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Abutilone from seeds from sowing to flowering.

Growing abutilon from seeds is absolutely not difficult; the plants sprout easily, grow well and can delight you with the first flowers within 3 months after sowing. In addition, this makes it possible to acquire an original variety by receiving seeds from a collector.

Everything you need to know about growing abutilone at home: scarification, soaking in stimulants, soil for sowing, picking, fertilizing, etc...

How a container for sowing seeds can be adapted disposable cups, small bowls, pots, cassettes for seedlings. Peat-humus tablets are often used, which are soaked before planting abutilon seeds.

Coco soil is best suited as a soil; it is loose, well permeable to air and moisture, and sterile. More best option, is to prepare the substrate yourself from sifted leaf soil, peat, coco soil and perlite.

Coco soil is sold in pressed briquettes different sizes. Before use, the briquette should be soaked in water, preferably hot. After cooling, the prepared, swollen soil should be squeezed well with your hands to remove excess moisture. Before sowing, the substrate should be slightly moist, not wet.

A few hours before sowing abutilon, the seeds should be soaked in a solution of stimulants. These may be drugs such as Epin, Zircon, Bioglobin. Stimulants must be used strictly according to the instructions; it is strictly not recommended to exceed the indicated dose, as this may inhibit germination.

You can put the seeds on a damp cotton pad or a napkin and germinate until green cotyledons appear. At further cultivation At home, such seeds grow faster.

After successful scarification and soaking of the seeds, you can begin sowing.

Fill the prepared container with coco soil or other suitable substrate and sow the seeds strictly one at a time. This will not be difficult to do, because the abutilone seeds are quite large. Now the crops need to be sprinkled with crumbly soil, about 0.5 cm, and lightly compacted. All that remains is to cover the seedlings with a transparent film and place them in a warm, bright place for further germination.

The most suitable temperature for seedlings is +25*; in such home conditions, after 3 days the first seedlings begin to turn green. In general, abutilons germinate unevenly; this period can last 1–2 months.

After more than half of the seeds have sprouted, the film must be gradually removed, accustoming the seedlings to open air. When the second pair of true leaves appears, the stronger abutilon plants need to be planted into a more nutritious substrate and a container appropriate for the root system.

As a soil for picking seedlings, you can use ready-made, universal soil mixture, it can be bought in specialized stores. The soil should be well loose, nutritious and permeable. You can add coco soil and perlite to the finished mixture for looseness.

After picking, abutilon seedlings should be watered generously and placed for several days in a place protected from direct sunlight.

Already 2 weeks after this, you can begin to gradually feed young abutilons. To do this, use a fertilizer solution for flowering indoor plants. At first, you should use a weaker solution than indicated in the instructions.

Further maintenance of grown seedlings is not at all different from the basic care of adult abutilons. They love a lot sunlight, abundant watering, constant feeding with a high content of potassium and phosphorus (during budding), once every 2 weeks.

Subject to all rules home grown, the flowering of abutilone will be abundant and bright! The flower often turns out to be very original and external signs not similar to the parent.

Abutilone from seeds at home

Passing by a house, on someone’s nondescript balcony, your eye was caught by a luxurious, emerald-colored bush with charming light orange flowers. You decided to get yourself one. Subsequently, I learned that you can grow abutilone from seeds at home.


The abutilon flower belongs to the genus Malvaceae. South American evergreen shrub, subshrub or liana inhabitant of the tropics. Most beautiful variety grows in the Hawaiian Islands, its name is Abutilon Mencies. Berthold Siemen discovered it and gave it a name in honor of the discoverer of this plant species, Archibald Mencies.

Description. Photo

Abutilon is an indoor maple, a highly branching, fast-growing shrub, its annual growth is about fifty centimeters. It can reach a height of three meters. The plant has separate, maple-like leaves. Flowers appear from the leaf axils and are located on thin peduncles. Have bright color and the size is about five centimeters. TO indoor views relate:

  1. Abutilone striped - has smooth, yellow-green variegated leaves, short shoots, yellow-golden flowers with red veins.
  2. Abutilon Darwin is a meter-high shrub, fifteen centimeter pubescent leaves, blooms from April to October with orange-red flowers with red veins.
  3. Abutilone megapotamian or Brazilian - ampelous variety, grown in hanging planters or wicker baskets.
  4. Abutilone grape-leaved - has grape-shaped leaves and flowers Pink colour, very gentle.

Features of plant care

Save the untouchables! The home maple loves to have a lot of light in the room where it grows, but does not accept direct sunlight. During the growing season, when the plant develops intensively, increased watering and frequent spraying are required.

From the fall, in October, watering is significantly reduced, preventing the earthen coma from drying out. Transfer to a cool room with a temperature of +10-15˚С.

Abutilone, a fast-growing flower, replanting must be done every year, with replacement of soil, drainage and container. In addition, from April to October the plant must be provided with all the microelements necessary for development. Feed the plant every two weeks to ensure intensive growth and abundant flowering.

House maple grows quickly; it is advisable to purchase a larger pot with drainage holes in the bottom. A drainage consisting of broken bricks, river pebbles, expanded clay, good protection for roots from excess moisture. The shrub loves loose, fertile soil, which you can easily prepare yourself. Here is its composition:

  • 30% humus and turf soil each;
  • 20% sand and peat each.

On a campaign for lands! If you don’t want to bother with preparing the substrate, you can purchase ready soil for begonias and pelargoniums.

Pay attention to the drying time of the soil; sometimes the drain hole becomes closed. In this case, just clean it.

The plant is fed twice a month with minerals and organic matter, fertilizers for indoor flowering plants such as:

  1. Bona Forte.
  2. Greenworld.
  3. POKON.
  4. The power of life.

Lighting plays important role in the life of a flower. Home maple easily takes root in any bright room, as long as there is enough space. It grows well on any window, no matter which direction it is directed. Loves bright rooms with diffused light, will also grow in partial shade.

If you want to admire the lush greenery, you can backlight it. Direct Sun rays They will burn the emerald green of the flower; you should not place your home maple tree on a south window, there is an evil sun there in the summer.

The best option for the plant is southeast and not on the windowsill, but slightly to the side. It is better, of course, to place the flower on a glassed-in loggia or balcony, if they are not on south side. It is better to place the flower somewhere quiet, in the fresh air.

Temperature is another component of shrub care. In summer it should be maintained within + 23-25˚С. With the beginning of autumn, the temperature is gradually reduced to +15-17˚С; the flower should be protected from drafts.

Bring on the beauty! It is much easier to propagate abutilon from cuttings than from seeds. For cuttings, the lower shoots are cut from the trunk. Cuttings take root in water or in a soil mixture.

The main thing is to ensure a constant temperature of +25˚C, this is important for rooting. The roots should appear within a month. Once they appear, the seedlings are planted in a permanent pot. Be sure to provide drainage when planting the plant.


Since the domestic maple grows quite intensively, it needs frequent trimming, otherwise it will look sloppy. It should be pruned in spring or autumn. If you don’t trim the plant, it will grow about one and a half meters in height.

In addition to corrective pruning, weak, leafy shoots should be removed. If you do not remove bare and weak shoots, the green hair of the tree will look sparse and unkempt.

If you wish, you can form a tree from a bush; to do this, the lower shoots are removed, only the top is left, so it will imitate the crown of a tree.

Necessary conditions for growing abutilone from seeds

There are quite a lot of varieties of homemade maple, and if you wish, you can create a multi-colored maple bouquet in one pot. All you need to do is grow several beautiful, colorful plant varieties from seeds, then place 3-4 seedlings in one pot.

Don't rush to follow the advice! They say that for abutilon you need to take a large flowerpot, but the fact is that the maple has such a property that until it entwines the entire earthen ball with roots, it will not bloom.

To begin with, plant the seedlings in a liter container and in six months your flower will be the first to bloom. Of course, you will have to replant the plant often, but it is worth it. We’ve digressed a little from the topic, but now it’s time to move on directly to the process of growing maple from seeds.

The first step is to prepare the soil or buy it. Then place a little drainage in the bottom of the pot, pour in the substrate, spray it a little with a spray bottle, and carefully scatter a small amount of seeds on top. Then sprinkle dry soil on top, the thickness of the backfill is 3-5 millimeters. The backfill should also be moistened a little.

Second step, cover the container with a transparent plastic bag or lid and place the pot in a warm +25˚C and bright place. The temperature should be constant, differences are allowed within 2-3 ˚С no more.

After about 12, maybe a little more days, the seeds should sprout. Do not remove the mini greenhouse until they straighten up, and only then, gradually, let them get used to it. environment, remove cover. This procedure will take no more than two days.

As they grow, if the seedlings have sprouted densely, you can thin them out; if you feel sorry for the sprouts, then over time, as soon as possible, maybe after 25-30 days, you should pick the sprouts.

Soil requirement

The requirements must be fulfilled! Abutilone has its own requirements for soil and this has to be taken into account. Universal soil (soil) is suitable for the base. It is necessary to add vermiculite or coarse sand and a little substrate for the cactus.

The proportions are taken approximately, the main requirement is that it is a light and loose substance that easily allows moisture and air to pass through it. You can add as much sand or vermiculite to the soil as possible, but do not overdo it.

Seed preparation

Before planting, you should purchase seeds somewhere and it would be a good idea to check them for suitability. Nowadays you can buy home maple seeds in specialized stores. Be careful when purchasing a product, look at the expiration date, since abutilon seeds from last year's harvest have already lost their germination by half.

You can sow homemade maple seeds throughout the year, but more favorable time for this purpose from February to mid-summer. After opening the bag of seeds, select the largest ones, they are more viable and resistant to diseases.

Before planting in the ground, the seeds are soaked. The seeds are placed in a linen bag and placed in a solution of any biostimulant for 12 hours. You can leave the seeds in a damp bag until the roots appear, but you must monitor the moisture content of the bag, do not over-moisten it, but also do not overdry the fabric.

Prepare in advance! Planting material planted in previously prepared containers with soil.

To do this, universal soil, sand, peat soil are mixed in equal quantities, moistened, preferably not by watering, but by spraying, and the germinated seeds are sown. Seeds are planted no deeper than 5 mm.

After planting, the container is closed with a transparent lid or cling film. Don’t forget to ventilate every day and, if necessary, additionally moisten the soil. If all recommendations are followed, the first shoots will appear in 2-3 weeks.

Picking seedlings

Abutilon seedlings are planted when the planting is thickened. It is better not to disturb small sprouts again; when diving, some of the seedlings die. It is best to transplant the young shoots immediately into a pot, to a permanent place.

Transplanting seedlings into a pot

Transplantation of seedlings to a permanent place is done when the third leaf appears. If there are no lateral shoots on the roots, pinch off the main root shaft to 1/3 of its length.

After you have transplanted the seedlings into a separate container, cover them for the first time with jars or plastic bags on frames, you can make them from flexible tree branches or buy them at a flower shop. This is done with the aim of accustoming the plant to the sun, but keep in mind that abutilon does not accept direct sunlight.

Patience always pays off! A month after transplantation, you can carry out the first fertilizing of the flower with mineral fertilizers. Seedlings grown from seeds bloom in the same year, after about six months or a little more.

Plant Formation

Your little seedling has grown significantly and has even bloomed for the first time. In most varieties, the central stem of the shoot is much better developed than the rest. So he stretches the entire plant to height. Of course, if you are planning to form a plant like a tree, then this is to your advantage. Cut off lower leaves and shoots, ennobled the top of the maple and now your pet already has the desired look.

This look is not for everyone; usually a multi-tiered structure is formed from domestic maple. Before you start creating your masterpiece, transplant the plant into a new pot, 4 centimeters larger than the previous one. Let it settle in... and get to work.

Usually the plant itself forms 2-4 tiers, so the growth of leaves can be called a stretch, but the structure is still outlined. You cut off the crown mercilessly, but away from the axillary shoot, otherwise the maple may begin to dry out. You don't need it.

Carefully trim the protruding shoots to create the desired shape. After formation, feed the plant nitrogen fertilizer, it will help stimulate growth. After some time, also fertilizers for flowering plants. Wait for the next wave of flowering, then you will see all the beauty of abutilone.

Have you learned enough about interesting plant. About how to care for it, propagate it, what this flower loves and what it hates. So try growing abutilone from tiny seeds at home.

It is believed that Abutilon comes from Brazil, which is his homeland. However, in nature it can also be found on the African continent and in India, in tropical regions and subtropical zones.


Abutilon produces many beautiful inflorescences that are shaped like a lantern or a bell. All varieties have bright colors that immediately catch the eye. The inflorescences can be different shades of red, lilac, orange, white and yellow. Many are decorated with clearly visible veins of a darker color.

At home, Abutilon is able to bloom, almost without interruption, all year long if it receives enough light.

The standard flowering period is from the second ten days of April to the end of November.

Types and varieties with photos

Abutilon Bella

Hybrid species with extended flowering period. It belongs to miniature plants, growing only 30-50 cm in height. At the same time, it is distinguished by the large size of its flowers (up to 10 cm in diameter) and its open shape, reminiscent of a wide crinoline. Different varieties have different colors. Flowers can be red, pink, yellow, burgundy with a satin surface of the petals.

Growing this species at home is very simple, since due to its small size, Abutilon fits perfectly on the windowsill. This type shown in the photo below:

Abutilon megapotamian

A relatively small species, reaching no more than 70 cm in height. It is the parent of many hybrids. It has heart-shaped leaves bright green, covered with sparse hairs. The flowers are very beautiful and bright. Their shape resembles bells with yellow and red petals; at the base the color turns black. The pestle protrudes beyond the edges, stands out well in its large size and burgundy color.

A very unpretentious species, popular among gardeners.

It blooms for a fairly long period.

See photo below:

Ropeman of Theophrastus

Annual weed inconspicuous appearance with small flowers. It has a straight, slightly branched stem and heart-shaped leaves with a sharp tip. The ground parts are covered with sparse pubescence, so they are velvety to the touch. The flowers are small, no more than 10 mm in diameter, painted in a bright yellow or reddish color.

Propagates by self-sowing. One plant can produce up to 25-28 thousand seeds.

Abutilone hybrid

Large group ornamental shrubs for home maintenance. The species includes evergreen plants of different sizes and a wide range of inflorescence colors. The leaves are large, single-colored or variegated. The flowers are drooping, funnel-shaped.

The group is very fond of light and water, like most tropical guests. You can see it clearly in the photo below:

Abutilon Sello

Another view for home breeding. Unpretentious perennial can grow more than 2 meters in height. It has large leaves reminiscent of maple and numerous bright inflorescences. This abutilon has always red flowers with pronounced burgundy veins.

Needs constant feeding and spraying, especially in the heat, which it does not tolerate well.

Its leaves immediately begin to lose turgor and hang in ugly rags.

Abutilone Darwin

Suitable for growing in greenhouses and greenhouses, as it can only grow in tropical humid climates.

It is difficult to keep at home due to its high growth (up to 3 m).

A shrub with numerous spreading branches covered with velvety large leaves of complex shape. The flowers are medium in size, grow singly in the axils, and are predominantly orange in color.

One of the parents of hybrid abutilone. The flowering period begins in April and lasts until October.

Abutilon striped (variegated)

A very decorative, variegated variety of abutilon. The leaves are dark green in color and covered with many yellow veins, which are the result of a transferred virus that gives such variegation. The flowers are yellow or pale orange, painted with red veins.

Propagation can only be done by cuttings; when using seeds, all the originality of color is lost.

Abutilone grape leaf

In adults it forms a tall and wide bush consisting of densely pubescent branches. Leaf blades large, noble green in color, consisting of several lobes and a finely toothed edge. Inflorescences uncharacteristic for abutilons lilac shades, often with pronounced veins of a darker color.

It begins to bloom a month later than other types of abutilon.

Abutilone suntense

A tall bush that can reach a height of 4 m. Due to this size, it is grown mainly in large greenhouses and winter gardens. The inflorescences are also large, about 10 cm in diameter. The color is lilac or bluish.

Home care

Growing from seeds

How to grow Abutilon from seeds at home? Overall does not represent special difficulties. It is necessary to prepare a container for planting - a wooden oblong box with drainage holes in the bottom is best. It is filled with a light, breathable substrate. You can use river sand, peat, vermiculite, moss, sawdust.

The seeds are sown evenly in the soil, covered with a layer of about 1 cm on top and thoroughly moistened.

The box should be placed in a mini-greenhouse or covered with glass; polyethylene film is also suitable. Seeds must germinate in conditions of constant humidity against a background of heat, which is why a greenhouse effect is created. Do not forget to constantly ventilate the greenhouse to avoid the formation of mold. If it does appear, fill it up wood ash. Boxes with seeds must be placed in a lighted place, for example on a windowsill.

Shoots should appear rather slowly - no earlier than 3-4 weeks after sowing. Then the greenhouse is removed, continuing to frequently water the substrate. When a pair of true leaves are formed, the abutilons are planted in individual pots. The sprouts of home maple take a long time to hatch, but then they grow very quickly. Therefore, over the summer they will have to be replanted several times in a container. bigger size.

Caring for seedlings is no different from caring for adult plants. At favorable conditions Abutilon content will bloom this year.


Optimal conditions should not exceed 25° and be less than 15°. More heat causes foliage and inflorescences to wither, reducing their turgor and decorativeness.

The cold affects it even worse - the leaves will simply fall off.

Even in winter it is not recommended to keep abutilone in the cold. Under natural conditions, it always grows in warm conditions and does not require a pronounced dormant period. Remember that a tropical guest is terrified of sudden temperature changes and drafts!


The brighter the better! Abutilon is not at all afraid of direct rays; it can be in the sun even during midday hours. In winter, it is recommended to provide additional lighting using fluorescent lamps.


With excessive humidity, as with chronic overdrying, abutilon abruptly drops all its leaves. Therefore, watering must be done thoughtfully and carefully, focusing on the condition of the soil and the plant. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, nor should water stagnate in a pot or tray. The golden mean is the best way out of the situation.

During the flowering period, it is better to increase watering slightly, and in winter, when the content is below 20°, slightly reduce it. Tap water need to be softened by boiling or settling so as not to get limescale on plant roots and soil surface.

Air humidity

Abutilon easily tolerates standard humidity, without requiring frequent spraying. They are carried out when the air becomes dry and hot. If the leaves are not moistened at this time, they will begin to curl and dry out.

Soil and replanting

It is advisable to replant every year before flowering begins. Abutilone is a fast-growing plant that requires a lot nutrients. Therefore, the land in which indoor maple grows can be completely depleted within a year, even with regular fertilizing.

In order for the soil to contribute to the normal development of abutilone, it must have such properties as fertility and looseness.

Can be mixed garden soil, sand, humus, peat, sand and perlite. Or purchase a ready-made universal substrate at any store.


In relation to abutilone, this is a very necessary procedure - after all, this tropical guest grows very quickly and loses beautiful shape. In addition, pruning branches rejuvenates the plant, increases the number of flowers in the future and provides material for propagation.

How to properly form the crown of Abutilon? It is recommended to prune before the buds appear, that is, in winter or at the very beginning of spring. How much to cut depends only on your desire. If abutilon grows very quickly, you can cut off more than half from each branch. Immediately after pruning, it would be good to apply a mineral fertilizer complex to stimulate the development and formation of buds.


Besides seed method There is also propagation by cuttings - apical and stem.

Cuttings are carried out during abutilon pruning, selecting the most suitable healthy young shoots. They are cut into pieces about 12-14 cm long, and the buds are torn off.

You can root in water or a light substrate of peat and sand. The cuttings must be placed in a small greenhouse or covered with halves of plastic bottles. After about 3-5 weeks, roots will form on the shoots, then they can be planted in normal soil.

Diseases and problems

Why do Abutilon (indoor maple) leaves turn yellow and droop? Due to the high dryness of the air. In addition, some species react this way to an abundance of sunlight.

If the leaves wilt, they signal insufficient watering.
The fading of the color while the branches are stretched is caused by a lack of lighting.

The plant drops all its leaves at once cold temperature, excess or lack of water. Only the lower leaves fall off. This means abutilone suffers from a deficiency useful elements and insufficient application of fertilizers.

Let's look at the instructions for caring for a houseplant with Abutilone in the video below:


Abutilone - almost universal plant thanks to the variety of species and varieties. Flower growers can choose a small miniature bush that pleases with large delicate flowers all year round, or purchase a huge spreading shrub for a large room. In any case, there will be no difficulties in caring for, propagating and growing.

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Indoor maple abutilone is beautiful bush, which can be used to decorate interiors and landscape design in order to form a beautiful background for flowering plants.

Growing indoor maple abutilon at home from seeds requires some time, experience and skills. Some flower shops sell seedlings that are already rooted and can easily be transplanted into new soil. But one should not exclude self-cultivation. Moreover, it is much easier to buy abutilone seeds. They are present on the shelves of large country stores.

Genus flowering plant from the Malvaceae family, distributed mainly in the tropics and subtropics South America, Asia, Australia and Africa. They are valued there for their rapid growth and long-lasting flowers. Common names: Indian mallow, flowering maple, salon maple and Limnocharis. We invite you to look at the indoor maple abutilon in the photos that are located on this page:

The name of the flower Abutilon originates in the 18th century from the Arabic “abū-ṭīlūn” - this is the name given to the plant and the entire genus by Avicenna.

Description and photo of maple abutilon

Plants of this genus include shrubs, trees and herbs. The height of the trunk varies from 1.5 to 3 meters with bristles or hairs, as a rule. In addition to the description of the abutilon maple, we have prepared photos that show different varieties of the flower.

Almost all of the leaves are sharp, but sometimes you come across whole leaves, with 3-5 lobes or graceful cutouts - up to 10 cm long. Some appearance may closely resemble maple foliage. They branch abundantly.

The shrubs produce bell-shaped flowers, growing side by side or all alone.

Many garden forms have bright foliage and flower colors: white and variegated leaves and, for example, orange, red or bright yellow flowers with stamens as decoration. Unfortunately, there are very few of them in nature; they produce picturesque hybrid and decorative varieties.

By the way, experienced gardeners advise using hybrids to decorate gardens and apartments - they have more choices of colors and shapes, they grow faster, and they look very beautiful. This is one of the reasons why Abutilon maple is used for landscaping winter gardens, large buildings, houses and offices. Unusual varieties are obtained by grafting a plant with green leaves from a variegated one.

Growing abutilone from seeds

To grow abutilone from seeds at home, you should prepare special environmental conditions for it. The more carefully you choose a place for it, the faster the result in the form of a beautiful and strong plant you will get. The flower will feel comfortable in a room with a temperature of 20-25 degrees, and in the summer it is better to place it outside - a garden or balcony. It's good if you keep it in the shade or in diffused light, but be sure to spend a couple of times a day sunbathing, which, by the way, have healing properties for abutilone.

In hot summer, the temperature in the room where the sprout is located should not be lower than 20-25 degrees; in winter, 10-15 is acceptable. But remember, if the lowest mark (that is, 10 degrees) is maintained indoors for a long time, the plant will begin to dry out. You also need to water according to the temperature - the higher it is, the more water it needs it, this is especially important in winter, since it is still growing and more than ever it needs additional moisture. The flower tolerates well high humidity, so a couple of times a week, on the warmest days, it’s worth spraying it regularly.

To grow abutilone from seeds, choose high-quality seed material. Before sowing, abutilon seeds are soaked in a root solution for a day. Then sowing is done in flat containers to a depth of no more than 5 mm. Cover the top with thick film. It is necessary to moisten the top layer of soil daily by drip irrigation. Shoots appear after 2 - 3 weeks. When the first true leaf appears, careful picking is carried out into peat pots with a diameter of up to 7 cm. The indoor maple abutilon should remain in this state for about 3 months. During this time, a powerful root system. The plant is preparing to be transplanted into a large container.

Abutilon maple varieties with green foliage and flowers are propagated using seeds and cuttings. Variegated flowers are propagated only by cuttings. Before sowing, the seeds must be soaked in water and the shell is slightly cut. At 25-28 degrees in the room, you will get the first shoots no earlier than six months later. They will begin to bloom approximately four months after the sprouts appear.

The soil in which you plan to plant the sprouts should be loose and have good drainage. At high humidity or when it dries out, the flower sheds its foliage.

You can propagate home maple by cuttings at any time of the year, but if you are interested in the most favorable time for such a procedure, then this is undoubtedly August. During this period, they take root faster, which means it will grow much faster. You can root it either in a mixture of peat and sand, or simply in sand, or in a mini-greenhouse with warm soil (t = 22-25 ̊C).

Caring for abutilone at home

Abutilone care measures at home include regular feeding with minerals and organic fertilizers, loosening the top layer of soil at least once a month, watering and replanting. Fertilizing should be done once a week. During the growth of green mass, nitrogen should predominate. In preparation for flowering, add more phosphorus and potassium. These microelements contribute to the formation of flower buds.

We recommend replanting plants in the spring - moreover, older ones are replanted only if necessary (for example, when the roots grow), and be sure to place young ones in a new slightly larger pot and in new soil every year. If you don’t like plants with flowers, then you can simply choose a smaller pot - amateur gardeners have proven that in this case there will be much fewer inflorescences on the foliage.

There is one more small nuance in caring for abutilon: at the end of winter - beginning of spring, it should be cut off by about ½ of the length. And young ones need a clothespin so that they branch more.

When the first shoots appear, be sure to keep Abutilon warm, water it abundantly and feed it with regular flower fertilizers a couple of times a month.

The resting time for the flower is winter. During this period, watering should be reduced to moderate: do not spray or feed.

Strictly speaking, these are all care activities indoor maple abutilone. Probably the only disadvantage of abutilon is that its lower leaves are a permanent haven for pests - whiteflies, aphids, scale insects, etc.

Abutilon variety Bella

One of the Abutilone hybrids. As I said earlier, all hybrids in this family grow longer, but their flowers are larger (from five centimeters) and brighter. Its petals are usually smooth, one might even say slightly glossy, or satiny. They are like a skirt located around the corolla. In other varieties, the flower is bell-shaped, but here it is more rounded and more open than others.

The color of the Bella abutilon variety is red, orange, cream, white, peach, salmon, pink and canary yellow.

The bush is very miniature, it does not grow higher than 40 cm. It does not need to be pruned or plucked, it is able to sprout on its own and without unnecessary intervention. Since they do not grow to the level of a tree, you can easily place the flower on a window in your apartment or on a table in your office.

Indoor maple abutilon Bella should be watered regularly and abundantly, and also sprayed at least twice a month. But the water should be soft - either settled rainwater or bottled. Maple stops blooming at a temperature of +5 ̊C, comfortable flowering is possible at +15 ̊. In summer it needs to be placed in the sun and sprayed a little more often.

Abutilone Bella is spread only by seeds. For pollination to occur, Abutilons of the same variety are needed. If you want to create a flower with certain characteristics at home, you can carefully transfer pollen from one flower to another using a soft brush (this is called “artificial pollination”). The seeds are planted in moist soil, and after a year and a half, new flowers with the parameters you need can grow.

The Abutilona Bella maple blooms beautifully all year round, which is why it is so adored by gardeners around the world. But besides this, his beautiful and bright flowers with picturesque petals will decorate any home, giving it comfort and beauty.