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Weaving is an ancient craft. What does a weaver do?

Weaving is an ancient craft. What does a weaver do?

Weaving is an ancient craft, the history of which begins with the period of the primitive communal system and accompanies humanity at all stages of development. Weaving was preceded by weaving, where people used grass, reeds, vines, strips of leather and sinews.


Head over heels - translation of the idiom See

Head over heels - translation of the idiom See

More meanings of this word and English-Russian, Russian-English translations for the word “HEAD OVER HEELS” in dictionaries.HEAD OVER HEELS — adverb Date: 1771 1. in or as if in a somersault ; helter-skelter, upside down, very much; ...Explanatory dictionary


Fish balyk recipe. Balyk from bream. Recipe for asp balyk at home

Fish balyk recipe.  Balyk from bream.  Recipe for asp balyk at home

Balyk is the back of the fish, its upper part. Fish balyk is fish that has been salted and cured in a special way. Almost any river or sea fish is used for salting and drying fish, but special requirements are imposed on fish used for balyk. From how


Cyprinidae - Fish Encyclopedia Freshwater fish from the carp family

Cyprinidae - Fish Encyclopedia Freshwater fish from the carp family

We present a list of the most common freshwater (river) fish. Names with photos and descriptions for each river fish: its appearance, the taste of the fish, habitats, fishing methods, time and method of spawning.


Pike perch, like perch, prefers only

Pike perch, like perch, prefers only

Skyrim SLE Hircine: Call of the Moon Call of the Moon skyrim what to choose


The word "competition" means competitiveness, competition, competition. This category is used in law when it is necessary to obtain the optimal (best) result from among possible ones, based on the legal model of competition, and has both an inter-industry

The word

And today we’ll look at another fish, with the teeth of a crocodile. The crocodile garfish or Hound needlefish (Tylosurus crocodilus) is the largest representative of the garfish, sometimes called the giant garfish. Reaches a length of just under 2 m and a weight of more than 6 kg. IN


Leprosy (Hansen's disease, leprosy)

Leprosy (Hansen's disease, leprosy)

This is a systemic infectious process with a chronic course, caused by Mycobacterium leprosy and accompanied by epidermal, visceral manifestations, as well as signs of damage to the nervous system. There are 4 clinical forms of leprosy: lepromatous, tuba


What are the interest rates on consumer loans in banks?

What are the interest rates on consumer loans in banks?

Many borrowers in the capital are wondering where to get a consumer loan with a low interest rate in Moscow? Despite the wide selection of loan products, only certain categories of borrowers can receive cash on such terms. Low