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How to properly plant corn in open ground. How to plant corn correctly and is it afraid of frost in the spring?

Both children and adults love to eat sweet corn. There will always be a place to plant a crop; it can be either the border of a fence or the middle of the plot. The main thing is that the garden bed is well lit sun rays. Beginner gardeners before starting planting work It is worth familiarizing yourself with the features of agricultural technology. Taking into account the region, you need to decide whether or not to be afraid of frost in the spring and plant corn, be sure to take this factor into account.

With planting seeds in open ground there's no need to rush, cold ground they will not germinate. In the southern part of Russia, planting at dachas begins in early May.. For the middle zone and Moscow region, the deadlines are often shifted by 2-3 weeks. Cold-resistant varieties require early sowing, however, to protect young shoots from freezing, it is recommended to use covering material at night. If weather conditions do not allow you to start sowing, you should use the seedling method of growing crops, which is typical for the Urals and Siberia.

Weather Siberia allows you to get fruits of milky-waxy ripeness; full ripening does not occur due to climatic features. Planting begins at the end of May or early June. Experts do not recommend soaking seeds; planting corn is sufficient. good quality. And in order to germinate shoots faster, a cover made of black agrofibre is used. It attracts sunlight and creates a favorable environment for the development of sprouts.

Planting dates are approximate. You need to start work taking into account the warming temperature of the soil. It should be within 10-12°C.

Can the plant tolerate frost and what temperature can it withstand in the spring?

The birthplace of corn is considered South America And middle lane continent, which indicates the heat-loving culture. Breeders had to make a lot of effort has been put into breeding varieties and hybrids that are resistant to spring frosts . Seeds planted in open ground and seedlings withstand minimum temperature-1-2°C, and some hybrids up to -4°C. This is a great achievement, because the optimal temperature in which the sprout develops is 12-18°C (the biological minimum is defined in the range of 8-10°C).
Depending on the temperature regime, the germination rate of seedlings changes. The biological minimum ensures shoot germination in 18-20 days, while at +20° the shoots appear above the soil surface in 5-8 days.

When planting corn seeds for the first time, you need to focus on the average monthly temperature. As insurance, you should prepare a covering material that will protect the seedlings from spring frosts.

How to properly plant corn in open ground?

To grow the crop we want, we must follow some rules on how to grow a crop. Sow seeds on time, plant seedlings on time, remember that corn, like any other inhabitant of the garden, is afraid of frost and can hardly tolerate it (after all, Siberia is not Ukraine), and also loosen the soil and feed the plant in time. This determines how it will grow and how many fruits from the dacha plot will appear at home.

How to plant seeds and grow seedlings

The crop can be planted in open ground by seed and seedling method. For correct sowing seeds for seedlings at home using cassettes (cells with a volume of 45 cm2) or peat pots(diameter 12 cm). The containers are filled with fertile soil mixed in equal proportions with humus or compost. To reduce irrigation work, hydrogel is added to the soil mixture. This component allows you to increase the moisture capacity of the substrate, reducing the number of procedures for moistening seedlings by 3-4 times.
In the spring, before sowing, the seeds must be soaked; they are kept in a damp cloth for 5-7 days. After soaking, the swollen grains are buried 3-4 cm into prepared containers (3-4 pieces are placed in pots, 2 pieces are placed in a cassette cell).
Seed germination occurs slowly. At this stage it is important to maintain the required temperature regime And good lighting . If there is a lack of natural light, install lamps with daylight, so they will grow faster. After the formation of 3-4 leaves on the shoots, weak shoots should be removed, leaving only strong-looking seedlings. A week before transferring seedlings to open ground, hardening must be carried out daily to adapt to natural environment a habitat.

Seedlings can be grown in film greenhouse or greenhouse

Planting in the ground at a summer cottage in spring, diagram

For corn beds, choose a place without shade. The plant is drought-resistant; one of the main conditions for the growing season is a sufficient amount of sunlight. An equally important point is compliance with the planting scheme, because corn is a cross-pollinated species. For this reason, the bed is formed from several rows, otherwise problems with pollination may occur. Experienced gardeners The following landing options are used:

Preparing the soil at the dacha for growing crops

The area under the garden bed must be carefully cleaned, removing all plant debris and weeds. Do it better in autumn so that after digging, the larvae and pests freeze out during the first frosts. The soil will be ready for planting corn if legumes or pumpkin crops, potatoes, cabbage.
The most suitable fertilizer is rotted manure.. Complex mineral products that enrich the soil with micronutrients are also suitable. The soil structure must be loose so that root system developed unhindered. Heavy soil is diluted with chopped straw or sawdust.
The earth is first loosened, then the locations of the holes are marked. Immersion depth seed material determined taking into account two factors: the degree of soil moisture and the condition of the seeds (dry or germinated). Swollen grains are embedded in moist and warm soil to a depth of 3-4 cm, dry ones - to a depth of 5-6 cm.

The development of each crop is particularly facilitated by its proximity to other plants. The following companions are suitable for corn: cucumbers, pumpkin, beans and other beans. If it is planted between rows, such as cucumbers, it is important to leave enough space to provide sufficient nutrition for both vegetables.

Preparing the soil for planting corn

Care after planting so as not to be afraid of frost

Many people think corn unpretentious plant, requiring only weeding. However, it is not. To obtain good harvest and cobs with wonderful taste qualities You will have to follow simple rules of care.


Corn loves moisture and can absorb up to 4 liters per day. But this does not mean that the bed needs to be flooded. Overmoistening slows down the development of the root system and changes the color of the leaves (a purple tint appears). These factors jeopardize crop yield, so irrigation should be carried out taking into account the degree of soil moisture. Optimal indicator soil is 70-80%. When irrigating, 1-2 liters of water are consumed per bush. If it is not possible to carry out regular watering, it is recommended to periodically loosen the soil. This procedure popularly called dry irrigation. Loosening essentially prevents the soil from drying out. But the best way to maintain moisture in the beds is to use a spot irrigation system.
Water consumption rates at each stage of plant development are different. After planting the seedlings, moderate watering will be required; after the formation of 7 leaves, the amount of liquid increases to 1.5 liters per bush. Once the fibers on the cobs begin to darken, irrigate less frequently or reduce the amount of water used.

Weeding, loosening

Weeding prevents the thickening of the beds, which so attracts pests, creates favorable conditions for the development of diseases. Therefore, sprouted plants are periodically removed from the site. weeds.
It is rational to combine this procedure with loosening the soil and hilling. This increases the breathability of the soil, allowing oxygen to nourish the deeper layers. With this care, the root system develops better and the plant’s immunity is strengthened. When the stem part is formed, the corn becomes more stable, which allows it to withstand gusty winds and heavy rainfall.

Top dressing

In addition to fertilizing the soil, at the stage of preparing the beds, it is necessary to fertilize the plants. This is due to the increase in green mass throughout the growing season. Complementary foods are introduced in several stages, and nutrients for each of them strictly defined.
The first feeding consists of slurry or a solution of bird droppings, applied after the formation of the 4th leaf on the shoot. After 2-3 weeks, a second feeding is introduced, consisting of 20 g ammonium nitrate, 20 g of potassium salt, 40 g of superphosphate per 1 m2. After the appearance of 7-8 leaves, the plant needs replenishment with zinc, boron, copper and manganese.

When using fertilizers, you should not increase the application rate. Oversupply minerals is also dangerous for escapes, as is their deficiency.

Corn agricultural technology is simple. One of the main issues requiring attention is the temperature regime, the observance of which creates favorable conditions for plant growth.

Mainly used in northern regions. This is done in order to have time to get the harvest before the onset of frost. Sprouts are also grown at home to obtain earlier ears in warm regions. Transplanting a crop into open ground has its own characteristics, which determine the survival rate of the plant, as well as future harvest. Having planned the cultivation of corn, we begin to prepare the soil and purchase seed material. After waiting required deadlines, plant the finished seedlings in the prepared place.

Soil preparation

It is necessary to prepare the soil for planting corn in the fall. Choose a place that is well lit and warmed by sunlight. For the culture, choose the soil on which peas, tomatoes, cucumbers, potatoes or cabbage grew. The soil should be loose and fertile. Well-prepared soil is a factor that improves the development of the root system.

Autumn preparation includes the following stages.

  • Cleaning the surface: you need to remove all plant debris from the garden bed.
  • Fertilizer application: both mineral and organic fertilizers. Mineral: potassium and ammonia about 200 g each, and superphosphate about 350 g; organics: 5 buckets of sand and compost or manure, as well as a bucket of ash for every 10 m2.
  • Reducing acidity if necessary: ​​for this you need to add about 3 kg of fluff lime.
  • Digging to a depth of about 30 cm and removing the roots of any weeds.

In spring, the soil is not dug up, but only loosened to a depth of 10 cm; immediately before planting the seedlings, it is loosened again to remove grown weeds. With absence autumn preparation the soil is dug up in the spring, a couple of weeks before planting, along with the applied fertilizer.

Preparing seedlings

Sowing of seeds is carried out approximately a month before transplanting to permanent place. They are first germinated and then planted in containers filled with a fertile mixture: take one part of peat and sand for two parts of compost, and mix 2 cups of ash into a bucket of the composition.

It is better to plant sprouted seeds in a separate container. In this case, the risk of damage to the root system of seedlings during transplantation will be minimal.

When the corn sprouts have three true leaves, you can plant them in the garden. In this case, the root system must be well developed: the roots must occupy the entire volume of the container. You should not delay replanting, as overgrown plants will not take root well, which may negatively affect further development and the future harvest.

Preparation for transplantation is as follows:

  • a week and a half before replanting, the sprouts are fed with mineral fertilizers;
  • Immediately before planting, the pots are well watered, and then the corn is carefully removed, being careful not to damage the roots.

It would be ideal to plant directly in peat or paper cups to minimize the risk of root damage.

Disembarkation rules

For better growth and the development of seedlings, the following recommendations must be observed when planting in a permanent place.

  • Timing of transplantation

Planting of ready-made sprouts in open ground occurs in late spring – early summer. It is important that all possible frosts have passed by this point, since the crop is sensitive to low temperatures: at 4°C development already stops, and lower temperatures contribute to death.

  • Planting scheme

For better pollination, the crop is placed in several rows, with about 60 cm between them. normal height and between the bushes in the row there should be a distance of slightly more than 30 cm.

  • Landing depth

There should be a little larger than the pot in which the sprout grew. In this case, additional roots will form on the backfilled part, which will improve the survival rate of the planted corn. You need to plant sprouts carefully, trying to avoid scattering the earthen lump around the root system.

  • Initial care after transplantation

Boarding is accompanied good watering and mulching the soil with sand to about 1 cm to prevent the formation of an earthen crust.

  • Best neighbors

The tandem of corn and beans is beneficial for both crops: the first becomes a support, and the second enriches the soil with bound nitrogen. Pumpkin sown next to corn protects the soil from drying out and compaction by covering it with wide foliage. Cucumbers and corn grow well: it promotes better development cucumber sprouts and serves as a support for them. However, corn needs a large number of nitrogen, which can negatively affect the development of cucumber sprouts, so in this case it is advisable to apply nitrogen fertilizers. You can also plant it with tomatoes and lettuce. Even potatoes and sunflowers will grow well in corn bushes.

It is not advisable to plant a crop with celery and table beets.

Planting corn also involves some nuances.

  • The culture develops best at a temperature of about 23°C.
  • Planting sprouts on poorly heated soil leads to their rotting, which negatively affects growth and development.
  • When sowing late, the ears do not have time to form, which affects the quality and quantity of the harvest.
  • You should not plant corn on acidic soils, heavily moistened or compacted - the culture will develop very slowly.
  • The plants are light-loving and do not tolerate shade, so the planting should not be very thick, otherwise the sprouts will direct all their energy to growth and not to the formation of fruits.

Of course, crop yield depends not only on quality seedlings And correct transplantation. To obtain full-sized cobs, it is also necessary to properly care for the transplanted sprouts.


Consists of the following activities:

  • weeding between rows, especially in the first time after planting, when corn grows very slowly;
  • loosening up to three times per season to improve oxygen access to the plant.

The depth of loosening is inversely related to the height of the corn: the higher it is, the shallower the depth the soil is cultivated. This is done to reduce the risk of root damage.

  • Watering is carried out in moderate quantities, do not allow the soil to become waterlogged. Despite the crop's resistance to drought, it is better to prevent sudden changes in humidity. The plant needs abundant moisture during flowering and fruit formation. In any case, excess moisture is undesirable, as this can lead to root rot and plant disease.
  • Removing suckers that shade the plant and deplete it will help increase yield. The factor causing their appearance is high humidity air. When side shoots are broken off at the base, care is taken not to damage the stem itself.
  • To form full-fledged fruits, you can use artificial pollination: plucked male flower shake over the flowering cobs.
  • Control of pests that can destroy young shoots. For this purpose, all larvae found during digging of soil are destroyed. You can catch wireworms, the main pest, on potato tubers or carrots and beets cut into slices. To do this, they are buried for several days, then they are taken out and the insects found are destroyed. You can also resort to chemical treatment special drugs.


Separately, it is necessary to consider this component of care, because corn sprouts are demanding on soil fertility. A stronger need for fertilizing appears during flowering and fruit formation. When growth stops and development slows down, it is worth feeding. First, by mid-June, when the seedlings already have 6 good leaves, water them with a solution of urea, taken in the amount of 2 tablespoons per bucket of water, and then - before July 10 - add a solution of potassium sulfate, taken in the amount of 3 tablespoons per 10 liters water.

Insufficient amounts of minerals affect the plant in different ways.

  • A lack of phosphorus threatens to delay the growth and development of the plant; an indicator of this phenomenon is reddening of the foliage.
  • A small amount of nitrogen compounds contributes to yellowing and subsequent drying of the foliage.
  • Potassium deficiency leads to a decrease in the level of resistance to various diseases.

Thus, to increase the yield of a plant, all efforts must be directed not only to growing high-quality seedlings. An important role is played by both planting in open ground and proper care behind the planted sprouts. Of course, you also cannot do without the desire to grow tasty and nutritious fruits. Patience and more patience, as well as following all the rules and recommendations, will allow even an inexperienced gardener to get a good harvest.


Proper planting of corn and caring for this crop can give incredible results! When planting, you should follow some rules so that the cobs are large, sweet and juicy.

Before we talk about the most suitable varieties of corn for growing, we need to consider what types of this crop there are. There are flint corn, sugar corn, popping corn, tooth corn and starchy corn.

  • Flint corn is considered the most common. Most often, varieties of this species are grown for grain production. The grains of this plant are used to produce corn grits, flakes and sticks.
  • No less common is dent corn. Varieties of this type are used to obtain grains, which are subsequently used in the production of alcohol and flour. If you raise livestock or poultry at your dacha, you should plant this corn as feed.
  • If you want to use corn for table purposes, then it is better to choose sugar type. Typically, the kernels of such corn are very sweet and juicy. It is also ideal for preservation.
  • Popping corn came to us relatively recently. It is from its grains that world-famous popcorn is made.

Popping corn for popcorn production

Naturally, if you decide to plant corn for cooking or canning at your dacha, it is better to focus on sweet types, the most famous varieties of which include:

  • Dobrynya, the ripeness of the grains of this variety occurs literally 9 weeks after sowing. The good news is that this variety is early ripening, so corn seeds can be safely planted even if the soil temperature has warmed up to only 10 degrees. Each plant produces about two cobs with sweet and large grains.
  • Another famous variety– Early Golden 401, growing season lasts approximately 3 months. This hybrid variety characterized by tasty grains suitable for cooking or canning; Early Golden 401 is also resistant to many diseases.
  • The growing season of Gourmet 121 lasts no more than 75 days. The variety is characterized by good yields, minimal care and disease resistance. The cob reaches a length of approximately 20 cm, the grains are slightly elongated. This variety Ideal for cooking, canning and even freezing.
  • Ice nectar is also considered popular, main feature which are incredibly sweet grains.

Before we begin preparing the seed material, we need to say a few words about preparing the soil for planting corn. When choosing a place in the country, it is worth remembering that this plant is heat-loving and light-loving; it does not like low-lying and dark areas. They begin preparing the site in the fall - dig up the ground and add phosphorus in the amount indicated on the package.

If the soil at the dacha is characterized high level acidity, add lime at the rate of 1–2 kg per square meter of soil. After two weeks, the ground is dug up again, removing weeds. There are two options for planting corn - using grains and seedlings.

If you decide to choose the first option, then you need to prepare the grains before planting. First, warm them up at a temperature of about 35 degrees for 5 days. Additionally, soak the grains for 10 minutes in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse and begin planting. Literally in 10 days the first shoots will begin to appear. By the way, before planting corn grains, it is additionally recommended to harden them. For two weeks before planting, place them in a solution with slurry, and the solution must be heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. To prepare the solution, mix the slurry with water in a ratio of 1:5.

Soaking corn seeds before planting

You should not make the solution more concentrated, as the grains may “burn” in it. Two days after drying, place the seeds in the refrigerator for a couple of days. Another method of hardening seed material involves the use of copper sulfate. In 10 liters of water (temperature about 45 degrees) dilute only 1.5 g of vitriol and 200 ml of slurry. Immerse the grains in the solution for 12 hours. After this, the seed material is removed from the solution, covered with a cloth and kept at a temperature of about 25 degrees until hatching. Then put the seed in the refrigerator for two weeks.

The second method of growing in the country is using seedlings. This option is suitable for planting plants in northern regions, where sowing grains does not allow the corn to ripen, since the cobs reach their ripeness only 70 days after planting. To get seedlings, plant corn kernels in peat cups, filling the containers in advance with a nutritious mixture of peat, sand and compost in a ratio of 1:1:2.

You can also add ash - only 400 g per 10 liters of mixture. In the case of such treatment, subsequent care of the crop will be minimal. The depth of planting grains is 3–4 cm, after which it is better to sprinkle the seed material with earth. Two weeks before planting seedlings in the ground, water the seedlings.

Planting of seedlings or seeds is usually carried out in early May. To correctly determine the time of work, measure the soil temperature - it should not be lower than 12 degrees at a depth of 10 cm. The best way to plant corn is in rows. In this case, the distance between rows should be at least 50 cm, between seedlings or grains in a row - about 30 cm. Make holes 7 cm deep and place 3-4 grains (or one seedling) in the holes. If you are planting seeds, cover them with two layers of soil: first wet and then dry.

Planting corn seeds

The best scheme for planting corn is in 4 rows. This is due to the fact that this plant is monoecious, that is, it has not only male, but also female characteristics. Therefore, with multi-row planting, fairly rapid cross-pollination occurs, without which there will be no harvest. If you adhere to the planting scheme in one row, you will have to carry out pollination yourself. To do this, you need to shake out the pollen from the flower, collect it in a bag and pour it over the embryonic ears. To harvest gradually, sow the plant in a conveyor manner, maintaining an interval of two weeks.

Those who long time grow corn in the country, it is recommended to plant cucumbers near the plants. According to gardeners, this will increase the harvest and extend the harvest time of the cobs until frost. For example, in one bed you can plant corn, and cucumbers between the plants, and some gardeners even plant several grains of corn and cucumbers in one hole.

As gardeners note, planting corn in this way has advantages both for the crop itself and for the cucumbers - the latter will use the corn stalks as support, and the cucumbers will “support” the corn cobs.

Growing cucumbers with corn

What other plants does corn go well with? It is better to grow corn in beds where previously there were cabbage, peas, tomatoes, potatoes, and beans. Such plants do not have common diseases and pests, which means that if cucumbers get sick, corn will not get sick, and vice versa. Corn also goes well with beans - in in this case corn will become a quality support for the plant. In addition, peas and beans lead to the accumulation of nitrogen in the soil, which has a positive effect on the growth and yield of corn.

But if celery, millet or beets grew on the plot, it is better not to grow corn.

In fact, caring for this crop is quite simple. It is important to remember a few important requirements that must be followed.

  • It is very important to provide plants good lighting. That is why they should be planted in open sunny areas away from trees and tall shrubs. Also remember to constantly remove weeds from around young plants.
  • Second important point- full watering, which should be, although not too frequent, but plentiful. Thus, the soil under each plant should be wet to a depth of at least 10 cm. If the plants are not properly watered, the corn grains will be very small and dry.
  • We should not forget about feeding corn. 3 weeks after planting the seeds in the ground, feed the plants with organic fertilizers. You can use either water solution mullein (in a ratio of 1:10), or bird droppings. Phosphorus-potassium fertilizers should also be added to the soil.
  • Care also involves removing lateral stepsons, which usually form during the period of active plant growth. If they are not cut off in time, the stepsons will take all the nutrients and water for themselves, which will negatively affect the quality of the harvest.

By the way, if you weed weeds, you don’t have to throw them away. Spread the weeds around the corn stalks. This will create a layer of mulch that will help the corn grow much better. Do not forget that even the best quality care cannot guarantee the absence of pests. That’s why it’s so important to know how to deal with pests so that they don’t damage plants or spoil the harvest. Let's start with diseases, most of which are carried by insects - corn flies, Swedish flies, and meadow moths.

Corn pests

The first thing you need to do is treat the plants with suitable insecticidal solutions. Soaking seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate before seedlings can help prevent some pests, such as the Swedish fly. Corn can also be affected by a disease such as bacteriosis. Most The best way fight - processing seed material in an antibacterial solution (potassium permanganate). But to protect plants from bugs, use soybeans by planting them next to corn. Also as protective agent apply Vitavax, in which you can soak the seeds. Just follow the instructions and you won't be afraid of pests.

The most wonderful time is this. The cobs begin to be harvested when the stigmas dry out. This usually happens in early September. To check the ripeness of the grains, peel back a leaf on the cob and evaluate the color of the grains - they should be bright yellow. It is also worth paying attention to the tassel of the cob, which should be dry. But you need to remember that early ripening varieties are harvested earlier, starting at the end of July.

Harvest time depends on taste. Some people like unripe corn, which can be used for cooking - the grains will be very soft and pleasant to taste. After harvesting, the cobs retain their freshness for about 20 days.

Who doesn't like to welcome fall with a fragrant ear of corn? That’s right, everyone loves to eat the fruits of the “queen of the fields.” But in order to enjoy juicy grains to the fullest, you must first grow a crop. In this article we will discuss how to plant corn, what care is needed, what varieties can be grown in the Moscow region, as well as several secrets of seed preparation.

It is important to choose the right variety that will perform best in your region. Yes, despite the general species similarity, some varieties grow better in southern regions, some can only be grown in the northern regions, and some have the ability to take root anywhere, as long as there is fertilizer and sun.

Corn can be planted in the same place every year, the main thing is to properly care for the beds.

In the Moscow region, the Dobrynya variety produces a good harvest. This early ripening variety, characterized by large ears with sweet grain. “Dobrynya” is extremely resistant to mosaic, rust of leaves and stems, as well as fusarium. Moreover, of all the early ripening varieties of corn, it is the first to ripen. The seeds of this variety are highly valued for their resistance to fungal diseases even during storage.

In terms of sweetness, “Dobrynya” is not inferior to another early ripening variety - “Lakomka 121”. “Gourmet” is characterized high yield and immunity. The cobs are suitable for eating at the stage of milky ripeness, as well as for canning at any stage of ripeness. Often, in addition to its taste, “Gourmand” is valued for its seeds, which germinate well after a year.

“Early Gold 401” - mid-season variety with cobs up to 19 cm long. Its seeds are well suited both for planting in open ground and for growing in a greenhouse. At the same time, minimal care is needed for plants, especially in terms of saving them from fungal infections. The seeds store well and are suitable for early landing in a year.

And finally, a variety that grows well both from seeds and by pre-cultivation seedlings - “Spirit F1”. This is a very sweet variety that produces its first harvest 2 months after germination.

Soil preparation

If the soil is properly processed and prepared, corn can be planted in any region. The site must be protected from cold winds and stagnant water so that the crop can reach its potential. The soil is prepared in the fall, when the predecessor crops are harvested. It is necessary to dig up the ground at least 30 cm to provide the plant’s developed root system with sufficient access to oxygen and free space for growth.

The soil should be neutral or slightly acidic and well fertilized - these two indicators will help you grow a rich harvest every year.

The crop is unpretentious when it comes to fertilizers, so feel free to add humus (and here the more, the better), phosphorus, potassium and nitrogen mixtures. They will provide a good start for the next year, significantly accelerating the growing season of corn.

It is recommended to treat the soil with herbicides in autumn and spring, and also do not forget about preventative treatment fungicides and insecticides every year. This kind of care will help keep your harvest safe and sound.

Landing technology

Corn is planted in open ground when the soil warms up to +12 °C. On the eve of sowing, you can loosen the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm so that the seeds receive more oxygen and therefore germinate faster. Also mark the holes in advance so that there is 45-50 cm of free space between them, and at least 60 cm between the beds.

Corn is usually planted in 4 rows to ensure better pollination during flowering and ease of maintenance. 3-4 grains are placed in each hole at a depth of 3-4 cm to ensure higher germination. After planting, the holes are watered and mulched with dry soil.

When the shoots appear, only the strongest shoots are left in the holes, and the rest are removed.

Joint landing

Planting corn does not mean that nothing can be grown in neighboring beds; rather, on the contrary, you can change neighbors every year in order to get a stable and beneficial effect on it different cultures. For example, you can combine corn and cucumbers, which receive protection from strong wind. Carbon dioxide, which is released from the soil during the growing season of corn, helps cucumbers develop, and the thick leaves of cucumbers shade the soil, retaining moisture in it.

Joint plantings of corn and pumpkin in open ground are very common. Corn roots, since they develop faster and larger, reliably protect the pumpkin from insect pests and mechanical damage. The pumpkin, in turn, shades the soil, helping to retain moisture longer.

Planting corn with tomatoes, beans and beans is going wonderfully. Each year, the beans will saturate the soil with nitrogen, which is useful for the corn in the early stages of development, and then the corn stalks will become a support for the beanstalks.

But it’s better not to plant corn with beets and celery, as they don’t get along well.


Since corn grains germinate slowly during the first weeks in open ground, you need to carefully weed the holes.

When the first true leaf appears, it is necessary to fertilize:

  • phosphorus, which imbues the sprout with strength;
  • potassium to strengthen the immune system and actively gain green mass;
  • calcium, which, firstly, reduces the acidity of the soil, and, secondly, helps the formation of root hairs.

You can also combine corn care with watering using liquid mullein.

It is necessary to fertilize no more than 3-4 times a year, so as not to oversaturate the soil and crop with nutrients.

Further care for corn is similar to caring for any other crop: it is necessary to loosen the soil between the rows (and the higher the stalk, the shallower the depth of loosening), water the beds and weed them from weeds. When stepsons appear, they must be removed by covering the open cut with lime. You don’t have to touch the cobs, but then the cobs will grow noticeably smaller and may lose their taste.

Corn is a popular agricultural crop. It is grown on personal plots, planting seeds in open ground. Planting and caring for corn will not work unnecessary hassle, if you know some of the subtleties of the process. Growing the “queen of the fields” at the dacha allows you to feast on young juicy cobs, preserve them for further consumption and prepare nutritious feed for livestock for the winter.

Today, corn is a fully domesticated crop that does not grow in wildlife. This is a plant with a powerful root system, going to a depth of one and a half meters, and an erect stem, the height of which sometimes reaches 3 meters. It is monoecious and cross-pollinated. The abundance of varieties allows you to germinate corn with different taste qualities in open ground on your site. Varieties with soft and sweet grains are used for food, while harder grains are used as food for domestic animals.

Where to plant

Corn is a heat-loving crop. The appropriate temperature for her to feel comfortable is +20-24 degrees; she does not tolerate frost well, so she needs to build a temporary shelter. Planting of corn is carried out in spacious places, well illuminated by sunlight during daylight hours. It is recommended to select an area with moist and fertile soil.

The optimal predecessors of the “queen of fields” are considered to be leguminous and winter crops: peas, green beans, wheat, oats, cabbage, zucchini and potatoes. Sprouted stems should be protected from cold winds and drafts.

The technology for growing corn involves preparing the land and planting material, and then ongoing care looking after the plants until harvest.

Soil preparation

Before planting a crop in open ground, they begin to prepare the soil in the fall, after harvesting the predecessors. The area is dug up to the depth of a spade bayonet or an automatic cultivator is used for this purpose. Their loosened soil removes all the roots of weeds and unnecessary plants, pest shelters and all kinds of debris. Then organic, potassium and phosphorus nutritional supplements are applied to future corn beds. For every 10 square meters lay down:

  • ammonium nitrate - 200 grams;
  • superphosphate - 200 grams;
  • potassium salt - from 250 grams;
  • organic matter (bird droppings or mullein) - 5 buckets.

The saturated soil is leveled with a rake and covered with dry straw or tops to retain heat, activating necessary processes in the soil. Corn prefers alkaline environment If the acidity of the soil is increased, the pH should be lowered using a lime solution.

Planting corn at the end of spring is carried out after preliminary digging up the area. If fertilizer was not applied in the fall, this procedure must be carried out a week before planting the seeds.

Preparation of planting material

Before planting corn, the seeds are placed in the sun or heated under a special blue lamp. The day before moving the planting material into the ground, it is soaked in a pale pink solution of potassium permanganate or in ready-made store-bought mixtures that accelerate the germination of sprouts. Treated seeds germinate in 10-11 days; they are strong and persistent, grow actively and withstand temperature changes.

Rules for planting corn seeds

Corn seeds are planted in open ground from late April to early July, when the ground is sufficiently warm and there are no night frosts. The day before, 200 grams are added to the soil. nitrogen fertilizers and loosen the soil well to a depth of 10-15 centimeters.

Growing corn in the country involves allocating quite large area. The beds are laid at a distance of 60-70 centimeters from each other, and gaps of 40 centimeters are left between plants.

The most top scores planting corn in a square-cluster pattern in 2 or 4 rows, which improves cross-pollination. In the corners of a conventional square, dig holes up to 15 cm deep and place 2-3 corn seeds in them. The grains are buried in moist soil, watered abundantly and mulched. After the first shoots appear, the straightest and strongest stem is left, the rest are removed. This event allows you to grow resistant and healthy plants, which will actively bear fruit.

How to grow juicy corn with full ears? It is important to monitor the density of seed planting. If there are too few plants on the site, they cannot fully consume useful material from the soil, and accordingly the yield declines. If planted very densely, there will not be enough seedlings sunlight, which will reduce photosynthesis, the plants will be weak, and the cobs will not gain the required weight.

Another popular method of planting corn grains is the conveyor method. Seeds are planted in the ground at intervals of 10-15 days. This makes it possible to harvest for a long time.

Seedling care

Growing corn also includes subsequent care of the crops. It consists of loosening the soil, watering, thinning, removing weeds and fertilizing. This set of procedures allows you to harvest a good harvest in the fall.

Immediately after emergence, the plant grows slowly, so the area around the trunk needs regular loosening of the soil. Remember, the taller the plant, the shallower the depth of penetration of the tool should be.

Corn crops need sufficient watering. It is carried out 2-3 times a week. You need to pour at least 5 liters of water under each trunk. The plant tolerates drought quite steadfastly, but during the formation of panicles, the soil should be moistened abundantly.

If the growth rate has sharply decreased, an application is required. mineral fertilizer. The right time for feeding - mid-June or beginning next month. A bookmark would be a good idea organic fertilizer- chicken droppings, humus or mullein. It is carried out when a full sixth leaf appears on the trunk.

Caring for corn involves removing adventitious shoots that form when the trunk reaches 20-25 centimeters in height. They must be carefully pulled out along with the roots at the very base, being careful not to damage the stems.

Proper care of crops will increase yields by 50-60%.

Pest Control

Corn beds are often attacked by the larvae of the click beetle pest - wireworms. They live in the ground and actively eat the succulent roots of the plant, which leads to its inevitable death. Effective method the fight against them is deep digging of the earth in autumn period- the larvae cannot survive low temperatures and die out.

Culture is susceptible fungal disease- dusty or bubbly smut. It attacks corn cobs and panicles, forming nodules on them. Another type of this disease spreads to the trunk and leaves. You can get rid of the fungus by timely removing the affected areas and observing crop rotation.

The corn harvest is harvested at the time when light color changes to a dark shade top part fibers The cobs should be collected quickly and processed quickly: frozen, dried or canned. They can be stored unpeeled for no more than 20 days at a temperature not exceeding 0.