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Which flowers cannot be kept at home, and which ones can? Superstitions and signs about indoor flowers - we provide ourselves with comfort.

Most likely, you know that growing climbing flowers and vines in some way prevents you from living with a man under the same roof. Such plants include: ivy, tradescantia, epipremnum, golden mustache, however, here too there are nuances and interesting points. Let's try to figure it out what flowers should not be kept at home and why.

What plants should not be kept at home and why?

Based on the rules and technologies of the teachings of Feng Shui, vines, ivy, and other vines can protect a home. Reflect negative energy, drive away negativity in the form of poisonous sha-qi arrows, which are always directed in one direction and emitted by objects in the apartment. The capabilities of curly helpers also include compensation for unwanted energy in the form of a “curtain” of your home.

Although from the point of view of science, loaches help purify the air. Apparently you shouldn’t be so categorical about climbing plants. Although now you know why can't you keep it at home? climbing plants .

It is not known where the distrust of Tradescantia came from, a beautiful and quite common plant that supposedly “drives away” the male sex, but it also symbolizes prosperity and well-being.

The flower has incredibly sensitive energy, it is susceptible to any changes in the house, such a green indicator that allows you to identify the presence of problems in the apartment or the unsatisfactory state, both emotional and physical, of family members. If a flower exhibits such energy, it withers, withers, dries up, and loses its leaves. vitality. If everything is fine in the house, you will be provided with a charge of positive energy.

Which pets should not be at home based on the teachings of Feng Shui?

According to the principles of ancient science, cacti are prohibited from being in the house. Many people believe that it is not safe to have poisonous flowers in the house; without having a Feng Shui consultant among your friends, it is impossible to get a clear answer.

Is the presence of cacti in a living space necessary or harmful? There is no categorical ban on Feng Shui, but some caution should be taken not to place “thorns” and their relatives near bedrooms, lounges and children's rooms. They talk about their predisposition (thanks to the thorns) to contribute to scandals and squabbles, the ability to make a person aggressive and hot-tempered. But in relation to the office, kitchen, corridor - there are no such prohibitions, you can freely place prickly friends to repel negative energy.

Today, scientists have confidently stated that the cactus has nothing to do with absorbing negative, electromagnetic radiation(and not so long ago, every computer monitor always had a pot with a helper flower, and we sincerely believed that we were absolutely protected from any impact on the body) that come from a television or computer screen. The presence of a cactus located in the office can help improve performance and brain activity, thereby extending the working day and increasing productivity.

However, if you are already married, are not superstitious, or do not want to get married in principle, definitely place cacti around the perimeter of the windowsill, because the same spines help reflect hostile energy.

Green neighbors - harm or benefit? Guests have come to you who admire the hostess’s taste, order, and everyday life, and then you hear the phrase: “This flower is not for the apartment!”. Why? Let's try to figure it out.

Do you adore flowers and keep the bouquets you receive for years? Throw them away immediately unless they are special dry ikebana.

In addition, they were originally intended for a cemetery, and even if you do not have such associations, your guests may have them. and thoughts, you know, are material.

Well, now let's talk about living pets

Plants with sharp leaves are certainly unusual and attractive. But do you need extra " sharp corners" in the house? It is better for yucca lovers to “hide” the troublemakers behind more streamlined forms, for example, violet or gloxinia.

Cacti will bring imbalance and add aggression homely atmosphere, you can’t even take them to work.

Is it possible to keep flowers in the bedroom?

Of course, it is possible, and even necessary, but not all. Remove the beautiful orchid from the bedroom, you don’t need nervous activity at night, do you? Geraniums and hydrangeas Move to the hall, especially if you are allergic.

The fern begins to absorb oxygen in the evening, so if you do not want to part with it forever, at least remove it away from the bedroom and rest areas.

On the contrary, the beautiful Fatsia will increase air humidity. True, she loves the cold, and you may not get along together.

In the matrimonial bedroom best plant - myrtle tree By the way, this is a wonderful gift for newlyweds. Hibiscus promises to protect passionate love; it is also commonly called the Chinese rose.

Folk signs for negative flowers

Do not bring into your home what you plant on graves. For example, pansies. Lovely unpretentious flowers capable of ruining your life, they are not for the home, just like the feather grass, so beautiful in the fields.

Don't bring it into the house reeds and cypress, traditionally associated with death.

The energy of love and health is respected by all vines and vines, so for the sake of peace in the family, take these treasures out of the apartment.

Do you admire Monstera? When you want to settle her nearby, remember that she is considered energy vampire. You don't need misfortune, do you? But at work she is appropriate; a short stay next to her will help you make the right decision.

Have you been given a beautiful palm tree? It is believed that if you bring it into the house, it will happen great sorrow, however, popular rumor claims that no one bothers you to roll it, for example, on a bicycle. However, I don’t want to take risks...

Flowers harmful to health

Have you got a baby? We get rid of all the poisonous residents - it’s clear to you that you don’t need to chew leaves on the windowsill, but for up to three years a curious child will gnaw on everything, including Dieffenbachia, which will cause, at a minimum, a burn. Azalea seasoning will cause cramps and colic in the intestines.

Down with your favorite oleander, its juice causes blindness, beware of poisonous milkweed.

Are you a fan of mimosa? Well, who doesn’t love this charm, so continue to enjoy them on the street, if you value your hair, beauty can cause baldness.

It is also better not to let lilies and lilies of the valley into the house, the smell from these pets can cause nausea, headache and lead to general malaise.

What flowers can/can't an unmarried girl keep at home?

It is believed that ivy will drive a man out of the house, just like a cactus. Have you placed the cactus closer to the computer and are protecting yourself from radiation? Keep in mind that even if a man appears in the house, he will drink... So no thorns!!!

climbing plants They will take away the girl’s health and love, so we will take them to the far end of the corridor.

Give it to an unmarried princess female flower happiness - spathiphyllum with white flowers. This plant is considered a symbol of purity and innocence.

Violets should definitely live in the bride's room; choose varieties with heart-shaped leaves, they will give the hostess comfort and well-being, attract good luck, and give inspiration. get a pink geranium in your house, according to legend, this magic flower attracts love.

Calathea will help you find your happiness, and you will also admire the beautiful patterned leaves. Be sure to get a ficus, it will strengthen the trust between loving hearts.

When choosing new residents, pay attention to plants with round leaves, which stretch upward, they promise to fill the house with positive energy, gently fitting into the space.

When growing plants, few people are interested in the question of which flowers should not be kept at home. At the same time, there are both scientific evidence the harmfulness of some flowers, as well as folk signs and feng shui, which many gardeners also take seriously.

What does science say about dangerous plants?

First of all, let's look at the scientific side of the issue. After all, when growing plants, we want them not only to decorate the room, but also to be useful, or at least not cause harm to household members.

It's no secret that houseplants can cause serious harm to their owners. So, some of them are poisonous, others are allergens, and others even combine these two dangers. In addition, some types of plants can negatively affect your well-being. For example, you may experience headaches or fatigue due to strong aroma some flowers.

However, do not panic and throw out all the flowers from your windowsill. After all, about 50 indoor plants are on the list of poisonous plants. This is approximately 2% of their total number!

Indoor plants from the “black list” can cause poor health

Plants dangerous to children

First of all, all mothers take care of their children. Therefore, first of all, let's talk about those indoor plants that can be harmful to babies. The danger increases due to their excessive mobility and curiosity. They strive to touch or taste the new inhabitants of the house. Therefore, the choice of plants in a house where there are children should be approached especially carefully.

Keep children away from the seemingly innocent and beloved plant lily of the valley because it contains cardiac glycosides. They do harm cardiovascular system, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract.

Oddly enough, this would seem useful plant, as celandine also made the list dangerous plants. This is because it contains milky juice. If it gets on the mucous membranes or even the skin of a child, it can cause redness and burns. That's it negative impact it doesn't end at all. Celandine contains alkaloids. If they get into the gastrointestinal tract, the child may be poisoned.

In addition, you should get rid of those plants that have bright fruits. For example, aglaonema is especially dangerous. When it self-pollinates, small red berries may appear. Children may want to pick them and taste them. However, they are extremely poisonous and can cause serious harm health.

Children need to be explained which plants are poisonous and why. In the future, this will only be useful to them, but now it can protect them from poisoning.

Other plants that are absolutely contraindicated for a child’s room include the following:

  • oleander;
  • ehmeya;

  • monstera;
  • Dieffenbachia;
  • alocasia;
  • ficus.

Ficus "Lyrata"

  • cacti;

All of them have negative energy, and some are even poisonous. Others, like ficuses, intensively absorb oxygen at night.

Advice! Considering that it is extremely important for a child to always receive a lot of oxygen for normal development, it is better to avoid ficus in the house.

In addition to the danger for children, you should also think about whether indoor plants benefit them. So, you need to choose those colors that have positive energy, add oxygen to the room, and purify the air. This is very important for a child.

Poisonous plants

Poisonous indoor plants are dangerous not only for children, but also for adults. Therefore, check your window sills for the following types plants:

  • Alocasia. All its parts are extremely poisonous.

  • Azalea(see photo). Its leaves contain toxic substances– glycoside and andromedotoxin. Other parts of the plant are also poisonous. Swallowing them is deadly.

Azalea bonsai. Unfortunately, it is toxic if it enters the digestive tract, so move it as far as possible from places where children have access

  • Anthurium. The juice of this plant contains strong poison.
  • Clivia. It contains lycorine, which can cause paralysis.

  • Croton. It has a poisonous milky juice.
  • Monstera(photo). Its juice contains strong poison.

  • Oleander(see photo). It also contains poison. The juice of this plant can even cause loss of vision, and the aroma of such beautiful flowers can cause dizziness. It is not for nothing that, according to Greek legend, wives placed this flower near the plates of their unfaithful husbands, hinting that next time it would end up in their soup.

  • Poinsettia. It is dangerous due to its poisonous milky juice. So, if you cut the leaves of a poinsettia, they will highlight white poisonous juice, which can cause burns.

Many of these plants, in addition to being poisonous, are also highly allergenic.

Plants are allergens

It's sad, but enough a large number of indoor plants, often found in many homes, are allergens when they bloom.

Allergens, in addition to many of the plants listed above, include pelargonium, fern, cyclamen, rhododendron (aka azalea) and others. What reaction do they cause in humans? For example, juice aglaonemas can severely irritate the skin and mucous membranes.

Dieffenbachia can decorate any windowsill thanks to its exquisite large leaves. However, it can cause tissue swelling if it enters oral cavity. Why is this beautiful plant poisonous? Dieffenbachia can cause poisoning in a child or pet if they swallow its leaves. In addition, you need to be careful when replanting it or cutting off its leaves. In this case, you may get burned by its juice. Philodendron poses the same danger.

Croton And oleander are also strong allergens, and ficus and does not occupy an honorable third place after them.

The dangers of favorite and common plants

Of course, the greatest danger lies in wild or exotic plants, which hardly anyone would think of growing on their windowsill. At the same time, you need to be careful even with such familiar compact plants as begonia, orchid, geranium and hydrangea . What is their danger?

Rarely does a window sill now do without beautifully blooming geranium. After all, this beautiful plant is unpretentious and does not need special care. In addition, it has a fairly long flowering period. However, geranium can lead to headaches or even severe asthma.

Other common houseplants are also dangerous. IN Lately Growing orchids at home has become fashionable. However, they have a relatively strong, pungent odor, which can lead to insomnia or simply worsen your mood, which is also unpleasant.

Such a plant, beloved by many flower growers, is also fraught with danger. azalea. If its leaves enter the body, it can cause convulsions and intestinal colic.

Contains some danger and is beloved by all begonia. This seemingly harmless plant has the property of releasing volatile substances. They fight pathogenic microbes. Of course it is positive attribute plants. However, you need to work with it carefully. This is because begonia contains insoluble salts. oxalic acid. They can cause severe burns and mouth irritation.

You should also be careful with such beautiful flowers as lilies. At night they intensively absorb oxygen and release carbon dioxide. So don't be surprised if you wake up with a headache the next morning.

Folk signs

There are many legends about which flowers should not be kept at home. Since the majority of avid gardeners are women, most folk signs comes down to the fact that due to wrong choice plants, the husband can leave, cheat, drink himself to death, die, etc. Who among us has not heard “horror stories” about ivy? Which under no circumstances should be kept at home, otherwise there is a high probability that your spouse will leave you. This mainly applies to climbing ivy (see photo). Its wax relative is contraindicated unmarried girl. If she dares to grow it, then there is a high probability of remaining an old maid.

Despite popular beliefs, ivy purifies the air, reducing the content of microbes in it

Thus, if you believe the signs, then ivy and marriage are completely incompatible things. And these beliefs arose, most likely, because ivy is considered an energy vampire.

If you can still believe in some signs, then there are completely strange beliefs. For example, there is a legend among the people that if you are given a palm tree, it is strictly forbidden to bring it into the house, as this can lead to misfortune. However, with such a gift you can find a way out of the situation. You can simply roll the palm tree into the house on a bicycle.

Trust but check

Despite the paradox of these folk beliefs, many signs are justified from a scientific point of view. For example, as described above, it is not recommended to keep a cactus at home due to its danger to children and some other properties. Folk omens also do not trust this prickly plant. It is believed that growing a cactus at home can lead to the husband becoming an alcohol addict.

Paradoxical signs relate to wealth and happiness. Yes, it's worth someone house plant bloom, then expect trouble. And if it never blooms, then you will be poor.

Of course, most of these signs apply to indoor plants. modern people It only makes you smile, but it’s not for nothing that our ancestors were so attentive to the choice of plants. Therefore, of course, you should not blindly believe foreign wisdom. It is better to check them with scientific facts. And if they do not recommend keeping this or that indoor plant at home, then it is wise to listen to such advice.

If your favorite indoor plants are on the “black list” and you don’t want to throw them away, then read the rules for handling them and work with them only with gloves. But to be completely sure of your safety, it is better to completely refuse to grow such a plant at home. After all, there are many more beautiful plants. And, of course, you should avoid keeping poisonous flowers at home if you have growing children.

Houseplants - beautiful decorative element interior In addition, it’s no secret that plants also purify the air. True, there is an opinion among people that some indoor flowers cannot be kept at home, they say, they are bad omens, bad energy, etc. You can believe this, but you can only smile contemptuously in response to similar statements. But there is a more rational answer to the question “what flowers should not be kept at home”?

What flowers should you not keep at home and why?

Often giving a girl a compliment, a man compares her to a flower. After all, flowers are considered to be a symbol of beauty and grace. But few people think that a flower can be poisonous and deadly... It turns out that some indoor plants not only will not benefit their owners, but can even cause harm. And this is quite scientific facts, and not folk speculation and blood-chilling mind-blowing legends.

So, many are probably familiar with this: a bouquet of beautiful lilies can become not a nice gift, but a real burden. After all, their rich, juicy aroma causes headaches, migraines, and even allergies in many people. But these are individual moments: here a person can independently determine by his condition whether lilies are suitable for him or not.

Be careful: photos of flowers that should not be kept at home

But some indoor flowers are included in the official list poisonous plants. There are only 50 house flowers on this list. But many of them are so familiar to us that it is difficult to imagine any room without them. So, beware - what flowers should you absolutely not keep at home?

Azalea. Its leaves contain andromedotoxin and glycoside.

Aglaonema is a potential allergen. Its juice can cause irritation to the mucous membranes and skin.

Alocasia (popularly known as elephant ears).

Anthurium (light).

Dieffenbachia. God forbid it gets into the mouth (although, of course, it is unknown how and why) - tissue swelling. And so, in principle, it is a potential allergen, which is also unpleasant and quite dangerous.

Clivia contains a substance called lycorine. And in large doses it can cause paralysis. So if there is a need to poison someone, there is no need to look for prohibited chemicals - a person can be “killed” with a beautiful flower.

Croton. It is classified as an allergen, and its milky juice also contains poison.

Monstera is not named so for nothing. Scientists never waste words. Monstera juice contains a very strong poison.

Oleander also has a “telling name” because it contains poison - oleandrin. In everyday life, it can simply cause allergies, and a large amount of poison in the juice of this plant is a dangerous weapon.

Poinsettia (Christmas star) has a milky sap that is also poisonous.

Strong allergens also include ficus, ferns, pelargonium, rhododendron, and cyclamen.

How can the poison in the juice of a houseplant harm you?

Yes, a sane person will neither drink it, nor eat it, nor even just touch it with his hands. But children and animals do not have such common sense, so anything can happen. And it is quite difficult to protect them from these dangerous flowers: wherever a playful kitten or a restless child gets into. So, out of harm’s way: it’s better not to take unnecessary risks...

In addition, you yourself need to wear gloves when caring for these flowers. During the process of pruning and replanting them, do not touch your eyes and be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after all work. After all, even any contact of juice on the body can lead to bad consequences.

Enveloped in mystical vibes...

And let's move on to the most interesting - mystical legends and folk superstitions. What flowers should not be kept at home - signs. It is unknown where this came from and why, but suddenly it comes true?..

One of the most common signs: if you keep climbing flowers in the house, then their owner or her daughter (if the owner is already married) will not marry. Variations on the theme: throw away the ivy, or your husband will leave you.

Also, for example, a cactus promises that the husband will become drunk. But at the same time, they are considered protectors of the house - they scare away burglars.

Calla lilies, according to legend, bring sadness to the house. These flowers, refined and very refined, are considered “funeral” in many countries. So perhaps there really is something to this. Although all symbolism is also conditional, and different nations may diametrically contradict each other.

Violets are considered “world” flowers - they can resolve and smooth out conflicts.

And if indoor flowers do not bloom, then this means poverty in the house, etc.

Believe it or not...

In general, there are quite a lot of such signs, and they can even be very strange. But there is also a rational grain in this. Indeed, according to a number of spiritual practices (again, you may not believe it, but everyone has a soul, energy and energy), flowers are carried strong energy. And the same esotericism reasonably explains the folk superstition about ivy, other climbing flowers and vines. They have masculine energy, so their presence in the house suppresses a man, metaphorically speaking, displaces him with its strength.

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For example, before the war it was found in every home and was considered a symbol of prosperity family life, and after the war it turned into a “widow’s flower.” There are many such examples. It is worth listening to folk wisdom, especially when we're talking about about well-known plants.

Flowers that should be grown according to signs

There are many signs about indoor plants, some of which are puzzling. For example, it is believed that flowers will grow and bloom better if you do not buy them in a store, but steal them and pinch off a twig from a beautiful, healthy bush.

To “mitigate” the sin, leave some coins for the mother plant.

If indoor flowers consistently die when good care- this speaks of bad energy premises or problems in the life of the owner. If a plant stood in the house for a long time and died before reaching its allotted lifespan, this is Bad sign, a warning about the possible serious illness of one of the household members.

Some flowers absorb a lot of negativity and die, taking energy dirt with them.

For an office, the death of a flower in a pot is a harbinger of changes in the company.

There are many beliefs about flowers that should not be kept at home. According to folk superstitions, the list of prohibited plants includes vines and climbing indoor flowers - they are considered “husband busters.”

It is not advisable to accept indoor flowers in pots as gifts. Together with the plant, the donor may get rid of his problems, betray them. For each flower pot, give a symbolic fee, then “the plant will decide” that it was bought, and the new owner does not need the hardships of the previous owner.

Having heard a lot of signs and superstitions about which flowers should not be kept in the house, do not rush to throw out your pets. If, before receiving negative information, you did not experience discomfort from being in the vicinity of “ green friend”, rejoiced at its flowering, you can ignore the frightening warnings.

What flowers can you keep at home?

The question of whether it is possible to keep a rose at home relates rather to the Chinese beauty. About hibiscus or Chinese rose there are frightening signs. There is an opinion that the appearance of flowers on a plant is a signal of the imminent death of one of the household members or their loved ones. But with good care and positive energy, hibiscus can bloom all year round, there will be no tragic consequences in this case.

It is recommended to keep it in the house if the relationship between the spouses has “subsided”. The flower will help bring back faded passion. Positively minded people can safely acquire hibiscus. Positive interpretation of plant flowering:

  • For a young couple - an addition to the family;
  • For a girl of marriageable age - a quick wedding;
  • For an older lady - rejuvenation.

Concerning thorny plants(cacti, roses, rose hips), then they can block positive energy and do not contribute in any way to creating a pleasant atmosphere.

But signs about flowers in the house, on the contrary, recommend keeping a rose in a young girl’s room. The rose helps to maintain the chastity of the young lady, and attracts the groom to the young lady of marriageable age. In the couple's room, the queen of flowers harmonizes relationships.

Home flowers not only delight you with their appearance, but also attract money luck. Among these plants:

  • crassula (money tree);
  • zamiakulkas, geranium;
  • Dracaena sandera (lucky bamboo);
  • lemon;
  • pachira;
  • scindapsus;
  • aucuba;
  • bougainvillea;

To enhance magical power the selected plant should be placed in the south-eastern part of the house and taken good care of.

When choosing a green “money magnet”, pay attention to other properties of plants. For example, the scindapsus liana is included in the list of flowers that cannot be kept in the house; it is considered a “husband-killer.”


Do you want to attract wealth to your home? Plant Crassula! This succulent with fleshy leaves is called money tree. Its oval leaves, falling off, dry out, acquire a silvery tint, and become like coins. There are signs on how to plant Crassula correctly so that it will bring you financial success:

  1. You need to pinch off a shoot from a bush from rich people, and not buy a ready-made plant.
  2. Crassula must be planted in a red pot, or at least in a green or black pot.
  3. At the bottom of the pot with the plant during planting, you should place several large coins.

If the succulent “deigns” to bloom, the owner can expect an improvement in his financial situation. But if the Crassula leaves fall off or the plant gets sick, this is a harbinger of waste of money in the family, ruin. You should get rid of the flower pot or pay close attention to the ratio of income and expenses.


It is worth keeping this “exotic” in the house not only for money magic rituals, but also for interior decoration. The ever-shiny leaves noticeably decorate the room and improve the mood of the inhabitants.


Oddly enough, cacti are also considered money plants. The prickly inhabitants of window sills have an aggressive energy that increases the business acumen of the plant owner, improves mental abilities and prevents “squandering” money. And according to popular belief, they scare away thieves.

Dracaena Sandera

Lucky bamboo - symbol financial well-being. To activate magical influence in the money sphere, you need to plant 5 stalks of Sandera in one pot.

If you need to attract happiness, 3 stems will be enough; to attract good health, 7 stems. Well, if you need everything at once - and this is possible, plant 21 stems in one container.

Plants for family well-being

If you are looking for a loved one, and are already losing hope of luck, urgently start growing indoor flowers, plant at least one plant that can attract prosperity to personal life. And there are many such indoor flowers.


Tops the list of plants that bring success in love, indoor flower « woman's happiness" It is recommended to grow it for single people, especially unmarried females.

Experts in folk superstitions are convinced that after spathiphyllum is placed in a home, following the flower:

  • a loved one will appear in the house;
  • mutual understanding and peace will reign in the family;
  • a child will be born to a couple who could not have children.


The “pair plant” for spathiphyllum has similar properties only in relation to men. It’s not for nothing that they call him “ male happiness" If your loved one has become depressed and passive, place an anthurium in the marital bedroom. The plant will fill the house with positive energy, the man will perk up and remember that she is the head of the family, and will begin to protect and protect the woman.


Another plant that will help a childless family have a child. To do this you need to make a garland of 32 petals indoor rose(preferably bright red or Pink colour), and hang it over the marital bed. You need to use flowers that were planted in the house at least a year ago. You can also brew tea from its petals to strengthen marriage bonds, and drink a drink of love between your wife and husband.


Oxalis quatrefoils are a symbol of good luck. It will be useful for single women to make their dream of meeting a loved one come true. Spouses next to oxalis will find mutual understanding and be able to save the family.


Guardian hearth and home protects spouses from adversity, is a symbol of a happy family life.


The “Tree of Happiness” will protect your home, ward off unworthy people, and bestow you with luck and success.


This miniature evergreen tree is often given to newlyweds on their wedding day as a symbol of eternal love and a strong marriage. Myrtle can bring quick love to an unmarried young lady.


“Green air conditioner” will not only freshen the air in the room, but also help to find stability in the relationship of a married couple. It helps lonely people find harmony by sorting out their own thoughts.


A symbol of inexhaustible love, affection and mutual understanding. In a house where scandals do not subside between husband and wife, reproaches are constantly heard, it is necessary to grow Saintpaulia. Delicate flowers will help improve family life.

No one doubts the health benefits of indoor plants. After all, with their appearance they decorate the interior, lift your spirits, and enrich the air with oxygen. But taking into account ancient beliefs, some flowers should be grown at home because they attract health.

Famous healers are aloe and kalanchoe. The juice of the fleshy leaves is used to treat many ailments. And if you are lucky enough to see aloe bloom, this is a sign of healing and rejuvenation of the body.

Flower pots with pelargonium (geranium) can be placed in the bedroom, nursery, living room, office - they will bring good luck, peace and prosperity. Geranium falls into the category of flowers that attract:

  • material wealth;
  • happiness in personal life;
  • career growth;
  • health.

Pelargonium leaves are my favorite folk healers, are used internally and externally for a variety of ailments.

It is not necessary to grow indoor plants according to your zodiac sign. Often people need to enhance qualities that are well developed in other signs. But planting “your” flowers, subject to the influence of “your” planet, is the right thing to do.

Here's what flower pots advises keeping astromedicine in the house:

  1. Hibiscus (one of indoor flowers sign of Leo) stimulates the activity of the cardiovascular system.
  2. Virgo plants. Japanese aucuba, birch, monstera, asparagus, aster, philodendron, dracaena reflexum - are needed to maintain health, they stabilize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Dracaena reflexum facilitates speech for people who stutter.
  3. Libra Plants ( white azalea, mexican pepper, small-flowered chrysanthemum, hydrangea, croton) have a beneficial effect on nervous system and kidneys. Hydrangea helps to maintain a diet while losing weight, and to form a beautiful body. Schlumberg makes movements easy, joints flexible, prevents diseases of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
  4. Capricorn plants (yucca ivory, rubber ficus, fragrant dracaena, crassula) help those who want to lose weight and maintain a good figure. And dracaena also promotes dental health and musculoskeletal system, reduces the manifestation of symptoms of skin diseases.
  5. Aquarius plants (arrowroot tricolor, indoor maple, poinsettia) help maintain health (emotional and physical).
    Plants of the sign of Pisces (magnolia, lily, orchid, geranium, papyrus cyperus) have a good effect on the state of the nervous, lymphatic and endocrine systems, give healthy sleep, create a cozy and calming atmosphere.