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When is the best time to seed your lawn in the spring? Selection and calculation of the number of seeds

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Any person enjoys not only looking at the soft green lawn, but also sitting on it. Children especially love to run on green grass. A lawn that is planted and grown correctly can last a very long time. But sometimes a situation happens that, despite seemingly following all the rules and instructions, it is not possible to achieve the desired attractiveness of the lawn. Why does this happen and how to properly plant a lawn with your own hands so that it pleases the eye? Let's try to figure this out.

Selecting Lawn Grass Seeds

To create the right lawn with your own hands, you should correctly choose seed. It is imperative to consider the purpose for which the lawn will be used, because there are different grass mixtures or herbs. To grow beautiful lawn use the following types herbs:

  • meadow bluegrass;
  • common bluegrass;
  • common ryegrass;
  • fescue;
  • bentgrass;
  • creeping clover;
  • festulolium;

When choosing seeds, the sowing time should be taken into account. Different types herbs have different frost resistance and growth rates. For example, bluegrass grows quite slowly in the first years. Also, when choosing seeds, you need to take into account the height of the planned lawn at the dacha, the quality of the turf, etc. For different grass mixtures requires different soil, they can differ in seeding rate and many other characteristics.

What is the best time to plant grass?

When should you plant grass for your lawn – in spring or autumn? You can sow grass on the site at any time, from spring to autumn frosts. The main thing is not to hold out until the snow falls. There is no consensus on when to plant a lawn. Some gardeners are sure that grass grows best if it was planted in May, others believe that it gives quick results summer sowing, according to others, the lawn grass mixture should be sown in the autumn months in order to have a thick green cover by the next season.

Many gardeners prefer sowing in autumn, because they believe that grass emerges from under the snow in the spring very quickly. But when to sow lawn grass in the fall? This should be done either at the beginning of September, so that the plants have time to sprout before frost and can be processed before wintering, or into already frozen ground before the snow cover sets in - in this case, the seeds will undergo stratification over the winter, will be resistant to diseases and will hatch in the spring.

Sowing in spring is also popular, but, according to experienced experts, optimal time for sowing a lawn - late summer. At this time, the soil is already well warmed up and moistened, there are much fewer weeds than in spring, and the seeds have time to germinate and take root before the onset of frost. Although sowing in spring provides a beautiful lawn, it is much more difficult to maintain because it requires regular watering and constant removal of weeds.

How to calculate the number of seeds?

To calculate the seeding of a grass mixture for a certain type of grass that is included in its composition, use a special formula, and the results are summarized. The seed sowing rate (kg/ha) must be multiplied by the percentage of the amount of this type in the mixture and divided by the actual suitability of the seeds. As practice shows, in order to sow quality lawn grass, you need to increase the seed consumption by 2–3 times.

If you need to sow only one type of grass, then you need to follow the seeding rate of the selected crop. Average seed consumption lawn grass per 1m2 is 30 – 50 grams.

Selecting a location

Sowing lawn grass begins with choosing a location. Grass mixtures can be planted almost anywhere on your property. Suitable:

  • horizontal surface;
  • Sun;
  • shadow;
  • slopes;
  • clay and sandy soils.

In each specific case, only the amount of physical and material effort required to plant and grow a beautiful and green lawn will differ. Grass mixtures are best planted on sunny place where rain and melt water will not stagnate.

Before you start sowing seeds, it is advisable to think over a diagram of the future lawn and even sketch it. It will be necessary to decide whether to leave trees on the site, grow individual flowers, or arrange flower beds. You need to decide in advance on the placement of elements landscape design, because it may be difficult to cut the grown lawn grass.

If you will be using a lawn mower, then when sowing grass, you can, for convenience, leave a distance of one meter between it and fences, walls or borders. In addition, you should not plant grass under a lone shrub or tree.

Site preparation

Before sowing grass, the area must be cleared of weeds and leveled. Such careful preparation helps save you from weeding later and makes it easier to mow the grown lawn. It takes 1 to 4 weeks to prepare the site.

The area should be treated with a general herbicide. Those areas of the dacha that are heavily overgrown with weeds must be treated in several stages. When the grass withers and withers, the area must be cleared of debris, shrub roots, and dried grass, after which it is leveled. If the soil is poor and requires the addition of fertile soil, then you can finally get rid of weeds by covering the lawn area with geotextiles. Thanks to this non-woven fabric, weed seeds will not be able to germinate and nothing will disturb the lawn grass.

Soil preparation

Before sowing the lawn, you need to lay favorable conditions for the friendly and rapid emergence of grass seedlings and its further growth. The need to apply fertilizer depends on the type of soil. If it is sour, then you need to add slaked lime or chalk, and clayey areas with heavy and dense soil are loosened using humus or vermicompost.

At the same time you should enter mineral fertilizers. If sowing is in spring, then the emphasis is on nitrogen fertilizer, which causes rapid growth grasses, and in the fall, to facilitate the wintering of seeds, add more potassium and phosphorus.

The soil and additives should be evenly distributed throughout the entire area, after which the soil is loosened and slightly moistened. The leveled area is rolled using a special roller. If bumps and holes are suddenly discovered, they are added or cut off, and then rolled again. Once the ground is leveled, it should rest for several days.

How to sow lawn grass with your own hands?

Before planting a lawn, it should be mentally divided into several identical sections. The seeds should be divided into the same number of parts, this is necessary so that the seeds germinate evenly.

How to sow lawn grass correctly with your own hands? Seeds should be planted in the soil to a depth of 1 - 1.5 cm. First they need to be scattered lengthwise and then across. This helps the seeds lie evenly. If there is such an opportunity, then you can use manual seeder. This is much more convenient, but you can also plant a lawn with high quality manually. To prevent the wind from carrying the seeds away, they should be sprinkled with a centimeter layer of peat and rolled. After this, the seeded lawn is watered with a watering can or hose with a fine spray. Watering should be done moderately, otherwise the soil may become waterlogged.

Lawn care

The lawn must be properly cared for, otherwise it will wither and become overgrown. Mowing and watering play a big role in this process.

Features of watering

Immediately after sowing the grass, if the soil is dry, you need to carefully water the area weak pressure , otherwise the seeds may be washed out. Watering in the future should be regular, but weather conditions must be taken into account.

It is necessary to water the lawn after mowing so that it recovers and acquires a neat appearance and rich color. Experts recommend watering your lawn in the evenings.

A haircut

Lawn mowing is required to maintain it in proper condition. Moreover, this good way control weeds and stimulate vegetative development, which leads to the formation of additional shoots and the development of the root system, contributing to the creation of dense turf.

Before mowing, the lawn should be checked for foreign objects. For the first time, the lawn begins to be mowed 1 - 1.5 months after the sprouts appear. In height the first haircut should be at least 6 - 8 cm, and all subsequent ones should be 3–5 cm. In spring and autumn, one centimeter is added to this height.

Thus In order to properly decorate their summer cottage, many gardeners plant grass for the lawn. This makes the landscape design more attractive and delights the owners with its beauty. Lawn care depends on the type of grass chosen. Sowing is best done in the fall, this will allow you to get strong, weed-free plants.

Owners summer cottages Very often people are interested in the question related to what period of time lawn grass should be planted: when to sow and at what time to lay the lawn. Sowing can be done both in spring and autumn. There are no special restrictions when choosing the time for planting lawn grass.

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    When is the best time to plant grass?

    You can sometimes plant grass on your lawn in the spring immediately after the snow has melted. The choice of time to plant grass always remains with the owner of the summer cottage and is determined by the following factors:

    1. 1 Level of soil preparation.
    2. 2 Regional climate.
    3. 3 Types of plants for planting.
    4. 4 Regular watering of the lawn.

    If you plan to plant plants in spring period time, then you shouldn’t wait for hot summer days. It is very difficult for young shoots to withstand the test of the sun, which is important for the southern regions.

    The grass on your lawn will grow best when the soil is moist and the spring sun is warm and not yet as hot as on hot summer days. Under such conditions, more intensive plant growth can be ensured. This is facilitated by the use of feed products.

    The main disadvantage of planting plants in spring is the abundant growing weed, which requires regular weeding. In autumn, grass does not grow as intensively as in spring, so there are no problems with weeds. After analyzing all the factors mentioned above, you can come to the right choice the period when to plant lawn grass.

    Features of planting greenery on the lawn in spring and autumn

    Having decided when to sow grass on the lawn, you should plan its shape and location. Rectangular shape a lawn with clearly defined corners will look most advantageous. The disadvantages of this form are associated with the need for regular maintenance, which allows you to maintain the lawn in good condition.

    If there is no time to carefully care for a plot of grass in a dacha, then the owner of the plot can take advantage of more simple option, which involves choosing a shape that has slightly blurred boundaries. It is possible to grow a high-quality lawn only if there is high-quality drainage in an area where normal lighting is provided and there is no shadow.

    Choosing the most appropriate place, begin to prepare the ground for sowing plants. If you start preparing the area for a lawn in the fall, you can solve not only the problem with weeds, but also treat the soil with herbicides in advance. The soil is dug up and nitrogen-containing fertilizers are added to it.

    It is necessary to sow grass for the lawn in the second ten days of April. There is little rain at this time, so the area must be moistened before sowing. To loosen the surface of the earth, you can use a rake.

    Seeds for sowing should be divided into 4 parts and planted in the prepared soil. For creating necessary conditions the soil should be compacted using a roller, which will prevent it from being washed away and weathered. You can expect the first shoots to appear in just a few weeks.

    When the time comes for a full-fledged lawn to appear, it will need to be properly maintained. Throughout the season, it will be necessary to perform such types of work as: mowing, feeding and watering.

    The first mowing can be done in dry weather after the grass reaches a height of 15 - 18 cm. Each new mowing can be done by lowering the mower blades below the previous level. This will allow you to obtain the required lawn height.

    What herbal mixture should I use?

    Lawn planting should be done in the spring, taking into account regional climate conditions. Despite the fact that the grass mixture from which lawn grass is to grow contains different varieties plants, their requirements for climate conditions are the same. Having planned the sowing time, they usually adhere to general rules for all types of herbs. The main one comes down to sowing seeds no later than 40 days before the onset of frost. It is during this time that the seeds sprout and then grow into full-fledged grass.

    As a rule, a grass mixture for sowing a lawn includes about 5 types of seeds, which are chosen depending on the type of lawn:

    1. 1 Decorative parterre, requiring the planting of grass with narrow leaves, forming a dense and fairly delicate cover, not intended for walking on it.
    2. 2 Meadow lawn, which is the most cost-effective of all types because wild grass is added to the lawn grass mixture.
    3. 3 Garden or park for walking around, active games, with grasses that are most resistant to frequent mowing.
    4. 4 A lawn located in the shade that requires sufficient planting resistant varieties herbs that are able to resist weeds or moss, they do not tend to react to light in insufficient quantities.

    A careful selection of grass varieties, taking into account its external signs, soil type and climatic conditions.

    Rules for sowing an autumn lawn

    Completion of work on laying lawns in middle lane Russia should coincide with the end of the first week of September. Otherwise fragile root system plants will not be able to cope with the onset of the first frost.

    Planting lawn grass in September is convenient for those who cannot prepare the area for a lawn by spring. It will take a lot of time to clear the area of ​​excess debris, compact and level the soil. It is advisable that the soil rest for at least a month. Only after this can plants be planted on it. Usually, having completed the preparation of the land by the beginning of summer, the owners of suburban areas postpone sowing seeds until the fall, which implies more favorable conditions for grass growth.

    Planting requires following successive steps to grow full-fledged lawn grass. In summer, the soil is prepared, including cleaning the area, removing weeds, fertilizing and leveling the soil.

    Sowing of seeds is carried out on dry days, scattering them along and across the site in a fan. It is necessary to ensure that they are distributed evenly into the soil. After planting lawn seeds, the soil is sprinkled with a rake a few cm deep, covered with a layer of peat, and rolled with a roller so that they cannot be blown away by the wind or washed away during watering. Planting the seeds is completed by moistening the finished lawn.

    Many experienced gardeners believe that more acceptable way planting grass seeds means mixing them with sand.

    Uniform sowing can be done with a special seeder. If this device is not on the farm, then you can plant the seeds manually, first along the lawn and then across it.

    A lawn area of ​​1 m² can be sown with 30-40 g of seeds, which are buried in the soil with a rake and sprinkled with a layer peat mixture, the height of which is 1.5 cm.

    Provide necessary care The following actions allow you to take care of your lawn:

    1. 1 Mowing allows you to give your lawn an attractive appearance.
    2. 2 Watering is required throughout the entire period of grass growth.
    3. 3 Weeding by hand to destroy them and prevent further growth.
    4. 4 Fertilizer feeding is required regularly for normal height and plant development.
    5. 5 Cleaning related to the removal of dry grass and leaves in autumn period time.

    Crops must be thoroughly watered every day for a week using fine-drip irrigation. Due to this, moisture will flow to the sprouts, which will not be able to erode the soil.

    What are the advantages of winter sowing?

    Since frosts sometimes occur in the fall, some land owners plant seeds after the soil freezes to insure themselves. This type of planting is called winter planting. It involves planting seeds on days when the temperature reaches above zero. The sowing date is postponed to November, when stable snow cover is not yet expected to appear. After planting the seeds, they are mulched with peat chips.

    As a result of winter sowing in the spring, you can expect to receive friendly active shoots, since freezing the seeds adds strength to their growth. When the snow has already melted, the soil is enriched big amount moisture required for plant growth.

    In this case, there is no need to delay planting grass seeds until the soil has completely warmed up. summer period. Pre-winter sowing will ensure a strong, dense lawn by summer. Plants that are frost and heat resistant will be less susceptible to various diseases and destruction by pests.

    Winter planting has a number of disadvantages:

    1. 1 Not suitable for areas with a strong slope, since melt water in the spring washes away the top layer of soil along with the seeds.
    2. 2 In autumn, above-zero temperatures cannot last long, so hatched seeds will die immediately after the first frost.

    To increase the chances, you should increase the rate of seed sowing in the autumn, and in the spring you should sow grass exactly where seedlings were not found. Best result can be obtained after planting a grass mixture, which includes 5 types of different herbs.

    Lawns are considered the best way registration of summer cottages. They allow you to make the territory not only attractive, but are also able to have a therapeutic effect on the owners of the site. The choice of seed varieties for the grass mixture should take into account the location where you plan to organize the lawn. This will produce stronger herbs and keep weed growth to a minimum.

    The lawn on the site is like a green island. Many owners personal plots They dream of having one like this, with evenly trimmed grass, fragrant with the aromas of the field. Currently, it is not difficult to sow it yourself, having determined the location. However, you need to be patient - you will get the full-fledged lawn of your dreams only after three to four years proper care. And in this article we will tell you how to choose and plant grass with your own hands at your own dacha.

    What benefit can a lawn have on a property?

    1. Beauty and aesthetic appearance. The area is transformed and looks well-groomed when minimum costs energy and time.
    2. Comfort to use. Unlike open ground, when walking on a grassy area, dirt does not stick to the soles of your shoes and is not carried into the house by your feet. And in this case, much less dust rises.
    3. Benefit for health. It's no secret that foot massage has a positive effect on work. internal organs. Walking on the lawn barefoot will have a massage effect on the lower surface of the feet, which in turn normalizes pressure, helps with insomnia and has a calming effect on the nervous system generally.
    4. Taking care of the soil. Open land vulnerable to influence external factors. The soil is eroded and washed away by rain. Under the cover of grass beneficial features soils are not lost. On the contrary, it guarantees necessary work worms and microorganisms for their enrichment.
    5. Organization of playgrounds and other areas. A thick green carpet will suffice soft coating for children's games and picnics. Lawns are also used for recreation areas, areas near swimming pools and gazebos, and decorative ponds.

    When should you plant lawn grass: spring or fall?

    It is recommended to sow seeds in spring or in the first half of summer. During the warm months, the lawn will have time to sprout and become sufficiently strong before wintering. If planted in August or September, it will not be able to grow enough to safely endure the winter months.

    Types of lawns for a summer residence

    Exist different kinds lawns for gardens and personal plots. Each of them has soybean pros and cons in its content.

    First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you need a lawn. Depending on the purpose, the choice falls on one type or another.

    1. Parterre. Perhaps the most spectacular view that exists. It has a velvety surface in appearance and is distinguished by the uniformity and density of the grass. It is usually placed near the front entrance. It is also found in front gardens and home rose gardens, filling the space between flower beds and trees. It consists mainly of cereals. Since cereal crops germinate slowly, landscaping the area with a lawn of this type may take longer. Among other things, he needs frequent haircuts, about 2-3 times a week.
    2. Ordinary. The best thing this type Suitable for summer cottages. He is not demanding in care. It is recommended to cut it once a week. Ideal for children's games and relaxation in company.
    3. Sports. Good to use for landscaping sports grounds, golf courses, for organizing a tennis court. This grass is resistant to trampling and can withstand heavy loads.
    4. Mauritanian. This blooming species lawn grass. You can cut it only a few times a season. It is not whimsical and does not require investment large quantity energy and time for its maintenance. Appearance Such a lawn is very remarkable - among the green grass there are bright spots of flowers of various colors.

    Proper lawn planting

    The first priority before sowing a lawn is leveling the area. Using pegs, markings are made around the perimeter, stretching a fishing line between them.

    Soil preparation

    The area planned for planting is cleared of weeds.

    15-20 days after such treatment, the soil on the site is dug up using half a shovel, if the soil is soft enough. If rocky rocks are present then top part the soil is removed and a fertile layer of soil is added to the vacant space. Thus, a rocky layer remains below, acting as drainage.

    After preparation, the area should rest for two to three weeks. It’s even better if you carry out all the above procedures before winter. It is recommended to first add fertilizer to the prepared substrate. What types of fertilizers to use depends on the initial composition of the soil.

    Before planting, the entire area planned for sowing with lawn is fertilized with compost. Then the soil is thoroughly compacted. For this purpose, you can use a garden roller or compact the soil with your feet.

    Sowing seeds

    After all the preparatory procedures are completed, an easier, but no less important part remains - sowing lawn grass. First, you need to choose the right planting material. To do this, one should take into account climatic conditions your region, soil density, your own gardening experience.

    It should be taken into account that the number of seeds should be taken in reserve. As a rule, some of the seeds are washed off with water, eroded, and destroyed by birds and insects.

    In this regard, double the number of seeds required to sow a square meter of land.

    It is recommended to sow the seeds after first mixing them with sawdust to simplify the process. After this, the seeds are mixed with the soil using a rake. Make forward and backward movements with light movements. Then the planted area is compacted.

    Caring for planted grass on the site

    Lawn care includes the following steps.

    1. Weeding. After the first shoots appear, weeds are weeded from the sown area. Most effective method– weeding by hand. At the end of the procedure, the soil should be compacted and watered.
    2. A haircut. Depending on the type of lawn chosen, mowing should be done from 3 times a week to 1 time a month. To do this, it is recommended to use a lawn mower to achieve uniformity and beauty of the lawn.
    3. Feeding. To keep the grass bright and lush, it is necessary to fertilize regularly. In the spring, you can use the lawn grass to grow and thicken nitrogen fertilizers. In autumn, preference is given to potassium-phosphorus fertilizers so that the plants prepare for wintering. All fertilizers are applied to moist soil.
    4. Cleaning. To maintain an attractive decorative appearance of the lawn, it is periodically cleaned of moss, debris, weeds and yellowed grass. To do this, they walk through the area, raking up unnecessary debris with a rake.
    5. Watering. Watering is mandatory in the following cases:
    • after landing;
    • during a period of active growth;
    • after weeding;
    • after a haircut.

    Lawn grass is also watered during long dry periods and heat. Watering should be plentiful. To prevent moisture from stagnating on the surface, the ground is pierced with a pitchfork in several places.

    Preparing the soil Compacting the top layer Preparing the seeds Planting grass using a special sprayer Watering a fresh lawn The necessary watering of the lawn at least once a week The need to mow the grass as needed

    The main mistakes when planting grass with your own hands

    Let's look at the most common mistakes gardeners make when sowing:

    1. Wrong substrate. If the soil is based on light and porous soils based on sand or peat, then the grass will certainly dry out. Such soil does not retain water. Therefore, before planting, add loamy components to the soil. If the problem was not discovered immediately, but in the second or third year after planting, then cover the soil with loam on top of the grass in a layer of 1-2 cm.
    2. Sprawl. To protect existing plantings from overgrowing with lawn grass, it is necessary to install curbs and other fences.
    3. Moss. This problem may be caused by improper or insufficient care. Moss appears when there is insufficient lighting, lack of fertilizer, or infrequent pruning. Also, the cause may be a violation of watering and ideal conditions are created for the moss.
    4. Trees and other plantings. If lawn grass is planted around existing shrubs or trees, the latter end up buried in the ground. Subsequently, the problem of rotting of the root collar arises. To avoid this, when planting seedlings, you should take this factor into account and plant trees at low elevations.
    5. Wrong choice of herbs for planting. In this case, the lawn may die completely or certain areas may be damaged and unsightly bald spots may form. In the spring, you should sow other species that suit your climatic conditions.

    A smooth green lawn is not a dream at all, but a reality. The main thing is to make a responsible choice planting material and carry out everything carefully preparatory activities before boarding. This is key to the future health of your lawn. As you can see, growing grass is not difficult and even a lazy gardener can do it.

    All farmers and summer residents sow lawn grass, because it is an important part of landscape design and perfectly protects the territory from the growth of weeds. Price good seeds can be quite high, so summer residents are interested in the question: when to plant lawn grass. From optimal timing planting depends on how good the seedlings will be. Let’s figure out when it’s better to sow lawn grass seeds: in spring or autumn.

    The optimal timing of planting determines how well the lawn grass will sprout

    How to plant lawn grass correctly?

    Beautiful - this is the dream of many owners country houses. However, everyone can make their dreams come true. The courtyard will become attractive business card estates. There will be no shame in inviting guests and family to such a dacha. For the idea to become a reality, you need to know not only when to plant lawn grass, but also the secrets of how to do it correctly.

    A high-quality grass surface can be obtained if the following conditions, namely:

    1. The correct type of lawn grass has been selected.
    2. The seeds are sown in well-prepared soil.
    3. Lawn grass was planted on time.

    If the grass sowing technology is violated, the lawn will not be an oasis of beauty

    The procedure for sowing lawn grass is a simple task, but it is important to prepare the area first, which takes much more time and effort. Before sowing lawn grass seeds, landscapers and designers suggest performing the following steps step by step:

    1. Mark the area, remove debris, and treat the planted area with herbicides.
    2. Wait until the weed dies.
    3. Dig the area deeply before planting the seeds.
    4. Select weed roots and cover the area with geotextiles.
    5. Level the area before sowing so that you get Smooth surface future lawn.
    6. Fertilize the soil with compost evenly mixed with sand and peat.
    7. Spread the soil evenly over the area on top of the geotextile.
    8. Roll the flat surface with a roller and leave the area for approximately 5-7 days.
    9. Remove sprouted weed seeds that were introduced with fertilizers.
    10. Sow the seeds according to the directions on the package.

    One of the most important tasks is to distribute seeds evenly throughout the lawn. If the area is large, it is better to use a seeder. Summer residents who decide to sow seeds manually can scatter the seeds evenly, first along and then across.

    Before sowing a lawn, it is important to dig up the area, remove weeds and plan the area


    The saying “how many people, so many opinions” is perfectly suited to describe the wide variety of points of view regarding the timing of sowing a lawn. Some believe that it is better to do this in the spring, since during this period nature and plants awaken after winter and are full of strength for vigorous growth. Others argue that it is optimal to sow grass seeds when weed growth is waning and insect pests are sheltering from the approaching frosts.

    Summer residents who decide to sow seeds manually can scatter the seeds evenly, first along and then across

    When to plant lawn grass at the dacha? You need to decide this yourself. Site designers suggest sowing lawn grass, depending on the area, in April-May or at the end of August-September. The lawn will be beautiful when planted in both spring and autumn. It is only important to strictly follow the technology and prepare the soil correctly. After planting, it is worth providing the seeds with sufficient watering. Sprinkling the lawn is best, otherwise the seeds can be washed away.

    Video on how to sow lawn grass correctly:

    Many summer residents want to know when to plant lawn grass. There is no clear answer to this question, so everyone decides for themselves when to do this, taking into account the advice of experts. Great importance has how well the site is prepared. After all, if technology is violated, the lawn will not be an oasis of beauty and a favorite place to relax.

    Do you want a beautiful green lawn on your summer cottage? But you don’t know which side to approach? Then read more carefully, and we will tell you all the subtleties and tricks of planting lawn grass, we will tell you about caring for it and much more interesting things. Grass is sown either in mid-spring, or for next year - in mid-autumn. With the second option, the main thing is to give the crops time to take root before the cold weather. In this article we will try to present a simple and understandable step-by-step instructions for seeding the lawn.

    For work you will need:

    1. wooden rakes;
    2. metal rakes;
    3. garden ruler;
    4. wooden sticks(not shorter than a meter);
    5. garden scales;
    6. soil fertilizer (there are special fertilizers, but you can use any);
    7. grass seeds;
    8. watering can with water;
    9. fruity or mosquito net(to protect crops from the sun).

    Master class on planting lawn grass in autumn

    How to plant lawn grass

    Well, let's figure out how to plant lawn grass with your own hands.

    Choosing a place for the garden bed and determining its size

    If you are sowing a lawn for the first time, it is advisable to give it a square shape - this will make it easier to determine the footage. And we need the size in order to measure the required amount of seeds and fertilizers.

    We buy seeds and prepare everything we need

    Here, of course, the choice is yours, because today there are no problems with buying grass seeds for the lawn. But, still, there are features that you should pay attention to when buying seeds for your lawn. Most often, cereal species such as oats or rye are sown. Oats are less demanding in terms of germination, but dwarf rye has more decorative look- it's greener.

    In addition, we advise you to buy so-called grafted seeds, treated special solution(panning). Such grains are more resistant to weather conditions, mechanical impact and completely unsightly for birds. But, in terms of price, they are much more expensive.

    Preparing the soil for sowing

    We carry out markings before landing

    Divide your planting area into meter squares using a garden ruler and mark with wooden sticks. Here you already understand why we need a square-shaped lawn and meter-long sticks.

    Using a ruler and wooden sticks, mark the area into square meters. This is necessary in order to evenly distribute grass seeds and fertilizers on the site

    Fertilize the soil before sowing

    On packages with ready-made fertilizer describes the instructions for the norm per 1 meter of fertilized area. But, if you do not find such instructions on the packaging, then, usually, it is 50 g. fertilizers for square meter land.

    Canadian farmers advise using it as a fertilizer bone meal, especially if you decide to sow grass in winter. This is a slow-acting, phosphorus-rich fertilizer. Promotes the growth and strengthening of young plants.

    We apply fertilizer to our site at the rate of 50 grams. fertilizers per 1 sq. m.

    Thus, we measure out 50 grams. fertilizers per 1 sq. m. and scatter evenly onto the soil. Distribute with a wooden rake.

    Sowing seeds

    We protect seeds from harmful external influences

    The first time after sowing (3-4 weeks), the seeds need protection from the wind, excess moisture and direct sun rays. To avoid this, cover the planted seeds with a mosquito or fruit net. Here again wooden sticks will serve. Stick them around the crops and stretch the mesh like an awning.

    If you planted small area, then you can use a fruit net to protect the seeds; it will protect the seeds from the scorching sun and wind. If you have planted a large area, then it is not advisable to cover it, more money spend on the net

    If the sun is too hot, you can leave the awning until the end of summer. After winter, the seeds will harden, and cover them next summer there will be no use anymore.

    1. Do not water the soil before sowing seeds. The seeds will stick together, it will be impossible to distribute them evenly, and the grass will sprout in bunches;
    2. Do not sow lawn grass in mid-summer or late autumn - the crops may either wither in the sun and die from high temperatures, or freeze in winter;
    3. Do not fertilize the lawn too often, otherwise the seedlings may turn yellow;
    4. Don't forget to water and mow the lawn every 3 weeks;
    5. Try not to walk on the lawn for the first 2-3 months, while the root system is still too weak.

    Don't expect to have a fluffy lawn immediately in your first year. To achieve a real look “like in the picture”, the lawn needs to be looked after, watered, fertilized and mowed on time. This is the work of several years.