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Fittonia mix, home care, photo. Houseplant Fittonia

Fittonia (lat. Fittonia) immediately attracts attention: its highly decorative leaves are covered with spectacular veins, sharply contrasting with the main color. A few decades ago, the flower practically did not “survive” in the dry air of apartments, but now several have been bred hybrid varieties, which are adapted to the room climate. When buying Fittonia Josan or Mix, you don’t have to worry that caring for it will be difficult. The main thing is to provide the plant with suitable climatic conditions and follow the recommendations of specialists.

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    Description and types

    The genus Fittonia includes several decorative deciduous herbaceous perennials with bright foliage, the surface of which is literally dotted with white or red veins. The creeping shoots of Fittonia are covered with small “fluff”, the color of which depends on the age of the plants. In young specimens they are white-silver, in older specimens they are green. The shoots grow 10-20 cm in length and easily take root at the nodes. The shallow root system lies in the upper layers of the soil, so deep pots are not needed for planting a ground cover crop.

    During the flowering period, long spike-shaped inflorescences formed from small yellow flowers rise from under the dense foliage. WITH aesthetic point vision, the appearance of inflorescences does not spoil general form Fittonia, but takes away her strength. That's why experienced flower growers It is recommended to remove flower shoots - the plant looks attractive even without them.

    Three types are grown at home:

    • Fittonia Verschaffelta is the most popular variety, on the basis of which many interesting hybrid varieties have been bred. This is a perennial with oval-elliptical leaves 6-10 cm long. The surface of the green-olive leaf blades is covered with a network of white, bright pink or red veins.
    • Fittonia silver-veined is a no less favorite species among flower growers with spectacular silver-veined veins. white on a green background.
    • Fittonia large (giant) is less common compared to the previous two. It has erect, red-purple stems growing up to 50 cm in height. The leaf dimensions are 10-16 cm in length and 5-10 cm in diameter, the veins are red.

    Bushes look great in combination with others indoor crops and no less attractive in themselves. Flower shops offer for sale compositions called “Fittonia Mix”, made up of several varieties. Various by color combination, these plants need the same growing conditions. This composition looks elegant and presentable, and it’s easy to create it yourself - all you need to do is plant several different varieties of cuttings in one pot.

    Fittonia Mix - a mixture of different varieties

    Cissus or indoor grapes- types and varieties, rules of care and propagation at home


    Fittonia is an absolutely safe “creation”. Unlike most tropical crops having poisonous leaves or shoots, it does not pose a danger to human health or domestic animals. Therefore, the flower can be placed in any room: bedroom, kitchen, children's room or bright bathroom with a window. The main thing is that the conditions for keeping the South American plant correspond to natural ones: constant heat, high humidity and diffused sunlight.

    Air temperature

    Fittonia does not have a pronounced dormant period, which makes caring for it much easier. The plant does not need to be moved to a cool room in winter or artificially lowered the air temperature. The required values ​​of +22...+25 °C are easy to maintain in summer and winter, provided there is high-quality heating. If the performance of heaters or batteries leaves much to be desired, in winter you can keep Fittonia at a temperature of +18...+20 °C. Cold temperatures below +17...+18 °C are dangerous for the plant: it will begin to lose leaves and get sick, and at +15 °C it will most likely die.

    Fittonia does not tolerate the slightest drafts, so even late spring or in the summer, when the street is stable warm weather, it cannot be taken out on Fresh air. In the autumn-winter period, spectacular bushes should be placed as far as possible from the cold currents that enter the apartment when ventilated through a slightly open window.


    Over the long history of their development, fittonias have adapted to diffused lighting without straight lines sun rays, because in the tropics these exotic flowers are located under the dense crowns of trees. Optimal place the apartment has an east or west window. North window sill the best option, since there will be a strong shortage natural light. The southern one is absolutely not suitable for a delicate beauty.

    To avoid problems, in the autumn-winter period or on a northern window sill you will have to illuminate the Fittonia with fluorescent lamps or LED lamps.

    Air humidity

    The most difficult of all care items to achieve at home is maintaining humidity throughout the year at a level of at least 60-70%. If in summer it is still possible to create the necessary microclimate in apartments, then in heating season, when the air in the room is dried by heaters and radiators, this is quite difficult to do. You can increase the humidity level in different ways:

    • Place the flowerpot with plants on a tray filled with wet pebbles, moss or expanded clay. In this case, the bottom of the pot should not touch the water.
    • Every day, and in hot weather summer days– morning and evening, spray the plant with a spray bottle using water room temperature. It is better to take purified water that has been passed through household filter, since it contains minimal amount mineral salts. To prevent unsightly white stains from remaining on delicate foliage, you can boil it in advance. tap water and defend.
    • Grow Fittonia in a glass container: volumetric glass jar, jug, decorative vessel, aquarium, etc. Arranging a florarium will not only create a humid microclimate around the bushes, but will also protect them from harmful changes in air temperature and drafts.
    • Use an electric humidifier. This device quickly increases the air humidity in the room and maintains it at a given level.

    During the heating season, it is necessary to place flowerpots with fittonia away from working heaters.


    To water Fittonia, it is recommended to use pre-settled water, the temperature of which is 2-3 degrees higher than room temperature. The plant prefers slightly moist soil, but does not tolerate excess or stagnation of liquid. Drying out the soil in a pot can lead to colorful leaves falling off, and overmoistening can lead to root rot and the death of the flower.

    To make it easier to navigate the frequency of watering, you need to check the condition of the soil in the pot daily and water on the 2nd day after the top layer has dried by 1-2 cm.

    Feeding and pruning

    To maintain the decorative appearance of Fittonia and the active growth of shoots, it is necessary to add complex fertilizers for decorative foliage plants. The dosage recommended by the manufacturer should be halved and watered with a nutrient composition every 2 weeks. From November to February, the frequency of fertilizing should be reduced to one per month.

    In order for Fittonia to actively bush and look lush, its tops must be pinched from time to time. Anti-aging pruning can be done in March-April, and cut cuttings can be used for rooting.

    Planting and transplanting

    To plant Fittonia, it is recommended to use a universal store-bought substrate intended for growing decorative leafy crops. Owners summer cottages, addicted indoor floriculture, can make up an earth mixture independently from the following components:

    • leaf soil - 3 parts;
    • humus – 1 part;
    • peat – 1 part;
    • washed river sand large fraction – 1 part.

    Flowerpots for fittonias should be small and wide - the plants have a superficial root system, which in a deep container can rot due to stagnation of water and acidification of the soil. A prerequisite for planting and replanting: the presence of holes in the container for the drainage of excess water and laying a drainage layer of at least ¼ of the height of the walls of the pot. Young fittonias should be replanted annually in the spring, increasing the diameter of the flowerpot without changing its height.

    Mature, overgrown bushes can be replanted every 2-3 years. However, this is not always relevant, since over time exotic flower grows - it falls off lower leaves and the stems become bare. The loss of decorativeness cannot be prevented, but you can rejuvenate the plant: cut several cuttings, root and plant in one pot.


    Despite the capricious nature tropical beauty its reproduction usually does not cause any problems. Most convenient way get a young plant - root cuttings:

    • At the beginning of the active growing season, cut apical cuttings 6-7 cm long.
    • Prepare a bowl or shallow container with damp sand, sphagnum moss or peat.
    • Plant the cuttings and cover with a transparent cap to create a greenhouse effect.
    • Place the mini-greenhouse in a bright, warm place, moisten the soil as needed.
    • Ventilate the cuttings daily and remove drops of condensation that settle on the walls of plastic or glass.

    Fittonia cuttings can also be rooted in a glass of water. If the roots do not appear for a long time, you should be patient: sometimes it takes 4 to 10 weeks for them to form.

    Mature overgrown bushes can be easily divided into two or several parts during spring transplantation and placed in separate containers. In this case, each division should have full roots and at least 2-3 viable shoots.

    Difficulties in growing

    Fittonia can be attacked by insects: scale insects, mealybug or thrips. When caring for a flower, you need to regularly inspect the variegated bushes and take urgent measures if pests appear:

    • Remove detected individuals manually using cotton pad, soaked in an alcohol solution.
    • Cover the soil in the pot plastic film, and treat the plant itself with a soap solution.
    • In case of severe infection, purchase an insecticidal preparation (Aktellik, Aktara, Inta-Vir, Fitoverm, etc.), dilute it according to the instructions and spray the Fittonia.
    • After 10-12 days, carry out another treatment to prevent a repeat incident.

    Most of the problems when growing Fittonia are not related to pests, but to errors in care:

    • The tips of the leaves become brown and dry due to low air humidity in the apartment. This is especially noticeable in the autumn-winter season, when heaters and heating devices working at full capacity.
    • The falling of leaves is caused by dry air or waterlogging of the soil in the pot.
    • Direct sunlight falling on showy bushes causes the leaves to thin, wrinkle, become pale or dry out. The same symptoms can occur due to exposure to dry air.
    • Insufficient watering leads to curling of the leaf plates, and stagnation of water in the pot leads to their yellowing.
    • Leaves turn yellow-brown due to overfeeding nutrients or due to a lack of minerals.
    • In a cold room, where the air temperature is below +18 °C, the stems of Fittonia may wither and rot. This often occurs when the effects of cold are combined with increased humidity caused by frequent spraying.
    • In adult Fittonia, the lower leaves often fall off, but this is not a sign of disease: as the flower ages, the shoots lengthen and their lower parts become bare.

    If any of the listed problems appear, you need to correct the watering, fertilizing or lighting regime, and the plant will recover. However, sometimes Fittonia quickly dies due to the development of putrefactive processes. You can save a flower only by cutting and rooting healthy cuttings.

    Growing Fittonia in an aquarium - good way maintain the necessary air humidity

    Variegated Fittonia with brightly colored leaves will be a good addition to your home flower collection. It can be grown as a ground cover or hanging plant, plant a mix of hybrids of different “suits” or combine with other indoor crops that require similar growing conditions.

Such new idea seemed very interesting to me, because on small area You can place several of your favorite plants and place them in any place. They not only freshen the air, but also add an original touch to any interior.

The question remains: how to care for and replant such plants? I really wanted to get all the information about this new trend in floriculture. This is what I am sharing with you.

As many people mistakenly think, a mix is ​​not the name of some unknown flower, A modern novelty. This name refers to a whole set of flowers that can be planted in identical pots or placed in one tray. Translated from English, “Plant mix” means “Mixture of plants.”

Experienced gardeners, when compiling such a set, select plants of the same species, the care of which is similar. This way, watering, transplanting and planting can happen for almost all plants at the same time.

Let's analyze in more detail how to carry out these processes correctly so that all the flowers grow and feel good.

  1. Flower pots take no more than 10 cm and select them of the same color. This greatly improves the overall decorative look. The largest mix consists of 25 pots. In such quantity, the flowers resemble a small garden.
  2. An example is Fittonia Mix. This plant has about 10 species. This flower is a representative of the Acanthaceae. The multi-colored leaves of one plant, collected together, look very beautiful. There are even white leaves. At least 6 species are collected in one Mix. The result is a very impressive floral arrangement.
  3. Dracaena, which is not a palm tree, is often used in mix compositions.
  4. They try to select ornamental plants in such a way that they bring not only aesthetic pleasure, but also benefits. It is recommended to place cacti, ficus, succulents and dracaenas near the computer, while dieffenbachia and spathiphyllum saturate the surrounding air with oxygen.
  5. When in a flower shop there are 2 numbers 25/8 next to the name Plant Mix, this means: the first number is the diameter of the flowerpot, and the second is the height of the flower itself.

Basic rules of care

The main criterion is to select plants that need the same conditions. The room temperature should be +18 - 23 degrees in summer, and at least +15 in winter. General rule is not to put the mix on south side rooms so as not to be exposed to direct sunlight.

Selecting a location

All plants need sunlight. Otherwise, their growth and development will simply stop. They are usually divided into 3 groups:

  1. Flowers that love partial shade and soft diffused light (philodendrons, monstera, dracaenas and dieffenbachias).
  2. Those that need diffused light and some sunlight in the morning or evening (eucalyptus, cacti, ragwort, ficus).
  3. Those that constantly need sunlight (plumeria, passionflower, almost all types of cacti, citrus fruits).

If you place the mix in a place where there is no window or other source of sunlight, then additionally illuminate the plants with lamps.


  • The mix includes plants that are representatives of the same species. Therefore, you can and should feed flowers according to one schedule. The composition can include both mineral and organic fertilizers. It all depends on the specific type of plant.
  • It is recommended to apply a small amount of fertilizing every 14 days. Basically, mixes of flowers are fed in spring and summer.


Since each type of flower may have a different watering regime. To avoid overwatering the plants, you should wait until the first layer of soil dries.

It is recommended not only to spray the leaves of flowers from a spray bottle using the rain method, but also to maintain a moderate watering schedule. This way, the flowers will receive the right amount of water. Some species require additional wiping of the leaves with a damp soft cloth.

IN winter time When many ornamental plants enter a dormant period, the amount of moisture is reduced by approximately 2 times. IN spring period sap flow begins, as well as a period of active growth and flowering. Excessive moisture of plants in winter can cause putrefactive processes, since moisture evaporates much more slowly.

Diseases and pests

The difficulty may arise in the fact that if one plant gets sick, others may become infected from it.

  1. If thrips, scale insects, or any type of rot are noticed in flowers, then all flowers in the mix should be treated with insecticides.
  2. It is necessary to regularly ventilate the room where the flowers are located, and carry out processing using gloves.
  3. When a plant is attacked by aphids, all flowers except dwarf palms are infected. In order to save flowers from misfortune, you need to make a special soap solution(10 grams of soap requires 1000 ml of water). This solution must be used to wipe the leaf plates.
  4. The most durable flowers are those with dense, shiny leaves that have a solid structure.

Methods of propagation and transplantation

Basically, Plant mix includes young flowers. But, if they are not replanted in Europe, then here it is still worth finding new pots for them. Otherwise, the flowers may simply die. They are purchased in shipping pots and the soil is only peat, and the flowers need a more varied composition.

If the place where the mix was purchased was cool enough, then room conditions plants may experience stress. It is recommended to give them some time to get used to the new place, and then transplant them. If temperature regime is identical, then the transplant can be carried out immediately.

Before starting the replanting process, you need to clearly know what species and variety the plant belongs to.

And only then proceed to transplantation.

  • Observe the decorativeness provided at the beginning, and purchase new flowerpots that are also the same or at least in the same style.
  • Since in a mix all the plants are usually of the same genus, it is enough to know the type or variety of one. In accordance with this, purchase a soil mixture at the flower shop that will suit all the flowers in the set.
  • As in most cases when replanting ornamental plants, here it is necessary to place a layer of drainage at the bottom of each pot. It is not recommended to use expanded clay, which introduces acidity into the soil. Crushed stone works well.
  • Next, carefully fill in the purchased soil mixture. You then need to put the flower in a flowerpot and compact the soil a little.
  • After planting, it is recommended to moisten the soil abundantly.

Plants can only be propagated by cuttings. To do this, you just need to carefully cut off the shoot a little below the node. It is recommended to disinfect the cut area. For this Activated carbon you need to crush it into fine crumbs and process the cuts. This will protect your plants from infections.

The length of the cutting should not exceed 15 cm. Before planting, it should be dipped in a phytohormone solution for a few seconds. Then plant the shoot in the ground. There is no need to cover the top with film.

Set components

Usually the composition includes ornamental plants that do not bloom, but differ in the color of the leaves and their structure. Even their approximate height is the same, which allows them to be rearranged and even taken out into the garden in spring and summer, if possible.


The flower has another name - Crassula, and belongs to the Crassulaceae family. The plants have dense, shiny leaves that have the ability to retain moisture. The plant is a succulent.

There may be several types in the mix. The main difference between them is the structure and structure of the leaves, as well as the difference in shades. They can be either green or greyish; there are also variegated ones.

It is convenient to make mixes of Crassula or money tree species, since the plants do very well in the shade. Therefore, any place in the room will be acceptable for them.


For these plants, an acceptable temperature will be approximately +10 - 12 degrees. Watering should be done no more than once a month. Then some species are able to bloom.

The flowering period begins only at 3 or 4 years of age. The different structure of the above-ground part looks very original in the set. It is better to place these exotics near equipment (TVs and computers that emit harmful energy).


The leaves of these decorative flowers are cylindrical in shape. The inflorescences form into inflorescences. Blooms can be subtle shades of orange and yellow. Red flowers look very beautiful. Each variety has its own shade and color.


IN wildlife this plant blooms completely inconspicuous and ugly small flowers. The flowering height reaches several meters. It blooms 20 - 30 years after planting, and then dies immediately. In cultivated form, agave does not bloom.


  • Plant Mix is ​​a fairly new trend in floriculture. From European countries it has spread to our region, where it is increasingly gaining popularity. Previously, such sets were purchased more for office premises, now they have already taken a place in the house.
  • Caring for such plants will not take much time, because they belong to the same species. Watering and fertilizing are done equally for everyone in the mix.
  • It is advisable to replant the plants immediately after purchase. In identical pots you need to think about drainage layer and soil mixture.

Kalanchoe Mix belongs to the genus of succulents of the large Crassulaceae family. Its homeland is the tropics of Southeast Asia, southern Africa, and South America. Scientists count more than 200 species of this tropical small miracle. Many are well adapted to our housing conditions(you can find out about the various colors of Kalanchoe in).

A distinctive feature of Kalanchoe is its excellent health and prosperity in any climate. The flower, due to its properties, stores water well. Kalanchoe Mix is ​​a hybrid from Kalanchoe Kandiva mini, which naturally lives in hot Africa and Asia.

Thanks to the talent and patience of the breeders, the mix “inherited” good endurance. But, unlike its ancestors, it blooms longer: flowering can last up to 5 – 6 months.

Other names

In its homeland, Kalanchoe is called the plant of life. And literally translated from Portuguese language, Kalanchoe - “grass of destiny.” Except healing properties Kalanchoe also has magical properties - fortune tellers predicted fate by the number of grown “children”, hence the name.

Varieties, their features and photos

Varieties Kalanchoe Mix there are a great many for every taste and preference. But there are special varieties that many gardeners love and breed.

Rosalina Don Sergio

It has the appearance of a bush, the stems are short, the flower grows only 20 - 25 cm. The leaves are fleshy, bright, dark green, ovoid in shape. The edges are patterned.

The flowers are unusually bright orange in color and miniature. They grow up to 1 cm in diameter. On a small peduncle, the flowers are collected in dense bouquets - umbrellas. They bloom for quite a long time - 1.5 - 2 months, new buds ripen to replace them - flowering continues, and Kalanchoe Rosalina mix Don Sergio for a long time continues to bloom.

You can learn more about Kalanchoe Don Sergio and how to care for it.

This species is called both Christmas tree and snowflake because of the bizarre shape of the flowers, they seem to be knitted with a pattern. The stems are bare, juicy, light green, covered with a scattering of green spots, dashes and dots. The leaves are light, mottled with brown-green spots - marks. They are slightly rolled into small tubes with a groove in the center. The leaves are narrow, up to 0.5 cm wide, growing up to 10 – 12 cm.

The flowers are lilac, miniature, only 2 cm. They bloom mainly in winter - hence the name - Snowflake.

From the biological description of Kalanchoe Mix and the characteristics of its varieties Several features of this wonderful flower should be highlighted:

  • Kalanchoe Mix is ​​very easy to propagate, this allows even non-professional gardeners to propagate the flower without hindrance.
  • Kalanchoe Mix survives and thrives in drought. Reason: the thick stem and leaves accumulate water reserves, like in reservoirs. That is why the flower has such a fragrant appearance.
  • Kalanchoe Mix is ​​popularly called the “surgeon”; the juice from the leaves actually “pulls out” any inflammation without surgery. Kalanchoe tincture is used to treat varicose veins, swelling, even colds and flu.
  • Kalanchoe Mix is ​​used in cooking and home cosmetology – leaves with “babies” – useful basis for salads, face masks.

Where and how to plant: rules and instructions

We replant young Kalanchoe Mix once a year:

  1. We treat the pot to prevent disease.
  2. At the bottom of a small pot we place drainage - pebbles, pieces of cut cork, 2-3 cm.
  3. Easily pour in moist soil without compacting it.
  4. We deepen it to the level of the neck, the depression is small.
  5. We fertilize the soil.

An adult flower is replanted every 3–4 years:

  1. They use the transfer method.
  2. The pot requires a larger size than the previous one.
  3. We pour a drainage base - expanded clay - onto the bottom.
  4. We place the root shallowly together with an old lump of earth.
  5. Fill the space in the pot with new soil.
  6. We apply fertilizers.

Important: during Kalanchoe flowering The mix cannot be replanted.

Adaptation to new living conditions lasts 1–2 weeks.

Lighting should be sufficient, close to natural conditions life. East and west windows are best - there is enough sun and there is no risk of burning the leaves. If you installed pots on the southern window sill, be sure to shade the window and curtain it.

In winter it is better to add additional lighting so that daylight hours increase to 10–11 hours. Otherwise, Kalanchoe Mix will stretch, even with limited watering. Such a short daylight hours promotes flowering in winter - December - February.

But in the summer, in the very heat, you definitely need to make partial shade for the kolanchoe for several hours. The room should be cool enough even in summer. Make sure that the temperature does not rise above 27°C. In winter, the permissible temperature range is 11 – 15°C.

Soil requirements

We must not forget that Kalanchoe Mix is ​​a tropical inhabitant, so the composition of the soil must correspond to its natural characteristics.

  • Drainage, at least 2 - 3 cm.
  • Leaf soil.
  • Sand.
  • Turf.
  • Humus.
  • 1:1:1:1 - ratio of parts of the soil composition.

It is important to consider that Kalanchoe Mix does not like large pots, Flowers feel more comfortable in small pots.

From proper care at home depends abundant flowering and healthy fragrant Kalanchoe species Mix.

Common diseases and pests

If Kalanchoe Mix does not bloom for a long time, spots appear on the leaves, then there are problems: mold, insects or fungal infections. main reason– improper care.

The most common problems with Kalanchoe Mix:

  • Late blight. This is rotten. Signs: disgusting brown spots and plaque appear on the leaves. The reason is poor air ventilation, excess moisture in the substrate. Urgently treat the leaves with fungicides, select fertilizers, and be sure to reduce watering.
  • Powdery mildew- white spots and plaque on the leaves. This is a fungus caused by overheating of the air. Therefore, Kolanchoe Mix sheds its leaves. You need to water the flower more often and keep the air temperature cool. Spraying with fungicides will help here. You need to hurry, as this disease spreads very quickly and can infect other flowers.
  • Gray rot– the leaves have become sticky and covered gray coating. It is urgent to replant Kolanchoe Mix, change the soil, disinfect the pots and tools for replanting. Adjust watering, temperature and humidity, treat the flower with an antifungal solution.
  • Mealybug- most dangerous pest for our flower. It feeds on sap, causes destructive black mold, and is very dangerous. White discharge appears on the stems and leaves. Treatment: spraying with mineral oil, cleaning Kalanchoe Mix from diseased leaves.

Features of reproduction

The main feature of Kalanchoe Mix is ​​its simple reproduction. Any gardener can handle this. Propagated vegetatively - leaves, cuttings, stems.

Reference! Even old, fallen leaves are suitable for propagation. They take root very easily in the soil.


  1. We propagate during the formation of a bush or during transplantation.
  2. Strong shoots up to 7 cm are selected.
  3. It is better to use the tops of the shoots.
  4. We plant the cut cuttings in a moist substrate.
  5. The cuttings take root in 2 weeks.

Kalanchoe Mix is ​​such a festive, elegant flower. In order for it to please you and decorate your home, a minimum of effort is required, because it is so unpretentious and hardy! Watch the flower, keep it in order, following all the simple care recommendations, and this exotic flower will always show off on your window!

Many flower lovers have repeatedly wondered how realistic it is to maintain and breed these wonderful and beautiful inhabitants at home. At first glance, it may seem that the rose bush is extremely difficult to grow. home breeding plant. Let's try to figure out how to grow it at home.

This plant is native to the tropical forests of the Southeast Asian continent. In the European part, they became known at the beginning of 1810, during their arrival from China. Mixed rose belongs to the Rosaceae family and belongs to the genus of miniature plants.

Classification groups and varieties of roses

There are two main types of this plant for cultivation:

  1. Decorative potted- As a rule, they are temporary. More often used to form temporary compositions. After flowering, wilting occurs.
  2. Blooming decorative indoors– grow at home, are evergreen, often bloom, often all year round.

There are several most popular types:

  • Patio mix- differ from others the most large sizes both flowers and the plant itself, but are low-growing (height no more than 50 cm). The period of appearance of flowers is quite long, the color variations are varied.
  • Turbo– also bloom for quite a long time. Differ in richness color scheme and large buds.
  • Cornada- the smallest plants. Characteristic feature, is short stature, small bud size.
  • Parade mix- the most popular among all domestic roses. Has the best adaptation to living in an apartment. Flowering occurs very often.
  • Mini mix– these include a large category of plants. It has a low stem part, flowers are usually medium or small size. Well suited for indoor breeding.

Basic rules of care and maintenance features

The plant is sensitive, so it needs to be carefully monitored. How to care for the crop?


One of the important nuances in caring for this plant is watering (water is usually not lower than room temperature). These crops, as usual, are watered in fairly abundant quantities. Here, a clarification should be made - abundantly does not mean often!

In summer, watering may be required up to two times a day. At the end of the summer season, the frequency of watering decreases. Positive dynamics are achieved by combining watering and spraying the rose mix. During winter cold Watering can even be replaced with it. During the active growth phase, the plant should not be subject to water and light deficiency.


The mini mix variety is in dire need of constant lighting. To provide the required level of illumination, special lamps can be used.

But even with the help of ordinary fluorescent lamps, it is possible to achieve the desired result. With constant illumination, the plant will bloom more often than usual (almost continuously).

Transplanting a plant

If the plant is newly acquired, it should be immediately transplanted into another container. Transplantation can be carried out at any time of the year. The most recommended frames are spring or late summer. For replanting, it would be best to purchase special soil for indoor roses. The soil should have a fairly loose structure and be moderately moist.

Important points when transplanting this crop:

  • mandatory presence of a drainage layer at least 1 cm thick.
  • It is better to transplant during the waxing period of the Moon.
  • When replanting, the previous earthen lump should be preserved by adding fresh soil to it.
  • Before replanting, the pot with the plant should be placed in water (the soil must absorb moisture).
  • After transplanting, you should spray the leaves of the plant.
  • one day after transplantation, the plant should be watered (settled water at room temperature is used).

If leaves dry out, buds fall off, or shoots change color, the main reason for this is most often insufficient air humidity or watering. Proper regular watering and spraying will help you cope with this.

For rose varieties mix, patio and other types, fertilizer becomes a key care parameter (along with regular transplantation). The alternation of mineral and organic fertilizer. It is best to fertilize the soil during the period of active flower growth.

Diseased or recently transplanted plants are not allowed to be fertilized. It is better to fertilize in the second half of the day. The soil to be fertilized must be sufficiently moist.

Features of reproduction at home

There are two main methods of propagation of this crop. This is produced:

  1. By grafting a shoot onto a rosehip bush.
  2. Formation of cuttings.

Cuttings can be cut at almost any time, but their best survival rate is observed when cut at the beginning of summer. The cut part must have a bud, shoot or flower.

The cuttings of the plant need to be rooted in loose, moist soil, and it is best if there are buds on it. After rooting, the plant should be sprayed generously once a week.. It is best to stir the rooted cuttings in a sunny, warm place or use a fluorescent lamp for these purposes.

Another option would be to place the cuttings of this crop in water. Soon, it will certainly take root, after which it should be placed in a container with soil.

Similarly, having examined some of the nuances of caring for a mixed rose, we can conclude that it is a rather whimsical plant that requires increased attention. Almost all mini-varieties bloom at home, so if there are no flowers for a long period (about a year), you should think about whether the plant is being properly monitored.

Fittonia mix belongs to the Acanthus family and is native to South America. This is not a separately bred type of indoor flower, but a mixture of different varieties, planted in one pot with decorative purpose. The leaves of perennials have an exotic color; bright veins are clearly visible on their surface. different colors. The plants are relatives, so they grow quietly in the same volume of soil and require identical care.

Description and types of fittonia

There are ten varieties of Fittonia. The root system of plants is superficial, densely pubescent stems can be either erect or creeping. The leaves are about ten centimeters long, they have an oval shape and a variety of colors (from light green to bright red). Mature plant reaches a height of 40 centimeters.

Table: The most popular types of indoor plants

Title and photoShort description
The plant is distinguished by creeping shoots and oval leaves of olive color with red veins. Loves high humidity and warmth.
This view is different dark green leaves streaked with white, red and Pink colour. Does not tolerate drafts and needs good lighting and regular spraying.
Ornamental plant has creeping shoots and green foliage with white veins. Does not like dry air and direct sunlight.

Flowering of Fittonia mix begins in early summer and lasts for two weeks. Cream flowers small size collected in spike-shaped inflorescences.

The plant was named in honor of the two Fitton sisters, who were the creators of the first botany textbook.

Home care

Fittonia mix does not like direct sunlight, but the lack of light also negatively affects its development. It is best to place pots with plants on window sills that face east or west. During the winter season indoor flowers It is advisable to move it to the southern part of the room and remove it away from radiators.

Plants must be planted in a loose and nutritious substrate. You can buy it in the store ready soil for fittonia or prepare it yourself. The soil should contain the following components in equal parts:

  • black soil;
  • peat;
  • deciduous soil;
  • sand;
  • coniferous soil.

Indoor plants get used to a certain microclimate, so even in summer time It is not recommended to take pots with them outside.

Temperature and humidity

Fittonia comes from southern countries, therefore it is heat-loving plant. In summer, the room temperature should be about 26 °C. In winter, the thermometer should not drop below 18 °C. Sudden changes in temperature or the presence of drafts can cause leaves to fall.

The exotic plant prefers high air humidity (at least 60%). If the air in the room is dry, then the plant must be regularly sprayed or containers with water placed next to them.

Watering and fertilizing

Water the indoor flower as the top layer of soil dries out. For irrigation use settled water. In summer, the plant is watered four times a week, and in winter, the number of waterings is reduced to twice a week. You should not overwater the Fittonia mix, as stagnation of water in the pot can lead to rotting of the root system.

From March to November, the plant is fed twice a month. Purchased ones are used as fertilizers. mineral fertilizers, the recommended dosage is halved. Fittonia does not have a pronounced dormant period, so in winter the plant is fertilized once a month.

Transplantation, pruning and propagation

Fittonia is transplanted in early spring. Young plants are replanted every year, and adult bushes - once every two years. The pot for replanting should be slightly larger in volume than the previous one. If you transplant a flower into a container that is too large, the plant will slow down its growth. There must be a drainage layer at the bottom of the pot (pebbles, polystyrene foam or expanded clay).

Pruning is carried out in March; it helps to increase the rate of growth and development of shoots. The bush is rejuvenated by trimming the leaves in three stages. An interval of one week is maintained between procedures so as not to injure the plant. Fittonia is propagated in March or July.

Table: Reproduction methods

WayAlgorithm of actions
A cutting about eight centimeters long is cut from the mother plant. Plant it in a small container with sand and cover it plastic bag. Periodically remove the bag to water and ventilate the cuttings. For successful rooting, the room temperature is maintained at 26 °C.
Dividing the bush
During transplantation, the flower is divided into several parts. Perform the procedure carefully so as not to damage the roots of the Fittonia. Each part is planted in the ground and cared for as an adult plant.
By layering
The shoots, at a distance of six centimeters from the top of the fittonia, are pressed to the ground and lightly dug in. After the cuttings take root, they are separated from the mother bush and planted in a separate pot.

Diseases and pests

Fittonia mix can be susceptible to the following diseases:

  1. Leaves curl and fall off most often due to lack of watering, bright lighting and dry indoor air.
  2. Stems wither if the air temperature is lower than necessary.
  3. The plant turns yellow due to excessive watering.
  4. Foliage loses color if the lighting in the room is too bright.

Table: Pests that can appear on a houseplant

NameDescriptionWay to fight
Spider mite
On inside a cobweb appears on the leaves. This happens most often due to dry air and improper watering.Follow the watering regime and treat the flower with Fitoverm.