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How to feed apple and pear trees in the fall. Feeding and caring for pears in spring

Everyone knows that apple and pear trees grow everywhere. To ensure that juicy ripe apples and pears delight the gardener all year round, he should know about the proper care of these fruit trees. The foundation for a bountiful garden harvest for the next season is laid in the fall. The main task during this period is to feed the plants, saturate them with nutrients to help them endure the dormant stage and cope with severe winter frosts. Therefore, feeding fruit trees in the fall - very important stage garden care. In our article today we will talk about what you can feed apple and pear trees in the fall.

What do apple and pear trees have in common?

Both apple and pear trees exhibit similar age periods throughout vegetative growth. In the first period there is rapid growth young tree. There are practically no ringlets at this time (weak growths). During the second period, growth is observed, but not as active as in the first period. Gradually rings begin to appear. And finally, in the last period there is an almost complete cessation of growth and a rapid activation of the growth of ringlets.

What is important to do before applying autumn fertilizers for apple and pear trees

Preparing a tree for wintering begins with cleaning procedures. First of all, inspect the trunk for the presence of moss and lichen on the surface. If present, they are carefully cleaned off, after covering the ground around the apple tree with film or newspaper.

Another mandatory event is sanitary pruning. Dry, broken branches with signs of disease are removed. Be sure to treat the cut areas garden varnish. This substance is also used when various defects are detected on wood.

Specialized stores offer antiseptic products. They should be in the arsenal of gardeners. Protection from mold and fungi is no less important for preparing a tree for winter than autumn feeding of apple trees. After the antiseptic has completely dried, the trunks are whitened. This will protect the trunks not only from rodents and pests, but also from the rays of the sun reflected by the snow and which can burn the trunk.

Timing for applying autumn fertilizing for apple and pear trees

The timing of fertilization is a matter of principle, and a lot depends on it. Therefore, it is better to carry out all events in the fall at the time recommended by experts. The most important rule is to do everything before the cold weather sets in.

September is the beginning of autumn; at this time, watering the plant completely stops in order to increase frost resistance. At this point, the first snow is at least five to seven weeks away on average. This is quite enough to apply fertilizing, and the apple trees have time to absorb it. Then the tree will be full of strength and health by the time of the first frost. We must remember that frozen soil is not able to quickly absorb and process any substance, therefore fertilizers that get into it during this period will also remain unprocessed. The best period The month of autumn until the first frost is considered for fertilizing.

A variety of ways to autumn fertilize apple and pear trees

Apple trees are fertilized using two methods:

  • Foliar. In this case, fertilizing agents are applied directly to the trunk, as well as to the shoots. The most convenient way to do this is to use a spray bottle. For feeding fruit crops This method uses the substance urea in solution. To prepare it, you will need to take 40 grams of the substance for every liter of liquid (water). The resulting solution is used to treat the leaves and bark. Autumn foliar feeding is not mandatory. This is explained by the fact that at this time the trees receive the bulk of their nutrients through their roots.
  • Root. The specificity of the method is that the fertilizing is distributed over the entire area of ​​the roots. As a rule, the radius is 50-60 cm, counting from the trunk. It is in this zone that root shoots with the smallest thickness are found, which absorb most of the feeding. The first stage of root feeding of an apple tree is autumn period is spraying the trunk with a 2% solution copper sulfate. Further around the trunk, with some retreat, the soil is dug up to a depth of no more than 40 cm. The resulting trenches are filled with fertilizers and covered with soil. A mandatory layer is mulch made from sawdust, dry leaves, and peat.

Autumn feeding of apple and pear trees

In autumn, apple and pear trees require a lot of phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, it is necessary to apply organic and phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. For each apple tree, up to five kilograms of organic, 10 grams of potassium and 50 grams of superphosphate are added. Fertilizers are carefully embedded in the ground to a shallow depth over the entire area of ​​the tree crown projection. If the soil under the apple trees is covered with turf, then small holes 0.5 meters deep are dug in several places under the crown to apply fertilizer. All types of fertilizers are mixed and poured into these pits. In dry weather, it is advisable to water abundantly before fertilizing. garden trees. And after it, the soil must be dug up. You cannot apply fertilizers without mixing them with soil on bare roots - this can lead to disease of the root system.

As for pears, they are fed at the end of September. To do this, they dig up the ground under them and put superphosphate and potassium chloride in the tree trunk circles. If you additionally use organic fertilizers, then the dose of mineral fertilizers is reduced by half. Organic fertilizers are applied to fruit trees once every three years, and mineral fertilizers are applied every year. As the trees grow, the doses of fertilizers applied increase. If the soil contains little potassium, and the pear is most demanding of this element, then the dose is increased by 1/3. 5-6 years after planting, fertilizers are applied to trenches located along the perimeter of the entire tree crown. You can also fertilize continuously along the entire row spacing and in tree trunk circles. For more proper fertilizer the soil is dug up to a depth of 10-12 cm over the entire distance of the tree trunk circles, and in the rows the digging depth can reach up to 18 cm. Fertilizers are applied based on square meter: 50 g of superphosphate and 20 g of potassium chloride, humus - 3 kg.

Caring for apple and pear trees after autumn feeding

Before the onset of cold weather and frost, it is recommended to carefully dig up and water the soil around the pear trunk. After this, the ground is covered with humus mixed with peat, or with simple sawdust. The thickness of the mulch layer should reach approximately 15-25 centimeters, which will reliably protect the roots. In winter, snow also protects the tree from frost, so if the winter turns out to have little snow, try to shovel the snow to the tree trunk yourself.

Winter time - difficult period for trees. Winds, frosts, heavy wet snow, freezing rains - apple and pear trees must endure all this. least losses. The task of every gardener is to help fruit trees. Proper care and fertilizing in the fall will allow apple and pear trees to winter well and please you good harvest next year.

With the advent of spring, all vegetable world wakes up. New buds begin to appear on woody plants, the entire apple orchard blooms and begins to spread pleasant smells around the area. However, you should not allow yourself to rest too much as trees require the right nutrient mixture to be applied at the right time.

In this article we will talk about what to feed the apple tree in the spring and how to do it for maximum benefit in the future. Because from timely and proper feeding of the tree in the spring, then one should expect good development its fruits.

Proper care of apple tree plantations in the spring season involves not only cutting off tree branches, but also getting rid of harmful insects. In addition, it is necessary to feed the apple trees.

To a large extent, the fertilizer filling plan determined by the type of soil, in which the tree was planted. For example, if a gardener at his dacha has good black soil, then during the first few years apply mineral fertilizers not required.

In it spring time It is better to try to provide the apple and pear trees with abundant watering, fertilizer and freedom from the activity of weeds.

If there is clay soil, it is necessary apply organic fertilizers from the time it was planted woody plant. If no mistakes are made when feeding the apple orchard, the yield of seedlings should increase and the trees' resistance to diseases should increase.

Basic plan for feeding an apple orchard

The main source of nutrients for plant organisms are natural deposits of mineral components in soil and water sources. And the apple tree is looking for nutrients in a completely similar way.

However, in the spring period of time, when the fruit tree begins to enter the active phase of foliage growth after winter holiday, there is often a lack of mineral components. As a result, it appears need for additional feeding.

Adding minerals is required in three steps. In the very general view The plan for feeding an apple orchard can be presented as follows:

  • action one: performed before the flowers begin to appear until mid-March;
  • action two: carried out during the flowering period until mid-April;
  • action three: performed until mid-May.

It is necessary to understand that the above-mentioned periods of fertilization in the spring are quite approximate. It is necessary to clarify the deadline when it is necessary to fertilize depending on the specific climatic and geographical conditions of the area in which the apple trees are located.

All three actions include fertilizing not only apple tree plantings, but also around the apple tree soil up to a quarter of a meter in diameter. However, here Excessiveness should not be allowed: application in excess quantity minerals seems dangerous to the same extent as insufficient feeding of apple trees.

This rule is especially relevant for plantings of young apple trees: if there are too many mineral fertilizers, the gardener risks growing a large apple tree with an excessive number of branches, which are unlikely to bear many fruits.

Now it’s time to take a closer look at the sequence of actions for feeding the apple tree.

Feeding apple trees before flowers begin to appear

The primary dose of mineral fertilizers must be taken before the time when leaves and flowers appear in the apple orchard. That is, it is necessary to feed immediately at the moment the first signs of awakening appear in apple and pear trees.

At this step, only root feeding. Nitrogen-containing components are mainly used because they are capable of activating the vegetation process in plantings.

Best as a starter spring fertilizer The following substances are suitable:

  1. Ammonium nitrate. Here it is necessary to take into account the age of the trees due to the fact that the application of this substance is determined by it: when there are mature plantations, to feed one plant it is necessary to add and stir 40 grams in 10 liters of clean water ammonium nitrate. If the apple tree is relatively young, 20 grams of this substance will be enough. For preliminary spring feeding, it is advisable to use this saltpeter containing 35% nitrogen compounds. In this case, the volume percentage of nitrogen can be found on the fertilizer packaging, written as the symbol N.
  2. Potassium sulfate. It is used for young and old plantings. To prepare feeding for apple trees, you need to mix up to 5 grams of dry potassium sulfate in 5 liters of purified water.
  3. Ammonium sulfate. When a mineral substance is used simultaneously with the above-mentioned nitrogen-containing components, it is used in a ratio of 15 grams of dry ammonium sulfate to 5 liters of clean water. In the case when this substance is the main means for feeding an apple orchard, its mass must be increased so that it is used in a ratio of 25 grams of dry ammonium sulfate per 5 liters of clean water.

Fertilizing solutions are included in the soil during its plowing.

Feeding apple trees during flowering

When the apple orchard blooms, its soil must be again enriched with pathogens of the growing season, however, using different ratios of substances.

During the second step of mineral nutrition for apple trees It is advisable to use the following substances:

  • Superphosphate. Used in the following ratio: 1 gram of dry matter per 1 liter of purified water.
  • Potassium sulfate. It is used in the following ratio: 6 grams of dry matter per 1 liter of purified water.
  • Urea. Used in the following proportion: 50 grams of dry matter per 1 liter of purified water.

A single mature apple tree needs approximately 35 liters of mineralized aqueous solution. If we talk about a young tree, then approximately 17.5 liters of mineralized aqueous solution will be enough for it.

Even during flowering, organic matter is used as a nutrient. If a person does not know what to feed apple trees in the spring, then you can act like gardening experts. Professionals use waste from ruminants and birds: manure and chicken droppings.

The amount of manure required must be applied in the following ratio: 5 kg of manure per 10 liters of purified water for a cultivated area of ​​1 square meter. m.

The main advantage of this mixture is that it not only supplies the apple and pear trees with nutrients, but also improves the quality of treated soil. That is, the solution makes soil with an excessive clay content less clayey, and gives compaction to very sandy soil.

The manure accumulated in the chicken coop must be applied in the following ratio: 2 kg of manure per 1 liter of purified water for a cultivated land area of ​​​​1 square meter. m. The soil needs to be fertilized immediately after preparing the mixture.

Feeding after flowering stops

The third step of fertilizing begins when the apple blossoms are no longer visible in the garden. During this period, fruit trees gradually begin to form fruits.

How to feed apple trees in the spring after they bloom? In order to feed a tree in need of nutrition, the following substances are used:

  1. A solution of nitrophoska and dry sodium humate. The volumetric content of nitrophosk should be 50 grams, and dried sodium humate should be only 1 gram. The two components are mixed in turn in a ten-liter container with clean water. The root system of the tree should be watered with the solution in two or three buckets.
  2. Green fertilizer mass. To prepare green mass for fertilizer, you need to take a large container with recently cut fresh grass. Next, you need to pour into it clean water in a ratio of 1:10. Then the container is covered plastic film with pre-made perforations. In the end, all you have to do is wait until the green mixture settles well.

The third step when feeding can affect both the root system and the external filling of minerals in apple and pear orchard. This is done to ensure that the apple tree plantings take in additional nutritional components through the existing foliage. External falling asleep mineral elements recommended to do early in the morning.

Thus, we found out how to fertilize apple trees in the spring. And we also learned that spring feeding growing apple and pear trees is not as difficult a task as it might seem at first. Although little effort needs to be put into feeding apple trees in the spring, the yield of fruit trees is nevertheless greatly increased.

Fertilizing apple trees in spring refers to necessary procedures care Proper Use fertilizers will be provided bountiful harvest. Without this, the soil will deplete over time and the tree will age ahead of schedule, will produce a meager harvest and will become more susceptible to pest attacks and fungal diseases. Fertilizer application depends on the type of soil. Chernozems can do without fertilizing for the first couple of years. In contrast, clayey or sandy soils require regular processing. It is necessary to distinguish which fertilizers influence the development of the apple tree in what way. Excess is just as harmful as deficiency of microelements.

Attention! If you are carried away with nitrogen fertilizers, the tree will grow luxuriantly, but will stop bearing fruit. Excess potassium inhibits growth, which is especially dangerous for seedlings

There are several ways to apply fertilizer:

  • Dry method: fertilizers are scattered on the surface of the earth around the tree and gradually dissolve, penetrating into the soil. It is convenient to purchase such fertilizers in advance and store them;
  • In diluted form: water the tree with the prepared nutrient solution. This mixture must be prepared immediately before use due to the impossibility of long-term storage;
  • Mulching the base of the trunk. In addition to saturating the soil, it retains moisture and prevents weathering.

How to feed apple trees in spring

Feeding should begin during the growing season, when the first leaves begin to bloom. In this case, you can only use root fertilizing with nitrogen-containing mixtures. Nitrogen fertilizers activate the ability to grow, stimulating vegetative processes. They are introduced at a distance of 50-60 cm from the trunk. This helps to quickly deliver fertilizer to the overgrown root system, thereby increasing the efficiency of fertilizing.

Feeding with yeast mash

Important! Any fertilizers are applied only to well-watered soil and not at the root, but in the area around the tree trunk or in a groove specially prepared for this.

You can add to the tree trunk circle (per 1 tree):

  • Urea – 500-600 g, diluted in 50 liters of water;
  • Ammonium nitrate paste: 1 tbsp per 1 bucket of water;
  • Nitroammofska or superphosphate – 30 g;
  • Compost or rotted horse manure - 5-6 buckets;
  • Pour mullein with water in a ratio of 1:3, leave for 2 weeks. Before adding, dilute 1 liter of mullein in 10 liters of water;
  • Chicken manure is infused similarly to mullein. Dilute with water 15 times before watering.

Attention! Applying dry fertilizers is only possible on the eve of the rainy season.

You can increase the effectiveness of the listed mixtures by adding 1 cup of ash per 10 liters.

Effective folk remedy to stimulate growth is a mixture of yeast, ash, potassium permanganate, manure and fresh grass:

  • Prepare yeast mash: dilute 0.5 kg of yeast with 3 cups of sugar in 9 liters warm water. Cover with a cloth and leave for a week. Before use, dilute 0.5 l of yeast suspension to 10 l with water;
  • A weak solution of potassium permanganate is applied as a fungicidal fertilizer;
  • A mixture of manure and grass in a 1:1 ratio, pour 20 liters of water and leave for 2 weeks. Dilute the resulting concentrate 1:5 with water.

Feeding the seedling after planting

Immediately after planting, care consists of systematic watering, loosening the soil and weeding. weeds. It is recommended, as long as there is no strong shading from the crown of a young tree, to grow green manure and then incorporate them into the soil. Mustard and buckwheat are good for this. Clay and sandy soils must be dug up and organic matter added. The tree trunk circle should be regularly tied with humus or compost, thereby improving the soil structure and enriching it with nutrients. Calcareous soils are favorably affected by the application of potassium fertilizers.

Feeding with compost

Feeding the apple tree in the first year of planting

The only fertilization option in the first year is to mulch the root circle with organic matter. The apple tree does not need separate feedings, since it has enough minerals in landing pit and organic matter in mulch.

A feature of columnar apple trees is that they are located close to the soil surface. root system. To avoid injury, the mixture should be scattered or applied with watering.

Fertilizing the apple tree in spring

From the moment the snow melts, apple trees need fertilizers that help the processes of flowering and ovary formation. Feeding should be carried out according to the scheme in 3 stages:

  • before flowering;
  • during the flowering period;
  • after the end of the process.

Before flowering, rotted manure left in the fall is used. It is necessary to cover the soil within a radius of 1 meter from the trunk at the rate of 5-6 buckets per 1 tree. After the leaves open, you can use foliar fertilization. To do this, the crown and trunk of the tree are generously sprayed with a urea solution.

Attention! Spraying can be done exclusively in the morning or evening.

Treatment cannot be carried out on a sunny day - direct Sun rays the treated leaves will be burned. You should also refrain from applying the procedure before rainy days, as the solution will be washed away.

In the absence of manure, you can prepare a solution for irrigation from 12 g of urea, 15 g of ammonium nitrate, diluted in 10 liters of water.

How to feed an apple tree during flowering? In the budding phase, Epin solution is favorable for spraying. It is prepared according to the following scheme: 1 ampoule (0.25 mg) per 5 liters of water. Epin is a biostimulant with a pronounced anti-stress effect. Treated plants are more resistant to unfavorable conditions and bear 10-15% more fruit.

Important! Before spraying the entire crown, it is necessary to check the reaction on one branch. If the appearance of the leaves remains unchanged within 1-2 days, the entire tree can be treated.

Spraying with Zircon solution (4 drops per 1 liter of water), which acts as a fungicide, will reduce susceptibility to diseases such as fusarium, bacteriosis, powdery mildew, late blight and others. Treatment must be carried out at the beginning of budding and 14 days after the end of flowering.

The following composition can be used for irrigation (per 200 liters of water):

  • superphosphate – 1 kg,
  • potassium sulfate – 800 g.,
  • urea - 500 g or 5 liters of bird droppings.

Leave for 7 days, water at the rate of 40 liters per tree.

Feeding apple trees in summer

Fertilizing apple trees in summer helps increase yield and improve the shelf life of fruits. Weak or damaged trees should be fertilized immediately after flowering begins. healthy plants– after the flowers fall.

Fruits begin to set at the end of May, increasing the need for sodium fertilizers. For 200 liters of water you should take 1 kg of nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. sodium humate. The mixture must be used immediately after preparation, 4 buckets per tree. During the fruiting period, you can add a solution of ash: 1 glass per 10 liters of water. You can feed this way every 2 weeks, but stop a month before harvest. Green manure– infusion of green herbs with water (1:10) for 3 weeks will help the fruits to fill up faster.

In August, you need to completely abandon nitrogen-containing fertilizers, increasing the rates of phosphorus and potassium. Dry potassium monophosphate is poured into the groove around the tree and filled with plenty of water.

By adhering to the proposed scheme, you can provide trees with proper development and get delicious and useful harvest apples

Feeding mature trees

Over time, the tree's needs for minerals and organic substances change. Minerals are used only in case of deficiency (leaves curling or falling off). Organic solutions are prepared more concentrated. They should be poured into wells 40-50 cm deep, made with a crowbar. To improve the delivery of substances to the roots, grooves are dug, 40 cm deep and 30 cm wide. Dry fertilizers are placed in them and sprinkled with earth.

Feeding with manure

Territorial features of feeding apple trees

Depending on the climatic conditions, the scheme and composition of applied fertilizers changes.

The Moscow region is characterized by a temperate continental climate with a clearly defined seasonality (warm summers, moderate winters). In the absence of prolonged dry and rainy periods, a standard fertilizer application schedule is suitable.

Care garden apple tree in Siberia includes fertilizing with fertilizers and mineral complexes. They compensate the tree for the lack of heat, lighting and other components that are scarce in harsh climates. In such conditions, apple trees practically do not need watering, unless the weather is dry for a long time. By winter, the tree trunk circle is covered with humus or peat, a layer of at least 20 cm. The layer should be increased gradually, increasing with each drop in temperature, so that the plant can calmly enter “hibernation.”

In Siberia, fertilizers or fertilizing are applied in spring or autumn. During prolonged dry periods, you can also fertilize with nitrogen-containing mixtures. Organic fertilizers are used as additional nutrition. At the same time, in the spring, preference is given to nitrogen-containing complexes, and in the fall - to other fertilizers. Good results gives spraying the crown of the plant with solutions containing micronutrients.

Joint feeding for apple trees, pears, cherries and currants

For almost all fruit trees, the feeding scheme looks the same. Top dressing for apple and pear trees in the spring includes the same fertilizers in the form of superphosphates, nitrate, urea and ash. For cherries, when preparing mixtures, you should adhere to the nitrogen/phosphorus/potassium ratio of 3:1:4.

IN spring period feeding is required and fruit and berry bushes. Potassium nitrate, urea with ash, and manure humus are suitable for them.

The frequency of fertilizing for the listed crops coincides with the apple scheme: during flowering, during fruit set, before wintering.

Attention! According to advice experienced gardeners, you should not grow the listed trees and shrubs in the garden next to apple trees. This will result in growth inhibition and no yield.

To summarize, we can say that feeding apple trees directly affects the quality and quantity of the harvest. A fertilization plan must be strictly adhered to in order for nutrition to be effective. Each feeding must be accompanied abundant watering, and its composition corresponds to the vegetative state of the plant.

A pear tree requires regular care; only in this case will it grow, develop and bear fruit well. Fertilizing occupies one of the most important places in the agricultural technology of this crop. The amount and composition of fertilizers, as well as the method of applying them, depend on the time of year and the stage of the plant’s growing season. Only compliance with the rules of agricultural technology will allow you to grow healthy tree and get large yields of quality fruits.

The main types of fertilizers for feeding pears

Often, gardeners prefer to do without mineral supplements, believing that they can harm plants and human health. But in the absence of control over the amount of organic fertilizers applied, their use will be no less dangerous than the use of agrochemicals. If you strictly follow the recommended dose, then mineral fertilizers in some cases will bring more benefits than organic fertilizers.


Nitrogen fertilizers for pears are applied in the spring so that the tree has time to grow a lush and healthy crown, and in the summer - to stimulate the development of fruit ovaries. A deficiency of this substance in a tree results in premature yellowing and falling of leaves. No less harm is caused by the introduction of increased doses of this element:

  • increased growth of young shoots, while all the plant’s energy should be spent on fruiting;
  • accumulation of increased amounts of nitrates in fruits;
  • root burns.

When feeding pears nitrogen fertilizers must be used strictly according to the instructions. These include:

  • urea;
  • ammonium nitrate;
  • ammonium sulfate;
  • sodium nitrate (sodium nitrate).

Urea is a concentrated nitrogen fertilizer, so it is often used to prevent and treat nitrogen deficiency in plants.

Urea is used to prevent and treat nitrogen deficiency


In nature, phosphorus is practically never found in a form accessible to plants. Without this element, they do not absorb nitrogen well, and good growth and development of roots, flowering and fruiting of the tree are impossible.

Organic fertilizers - manure, bird droppings - also contain extremely little phosphorus. This determines the use of mineral phosphorus compositions for root and foliar feeding.

Mineral phosphate fertilizers contain phosphorus in a form easily absorbed by plants


Potassium is especially necessary for young pears good growth and development. In mature trees, this element improves immunity, helps survive summer drought and winter frosts, and improves the shelf life of fruits.

Potassium is applied as a root fertilizer in the fall so that by spring the fertilizer is completely decomposed in the soil and it becomes available to plants. It is also used as part of foliar phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in summer period. Potash fertilizers (mixtures of one-component fertilizers) recommended for use are potassium sulfate, potassium salt.

Potassium sulfate is often used for foliar feeding of pears.

Complex fertilizers

The main nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) can be added in the form of one-component formulations, which were described above, but it is much more convenient to use ready-made ones complex fertilizers:

  • nitroammophoska;
  • nitrophoska;
  • ammophos;
  • Diammophos.

They may contain magnesium and sulfur, as well as various trace elements.

Spring spraying of the crown with complex fertilizers stimulates the growth of fruit trees, strengthens the immune system, and improves fruiting. It is used to feed young and mature trees.

Photo gallery: complex fertilizers

Organic fertilizers

Organic fertilizers are a natural product of the vital activity of living organisms, rich in nutritional elements in a form easily digestible by plants. They also have a beneficial effect on the soil, transforming its structure and activating the activity of bacteria.

For experienced gardeners It is no secret that pears prefer organic fertilizers.

Manure and humus

Manure is complete organic fertilizer, which contains all the nutritional elements necessary for the plant. The fresh substance necessarily contains ammonia, so adding it to the soil can damage the roots of the tree, especially for young three-year-old pears.

Under no circumstances should fresh manure be applied to the plant, only rotted manure.

It takes about 2-3 years to turn fresh manure into high-quality fertilizer. Humus is great for pears. Depending on the characteristics of the soil, the amount of fertilizer applied can be 6–10 kg/m2.

Humus contains greatest number necessary for the plant elements

Bird droppings

Such nitrogen fertilizing as bird droppings, are applied exclusively in the spring during tree growth, fertilizing the soil in the tree trunk circle. It is important to remember that undiluted fresh fertilizer can burn the roots.

In order not to injure the root system of the tree, chicken manure is pre-fermented:

  1. About 1–1.5 kg of dry chicken manure is placed in a ten-liter bucket.
  2. Add 3-4 water.
  3. Leave for 1-2 days for fermentation.
  4. Add water to the very edge and mix thoroughly.

This feeding will not harm the roots of the trees in your garden.

If stored improperly, nitrogen in fresh droppings turns into ammonia, so it is better to use dry droppings, since the nitrogen is completely retained in it.

Dry fertilizer can be used immediately if diluted in water in a ratio of 1:20.

Chicken manure should not be applied fresh to the soil.

Ash is a valuable organic fertilizer that increases soil acidity and successfully replaces potassium compounds. In addition, it contains many micro- and macroelements:

  • calcium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • sulfur;
  • zinc.

One glass of ash replaces 10 g of any potash fertilizer. After using the substance, the positive effect on plants lasts up to 3 years.

After using wood ash, the positive effect on plants lasts up to 3 years

Spring-summer feeding of pears

The standard spring-summer feeding scheme includes 3 root and 2 foliar feedings:

  • the first spring - with the beginning of the awakening of the kidneys;
  • the second spring - in the flowering phase;
  • the third spring - after the inflorescences fall;
  • summer outside root feeding pears - at the end of June;
  • the second summer foliar feeding - in July.

Spring fertilization

In the spring, as soon as the buds wake up on the trees, it is advisable to feed them.

For the first 3 spring feedings of pears, nitrogen-containing compounds are used, which have a beneficial effect on tree growth:

  • in early spring, nitrogen helps to grow a lush crown;
  • in the second feeding - encourages the formation of inflorescences, on which the future harvest depends;
  • in the third feeding - prevents the ovaries from falling off and stimulates the development of high-quality fruits.

Spring feeding of pears is carried out only by the root method.

For mature trees, fertilizer is applied to grooves 20–30 cm deep, which are made along the perimeter of the crown, after which the tree trunk circle is watered abundantly. Liquid fertilizers also added to the ditch followed by watering.

After feeding, the tree trunk circle is watered

For all root dressings that are carried out in the spring, you can use one of the proposed compositions:

  • 200 g of urea/10 l of water for 2 adult pears;
  • 30 g ammonium nitrate/10 liters of water for 2 pears;
  • 500 g of bird droppings/10 liters of water - leave for a day and pour 5 liters onto 1 pear;
  • 80–120 g of urea (carbamide)/5 l of water, water one tree;
  • Humus is added to the tree trunk circle for digging at the rate of 3–5 kg per 1 m2.

In the first two spring feedings, simple mineral fertilizers with nitrogen are often used. In the third feeding, which is carried out immediately after the end of the flowering phase, it is better to use complete complex fertilizers, for example, 50 g of nitroammofoska / 10 l of water per 1 m² of tree trunk circle - approximately 30 l per 1 pear.

Organic fertilizers are applied once every 3 years, mineral fertilizers can be used every year.

Feeding young pears, including 3-year-olds

In the first two years of life, a young pear, as a rule, is not fertilized, since all the necessary substances were included during planting. They begin feeding from the age of three and exclusively with nitrogen, mineral or organic:

  • Mineral nitrogen fertilizers are used according to the instructions. In the spring, they are brought directly into the circle around the trunk, after digging up the soil to a depth of 10 cm; the soil around the trunk is loosened to a depth of 5–7 cm, so as not to injure the roots. After this, the tree is watered abundantly.
  • Organic matter - humus or compost - is added to the tree trunk circle, covering the tree with a layer of 3–4 cm.

Typically, in instructions for mineral agrochemicals, calculations are given per 1 m². At the same time, the root system of a pear at the age of 2–4 years reaches approximately 5 m², and for a tree 6–8 years old it is 10 m².

Starting from the age of five, the pear is fed like an adult tree.

Video: feeding pears in spring

Summer feeding

To ensure adequate nutrition of the pear in the summer, it is necessary to carry out several feedings. Early and mid-season varieties they begin to feed in the last ten days of June, and then in July, later ones - 15 days later.

Summer fertilizing of pears is carried out using the foliar method. Foliar spraying promotes faster absorption of nutrients than traditional root feeding.

In summer, foliar feeding is preferable

If the summer is cold, spraying will also correct the situation. At temperatures below +12°C, the delicate root system of the pear delivers nutrients more slowly. The same process occurs when moisture stagnates in an excessively rainy summer.

The first summer feeding includes substances rich in nitrogen. Most often, a urea solution is used for this. It not only nourishes the tree with nitrogen, but also strengthens the immune system and prevents many diseases and pests.

The second feeding in summer is carried out no earlier than 15 days after the last foliar feeding. At this time, fruit formation occurs, which is associated with the increased need of the plant for potassium and phosphorus. These elements are responsible for the size, sugar content and shelf life of the fruit. To replenish them, use one of the following fertilizers:

  • potassium sulfate;
  • phosphate rock;
  • superphosphate.

Phosphorus fertilizers are applied together with potassium fertilizers, for example, potassium sulfate. At the same time, you can use fertilizers containing microelements:

  • magnesium;
  • copper;
  • zinc;
  • iron, etc.

In the summer, it is important to carefully monitor the condition of the trees in the garden - the growth of shoots, the size and shape of the fruits, appearance leaf blade etc. Any changes may be associated with a lack of microelements, in which case they are immediately fed with the necessary compounds.

Table: external signs of a lack of macro- and microelements in pear feeding

Lack of element Signs of missing elements
NitrogenPale green color and yellowing of leaves, their weak growth and early falling
PhosphorusDark green or bluish color of leaves, appearance of a red, purple tint, dark or almost black color of drying leaves
PotassiumYellowing or browning of the leaf blade, tissue death, wrinkling, leaf edge curling downwards
ZincInhibition of chlorophyll formation, appearance of spotted chlorosis on leaves
MagnesiumLoss green color in certain areas of the leaf (interveinal chlorosis)
CalciumLightening and even whitening of the tops and young leaves. New leaves grow small, deformed, their edge shape is irregular, there are spots of dead tissue
IronUniform yellowness between the veins of the leaves or pale green and yellow coloring of the leaves without tissue death
BorChlorosis of young leaves, manifested in shallowing and curling of leaves, the formation of marginal and apical necrosis of leaves, deformation of fruits
CopperDeformation of leaves at the tops of shoots, appearance of a brown color starting from the edges, falling off

Spray trees in the morning or evening time in dry and windless weather. Since solutions with a low concentration of fertilizers are used, they have a short-term effect. To achieve the desired effect, you need to carry out 2-3 feedings with an interval of 8-10 days.

Table: fertilizer dosage for foliar feeding of pears

An excess or deficiency of certain elements can cause serious pear disease, so the nutrition of any plants must be balanced.

To increase the effectiveness of spraying, the tree is well watered before or immediately after the procedure.

Autumn feeding

During this period, fertilizing is needed in order to replenish the nutrients consumed during vegetative growth, as well as to increase the winter hardiness of the tree. The most favorable period is considered to be from the end of September until the beginning of November. The amount of fertilizer applied directly depends on the age of the tree and the development of the root system.

A guide for autumn feeding Pear trees may become yellowing foliage. If the crown turns yellow by 1/3, then it’s time to apply fertilizers.

During this period, exclude nitrogen fertilizing, including organic - manure, compost or peat.

When feeding pears in the fall, mineral fertilizers that contain phosphorus and potassium are used. Compound mineral mixture V autumn digging- 30 g granulated superphosphate/15 g potassium chloride/150 ml wood ash per 1 m².


When cooking liquid fertilizer exclude wood ash: superphosphate with potassium salt is dissolved in 10 liters of water and added to the prepared grooves. Dry wood ash is dug up in the tree trunk area to a depth of 20 cm.

Checking soil moisture is easy. If the soil compressed in the palm of your hand turns into a flat cake, the plant has enough moisture.

Properly carried out regular fertilizing will allow you to grow a healthy tree and annually receive a harvest of delicious pear fruits.

If you have any difficulties or problems, you can contact a certified specialist who will definitely help!

For effective fruiting in an apple orchard, you will need to apply fertilizer several times a year. Proper feeding Apple trees are the key to excellent tree development and high-quality harvest.

You can select flavoring compositions and add them to the soil or spray them over the plantings yourself or entrust them to highly qualified specialists. Our gardeners will be happy to do all the work for you quickly, efficiently and inexpensively! :)


First spring feeding of apple trees and pears fall in mid-April. Depending on the climate zone, fertilization times may vary slightly. The main thing is to add a flavoring substance to the garden as soon as the first leaves begin to appear, that is, when the plant wakes up after winter sleep.

During this period nitrogen containing mixtures, activating vegetation processes in trees. In this case, it is performed exclusively root feeding of apple trees. One of the the following types fertilizers (per 1 tree):

  • urea – 500-600 g;
  • ammonium nitrate and nitroammofska - 30-40 g each;
  • humus - about 5 buckets.

Flavoring substances are added to the soil during loosening or, as they say, during digging. Make sure that the flavoring substances are applied not near the tree trunk, but along the perimeter of the crown - it is there, at the ends of the main roots, that the suction roots are located.

Feeding the apple tree during flowering is also produced by vegetation “activators”. Here are several options for flavoring substances (all of them need to be diluted with water, below are the numbers calculated for 10 liters of water):

  • 100 g of superphosphate and 60-70 g of potassium sulfate;
  • 1.5-2 liters of liquid chicken manure;
  • 0.5 buckets of slurry;
  • 250-300 g of urea;

One tree requires about 4 buckets of flavoring composition.

Please note that liquid fertilizers (diluted) should only be used in dry weather. If the weather is rainy, it is better to apply the flavoring compositions in dry form. For example, feeding apple trees with manure is done in the same way as applying fertilizers during the first feeding (for digging), or the fertilizing substance is simply scattered evenly over trunk circle. Rain will “deliver” substances to the roots.

Feeding in spring does not end there. Next stage - feeding apple trees after flowering(during the fruit filling phase). The following compositions are suitable for this:

  • nitrophoska – 0.5 kg, dry sodium humate – 10 g, water – 100 l. About 3 buckets of the composition are added to each tree;
  • green fertilizer diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10. It is prepared as follows: the green part of the grass is placed in a container, filled with water and covered with polyethylene (you need to punch several holes in it). After about 20 days, the fertilizer is ready.

Fertilizing apple trees in the spring is not limited to the root method. You can partially notice root feeding on foliar. It is enough to spray the plants with urea. The foliar method is used only when the leaves grow; it is through them that the tree absorbs the flavoring substances, after which it transports them to the roots.

Feeding apple trees video