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What you need to know to successfully grow raspberries. Ezhemalina - what kind of berry? Features of growing raspberries, varieties and their descriptions with photos

Breeders began to cross these two plants. Various forms of these plants are characterized by large berries and form less vigorous bushes than blackberries. As a result breeding work Many interspecific hybrids were obtained, which for one reason or another did not receive the necessary widespread distribution.

Planting and caring for raspberries in the Moscow region

Amateur gardeners give the following recommendations for growing raspberries. The bush must be planted in a hole measuring exactly forty by forty by forty centimeters, having first filled it with soil and humus in a 1:1 ratio. For the winter, it is advisable to cover small bushes with spruce branches or other available material. In the spring, when the air temperature reaches 10 °C, the cover must be removed and the branches raised onto a trellis or various metal supports placed under them. Trim off existing old leaves. Distribute the branches on a trellis or on metal supports so that each of them is well lit.

Ezhemalina (video)

Plant care

Caring for plants consists of watering and fertilizing. It is not recommended to loosen the soil under the bushes, since the raspberries have roots right at the very surface of the earth. Instead, the soil under the bushes can be mulched.

In summer, replacement branches appear at the raspberries. When they reach a height of two and a half meters, they need to be pinched off at the top. Thanks to this technique, the branches will become thicker and produce more side shoots. After the first frost, you need to cut out all fruit-bearing branches at the base, and carefully lay the young ones and pin them to the ground with metal staples. With the onset of stable frosts, it is advisable to cover the raspberries for the winter.

Ezhemalina Tiberi (video)

Popular raspberry varieties: Tyberry, Loganberry, Boysenberry

  • Tayberry- Very productive variety every raspberry. It is one of the latest hybrids bred by breeders. The berry bush has thorns and the berries are large and dark red in color.
  • Loganberry- creeping thornless blackberry. The berries are red in color, darkening when ripe, and weigh about 5 grams, 3.5 centimeters in length. The variety ripens early, the berries have a sour taste.
  • Boysenberry- creeping raspberry bush. There are two forms of this plant variety - thornless and prickly. The berries are oval in shape, they are large, Brown, tastes closer to blackberries.

  • Texas- berries weighing up to 12 grams, elongated. The shoots are long, up to 5 meters in size, the bush is creeping and prickly. The berries taste sweet and sour, closer to raspberries in taste. They have greater resistance to frost than other varieties.
  • Darrow- an upright variety of raspberry, stems up to 3 meters in size. The bush is prickly and resistant to frost down to -34 °C. One five-year-old bush can produce up to 10 kilograms of harvest. The berries weigh on average 4 grams and taste sweet and sour.
  • In addition, there is also white raspberry(so named because unripe raspberries are white).

Ezhemalina Agavam (video)

Reviews and comments

(7 ratings, average: 4,21 out of 5)

Nina 02.11.2015

As for me, raspberries are even tastier than regular raspberries, sweeter and, as it were, there are fewer seeds or they are softer, there is simply pure pleasure. The berries themselves are medium in size and there are a lot of them on the bush. I make compotes and desserts from raspberries. And what delicious jam It makes for a finger-licking sweet treat! 03/21/2016

I have a couple of raspberry bushes, I immediately thought that they were some kind of black raspberry, but then they explained. By taste qualities inferior to both raspberries and blackberries. None of my relatives, not even my children, want to eat it. I froze the whole bag in freezer, my wife fried pies with this berry, but the taste was not very good. Perhaps she has some healing or beneficial properties, I don’t know, but I repeat, the taste is not very good!

Alex 06/17/2016

In my garden there are varieties of tayberry, loganberry, sylvan, and marionberry growing. All varieties with large berry with a predominance of sugars in taste (except for loganberry - it is sour even when fully ripe, but aromatic, suitable for compote, but the variety is without thorns). The most productive tayberry. Sylvan varieties, marionberry tayberry when fully ripe are very tasty, but each has its own aftertaste, everything covering varieties for the winter.

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There are several varieties of raspberry, and each of these varieties, to a greater or lesser extent, expresses the characteristics of raspberries or blackberries. One variety took more characteristics of blackberries, the other variety - raspberries.

Breeders worked hard to develop such a hybrid shrub, which is also unpretentious in care, tolerates frost and aridity well, and is also characterized by high yield.

If speak about external signs, then an adult shrub has flexible, long stems and berries collected in clusters, which makes it more like a blackberry bush. Well, unlike raspberry bushes, they produce a larger harvest.

Useful properties of raspberry

The hybrid shrub took only better from its ancestors, from blackberries - undemandingness and ease of care and soil, and from raspberries - good winter hardiness and not a large number of thorns

There are raspberries in the berries useful material and elements:

  • vitamins B1, B2, B3, C, E, K, Bg, E;
  • carbohydrates;
  • pectin;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • copper;
  • magnesium;
  • carotene;
  • lemon acid;
  • Apple acid;
  • pectin.

Ezhemalina fights many diseases:

  • restores immunity;
  • relieves problems with the liver and kidneys;
  • is the prevention of tumors;
  • is antipyretic.

Ezhmalin leaves are also endowed with beneficial properties. On their basis, diaphoretic decoctions are made.

  • Ripe raspberry berries are taken as a laxative for constipation. And if you take unripe berries, they will become a cure for diarrhea.
  • Ezhemalina has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and capillaries, helping to strengthen them.
  • The fruits of the bush contain a lot of calcium, so they will help people suffering from joint problems.
  • Is a natural antiseptic.
  • Helps against sclerosis.

Varieties of raspberries

The very first hybrid blackberry shrub was bred in the USA back in the 19th century, and this variety was called “Logan’s blackberry.” Logan is the same breeder who developed the first variety of shrub. After that they appeared various varieties, which differed from each other in properties. There are types of raspberries with straight stems, and others with creeping ones. There are also varieties with and without thorns, with fruits of different colors, tastes and shapes.

As a rule, raspberries bear fruit long time, the fruits may take several weeks to ripen, and the berries ripen unevenly. Regarding fruits, the main difference between hybrids is that they inherited from blackberries high yield, large-sized fruits and high disease resistance. The berries of certain varieties of raspberries can grow up to 5 cm.

Raspberry variety – Tayberry

  • A high-yielding variety, the fruits ripen early.
  • The bushes grow medium in size, with creeping shoots. The shoots are all dotted with soft and small thorns.
  • The berries can reach 4 cm, are tasty and very aromatic.
  • The fruits of this variety change color with the degree of ripeness. At first the berries are red, the riper they become, the more purple they become.
  • The disadvantage of this variety is the quality of the blackberries - the fruits are difficult to separate from the stalk and, of course, small thorns on the bushes.

Raspberry variety - Boysenberry

  • This variety was bred in the USA, has creeping shoots and comes in two types - without thorns and with thorns.
  • The size of the berries of this variety reaches 5 cm, and the weight can be up to 10 g.
  • Ripe berries have a cherry color.
  • This variety has a very distinct blackberry flavor. sweet taste, having a slight sourness.

Raspberry variety Loganberry

  • The shoots of the creeping shrub are medium in length.
  • The fruits have an elongated shape, red with a purple tint.
  • The taste is sweet and sour, they ripen unevenly.
  • The shrub is resistant to frost, so it takes root well in middle lane Russia.

Texas raspberry variety

  • It has creeping shoots that are quite long, reaching up to 5 m in length.
  • The fruits are large, elongated, dark crimson in color.
  • High-yielding variety.
  • Highly resistant to frost.
  • Disadvantages include poor separation of fruits from the stalk and long and sharp thorns on the bushes.

Raspberry variety Darrow

  • The shoots are erect, up to 3 m long.
  • The winter hardiness of the shrub is high, perfect option for cold regions of the country.
  • The fruits are not very large, taste slightly sour, and are red-violet in color.
  • High yield.

Rules for propagation of raspberries

There are several ways to propagate shrubs. Quite rarely used seed propagation, because grown seeds will not inherit the properties of their parents.

Let's talk about the most common methods of reproduction:

  • Root cuttings. If you want to propagate raspberry, which has erect shoots, you need to use root cuttings. As soon as spring comes, the roots need to be dug out of the ground. It’s great if the roots reach a diameter of 7 mm. The material for planting is cut into 10-15 centimeter cuttings and planted in pre-prepared grooves, laid out horizontally.
  • Apical and horizontal layering. The raspberry shoots, which have grown 30-40 cm, need to be bent towards the soil and placed in pre-dug grooves, then covered with earth. Next, you should water regularly. With the onset of autumn, cover with sawdust or peat. Closer to spring, each of the buried shoots will produce at least 3 sprouts. We are waiting for them to grow to 15 cm, after which the cuttings can be separated from the mother, cut and transplanted to the desired place on the site.
  • Root suckers. This method of propagation is quite convenient and simple - rooting shoots by layering. This method usually used for those varieties with creeping shoots. Easiest to reproduce apical layering. With the onset of spring, one shoot is tilted to the ground, its upper part is buried in the ground. After some time, buds will form underground and roots and new shoots will grow from them. After rooting, the bush can be separated from the mother.

How to choose a place to plant Ezhmalina

Despite the fact that the hybrid is very unpretentious, when choosing a place for planting it is worth focusing on some points.

  • Choose an area that gets full sun but is not completely exposed to provide some shade during the day.
  • It is advisable to choose a place sheltered from northern winds.
  • Choose a place for planting so that moisture does not stagnate on it.
  • Regarding the soil, it is better if it is fertile aerated soil.

Planting of raspberry seedlings should be done in autumn or spring.

  • We dig a hole about 40 cm deep, pour a mound of soil on its bottom, and place planting material in it.
  • Carefully straighten the roots and fill the hole with soil previously mixed with humus.
  • When planting, it is extremely undesirable to apply a large amount of fertilizer, otherwise the shoots will begin to grow too intensively, and this will affect the winter hardiness of the plant.
  • The seedling needs to be planted at the same depth at which it grew previously, then shortened by about 20-30 cm, watered abundantly, and the ground directly under it is fertilized with compost, grass or humus.
  • If you plant in the fall, be sure to cover the seedling for the winter.
  • After two years from the date of planting, you can use organic fertilizers.

The raspberry bush is quite tall, so it requires support - a trellis. Since a mature bush takes up a lot of space on the site, the seedlings are planted in advance at a distance of 1-1.5 m from each other. If you plant in several rows, then maintain a distance of 2-2.5 m.

How to care for raspberries

The hybrid is unpretentious in care, the main thing for it is optimal conditions for development and growth.

  • Mulching. It is used to avoid frequent weeding and constant watering of the bush; to do this, simply add mulch to the bottom of the plant. The material for mulch can be any material that is freely available. We carry out installation in several layers. Place several sheets of newspaper or cardboard as the first layer; put ash, sawdust, grass (weeds are possible) and manure on top of it. To avoid further germination of weeds near the bush, place mulch in a layer of 10-15 cm. Cardboard or newsprint will decompose over time, and the substances that were laid on top will become humus, giving up everything useful elements and soil substances. Mulching should be carried out annually in the spring.
  • Tying. To prevent the plant from spreading in a chaotic manner throughout the entire area, use trellises for tying. Let's say right away that stakes are not suitable for garters, because... with them the fruits will be smaller in size, and every year they will become smaller and smaller. But the hybrid itself will eventually spread anyway. It is the trellises that will help preserve the original appearance of the bush and keep it in check. Trellis must be arranged in at least 5 rows. We tie the lower shoots to the lowest trellis. And the upper ones - accordingly, to the upper one.
  • Circumcision. Ezhemalina should be constantly pruned. And most the right time for this - the end of autumn, when the bush has finished bearing fruit. Pruning must be done before the onset of frost, otherwise the shoots will not be pruned, but will break. You need to completely remove those shoots that are broken, dried out or simply unnecessary. You can also prune in early spring, when sap flow in the bush has not yet begun. Wait until the snow melts, then immediately remove old branches and shoots that froze in winter. Be sure to pinch after cutting. top shoots bush.
  • Feeding. All plants need feeding, and the Ezhmalina hybrid is no exception. Use fertilizers that are suitable for your soil. However, in any soil, nitrogen is an indispensable fertilizer. Buy nitrogen fertilizer and dilute it according to the instructions, then use. There is also a lot of nitrogen in nettle infusion or in manure diluted with water.

How to prepare Ezmalina for winter

In general, ezhemalina is a frost-resistant plant, but this does not mean that it does not need additional procedures that will help strengthen its resistance to winter.

  • You need to untie the bush shoots from the trellises and lay them along them.
  • Cover the top of the bushes with fallen leaves, sawdust, peat or straw. This will help protect them from freezing in the cold.
  • If you live in an area where there is a lot of snow in winter and heavy precipitation, then such coverings with organic matter may not be necessary; snow cover and snowdrifts will replace the cover and warm the plant.

Pests and diseases of raspberries

The Tiberi raspberry variety is extremely resistant to many infections. The main danger for hybrid bushes is anthracnose. If you plan to use fungicides, remember that the final treatment should be carried out 1 month before harvest, no later. In addition, it is forbidden to exceed the concentration and dosage specified in the instructions, otherwise the fruits will be filled with chemicals.

If you initially do not plan to use dangerous chemicals to protect the raspberries, use a horsetail decoction or a nettle decoction. To strengthen useful action protection on the bush, you can mix both compositions and treat the bush with this mixture.

Based on 10 liters of ordinary water, you can add any substance in the indicated dosage:

  • 200 gr. ash;
  • 50 gr. soda ash;
  • 1 kg. fresh manure;
  • 100 gr. colloidal sulfur.
  • weevil;
  • Galitsa;
  • raspberry beetle.

However, do not forget that when the raspberry begins to produce a harvest, the birds may eat it too, therefore, in this case, use a net cover.

Ezhemalina is an excellent hybrid shrub that combines two crops; you do not have to grow blackberries separately and raspberries separately, because the bush combines both of these berries.

Ezhemalina, unlike its ancestors, will survive even in the northernmost corners of the country, its harvest is very plentiful, and the taste of the fruit is excellent and will delight every gardener.

Ezhemalina, photo

As you can guess from the name, ezhemalina is a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries, which combines the properties of these berry plants.

In some varieties of blackberries, the characteristics of blackberries predominate, in others - raspberries.

Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it was possible to obtain an unpretentious, high-yielding crop that is resistant to drought and frost.

An adult plant with long flexible stems and large berries collected in clusters, looks more like a blackberry.

Compared to raspberries, hybrids produce good yields.

Common varieties of raspberries

The first raspberry-blackberry hybrid bred in the USA in the 19th century was called “Logan’s blackberry” after the name of the breeder. Since then, many varieties have appeared with different properties. There are varieties of raspberries with erect and creeping stems, with and without thorns, with berries that differ in shape, color and taste.

The ripening of berries on the bush is uneven; fruiting can last for several weeks. From blackberries, hybrids inherited good productivity, disease resistance and large berries compared to raspberries. The berries of some varieties of raspberries can reach 5 cm in length.


An early ripening, very productive variety. The bushes are vigorous with creeping shoots dotted with small soft spines. Delicious, aromatic berries reach 4 cm in length. As they ripen, they change color from red to red-violet. The main disadvantage of this variety is the qualities inherited from blackberries - poor separation of ripe berries from the stalk and frequent thin thorns on the shoots.

Ezhemalina. Tayberry variety


The American variety with creeping shoots comes in two types - with and without thorns. The average size of the berries is 5 cm, weight 10 g. Ripe berries acquire a cherry-brown color. They are distinguished by a strongly pronounced blackberry aroma, a pleasant sweet taste with a slight sourness.


Plants of this variety have creeping, thornless shoots of medium length. The berries are elongated, red-violet in color, with a sweet and sour taste and ripen unevenly. Resistance to frost allows Loganberry to be grown in central Russia.


It is believed that the variety was bred by Michurin by selecting Loganberry seedlings. Creeping prickly shoots can reach 5 m in length. Large elongated berries acquire a dark crimson color when ripe. The winter hardiness and productivity of the variety are good. Disadvantages include long thorns on the shoots and poor stem separation.


This variety has erect shoots reaching 3 m in length. Due to its high frost resistance, it is suitable for areas with cold climates. Berries small size red-violet color with a pleasant sweet and sour taste. The productivity of the variety is high.

How to propagate Ezhemalina

There are several ways to propagate raspberries. Seeds are used less often, because seedlings grown from seeds do not retain the properties of their parents. The following methods of reproduction are more common:

Root cuttings;

Root suckers;

Green and woody cuttings;

Apical and horizontal layering.

To propagate raspberries with erect shoots, root cuttings are used. In spring, roots are dug out of the ground. Roots with a diameter of 7 mm are best. Planting material cut into cuttings 10-15 cm long and planted, laying horizontally in prepared grooves.

Another simple and convenient way- rooting of annual shoots using the layering method, used for varieties with creeping shoots. The easiest way to propagate raspberries is by apical layering. In spring, one of the climbing shoots bends to the ground, its top is buried in the soil. Roots and new shoots grow from the buds that are underground. After that young plant separated from the mother bush.

Reproduction by horizontal layering is as follows. The raspberry shoots that have grown 30-35 cm are bent to the ground and placed in pre-prepared small ditches, after which they are sprinkled with earth and watered regularly. In autumn, the top is covered with peat or sawdust. In spring, each shoot will produce 3-4 sprouts. When they grow 10-15 cm, the cuttings are separated from the mother plant, cut into pieces and transplanted to a permanent place.

Reproduction of elkberry by horizontal layering

Choosing a location and planting raspberries

Although the culture is unpretentious, when choosing a place to plant raspberries, you need to pay attention to some nuances. The site should be sunny or only slightly shaded. It is advisable to have protection from cold winds. There should be no stagnation of moisture in the soil. Ezhemalina prefers aerated, fertile soils.

Planting of seedlings can be done in spring or autumn. They dig holes 40 cm deep, pour a mound of earth at the bottom, and place a seedling on it. The roots are carefully straightened and the hole is filled with the top layer of soil mixed with humus. It is not recommended to apply a lot of organic fertilizers when planting - they can cause intensive shoot growth to the detriment of winter hardiness.

The seedling is planted at the same depth as it grew before, shortened to 25-35 cm, watered well, and the ground underneath is mulched with compost, humus or grass. At autumn planting Be sure to cover it for the winter. Two years after planting they begin to use organic fertilizers.

Ezhemalina is a tall plant that requires support. The crop is grown in the same way as grapes - on a trellis. Each adult bush takes up a lot of space, so seedlings are planted at a distance of at least 1 m from each other. If there are several rows, then the distance between them should be 1.5-2 m.

Growing elkberry on a trellis

Raspberry care

Several wire crossbars are made on the trellis. Young shoots are placed on the bottom wire on both sides of the center of the bush. This formation will make the task of winter styling easier in the future. Fruiting branches are distributed on the upper crossbars in the shape of a fan. When the lashes reach a length of 2-2.5 m, you can pinch off the tops. In the fall, the branches that bear fruit are cut out, and the young ones are covered for wintering. IN southern regions Ezhmalina can overwinter without shelter.

In the middle zone, this crop must be covered to avoid freezing of the buds. Before the onset of frost, the shoots are removed from the support and laid on the ground. Flexible, elastic lashes are easy to shape, so bending them is not difficult at all. The top is insulated with straw, leaves, spunbond or any other covering material. You cannot wrap it up too much, so as not to provoke damping off of the buds.

In the spring, when a stable temperature above 10°C sets in, the shelter is removed, the canes are lifted and distributed on a trellis. The ground under the bushes is mulched. Ezhmalina does not require special care - watering as needed, tying up growing shoots. Their correct placement is the key to a good harvest. When there is insufficient light, young shoots stretch out and shade the fruiting ones. The quality and yield of berries decreases, plants are more susceptible to pests and diseases.

There are many different berries growing in our gardens. These are gooseberries and currants, strawberries and wild strawberries, raspberries and blackberries. But there are no limits to perfection: to keep the garden complete, you want to grow more and more new crops, pleasing the eye and taste with them. For those who dream about this, there is a new variety of berries - Ezhemalina. Yes, you read that right, this is a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries. It would seem, why is it needed if there are ordinary berries? And in order to please you with large harvests, beautiful view and many other benefits. Are you intrigued? Well, then it’s worth learning more about this interesting berry so that you can start cultivating it next season.

Most often, the hybrid is described by comparing it with raspberries. Ezhemalina tastes like both berries, but, regardless of the variety, it is always sour. Some gardeners don't like it, but other benefits make up for it.

  1. Firstly, ezhemalina is much larger than regular raspberries.
  2. Secondly, bushes delight gardeners excellent harvests, abundant and generous.
  3. Third, special care the plant does not require it. Compared to raspberries, less time and effort is spent on growing a hybrid.

Ezhemalina is also called loganberry. It comes from America, namely from the Californian city of Santa Cruz. In the garden of one judge, whose last name was Logan, two long-known and popular berries – raspberries and blackberries – were completely accidentally crossed. This is how Ezhemalina or logan berry appeared, as our famous scientist Michurin called it.

Varieties of garden raspberries with photos

Today, ezhemalina is a berry that has many varieties, differing in the qualities of the bushes, size, taste of the berries, etc. It is worth considering some of the varieties in order to better understand the question of what ezhemalina is.

Tayberry variety

Breeders bred this variety not so long ago. His main characteristic– excellent yield. The plants themselves are quite prickly, and the berries are dark red in color and large in size.

Loganberry variety

Its peculiarity is the absence of thorns and creeping branches, like blackberries. The berries are red in color, but when ripe they darken significantly. One piece can weigh up to 5 g and reach more than 3.5 cm in length. There is also sourness in the taste, and ripening occurs early.

Boysenberry variety

This variety is also characterized by creeping bushes. The variety represents different shapes plants - prickly and without thorns. The berries are oval in shape, quite large, brownish in color. Their taste is closer to blackberries than to raspberries.

Texas variety

This variety is characterized by very large berries - up to 12 g in weight. They have an elongated shape. The bush grows up to 5 m, but it does not stretch in height, but spreads. The plant tolerates frost well, especially compared to other varieties. There are thorns on the bushes. The berries are more reminiscent of raspberries, their taste is sweetish with sourness.

Variety Darrow

And this variety is already growing tall, reaching 3 m in length. It tolerates frost well and has thorns. From a sufficiently mature plant, about 5 years old, you can harvest up to 10 kg of crop. Sweet and sour berries have the average size, weigh up to 4 g.

Ezhemalina is planted at the same time as most bushes. This plant has special requirements. It is believed that bushes can be planted even in summer, but not in extreme heat. Ezhemalina is characterized by good survival rate and tolerates different weather. The main thing is to comply general rules landings in different times of the year.

In spring, the bushes should not yet fully wake up. And in the fall you need to plant them some time before the onset of frost so that they have time to take root. Many gardeners note that planting raspberry is quite simple and in most cases it takes root well.

Ezhemalina garden: planting and care - 5 golden rules

If your seedlings already have vegetative material, then it is very important not to damage it. Therefore, planting is done with great care, the earthen ball is preserved to the maximum.

Like raspberries, it is recommended to plant raspberries in rows. It is necessary to leave at least 0.7-1 m between the bushes. The rows are made at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. With this method it works large space. But this is necessary to ensure that a sufficient amount of light falls on the plants and fruits. In other words, you want big harvest– do not waste space on the site.

Each planting hole should be 40x40x40 cm in size. The soil that is removed during digging must be mixed with humus.

Note! If you don’t have humus, then you shouldn’t rush to replace it with other fertilizers - chicken droppings, manure.

The fact is that all organic fertilizers tend to enhance growth. But at the same time, resistance to cold is significantly lost. This has a bad effect on the bushes in the first year after planting. The plant is already weakened during the rooting period, making it more difficult for it to survive the winter.

When everything is ready, you can start planting. The roots of the seedling must be well straightened and placed neatly in the hole. They are covered with soil prepared in advance. We complete the planting by compacting the soil under the plants well and abundant watering.

Remember! One of the main secrets good care After every raspberry there is mulching. Immediately after planting, you need to put a layer of good mulch under the bushes. You can use dry mullein, rotted sawdust mixed with ash, even weeded weeds. To prevent the latter from growing under the bushes, experts recommend laying them under mulch. corrugated cardboard. The total layer should be from 8 to 15 cm.

As mentioned earlier, raspberries are much less demanding than, for example, raspberries. This also applies to watering. It takes place immediately after landing. And also a few days after pruning. IN summer period It is recommended to water the plants only during very dry periods. The bushes need moisture most during the ripening period of the berries, as well as during their formation. If in the summer rains regularly water the soil, although not too often, then additional watering is not required.

There is no need to rush to feed the bushes immediately after planting. According to the advice of experts, the first application of fertilizer is done only 2 years after the plants have rooted. There are no special programs for blackberries. But the timing, methods and substances that are used for raspberry bushes are quite suitable for it. Thus, feeding every raspberry is done as follows. It is recommended to apply the necessary substances to the plants approximately once every 2-3 years. We use the following fertilizers:

Remember! These doses are approximate. They are adjusted depending on the composition of the soil in a particular place.

It is imperative to form raspberry bushes; the yield of the plant depends on this. Gardeners disagree on when to prune. It is believed that best period- late fall. Some people say that you need to prune the bush after fruiting has ended. Considering that in many regions the raspberries bear fruit until frost, both of these opinions can be considered correct.

It is not prohibited to prune in the spring. This is done before the sap begins to flow. Activities for the formation of raspberry bushes also include pinching the tops of the bushes, which allows them to grow.


Many varieties of raspberry are very creeping, in addition, their berries are quite large and heavy. Therefore, it is recommended to grow bushes on a trellis or, more simply, they need to be tied up. You should not use simple supports in the form of stakes for this. After all, over time, the bushes still begin to creep away, and the berries become smaller. The best option- exactly the trellis. You can make it single-plane, quite high, about 2-2.5 m. Wire or thick nylon fishing line is pulled in 5 layers. The shoots that should bear fruit are tied to the upper layers. They are attached with a snake. The remaining branches are attached to the lower layers.

This care activity promotes good growth of bushes. At the same time, the upper “berry” shoots receive enough light and heat from the sun.

Most often, Ezhmalina bushes are propagated by vegetative means. For this use:

  • Green cuttings. Sometimes they even take the tops, which are removed by pinching annual shoots. In August you need to prepare such branches by cutting off 20-35 cm of the tops. Then they are planted in the ground, deepened by about 20 cm. By next year, up to 4 real plants can be obtained from such cuttings.
  • Lignified cuttings.
  • Root cuttings. To obtain them, you need to dig up the roots in the spring and select those that have reached 5-7 mm. They are divided into parts of 15 cm each, after which they are planted in rows at a shallow depth of up to 20 cm.

To propagate by ordinary cuttings, you need to prepare them in the fall, choosing 20 cm branches that have at least 2-4 buds. The blanks are soaked in water for a day, after which they are planted after 5-10 cm to a depth of 20 cm. There should be no more than 2 buds on the surface. If more appears after watering and soil subsidence, then more soil needs to be added.

Ezhemalina is one of the shrubs that tolerate cold well. But, despite the frost resistance, it is still worth carrying out some procedures in the fall, because winters are different. First, all branches must be untied from the trellises. They are carefully laid along the supports so as not to damage or break them.

For regions with little snow in winters, it is recommended to use organic shelter - peat, sawdust, fallen leaves or straw. It will protect the shoots from severe frosts. But regions with heavy snowfalls and large snow cover make it possible not to cover the raspberry every day. The snow itself will serve as a “blanket”, which will protect the bush shoots from freezing.

Ezhemalina suffers from the same diseases as regular raspberries. But the hybrid is much more stable, which is another advantage. The following diseases can affect shrubs:

  • Powdery mildew;
  • Raspberry rust;
  • Verticillium wilt, etc.

I wonder what different varieties more resistant to a particular disease. While Youngberry and Longaberry are more likely to suffer from rust, Boysenberry is resistant to it. At the same time, Longaberry practically does not get sick powdery mildew or verticillium, while Boysenberry and Youngberry are affected by them.

The bush does not have many pests. These include some insects - weevils, raspberry beetles, galitsa. To avoid an attack, you should maintain planting density, mulch the soil, and take good care of the bushes.

Raspberry berries have a rich chemical composition, which makes them beneficial for the human body. Anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties determine the use of berries for acute respiratory infections, fever and pneumonia. Everymalin has a positive effect on the intestines, nervous system, joints and kidneys. The berry is useful for poisoning with alcohol or heavy metals, and for cystitis. By the way, not only berries can bring benefits, but also the branches of shrubs.

However, there are also contraindications for hybrid berry. Juice from it should not be drunk by those who suffer from high acidity, gastritis, or ulcers. Urolithiasis, gout, kidney pathologies and diabetes, as well as nasal polyps and bronchial asthma - all these are diseases for which it is recommended not to abuse raspberries. Risk of occurrence allergic reaction requires careful use of the berry by allergy sufferers and pregnant women.

Ezhemalina: video

The hybrid berry Ezhemalina is not yet very popular in our area. But only because few people know about it. It is worth cultivating this shrub for many reasons: the plant is not demanding, brings a rich harvest and is very beneficial for health.

The best varieties of Ezhmalina for the Moscow region are distinguished by good winter hardiness. Due to the fact that the plant was obtained from raspberries and blackberries, it acquired good resistance to cold and unpretentiousness in cultivation.

Popular varieties for the Moscow region are:

  • Loganberry. Creeping shrub mostly with small thorns. There are also thornless specimens. This is the very first variety of raspberry, obtained by chance in 1881 in the USA. The first specimens were not very productive and did not have high taste characteristics, but by now the Loganberry variety has been significantly improved. The fruits are elongated and red-violet in color. The taste of the fruit is sweet, pleasant, refreshing.
  • Tayberry. A creeping shrub that needs to be secured to a trellis. The berries ripen in late summer. Fruit elongated shape dark red color. The taste of the fruit is pleasantly sweet. Productivity is good. The variety is resistant to diseases and pests.
  • Cumberland. low shrub up to one and a half meters with good winter hardiness. Has characteristic thorns. It is practically not affected by diseases and does not sprout. Berries round shape, more like raspberries, but are black in color.
Despite the fact that Ezhmalina tolerates winter well, in regions with little snow it must be covered. The shelter must be made of safe materials, well permeable to air. Before the start of winter, the bushes are removed from the trellis and laid on the ground. Old branches need to be pruned.

Ezhemalina varieties for the south of Russia

The following varieties of raspberries are suitable for the south of Russia:

  • Boysenberry. The shrub is quite popular among gardeners due to its excellent taste characteristics berries Medium ripening variety - the fruits ripen from the end of July. The berries are medium-sized, fragrant and similar to raspberries, dark cherry in color. Subsequently, the fruits darken. New improved bushes of this variety do not have thorns, but their yield is significantly lower.
  • Texas. The creator of the variety is Michurin, who took the Loganberry variety as a basis. The resulting shrub can reach up to 5 meters in height. The variety is distinguished by long thorns. The berries are large, elongated, dark crimson in color. The variety has good yield.
  • Loganberry. The variety is also well suited for the south of the country.
  • Tayberry. Popular variety for the southern region.
  • Silvan. Shrub with creeping shoots. Has thorns. Fruiting is early - from the beginning of July. The berries are black, large, and sweetish. The variety is well suited for the southern regions. The productivity of the variety is high.
Most varieties of ezhemalina are suitable for growing in southern regions. They have the greatest drought resistance American varieties. The plant can be planted both in autumn and spring. You don’t need to cover the raspberries for the winter; you just need to lower them from the trellis to the ground. In hot climates with insufficient rainfall, it is recommended to water the plant as needed, especially during the formation and ripening of fruits. Mulching the soil will prevent premature evaporation of moisture and help get rid of weeds and pests. Mulching is carried out with mowed grass, sawdust, manure or peat.

Ezhemalina - varieties for Siberia

When choosing raspberry varieties for Siberia, it is necessary to take into account good winter hardiness and early or medium ripening of fruits.

Suitable varieties for Siberia:

  • Darrow. An erect shrub up to 3 m. The variety is productive, but the fruit size is small. The berries are red-violet in color and have a sweet and sour taste. The variety has good winter hardiness.
  • Tayberry. Frost resistance is lower than that of Darrow, but with additional shelter it is possible to grow this variety in Siberia.
Despite the fact that Ezhmalina is poorly adapted to cold winters, it can be grown in Siberia. The place for planting the raspberries must be chosen with south side. The site should be sunny, windless and unshaded. In case of shortage nutrients Raspberries are fed with manure every day, phosphorus fertilizers and potassium sulfate. Dosage and frequency will depend on the age of the plant and soil composition.

In the fall, the raspberries need to be prepared for winter cold. To do this, the branches are removed from the support and laid on the ground. For shelter, you can use straw, leaves, spunbond and other materials. After precipitation, the plant can be covered with a snowdrift.

IN spring time You need to remove the shelter only after establishing a stable temperature of at least 10°. If the cover is removed too early, there is a possibility of flower buds freezing, which leads to loss of yield.

Ezhemalina Cumberland - variety description

A description of the Cumberland raspberry variety will be useful to those who decide to grow this crop on their site.

Cumberland is a hybrid of raspberries and blackberries. American origin. The bush is medium-sized with characteristic thorns. Dark green leaves have roughness. Small flowers, white collected in thyroid brushes. Flowering begins in June.

Tip: The variety requires the use of a trellis, which greatly simplifies harvesting.

The berries are small and do not fall to the ground when ripe. The fruits tolerate transportation well. The black berries are very aromatic and sweet. The productivity of the variety is high. The berries are consumed fresh and used in cooking. The acid content in them is less than in raspberries, so they can be eaten even by people with high stomach acidity. Berries boost immunity, improve digestion and prevent the development of cancer.

The variety has good winter hardiness and does not require shelter for the winter. It also has good disease resistance.

Ezhemalina Loganberry – care

Caring for Loganberry raspberries is quite simple and does not require special skills. This variety includes signs of raspberries and blackberries, which determines the insignificant number of thorns or their complete absence, as well as high productivity and unpretentiousness.

Ezhemalina can grow on almost any soil, but it is better if it is fertile, loose soil. For planting, you need to choose high-quality seedlings. It is best to buy them from a nursery to get healthy material with a high survival rate. Such seedlings will produce good harvest and have increased disease resistance.

Growing Loganberry requires a trellis to secure the stems. If you do not tie the shoots to the supports, but let them run along the ground, it is recommended to pinch them when they reach a length of 2 m.

Watering the raspberries should be done as needed. The plant is easy to care for and if it’s a rainy season, you don’t have to water it at all.

Fertilizing is applied once every 3 years, after which the soil is mulched. IN autumn time pruning and preparation for winter are carried out. To do this, the stems are pressed to the ground and covered with special material.
In general, the shrub has high productivity and good frost resistance.

Ezhemalina is not as popular as its ancestors, but has no less advantages, and various varieties allow you not to make a mistake with your choice.