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Arabis - growing from seeds. Alpine Arabis: cultivation and care

Arabis – beautiful perennial for alpine slides, which does not require much attention.

Arabis plantings would be appropriate in the garden under trees.

The plant reproduces quickly, turning into a dense carpet. How to properly plant Arabis and care for it?

Planting Arabis seedlings with photos

The plant reproduces by seeds, so it is planted seedling method. In some regions of Russia with a milder climate, Arabis is sown in open ground in the fall.

The seeds of the plant are small, so there is no need to deepen them. They need light to germinate. Containers for seedlings are filled with substrate and moistened, the seeds are evenly distributed on the surface of the soil. Containers are covered non-woven material to increase air humidity around the seeds. Germination is carried out at a temperature of 20 C. The whole process takes 20-25 days. So be patient and moisten the soil as needed.

As soon as the shoots appear, the shelter is removed and the container is placed in the brightest place, watering is slightly reduced, and the soil is regularly loosened.

Arabis seedlings grow slowly; they are plucked when several true leaves appear. During picking, seedlings are planted in separate containers or thin out at a distance of 30 cm from each other. If you plan to plant Arabis in a dense carpet, then you don’t have to do picking.

When the seedlings take root, they gradually begin to harden them. To do this, the container is regularly taken out for two weeks. Fresh air. Make sure that the seedlings are not exposed to rain, cold wind or draft. At night, the container of young Arabis is brought into the house.

As soon as the seedlings are ready, and the threat of frost is a minute, the plants are transferred to permanent place to the garden.

How to plant Arabis in the ground

For Arabis, you need to choose the right place so that the plant enjoys flowering and grows well.

Arabis develops best in open sunny areas that are well blown by the wind. You can, of course, plant the plant in a shady area, but then the bush will not be so lush, and the flowering will be sparse and short-lived.

The soil for planting Arabis on the site should be dry, loose and light. It is first dug up with organic and mineral fertilizers, cleaned of weeds. Sand is added to heavy soils when digging.

During planting, about 40 cm is left between plants. To get a dense carpet, 2-3 seedlings are planted in one hole. After planting, Arabis is well watered.

Important! If no fertilizer was applied during digging, then after a few days the seedlings can be fed.

Arabis grown from seeds will bloom only in the second year.

Caring for Arabis in open ground

It is not difficult to grow Arabis from seeds; the plant is very hardy and tolerates drought well, but excessive watering is harmful. Therefore, during the rainy season, the plant is watered extremely rarely, so as not to provoke disease.

The only downside to growing is the frequent weeding. The plant does not tolerate proximity to weeds; they can suppress the growth of shoots. Regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds is essential for normal height bush. As soon as the young seedlings get stronger, the weeds will no longer be able to break through the dense carpet.

Arabis propagation

Favorite Arabis varieties are propagated not only by seeds. You can resort to the following methods:


Dividing the bush;

Growing layerings.

Cuttings are the only way to propagate terry plant forms. At seed propagation the parental qualities of the plant are not preserved. Leaves with a heel are selected for cuttings, cutting off part of the bark and stem. Cuttings are carried out when the plant finishes flowering. The cuttings are rooted in the greenhouse for a month. They are planted obliquely to ensure proper growth of the horse system. As soon as the plants begin to grow, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

The division of the bush is carried out after flowering. An adult bush is dug up and divided into several parts.

To obtain young plant Using layering, in the fall the shoot is tilted to the ground and sprinkled with fertile soil. The top of the shoot is pinched. As soon as roots appear at the site of the leaf node, the cuttings are planted in a new place.

Arabis in autumn: how to collect seeds and prepare the plant for winter

During flowering, mark the largest and most beautiful inflorescences. You need to collect the seeds when they are fully ripe with the onset of the first frost. It is best to do this on a dry sunny day. If you collect seeds in cloudy and humid weather, they will lose their viability.

The seeds are well dried in a dark, dry place, collected in a paper bag and stored until planting. The fresher the seeds, the better they germinate.

Arabis is considered a hardy plant, but with the arrival of cold weather its shoots die at -5 C. The plant cannot be grown as a perennial without shelter. Late autumn All Arabis shoots are cut off at soil level, and the planting site is well mulched with dry leaves, peat, spruce branches or covering material.

Difficulties in growing Arabis

Since Arabis is a cabbage crop, their pests are similar. In early spring, the plant is attacked by the cruciferous flea beetle. You should not waste time and effort dusting your plantings with ash or tobacco dust, it’s better to process it right away complex drugs.

Another problem when growing is viral mosaic. Defeat can be determined by characteristic symptoms- small brown spots that gradually merge into one. Unfortunately, viral mosaic is incurable, so you will have to say goodbye to the affected plant. The growing area is well disinfected with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. Arabis can be planted again only after a year.

Popular Arabis varieties

Among the cultivated varieties, some have gained particular popularity:

Alpine Arabis. The perennial propagates well by cuttings and blooms with white or pink fragrant flowers from the end of April throughout the month.

Arabis bruovide. The leaves of this perennial are covered with felt fluff. The inflorescences are collected in loose rosettes of 3-6 flowers.

Caucasian Arabis. Subspecies of Alpine Arabis. Blooms from early July until frost.

Pilgrim Arabis. The plant prefers rocky soil, white inflorescences are collected in loose corymbs.

Arabis is low growing. Its flowering is of no value; the plant is grown for its attractive fruits.

Having once planted Arabis on his plot, the gardener will forever love this crop for its unpretentiousness and beautiful appearance.

Arabis – groundcover perennial from the Cruciferous family. In nature, it can be found growing on rocky mountain slopes and even on exposed rocks. The plant grows quickly, thanks to creeping stems that easily take root, covering the ground with a green carpet. Arabis flowering usually begins at the end of April (in warm regions) and pleases the eye until June. Modern gardeners are increasingly using arabis to decorate rockeries and alpine slides, tree trunk circles bushes and trees. When to plant Arabis? What's so special about him? What are planting and care? How to grow Arabis from seeds? You will find the answers on this page “Popular about health”.

Arabis alpine

Although there are many varieties of Arabis in nature, in Russia gardeners prefer to grow only a few of them, for example, Caucasian and Alpine. Today we will talk specifically about the Alpine Arabis, as it is very popular among gardeners. What is he?

This is a low creeping ground cover plant with very beautiful dark green leaves, having a slight bluish tint due to felt pubescence, and white inflorescences-tassels measuring 1 centimeter. The leaves are small, but densely distributed on the stems. Its flowering is accompanied by a pleasant honey aroma, because this plant is a honey plant. IN middle lane blooms in May and continues to bloom its miniature white buds for 6-7 weeks. Some varieties of Alpine Arabis are distinguished by double pink flowers. How to grow Arabis? Let's talk about this, but first let's admire the plant.

This is an Alpine Arabis (photo)

Alpine Arabis - growing from seeds

Seed material can be purchased at a so-called garden center or any flower shop. In April, Arabis seeds can be sown in boxes to obtain seedlings by the end of May. Since the seeds are quite small, there is no need to deepen them into the soil; at most, sprinkle them with a five-millimeter layer of clean fine sand. Soil mixture for germination it should be as light as possible. You can combine sand with peat or even use sand alone. The crops are moistened and created Greenhouse effect using film.

Shoots will appear in two to three weeks; the main thing is to monitor the level of soil moisture and ventilate the greenhouse twice a day. Young shoots stretch out quickly if the room is hot. Therefore, move them to a room where the temperature does not rise above 20 degrees. When a pair of tender leaves forms on the seedlings, make a pick. At the end of May, you can plant the seedlings in a permanent place.

Growing Arabis plants from seeds can also be done in the fall. Then the seeds are sown directly into the ground, digging shallow grooves in the soil. Seeds are scattered into the furrow and covered with a three-centimeter layer of substrate.

Planting in open ground, when to plant Arabis alpine?

After the formation of 3-4 leaves on the stems, Arabis alpine can already be planted in a flowerbed. But first you need to choose a good place for plants. The ground cover is demanding on the soil. He needs very loose, well-drained soil without clay impurities. The second requirement is a well-lit place. Arabis should not be planted in the shade. Only some of its varieties develop well in semi-shaded places.

So, if you have already chosen a small area for it in your garden, start replanting. Usually, when planting Arabis seedlings, gardeners use a 40x40 cm pattern, because the plant grows quickly. If desired, you can place 2-3 seedlings in each hole, this way you will achieve greater planting density. Immediately after the procedure, it is worth watering the flowerbed with the addition of complex mineral fertilizers. Next year you will begin to enjoy the overgrown flowering groundcover and inhale delicate aroma his flowers. What is flower care after planting?

What does Arabis like, what is the proper care for it??

Alpine Arabis is relatively calm about short-term drought. But what it cannot tolerate is stagnation of water at the roots. And therefore you should not get carried away with watering!!! Do it before boarding good drainage along the plants, a water drainage system with grooves on top.

Irrigate the flower bed with ground cover if there is no natural rainfall. During the first time after planting in the ground, you need to especially carefully weed the ground around the plants. If this is not done in time, the shoots will subsequently grow and cover the soil, so that weeding will become impossible.

The plant does not particularly need fertilizers, but add mineral complexes to caring for Arabis 2-3 times a season. In late autumn, the shoots of the plant are completely cut off. About winter shelter The opinions of gardeners are divided - some cover the plants with thick plastic film, others say that this is not necessary. If you are afraid of a snowless winter, cover the Alpine Arabis with any material. By the way, varieties have already been bred that do not need to be protected from winter cold at all. Once every 4 years, the bushes of the plant are divided to rejuvenate them.

Look at the photo of Arabis again. The beautiful ground cover Arabis alpine is absolutely unpretentious, resistant to pests and hardy. However, its roots are susceptible to the development of fungal diseases, which is most often associated with waterlogging of the soil. Take this note - Arabis does not like an abundance of moisture. Try to have Arabis for yourself (growing it from seeds will not tire you), and you will not regret your decision, because this plant will become great decoration garden

General characteristics

Perennial herbaceous ground cover plant, peduncle height up to 30 cm. Stems are climbing, creeping, rooting. The leaves are entire, toothed, densely pubescent, silvery-white. The basal leaves are often collected in a rosette.

Flowers and fruits

The flowers are white, pink, lilac, red (depending on the type and variety), simple or double, small (up to 1.5 cm in diameter), collected in dense umbrella-shaped racemes. It blooms very profusely, early (from April) and long (up to 8 weeks in cool spring). During the flowering period it grows very strongly. Honey plant. The fruit is a pod.

Optimal conditions cultivation, planting and care

It is better to plant in an open sunny place with light, nutritious, well-drained soil. Penumbra is acceptable, but sunny place the plant becomes more compact and blooms much more luxuriantly.
It grows quickly and can easily choke out neighboring plants, so you can regularly trim the shoots, which avoids this problem and maintains the shape of the bush. In addition, thanks to this, the Arabis blooms much better next year.
To prolong flowering throughout the season, it is recommended to prune faded flowers. It is quite winter-hardy, but in winters with little snow, Arabis requires additional shelter. Does not tolerate stagnant moisture.

Reproduction methods

Simple forms Arabis are propagated by seeds (in spring or before winter), double ones - by dividing the bush (in August - early September) and by cuttings (in the second half of May), since they do not produce seeds. Reaches the optimal age for division at 4 years, when each bush can be successfully divided into 15-20 independent daughter plants.


Looks great in the border and in the foreground of a mixborder. Perfect for rock gardens (as a lawn), rocky slides and dry gardens. retaining walls. Double-shaped Arabis flowers are used for spring bouquets. Indispensable if short term A large area of ​​the site needs to be landscaped. Particularly good for strengthening slopes.

Types, varieties, forms

Perennial plant up to 35 cm tall. The shoots are strongly branched, pressed to the ground, in the form of thin lashes, forming cushion-shaped clumps that do not die off in the winter. The basal leaves are oval, the stem leaves are heart-shaped, arrow-shaped, stem-embracing, grayish. Peduncles are straight. The flowers are white or pink, up to 1 cm in diameter, fragrant, collected in a racemose inflorescence up to 5 cm long. Blooms in April - May for 25-30 days. Fruits in July. The fruit is a pod.

Has several decorative forms:

(Arabis bryoides)

(Arabis procurrens)

ground cover plant with small rosettes and inconspicuous flowers 10-12 cm tall. Unpretentious. Quickly forms dense clumps. Good for securing slopes. It is frost-resistant, but in snowless winters it is advisable to cover it with coniferous spruce branches.

Arabis running out var. vochinensis

Forms a very low elegant rug.

(Arabis caucasica)

Perennial 5-10 cm tall, cushion-shaped. Leaves with felt pubescence, ciliated along the edges, small, oval with a sharp tip, are collected in rosettes. White flowers with 6-7 mm petals in a loose shield of 3-6 pieces appear in the spring. Requires a sunny location in a rock garden crevice. The soil should be rich in calcium, poor, dry, well drained. For winter, air-dry shelter is required.

It has several decorative forms and varieties:

Arabis hybrid Arendsa "Snowfix"

(Arabis arendsii "Snowfix")

Garden hybrid(A. aubrietioides x A. caucasica). Perennial plant up to 20 cm tall. Stems are recumbent, erect at the ends. Varieties with purple-pink (“Coccinea”), pink (“Atrorosea”) and light pink (“Rosabella”) that do not fade in the sun large flowers. They prefer partial shade.

Plants form low curtains 5-15 cm high. The flowers are white, collected in racemes. Blooms in May-June. The flowers are inconspicuous. Interesting at the time of fruiting, thanks to the original fruits.

(Arabis androsacea)

Cushion-shaped perennial 5-10 cm tall. The leaves are small, oval with a sharp tip, collected in rosettes. White flowers in a loose shield appear in summer.

(Arabis blepharophylla)

A perennial plant 8 cm high and a bush up to 25 cm in diameter. The leaves are gray-green, the flowers are dark pink. Shelter for the winter is a must.

A perennial plant 20-25 cm high. It differs only in the color of the flowers, with the intensity of the pink color in different plants not the same. Blooms two weeks later than white non-double species.

Arabis Ferdinand of Coburg "Variegata"

(Arabis ferdinandi-coburgii "Variegata")

Semi-evergreen perennial 5 cm high and a bush with a diameter of up to 30 cm. Very valued for its abundant flowering in May, the flowers are white. It has light green leaves with white edges. Sometimes there are forms with a pinkish border. The plant is frost-resistant provided there is good drainage.

Very difficult. That is why we will discuss planting arabis, its propagation and cultivation before planting it in the open. We will figure out which arabis looks best with when it blooms, and how to prolong this process.

Planting and propagation of Arabis

Let's start the discussion with various options flower propagation, which is used as experienced gardeners, and newcomers to this difficult task.

Growing from seeds

The first breeding option for Arabis is growing from seeds.

This option is used when you do not have a mother plant and the only way to get beautiful flower– buy seed material. It is recommended to purchase it in specialized stores, since it will not be difficult for unscrupulous sellers on the market to fake the packaging and fill it with seeds of a completely different plant.

Important! Before purchasing, check the packaging date, since the seeds have a certain expiration date, after which the germination rate drops several times.

Let's talk about when to sow Arabis seedlings. Sowing is carried out either in the fall (October) or in the spring (April or May). It’s worth noting right away that autumn sowing is not very convenient, since daylight hours are very short, and the room temperature does not always allow creating the necessary conditions for weak shoots. However, if you live in southern regions, then you can choose any option.

As for the soil, almost any loose substrate from a flower shop that can be “sweetened” will do. peat tablets(pre-soaked). You can also make your own mix by mixing turf soil and sand in equal parts, but it is still better to give preference to purchased soil that has already been disinfected. It is worth remembering that the soil temperature should be about 20°C for the seeds to “wake up” and germinate.

The container should be selected wide and shallow (no more than 10 cm in height) so that moisture does not linger in the soil.

Seeds should be buried 4-5 mm, which can be achieved by simply pressing on the seed scattered on the surface.

Important! To increase germination and make watering easier, cover the soil after sowing with non-woven material.

After sowing, you need to keep it moist and place the container in a bright place where there are no drafts.


Let's discuss growing Arabis from cuttings. This option is only available if you have a mother plant. We do not recommend buying cuttings anywhere.

Cuttings should be taken immediately after flowering. We retreat about 10-12 cm from the top and make an oblique cut. Each cutting should have at least five nodes, so adjust the length depending on the number of nodes.

Next, you can place the cut shoots in a root growth stimulator to achieve rapid germination, or immediately plant the cuttings in the ground, deepening 2/3 of its length. We plant the cuttings at an angle of 45° to achieve correct height rhizomes.

Important! Lower leaves should be broken off before planting.

After a few weeks, the young plant will take root and begin to grow. In the autumn of the same year, you can replant the arabis to a permanent place.

Dividing bushes

This is probably simplest method of reproduction, which does not require the use of any preparations for germination, special conditions or costs.

You can divide the bush both in mid-spring and at the end of summer. Theoretically, you can get about 15 new plants from one bush, but we recommend dividing into larger parts to increase survival rate.

It is worth noting that only those bushes that are 3-4 years old can be divided. Younger ones may die during division.

The process is carried out as follows: Carefully dig up the rhizome and use a sharp knife to separate part of the aboveground and underground parts from the mother plant. The cut should be sprinkled activated carbon so that the plant is not affected by the fungus.

An interesting thing is that the separated part of the bush can bloom in the same season in which you transplanted it. Therefore, this method is the most popular.

Combination with other plants

As for combination with other colors, Arabis looks more colorful in tandem with early bulbous plants(tulip, spring flower and others). Arabis is suitable both for creating various compositions with other flowers, and for “solo” planting as a border or background in a rose garden. Most often, the mountain plant is used in the decoration of rock gardens or rockeries.

Important! When planting Arabis in tandem with other flowers, it is worth remembering that if its growth is not controlled, it quickly drowns out neighboring plants.

Features of Arabis care

We figured out which plants Arabis is “friendly” with, discussed methods of propagation and planting, now it’s worth talking about caring for the plant.

Watering, weeding and loosening the soil

Let's start with watering, since in this regard the plant differs from many flowerbed flowers. The fact is that although Arabis requires a certain soil moisture, a slight drought is not critical. But overwatering can quickly kill the plant. It is for this reason that frequent watering is carried out only during extreme heat, when the soil dries out and cracks. We recommend to prevent drying out. In this case, even on the hottest days root system the plants will not overheat, and the soil will remain moist.

If you are not going to mulch your plantings, then initial stage You will have to constantly weed and loosen the soil to prevent rapid growth. When Arabis gets stronger in a new place, it will cope well with weeds.
We mentioned above that when Arabis goes to rapid growth, then it drowns out the plantings of all nearby plants. For this reason, pruning is necessary to maintain the shape of the plantings and prevent the death of other flowers. Trimming is carried out in an arbitrary manner, that is, you form the shape and height that suits you. However, this must be done after the Arabis has completely taken root in the new place.

Plant nutrition

The absence is not critical for Arabis, but if you want to achieve long-term flowering with a huge number of peduncles, then you need to apply special fertilizer for flowering plants, which can be purchased at any flower shop. They begin to apply fertilizer immediately after transplanting to a new place. It must be applied throughout the entire flowering period.


If you live in the southern regions, then you do not need to prepare the plant for winter, since Arabis can withstand frosts down to -7°C. If in winter the temperature may drop below this, the flower must be covered with agrofibre, dry leaves or some other material that does not accumulate moisture. It is worth remembering that, even if the winter is warm, then before the onset of cold weather it is necessary to cut off aboveground part, leaving no more than 4 cm above ground level. If pruning is not carried out, even minimal frosts will kill Arabis.

Control of possible pests and diseases

Finally, let's talk about possible pests and which can annoy Arabis.

In general, the plant is resistant to most diseases, but there is one incurable disease that can destroy not only flowers, but also
The disease is known to many gardeners under the name “viral mosaic”. This is a virus that infects many plants on

Arabis – herbaceous perennial from the Brassica family, growing in wildlife in different climatic zones of our planet: from harsh northern regions to the tropical mountain slopes of Africa. In Russia, this plant received the name “rezuha”, associated with the hard pubescence of leaves and shoots, which can cut your hands if touched carelessly. Arabis – popular Vlandscape design plant, thanks to the combination of unpretentiousness with high decorativeness.

In gardens, Arabis is grown as an annual and perennial. The height of the plant is about 30 centimeters. Shoots are creeping, easily rooting. Arabis grows quickly and covers the soil with a dense canopy. Arabis leaves are fleshy, entire or heart-shaped, sometimes with carved edges, and pubescent.

Flowers with a diameter of 1.5 centimeters, white, pink, purple or yellowish, are collected in dense racemes. During the flowering period, Arabis exudes a delicate, pleasant aroma with sweet notes. At the end of flowering, the plant forms a pod-shaped fruit filled with flat seeds.

Popular varieties and types of plants with photographs

Arabis began to be grown in gardens and summer cottages 200 years ago and since then has not lost popularity among amateur flower growers and landscape designers. There are more than 120 varieties in the Arabis genus, and work on developing new varieties and species continues to this day.

The most common the following types:

  1. In nature it grows on Far East, Scandinavia, North America, Western Europe. Plant height 30 centimeters. Generative shoots are ascending, vegetative shoots are creeping, highly branched, and do not die off in winter. The flowers are white or pink. Flowering begins at the end of April and lasts until the end of May. Flowers are 2 centimeters in diameter.
  2. Grows on the mountain slopes of Asia Minor and Crimea. Plant height 30 centimeters. The leaves are gray-green, oblong. Flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences. Blooms in June for 25-30 days. Varieties:
  • Schneehaube- White flowers.
  • Rosabella- pink flowers.
  • pink pearl– creamy pink flowers.
  • Hedy- purple flowers.
  • Snowflake- snow-white variety.
  1. Arabis prolomnikov. Ground cover species, forming a dense cushion of creeping shoots no more than 10 centimeters high. The flowers are white. Prefers to grow among stones, on dry and poor soil.
  2. The plant's homeland is California. The height of the shoots is about 8 centimeters, the leaves are greenish-gray. Varieties:
  • Fruhlingszauber– small, rounded leaves, pink flowers.
  • Rote Sensation– elongated leaves, bright pink flowers.
  1. Arabis mossy. Fleshy leaves form dense cushions. The flowers are white on purple stalks.
  2. Arabis running out. Distributed in eastern Europe. Plant height is 15-17 centimeters. The flowers are small cream, pink or lilac. Leaves are patterned.

Growing Arabis from seeds

Seed material for growing Arabis is widely available on sale, so any gardener can decorate his or her garden with this plant. country cottage area. Each gardener decides when to sow Arabis seeds independently. They can be sown directly into open ground in autumn or spring. Sowing takes place in mid-April. The bed with the planted seeds is covered with non-woven material to retain moisture and heat.

The most rational way to grow from seeds is to sow seedlings. Arabis seeds germinate at temperatures not lower than +20 degrees. For sowing, prepare wide, shallow containers and fill them with loose substrate. Seeds need light to germinate, so they are not buried deep in the soil. The surface of the soil is slightly compacted, moistened and the seeds are distributed over it. The seeds are sprinkled with a layer of earth on top, no more than 5 mm. The container with the crops is covered with film and placed in a bright place.

The first shoots appear after 3-4 weeks. The covering is removed from the container, and then the seedlings are cared for as usual. After the formation of two true leaves, the seedlings are planted in separate pots or cups.

Planting Arabis in open ground

Arabis – unpretentious plant, planting and caring for which is not difficult, but some conditions are required for its cultivation.

Arabis is an unpretentious plant to care for and grow.

Selecting a site for planting

Arabis is light-loving, so for planting it, choose the maximum open areas. Only diffuse partial shade is acceptable. Arabis will not be able to grow in shady corners of the garden.

The soil in the selected area should be loose and well permeable to moisture. Over-watering of the root system causes it to rot. If the soil in the illuminated area of ​​the garden is dense, coarse sand and a small amount of small stones are added to it before planting.

The ideal place for planting Arabis is slopes, hills or alpine hills. Planting in lowlands and places where melt water accumulates is absolutely contraindicated. Arabis is not picky about soil nutrition. It is quite capable of growing in poor soils and tolerates lack of moisture.

When selecting a site for Arabis, it is necessary to take into account its properties. In shaded places it quickly grows and elongates; in sunny places the bushes grow slowly, but bloom profusely.

Planting dates and technology

Before planting in open ground, Arabis seedlings are hardened

Plants are planted in a permanent growing location in mid-May or early June, depending on weather conditions. For optimal growth, seedlings are placed at a distance of 40 centimeters from each other. For rapid growth of curtains, 3-4 seedlings can be planted in one hole at once.

Seedlings should be removed from planting containers as carefully as possible. To avoid damaging the roots. The pots are placed in water for a couple of minutes, and then the plant is removed along with a lump of earth. Arabis is placed in the hole along with a lump of earth.

Young plants that have not yet adapted to cold are susceptible to frost, so if spring cold snap Arabis must be covered with a non-woven covering material (Lutrasil, Spandex, Spandbond).

Plant care

Arabis needs periodic pruning and shaping

Caring for Arabis is quite simple:

  • Watering– moderate and even meager. The shoots that tightly cover the soil retain moisture, so Arabis does not need frequent watering. If it rains periodically in spring and summer, watering is stopped completely.
  • Loosening– after watering, the soil around the plant should be slightly loosened to allow oxygen to reach the roots.
  • Top dressing– during the growing season, Arabis needs one feeding in the spring. Used mineral complex fertilizers for flowering plants.
  • Trimming– Arabis grows quickly and actively, so it is necessary to promptly limit its growth by removing excess shoots. During flowering, trim off faded buds and shoots escaping from the cushion.

Some Arabis varieties are prone to degeneration in the third year of cultivation. The center of the jacket begins to dry out, and the flowering shifts to the edges. Such plants need to be regularly rejuvenated by radical pruning.

Reproduction methods

Sowing seeds is the longest way to obtain flowering Arabis. Most often, the plant blooms only a year after sowing. For sowing, you can use seeds purchased or collected from your own Arabis specimens.

Seeds collected from terry varieties Arabis, they won’t give it desired results. When seed propagation of hybrids occurs, the characteristics of the mother plant are not preserved.

  • Cuttings. Cuttings for rooting are prepared after flowering. Shoots with a heel are used, from which roots subsequently appear. Alternatively, you can use the tops of faded shoots, which also take root quickly. Cut cuttings are placed in moist soil mixed with pitch and covered with plastic or glass. The shoots initially begin to lose turgor, but as soon as roots form, the leaves become elastic. At this time, the rooted cuttings can be transplanted to a permanent growing location.
  • Dividing the bush. The procedure can be carried out with plants aged 3-4 years, not earlier. Division is carried out at the end of summer or beginning of autumn, after flowering. The bush is dug up, the soil is shaken off the roots, and the rhizome is cut into several parts. One plant can be divided into 15-20 parts. Places of cuts are sprinkled wood ash and planted in prepared holes. In order for the plants to take root, after planting they are watered daily for 3-4 days.
  • Rooting cuttings. To obtain a new specimen of Arabis, take the outermost shoot, tear off the top from it and, bending it down, sprinkle it with soil. The cuttings will produce roots, and it can be separated from the mother plant, dug up and planted in a prepared place.

Pests and diseases of Arabis

The plant is resistant to most common diseases, but in some cases it is affected by viral mosaic. Lightened green or white spots appear on the leaves of the infected plant.

More Arabis is quite rare

The main protection against the virus is prevention: disinfection of the tool used for pruning. Fight against insects that carry the virus. If the bushes are infected with a virus, it will no longer be possible to save them, and then the arabis is uprooted and burned, the planting site is treated or spilled with a strong solution of potassium permanganate.

When the soil becomes waterlogged, the plant develops root rot. In this case, the shoots begin to wither and dry out. Arabis needs to be dug up, rotten roots removed, and the soil in the hole replaced. The roots must be washed with a pink solution of potassium permanganate or Fitosporin and planted in the prepared hole.

Of the insect pests, Arabis often attacks cruciferous flea beetle. Sprinkling with wood ash can protect the plant from it. The treatment is carried out early in the morning, when there is dew on the leaves, or after watering. If there are a lot of insects, Arabis is sprayed with an insecticide.

Seed collection and care after flowering

Seeds should be stored in paper bags

To preserve the decorative appearance of the Arabis plant, faded buds are removed during flowering. But if you plan to collect seeds, some of the flowers are saved to form seed pods. Without waiting for the seeds to dry, the shoots on which they formed are cut off and placed in paper bags.

All faded shoots are cut to a third of their length. Such radical pruning is a guarantee abundant flowering Arabis next year. After pruning, the soil around the plant is mulched with humus.

Preparing for winter

Arabis can overwinter in open ground. After the onset of cold weather, the stems are cut flush with the soil. Without shelter, the plant can tolerate frosts down to minus 5-7 degrees. To protect the Arabis rhizome from more low temperatures, the plantings are covered with dry leaves, mown grass, and then spruce branches.

Arabis in landscape design and in combination with other plants

High decorative qualities Arabis allows it to be widely used in decoration garden plots. The plant fits perfectly into various compositions in the garden and looks impressive against the background of stones. On an alpine hill, arabis is combined with rocky, low-growing borer.

Arabis is recommended to be planted together with alyssium. Low-growing species serve as a background in the rose garden, and also cover the areas between the stones on alpine roller coaster, used to decorate borders and rocky walls. Arabis is indispensable for decorating voids between large perennials in a flower bed.

You can get acquainted with the features of planting and care in the proposed video clip. Enjoy watching!