly easy production method, is especially popular and in demand.

  • For cooking you will need fresh medicinal plant, the crushed roots of which must be filled more than half the glass container. The crushed raw materials are filled with 60% alcohol.
  • The resulting herbal-alcohol mixture is infused in a dark and cool place for at least three weeks.
  • The container must be shaken daily to obtain an even distribution of the plant.
  • The resulting tincture is used half an hour before meals. Before use, thirty drops of tincture should be diluted in fifty milliliters of water.

Flowering plant Peter's cross (video)

The most effective herb is the Peter's Cross plant in combination with aconite, hemlock, lumbago and Pallas's spurge, which have excellent medicinal properties.

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For some, the time of sowing seeds for seedlings is a long-awaited and pleasant chores, for some it is a difficult necessity, while others are thinking about whether it would be easier to buy ready-made seedlings on the market or from friends? Be that as it may, even if you gave up growing vegetable crops, for sure, you will still have to sow something. These are flowers and perennials, conifers and much more. A seedling is still a seedling, no matter what you sow.

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It also has other names - scalefish, hiding place, king grass. Its rhizome forms a cross shape, growing in different directions, hence the name.

Flowering shoots are very unusual and suddenly appear from the ground in April-May. At this time you rarely see people - after all, there are no berries or nuts yet. Sap flow begins in the trees, here Peter's cross and blossoms. By the way, the plant blooms no earlier than 10-14 years of its stay underground. It grows up to 30 cm in height.

Behind Peter's Cross The fame of a plant that hides from people has strengthened, because its bulk, hidden underground, sometimes reaches five kilograms. Leaves in the usual sense of the word in a plant Peter's cross absent: instead there are slightly pinkish scales. The plant is completely devoid of chlorophyll. Modified leaves - colorless scales cover the surface of the rhizome - and all this is hidden underground.

All these features gave rise to people’s belief that the hermit plant has magical properties and helps to find treasures, protecting them from evil spirits. “Informed” experts were sure that only hands can dig up a plant, but under no circumstances should iron objects be used. It was also believed that the plant brings good luck and is a kind of “amulet”.

Only during flowering Peter's Cross it is necessary to appear on the surface of the earth in order to cross-pollinate its flowers with the help of insects or wind and then scatter the resulting very small seeds throughout the world. After fruiting, its above-ground shoots die off, and the dungeon dweller returns to his abode.

Another legend, recently attributed to Peter's Cross. It was believed that some insects, once in the cavities of its leaves, were digested, providing the plant with additional nitrogen. In fact, it turned out that the decomposition of insects is carried out not by the plant, but by soil bacteria.

It is not surprising that the plant’s unusual lifestyle Peter's cross contributed to the emergence of all kinds of legends and fables.

Turns out, Peter's cross has healing properties. Diseases of the liver, kidneys, thyroid gland, dropsy, gynecological diseases, tumors - these are the most basic problems that are dealt with Peter's cross. Nutrient juices of host plants are transformed in the rhizomes of the plant into healing substances, you just need to know how to use them correctly. When preparing preparations from this plant, consultation with knowledgeable herbalists and, of course, consultation with a doctor is necessary.

Here's what miracle - plants found in our forests.

Knowledge is a power that opens our eyes to many things. mysteries of Nature.

All parts of the herb have medicinal value, but are especially popular in folk medicine acquired a cruciform root, thanks to which it got its name.

Peter's Cross is actually capable of giving hope to patients with diseases that cannot be treated modern methods. Over the years, remedies based on the root of this plant have helped overcome infertility and contributed to sustained remission in people with cancer.

Indications for use

Tinctures and decoctions from the dried root of the plant are recommended for:

  1. Oncological diseases at any stage. The effectiveness of therapy increases significantly with the simultaneous use of hemlock, aconite, Pallas's milkweed, footsteps, and purple sedum.
  2. Diseases of the liver and gall bladder:
    • hepatitis,
    • cirrhosis and liver cancer,
    • accumulation of excess fluid (dropsy, ascites, swelling),
    • damage to the gallbladder and ducts.
  3. Gynecological diseases:
    • cyst,
    • malignant tumors of the uterus and ovaries,
    • infertility (impaired process of egg fertilization).
  4. Dysfunctions of the genitourinary system in men:
    • BPH,
    • prostatitis.

With a course of taking the root, an improvement in the condition of the musculoskeletal system is observed, and bone fluid is restored. Petrov root will be especially useful for patients suffering from chronic diseases kidneys (failure, glomerulonephritis).

Beneficial features

The root of Peter's cross is valued for its ability to:

  • Destroy cancer cells. The alkylating substances it contains slow down tumor growth and metastasis. In combination with other anticancer drugs, it can cause long-term remission.
  • Prevent the transformation of neoplasms into a malignant form.
  • Activate diuresis and bile movement, eliminating swelling and stagnation.
  • Have a hepatoprotective effect. Even with active destruction of liver cells, the root promotes tissue restoration.
  • Normalize the functioning of the reproductive system in men and women, increase the likelihood of conception.


Raw materials for cooking medicines sold in sealed packaging. One-component composition: 100% dried and crushed roots of Peter's Cross.

Mode of application

Alcohol tincture of the root of Peter's cross allows you to preserve the healing properties of the plant for a long time, so many patients choose this form of administration. If there are restrictions on the use of alcohol-containing compounds, then it is better to use decoction.

Alcohol tincture

Add 50 g of dry crushed roots to 500 ml of vodka or alcohol diluted to 40%. Leave in a cool, dark place for 30 days. Strain and take 15-20 drops 2 or 3 times a day before meals, stirring in 50 ml clean water. The tincture can also be used to wet compresses or rub into the skin no more than twice a day.


Add 1 tbsp to boiling water (250 ml). dried root of Peter's cross and maintain a boil in a closed container for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and let it cool. The course of admission is limited to 1 month. During this period, take half a glass twice a day.


The root should not be used:

  • during pregnancy,
  • children under 8 years old,
  • in case of manifestations of an allergic reaction.

Peter's Cross in the online store “Russian Roots”

You can buy dried and crushed root of Peter’s Cross and other medicinal plants in one of their herbal pharmacies “Russian Roots” or on the website of the online store of the same name. Postal delivery is carried out even to the most remote regions of the country, and courier services are available for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

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Peter's cross - unusual plant, known among the people under many names: king grass, broomrape, dodder, boletus, and so on. Due to the fact that modern pharmacology does not use it as a medicinal material, the exact composition of the herb has not yet been studied. But traditional medicine attributes many healing properties and is successfully used to treat a number of diseases. Peter's cross grows in a temperate climate zone.

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    The plant can reach 25–30 cm in height. Its stem is densely strewn with fleshy hollow scales, which are modified chlorophyll-free pale leaves. The flowers, the shade of which varies from pale pink to deep purple, are collected in inflorescences and form a thick spike-shaped raceme.

    Attaching Peter's cross to the roots of a tree or bush

    The grass spends most of its life underground. It begins to appear on the surface only in the 10th year life cycle for the purpose of reproduction and for no longer than two months. During this short period of time, the Peter's cross blooms, waits for pollination and ripens. Young shoots dry out after several hundred small seeds fall from the fruit to the ground. The next appearance of the plant above the ground will occur no earlier than in 10 months.

    The root of Peter's cross often branches at right angles, thereby resembling a cross. Due to the structural features of the rhizome, the grass received its Russian-language name.

    Beneficial features

    The medicinal properties of this plant, like its chemical composition, have not been sufficiently studied. No formal clinical trials have been carried out, even on animals. But despite this, traditional medicine has found wide application for it. It is believed that Peter’s cross affects the human body in the following way:

    • Due to the alkylating substances contained in the composition, the herb is endowed with cytostatic properties, which makes it possible to use it to combat oncology. The plant is used as an antitumor agent in the treatment of liver, ovarian and uterine cancer.
    • The choleretic property of Peter's cross makes it an effective medicinal component for diseases of the gallbladder and ducts.
    • The herb effectively removes excess fluid from the body, which is actively used by people for ascites, edema and dropsy.
    • In folk medicine, plant-based remedies are taken for liver ailments such as hepatosis, cirrhosis and hepatitis.
    • Peter's Cross can also cope with diseases reproductive system. For women, it will help with infertility, uterine fibroids, and also improve its tone. For men, the herb is indicated for prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

    But before using alternative medicine recipes, it would be prudent to consult a doctor. The specialist will answer the person’s questions and discuss the need to use products from the plant in each particular case.

    Recipes and Applications

    The dried plant can be purchased at the pharmacy

    In the description of popular recipes, the root part of Peter's cross is used in both fresh and dry form. The latter can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. When preparing the ingredient yourself, it should be collected in the spring during the flowering period. The roots are carefully dug up, being careful not to damage them. The plant is cleared of soil and dried in a well-ventilated area.

    The finished raw materials should be stored protected from sun rays place. It is customary to make a decoction from the herb and alcohol tinctures. To enhance medicinal properties plants can be added to recipes with additional ingredients: spurge, hemlock or aconite.

    Decoction of Peter's Cross

    A drink created according to this recipe will help cope with ailments for people who various reasons Do not use alcohol-containing products. In addition, it does not require much time to execute.

    How to cook:

    1. 1. Pour 200 ml of boiling water into a container with 1 tablespoon of crushed plant root.
    2. 2. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.
    3. 3. The drink should be allowed to brew for 20 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth.

    It is recommended to use the finished product 100 ml twice a day. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month, after which you should definitely take a break.