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Pruning currants in autumn. Pruning currants in autumn for beginners: diagram and video

Timely and correct blackcurrant pruning – this is an important and responsible stage in this wonderful berry bush, the results of which determine whether currants can long time to delight us with rich harvests and quality of fruits.
Pruning should be done regularly, i.e. Remove outdated, dried out and diseased branches in a timely manner so that new, more fruitful ones grow to replace them. By timely and regularly forming a currant bush, you can get abundant harvests:
- With black currant — for 25 years;
- from red currants - for - 20 years.

When is it better and how shape black currants which ones are available differences in the methods of pruning black and red currants – this is the topic of our story today.

Blackcurrant pruning

Black currant It is a spreading bush with many branches of different ages. A well-formed bush usually has up to 25 branches different ages not exceeding 6 years. On branches older than 6 years, almost no fruit is formed, so leaving such shoots in the bush is pointless. And the formation of a bush should begin right from the moment of planting.

Pruning blackcurrant seedlings when planting

How trim black currants in the first year

When planting a currant seedling should trim each shoot, leaving only 2 - 3 buds. If you do not do this, then in the spring numerous, but weak and unproductive shoots will grow from long unpruned branches, and so, by the end of the first year of life, the young bush will form 5-6 new shoots.

Pruning blackcurrant seedlings in the second year

In the second year of life, the (zero) shoots of the currant bush are pruned, leaving only 3-5 of the strongest and healthiest, which will become the first skeletal branches of the emerging bush. And without fail we remove all weak, underdeveloped shoots that shade others.

Scheme for pruning black currants in the second year

To enhance tillering of the branches left as the skeleton of the future bush, we shorten the tops by 2 buds.

Blackcurrant pruning third and fourth years

How trim black currants 3-4 year

In the third year, from the newly appeared zero shoots, 3-4 of the strongest and healthiest shoots are left, all the rest must be removed, especially from the middle of the bush, to prevent the bush from “thickening”. All diseased, broken, and dried branches are also removed.
The tops of last year's branches are pinched. Examining the bush, we see that it now consists of branches of different ages: several two-year-old and several one-year-old shoots.
Next year, on the shoots of the second and third years, we leave 3-4 buds on each branch.
By this time, formative pruning is completed, because The blackcurrant bush is considered fully formed.

Blackcurrant pruning in the fifth-sixth and all subsequent years

Trimming old branches black currant

Rejuvenation of the bush, removal of the oldest branches:

- the oldest branches at the age of 5-6 years are cut off completely, cutting close to the ground;
- remove all dry, diseased, frozen over the winter, broken branches lying on the ground, interfering with each other;
-remove unnecessary zero shoots, leaving 4-6 of the most powerful and correctly located;
- pinch off the tops of last year’s branches;
- on branches of the second, third and fourth years, each branch is shortened, leaving 2-4 buds;
— from the current year’s shoots, 3-5 of the most promising ones are left, and all the rest are removed.

Video: How to prune currant bushes correctly

We cut everything off and don’t regret it. If you want a good harvest of black currants, use the advice of the staff of the polar experimental station on caring for these bushes.

Such an important procedure as pruning currants is necessary primarily in order to obtain good harvests. Among other things, this increases the size of the berries. Therefore, many summer residents are concerned about the question of when to prune currants and how to do it correctly. This event is held only in spring or at the very beginning of summer. Further in the article we will consider in detail the methods of pruning this wonderful plant in different situations.

Pruning young currants

The question of when for the first time is not difficult for experienced summer residents. This is done immediately after planting the bushes. Each branch must be trimmed so that approximately 3-4 buds remain on it. The fact is that after transferring the plant from the nursery to permanent place the balance between the mass of the root system and the green aboveground part. As a result of the measures taken to shorten the branches from the roots, shoots begin to actively grow. In this case, in the future you can get a healthy, strong and well-fruiting bush.

Young bushes require similar care and in the second year of growth. At the same time, the question of when to prune currants should also not cause any difficulties. This is done strictly in the spring. At the same time, all underdeveloped shoots are removed, as well as young shoots completely.

In the third and fourth years, pruning is carried out mainly only with the aim of forming a neat bush. Branches of varieties that do not produce lateral shoots well are shortened by a third of their length. Well-branched varieties are not pruned at all. The only thing to do in the latter case is to remove damaged ends or poorly developed branches.

Rules for pruning an adult bush

Next, we’ll look at how to prune if the bush is already formed. A 5-6 year old plant with 15-20 well-developed branches is considered an adult. Such a bush already requires annual care. Remove all branches growing inside the bush. If there are crossing shoots, one of them should be cut out. All old branches are also cut out. They can be identified by their darker bark. Each of them is removed in such a way that no hemp remains.

After removal, new young growth will begin to grow in their place. Of these new shoots, 3-4 of the strongest ones are left. In currants, two-year-old branches bear fruit best.

The answer to the question of when currants of this age are pruned is also extremely simple - only in the spring. The fact is that in early autumn it can produce new growth, which will freeze in winter, begin to rot and can infect the entire plant. If it is too late, the ends will be caught in the frost, and they will still have to be removed in the spring, thereby doing double work.

Rejuvenation of an old bush

Currant bushes that are already about fifteen years old should be rejuvenated. This is done gradually over three years. In the first year, a third of all branches are cut off, right down to the very base. After new shoots appear, only the three strongest ones are left. The following year the procedure is repeated. They do the same in the third year. Thus, the entire bush is updated. Currants that are already 20 years old cannot be renewed. Such bushes are uprooted and new ones are planted in their place.

So, we hope that we have answered your question about when you can prune currants. They do this in the spring, forming a bush and renewing branches.

Currant is a rather picky plant that needs timely, but simple care. True, there is one procedure that she cannot do without - pruning. Currant shoots should be trimmed twice a year: this will help the bushes of the plant to produce the maximum possible yield. possible quantity. So, if you rejuvenate a currant bush in a timely manner, you can keep it healthy and fruitful for 20-25 years. Below is a detailed description of how to properly prune currants in the fall: subtleties, tips for beginners (a detailed photo diagram and video materials are attached).

Why is pruning needed?

Currant is a fast-growing, generous and long-bearing plant that often renews its branchy “cover.” It is for this reason that pruning currant bushes is so actual question. It is noticed that best harvest currants grow on last year's branches, but older shoots can also produce a good harvest.

In order for fruiting not to be interrupted and to be the maximum possible for a particular currant variety, it is necessary to help the plant form new shoots and stimulate good branching of the bush by pruning. Then you don’t have to worry about the currant harvest.

Pruning currants rejuvenates the bush

In addition, pruning currant branches brings exceptional benefits to the plant in the future. Thus, bushes that have been pruned are better blown by the wind and are well illuminated by the sun, which means that the risk of getting sick is much lower.

Rules and methods for pruning currants

Before pruning, you need to understand how to do it correctly. Remember: when pruning currant shoots, the buds should not be damaged under any circumstances. This means that the cut should be approximately 0.5 cm above the bud, and the angle of inclination must be strictly observed: make sure that it is no more than 50 degrees.

Attention! When pruning young (and not only) shoots, remember that the cut should not touch the bud or be close to it, otherwise it may dry out. But at the same time, try not to place it too high, since in this case the part of the branch located above the bud will most likely also dry out.

Currant bushes are pruned in the autumn-spring period, and annually. But for the first time to implement this procedure required at the time of landing young seedling. So, all shoots of a plant that has just been planted should be shortened by 15-20 cm (no more than 3-4 buds should be left on the surface). Moreover, the weaker the growth of shoots, the more they should be pruned.

Currant pruning schemes

Autumn annual pruning of currants involves the removal of all diseased and damaged shoots. All branches located too low to the ground must also be removed. If the plant is not very well developed and the growth at the end of the year is very weak, this is a good reason to cut them almost to the ground. If the shoots turn out to be very strong and healthy, you can shorten them a little, thereby provoking the active growth of second-order shoots.

Advice. Autumn pruning of currants is considered final and must be carried out taking into account the fact that after this procedure at least 10-15 branches of different ages should remain on an adult currant bush.

When pruning currant bushes, one thing should be taken into account: important detail: a type of currant. For example, red currants have their own characteristics and differences. The structure of its bush is somewhat different than that of black currant: it has fewer drooping branches, which are usually cut off, and it needs a lot of light, so you have to remove all the branches that shade the fruiting parts of the plant.

In addition, red currants are rejuvenated much less often and only those branches that have already “failed” (stopped bearing fruit). Remember: in the autumn, only those non-fruit-bearing branches that have already reached 7 years should be removed. summer age.

On a note

Well, and finally a few valuable advice from experienced gardeners who will help you grow a strong plant and maintain its health year after year:

Cut branches need to be treated with garden varnish.

  1. IN autumn period Mandatory pruning of diseased and damaged bush tops is carried out. If the currant shoot needs severe pruning, it is better to remove it completely.
  2. In order to prune shoots correctly, it is necessary to accurately determine their age visually. So, the darker the bark on currant branches, the older they are.
  3. By carrying out autumn pruning, you can provoke active fruiting of the plant if you remove all old shoots (over 3 years old), as well as those that have grown less than 20 cm.
  4. Old branches must be trimmed very carefully and, most importantly, correctly: their height should be somewhere at soil level (no higher than 3-4 cm above the ground). This is done in order to stimulate the growth of young shoots.
  5. All cuts (regardless of their age) should be carefully treated with garden varnish.

That's all the subtleties you need to know in order to autumn pruning currant bushes to be carried out correctly. Good luck!

Blackcurrant pruning: video

Young currant bushes usually begin to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting, and by 6 years of age they reach the peak of their productivity. If the gardener does not carry out regular annual pruning of excess and old damaged branches, then due to the density of the bush, the berries become smaller and there are fewer of them. In addition, the aging of the plant occurs earlier than expected, while a healthy, well-groomed bush is rejuvenated by replacing old branches with new ones and ages only by 15-17 years.

The purpose of pruning currant bushes

Annual pruning of currants is carried out to create the desired shape of the bush, its rejuvenation or for sanitary purposes. The choice of pruning scheme depends entirely on the tasks at hand.

  • The formation of a bush is carried out mainly in the first years of the plant’s life, and then only maintained;
  • Sanitary pruning is carried out annually and consists of removing damaged, weak, diseased and old branches and shoots;
  • Rejuvenating promotes the replacement of perennial branches with young, strong and promising shoots.

So, each pruning consists of two stages. First of all, the bushes are carefully inspected for damage and pest activity - all diseased and broken branches are destroyed. The second stage is rejuvenating or formative. What is important for beginners: when starting work, it is important to consider biological features development of the crop and carry out pruning in accordance with the rules of agricultural technology, otherwise you may lose the harvest for the current season.

Currants are a rapidly growing bush, and if the gardener does not pay due attention and time to the pruning procedure, then the young shoots will not be able to receive enough sunlight and nutrients. Every year, excess young shoots and branches older than 6 years, which will no longer be able to bear fruit well, must be removed.

Also at this time, all dry and weak branches that are mechanically damaged or have not survived are removed. winter cold.

Formative pruning

Pruning for the purpose of forming bushes begins from the first year after planting the seedlings, when the tops of all shoots are cut off at the height of three buds. From the second year of currant life, gardeners remove fresh shoots, leaving only a few of the most powerful ones, which will later become the skeletal branches of the bush. The following year, the formation of the bush is completed. Weak, damaged shoots are removed, and annuals are again shortened by two buds, as last year.

If everything was done correctly, then a 3-year-old bush leaves for the winter fully mature and prepared for the upcoming cold weather. In the future, it will only be necessary to trim off the excess branches from the center in order to free up access to sunlight to the shoots and remove unnecessary shoots.

Anti-aging pruning

Starting from 5 years of age, black currants need rejuvenating pruning procedures. Five-year-old branches are cut above the ground along with shoots from their base. Fruiting branches are not durable; they are located along the entire length of annual trees. fruit buds, and with the age of each specific branch they shift towards the end of the shoots.

The most fruit-bearing period is 2-4 years; all older branches must be sequentially removed and replaced with strong root shoots. If you have doubts about the productivity of a perennial branch for the next season, you can leave it until the fall and prune it after harvesting.

IN best case scenario The blackcurrant bush should consist of 18-20 strong, healthy branches, each with four shoots aged from one to five years. Removing old low-yielding branches helps better development fruitful. Partial pruning activates branching, the ovaries get large quantity sunlight and vitamins, kidney development is stimulated, the berries grow large and have a pronounced taste.

There are 3 types of rejuvenation of an old blackcurrant bush:

  1. 1. Ring pruning - all thick perennial branches are cut out, the shoot is cut off at the very base.
  2. 2. Pruning to the bud - using this type of pruning, you can stimulate the density of the bush if you trim the branches to the bud, which faces the center of the bush.
  3. 3. Pinching - branches are pinched for summer season to activate the growth of new young shoots.

Structural features of white and red currants

Red and white currant bushes have a different shape and fewer drooping branches. For this reason, plants need careful pruning of shoots that shade fruiting branches from sunlight. Rejuvenating procedures for these crops are required only from the age of 7, since flower buds are formed both at the base of one-year-old shoots and on short ringlets of older age.

On red and white currant bushes, you should not pinch the tops of annual shoots - fruit buds develop on them. Annual pruning is carried out only in spring or autumn, when the plants are dormant. As a result, each bush should have 18-20 branches of different ages.

The main type of anti-aging pruning for red and white currants is pruning with a transition to strong branching. The procedure is carried out on perennial but fruit-bearing branches. It is necessary to find a strong side layer with fruit-bearing potential and remove the entire branch after it. In this way, partial rejuvenation of the bush is carried out. The only caveat is that you should not cut off most of the branches at once using this method; it is best to do this in stages so as not to lose the bush.

Standard form of currant bush

Fashion for garden design didn't go around fruit bushes, and an increasing number of gardeners are striving to create a standard form of plants in their garden. You must understand that not every variety of currant is suitable for this. Main criterion- there should be minimal formation of shoots in the lower part of the trunk.

Step-by-step technology trims:

  1. 1. After planting the seedling, a standard is formed - all side branches are cut off at a height of 30 cm from the soil.
  2. 2. A pair of apical buds are left on the main shoot.
  3. 3. During the development of the crown, the bush is formed using the summer pinching method - in the first year a pair of lower buds are left, in the second year branches longer than 10 cm are cut off, and then every year all branches are cut off at a distance of 20 cm from the trunk and the trunk is regularly cleaned.

Timing of the procedure: spring or autumn

Plants are in a state of vegetative dormancy from the moment the leaves fall until early spring. For this reason, pruning is carried out either in the fall or in the first warm days of spring. Each season has its own advantages. Spring pruning allows you to direct all the forces of the bush to promising branches, and thereby increase productivity.

Sanitation currants in the spring prevents the spread and development of insect pests. In the fall, the period for carrying out work is longer, and this is a definite plus for a gardener with a plot large area. You can prepare the plant for the coming winter by removing all weak shoots that are unable to survive the cold.

The choice of timing for pruning is mainly influenced by climatic conditions. So, if in the spring the positive temperature is unstable, then it would be advisable to postpone the procedure until the fall, so as not to harm the health of the bushes due to sudden temperature changes after receiving damage at the cutting sites.

Subsequent care of shrubs

For active growth of root shoots, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and keep it clean. weed condition. When pouring berries, it is important to moisten the soil abundantly, otherwise the berries will be small due to insufficient moisture in the root system.

Each pruning is stress for the plant, and the bush needs feeding for better regeneration of damaged tissues. Need in useful substances depends on the timing of pruning. In spring, fertilizing should include phosphorus and potassium in equal proportions, but the dose of nitrogen should be increased. At this time you can fertilize the currants wood ash and organic matter - rotted manure embedded in the soil.

To become the master orchard bringing a bountiful harvest every year, it is important to remember the characteristics of each type of plant growing on the site and, in accordance with this, provide them with proper care, focusing on the experience of gardeners and knowledge in the field of agricultural technology.

A novice gardener, purchasing currant seedlings and placing them in the garden, is happy to watch how the bush becomes thicker and more powerful every year. While it is relatively young, the yield can be significant, but over time, unless special measures are taken, the bush will degrade, and the size and number of fruits will decrease.

Every beginning gardener must understand that to achieve high yield For currants, not only watering and fertilizing is important, but also rejuvenating pruning of currants in the fall, and for shrubs, unlike fruit trees, neither the formation of a crown nor compliance with the ratio of the main (conductor) and secondary branches is required.

Autumn pruning of currant bushes is carried out to achieve the following results:

  • increase in productivity;
  • improving the quality of berries, their size and quantity;
  • increasing the period of active life of the currant bush;
  • increasing the vital activity of the bush and optimizing nutrition by removing unnecessary, intersecting, broken and old shoots.

It is clear that pruning currants in the fall for beginners is an unusual and not entirely clear job. For correct pruning You need to know for sure that berries appear in sufficient quantities only on young shoots up to two years old. Older shoots bear fruit poorly, but take away vital resources from the bush, thereby slowing down the growth of young shoots. When to prune currants in autumn, how to prune shrubs correctly, what tools to use - this article will answer these and other questions.

The first thing pruning currants in the fall requires for beginners is the acquisition of quality tools. Pruning tools must be sharp so that the cutting surface is smooth without cracks or chips. The set of tools may be different, but it must include a high-quality pruning shears and a garden hacksaw with fine, well-sharpened teeth.

  1. A pruner is a tool similar to scissors, but with powerful blades that can easily cut branches up to 30 mm thick. Secateurs High Quality should not “bite” and cut wet paper without creasing.
  2. Hacksaw – used for working with shoots thicker than 30 mm. A garden hacksaw is different from a wood hacksaw; it is usually semicircular in shape. In addition, the sharpening of the teeth is special. To obtain a neat cut, the garden hacksaw only works when moving towards itself.
  3. A lopper is similar in design to a pruning shear, but has long handles. Using a lopper, branches are trimmed in hard-to-reach places.
  4. Garden knife.
  5. Brush cutters – special tools for caring for shrubs. They easily cut shoots up to 15 mm thick.

Brief description of the currant bush

Before learning how to prune currants in the fall, novice gardeners need to understand the structure, development and fruiting characteristics of this plant.

Currant - perennial, which without proper care in a few years turns into a shapeless mass, stops bearing fruit and dies.

Only the optimal scheme for pruning currant bushes in the fall will rejuvenate the bush and restore its fertility. Knowing the structure of the currant bush and pruning schemes, novice gardeners will be able to quite consciously and competently carry out autumn pruning, ennoble and rejuvenate the plant, which in response to care will provide a bountiful harvest. A description of the plant and pruning schemes for all types of currants in pictures can be found on the Internet.

The currant bush is a perennial plant that has many shoots of different ages. They emerge from the ground every year and die off after 15 years. Different varieties They differ in height, bush shape, and number of replacement shoots. The first replacement shoots begin to appear at the age of 4, and then annually until the age of 50. Economic life fruit branches equal to 7-9 years for white, red and gold and 5-7 years for black currant. Over time, the shoots grow fruit formations, on which fruiting occurs. The main harvest occurs in the 3-5th year of life of each shoot.

The optimal time to start autumn pruning of currants

When and how to prune currants in the fall is the most important question for beginning gardeners. Experts believe that best period The beginning of pruning currant bushes is the time of late autumn, approximately at the end of November, when sap flow has completely stopped and the plant is in a state of hibernation. Amateur gardeners often ask the question: when to prune currants in autumn or spring? Yes, pruning can be postponed until spring, taking into account the rather early awakening of currants from hibernation. All work must be completed by the end of February. It is not recommended to prune a plant that has already awakened from hibernation.

Some experienced gardeners do not prune newly planted bushes until 2 years, but in this case, autumn pruning of young currants involves removing shoots that have fallen to the ground.

The process of pruning currant bushes contains a number of rules that must be strictly followed:

  1. As a result of pruning, shoots should be removed that block the access of sunlight to the internal shoots of the bushes. Experienced gardeners It is believed that a four-year-old shrub should have no more than 6 shoots. You should not spare the shoots and allow the currant bush to grow excessively.
  2. Shoots older than five years must be removed.
  3. The lateral growths of the bush must be removed to remove obstacles to the penetration of sunlight to the main fruit-bearing shoots.
  4. Weak shoots are removed without regret.
  5. If the tops of the bush are not infected with mites, then they should not be removed. It is easy to identify infected buds - they are clearly visible and differ in size and round shape.
  6. It is necessary to remove broken, old and diseased branches. Usually these shoots are infested with pests, so it is recommended to burn them.

Step-by-step scheme for pruning currants for beginner gardeners

The sun is the basis of life on earth, and how more light will receive currant shoots, the larger and tastier the berries will be. Beginning gardeners often ask whether it is possible to prune currants in the fall. The answer is simple - pruning is not only possible, but also necessary. After all, the plant can be affected by glass, which penetrates into the core of the shoot and overwinters there. If you do not remove these infected branches, then it is likely that most dangerous disease for currants - anthracnose.

Signs of disease in currant bushes

At the tops of the shoots of a healthy currant bush, buds form - the basis of next year's harvest. Before properly pruning currants in the fall, you need to pay attention to the tops of the shoots.

The tops of the shoots should be removed if the following signs appear on them:

  1. Curled leaves indicate anthracnose or aphid infestation.
  2. There are many unnaturally thick buds on the shoots at the tops. In 100% of cases, they contain a tick that has settled down to spend the winter. In this case, you need to know how to process currants in the fall - pruning the entire shoot if there are many affected buds, or removing individual buds if there are a small number of them.
  3. If the tops are thin and green, then they are removed without regret, since they will inevitably die from low winter temperatures.

Two-year-old currant bushes produce more fruit on last year's shoots with the simultaneous formation of new basal shoots. Usually, in the second year of a bush’s life, experienced gardeners begin to shorten the shoots.

In principle, pruning and preparing currants for winter in the fall is carried out according to the recommendations of experts and is carried out in a certain sequence:

  1. Pruning “zero shoots”. "Zero Escape" is an escape that grew this year. Experienced gardeners recommend leaving no more than five strong shoots. Branches should be cut at the very base or even below ground level. Stumps are unacceptable, because... lead to rotting and weakening of the bush.
  2. Pruning branches that create shade is one of the tasks performed by autumn pruning of raspberries and currants - improving access sun rays to each branch of the bush.
  3. Shortening the tops of the bush. Promotes the formation of lateral branches of different ages.
  4. Pruning diseased and old (over 4 years) branches. Shoots with signs of disease are subject to mandatory removal and subsequent burning. If such branches are not removed in time, the plant will begin to degrade and will inevitably die after some time.
  5. To stimulate the plant, all branches of the bush are shortened by 10–15 cm. Usually, after such stimulation, active growth is observed the next year.

Features of pruning young currants in autumn

After posting on garden plot seedlings should not be pruned in the first year of their life.

And even in the second year growing season harsh pruning should be avoided. You can only remove broken branches and those lying on the ground. Of course, if diseased shoots are noticed, they must be removed immediately. This basically ends the pruning of young currants in the fall for beginners.

Features of pruning old currant bushes

The main purpose for which the currant pruning scheme in autumn is intended is to rejuvenate the old bush to prolong its active life. The specifics of autumn pruning depend on the age of the plant. To thin out old bush With diseased branches, sanitary autumn pruning of currants is carried out step by step, as described above. Pruning diseased shoots will stop the spread of the disease and damage to neighboring bushes. Removed diseased branches should be burned immediately, otherwise the pests will return to healthy plants in the spring.

Proper pruning of an old currant bush in the fall will create a certain bush shape that is convenient for harvesting and allows sunlight penetrate every branch of the plant. The optimal shape is an open bowl. Beginning gardeners should learn and know how to properly prune currants in the fall, especially old bushes. After all, currant branches bear fruit for no more than 5 years, and after this period they become a burden on the root system of the bush. Therefore, branches older than 5 years must be disposed of during anti-aging pruning.

All cultural fruit trees– Apple, cherry, pear and sweet cherry trees require annual pruning. Currants, raspberries and other plants also need constant care and pruning, which stimulates growth, increases fruit size, number and yield. Plant activity increases due to the resulting imbalance - powerful root system provides complete nutrition optimal quantity shoots and fruits. Therefore, pruning creates for the plant favorable conditions for the growth and formation of large and tasty fruits.