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Turnkey guest houses. Guest house layout

After the construction of the main country house I had a huge amount of extra building materials left, which it was decided to put to good use and build another building on the site. Thus a hybrid was born summer kitchen with a guest house of 15 square meters. General expenses for construction (including the cost of “extra” building materials) approximately 150,000 rubles.

Construction was carried out from shit and sticks using the most modern technologies. Foundation - insulated Swedish slab without warm circuit. Walls - different sizes concrete blocks with thickness finished wall 250 mm laid on polyurethane foam. Roofing - wooden rafters with continuous sheathing and single-layer built-up waterproofing. Construction was carried out extremely slowly and unhurriedly, because there was no need to rush anymore.

2. The walls are plastered in the same way as on the main house. Outside - cement plaster Grunband with polystyrene foam balls and thin layer white cement putty Belsilk. It’s too lazy to paint, the same story with the main house. The insulated base of the USHP also needs to be closed plastic panels. Wooden structure I covered the roof with plastic soffits. We still need to plaster the joint between the wall and the roof, but we still can’t get around to it.

Yes, helpful advice for those who are building from aerated concrete. Never, hear, never buy a supply of aerated concrete blocks. No 5% reserve. All this will remain and then you will puzzle over what to do with it. Block breakage is minimal, no stock is needed, plus take into account the multiplicity of delivery in whole pallets (1.4 m3). Ideally, do a sequential block count.

3. Remnants from the construction of the main house were used inside. Laminate flooring was perfect for entrance area I bought additional tiles with imitation laminate for 200 rubles/m2. The corner sofa, as planned, will be made of two single beds. We need to sew big pillows for them. There is a paneling painted white on the ceiling. The walls are also painted with leftover paint. There is no water supply or sewerage in the house, because... at the time of design engineering systems guest house was not in the project.

4. An air source heat pump is used for heating - this wonderful one window air conditioner General Climate consuming 1 kW electrical energy and producing 2.5 kW of heat. I bought it on Avito for 7 thousand rubles. Of course, the guest house turned out to be not as energy efficient as the main one; after all, the walls are too thin and the glass area is large, but it is quite suitable for use in the off-season.

5. On huge ones panoramic windows - roller blinds. In the upper left corner exhaust fan. It was possible to use almost all the remains of building materials from the main construction. After which I also sold all the unnecessary tools (such as concrete mixers) on Avito, thereby returning part of the investment.

6. All summer we fought with weeds on the site. So far ineffective. There is no time to constantly weed everything. And since a huge number of shrubs and fruit trees- You can’t just mow everything with a trimmer. In general, there is still work and work to be done here. And at this very moment you understand the advantage of the fact that we have only 6 acres, and not 20. Who would look after 20 acres of land?

I wanted to make an elevator to the roof this season, but the green roof dissuaded me, so for now I installed a couple of solar panels for experiments with alternative energy. In general, during these two years of construction with my own hands, I managed to gain invaluable experience. And another interesting observation is that construction should never be extended for more than 2 years. During this time, new technologies and materials will appear, and if you have an unfinished house, you will spend the rest of your life constantly improving it during the construction process, without ever finishing the job. There is no need to build anything for yourself yet, but you often have to consult friends and acquaintances.

And as an idea for further self-realization, a desire arose to build an extreme amusement park, but without a serious investor, one can only dream about this for now. But nothing is impossible in the world, the main thing is desire.

Life outside the city, away from the hustle and bustle, increasingly attracts residents of megacities. Peace, the opportunity to get good rest for adults and small family members, walks in own garden, working on the site for your own pleasure - this lifestyle usually turns out to be attractive not only for the owners of a country cottage, but also for their friends and relatives. Frequent arrivals of noisy guests and children having fun together certainly cause affection, however, the owners do not always want to change their usual lifestyle and experience some discomfort from the need to adhere to a special regime.

Design: we think over the favorable location of the guest house

A good way out of the situation would be to build a guest house on a country plot. The common belief that its construction and maintenance will not be affordable for many people is not based on sufficiently compelling grounds - with a rational approach to the selection of the project and materials for construction, it can be reduced new building budget to a minimum.

Produced Right planning a suburban area will allow you to place the guest house in such a way as to reduce communication costs to a minimum. But it may also be beneficial to avoid installing pipelines. To heat the house, if necessary, you can build a fireplace or stove that can heat a small space.

Located next to the main house and bathhouse, the guest house can also perform important technical functions. It can accommodate a boiler room operating on different types fuel. In case of emergency, it can provide all buildings with heat and serve as a backup source of electricity.

There is also the possibility of constructing an unheated winter time premises, especially if active visits to a suburban area are associated with the summer period.

The new building can also be used as a summer kitchen, this is especially important on hot days when it comes to canning vegetables grown on the site.

Guest house design

An attractive point in such construction is the absence of any design requirements or standards. The owners choose the project guest house depending on your capabilities, preferences and imagination.

The design of the guest house should be thought out so that it harmoniously combines with other buildings located on the site. Its area may not be large at all; 40 to 50 square meters will be enough. It is quite possible to place a small living room, a bedroom, a room for children, a small kitchen, a toilet and a shower on it.

It's possible that more practical option there will be a guest house with bathhouse located with him under the same roof: this will allow you to save on building materials, make more enjoyable holiday guests, and the owners will also use the bathhouse in this case with great comfort - there will be an excellent place for relaxation nearby, and there will be no need to go directly after the hot bath to the house down the street.

There is also the option of using the living room instead of the dressing room. This will allow you to use free and relatively large room for relaxation or gatherings with friends. In the case when guests like to stay up late, and the owners are accustomed to leading a more relaxed lifestyle, they can easily go to the main house at any time and take a break from the noise and fun.

In order to save money, you can pay attention to materials that are not very expensive, but allow you to save on heating and air conditioning during the operation of the house. In this case, you should take care of the finishing - appearance the structure in any case should be quite attractive.

To save space, we are building two floors

If suburban area has a small area, it is possible to design the construction two-story house. On the second floor you can place bedrooms, on the first - office space and a common room.

What cost-saving measures can be envisaged?

When designing a guest house, truly thrifty owners will make sure that its further operation does not entail large expenses. For this purpose we can recommend:

    Insulation of walls using modern materials, additional insulation is best done when building a house

    Since about 70% of the heat leaves the room precisely through low-quality windows, you should pay attention to heat-saving metal-plastic bags, their cost is not high, but in terms of heat conservation they are not inferior to expensive high-quality wooden structures

    Even energy-saving light bulbs will bring savings; at a higher cost, they compare favorably with their conventional counterparts long term service and low power consumption. At the same lighting intensity, energy consumption will be reduced by 80%

    Naturally, meters should be installed for all resources received; their use turns out to be beneficial both in a city apartment and in a country house

    Care should be taken to choose an energy efficient household appliances, when purchasing, you need to be interested in its energy consumption class.

Such a mini guest house will allow temporary accommodation of several people in a sufficiently comfortable conditions, after all, it is a place for temporary residence, and not permanent housing.

And if you approach the choice of design with imagination and imagination, then such a house may well become a real decoration of a suburban area.

Dacha or country cottage - perfect place for meetings with family and friends. But after a day spent in pleasant company, the time comes to part, because not every house can accommodate everyone for the night. Additional living space - a one-story guest house - will help extend communication time. Guests will feel comfortable in it, and their presence will not burden you unnecessary hassle and inconvenience.

If you are a fan natural materials, in particular wood, we recommend paying attention to the guest house made of laminated veneer lumber. It will become a harmonious element of the architectural ensemble, and its reliability and warmth will ensure maximum comfortable operation.

The TopsHouse company will build a turnkey wooden guest house. We provide customers with complete freedom in choosing a project and qualitatively implement the agreed upon option using laminated veneer lumber. This modern building material is different:

  • impeccable geometry and tight joining of elements;
  • high levels of strength and resistance to external influences;
  • excellent insulating characteristics;
  • aesthetic appearance and ease of installation.

All these qualities make a one-story guest house made of laminated veneer lumber perfect choice in cases where it is necessary to minimum terms build quality housing.

5 reasons to order a turnkey log guest house from the TopsHouse company

  1. Large selection of projects. Our company’s specialists will offer you dozens of modern and practical single-story options guest houses made of wood. At your request at any time finished project Subject to change.
  2. Quality materials. For construction, we use carefully prepared timber, high-quality window and door blocks, modern roofing materials and functional fittings.
  3. up
  4. A full range of services - from design to implementation. By contacting us, you will receive comprehensive solution, implying the completion of all stages (from the development of an individual drawing to the commissioning of the finished object).
  5. Quality guarantee up to 5 years. Strict adherence to construction technology allows us to guarantee the flawless operation of guest houses for a long time.
  6. Affordable price. The cost of constructing a turnkey project is formed according to a transparent scheme, which ensures the absence of hidden markups and unforeseen expenses.

We will fulfill your request promptly, efficiently and with a guarantee!

Many of our clients are interested in where the definition of “Guest house” or “sauna house made of rounded logs” came from. The answer is simple - these options make it possible to combine a bathhouse and a wooden residential building during the construction process. This type of housing is economical and at the same time very convenient. There is no need to run through what is likely to be a cold street after taking a bath. Bath procedures can be conveniently combined with a stay in guest house, where everything is provided for the most comfortable time spent.

The guest house often serves as a place active rest hosts: table tennis, billiards, a variety of exercise equipment - all this is perfectly placed here, freeing the owners from the need to construct additional premises in the main house and installation of sound insulation. The terrace can be used as a barbecue area. A good addition to this building will serve as an attached winter Garden or swimming pool.

If there are adult children in the family, then they will certainly take the opportunity to invite their noisy friends to relax, who, if there is a guest house, will not disturb you at all, and at the same time will be under your control. Accordingly, you will always have the opportunity to receive large quantity guests or relatives without having to worry about where to place them.

IN Lately owners of country houses land plots in Moscow, more and more people are moving away from traditional scheme construction of houses and baths made of concrete, giving preference to natural wood building materials. After all, it is wooden houses provide an opportunity to fully experience your closeness to nature.

The main advantage of building a country house for guests or a bathhouse is that wood is a living material, with its own energy. People living in wooden houses have much better health, peace of mind and a charge of life optimism.

The second important advantage of using wood as a building material is the saving factor. During construction wooden structure there is no need to build a heavy and expensive foundation; the process of finishing the walls will also not affect your financial capabilities. Under equal conditions, construction will cost you ~1.5 times cheaper than brick or concrete. Well, the undoubted advantage of a house made of wood is its aesthetically beautiful appearance. Log buildings have extraordinary beauty and are in perfect harmony with stone houses. Warm, beautiful, cozy and durable - such a house will forever remain a favorite vacation spot for you and your family.

Most often, a small guest house or bathhouse is built on an already built-up site, taking into account the buildings present on it. Therefore it follows with special attention approach its placement. Because wooden building has increased level fire hazards, the best option its construction will be at a distance of at least 10. from the nearest neighboring building. The bathhouse should be located so that during the winter months its entrance is not covered with snow.

Our specialists will listen and take into account all your individual wishes, and engineers will first carefully examine the proposed development area and prepare project documentation, after which it will be possible to begin the construction process directly.

Features of the guest bath house

The classic version of the Russian bathhouse is a structure made of logs or, which is insulated with linen or jute felt. Alternatively, you can use the method. This method is the most economical and differs wide variety interior decoration, and the appearance of the room can be made in a variety of architectural style. Under construction log house we use only the best quality material northern breeds coniferous forest: pine, larch, spruce. In the best way Joining logs for a bathhouse is considered to be cutting “in the cloud”. Thus, the log house is given maximum stability and heat conservation.

Forum member Demoncheg and his wife have long dreamed of getting out of the dusty city and settling near a river and forest so that their child, and they themselves, could breathe clean air. The family settled on the golden mean: the plot they liked was located 100 km from the city - not too far, but not so close either. They were captivated by the beauty of the spruce forest, which is located not far from their future place of residence. There they decided to purchase 10 acres of land. Initially, the family wanted to buy a ready-made 6x2.3 m change house, but they had to abandon this idea, since the desired quality did not correspond to the asking price. Therefore, it was decided to build a guest house with our own hands. Drawings of the future house 6x3 m were independently developed and an estimate was drawn up. They built the house in 15 days, the costs according to the estimate amounted to 120 thousand rubles.

Advice: Before starting construction of the foundation, it is necessary to select high-quality concrete blocks, since the strength of the future building will depend on them. When choosing blocks, you need to pay attention to the following characteristics: boundary load, frost resistance of blocks, presence of granite crushed stone and block sizes.

First, we marked the soil using metal pegs, rope and a construction meter, that is, we outlined the boundaries of the future building and foundation.

Note: During marking, it is necessary to take into account that the width of the foundation should a priori be greater than the width of the wall.

After completing the work on marking the territory, we began to prepare the soil for the construction of the foundation. For columnar foundation It is necessary to make holes in the ground for supports. Their depth should be approximately 1.5-3 cm, this depends on the unevenness of the area. That is, the recesses must be made so that after installing the blocks, their level matches.

You should definitely make cushions in the holes: pour sand and gravel at a level of 10-15 cm, fill with water and compact thoroughly. Next, the support platforms were installed and the blocks were placed.

Note: Support platforms make it possible to increase the load-bearing capacity of the soil; accordingly, it is possible heavy weight structures. Not recommended for use as a support paving slabs because of its fragility. The most reliable option is to fill the reinforced support platform in one row with road mesh or reinforcement.

Bottom frame frame

We made the bottom trim from 150x100 mm timber. The bottom trim is the first layer of timber; it is necessary to fix the future structure on the foundation. Also, the strapping acts as a reference point for the walls and floor.

Advice: Traditionally, the bottom frame is made from softwood. The builder can choose from a timber, a board or a bunch of boards and a log. If a bunch of boards is used, then it should be secured with screws or nails of different lengths and in a checkerboard pattern.

The size of the bottom trim should be 5-7 cm smaller than the foundation in order to install the ebb and make the outer cladding of the house. We laid out the prepared timber with the quarters cut out on the foundation, checked the dimensions, compared the diagonals and horizontal level. You can assemble the harness using self-tapping screws or wood glue-sealant.

Advice: In order for the connection of the lower trim to be sufficiently strong and rigid, it is recommended to make it in a “quarter”

The gaps between the lower beams and the foundation were sealed using a gasket made of polystyrene foam. As expected, the entire timber was treated with Senezh antiseptic.

At first it was planned to build the building according to the “platform” principle, but during the construction process they decided to build it according to a different principle.

We attached the logs made of antiseptic timber “in a quarter” to the bottom trim with self-tapping screws and glue-sealant. We also made the basis for the future floor: along the lower edge of the floor joists, bars were attached, on which a subfloor made of edged boards. The entire structure must be antecepted.

Wall installation

After the logs were laid, we began installing the walls. The distance was made a multiple of the insulation; the material chosen was 100x50 mm timber. The assembly of the house frame proceeded as follows. In the corners frame building and between them the supporting frame posts were installed, which were aligned and secured with temporary jibs from the outside.

We installed the top trim on the frame racks. Here you need to carefully check the horizontal and vertical load-bearing structure frame mini-house. Now you can install the remaining wall posts, focusing on the distance of the floor joists. Secure the entire structure with corners and screws.

Advice: Fastening with nails is cheaper, but it is unreliable because the wood often cracks. It is recommended to select metal corners and fasten them using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver.

We started installing the upper floor joists. They were laid in grooves in the same way as the floor joists, the only difference being that the floor joists were longer. This is provided in order to later attach the roof rafters. We strengthened the frame posts with jibs.

At this stage, construction was suspended for 10 days due to the drilling of a well. Upon completion of the work, construction continued.

Roof installation

After a short break we moved on to installing the roof. First they made the overlap. It is important to lay the timber strictly on the wall posts frame house to ensure structural strength. The ceiling is laid with an extension from outer wall more than 40 cm - this will protect the walls of the mini-house from rain.

Six farms were assembled right on the ground. The trusses were built from the same timber from which they were made, and were guided by standard size metal tiles. The trusses were fastened with metal plates.

Advice: To add rigidity to the structure, it is recommended to additionally secure the rafters with metal plates. You can purchase them or make them yourself from a sheet of galvanized iron using a jigsaw.

After installing the farm, we moved on to roofing work: waterproofing and lathing. They laid over the entire roof area waterproofing material, fixed with bars. These bars are assigned several tasks: to maintain waterproofing, create a ventilation gap above the roof and serve as the basis for the counter-lattice.

The sheathing must be done staggered to avoid tears roofing material in case of shrinkage and warping of lumber. To create a cornice, the lathing should be laid with an extension of 30-40 cm. Next, a counter-lattice was installed for laying the metal tiles.

It was time to lay the metal tiles, and here we encountered some difficulties. The installation of metal tiles should begin by placing the first sheet in the lower corner of the rectangular slope directly onto the sheathing and fastening it with a self-tapping screw.

Note: It is important to remember that metal tiles should be laid parallel to the eaves.

When installing the next sheet, you need to pay attention to the line that the edges form. It must be perfectly level, otherwise there is a possibility that the structure will collapse. All other sheets are attached in the same way. And finally, we sewed up the gables with sheet moisture-resistant material.

Do-it-yourself cladding of frame walls and exterior finishing of a frame house

First, the walls were covered with windproofing film from IZOVEK, after which we moved on to covering the back wall.
It was decided to cover the facade of the frame house with imitation timber measuring 185x21x6 mm. We made this choice because the material imitating timber has a number of advantages:

  • Does not deform;
  • Does not change its appearance over time;
  • Does not rot or wood fungus;
  • Easy to install.

To minimize the ingress of moisture, the lining panels were fastened in a horizontal plane.

We installed Chinese doors and plastic windows purchased in advance.

Painted the walls of the house with Dufatexaqua antiseptic white. The impregnation was applied in two layers, trying to ensure that the wood texture remained visible.

We made trims for the windows, painted the corners and trims in dark color PinatexUltra paint in rosewood color.

Finally installed drainage system and screwed on the flashlights.

Interior decoration of the house

First of all, we insulated the walls with Rockwool 100 mm thick, made a vapor barrier on top, lathed and sheathed the walls PVC panels. The panels were fastened with a stapler, we also built a sheathing on the ceiling and installed corners. To begin with, we covered only one wall to connect electricity, and then all the others.

The next stage of finishing is laying the floor. They did it on the same principle as the walls. From the very beginning it was planned to insulate the floor with 50mm thick material, but during the process it was decided that this would not be enough. Since the floor joists were already lying down, we decided to get out of the situation in the following way. We wove a web from synthetic twine, laid windproofing, laid 100 ml of insulation on top, and at the end - vapor barrier and plywood.

The doors were installed and linoleum was laid. The kitchen was also covered with panels, shelves were assembled and coffee table. We can assume that we have successfully completed the task of how to build a guest house with our own hands.


It was also planned to install 90 meters of a two-meter fence made of corrugated board. Ordered next material: for the pillars a six-meter profile 60x60, it was cut into 2 parts, for the veins we used a 40x20 profile, for gates and wickets 3.5 m in size 80x80. We processed the iron with a grinder and painted it with paint Hammerite metal. They decided to drive in the pillars because the soil was clay. They were hammered with a sledgehammer from a stepladder to a depth of approximately 1-1.2 m, the tops were cut off. Before driving in, they dug holes the depth of a spade bayonet, then filled them with crushed stone. The posts were completely driven in on both sides of the site.