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Calamondin (Citrofortunella): care and cultivation at home, reproduction, photo. Calamondin home care (citrofortunella)

Most respect beautiful flowers. To see in your flower garden exotic plant you need to know the secrets of breeding. In this collection, the editors tried to put together a selection of tips in order to avoid diseases when maintaining a particular flower. The secrets of caring for many groups of plants are no different. An exotic living creature requires a special approach. It is important to clarify for further activities which group the purchased plant belongs to.

Citrofortunella (calamondin) - citrus plants

Calamondin, or citrofortunella (×Citrofortunella microcarpa), Citrus. Homeland - Southeast Asia.

If you like to grow indoor citrus crops, pay attention to citrofortunella - a well-branched tree with an evergreen and compact crown. The plant is very decorative, at the same time covered with its snow-white flowers and bright tangerine fruits, which are also edible. Already from 2-3 years of life, citrofortunella begins to bear fruit, and almost all year round.

Calamondin is a citrus hybrid of kumquat (fortunella) with a tangerine tree. It blooms beautifully and bears fruit abundantly with miniature (3-4 cm in diameter, weighing 12 g) fruits with thin orange skin, very similar to tangerines. The leaves of Citrofortunella are small, leathery and dense. If you crush the leaf with your hand, you can feel a refreshing citrus scent. White flowers also emit a pleasant, delicate aroma.

This crop is more hardy than other citrus fruits (lemon, tangerine). The fruits are edible. They are eaten both peeled and with a sweetish skin, which successfully compensates for the very sour taste pulp. Although the fruits stay on the tree for several weeks, you should not leave them on the branches for too long, as they become not juicy, cottony, but taste qualities are decreasing.

Most often, calamondin fruits are used in cooking instead of lemon. They are used to make delicious marmalade, candied fruits, or simply added to jam to give it extraordinary taste and a subtle citrus aroma.

It is also known that in the room where calamondin is located, the number of pathogenic microbes is reduced by 300 times. Therefore, it is better to place citrofortunella in the nursery to make it easier for the baby to fight infections and get sick less.

Tips for growing calamondin and care

Anyone can grow citrofortunella at home, especially if you have spacious bright rooms, where you can freely place a meter-high plant. She lives a long time, but at the same time requires good qualified care. At the right approach will thank its owner with good fruiting. The tree is especially beautiful and decorative when it is simultaneously covered with bright, ripe fruits and snow-white flowers.

Lighting. Citrofortunella is photophilous and prefers bright, diffused lighting. Therefore, it is better to place a container with a tree near a western or eastern window, shading it from the direct rays of the hot sun in summer. If there is not enough light and the roots in the pot are cramped, calamondin will not bloom. Temperature regime. The culture is thermophilic. The optimal temperature should be 18-24C, although it will not freeze at +4C. In winter she is more comfortable in some coolness (16C), and in summer she prefers Fresh air balcony or terrace. Absolutely does not tolerate drafts and excessive heat. Watering and spraying.B summer period Citrofortunella requires abundant watering. From mid-autumn, watering begins to be reduced; in winter, water only once a week, allowing the top layer of the substrate to dry out. However, it is necessary to constantly ensure that the soil in the container does not dry out, otherwise the leaves will begin to curl and turn yellow. In summer, the calamondin plant needs systematic spraying. It is also necessary to spray in winter, if the room where the plant is located is well heated. .Throughout life cycle Calamondin needs to be closely monitored. Very often, leaves begin to turn pale or fall off due to lack of nutrition. In summer, the plant is fed with fertilizer for citrus fruits or indoor flowering plants twice a month; in winter, once is enough. The longer an older calamondin tree stays in one container, the more nutrition it needs. Transplantation and substrate. Young specimens are replanted after two years, usually in the spring. It is enough to replant a mature plant every three years. It is not advisable to replant if the tree has a lot of flowers and fruits, or in the fall after growth has finished. The pot should be spacious with good drainage and a nutrient mixture of rotted manure, turf soil, sand (1:2:1) with an acidity of pH 6.5-7. To give the tree a lush and compact shape, long branches are pruned during transplantation.

Reproduction and formation of home tangerine

Reproduction homemade tangerine occurs by seeds and cuttings. The survival rate is low; reproduction in this way requires feeding with phytohormones. Seed germination is good, but the growing process takes long time.

For the survival of cuttings, it is important to keep warm and protect from drafts.

After 2-3 weeks, the cuttings will take root and produce the first leaves. For better rooting at home, it is recommended to use phytohormones.

Planting calamondin cuttings in pots

Growing from seeds at home requires a long time. Seeds are selected from fresh, undried fruits, as they quickly lose their viability. Planted in a peat mixture, river sand And fertile land. Deepen the seeds 1 cm, water, cover with glass. For seed germination, warmth of 25-28 C is important. After 30-40 days, sprouts appear. After the second pair of adult leaves appears, the sprouts are planted in pots (see photo).

A bright, uplifting plant will be a real decoration for a winter window sill in an apartment or house if you provide it with proper daily care.

Calamondin – citrus, which can not only decorate the house, but also, so to speak, feed its owner. There is no need to buy lemon when Citrofortunella bears fruit. Home-grown citrus fruits can be added to tea instead of lemon.

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To place calamondin, as a sun-loving plant, you should choose windows facing southeast or southwest. However, it should still be protected from the scorching summer midday rays.

Calamondin requires special care, starting on the eve of winter. Even in the fall, when the amount of lighting gradually decreases and the temperature remains the same, the plant at home begins to suffer. During the winter months, the ideal conditions for Citrofortunella are low temperature about and additional lighting. Even the sunniest window will not be enough. Daylight hours for this plant should last 12 hours.

Air temperature

It is advisable to keep it in summer at a temperature of 18–26 degrees. Winter temperatures should be maintained within 15 degrees Celsius. Sub-zero temperature Citrofortunella will not tolerate it. If calamondin is not received, it will not receive appropriate care winter period, then, unfortunately, he will not be destined to please his owner for long. In just three years he could die.

There is also a specificity in maintaining the same temperature at different altitudes. That is, the air in the crown area should be the same temperature as in the rhizome area. For us, perhaps, the difference is not even perceptible, but the plant will not feel good from the changes.

It is advisable to place the pot with citrufortunella on a slight elevation, since the temperature of a regular floor is often slightly lower than that of the ceiling.

Under such conditions, the plant will not be able to absorb enough moisture from the soil. You should not place the pot on the very bottom, even if the “warm floor” system is turned on. In this case, calamondin, on the contrary, risks becoming oversaturated excess moisture. Such incorrect care can lead to dropsy.

Soil requirements

For citrus plants, soil with weak or neutral acidity is suitable. A good option for calamondin is the purchased ready-made “Lemon” substrate.

Watering mode

The process, both in summer and winter, should be focused on the condition of the soil. It should always be kept moist, but the top layer should have time to dry between waterings.

For irrigation, soft, non-chlorinated water should be used.

Citrofortunella or calamondin is a recently emerged plant that has already gained popularity all over the world. This plant species is a hybrid that belongs to the Rutaceae family.

Citrofortunella (calamondin) is a recently emerged hybrid that has gained popularity all over the world.

Calamondin is a tree that appeared thanks to the work of scientists who were not afraid to cross citrus mandarin and the oriental fruit kumquat (fortunella). The result is very bright and miniature fruits, which cannot but arouse the interest of buyers and connoisseurs of exotic things. This plant will look spectacular in every home.

Is it really possible to not only admire the fruits of citrofortunella, but also eat them, or is this plant just bright element decor?

Citrofortunella fruits

Is it possible to eat calamondin? Definitely small and appetizing “calamondines” will be edible. If your plant doesn't yet bear fruit, you have every chance of growing your own organic fruit.

Calamondin citrus fruits can be considered safe if you grew them yourself, caring for them properly, without adding unknown fertilizers and without spraying the fruits with chemical liquids for better results. appearance and attractiveness.

It is extremely undesirable and even dangerous to try the fruits of a plant purchased in a store.

There are several tips for obtaining fruits that are safe to eat:

  • the plant must be fertilized exclusively with environmentally friendly additives, which should only be purchased in specialized stores;
  • It is not recommended to eat fruits from the store;
  • do not use any spraying of fruits, this may have a detrimental effect on the quality of future fruits.

To enjoy the new and interesting taste This exotic miracle requires just a little patience. At proper care calamondin will give you fruits, taste characteristics which cannot be compared with anything.

Harvesting correctly

Rules successful collection harvest:

  1. The fruits should be picked when they are greenish-orange and should never be allowed to become overripe.
  2. Fruits should be cut exclusively with scissors or pruners.
  3. Carefully remove the fruit, being careful not to damage the thin and delicate skin.

Freshly cut fruits can be stored very well in refrigeration chamber at temperatures from +8 to +10 degrees.

Storage and chemical properties

The citrofortunella plant tolerates all types of temperatures quite well (from quite hot and even to sub-zero). Berries are considered ripe orange color, splashes of green are acceptable. Amazing and chemical composition: proteins (0.88%), fats (2.45%), and, of course, carbohydrates (3.29%). There are also components such as ash substances, calcium, phosphorus and iron.

Research has also established that calamondin contains a large number of vitamin C. One hundred grams of squeezed juice contains 31.6 mg of vitamin, and the peel contains up to 173.8 mg. The juice also contained the equivalent of 5.6% ascorbic acid, while the pulp contained no more than 2.9%.

Applications of calamondin fruits

There are many ways to prepare dishes using calamondin. This bright fruit can be used as an exceptionally sweet raw material for making a variety of jams, marmalades, candied fruits, preserves, marshmallows, etc.

Calamondin will be a good complement to the taste of meat dishes. Chefs all over the world are experimenting with meat, proving that in the process of preparing meat, use not only the usual vegetables, but also fruits, citrus fruits and even chocolate.

Citrofortunella fruits are actively used in cooking

There are various recipes for preparing alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks with the addition of juice from our aforementioned wonderful fruit. Cooks also add dried calamondin to some savory seasonings.

This citrus has its place not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and medicine. A very rich and nutritious oil is obtained from its fruits. If you use fresh juice to rub into your scalp, after a while you will notice that your hair has become more elastic and looks healthy.

Calamondin or an extract from its fruits can be used as a component of skin care products, especially for teenage skin.

Citrofortunella - affordable exotic

Progress does not stand still, and breeders continue to delight with new and interesting views plants that are not only beautiful, but also very useful.

The selection will surprise us more than once with bright, interesting and non-standard solutions. After all, without experiments there would be no current and future discoveries that will bring many new, interesting, slightly outlandish plants. It’s so interesting and exciting to find and try something completely new.

Soon you won’t have to travel to any country to buy an unusual vegetable or fruit. Thanks to the work and enterprise of scientists, growing exotic fruit-bearing trees will be available to everyone.

Having citrofortunella at home is not only beautiful, but also useful.

The tree will become a worthy element in your interior and will amaze you and your loved ones with its taste. And an undoubted bonus for your family will be that calamondin is rich in vitamins and those elements that are so necessary for the human body.

Calamondin is a beautiful small tree, a specially bred ornamental hybrid, which is very common and especially popular in Southeast Asia. But even in Europe today this homemade tangerine is gaining popularity, as it is popularly called.

The love for citrus fruits and growing them at home makes calamondin a welcome guest on the windowsill. Its other name is citrofortunella, grown by crossing kumquart (fortunella) with mandarin.

The home tangerine is small in stature, barely reaching one meter. It has leaves of a rich green color, shiny, glossy, with a shape characteristic of citrus fruits.

Small white flowers, fragrant with citrus, and the fruits are very similar to small tangerines - bright, very fragrant and beautiful, but, unfortunately, inedible. The taste of these fruits is so-so - they are bitterish-sour, with many seeds, more reminiscent of lemon than tangerine.

Citrofortunella is quite unpretentious when kept at home, but very often when changing its place of residence and getting into a drier room, the plant experiences stress and its leaves begin to fall off.

To remedy the situation, homemade tangerine is completely covered plastic bag and tie at the bottom. In this way, the humidity inside is created at 100%. Every day it is necessary to untie the bag for some time for ventilation while the plant adapts.

In addition, at first the tree must be sprayed every day. warm water and moisten the soil. After a couple of weeks, it is very advisable to transplant the plant into a new pot, because often before sale, capsules with growth stimulants are introduced into the soil, which can cause the plant to wither when the microclimate changes in a new place.

When replanting, you need to check if there is any rotting on the roots, and be sure to remove the rotten areas. Transplantation is carried out by transferring the plant, trying not to damage the root system.

During further transplants, it is advisable not to disturb the earthen ball, removing only a little of the top layer and adding new soil on top.

After replanting, the plant does not require fertilizing during the first month, since the new soil has a fairly balanced composition. In the future it is necessary to feed the plant special mixtures in the spring-summer period - once a week, and in the cold season - once a month.

Choosing a place to live

You should definitely find a tangerine for your home appropriate place, because this southerner loves light and warmth.

But here are the straight ones Sun rays can cause burns to tender leaves, therefore, when choosing sunny side, you need to cover the plant from the sun with a light curtain.

For winter maintenance, citrofortunella must be provided with additional lighting. Therefore, for the winter, a lamp is placed next to the pot, because the future harvest will depend on the amount and intensity of lighting.

Temperature and humidity

Homemade tangerine too hot weather does not love. IN summer time optimal temperature for calamondin about +25 degrees. The plant feels very good on the balcony or on open terrace, with slight shading.

In the natural habitat of Citrofortunella in winter time the temperature drops to 16 - 18 degrees, so it is necessary to provide similar conditions, to see abundant flowering and beautiful fruits in the future.

However, homemade tangerine will survive even with a short drop in temperature, even to zero.

It is necessary to monitor soil moisture very carefully. In summer, watering should be carried out when the top layer of soil dries half a centimeter. The water should be warm and settled, or boiled, because a delicate plant cannot drink water with chlorine, this can destroy it. Indispensable spraying of the leaves is an indispensable condition for the comfortable maintenance of the plant.

In winter, when indoor air humidity decreases due to heating, the humidification and watering algorithm must be changed. The plant needs to be sprayed more often, but watered less frequently.

Home care for calamondin (citrofortunella)

Citrofortunella sheds its leaves What should I do?

If not properly cared for and maintained, the plant may shed its leaves. There are several reasons for this, and if they are identified and eliminated in a timely manner, then citrofortunella is able to recover and grow foliage again.

The reason that the leaves have fallen off may be a simple draft. It is necessary to protect calamondin from open windows and wide open doors.

Poor lighting, too hot or too dry a room where calamondin lives can also cause leaf shedding.

In this case, it is necessary to humidify the air using a humidifier. Try to maintain the room temperature at optimal mode without allowing large differences. Lack of lighting is eliminated with the help of phytolamps.

With such a problem, it is very important to check the condition of the calamondin root system. If the tree received an excess of water when watering, then it is quite possible that its roots began to rot.

In this case, an emergency plant transplant is necessary. In this case, it is imperative to remove the rotten roots and treat them with phytosporin.

Reproduction of home tangerine

Like others fruit trees, homemade tangerine can be propagated by grafting onto a rootstock, by growing a plant from cuttings, and also by growing it from a seed.

Of course, all these methods require some preparation, and most importantly, patience and time.

An orange seedling with strong roots that is not afraid of drought is suitable for the scion.

Reproduction of calamondin by bone

The method of growing homemade tangerine from seeds is perhaps the simplest.

To do this, you need to make small greenhouses for the grains: each seed is planted in a separate cup with well-moistened soil, slightly buried, and covered with a jar or covered with film on top, not forgetting to ventilate the greenhouse daily.

To achieve good germination, you need to regularly add fertilizers to the soil that stimulate growth. When watering, you need to make sure that there is enough moisture, but at the same time avoid overmoistening, so as not to destroy the sprouts.

Propagation by seeds is a rather lengthy process. It takes about ten years before fruit can be expected. And it is not always possible to preserve parental characteristics with this method of reproduction, so there is a large share of risk here.

Reproduction of calamondin by cuttings

To get a positive result when cutting calamondin, you must purchase some kind of growth stimulator - root, for example. Without the use of phytohormones, waiting for roots to appear is very problematic.

Cuttings are prepared by cutting off a branch with 4-5 well-developed leaves from the top, and then keep them in a growth stimulator for a day.

The cuttings are planted in prepared soil at an angle of 45 degrees, deepening to the level of the lowest leaf. After this, be sure to cover the top of the cuttings with a bag or jar, making a small greenhouse to retain the greatest humidity.

Every day it is necessary to arrange ventilation for half an hour, and it is more convenient to water by pouring water into a pan.

The cuttings usually take root within a month.

A delightful plant obtained as a result of the natural hybridization of mandarin and kincan is called calamondin or citrofortunella. The flower is also popularly referred to as “Chinese mandarin” and “golden orange”. The plant belongs to the Rutaceae family and is native to Southeast Asia.

The plant is an ornamental plant, grows well and bears fruit at home. It is distinguished by small evergreen glossy leaves and has a pleasant smell. At home, the tree has a very modest size. The fruits of calamondin are small orange balls. The top is covered with peel. They are very reminiscent of tangerine fruits.

Home care

Citrofortunella is an ideal gift for any plant grower in all respects. Firstly, it will gracefully complement your home plant collection. Secondly, no one has ever called calamondin a difficult plant to grow. Yes, of course, it’s worth knowing the basic rules for caring for a tangerine tree, but nothing more. Thirdly, citrofortunella will ideally fit into the stylistic design of any interior.

Let's remember! The “tangerine tree” cannot be called capricious or picky, but the plant requires special care.

Adaptation period. First transplant

The first two weeks in new conditions for the plant are the most difficult. " tangerine tree", after ideally formed growing conditions for it in the store, falls into the usual city ​​apartment. And here, very often, the conditions of detention are far from ideal.

Basic rules for caring for citrofortunella during the adaptation period:

  • It is not recommended to replant the flower in the first 2 weeks. But you should actively water and spray it. As a rule, in flower supermarkets the soil is slightly dried. Spraying can be done daily, and watering can be done as the top soil layer dries out.
  • After 2 weeks, it is recommended to transplant the plant into another soil mixture. This is not done for aesthetic or any other reasons, but simply because store-bought soil in most cases is not suitable for the plant. The citrofortunellas that we are offered in flower shops are of foreign origin. This means that, as a rule, special growth capsules are introduced into the roots of the tree.
  • If, under growing conditions special technologies Such stimulants only bring benefits, but at home they can cause harm to the plant: the plant will begin to wither. Therefore, you should transplant the tree into a suitable substrate with good layer drainage If some roots are slightly or significantly rotten, they should be removed immediately.
  • The most important point is the choice of location for the “tangerine tree”. Of course, many owners want to decorate the interior of their home with such an exquisite and unusual indoor plant. But it will be better for citrofortunella if it is placed in close proximity to the window. Ideally - on a windowsill on the west or east side of the house. Calamondin prefers diffuse light, so in hot weather summer days the plant should be shaded.
  • In the winter months, a south-facing window is also suitable for the “tangerine tree”, since in the cold season the sun is not as active as in summer. There may even be a need for additional illumination of citrofortunella. And here either traditional incandescent lamps or modern phytolamps will come to the aid of the plant grower. It is possible to grow calamandin in a dark place where the sun's rays do not reach, but in this case one should not hope for the appearance of fruits and the successful development of the plant.

Important tip! A young calamondin needs abundant watering to a much greater extent than a mature plant.

Temperature regime for cyclofortunella

The moisture-loving and heat-loving citrofortunella “presents” special requirements for temperature conditions in the room where the plant is grown.

Golden temperature rule for the “golden orange”:

  • In summer, the temperature for growing calamondin can range from +22 to +25 degrees.
  • In the winter months, the temperature for growing citrofortunella can range from +15 to +18 degrees.

An important point when growing “Chinese mandarin” is the dormant period. Without it, the plant will weaken year after year and eventually die.

Citrofortunella urgently needs a period of rest, since in the winter months (from November to February) it is very difficult for the plant to provide full daylight hours. Therefore, calamondin cannot fully develop and form fruits.

At rest indoor plant should be kept at a temperature no higher than +12 degrees. The room should be well lit. Watering the plants is slowly but surely reduced and brought to 1-2 times a month.

Watering citrofortunella

The moisture-loving calamondin is very, very supportive of frequent and abundant watering. The grower needs to clearly monitor the moment when it is time to water the plant. It's very easy to do. You can go two ways:

  • Create an individual watering schedule for the “Chinese mandarin” and strictly adhere to it. But this option is suitable only if the same conditions, comfortable for the flower, are constantly maintained in the apartment. If there are fluctuations in both temperature and humidity levels, then this option is not suitable. The watering time may be approaching, and the top layer of soil will still remain moist. Then you should take the second path.
  • Regularly check the degree of dryness of the soil. The plant will need watering if the soil dries out by half a centimeter.

Another important point- This spraying. They should be regular and frequent. There are special requirements for water for watering and spraying the “tangerine tree”, because the successful cultivation of the plant largely depends on its composition and properties. Spraying should be carried out exclusively using a spray bottle.

Do not forget to regularly clean the plant from dust and dirt deposits on the leaves. This can be done with a damp cloth or non-abrasive sponge. The procedure should be carried out no more than once a month.

Water requirements for watering calamondin:

  • Watering the “tangerine tree” should be done only with settled water. If you didn’t have time to stand the water, it’s not a problem. Water the plant with filtered or boiled water. Distilled water is a good backup option. Remember that alkali has a detrimental effect on the plant.
  • Water for irrigation should be warm. Ideally - at least +20 degrees.

Remember! In order for the crown of the “golden orange” to form evenly, it should be rotated 1-2 mm relative to the sun daily.

Transplantation of Citrofortunella

The first plant transplant is carried out 2-3 weeks after purchase. In the future, the calamondin transplant schedule will follow the following scheme:

  • young plants should be replanted annually, in March-April;
  • Mature plants should completely change both the soil and the pot no more than once every 3 years. The rest of the time it is enough to just update the top soil layer.

Rules for transplanting calamondin.

  • A pot for citrofortunella will need to be tall and spacious. After all, even young plant already boasts a developed root system.
  • Transplantation can be done using the transshipment method. You should not destroy the root ball of soil, as this can harm the already fragile plant system.
  • The drainage layer should be at least 2.5-3 cm. Perfect for calamondin regular will do expanded clay purchased at a flower shop.
  • Soil for citrofortunella can be purchased ready-made or you can mix the necessary components yourself. As an alternative, you can take 2 parts of turf soil, one part of sand and one part of manure and carefully mix all the components.
  • Under no circumstances should the neck of the plant be buried. It should remain approximately at the same level as it was in the previous pot.
  • After transplantation, the “Chinese mandarin” is watered abundantly and placed on sunny place, shaded from bright rays.
  • After transplantation, it is especially important to protect calamondin from drafts.
  • Within 1-1.5 months after the plant has completely renewed the soil, fertilizers should not be applied. The fact is that at first the plant will actively recover due to the nutrients that will be contained in the new updated soil. That's why additional fertilizing she won't need it.

Calamondin fertilizer

During the growing season, the plant expends a colossal amount of energy, which must be replenished regularly. This should be done using fertilizing: both root and foliar.

Principles of fertilizing for citrofortunella.

  • The plant needs both root and foliar feeding.
  • For calamondin, special complex complexes are used. mineral fertilizers for citrus fruits. Another good option fertilizing solution ammonium nitrate and calcium chloride. They should be mixed in the following proportion: 5 g of saltpeter and 2 g of calcium chloride are dissolved in 1 liter of settled water.
  • In the spring-summer period, it is recommended to apply fertilizers once every 10 days, and in winter - once a month and a half. During the dormant period, fertilizing is completely excluded.
  • Horse fertilizers should be applied to moist soil. Therefore, it is recommended to apply them the next day after watering the plant.

Important! If the plant does not have enough fertilizer, it will begin to shed its leaves and stop setting fruit.

Reproduction of calamondin

Two most optimal ways for propagation of citrofortunella: cuttings and grafting.

  • Reproduction by cuttings. For propagation you will need cuttings at least 10 cm long with three healthy buds. They should be carefully cut from the plant and then placed in a solution of an organic growth stimulant. IN in this case Indolylacetic acid is suitable. Cuttings can only be taken from mature plants.

    The cuttings are rooted in a nutrient substrate (a mixture of moss and peat) and germinated in greenhouse conditions. Cuttings should be provided high temperature(not lower than +25 degrees) and high humidity. After the first leaves appear, young shoots should be given regular ventilation.

  • Reproduction by grafting. Citrofortunella should be grafted in the same sequence and according to the same principle as citrus fruits grown from seeds. The cuttings propagated in this way bloom very quickly, and the appearance of fruits can be expected as early as next year.

Difficulties in growing calamondin

The main reason for the appearance of pests on citrofortunella is improper care. Golden Orange may suffer from mites, thrips or shield mites. It is good to control pests with the help of acaricides. For preventive purposes, the plant can be treated from time to time. soap solution. It should only be applied to the leaves. To prevent soap from getting into the soil, cover the soil with a layer of polyethylene. After treatment, the soap should be washed off with a stream of water from the shower.

Citrofortunella often suffers from fungal diseases. To prevent gommosis or anthractosis from affecting your plant, it is recommended to periodically treat it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Citrofortunella is a very colorful citrus plant. Growing calamondin at home will only bring the grower positive emotions, and no difficulties will be scary for him!