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Lily (plant). Early spring garden protection from pests and diseases

Family: lilies (Liliaceae).


Under natural conditions, lilies are found in the temperate mountains of the Northern Hemisphere. The homeland of the snow-white lily is the Mediterranean. The homeland of the magnificent lily is considered to be humid areas in the southeastern part of North America. Henry's lily is native to the mountains located in Central China. The royal lily comes from Tibet, the curly lily comes from Eurasia. The leopard lily is native to the northwestern part of Central America. The homeland of the beautiful lily is China, Japan, Taiwan. The saffron lily comes from the Alps.

Form: herbaceous plant.


Lily is the name of a numerous genus. The genus of lilies has about 100 species, varying in shape, size and color of flowers, as well as flowering periods.

(L. candidum) - a plant up to 150 cm high. The stem is light green, thick, bare, sometimes with purple streaks. Tubers of lilies of this species are up to 15 cm in diameter, white or yellowish. The lower leaves are collected in a basal rosette, the stem leaves are arranged alternately. The flowers are cup-shaped, 8-10 cm in diameter, collected in pyramidal inflorescences of 5-20 pieces. The snow-white lily blooms in late June - early July.

Lily is magnificent , or lily proud (L. superbum) - a plant with a rounded greenish-brown stem up to 150 cm high. The bulb is round, up to 6 cm in diameter, white. Flowers up to 5 cm in diameter, drooping, are located on long stalks. The perianth is orange, yellow-orange, sometimes red with greenish stripes on the leaves. The blooming time of the magnificent lily is at the end of July - August.

(L. henri) is a rather large plant, the height of which can sometimes reach 250 cm. The stem of this species is slightly curved, cylindrical, green with reddish-brown streaks. The leaves are lancet-shaped, leathery, curved. The flowers are drooping, small size, on long stalks, collected in paniculate inflorescences of 10-20 pieces. The perianth is slightly turban-shaped, colored light orange with dark streaks and spots and a bright green nectar-bearing groove. Pollen is dark brown. The species blooms in late summer - early autumn.

, or tibetan lily (L. regale) - a plant up to 180 cm high. The stem is ribbed, gray-green in color. Regale lily bulbs are round, up to 15 cm in diameter. The flowers are tubular and fragrant. The flowering time of the royal lily is mid-July.

(L. martagon) - a plant up to 150 cm high, with a cylindrical bright green stem with dark strokes. The bulb is ovoid, up to 10 cm in diameter. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, 8-10 cm long, 2-3 centimeters wide, located in whorls. The flowers are drooping, 3-4 centimeters in diameter, weakly fragrant, collected in racemes.

(L. tigrinum) - a plant 100-120 cm high, with a ribbed, brown, pubescent stem. The bulb is ovoid, 3-7 cm in diameter, white. The leaves are lanceolate, sessile, alternately arranged, 8-12 cm long, glabrous or slightly pubescent. Bulbs form in the axils of the leaves. The flowers are drooping, 8-10 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences of 2-15 pieces. The perianth is turban-shaped, orange-red with black spots. Tiger lily blooms in August.

Leopard lily (L. pardalinum) is one of the most popular species. Its height can reach 150 cm, the stem is cylindrical. The bulbs of this species of lilies are white. The petals of the leopard lily are orange-yellow in color with red spots, the flowers are located in loose racemes, the perianths are turban-shaped. Leopard lily blooms in July.

(L. bulbiferum) - a plant 60-120 cm high, with a ribbed stem, at the nodes of which bulbs are formed. The leaves of the bulbous lily are narrow-lanceolate, alternate, up to 13 cm long, about 1.5 centimeters wide. The flowers are small, collected in corymbose or racemose inflorescences. The perianths are open, goblet-shaped, red with an orange center. The bulbous lily blooms in mid-June.

Lily is beautiful (L. speciosum) is one of the most beautiful species. Its height is about 100 cm, the stem is cylindrical, brownish. The bulb is brownish-yellow, round, up to 10 cm in diameter. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, alternate, about 14 cm long, up to 3 cm wide. This lily has drooping, turban-shaped, very fragrant flowers, up to 15 cm in diameter, collected in racemose inflorescences. The plant blooms in August-September. The culture uses many hybrid varieties this type of lily.

Saffron lily (L. croceum) - appearance very similar to the bulbous lily, differing from it in the absence of bulbs and the bright orange color of the flowers.

In addition to the above types of lilies, there are several thousand hybrid varieties of garden lilies. New varieties of lilies are constantly appearing. For convenience, classifying lilies is usually hybrid forms and varieties are divided into groups:

Asian hybrids - these are lilies obtained as a result of crossing tiger, pleasant, dwarf, drooping, David, Maksimovich, bulbous, monochromatic, as well as interspecific hybrids. Lilies Asian hybrids are distinguished by their unpretentiousness, winter hardiness, and endurance. They bloom in late June - early July. In this group there are double lilies. Asian hybrids include such groups of varieties as Tango, Harlequin, Kaleidoscope, Fiesta lilies and others.

Martagon hybrids - these are forms and varieties obtained by crossing curly lily with other species. Martagon lilies hybrids are winter-hardy, undemanding to soil, and little susceptible to diseases.

Candidum hybrids - hybrid lilies obtained by crossing the snow-white lily with other types of lilies. The fragrant flowers of the candidum lily are most often white or yellow. The group is weakly resistant to fungal diseases.

American hybrids - forms and varieties obtained by crossing leopard, Columbian, Humboldt, Kellogg, Bolander, Canadian, Parry and others. Flowers of bright exotic colors. Frost-resistant, but generally very demanding on growing conditions.

Long-flowered hybrids - forms and varieties obtained by crossing the long-flowered lily with other species. The flowers are bright and fragrant. Suitable for . In garden conditions they can suffer from viral diseases. Not frost-resistant.

Tubular hybrids - forms and varieties obtained as a result of crossing and hybridization of various Asian species. Tubular lilies are frost and disease resistant. Flowering is very long.

Oriental hybrids - forms and varieties obtained by crossing golden lilies, Japanese lilies, beautiful lilies, reddish lilies, and Henry lilies. They are extremely beautiful and exotic, but Oriental hybrid lilies are very demanding to grow and are susceptible to various diseases.

There are also varieties obtained by crossing interspecific hybrids, for example:

LA hybrids - forms and varieties obtained by crossing hybrids of the Long-flowered and Asian groups. LA lilies are frost and disease resistant. The flowers are large, fragrant, very beautiful, of various colors. Flowering is abundant and long lasting. LA hybrid lilies are suitable for.

OT hybrids - forms and varieties obtained as a result of crossing hybrids of the Eastern and Tubular groups. Ot-hybrid lilies are distinguished by very large flowers, up to 25 cm in diameter. Used primarily for distillation. OT hybrids include a series of ‘Goliath’ lilies, reaching a height of more than 2 meters.

LO hybrids - forms and varieties obtained by crossing hybrids of the Long-flowered and Oriental groups. The flowers are fragrant, short-tubular or funnel-shaped; white or pink.

Growing conditions

Lily is a plant that prefers well-lit, open to sun rays places. In this case, the area should be well protected from the wind. Lily is a flower that is quite demanding in terms of growing conditions. Lilies need rich, fertile, moisture- and breathable soil.


Lilies in the garden are used for decoration, and. During the flowering period, the lily garden is painted with the most wonderful colors. Many types of lilies are grown for cutting. Bouquets of lilies always look great and cost well. For winter forcing of lilies, specially bred lily hybrids are usually used.



Garden lily flowers reproduce by seeds, daughter bulbs, scales of bulbs, bulbs, stems. Lily seeds are sown for seedlings under film in February-March. The most commonly used method of dividing lilies is propagation by daughter bulbs. Overgrown nests can be divided and replanted 3-4 years after planting the lilies. It is optimal to transplant lilies in the fall.

Diseases and pests

Garden lilies can be quite damaged by pests. Pests of lilies are aphids, lily flies, caterpillars, thrips, nematodes and others. Timely processing by appropriate chemicals will help avoid major damage. Lily diseases are a variety of rot and fungal diseases.

Popular varieties

Lily varieties of the Asian hybrids group:

    'Marlene'- soft pink lily. 'Marlene' is very different abundant flowering;

    'Landini'- a very spectacular dark burgundy, almost black lily. The height of the ‘Landini’ lily is up to 110 cm;

    ‘Snezhana’- white lilies;

    'Aphrodite'- double pink lilies.

Lily varieties of the LA-hybrids group:

    'Fangio'- red lily;

    ‘Cote d.Ivor’- yellow lilies;

    'Bestseller'- orange lily.

Lily variety of the LO-hybrids group 'Triumphator'- bright white lily with a crimson center. Lily flowers of the ‘Triumphator’ variety reach 25 cm in diameter. Height up to 120 cm. Lily ‘Triumphator’ blooms in July-August.

Lily variety of the LOO-hybrids group 'Eagle' - beautiful lily with petals wavy along the edge, soft pink with darker specks. The diameter of the ‘Eagle’ lily flower is up to 25 cm. Height is up to 120 cm.

Lily variety of the Oriental hybrids group 'Pink Princesses'- pink lily. ‘Pink Princess’ is distinguished by its goblet-shaped flowers.

Lily (lat. Lilium) is a perennial flowering plant, belongs to the class Monocots, order Liliaceae, family Liliaceae, genus Lily. These beautiful flowers have been known since ancient times. The image of a lily is found on frescoes, vases, and coins of various ancient civilizations - Greece, Rome, Egypt, Persia. For many peoples, this flower is considered a symbol of purity, innocence, purity. The name lily translated from ancient Celtic means “whiteness”, and from ancient Gaulish it means “white-white”.

Lily - description, structure, characteristics. What does a lily look like?

Lilies have a bulb, which is a shortened stem and consists of separate, adjacent scales, which are modified leaves. During the growing season, reserves are deposited in them nutrients. Scales vary in size, shape, and location. In summer they grow, starting from the center of the bulb. The outer scales periodically die off. Depending on the species, they can be the size of an oat grain (in the oat lily (L. avenaceum)), and up to 10 cm in diameter (in the Henry lily (L. Henryi)). Usually the number of scales is 8-40 pieces, but sometimes there can be 100-120 pieces, as, for example, in the bulb of the Kesselring lily (L. Kesselringianum). Each scale separated from the bulb can form a new bulb.

The structure of the lily bulb is of various types: concentric, stolon, pseudostolon, rhizomatous. Depending on the type, the bulbs have different color: white (Asiatic lilies), purple (trumpet lilies), yellow (Caucasian lilies).

From the base of the bottom of the bulb, main or sub-bulb roots grow, mostly perennial. With their help, the plant stays in the ground and feeds. These species include pure white lily (L. candidum), tiled lily (L. testaceum), etc.

Most lilies have cauline or supra-bulb roots. They grow from a short underground part of the stem and serve to nourish and absorb moisture from the surface layer of soil, and also help keep the stem upright. Such roots die off in the fall along with the stem. This group of lilies is called stem-root. Its representatives are Lily regale (L. regale), Henry lily (L. Henryi), special lily (L. Speciosum), etc.

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The stem of the lily is smooth, sometimes pubescent, brownish or green. Its height can reach 2 - 2.5 m in oriental lilies and their hybrids, and in some wild species only 15-20 cm.

The stem is covered with sessile leaves. Their placement and shape vary depending on the type of plant. Lily leaves can be located whorled on the stem, i.e. Several leaves emerge from one node, as, for example, in the curly lily (L. martagon), and alternately, that is, one at a time, as in the drooping lily (L. cernuum). Often these two forms can be combined: at the bottom there is a whorl, and towards the top the leaves are arranged in a spiral. The leaves have a linear or lanceolate shape with longitudinal veins. Their width ranges from 2 to 6 cm, and their length from 2 to 20 cm. Usually in the lower part of the plant the leaves are larger, and decrease towards the top. The color of lily leaves varies from light green to dark purple. Their surface can be glossy or pubescent. In many species of lilies, mini-bulbs called bulbs are formed in the axils of the leaves, for example, in the lanceolate lily (L. lancifolium). Once on the ground, they germinate.

The main species characteristics of lilies are the shape, color and size of their flowers. The size of a flower is determined by its diameter and height. The smallest flowers of wild lilies are from 2 cm in diameter, the largest are of golden (L. auratum), beautiful (L. speciosum) lilies and their hybrids - up to 30 cm.

Lily flowers are collected at the top of the stem in inflorescences numbering from 5 to 35 or more flowers. Occasionally there are 1-2 flowers. The types of inflorescences can be as follows:

  • racemose,
  • paniculate,
  • umbrella,
  • Thyroid.

A lily flower consists of 6 petals, 6 stamens with large elongated anthers and a pistil. Flower shapes are:

  • tubular,
  • cup-shaped (or goblet-shaped),
  • funnel-shaped
  • star-shaped (star-shaped),
  • turban-shaped,
  • bell-shaped,
  • flat.

In addition, as a result of crossing different types of lilies, many hybrids have appeared in which the flower shape is a mixture of classical forms, for example, flat star-shaped.

The color of the petals of a lily flower can be very diverse, and as a result of hybridization, the color palette has expanded even further. Lilies come in yellow, orange, red, pink, lilac, apricot and shades in between. The petals have clear speckles that vary in number, color, size, shape and density. Hybrids have been bred that do not have specks, for example, Connecticut Maid, ornate lily (Narjadnaja). Specks are varietal characteristics of the genus, as are the color of anthers, pollen, stamen filaments, pistil style and stigma.

Some types of lilies, such as long-flowered and oriental lilies, have a pleasant scent, most trumpet lilies have a strong scent, and many Asian lilies have no scent at all.

Where does the lily grow?

IN wildlife lilies grow in the Northern Hemisphere: in Europe, Asia, several species in North America and North Africa. They occupy a vast territory between 68° N. w. and 11° N. w. Western China, Southeast Tibet and Northern Burma are especially rich in lily species.

Wild lilies are found in mountainous areas and foothills, in forests, in clearings and forest edges, in wetlands or open grassy slopes. Lilies rarely grow in the steppe zone. With proper care, cultivated varieties of lilies can grow in gardens everywhere.

Varieties of lilies, photos and names

As a result of crossing different types of lilies, about 10 thousand hybrids of this plant arose. In 1962, American breeder Jan de Graaf proposed a classification based on their origin and general biological characteristics. It was adopted as an international classification of lilies and is still used today, taking into account clarifications and additions. According to this classification, all lilies were divided into 10 sections. The first eight sections include varieties, and the ninth - types of lilies.

Section 1. Asian hybrids

Section 2. Martagon hybrids

Section 3. Candidum hybrids

Section 4. American hybrids

Section 5. Long-flowered hybrids (Longiflorum hybrids)

Section 6. Trumpet and Aurelian hybrids

Section 7. Oriental hybrids

Section 8. Interspecific hybrids (hybrids between lilies of sections 1, 5, 6 and 7 LA-hybrids, OT-hybrids, LO-hybrids, OA-hybrids)

Section 9. All wild species of lilies and their varieties.

Section 10. Lily hybrids not included in previous sections.

Section 1. Asian lily hybrids

There are approximately 5,000 varieties of lilies and is the most numerous of all sections. The height of Asiatic lilies varies - from 40 cm to 1.5 m. These flowers are unpretentious, frost-resistant, rarely get sick, resist pests well, and are easy to propagate. They have large flowers, 10-14 cm in diameter, a wide variety of colors - from snow-white to almost black. They begin to bloom at the end of June and end at the beginning of August. Asian hybrids were created by crossing East Asian species: Maksimovich lily, tiger lily (Lilium tigrinum), David lily (Lilium davidii), drooping lily (Lilium cernuum), dwarf lily (Lilium pumilum), Pennsylvania lily (Lilium pensylvanicum), monochromatic lily (Lilium concolor) and others, as well as interspecific hybrids: Lilium scottiae, Dutch lily (Lilium hollandicum) and spotted lily (Lilium maculatum). The plants included in this section are in turn divided into groups. There are three such groups. The composition of each of them is determined by the shape of the flower and its orientation:

1a – cup-shaped or cup-shaped flowers directed upwards,

1b – flowers are directed in different directions.

1c – turban-shaped flowers pointing downwards (drooping).

Several Asian hybrids have double, single-color flowers: Aphrodite, Sphinx, Fata Morgana, EIodie; and some have double flowers of two colors: Double Sensation. Asian hybrids are odorless. Below are some Asian varieties lilies.

  • Aaron(Aaron)

Asiatic lily with double white flowers. It reaches a height of 80 cm. It blooms in June – July.

  • Nove Cento (Nove cento)

Asiatic lily. The perianth is bright yellow-green with no big amount dark red dots, stigma of the same shade and deep orange pollen. The diameter of the flower is 15.5 cm. The lily is not very tall: from 60 to 90 cm. It blooms throughout July.

  • Mapira (Mapira)

Asian variety of lilies. The flowers are burgundy-black, iridescent, with bright orange stamens. The diameter of the flower is up to 18 cm. The height of the lily is 130 cm. The flowering period of the Mapira lily is June-July.

  • Mystery Dream (Mystery Dream)

Asian hybrid. Lily with terry light green petals. There are dark specks in the center. Not very tall plants, up to 80 cm. They bloom in July-August.

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  • Double Sensation(Double Sensation)

An Asian hybrid that is dark red in color with a white center. Terry lily petals. Plant height 60-70 cm. Blooms in mid-summer.

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  • Lion Heart(Lion Heart)

Asiatic lily with an unusual, eye-catching color. The petals are black with a purple tint, and the tips and base of the petals are bright yellow with dark purple speckles. Flowers are 12-15 cm in diameter. It grows up to 60-80 cm. The flowering period of lilies is June - July.

  • Detroit(Detroit)

Asiatic lily. The flowers are bright red with a yellowish-orange center, the stamens are yellow-red with dark red anthers. The diameter of the flowers is 12-17 cm. The height of the lily is up to 90-120 cm. The flowering period is June-July.

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Section 2. Curly hybrids of lilies (Martagon hybrids)

The section consists of about two hundred species of lilies. The plants reach a height of one and a half meters. They grow on different types soils, preferring shaded but not dark areas. Orchards are well suited for curly lily hybrids. It is better not to replant these lilies, they do not like it. But they are frost-resistant and durable. Lilies of the second section have medium-sized flowers with a diameter of 5-8 cm, with buds looking down, petals curled up. The perianth is covered with dark spots and has a variety of colors: yellow, pink, white, orange, dark red, brownish and light lavender. Peduncles are widely spread. Curly hybrids come from curly lilies (L. martagon), Hanson (L. hansonii), honey lilies (L. medeoloides), two-row (L. distichum), Tsingtauense (L. tsingtauense). Martagon hybrids have a pleasant, subtle aroma. Here are some varieties of curly lily hybrids: Chameleon, Claude Shride, Guinea Gold, Manitoba Fox, Maroon King, Manitoba Morning, Arabian Knight Arabian Night).

  • Claude Shride

Martagon is a hybrid lily with a height of 120 to 190 cm. The petals are curved, dark red in color with purple tint, closer to the middle are covered with yellow-orange spots. The diameter of the flower is up to 10 cm. The plant is frost-resistant and unpretentious. Lily blooms in June.

  • Slate's Morning

Curly lily hybrid. The flowers are about 10 cm in diameter, the petals are yellowish towards the middle and pink at the edges. The specks are brown, located in the middle of the flower. This lily grows from 90 to 150 cm in height. Flowering time of this variety- June July.

Section 3. Snow-white lily hybrids

The name European hybrids is often used for this section, since they originate from European species lilies, such as white lily (L. candidum), chalcedony (L. chalcedonicum) and other European species, except curly lily. And this section received the name “snow-white hybrids” because it includes plants whose flowers are painted in white or slightly yellowish shades. The perianth has a tubular or wide funnel-shaped shape. The flower reaches 10-12 cm in diameter and smells pleasant. The stem is tall: 120-180 cm. Snow-white hybrids of lilies are whimsical, they require attention and care, they are often affected by fungus, they do not tolerate cold well, they need to be covered for the winter. These lilies love sunny areas. The best varieties of candidum hybrids include the Apollo variety.

  • Apollo

Candidum hybrid lily. Blooms from June to July. The flowers are snow-white with small dark dots in the middle, fragrant, 10-12 cm in diameter. Plant height is from 80 to 120 cm.

  • Madonna (Madonna)

Snow-white hybrid of lilies. Purely White flower 10-12 cm in diameter, tubular with bent petals. Blooms in June – July. Has a delicate aroma.

Section 4. American lily hybrids

These are descendants of species growing in North America: leopard lily (L. pardalinum), Columbian lily (L. columbianum), Canadian lily (L. canadence) and others (140 names in total). They reach a height of 2 m. Flowering time is July. Lily flowers have a tubular or bell-shaped shape, a diameter of 10-12 cm and a wide variety of colors. Flowers are often painted in two colors and covered with large speckles. Most plants have a pleasant smell. At home, these hybrids are unpopular. They prefer slightly shaded places and do not like transplanting. American hybrids are whimsical: they need regular watering and winter shelter. Here are some varieties of American lily hybrids: Lake Tulare, Shuksan, Afterglow, Buttercup.

  • Lake Tulare (Lake Tulare)

American lily hybrid. The petals are strongly curved, yellowish in the middle with dark red dots, and pinkish at the edges. It grows up to 120 cm in height.

  • Afterglow (Afterglow)

American hybrid. Lily flowers are drooping, turban-shaped, crimson-red in color, with large dark spots. tall plant– up to 2 m.

Section 5. Long-flowered lily hybrids

They come from long-flowered lilies (L. longiflorum), Formosan lilies (L. formosanum), Philippine lilies (L. philippinense) and other tropical and subtropical lilies. The average height of the entire plant is from 1 to 1.2 m, and the height of the flower is 15-20 cm. The flowers are bell-shaped. The buds are multidirectional, drooping. The petals are painted in shades of white. They have a subtle aroma. Long-flowered lilies are more afraid of frost than any other species, since the “parent” species, growing in the subtropical zone of southern Japan, are not accustomed to the cold. In colder latitudes than the subtropics, these plants are grown in greenhouses. The best varieties of long-flowered hybrids: White Heaven, White Elegans, White Fox.

  • White Heaven

A long-flowered lily hybrid that grows up to 90-110 cm in height. The flowers are 15 cm in diameter, white with a greenish center and slightly curled petals. Flowering time July – August.

  • White Fox

A long-flowered hybrid of white color with a slight yellowish tint. It reaches a height of 130 cm. The length of the flower tube is up to 16 cm, and the diameter is up to 12 cm.

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Section 6. Tubular and Orleans hybrids of lilies

Orleans hybrids are the result of crossing the Henry lily (L. Henryi) with the following types of lilies: regal lily (L. regale), glorious (L. gloriosum), Sargent (L. sargentiae), sulfur (L. sulphureum), white-flowered (L. leucanthum) and others. There are up to 1000 varieties in this group. The section is divided into 4 subsections, taking into account the shape of the flowers and their position on the stem.

A. Tubular (like the regal lily).

b. Cup-shaped (with widely opened leaves).

V. Drooping (having a turban-like shape).

d. Star-shaped (having a flat shape).

The flowers of tubular hybrids are large, from 12 to 18 cm in length, with a very strong aroma. The colors are very different. Plants have a height of 120-190 cm. Viral and fungal diseases are not dangerous for tubular hybrids. These are hardy, cold-resistant plants that love sunny areas. For their successful growth good drainage is needed. Here are some varieties of trumpet and Orleans hybrids: Pink Perfection, African Queen, Royal Gold, Golden Splendor, Lady Alice, Regale.

  • African Queen(African Queen)

A very fragrant variety of lilies, which belongs to the tubular hybrids. It has a racemose inflorescence of 3-6 upward-pointing large flowers, 15-16 cm in diameter. The flower is orange-apricot, with brown strokes on the outer side of the petals. The height of these lilies reaches 120-140 cm. The flowering period of this variety of lilies is July-August.

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  • Pink Perfection (Pink Perfection)

A variety of lilies from Orleans hybrids. Flowers with a diameter of 11 cm and a length of 13 cm have lilac-pink petals, light green staminate filaments, a brown style above and bright orange anthers. They are collected in racemose inflorescences of 5-7 pieces. The height of the plant reaches 180 cm. The flowering period is August.

Section 7. Oriental lily hybrids

They were obtained from species native to East Asia: beautiful lily (L. speciosum), golden lily (L. auratum), Japanese lily (L. japonicum), reddish lily (L. rubellum), as well as their hybrids with Henry lily (L. Henryi) . These include about 1300 varieties. These lilies are very whimsical and love warmth. They reach a height of 40 cm to 1.2 m. The flowers are huge (up to 30 cm in diameter) with corrugated petals, painted in white, red and pink tones. The Miss Lusy and Double Star varieties have double petals. A distinctive feature of the color is an edging along the edge of the petals or a stripe in the center. Lilies bloom from August to September. This section also has 4 subsections according to the shape of the flowers:

A. lilies with a tubular flower shape.

b. lilies with a cup-shaped flower.

V. Lilies with a flat flower shape.

d. Lilies with petals bent back.

The best varieties of oriental lily hybrids: Miss Birma, Garden Party, Stargazer, Casa Blanca, Crystal Star, Le Reve, Salmon Star Star).

  • Canberra(Canberra)

A variety of lilies that belongs to the oriental hybrids. Blooms from August to September. The flowers are crimson, the petals have dark spots, the middle is yellow. Plant height – up to 180 cm.

  • Stargazer

An oriental hybrid with upward-facing flowers of raspberry-pink color, 15-17 cm in diameter. Lily petals are wavy at the edges, almost completely strewn with oblong, convex, dark red spots. Lilies bloom in August and have a strong aroma. Plant height – 80-150 cm.

  • Salmon Star

An oriental hybrid that grows up to 2 m. The flowers are large, up to 20 cm or more in diameter. Flowering time is June-July. The delicate salmon-colored petals are covered with bright orange speckles and are corrugated. These lilies exude a very strong aroma.

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Section 8. Interspecific hybrids of lilies

This is a section that includes all interspecific hybrids of lilies that were not included in the previous sections. Their name consists of the first letters of the species of their “parents”: LA, OT, LO, OA.

LA hybrids(longiflorum asiatic) - hybrids of Asiatic lilies (Asiatic) and longiflorum lilies (Longiflorum). Their number, about 200 varieties, continues to increase. They have the best qualities inherent in their parents: hardiness and varied colors (from Asian hybrids), the ability to develop quickly (from long-flowered ones). Thanks to the latest LA, the hybrids have large flowers that seem to be made of wax. They bloom profusely throughout June and July, at the same time as Asian species. Favorable places for growth are open or slightly shaded areas. LA hybrids are winter-hardy.

OT hybrids were obtained by crossing oriental lilies (Oriental) and trumpet lilies (Trumpet). They were first obtained in the 90s of the twentieth century. Large, broadly cup-shaped or funnel-shaped flowers directed to the sides or upwards form up to thirty inflorescences. The color can be multi-colored or monochromatic: yellow, orange, red or pink. Flowers appear in July–August and have a strong scent. Plants are tall, with strong stems. For their growth reaching 180 cm, and sometimes 2.5 meters, they are called “Tree Lilies”.

LO hybrids arose not so long ago. By crossing long-flowered (Longiflorum) and oriental (Oriental) hybrids in various combinations, breeders obtained LO hybrids. Tall plants, up to 100–130 cm, tolerate sun and shade equally well. Delicate flowers, painted yellow and a combination of white and pink, have a short-tubular or funnel-shaped shape. The diameter of the flowers is 10-20 cm. The aroma of lilies is very pleasant.

OA hybrids– another completely new, promising group, obtained from crossing Oriental and Asian hybrids. Directed mainly upward, the flowers of these lilies are slightly smaller than those of the oriental hybrids, but no less beautiful. The leaves of this group of lilies are wider than those of the eastern ones. Plants are unpretentious.

  • Pretty Woman (Prettywoman)

OT-hybrid of lilies up to 180 cm high. Blooms in July – August. The flower is very large, the color is cream, turning to pink towards the center.

  • Triumphant(Triumphator)

LO hybrid. Lily 120-140 cm high with very large flowers, up to 25 cm in diameter. The flower has wide white petals with pink-crimson centers, bright yellow-green nectaries, orange anthers and a yellowish-green stigma. The Triumphant lily blooms in July-August.

  • Anastasia(Anastasia)

OT-hybrid up to 150 cm high. The curved petals are painted pink, the edges and center of the flower are white. The flower also has crimson veins and specks inside. Lily blooms in July.

  • Shocking (Shocking)

OT hybrid of lilies. The petals are bright yellow, with red-brown strokes inside, with red dots, and greenish-yellowish outside. The stigma is purple with a green top, the nectaries are yellow-green, the anthers are dark red-brown. The flowers are large, up to 21 cm. Plant height is up to 130 cm. Lilies of this variety bloom in July - August.

Section 9. Species lilies

This includes about a hundred species of wild lilies, common in southern Europe, eastern Asia, the mountains of India and several species in northern America. In 1949, the English scientist Comber classified species lilies based on the geography of their growth and biological characteristics. This classification was revised and supplemented by M.V. Baranova 1988.

Section 10. Lily hybrids not included in previous sections

  • Lady Alice (Lady Alice) - a rare hybrid.

The flowers are turban-shaped with strongly curved petals of apricot-orange color, with white edges and light brown dots. The stamens are very long. The stem of the plant is 120-150 cm, covered with dark brown-violet spots. Lily blooms in July-August.

Classification of lilies

Lily is a plant that has a large species composition. Growing over vast territories, these flowers differ from each other not only in the structure of the bulbs, flowers, inflorescences and seeds, but also in the requirements for soil, humidity, and temperatures. There are several classifications of lilies, each of which divides them into a number of groups. Currently, the classification of V.M. is relevant. Baranova, adopted in 1988. According to this classification, the lily genus is divided into 11 sections, which include the following species:

Section 1.Lilium

L. snow-white or white - L. candidum.

Section 2.Eurolilium

L. albanian - L. albanicum,

L. carniolian - L. carniolicum,

L. Kesselring - L. kesselringianum,

L. Ledebouri - L. ledebouri,

L. monofraternity – L. monadelphum,

L. ciliated (pubescent) – L. ciliatum,

L. pyrenees – L. pyrenaicum,

L. pomponicum - L. pomponicum,

L. Sovich or Shovitz - L. szovitsianum,

L. Chalcedonian - L. chalcedonicum,

L. artvinskaya - L. artvinense,

L. pontic - L. ponticum,

L. rhodope - L. rhodopaeum.

Section 3.Martagon

L. Hanson – L. hansonii,

L. two-row – L. distichum,

L. curly or Saranka - L. martagon,

L. weak - L. debile,

L. medeoloides - L. medeoloides,

L. Tsingtao (Tsingtau) - L. tsingtauense.

Section 4.Pseudomartagon

L. proud or magnificent - L. superbum,

L. Canadian - L. canadence,

L. leopard - L. pardalinum,

L. michiganense - L. michiganense,

L. Gray - L. grayi,

L. Michaud – L. michauxii,

L. iridescent - L. iridollae,

L. Pitkin - L. pitkinense,

L. Vollmera – L. vollmeri,

L. Wiggins – L. wigginsii,

L. seaside – L. maritinum,

L. western - L. ociidentale,

L. Kelly – L. kelleyanum,

L. small – L. parvum,

L. Parry – L. parryi,

L. Humboldt – L. humboldtii,

L. ocellitum – L. icelatum,

L. Bolander - L. bolanderi,

L. Colombian - L. columbianum,

L. Washington – L. washingtonianum,

L. blushing – L. rubescens,

L. Kellogg - L. kelloggii.

Section 5. Archelirion

L. Alexandra - L. alexandrae,

L. Henry – L. henryi,

L. golden – L. auratum,

L. reddish – L. rubellum,

L. beautiful - L. speciosum,

L. Japanese - L. japonicum,

L. Konishi – L. konishii,

L. Rosthorna - L. rosthornii,

L. noblest - L. nobilissimum.

Section 6.Regalia

L. white-flowered – L. leucanthum,

L. sulfur-yellow or numberless - L. sulphureum = L. myriophylium, L. Brown - L. brownii,

L. wallichianum - L. wallichianum,

L. longiflorum - L. longiflorum,

L. nilgir (neilpher) - L. neilgherrense,

L. Sargent – ​​L. sargentiae,

L. philippinense - L. philippinense,

L. Taiwanese - L. formosanum,

L. regal or royal - L. regale.

Section 7.Sinomartagon

L. David - L. davidii,

L. dwarf – L. pumilum,

L. lankongense - L. lankongense,

L. drooping – L. cernuum,

L. pleasant – L. amabile,

L. papillary – L. papilliferum

L. thaliense - L. taliense,

L. lanceolate or tiger - L. lancifolium = L. tigrinum,

L. Leichtlina – L. leichtlinii,

L. false tiger or Maksimovich - L. pseudotigrinum,

L. Willmott - L. Willmottiae,

L. Chinese – L. sinensis,

L. Duchartre – L. duchaertrei,

L. Ward - L. wardii, L. Nina - L. ninae,

L. Tien Shan - L. tianschanicum.

Section 8. Sinolirium

L. monochromatic - L. concolor,

L. Bush - L. buschianum.

Section 9. Pseudolirium

L. Pennsylvania or Daurian - L. pensylvanicum = L. dauricum,

L. bulbiferum - L. bulbiferum,

L. orange – L. aurantiacum,

L. spotted – L. x maculatum,

L. Philadelphian - L. philadelphicum,

L. Catesby - L. catesbaei.

Section 10. Nepalensia

L. callosum - L. callosum,

L. Nepalese - L. nepalense,

L. primrose – L. primulinum,

L. Poilena – L. poilanei,

L. woody - L. arboricola,

L. polyphyllum - L. polyphyllum,

L. Farge - L. fargesii,

L. yellowish – L. xanthellum,

L. Stewart - L. stewartianum.

Section 11. Lophophora

L. lovely – L. amoenum,

L. Baker - L. bakerianum,

L. George - L. georgei,

L. Prince Henri - L. henrici,

L. crested – L. lophophorum,

L. Macklin – L. mackliniae,

L. low-growing - L. nanum,

L. strange - L. paradoxum,

L. youthful - L. sempervivoideum,

L. Sheriff – L. sherriffiae,

L. Soulie – L. souliei,

L. triceps - L. triceps.

Types of lilies, photos and names

Below is a description of some types of lilies.

  • White lily, she's the same snow-white lily or lily pure white (lat. Lilium candidum). The plant reaches 100-150 cm in height. The bulb is round, up to 15 cm in diameter, consists of lanceolate scales of white or yellowish color. The stem of the lily is smooth, light green, sometimes with purple streaks. The leaves are smooth, light green, wider at the bottom than at the top. The lower leaves are collected in a rosette, and located alternately up the stem. The flowers are wide-funnel-shaped, pure white. Pollen is light yellow. The fruit of the lily is a capsule. White lily blooms from June to July.

The plant is native to the Mediterranean. White lilies grow in southern Europe, southwestern Asia, and also in Russia (everywhere to the taiga zone). The plant reproduces by scales and seeds. This flower has long been used in cosmetology and medicine.

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  • Lily curly (lat. Lilium martagon) has several names: Saranka, Sardana, Sarana, Badun, Maslyanka, Tsar's Curls, Forest Lily, Turkish Lily. The plant reaches a height of 150 cm. The bulb is ovoid, up to 10 cm in diameter. Consists of narrow-lanceolate scales of golden yellow color. The stem is cylindrical, green with dark purple streaks, glabrous or pubescent. The leaves are broadly lanceolate, collected in whorls of 6-10 pieces at the bottom, arranged alternately towards the top. Lily flowers are drooping, 3-4 cm in diameter, collected in racemose inflorescences. The perianth has a turban-like shape and a dull lilac-pink color with dark brown spots. Pollen is brown-red. Varieties of curly lily are known with flowers ranging from white to almost black in color.

This lily blooms in June. It is unpretentious and frost-resistant. Her homeland is Eurasia. Curly lily grows on plains, meadows, mountains and foothills, in broad and small-leaved forests from Portugal in the west to the headwaters of the Lena River in the east, and from the mouth of the Yenisei in the north to Southern Mongolia in the south. The lily reproduces by dividing nests of bulbs and bulbous scales. In culture, this lily is used as an ornamental plant. Both the main species and its subspecies are used in hybridization. Forest lily bulbs can be eaten as a seasoning. The plant is a honey plant and is used in medicine and veterinary medicine.

  • Lily Henry (lat. Lilium henryi) named after the Irish botanist Augustine Henry who first found it. Known since 1889. The height of the lily varies from 150 to 250 cm. The stem of the plant is cylindrical, curved, green, with dark purple streaks. The leaves are lanceolate, often sickle-shaped, glabrous, dark green. The lily inflorescence is paniculate, consists of 10-20 drooping flowers on long pedicels. The shape of the perianth is slightly turban-like, the color is light orange with dark raised spots, streaks, papillae and a bright green nectar-bearing groove. There is a well-known garden variety of Henry lily with light lemon-yellow flowers. The pollen of the flower is dark brown.

Lilies bloom from August to September inclusive. The flowers of this plant are fragrant and frost-resistant.

The homeland of the Henry lily is Central China. It reproduces by seeds, scales, stem underground bulbs - babies. Used in hybridization.

  • Lily regal (lat. Lilium regale), she's the same royal lily, Tibetan lily, regale lily,Chinese lily. One of the most common species in culture. Found by the English botanist Ernest Wilson in the Chinese province of Sichuan.

The plant reaches a height of 120-180 cm. The plant bulb is round, 10-15 cm in diameter, consists of large lanceolate scales of yellow or yellowish-brown tones, becoming dark purple in the light. The stem is ribbed, gray-green with dark purple streaks. The plant has supra-bulbous roots. The leaves are linear in shape and arranged alternately. The inflorescences of the regal lily are racemose and contain up to 30 flowers. The flowers are tubular, up to 15 cm in length and 10-15 cm in diameter. Lily petals are white, pinkish-brown on the outside, with shine and yellowness at the throat. On inside there is a green nectar-bearing furrow. The pollen of the flowers is bright yellow.

The royal lily blooms in mid-July. This is very aromatic plant resistant to various diseases. The disadvantage is instability to late frosts. The regal lily reproduces by seeds, scales, and underground stem bulbs. Widely used in breeding and hybridization. Derived from the lily regale large group Tubular hybrids.

  • Lily dwarf (thin-leaved, small-growing, low, narrow-leaved) (lat.Lilium pumilum, Lilium tenuifolium) has a height of 20-60 cm. The bulb is white, ovoid, up to 4 cm in diameter. Lanceolate scales fit tightly to each other, creating the appearance of one whole. The stem is straight, bare or covered with stiff hairs. The color of the stem is green, less often purple. In the middle it is densely covered with alternately arranged leaves, the top and bottom of the stem are bare. The flowers are bright red, turban-shaped, drooping, solitary or 2-8 pieces in loose racemes.

The lily blooms in mid-July. Dwarf lilies grow in the Altai Mountains, Mongolia, China, the Korean Peninsula and Japan. The plant is found on open rocky slopes among grasses and low bush. In Russia, thin-leaved lily is distributed from the Yenisei to the Sea of ​​Japan. Winter-hardy. Propagated by seeds. Dwarf lily is widely used in breeding.

  • Tiger lily (lanceolate)(lat. Liliumlancifolium, formerly Lilium tigrinum)– a plant of average height from 100 to 120 cm. The bulb is loose, ovoid, consisting of oval white scales. The stem is ribbed, pubescent, brown in color. The leaves are lanceolate, arranged in alternate order. There are bulbs in the axils of the leaves. Lily flowers are turban-shaped, drooping, 2-15 pieces per inflorescence. Pollen is brown. The color of the lily is orange-red with black spots, reminiscent of the predatory color of a tiger
    • Lily Bush (lily beautiful, pretty) (lat.Lilium buschianum, Lilium pulchellum) is of East Asian origin. Tubers of this lily were sent from Russia to England, where the plant was described by the English botanist C. Lodiguez in 1830 and was named Bush lily. In Russia in 1839, a description of the flower was compiled by the German botanist F.B. Fischer, who is serving in Russia. For its miniature size and beautiful flowers, the lily received the name Pulchellum - beautiful.

    The height of the plant is 30-60 cm. Small bulbs are ovoid in shape. The stem is thin, smooth, green. The leaves are narrowly lanceolate, arranged sparsely, in alternate order. Lily flowers are star-shaped, wide-funnel-shaped, directed upward, solitary, less often collected in racemes of 2-5 flowers. The diameter of the flower reaches 6-8 cm. The color of the lily is reddish-orange, less often light red. The outside of the flower may be bare or pubescent.

    Beautiful lilies are common in Eastern Siberia (Transbaikalia, Zee-Bureinsky region, Ussuri region). They grow in meadows, well-lit treeless slopes, in sparse thickets of bushes, and on the edges of small-leaved forests. Lilies bloom in June-July. The plant is used in hybridization and is also widely used in medicine.

    • Daurian lily (Pennsylvania)(lat. Lilium pensylvanicum, Lilium dauricum) described in 1805. The Pennsylvania lily got its name by mistake, because this plant was unknown in North America. When the origin of this flower was revealed, its nomenclature name was not changed. Now in the literature there are two names for this species - Pennsylvania lily and Daurian lily.

    The height of the plant is 120 cm. The round bulb has a diameter of up to 8 cm and consists of white lanceolate scales. The stem is slightly ribbed or round, glabrous or tomentose. Lily leaves are alternate, dark green. Corymbose inflorescences of 2-10 flowers, occasionally single flowers. The shape of the perianth is cup-shaped. Leaves have dark spots and papillae along the nectar-bearing gland. Dahurian lily flowers come in a variety of colors: yellow, orange, red, dark red.

    The homeland of this flower is the vast expanse from the Yenisei in the west to the island of Hokkaido and Kamchatka in the east and from 64° north latitude. to Mongolia, the Korean Peninsula and Northeast China in the south. Daurian lily is found among shrubs in forest and forest-steppe zones, in damp floodplain meadows, forest clearings and forest edges.

    Based on the combination of characteristics, several forms of this lily are distinguished: tiger, ribbed, alpine, typical. According to the timing of flowering, 2 forms are distinguished. The first is early flowering, low-growing, heavily pubescent, has 1-2 dark red flowers with a large yellow spot at the base. The second is a late bloomer, tall, with numerous, evenly colored red flowers. The Daurian lily reproduces by seeds, baby bulbs, scales, and pieces of scales.

Lily is one of the most famous flowers, distributed throughout the planet. In tsarist times, he was often depicted on the coats of arms of states, clans and other organizations.. This popularity is explained by the exquisite appearance of this plant. Below is a description of the most popular varieties of common and hybrid lilies and where they grow.

Lilies are a group of perennials bulbous plants belonging to the Liliaceae family. They are herbaceous plants with dense, straight stems ranging from 60 to 180 centimeters in length. The leaves fit tightly to the stem, there are no petioles. Their shape is linear-lanceolate, the width is on average 15-20 millimeters, and the length is 20 centimeters.

The bulbs consist of several parts adjacent to each other. They can be oval or round in shape, and you can also find both bare and scaly bulbs.

Flower structure. The flowers are located on perianths, consisting of 6 lobes and shaped like a funnel.. The flowers themselves grow singly or are collected in inflorescences. Thanks to the hard work of breeders, there are many options for their colors.

The fruit of the flower is a capsule containing triangular-shaped seeds.

In nature, they reproduce by air, that is, due to the light weight of the seeds, the wind easily carries them over long distances.

The flowering period depends on the specific plant variety. Most often it occurs in late spring - early summer.

Homeland of the plant

Known to people since ancient times. It is difficult to name the homeland. In nature it can be found in Europe, Asia and North America.

In ancient Greece, it was believed that this flower symbolizes the milk of the goddess Gerda. For Christians, the lily was the personification of the Mother of God.

Types and classification of varieties

There are a huge number of not only varieties, but also types of lilies. They differ in different origins, sizes, colors, shapes, etc. Thanks to the information below, you will be able to conclude which species and varieties are suitable for you to plant in your summer cottage.

Asian hybrids

Such plants amaze with their diversity and interesting color variations. Unpretentious, winter-hardy, slightly susceptible to fungal diseases and do not suffer from viral infections. Asian hybrids, unlike other species, can be used for forcing.

Barshmark hybrids are very popular, which are characterized by the presence of small strokes on each of the perianth lobes; they can be milky, brown, yellow or scarlet. The following varieties are considered the most popular:

  • Or me;
  • Rostani;
  • Delta;
  • Zorka Venus;
  • Crane.

Rostani Zhuravinka

In addition to barshmarks, Asiatic lilies are famous for their two-color hybrids.

This group also includes miniature lilies of the Pixie family. Their height does not exceed 40 centimeters, which is why they are very often used for growing at home.

  1. Ellow- this variety is the most famous representative of this group. Its flowers are rich yellow with brown strokes. Another distinctive feature will be a long flowering period and winter hardiness;
  2. Batter- a miniature plant reaching 60 centimeters in height. Rich flowers yellow color with a diameter of 15 centimeters appear in June-July. This variety boasts immunity to most diseases and pests;
  3. Sorbet- lilies of this variety are painted white, while at the edges of the petals the shade becomes bright crimson. The presence of contrasting specks is also characteristic. On average, the height of such a plant is 70 centimeters.

Martagon or Curly hybrids

They are distinguished by a large number of flowers on one plant. On average, their number is 30-50 pieces. It is also characterized by high resistance to adverse weather conditions, frost and disease.

However, this group also has disadvantages that are expressed in a low probability of reproductive success. That is why many varieties are considered very rare.

  1. Terrace City— the height of such a lily can reach 1.5 meters, the flowers are bright yellow, with a diameter of 7 centimeters. There are 20-25 flowers on one plant;
  2. Early Bird— the buds of this lily are pink and medium in size. Flowering occurs much earlier than other plants in this group.

Terrace City Early Bird

Candidum or Snow White hybrids

This group is widespread in the Balkans and Western Asia. Snow-white flowers are considered the founders of all existing varieties of this plant and have the following distinctive features:

  • their height can reach 100 centimeters;
  • flower diameter varies from 5 to 7 centimeters, they are also collected in a short cluster;
  • bloom lasts from June to July;
  • no stem roots, instead of them a basal rosette of leaves is formed;
  • lower leaves several times longer than the upper ones;
  • bulbs painted white;
  • the negative trait is poor disease resistance and viruses.

Apollo- the most popular variety of snow-white lily, a plant with dark green, strong stems grows up to 1.5 meters in height. The flowers are very large (10-12 centimeters in diameter), appear in mid-June and remain on the stems until the end of summer

American lilies

They are not widespread and grow in the mountains of the Atlantic and Pacific coasts. They are used to drought and warm winter. Plants reach a height of 2 meters. The flowers are large and two-colored. The most popular varieties are considered:

  • Del North;
  • Shuksan;
  • Cherry Wood;
  • San Gabriel.

Shuksan San Gabriel Del Norte

Longiflorum or Long-flowered hybrids

These hybrids were bred in Japan. The plant can reach a height of 120 to 200 centimeters, the leaves are large, the flowers are tubular, growing at right angles from the stem. Characterized by double flowering in mid-summer and late October.

This species is very often used as indoor plants. This is due to the fact that they are afraid of frost.

White Elegance— the plant grows up to 1.5 meters in height, the flowers are large, white with a light light green tint.

Tubular hybrids

Such hybrids are of high value and are very popular among lily connoisseurs. By number of known varieties this group second only to Asian hybrids.

The plants are very tall, their length can reach 190 centimeters. The stems are very powerful, and the basal leaves are different large size. The flowers are slightly twisted into a tube and can be painted in a huge variety of shades, with a contrasting, star-shaped throat coloring being characteristic. The average diameter is 17 centimeters.

Tubular hybrids are resistant to temperature changes and can bloom from early summer to mid-autumn.

African Queen- flowers are large in size and delicate, orange in color with bronze spots on the outside of the petals. They gather in inflorescences of 3-5 pieces. The height of the strong and powerful stem can reach 90 centimeters.

Oriental lilies

The distinctive feature of the group will be big size flowers (20-22 centimeters) and a bright aroma.

Such hybrids include miniature varieties whose height does not exceed 30 centimeters. That is why they are very often used for home growing. Bloom Oriental lilies falls at the end of July - beginning of September.

One of the most prominent representatives is the Marco Polo variety.. Its flowers are painted in a delicate, pink color with many small crimson specks. Up to 14 peduncles can form on one stem.

LA hybrids

This is the result of a combination of the Long-flowered and Asian groups, during which a huge number of varieties with varied petal colors were formed.

La hybrids are not afraid of cold weather and disease. As a houseplant it can bloom in autumn and spring. The diameter of the flowers is 25 centimeters, so they are very often used for cutting. Germination of such plants occurs 75 days after planting.

Algavre- stems grow up to 120 centimeters in height. Flowering occurs in mid-summer, the petals are colored deep pink.


These hybrids were the result of crossing the Oriental and Tubular groups. Characteristics Orienpetov is large size flower stalks, bright aroma and two-meter height of the stems.

Black Beauty- large flowers, up to 12 centimeters in diameter, slightly drooping down. You can see up to 10 lilies on one stem. The petals are painted in a rich, crimson color. The variety is characterized by resistance to diseases and frost.

Planting, caring for and growing indoor and garden flowers at home

is similar in many ways to other colors and includes the following aspects:

  1. Neat loosening the soil around the plant will ensure the best permeability of air and moisture;
  2. It is recommended to water in the evening using warm, settled water. The frequency of watering will depend on the weather, the main thing is that the soil is always moist, and you should not pour water on the green part of the plant;
  3. During the growing season, flowering and before preparing for winter, the plant needs feed with organic fertilizers(humus diluted with water, mullein solution, etc.) and mineral fertilizers. You can also use a special fertile mixture for lilies, which you can buy in the store. All fertilizers are best applied in liquid form along with watering;
  4. In order to do root system stronger, plants slightly hill up;
  5. It is also necessary regularly remove all weeds;
  6. To protect the plant from the winds, for it support;
  7. Another mandatory rule would be removing faded flowers.

Caring for indoor lilies is slightly different from garden flowers. In order to grow a strong plant, you must follow the recommendations of experienced gardeners.:

  1. For one bulb it is best to use pot with a diameter of 20 centimeters;
  2. Loves sunlight, so her placed on a south windowsill;
  3. The soil is regularly moistened without allowing it to dry out;
  4. Mineral fertilizers apply before and during flowering, and organic after;
  5. The soil needs to be loosened periodically, it is advisable to add a little ash to it at the same time;
  6. Once the stem is dry, carefully break it off, and the bulb is transplanted into sandy soil. IN winter period the soil is periodically watered;
  7. In spring the bulb is replanted back to fertile soil.

Caring for both indoor and indoor lilies is quite simple, the main thing is not to let the soil dry out and carry out all the necessary work in time. Flower growers often ask the question, why doesn’t the lily bloom? The reason for this is improper care of the soil in the pot.

The use of hybrid lilies in landscape design

Most often used to create group plantings, decorate green perennial shrubs, located around the perimeter of the sites and along the paths.

When decorating a garden, some nuances are taken into account:

  • to create a border and framing the array of lilies, miniature varieties of plants are used;
  • should be done in advance think over color combination varieties, planted in one composition;
  • more often lilies are combined with delphiniums, roses, phlox and peonies.

Also, lilies are often planted in tubs or pots and used to decorate a terrace, gazebo or balcony.

Lily is an unusually beautiful flower with a rich history. It can be grown both in the garden and at home, while creating unique compositions.

Or occasionally in circles, almost always sessile, only in two species are equipped with well-developed petioles and large ovoid, heart-shaped plates from the base. In the corner of the last lower leaf a bud is formed, which, gradually growing, turns into a young onion, destined to bloom next year.

After sowing, a small bulb is formed from a lily seed already in the first year, which strengthens and grows over a number of years, for example. 3, 4, 6 and even 7 years, without bearing a flowering stem, and only, having received its final size, does it sprout an aerial stem bearing flowers; from this moment on, every year it sends out stronger and stronger stems.

This evolution of the plant obviously has great importance for gardening. Some lilies, for example. Lilium bulbiferum, Lilium lancifolium, in the corners of the leaves on the aerial stem, small bulbs are formed, consisting of several scaly, fleshy leaves; they sprout roots and, falling off, take root in the soil and give rise to new plants.

  • The lily Lilium tenuifolium Fisch grows very abundantly in dry meadows. ; during flowering, the fields already turn red from afar;
  • also Lilium speclabile Link. (forest sarana, large),
  • (in eastern Siberia) Lilium pulchellum Fisch.

The bulbs of all these lilies can be and are partly consumed as food.

Types of lilies grown in culture

Up to 30 species and many varieties and cultivars are grown in the gardens. Most of them can be cultivated on outdoors in central Europe, and partly in Russia. Some, capable of withstanding the winter in central Germany (for example, in Saxony), must be carefully covered for the winter in Russia, such as, for example, Japanese lily, Lilium lancifolium, which in Germany often requires covering for the winter. This lily with white-pink fragrant flowers speckled with carmine spots works best in Russia in pots or boxes. The same can be said about golden lily(Lilium auratum), considered the most beautiful of lilies. Both from Japan and Korea.

Even more sensitive giant lily(Lilium giganteum) from Nepal, whose stems, covered with wide petiolate leaves, are sometimes 3 m in height, and fragrant, almost bell-shaped flowers are from 16 to 18 cm long, white with a green tint on the outside, purple inside. Its bulbs are almost the size of a human head.

Common white lily also requires, for example, in St. Petersburg and Moscow, winter cover. The above-mentioned Siberian ones can withstand the Russian winter, as well as brindle(Lilium tigrinum), Lilium bubiferum, etc., but not Caucasian lilies, which are quite tender.


Lilies require light, slightly sandy soil. Reproduction by shifts is rarely used and mainly for the development of new varieties. It is most convenient to propagate lilies with children, that is, with bulbs formed inside an old bulb. You can also breed by division. To do this, it is enough to cut off one of those fleshy scaly leaves that form the bulb itself; Moreover, it is necessary that with each scale there remains a piece of the onion bottom; This operation is performed after flowering, when the stem begins to turn yellow. The cut off scales are planted in the ground, in a tray, and kept in light dampness; the scales inflate buds, that is, small bulbs, which serve for reproduction.

Lilies - classification and cultivation

The genus Lilium belongs to the Liliaceae family and includes about 100 species distributed in temperate and warm regions of Europe, Asia and America. In nature, lilies are plants of mountain and meadow habitats. Currently, there are more than two thousand varieties of lilies, all of them in accordance with international classification are divided into eight groups, and the ninth combines botanical species of lilies used in gardening.

Asian hybrids

Asian hybrids (The Asiatic Hybrids) come from wild lilies - tiger (L. tigrinum), drooping (L. cernuum), David (L. davidii), Maksimovich (L. maximowiczii), dwarf (L. pumilum), single-color (L . concolor) etc. In nature, they are found throughout Asia: in Siberia, the Far East, in temperate regions of China and Japan. The varieties obtained with their participation inherited the frost resistance of their parents and are the most valuable for cultivation in Russia. Asian hybrids prefer neutral or slightly acidic soils. For the most part, they are unpretentious in culture. This remarkable group of varieties began in the 18th century, when Russian scientific expeditions sent to explore the vast territories of Siberia and the Far East began sending the first bulbs to the capital. They ended up in the Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg, where they were carefully grown and propagated. From there, in order to exchange planting material accepted between botanical gardens, they got to Europe.

Tiger lily (L. tigrinum)

Martagon hybrids

The Martagon Hybrids come from the curly or martagon lilies (L. martagon), honey lilies (L. medeoloidеs), two-row lilies (L. distichum) and tsingtaense (L. tsingtaense). All of them are naturally distributed in Siberia and the Far East, with the exception of the martagon lily, which is also found wild in Europe. Martagon hybrids are also frost-resistant and unpretentious, can grow on any soil and tolerate partial shade well. The martagon lily began to be used in breeding only in the 20s of the last century.

Candidum hybrids

Candidum hybrids (The Candidum Hybrids) are obtained on the basis of lilies - snow-white (L. candidum), chalcedony (L. chalcedonicum) and some other European species. Less frost-resistant than varieties of previous groups. The parent species have been in culture since ancient times, so Candidum hybrids can perhaps be considered the oldest group.

American hybrids

American hybrids (The American Hybrids) come from lilies - leopard (L. рardalinum), Bolander (L. bolanderi), Parry (L. parryi), Kellogg (L. kelloggii), Canadian (L. canаdense), Colombian (L. columbianum) and others, growing in North America. They are distributed mainly in the mountains of the Pacific and Atlantic coasts. We are accustomed to mild winters and dry, hot summers. They require slightly acidic soil and good drainage and do not like transplanting. In the conditions of central Russia, they are quite resistant to frost.

Long-flowered hybrids

Long-flowered hybrids (The Longiflorum Hybrids) are obtained as a result of hybridization of lilies - long-flowered (L. longiflorum), Formosan (L. formosanum), etc. These species are found naturally in the warm regions of East Asia. Their hybrids are also thermophilic. In the conditions of central Russia, they are recommended for forcing and potting.

Tubular hybrids

The Trumpet Hybrids come from the Chinese trumpet lilies - Sargent (L. sargentiae), white-flowered (L. leucanthum), regal (L. regale), Brown (L brownii) and yellow Henry lily (L henryi) with turban-shaped flowers forms. Growing in the mountains of China, these species are frost-resistant, undemanding to soil, but prefer calcareous (on acidic soils may die). The hybrids inherited the listed properties, as well as high resistance to viral and fungal diseases.
Depending on the shape of the flower, four subgroups are distinguished among Tubular hybrids:

Oriental hybrids

Oriental hybrids (The Oriental Hybrids) are obtained on the basis of lilies - golden (L. auratum), beautiful (L. speciosum), Japanese (L. japonicum) and reddish (L. rubellum). Their varieties are rightfully considered the most beautiful, often reminiscent exotic orchids. They delight not only with their appearance, but also with their wonderful smell. Like the varieties of the previous group, they are divided into four subgroups:

  • with tubular-shaped flowers;
  • with cup-shaped flowers;
  • with wide open flowers;
  • with flowers whose petals are bent back.

Wild ancestor species of Oriental hybrids grow on the southern islands of Japan. The varieties derived from them are not very winter-hardy.

Hybrids of unknown origin

They were not included in any of the previous groups of lilies.

The group of American hybrids began in 1871, when the leopard lily, discovered in 1848, was introduced into cultivation. This species remains to this day the most popular and widespread of all American lilies.

In Europe, Japanese lilies appeared relatively late - in the 19th century. The pioneers were lilies - beautiful and golden. The first bulbs were brought to Belgium in 1829, and to England in 1869. The plants grown from them were wildly successful, but quickly died from viral diseases. Since the middle of the 19th century, breeders began working to obtain disease-resistant varieties, laying the foundation for the group of Oriental hybrids.

The royal lily was discovered in 1903 in the mountains of the Chinese province of Sichuan by the English botanist E. Wilson. The bulbs brought to England bloomed in 1905, and in the 20s of the last century the first hybrids involving this species were obtained.

Another type of classification of lilies, based on ecological origin, is presented in the article “Classification of lilies.”

Growing and care

Lilies - growing and care

Lilies prefer a sunny place protected from the wind. The soil needs to be fertile, loose, with good drainage. Most varieties thrive in soils with a neutral reaction, but, as mentioned above, some prefer acidic (American hybrids) or alkaline (Tubular hybrids). The best time for planting and replanting lilies is August or early September. These flowers are replanted every 4–5 years, as the clump grows too much and the soil around it is depleted. The land for planting is prepared in advance, taking care of drainage. The planting depth depends on the size of the bulb. According to the rules, it should be equal to the height of three onions placed on top of each other. Affects the depth and type of soil. On light sandy soils, it is recommended to plant lilies at a greater depth than on dense clay soils. Some lilies, such as the Madonna lily, form a rosette of basal leaves. Such species and varieties are planted at a shallow depth (2–5 cm), otherwise they will not bloom.

Caring for lilies is easy. The soil next to the clumps should be kept free of weeds. It is not recommended to loosen it, so as not to damage the superficially located supra-bulb roots; it is preferable to use mulch. Lilies develop best in moist soil, so if the weather is dry and hot, they need watering. It is especially important in the first half of summer and after flowering.

During the spring-summer season, lilies need to be fed. The first fertilizing is carried out in the spring, immediately after the snow melts, using mineral and organic nitrogen fertilizers. Remember that fresh mullein is harmful to lilies; it should always be fermented or rotted ones should be used. Lilies are very responsive to potash fertilizers, the best of which is wood ash. It is recommended to apply it several times per season. Ash improves the quality of flowers and increases plant resistance to disease. At the budding stage, a second fertilizing with nitrogen fertilizers (ammonium nitrate) is carried out. The third fertilizing with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers is carried out in July.

Lilies look great in bouquets. When cutting flowers to decorate your home, try to leave as many leaves on the plant as possible so that the bulb can properly store nutrients.

It is recommended to cover all lilies in central Russia for the winter. For more winter-hardy varieties(Asian hybrids) a cover of peat mulch is sufficient. Oriental hybrids and Madonna lilies are covered on top of peat with a layer of dry foliage and spruce branches. In spring, the spruce branches are removed first so as not to cause damage to the sprouts. You don’t have to remove the peat at all, just loosen it carefully.