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Features of growing tomatoes in polycarbonate greenhouses. What varieties of tomatoes are best to plant in them? Tomatoes: the best varieties for the greenhouse

You can often find greenhouses in the areas of our country, and this is not at all surprising. They can help you achieve bumper harvests in a short period of time, and start eating your own vegetables while they are just beginning to bloom. In this article you will learn which tomatoes are best to plant in a greenhouse.

Greenhouse tomatoes

For an excellent harvest, it is necessary not only to guarantee all the required conditions, it is also important to correctly select the variety of tomato that you plant. Let's analyze the best varieties for growing in greenhouses and consider them character traits and dignity.

Features of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

In order to receive good harvest tomatoes, even in a greenhouse it is necessary to care for them and pay quite a lot of attention. It is very important to moisten the soil in a timely manner, monitor pollination and ventilate the greenhouse. In addition to this, there are other characteristic features:

The best varieties

Before you start selecting a tomato variety for planting in a greenhouse, you need to figure out what results you want to achieve. Aspects may be:

  • fruit size;
  • tomato wall thickness;
  • color;
  • plant height.

Features of care

For a gardener who has been working at his dacha for many years, this kind of choice may seem difficult, but for a beginner it is a whole lot of concern. Directly for this reason, we advise you to use the skills of experienced breeders and select something from the recommended list:

  • Honey drop. This species got its name due to the high level of sugar in the fruits, which makes them extremely sweet. Mid-early variety with bulk fruits. It is best to plant the variety in mid-May, and keep the temperature in the greenhouse at 20-25 degrees.
  • Samara. This species was bred specifically for growing indoors. The fruits of this variety are large and sweet. Perfect for canning and salads.
  • Moneymaker. This species begins to bear fruit quite quickly. The plant is planted in a greenhouse at the end of spring, and the first harvest can be obtained in mid-summer. The fruits are large and rich, and the plant itself is resistant to diseases and pests.
  • Miracle of the earth. This variety has been popular for quite some time. It grows very quickly; fruits can be purchased within 3 months after seed germination. It is very prolific; in a season it is possible to collect approximately 3-4 kilograms of fruit from 1 bush. For this reason, it is classified as a market variety.
  • Dina. This variety has a slight growth, approximately 120 cm, for this reason it is very easy to care for. The harvest from 1 bush can reach 5 kilograms. In fact, we analyzed only the most common options. In reality there are significantly more of them.

Video: Tomato varieties for growing in a greenhouse


By following these basic rules, which do not require additional knowledge and skills, tomatoes in the greenhouse will bear fruit for a long time and delight you with rich and tasty fruits.

Did you know that, from a botanical point of view, tomatoes are berries? That's right - multi-nest berries. But we eat them as vegetables at dinner, not for dessert. Coming to us from South America, they have firmly won their place on our tables, becoming one of our most favorite vegetables. You can plant tomatoes both in the garden and in the greenhouse. Let's figure out how to grow a good harvest and which tomato seeds are best planted in a greenhouse.

Tomatoes add flavor to salads, they are pickled and used to make everyone’s favorite juice. Beneficial properties of these “golden apples” for human body difficult to overestimate. And their aroma is used in complex compositions of elite perfumes.

Interestingly, scientists conducted an experiment, which confirmed that tomatoes grown at home have a richer taste and sweeter than those grown industrially.

To determine which tomato varieties are best suited for growing in a greenhouse, it is important to know that they are determinate and indeterminate, in other words, low-growing and tall.

As soon as the ovary appears, low-growing varieties stop growing. As a rule, these are early ripening varieties. Tall ones bear fruit later, but more abundantly, and can have up to 50 clusters on one plant. Both varieties can be grown in greenhouses. Our advice: plant low-growing varieties along the walls of the greenhouse, and place tall varieties in the center of the greenhouse, fixed on trellises.

So that you are not tormented by the question: what are the best tomato seeds to plant in a greenhouse, we present you the best of them:

Honey drop

Refers to tall cherry varieties. Perfect for growing in a greenhouse, where it can reach a height of two meters. Tomatoes are bright yellow in color and sweet taste. Exactly for unusual taste Gardeners love and appreciate this variety. The fruits are shaped like a yellow drop and reach a weight of up to 30g. Clusters of up to 20 pieces each are formed on the bush. Is immune to diseases. Tolerates low temperatures and drought well.

This variety loves fertile soil. Fertilizing should be carried out both for seedlings and for plants in the greenhouse. Seeds should be planted no deeper than 2cm. Watering must be systematic, but not abundant. The seeds of these tomatoes are characterized by high germination (reaches 95%).

“Honey Drop” is a representative of mid-early varieties. Since it is not a hybrid but a variety, you can collect the seeds and use them for planting in future seasons. Seeds for germinating seedlings begin to be sown in March in order to obtain strong plants by June.

Gondola F1

One of the best varieties of tomatoes, the seeds of which are best planted in a greenhouse. It belongs to indeterminate varieties, and therefore requires high greenhouses. Produces heavy fruits up to 170 g. Pampers gardeners with giant fruits up to 700 g. Does not require special care.


Very tall (up to 2.2 m) early ripening variety. Due to their high growth, the bushes must be tied to supports or trellises. Forms fruits in clusters and brings high yields. Produces tomatoes weighing up to 100 g of approximately the same weight and size. Resistant to diseases. It gained its popularity for its long fruiting period and excellent presentation.

Tomatoes tolerate transportation well and are stored well, and during ripening they are not prone to cracking.

Seeds should be planted in the first weeks of April. The variety does not require special care.

Russian soul

Tall standard bush, reaching a height of 170 cm. High-yielding. Produces tomatoes weighing up to 800 g, which are excellent for transportation. Farmers note the high taste of tomatoes. It is highly resistant to diseases. If you pick slightly unripe fruits, they will ripen without problems during storage. It tolerates temperature changes well and is uniquely unpretentious to external conditions.

The “Russian soul” requires strong supports. Its branches tend to break off under the weight of the fruit.

Seeds should be sown a month before planting in the greenhouse. It grows well in any soil and does not require special soil preparation. An excellent answer to the question: which tomato seeds are best to plant in a greenhouse.

Black Prince

Refers to universal determinate varieties. Mid-season variety. It can reach a height of 2 m. It produces tomatoes of a rich crimson color weighing up to 400 g. It is practically not affected by diseases. Even if the tops are damaged, the diseases do not spread to the fruits themselves.

Requires a good garter not only of branches, but also of clusters with fruits. The heavy weight of tomatoes often leads to them breaking off.

This variety requires fertilizing. Especially phosphorus. It is recommended to directly apply fertilizer to the holes before planting seedlings.

An interesting feature is that the fruits in the salad may seem slightly rotten due to their unusual dark color.

Bull's heart

A type of determinate mid-season varieties. The bush does not grow above one and a half meters. Unpretentious and disease resistant. The fruits live up to the name and reach 700 g, sweet and sour. Requires careful care. Demanding on temperature conditions and systematic watering. For regular watering, use warm water.

The highlight of the variety is that the bush can produce tomatoes of different shapes and weights. The fruits can be pink, yellow, red, white and black. The variety is loved and respected by many farmers. A confident answer to the question: which tomato seeds are best to plant in a greenhouse. The only drawback is the difficulty in canning due to the huge size of the fruit.

Seeds should be planted in the first weeks of March in holes no deeper than 3 cm.

Garden pearl

A very compact, early-ripening variety of cherry tomatoes. Because of its decorative properties, some lovers plant it in flowerpots as decoration. Doesn't need special care. Does not require pinching. But it is demanding on moderate watering and soil quality. Loves a mixture of turf soil, sand and peat.

Produces tomatoes weighing only up to 25 g with a sweet, pleasant taste. The more fruits you pick, the more new ones it produces. An excellent productive variety.

Seeds should be sown in the last weeks of March. The bush is spreading and requires small supports.

Cavalcade F1

An unpretentious early determinate bush with large fruits up to 130 g. Good taste. It is particularly resistant to diseases and produces a good harvest. Not afraid of temperature changes. One of the best varieties of tomatoes, the seeds of which are best planted in a greenhouse.

Blagovest F1

Determinate, although it can reach quite large heights - up to 1.70 cm. High productivity makes this variety very popular among gardeners. Particularly high yields can be achieved when the plant is formed into two stems. The fruits reach 200 g. Due to heavy weight A garter is required not only for the bush, but also for the brushes. Tomatoes have excellent taste qualities.

Demanding about watering and fertilizing. The Blagovest variety loves watering, but does not like excessive air humidity. It will be useful if you ventilate the greenhouse after watering.

Seeds should be sown one and a half months before planting in the greenhouse.

Grandma's secret

Grows in height up to 1.5 meters. Large-fruited variety, whose tomatoes can reach a weight of 800 g and a diameter of 10 cm. It has an excellent taste. Withstands low temperatures and is undemanding to growing conditions. But it is bad for transportation and storage.

To plant seedlings in June, seeds begin to be sown in late March - early April.

If you are faced with the question: which tomato seeds are best to plant in a greenhouse, remember that not all of those presented on the counter are suitable for growing in greenhouses. A special microclimate with high humidity promotes the development of all kinds of diseases (especially fungal and putrefactive ones). Choose varieties that are especially resistant to them.

Do not buy seeds secondhand. Too much risk instead elite variety buy a handful of trash. Trust trusted companies that sell seeds. When choosing, do not be guided by beautiful picture on the package. Often, this is only an advertising photo. To avoid disappointment, pay attention to the characteristics of the variety:

  • productivity;
  • disease resistance;
  • fruit size;
  • taste qualities;
  • appearance.

A good yield when growing tomatoes is to collect up to 15 kg of fruit per square meter for regular varieties. From hybrids you can harvest up to 25 kg.

If you see F1 on the package, it means that this is a specially bred hybrid variety of tomatoes, obtained by crossing several parent varieties in order to improve certain qualities. They are more resistant to diseases, temperature changes, high humidity conditions and have increased productivity. However, the improved characteristics are retained only in the first generation. The seeds of the variety are capable of transmitting characteristics from generation to generation.

Tomato seeds that are best planted in a greenhouse are those of tall varieties, reaching several meters in height. The only negative is that they need to allocate more space than for short ones. Therefore, always consider the height of your greenhouse. It is better to abandon the tall variety in a small greenhouse. Lack of space will depress the plant, and you are unlikely to get a harvest of the proper volume and quality.

When growing tomatoes for sale, choose varieties that are resistant to transportation and storage.

Tomatoes are delicious, everyone's favorite vegetables. Follow all the recommendations for growing, and they will surely delight you with a generous harvest and great taste.

You can often find greenhouses in our country, and this is not at all surprising. They help you get record harvests in a short time, and start eating your own vegetables at a time when they are just beginning to bloom.

But for a good harvest, you not only need to provide all the necessary conditions, it is important to choose the right variety of tomato that you plant. In our article we will look at the best varieties for growing in greenhouses, and analyze their features and advantages.

The best varieties for planting in a greenhouse

Before you start choosing a tomato variety for planting in a greenhouse, you need to decide what results you want to achieve. The criteria could be:

  • Fruit size
  • Tomato wall thickness
  • Plant height
  • Features of care

For a gardener who has been working at his dacha for many years, such a choice may seem difficult, but for a beginner it is a whole lot of concern. That is why we recommend using the experience of experienced breeders and choosing something from the proposed list.

Honey drop. This variety got its name due to the increased level of sugar in the fruits, which makes them unusually sweet. Mid-early variety with bulk fruits. It is best to plant the variety in mid-May, and keep the temperature in the greenhouse at 20-25 degrees.

Samara. This variety was bred specifically for growing indoors. The fruits of this variety are large and sweet. Great for canning and salads.

Moneymaker. This variety begins to bear fruit quite quickly. Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse at the end of spring, and the first harvest can be obtained already in mid-summer. The fruits are large and juicy, and the plant itself is resistant to diseases and pests.

Miracle of the earth. This variety has been known for quite a long time. It grows very quickly, fruits can be obtained within 3 months after seed germination. It is very prolific; in a season you can collect about 3-4 kg of fruit from one bush. Therefore, it is classified as a market variety.

Dina. This variety is small in height, about 120 cm, so it is very easy to care for. The harvest from one bush can reach 5 kg. In fact, we only considered the most popular options. In reality there are much more of them.

Now let's look at a few more varieties of tomatoes that will bring excellent harvest in the greenhouse.

Gondola F1

Indeterminate mid-season tomato hybrid with high yield. This species was bred in Italy and is positioned as a raceme variety. The fruits are bright red in color and dense. Excellent for canning and salads, and can also be stored in a cool place for a long time.

The fruits themselves are large, on average the weight of one tomato is 150 grams, but there are also giants weighing more than half a kilogram. Such large fruits will not fit in a jar, but they are quite juicy and are perfect for tomato juice. It is recommended to plant Gondola F1 seeds in April, and pick them up after the first two true leaves appear.

To increase the yield, you can feed the plants with different fertilizers. It is best to use complex mineral fertilizers 2-3 times a season. This will be enough to feed the tomato and improve its condition.

It is recommended to plant seedlings according to the 50x60 pattern. In general, this species is unpretentious and does not require special care. It is enough to water it, hill it up, dive and fertilize it in time. But be careful about the temperature inside the greenhouse; it should not exceed the norm.

Hurricane F1

Another very popular variety among experienced summer residents is Hurricane F1. It differs from other species in its precocity. The first fruits can be harvested already 85 days after germination, which is a very fast result. The number of fruits in one inflorescence can reach 5-6 pieces. Moreover, they will all have the same beautiful color, round shape and the same size.

The fruits are smaller in size than the previous version, weighing up to 100 grams. In general, the yield level of this variety is about 10 kg/m2, provided that all recommendations and growing rules are followed. Small fruits are great for canning whole, or for eating fresh. One more a big plus The Hurricane F1 species is resistant to most diseases to which tomatoes are susceptible.

Bull's heart

This is a determinate variety, which differs from others in the unusual shape of the fruit. Brings enough big harvest, refers to late-ripening varieties. The bush can reach 1.5 meters in height and has a fairly powerful trunk. The variety is resistant to various kinds of diseases, and is not at all whimsical and does not require special care.

The only mandatory condition for the Bull's heart is to provide it with a quality support that will support it during growth. This could be a tall wooden peg, a long iron knitting needle, or any other device that you would be comfortable using.

You can fertilize tomatoes of this variety only until the fruits form; after that, it is pointless and even harmful. The fruits are quite large, some can reach a weight of 700 grams.

The tomatoes are sweet, but with noticeable sourness, thin-walled. Excellent for obtaining tomato juice. Within the variety, tomatoes are further divided into red, yellow and black. Taste and set useful substances They are the same, but the variety of colors will look great in a salad.

For this variety it is very important to maintain the temperature at 22 - 24 degrees, and systematically water it, because for the ripening of such large and juicy fruits you need a lot of liquid.

Features of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse

In order to get a good harvest of tomatoes, even in a greenhouse, you need to look after them and pay a lot of attention. It is very important to moisten the soil in a timely manner, monitor pollination and ventilate the greenhouse. In addition, there are other features:

  1. Already 10-12 days after transplanting the seedlings into the greenhouse, they require watering. But it must be taken seriously, since tomatoes do not like large amounts of moisture. The norm before flowering begins is 4 liters per 1 square meter soil, and during flowering and fruit formation this amount must be increased 3 times. It is better to water once every 5-6 days. In this case, the water should be room temperature so as not to overcool the root system.
  2. The air in the greenhouse should not be humid, as this interferes with normal pollination. As a result, you will not get the expected result. Therefore, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse, while carefully monitoring the temperature in it. The optimal temperature is 22 degrees; at night it can drop to 20, but not lower.
  3. During flowering, formation and ripening of fruits, you need to increase the air temperature in the greenhouse. But it should not exceed 27 degrees.
  4. To increase the yield, it is recommended to carry out mechanical pollination in addition to natural pollination. To do this, in sunny weather, you should lightly shake the branches with blossoming flowers. After this, it is recommended to ventilate the greenhouse room.

By doing such simple rules, which do not require additional knowledge and skills, tomatoes in a greenhouse will bear fruit for a long time and delight you with juicy and tasty fruits.

Which tomatoes are best planted in a greenhouse depends on the result the grower wants to get. Different varieties of tomatoes have their own ripening periods, the size can be the size of a small plum or even reach 1 kg, they taste sweet or have a pleasant sourness. But other criteria can be identified that will be fundamental in the choice made.

Which tomatoes are best to plant in a greenhouse? The best tomato seeds for a greenhouse should be selected based on some important parameters. The culinary purpose, the degree of comfort in the greenhouse, the level of yield, the timing of berry picking, and the strength of resistance to disease must be taken into account.

You can choose varieties and hybrids for the greenhouse. The latter are obtained through the process of crossing varieties. But you cannot collect seeds from them future landing. Whereas from varietal varieties, the seeds may be suitable for subsequent sowing.

Breeders regularly develop new greenhouse varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. What distinguishes them is high yield, they withstand bad weather and insufficient care much better. The most popular new varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses, judging by many positive feedback vegetable growers, this is Druzhok F1, Tornado F1, Empire, Snow Tale.

Druzhok F1 tomatoes ripen early. The harvest ripens at the same time, is well stored and transported. It does not grow high, up to 60 cm, but due to the large number of fruits it must be tied to a support. The roundish-red fruits weigh 110 g. Everyone will certainly enjoy the sweet, sugary taste of the fleshy interior.

Experienced vegetable growers annually on their garden plots In addition to the proven favorite tomatoes, they are trying to plant new varieties. For lovers of new things, we can note the following best varieties of tomatoes for 2018 for greenhouses: Kronos F1, Alsou, Banana Legs, Sprinter.

To plant a tomato bush in a greenhouse, you also need to take into account the height of the structure. Some varieties require additional strengthening of the stem, since their growth can be more than 2 meters.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses have different stem heights.

The short best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses are distinguished by the fact that the height of the stem is no more than 75 cm. The stem is powerful and thick. They require minimal care. The short ones can be classified as the following types: Lionheart, Piglet, Alaska, Pyshka F1, Peach.

Growth-limited varieties stretch up to one meter and stop growing. It is necessary to form a stem for the bush; it is necessary to carry out the pinching procedure. Well-known medium-sized greenhouse tomatoes include: Pink Honey, Sultan F1, Lady, Baby F1.

Tall species are often blessed with large fruits. They cannot boast of high disease resistance, they grow up to two meters and it is recommended to take time to form the stem. It is imperative to construct a support for tying and regularly cut off the side branches.

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses with a bush height of up to 2 meters: Mushroom Basket, Madam, Pink Tsar.

Unique taste

How to choose the right and suitable variety, the taste of the tomato plays an important role. Not everyone likes the sour tint. Therefore, sweet varieties of tomatoes have been created that will attract people with their meatiness and low seed content.

The sweetest varieties of vegetables, according to experienced experts in this matter, are: Eldorado, Pink Honey, Honey Spas, Clubfoot Bear, Cardinal. These varieties not only have an incomparable taste, but are also hardy. They tolerate heat or cold well, lack of microelements in the soil, and also resist viruses and bacteria.

Eldorado can grow up to 90 cm; it is recommended to form two stems from the bush. Each bush has 5 branches, on which yellowish-orange fruits weighing about 400 g are formed. The sweet, juicy pulp is covered with a thin but dense skin on top. The plant needs to be watered, loosened and fertilized in a timely manner.

The Honey Spas variety is characterized by medium boundaries of fruit formation. You can harvest up to 5 kg of crop from one bush. The stem reaches a height of 175 cm, so tying is required. The fruits ripen gradually throughout the summer. Yellow ripe tomatoes are stored for a long time, cracks are not typical.

The Mishka clubfoot variety will be remembered not only for its sweet, pleasant taste, but also for its large number of berries. It exhibits high resistance to many pathogens and has average maturation limits. The color may vary, and the weight sometimes reaches 900 g. Ripe berries have a high sugar content.

You can try sugar cream early, after 83 days. The bush can grow up to 140 cm. The fruits have yellow tint, appearance resembles a plum, rich in carotene, weight is only 18 g. Tomatoes are stored for a long time, retaining their taste and shape.

Bag F1 pleases with burgundy-red fruits, weighing 245 g and has medium ripening limits. The shape is also unusual, in the form of a cube. The bush grows up to 185 cm, requires staking, cutting off side branches and forming a stem. The dense but delicate skin protects against cracking and promotes good shelf life of tomatoes.

Fighting diseases

The confined space of a greenhouse promotes the rapid spread of diseases. Since the composition of the soil remains constant, fungi and bacteria can be difficult to get rid of. It is imperative to disinfect the room and ventilate it regularly.

Most often, plants get sick due to improper watering, sudden temperature fluctuations, dense plantings in the beds and insufficient care. Therefore, if there is not enough time for care, there is no experience or other reasons, you need to choose seeds that are resistant to disease.

The best varieties for greenhouses, which are distinguished by their persistent, high resistance to many common tomato infections.

Vegetable growers have good impressions of mid-early variety Virtuoso F1. The plant can reach up to 185 cm. Care includes the formation of the stem. The fruits ripen in 105 days, have a burgundy-reddish hue, a flat-round shape, weighing approximately 145 g. They tolerate adverse weather conditions well and do not allow infection by many viruses.

If you choose Golden Bead F1 seeds, then already on day 94 you can harvest a high harvest. Ripe fruits are spherical, bright orange in color. The brush can contain about 20 sweet, juicy tomatoes weighing 15 g.

A cardinal in a greenhouse can grow up to two meters. The bush requires the formation of a stem, which is strengthened. Raspberry-pink fruits are placed on clusters of 8 pieces and can weigh up to 650 g. The variety tolerates cold and rarely gets sick.

The orange giant will delight you not only with its high resistance to many pathogens. The name can rightfully be attributed to productive varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse. You will be pleased with the formation of fruits after 103 days. Upon reaching maturity they become orange with a weight of about 450 g.

Delicate shade

Most pink tomatoes for greenhouses differ from red ones in that they contain more nutritional components. They should also be looked after in a special way. Pink tomatoes need soil moisture more and respond more readily to applied fertilizers. Tall stems need to be strengthened and side branches removed.

For planting in a greenhouse, you can select the following best and most popular varieties of pink tomatoes.

Pink honey is the best productive tomato variety for the greenhouse. Large oblong berries have a raspberry-pinkish tint, their weight reaches 1 kg. They begin to ripen after 104 days. The bushes grow up to 1.5 meters, so tying and pinching are required. Sweet tomatoes do not even have a hint of sourness. The thin skin does not do a good job of preventing cracking, so the fruits do not last long.

Pink raisins are memorable for their small red fruits, up to 45 pieces per branch. It stretches up to 1.5 meters. The variety resists diseases well and develops even in bad weather. The oblong berries weigh an average of 75 g and acquire a pink color when ripe. Ripe vegetables can hang on the branches for a long time and not fall off, and the harvested crop can be stored for a long time.

Vegetable growers will like the pink miracle F1 appearance and taste. Bright raspberry-pink fruits weigh approximately 110 g. Up to 5 pieces can hang on one branch. Vegetable growers note a short shelf life as a disadvantage.

Rich Gifts

Reviews about the best varieties of tomatoes for the greenhouse made it possible to identify the most prolific varieties, which also have other good qualities. High productive varieties tomatoes for greenhouses can be determinate (side shoots need to be cut off regularly) and indeterminate (bushes that grow high and need to be shaped).

Which tomato varieties are the most productive for greenhouses, the rating will help you understand brief description kind.

Snow leopard is characterized by an average period of fruit formation and after 107 days it will be possible to harvest. The plant is short, about 55 cm, resistant to hot or cold weather. It is necessary to install a support. The fruits are raspberry-reddish in color, with a smooth, round surface, weighing about 250 g. Since they ripen early, they do not have time to catch the spread of most types of diseases.

Rio Grand matures in 116 days from the day of planting. The stems grow to about 1 meter in height. Requires pinching and tying. The fruits are plum-shaped, orange in color, weighing approximately 125 g. The most delicious fruits are from the variety being studied; the pulp is remembered for its juicy, sweet taste. They can grow in dry, hot climates and without regular watering.

Bushes of the Eternal Call variety grow up to 75 cm in height. The yield is extremely high. The branch bears red fruits, weighing about 600 g, which begin to be collected after 85 days. The shape of the berries is flattened with a characteristic ridged surface.

Intuition F1 begins to form fruits already 112 days after sowing the seeds. If you don't pinch the top, it can reach 2.6 meters high. Red in color, round tomatoes have thin but quite durable skin. They are not prone to cracking. The pulp contains a lot of sugar, so they give the dish a special taste and aroma.

The Ivanhoe F1 variety can please you with its high yield. The stem grows large and powerful, and accommodates a large number of clusters of red vegetables of the same size. The vegetable is resistant to most types of viruses and fungi. The reviews note that there is no need to use chemicals when growing.

High-yielding tomato varieties for greenhouses require additional care and a lot of attention. It is imperative to carry out foliar and root feeding according to the scheme. Even if the bushes are small, they need to be strengthened. Every two weeks it is necessary to carry out the pinching procedure. It is recommended to loosen, water and weed the soil in a timely manner.

Various deadlines for collection

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses with late ripening limits are most often intended for winter preparations, early vegetables Can be eaten fresh or added to salads.

The best tomato varieties for greenhouses with early fruit formation, chosen by most vegetable growers.

Buddy F1 begins to mature after 87 days. The bushes are not too branched; they grow about 60 cm in height. They can also be planted in open beds, but the tomato feels better in conditions inside a greenhouse. Red tomatoes with an orange tint weigh about 105 g and are stored for a long time due to their dense structure. The variety is distinguished by its unpretentiousness to soil composition or weather conditions, tolerates temperature fluctuations and rarely gets sick.

In a greenhouse, the tomato variety Ilyich F1 will give a rich harvest, rarely gets sick, and the reddish fruits with an orange tint can be tasted after 87 days. Tomatoes in a greenhouse can grow up to 155 cm in height. The mass of each vegetable is 110 g. The shape is slightly compressed with noticeable ribbing near the stalk. In a greenhouse it is often subject to blossom end rot.

My love F1. The bushes can stretch up to 120 cm. To increase the amount of fruit formation, it is recommended to carry out pinching. The fruits grow large, their weight can reach 210 g, their shape is elongated, with a small spout at the base. The bright red, smooth, thin skin hides a sweet, sugary interior.

Greenhouse tomatoes of the Pervoklaska variety are low-growing, early-ripening varieties. The stem grows no more than 90 cm, but there is a need for tying. To reap the largest possible harvest, it is recommended to form three stems. Ripe bright pink fruits weigh approximately 170 g. The shape is slightly flattened.

Aphrodite will allow you to enjoy your first vegetables in 78 days. The height of their stem reaches only 55 cm, but it is better to tie it to a support, since the thin stem can break under the mass of fruits. Each branch can accommodate 7 round, red-scarlet tomatoes weighing about 95 g.

Variety De Barao tomato known among gardeners for its excellent qualities. It belongs to the productive varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. From one root it will be possible to remove up to 9 kg of vegetables. The land on which the species is supposed to be grown must be fertile. The plant is resistant to many viruses and bacteria.

Tomatoes of the Andreevsky Surprise variety can be recognized by their powerful stem, which requires formation and strengthening. Vegetable growers note that the number of fruits produced on such a tall plant is not very high. The berries, red with a pink tint, weigh about 350 g and have a rounded-flattened shape. The culture tolerates lack of light well.

The miracle of the market belongs to the medium-late group in terms of ripening, reaching a height of up to 130 cm. The fruits are red in color and have a round, slightly elongated shape. The weight of the berries reaches 350 g. This productive tomatoes. Often subject to rot.

The variety of greenhouse tomatoes Brown Sugar will attract attention with its unusual brownish-brown color. It is characterized by late ripening, tolerates cold air and steadfastly resists disease. In a greenhouse it grows up to 2.5 meters. The fruits are not very large, weighing about 110 g. The taste is excellent, the inside is fleshy, sweet with sufficient juice content.

Large-fruited species

Large-fruited tomatoes can become a real decoration and pride of a greenhouse. Their weight can sometimes exceed 800 g. The harvest is large and of high quality. Large varieties of tomatoes are pleasant to grow and convenient for winter storage without processing for juices, sauces, and salads.

The most popular varieties tomatoes for greenhouses, which are distinguished by large, tasty berries.

Orange miracle is distinguished by large vegetables weighing more than 155 g. It belongs to the sweet varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. They start singing early. 5 orange-yellow, oval-elongated berries are formed on the cluster. The skin is thin, dense, but not hard and protects against cracking.

Tomato varieties for the greenhouse are not complete without mentioning the name Pink Elephant. If you follow the rules of watering and fertilizing the soil, each bush will give large, abundant, sweet harvest. The stem can grow up to 1.5 meters, so it needs to be tied tightly and pinched.

The average weight is 500 g, but can reach 1 kg. The dark pink fruits have a flattened shape with ribbing near the stalk. Delicious tomatoes have a sweet taste without sourness.

Large-fruited varieties are headed by Bull's Heart. Red-scarlet heart-shaped tomatoes are popular among vegetable growers. The weight of one tomato on the lower branches can reach up to 1 kg. On the upper branches the weight of the berries decreases. The fruits ripen in 125 days, therefore they are classified as mid-ripening varieties.

The stem is powerful, spreading with strong tassels that can support up to 5 tomatoes. These greenhouse tomatoes require careful and careful care. It has weak disease resistance and needs to be constantly fed.

Large-fruited varieties cannot do without mentioning the Monomakh Cap species. It is famous not only for its large fruits. This is the most productive variety. It has medium ripening limits. Tomatoes are disease-resistant, delicious in taste, tolerate drought well and ripen almost simultaneously. The red-burgundy fruits are round in shape and weigh approximately 450 g, but can reach 900 g.

Tomatoes for greenhouses King of the Market are early-ripening hybrids and have a lot of positive properties. Red-scarlet tomatoes are resistant to diseases, temperature changes, and can tolerate lack of moisture. Vegetable growers note that it is possible to grow the variety only in the southern regions.

​Similar articles​

Features of greenhouse tomato varieties

​We regularly turn the drawers, replacing natural light different sides so that the stems don’t get “crooked.”

  • ​They need lower humidity and temperature parameters than cucumber bushes, which is why they should not be planted together in the same greenhouse. Otherwise, the yield of one of the crops will significantly decrease.​ ​Favorite holiday​
  • ​Dusya red​​. Tomatoes are pepper-shaped, fleshy, dense. The pulp is rich. Excellent for canning. It is also grown in open ground.​
  • ​Polycarbonate is mounted on it using special rivets or rubberized self-tapping screws.​
  • ​You can also simply take them out to an open area near the greenhouse. If the roof of the structure is removable, then you can remove it regularly. Cups or other containers, which can then decompose after being replanted in the ground. Quite often, plastic bags are used, which are removed just before planting.​
  • ​superior to many early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses. It has an indeterminate type of bush, has super-earliness, forming ripened fruits 85-90 days after germination. Flat-round fruits up to 180 g have pink color and have thick skin. The yield in an extended culture can be 30 kilograms per square meter. m. The variety is immune to viral infections that cause bronzing and yellow curling of leaves, to spores of fungi of the genus Fusarium and Cladosporium, as well as root-knot nematodes. Producing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions allows you to collect fruits almost throughout the year in different regions of Russia. This is especially true in regions with a short summer period such as the Urals and Siberia. The construction of these structures and their maintenance are associated with high costs, so it is necessary to use the best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses.​
  • ​We dive, i.e. we transplant the seedlings into separate pots 8 cm deep as soon as we count two or three true, not cotyledon, leaves. Transplantation is needed to restrain the growth of the stem. Its optimal length before planting is 25-30 cm. Our task is to timely force seedlings of the required length by the time they move into closed ground. After transplantation into a larger container, it will develop more actively. root system seedlings, not a stem with leaves.​ ​Another important requirement from tomato “seniors” is good lighting. Slight shading will not fail to affect the growth and development of planted seedlings and, as a result, the harvest. Because In terms of light transmitting ability, polycarbonate is inferior to glass; it is better to eliminate objects that cast a shadow on the greenhouse. What is easier to do: move the structure or replant the bushes, you need to decide on the spot.​

​. A plant up to 80cm high produces sweet vegetables weighing up to 1300g.​

The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

​. The bush produces 20 fleshy and sweet vegetables weighing 120g.​ ​Orange​​When choosing tomato varieties or hybrids, it is important to consider the conditions in which they will be grown. You can choose varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses that have long gained popularity among many gardeners or purchase completely new varieties of tomatoes.​

​Currently, greenhouse designs have a variety of types:​ Advice. Before tomato seedlings are planted in a greenhouse, they should be sprinkled 5-6 days before.

​Suitable soil.​​To determine which tomatoes to plant in a greenhouse, you need to know their basic characteristics. It is advisable to select greenhouse tomatoes whose varieties should have the following properties:​

New varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

Picked seedlings in separate pots are watered weekly. By the time of watering, the soil should be noticeably dry. After 12 days after transplantation, the plants are fed along with watering, adding 1 tablespoon of nitrophoska and azofoska per 10 liters. Each sprout should get half a glass. After 15 days, we feed again; you can use ready-made products such as “Senora Tomato” or “Fertility”. Pale green seedlings need to be fed with “Ideal” if the tomatoes are slowly gaining growth with guamate, and rapidly growing ones with superphosphate.​ ​For those who want to know how to plant tomatoes​

​Buffalo heart​​Iceberg​

​. Mid-early. Orange fruits, tasty and dense. Can also be grown in open ground.​​Hurricane F1​

Tomato varieties for greenhouses - video

Technology of growing tomatoes in greenhouses - video

General principles of growing tomatoes in a greenhouse - video

​With film coating on a wooden frame.​

How to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse: some nuances

Fertilizers of a certain quality. Each variety of tomato can have its own fertilizer.​

belongs to the group low growing tomatoes for greenhouses. It has a determinate plant with a dense inflorescence. It quickly bears fruit, after 90 days from the formation of seedlings, fruits of about 100-150 g in size begin to ripen. It is distinguished by its immunity to many common greenhouse diseases and the formation of ovaries in unfavorable growing conditions. The fruits have a dense structure and are resistant to mechanical stress, so they can be transported over long distances without loss of quality. Productivity reaches more than 7.5 kilograms per square meter.​
​Tolerate changing temperature conditions​

What varieties of tomatoes should be chosen for planting in greenhouse conditions?

​With proper care, young tomato bushes before planting in a polycarbonate greenhouse will look like in the photo:​
​. Bushes 80cm high. Tomatoes weighing 1 kg.​

  • ​. Variety for open ground. Tomatoes are red, very tasty, meaty. Good for canning and salads. The plant is resistant to diseases up to 50 cm high.
  • ​Junior F1​
  • ​. Early ripening. Smooth fruits up to 90g.​
  • ​Film on a metal frame.​
  • How to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse correctly? The whole process is very simple.​
  • ​Tomato seeds.​

​. Under shelter the temperature fluctuations are quite sharp. During the daytime, a closed greenhouse becomes very hot; the temperature can rise to critical levels for plants. At night, without additional heating, the greenhouse quickly cools down and the temperature drops, creating stress for the tomatoes. Not every variety can set fruit in such conditions.​
The main thing is that the seedlings have from 8 to 12 developed leaves of a dense green color and one, but preferably a couple of formed inflorescences. Minimum permissible height 15cm, maximum 35cm. The height of the stem 40-45 cm is the limit that dictates the use of a specific scheme for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, which eliminates the appearance of roots that interfere with growth on the stem buried in the ground.​

Growing tomato seedlings

​in a new polycarbonate greenhouse, it should be remembered that the seedlings must be older than 60 days. These are quite powerful and resilient plants for indoor soil, protected by a rigid, airtight polymer shell. For example, for structures covered with film, it is recommended to plant plants 60 days after the sprouts “peck”, because polyethylene will not be able to protect against the effects of frosts that occur in the spring.​

​Pink honey​

  • ​. Ultra early ripening. Bush up to 60cm high. Slightly leafy. Bright red fruits, slightly ribbed or smooth, weighing up to 100g. One plant can produce 2 kg of vegetables.​
  • ​Typhoon F1​
  • ​Polycarbonate for any type of frame construction, and so on.​
  • ​For this, the soil must be prepared:​

​Stages of work:​

  • ​ is a new variety of tomatoes for greenhouses, created by the Ilyinichna agricultural company. It is distinguished by its early ripening (tomatoes ripen by the 100th day after germination) and the main crop is formed quickly. Characterized by a dense formation of fruiting clusters. The initial 3 fruit clusters are laid every one or two leaves, and the remaining clusters are placed opposite the leaf. Planting 3 tomatoes per sq. m, they are formed single-stemmed. They can be grown without pinching. Simple type The branches of the brush plant up to 9 red, round-shaped tomatoes weighing over 100 grams. The pulp has a harmoniously combined sweet and sour taste. The hybrid includes genes that allow tomatoes not to get sick with viral infections, not to be affected by fungi of the genus Cladosporium and Fusarium, and the pest nematode. One tomato produces over 4.5 kilograms of fruit.​
    ​Intensive crop formation​

​4-5 days before planting in closed ground, seedlings should be sprinkled with a solution of boric acid prepared at the rate of 1g per liter. This treatment will protect the first flower buds. For spraying, choose a cloudy morning so that the sun's rays do not burn the young leaves.​
​The future inhabitants of the greenhouse have their own list of requirements, regardless of the type of greenhouse covering. For good growth and systematic development of tomatoes:​

  • ​. Height 60 – 70 cm. Fruits weighing 1500g are heart-shaped.​
    ​. High-yielding, super-early ripening variety. Bushes up to 40cm. Tomatoes form in any weather.​
  • ​Amber​

​. Early ripening. Round fruits weighing up to 90g.​

  • ​They also differ in their shape and size, see photo.​
    ​Slightly moisturized.​
  • ​All actions can be done with your own hands. Initially, you need to start discarding the seeds.
    ​Greenhouse conditions differ from ordinary ones - some plants feel better in the open ground, while others require a closed room. The greenhouse creates high humidity at a fairly high temperature, which is favorable for growing tomatoes. But these same conditions are also good for pests, so it’s worth paying special attention to disease control.​

​. IN summer period the greenhouse remains open around the clock, as the temperature external environment becomes favorable for the growth of tomatoes. With the flow of air, spores of pathogenic fungi enter the greenhouse, which can infect plants. The harvest must be formed before the onset of diseases.​

It happens that self-grown seedlings are above the specified limit, but this is not a reason to deprive it of its chances for a normal life and fruiting. It is simply planted in a special way, shown in the picture below.​

  • ​Calcium is definitely needed, which will prevent the flowers from falling off and the formation of black spots on the fruits. Enrich greenhouse soil with this microelement during fertilizing with solutions of calcium chloride or calcium nitrate;
  • ​King of the Giants​
  • ​. Ultra early ripening. Good for northern regions. low growing plant produces round yellow tomatoes.​
    ​F1 friend​
  • ​The question arises: In what type of greenhouse is it best to grow tomato seedlings and then plant them?​

​Some of them may be spoiled and will probably not sprout. After this, the seeds are soaked in water for some time. This is necessary in order to saturate them with moisture.​

Transplanting tomato seedlings into a greenhouse

​For the greenhouse, choose hybrid varieties that are disease-resistant. Tomatoes must be able to form an ovary in different conditions and limit your growth. Semi-determinate and determinate tomato hybrids easily meet these requirements. There are so many seeds on the market now that it is impossible to know them all. Experienced gardeners They choose varieties that are successful for their region and greenhouse conditions experimentally, planting plants little by little and labeling the beds. If you have a tall, large greenhouse, indeterminate, vigorous varieties of tomatoes are also suitable for you. They will require careful care and attention, but the harvest will undoubtedly please you. Proper handling brings up to 50 kilograms of fruit per 1 square meter. m. It is better to combine tall tomatoes in a greenhouse with medium-sized varieties in order to harvest continuously. Do not forget to tie up the tomatoes, as their stems cannot support the weight of the fruit. Choose early-ripening hybrids that ripen 85-90 days after planting in the greenhouse. These can be varieties, for example, “Hurricane”, “Typhoon”, “Semko-Sinbad”, “Druzhok”, “Blagovest”. Of the medium-sized ones, “Samara”, “Verlioka”, “Tornado” perform well. They bear fruit a little later - on the 95-105th day. Experienced gardeners note other popular varieties. The late-ripening hybrid "Winemon" is resistant to diseases and produces a good harvest of small red fruits with smooth glossy skin. “Leader 165” is a tall variety with an average ripening period; the fruits will delight you in a heated greenhouse from autumn to spring. For a low greenhouse under a film, Long Keeper tomatoes are suitable; they ripen late and produce pink fruits that are well stored. The unpretentious and fertile “Moneymaker” is very popular. You will collect yellow sweet tomatoes from the Honey Drop hybrid. The medium-sized fruits of the early-ripening and medium-growing variety “Samara F1” have an excellent rich taste. Among the vigorous hybrids, it is worth trying to plant “Super Marmand” in a greenhouse. Its fruits have an excellent taste. “Tiger Tomato” is a rather old variety, but not losing its popularity due to its unpretentiousness. The Oksana hybrid is good both fresh and prepared; it ripens early and has medium-sized cylindrical red fruits.​

​Quick return of early harvest​
​We will assume that we have grown viable tomato bushes. It takes about one to two weeks to transfer them into the ground. By all indications, it’s time to start processing and arranging a “green house” for tomatoes.​

  • ​Requires magnesium, potassium, nitrogen, boron, phosphorus, which are contained in the most popular country fertilizer “azofoska” in a form that is most accessible for absorption by plants;​
  • ​. Tomatoes weighing up to 1 kg. Plant height 1m.​
  • ​. Bush up to 30cm high. Combines short stature and large fruit. Round and red vegetables contain a lot of sugar and vitamins. Cold-resistant.​
  • ​. Early ripening. Plant up to 70 cm high. Bright red fruits are round in shape, medium in size. Fruiting is friendly.
    ​Most gardeners manage to grow crops in film greenhouses. But here it is worth paying attention to the fact that tomatoes are considered heat-loving plants and they will need to be provided with a warm temperature regime in the greenhouse (see Thermoregulator for the greenhouse - choose the right one).​
  • ​Fertilized in advance.​
  • ​Advice.​

​. Products received at the beginning of the season are in high demand and have a higher price. Early ripening varieties allow you to enjoy delicious tomato fruits within 3 months after germination. They prefer early varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses.​

  • ​The greenhouse must be fully prepared for the settlement of green inhabitants 5 days before starting work. Based on this circumstance, its owner should choose cleaning and disinfection methods. After cleaning and disinfecting the area limited by polycarbonate, you need to start laying out the beds.​
    You need moist soil that can hold water for a long time without drying out. And at the same time, greenhouse soil should not be too heavy. For tomatoes, sandy loam, slightly clayey soil is recommended, in which moisture will be retained, and the humidity level in the greenhouse should not exceed 70%. In order to achieve the recommended effect, peat is added to the sandy soil, and clay soil sawdust and the same peat, but as fertilizer.​

​Pride of Siberia​

​Pink angel​
​. Early ripening. No pinning required. The bush produces very tasty, fleshy yellow fruits.​

  • ​Semko-Sinbad F1​
  • ​If the greenhouse is used only in the spring, then it will not be possible to plant tomato seedlings in it. Especially if it is made of film.​
  • ​So:​

​You don’t have to carry out such actions, but simply plant dry seeds. IN in this case it all depends on the variety of tomato itself. Some of them are very capricious and require a special approach.​

The design of a greenhouse, as well as its use, can be varied. It is used mainly for growing edible crops: herbs, berries, vegetables.​

Which greenhouse design to choose for growing tomatoes?

​Good transportability and marketable quality of fruits​

​It is best to “stretch” the beds along the long walls of the greenhouse. It is convenient to arrange them in the form of two or three separate strips or in the form of the letters P or Ш, with their legs facing the entrance. The width of the beds is calculated individually, its optimal value is 60-90cm, maybe 100 or even 110cm. The main thing to remember is that the minimum distance between bushes when planting tomatoes in a greenhouse cannot be less than 50 cm, and you need to retreat 10 cm or a little more from the border of the garden bed. The passage between the ridges is determined arbitrarily, but not to the detriment of convenience in the process of weeding and performing other maintenance procedures. If the space allows, it is advisable to make passages of 70 cm, if not, then 50 cm or a little less.​

  • ​We must not forget that the life cycle of a tomato bush varies from 110 to 130 days, depending on the personal characteristics of the variety. In order for the plant to go through all the stages of green and red life path, it is planted in the ground quite early. For middle zone usual period: from the end/middle of the first ten days to the middle of the second ten days of May. In short, by May 15–20, tomato seedlings should already be established in the greenhouse. For the northern regions, planting dates, of course, shift with a focus on specific climatic conditions.​
  • ​. Plant up to 1.5 m high. Fruitful, early. Tomatoes weighing up to 900g.​
  • ​. Sweet, pink vegetables weighing up to 80g. They don’t stepchild.​
  • ​Semko-98 F1​

​. Early ripening. Round tomatoes, red, 90g each.​
Advice. For growing tomatoes, it is best to use polycarbonate greenhouses.​
​As a rule, transplanting tomatoes into a greenhouse is done in separate rows. Seedlings are planted at a distance of at least 50 cm.

Soil is poured into a peat cup or other container. You need to make several holes at the bottom of the container to allow excess moisture to escape.​

Greenhouses made of polycarbonate

Almost every person knows how a greenhouse works and that the most common crops can be grown in them: tomatoes and cucumbers. But not everyone knows how to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse.​

​. Grown tomatoes must have thick skin, which allows them to be transported over long distances. In remote northern regions the price for early products is significantly higher than at the place of cultivation.​

​Greenhouse beds for tomatoes are usually higher than the general surface level, because the soil raised above the ground warms up better and faster. There are differences in the priority heights: from 20 cm to 40 cm. The height depends on the ability of the owners to fill the bed with a suitable soil mixture and on the physical ability to stay at the bed for a long time in a “bent over” or “squatting” position.​

  • The lifespan of a variety is an important parameter when choosing a variety of cultivated tomatoes. In any case, seedlings are planted only when the ground has warmed to a depth of below 20 cm. Naturally, in the northern regions, conditions favorable for planting occur much later. This means that northerners need a tomato variety that is shorter than for the middle zone. life cycle. True, increased daylight hours help, but you shouldn’t rely on it recklessly.​
    ​Great warrior​
  • ​Fairy gift​
  • ​. Early ripening. Tomatoes weighing up to 80g. Round-flat, uniform color, smooth. The plant is resistant to late blight.​ ​Blagovest F1​

But here it is worth taking into account the tomato variety itself and the level of its growth. In some cases, the distance between tomato bushes can reach 1 m.

Metal frame for polycarbonate greenhouse

​The soil is not compacted to ensure air flow.​
​Before planting tomatoes in a greenhouse, you must first choose the right variety. The costs and profit received will depend on this.​

​Increased productivity​

​The soil for tomatoes needs to be optimized in the following ways:​
​We got to know the individual claims of tomatoes. We found out how to create conditions for their successful growth in a polycarbonate greenhouse. We realized that to plant tomatoes we should prepare a greenhouse and grow or purchase seedlings. Those. all efforts aimed at obtaining a harvest will consist of two stages: obtaining seedlings and preparing the greenhouse.​
​. Early and tall. Can reach 2m. Vegetables weighing up to 500g. Raspberry color.​

New varieties of tomatoes: sweet, productive and large-fruited

​. Beautiful orange fruits, slightly ribbed, heart-shaped. Excellent taste.​

Tomato varieties for greenhouses

​Ox ear​​. Valued for its friendly and early maturation. Round vegetables weighing 110g.​

​This type of design has a long service life. Polycarbonate itself is reliable and very practical material. Its properties are suitable for covering the frame of a greenhouse with it. The rows are first made using a hoe or any other available garden tool. Some tomato varieties may have a long root system, and in this case it is worth using a shovel.​

​With the help of a simple wooden stick of large volume (3-4 cm), not too much is done in the ground deep hole. Seeds are poured into it and covered with soil.​ ​Modern gardeners already know about all existing greenhouse varieties tomato, for beginners such information will be very useful.​

​. The resulting harvest from the variety implies a return on the costs invested in its cultivation and the receipt of additional income. Loamy and clayey soil is “loosened” by adding a bucket of humus per 1 m², sawdust and peat;​

It’s easier to buy seedlings, and less time and effort will be spent. However, there will be no confidence in the exact observance of agrotechnical standards for its cultivation. In addition, not all varieties of tomatoes are suitable for effective planting in a polycarbonate greenhouse. Often in spring there are noticeable differences between night and day temperatures, due to which moisture can condense on polycarbonate walls. It can significantly harm unhardened varieties, because contributes to the emergence and spread of diseases.​ ​Bull forehead​

​Siberian Troika​​. Fleshy fruits, elongated-convex shape, weighing up to 100 g.​

​Kostroma F1​​So:​

​Each sprout is removed from the container with the soil in which the seed was poured.​ Advice. Do not cover the seeds too tightly with soil. It is necessary to give them the opportunity to freely get enough air.

​There are these types of tomatoes:​​Immunity to many tomato infections.​

Soil with a predominance of peat is “lightened” by adding a bucket of turf soil, humus and small shavings per 1 m². And another half a bucket per 1 m² of coarse sand.​ ​For growing in a greenhouse with this type of coating, it is recommended to purchase disease-resistant, hardened hybrids with the alphanumeric index F1. They are somewhat more expensive than varietal seeds, but are better adapted to the conditions specified by polycarbonate. They get sick less and bear more fruit. Self-pollinating hybrids will not need to be artificially pollinated. Among them are representatives of large-fruited tomatoes and varieties of the “cherry” type. The only negative is that the seeds of hybrids will not have “parental” properties. The next generation loses the qualities established by breeders when crossing two varieties. The characteristics of hybrids appear only in the first generation.​

​. Variety of Siberian breeders. Produces sweet fruits weighing up to 600 cm.​​. Red-raspberry elongated vegetables, 100g each. Perfect for pickling.​

​Nastenka​​. Mid-early. Tomatoes weighing 125g.​

​There are several types of polycarbonate, but only cellular polycarbonate is used for the construction of greenhouses. Its structure is very dense and there are honeycombs inside it. You can free the roots from it, but this is only when the soil in the seedling container and in the greenhouse itself is different.

​All cups with seedlings are located in the greenhouse.​​"Samara" is a sweet and very juicy variety that is intended for growing indoors.​

​If the variety contains disease resistance genes, then infection does not occur. Preference is given to those varieties that have several of these genes. After filling in the “optimizers,” the homemade soil mixture must be fertilized with 1 tablespoon of potassium sulfate with 2 tablespoons of superphosphate, and then carefully dug up. Immediately before planting tomatoes in beds in a polycarbonate greenhouse, the ground should be watered with a pink solution of potassium permanganate. For cooking disinfectant dissolve 1 g. pharmaceutical potassium permanganate powder in 10 liters of water at a temperature of about 60ºC.​

​For planting in a polycarbonate greenhouse you can use:​​Siberian Troika​

​Joy of Summer​​. Beautiful and fleshy tomatoes, elongated in shape. Red color up to 200g. One bush produces a large number of fruits.​

Low growing tomato varieties

The best low-growing tomato varieties are as follows:

​Ilyich F1​​They ensure uniform distribution of sunlight.​

Advice. If the tomato seedlings are already ready for planting and taken out of the container, but there is no time to plant them at the moment, then you need to wrap the root system with a damp rag. Tomatoes cannot be placed in water, as they may become oversaturated with moisture. During the first period of time, which is 20-30 days, tomato leaves will not appear. Only then will the stems begin to grow.

​“Honey Drop” is a very sweet and pouring variety.​​Tomatoes are different great variety varieties and hybrids. It is very difficult to choose which tomatoes to plant in a greenhouse. A description of the best of them for various areas of use is provided.​

​Then we form the holes in a checkerboard pattern, in a kind of zigzag or against each other, not forgetting that there should be 50-60 cm between the tomato bushes. Prepare a solution from 1 bottle of the greenhouse preventive drug “Zaslon” and pour 0.5 liters of it into each hole.​ ​Determinant tomatoes, the bushes of which reach a height of 0.7 to 1.5 m and stop growing after a set of 6-8 deliveries;

​. The most productive and sweet of large-fruited fruits. Bush up to 60cm high. From each one you can harvest up to 5 kg of fleshy and sweet tomatoes.​ ​. High-yielding, ultra-early ripening variety. Elongated fruits, red in color, weighing 100–120 g. Great for canning.​

​Japanese dwarf​​. Early ripening and high-yielding. The plant is resistant to diseases, produces tomatoes weighing 140 - 150 g.​

​This material is widely used in greenhouses that I work all year round, since polycarbonate is frost-resistant and can withstand heavy loads. This indicator is especially important in those areas where there is a high level of precipitation in winter. How to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse? The seedling is taken and carefully inserted into the pre-made hole.​

During this period, the most important thing is to provide them with proper care. It includes not only watering, but also fertilizing the soil to feed the sprouts. "Money Maker" - designed for growing tomatoes in a greenhouse. Planted in March and fruits appear in summer.​

​Hybrid Lovely Lady F​​Maintaining the recommended distance is almost mandatory. If there is a lot of free space between the tomato bushes, they will actively begin to branch. Due to numerous stepsons, productivity will decrease. You will have to carry out stepsoning more often than expected, and this is extra stress for sensitive “seniors”. Removal of stepchildren is carried out on a sunny morning, without cutting off, but breaking off excess branches. Afterwards, foams 2-3 cm long should remain on the stem. The sun will dry the broken surface and heal it.​

​indeterminate tomatoes that grow and bloom throughout the entire gardening season without restrictions.​​Alsu​

​Geisha​​. Does not require much lighting or area. Therefore, it is often chosen for growing at home. One bush can produce 50 tomatoes.​

Yield varieties of tomatoes

The best productive tomato varieties:

​Search F1​​Due to the fact that polycarbonate freely retains heat inside the structure, it will be possible to save on heating.​

The top is filled with soil and lightly compacted. Immediately along each row you need to make additional holes that will be used during the watering process.​ ​You also need a certain temperature, which should not fall below +15 degrees at night.​

​"Long Keeper" - produces fruits up to 4 kg per bush.​​1​

​We plant tomato seedlings in the prepared beds in the following sequence:​​Indeterminate tomatoes are a priority. Their fruits begin to ripen earlier, and the bushes bear fruit longer. However, with a reasonable combination of two or three types of tomatoes, it will be possible to harvest the fruits for seasonal salads and for long-term storage, and for conservation. There is no consensus on planting different varieties of tomatoes in one greenhouse. According to a number of gardeners, this is not worth doing. There are those who disagree, arguing that in an arched structure, for example, it is irrational to cultivate bushes of the same height. It is advisable to plant determinate tomatoes along the rounded walls, and their indeterminate counterparts along the line close to the center.​

​. Plants up to 80cm high. Fruits weighing from 500 to 800g. Beautiful, red, marketable.​​. Strong bushes up to 70cm. Delicate, pink tomatoes with excellent taste.​

​Snow fairy tale​​. Early ripening and high-yielding. The plant is up to 1m high and produces high quality fruits. Resistant to diseases and temperature changes.​

​It is very easy to work with and the price is low.​ Advice. Such actions are carried out if only the root system is watered.

Large-fruited and sweet varieties of tomatoes

Advice. The seedlings should not stretch out too much, as everything nutrients will go to the root or trunk of the bush.

​“Miracle of the Earth” is the most popular variety among summer residents for growing tomatoes in greenhouse conditions.​​considered one of the best tomatoes for Siberia in a greenhouse. This is a domestic modern variety created by the Ilyinichna company. Combines resistance to stress. Maturing together early harvest. Harvesting the first tomatoes is possible 95 days after germination. The initial brush is formed over the 7-8 leaves, and they alternate every 1-2 leaves. The tomato must be formed as a single stem. Planting density 3 tomatoes per square meter. m. The brush forms up to 7 aligned fruits weighing about 120 g, the pulp of which is very tasty. The variety includes genes that allow it not to be affected by a whole range of dangerous diseases: viral, fusarium and cladosporium fungi. The harvest from one bush can be over 4.5 kilograms.​

Before planting tomato seedlings, we tear off two or three of its lower leaves;​Hybrids do not need to be disinfected, soaked, germinated, hardened, etc. their forcing is carried out as follows:

​Siberian trump card​​Pink pearl​

​. Ultra early ripening variety. One bush is capable of producing 30 fruits, weighing up to 200g. The height of the bush is 40-50 cm. Technically ripe vegetables have White color. Then they turn red. The bush hung with white, red and orange tomatoes looks very beautiful.​ ​Samara F1​

​Polycarbonate does not burn, but can only melt. In this process, it is not released into the atmosphere harmful substances, that is, it is environmentally friendly.​ ​Watch the video, which shows an example of planting tomato seedlings in the soil of a greenhouse.​

​You only need to water the seedlings a few times during their growth period:​​"Bull's heart" - has a high yield.​

​turn the pot with seedlings over and, lightly tapping, empty the container;​

​Let's prepare boxes, plastic bags or boxes with holes to drain excess water at the bottom. The height of the planting container is up to 7 cm. At the stage of preparing containers for seedlings, you need to take into account that they do not sow in one container different varieties tomatoes. Large-fruited. Suitable for open ground. Fruits weighing up to 700g. red-raspberry color. Sweet.​

​. Bush strewn with pink vegetables up to 100g.​​Bear in the North​

New varieties of tomatoes

​. Early ripening. Dense, smooth round tomatoes, 80g each. Excellent taste. Simultaneous maturation makes it possible to harvest the crop with brushes.​ ​It can be mounted on any material. As a rule, it is used on metal frames of greenhouses.​

​The seedlings are not watered on the first day, since their root system is already moistened, and then you need to choose the best way Watering:​ ​The first time - when the first glimpses of growth of the trunk or leaves appear.​

​"Dina" is a very fertile variety that produces fruits up to 4.5 kg per bush.​​, obtained by Gavrish, is often used in recommendations as best tomato for the Urals in a greenhouse due to the combination of the set required parameters. It is highly adaptable to changing conditions in greenhouses. The first harvest ripens on 106-109 days from the formation of seedlings. Produces flat-rounded fruits weighing up to 140 g. The variety includes genes that allow the plant not to be infected with a large number of diseases, including those caused by fungi of the genus Fusarium and Cladosporium, and TMV. One plant can produce more than 4.5 kilograms of fruit.​

Tomato varieties: photo gallery (click to enlarge):

Planting tomatoes in a polycarbonate greenhouse: stages and specifics

Controversy between tomatoes and polycarbonate

​The root system, which has retained the shape of the pot, is installed in the hole so that the cotyledon leaves are located above the surface of the soil;​

  • ​We prepare a soil mixture from equal parts of turf soil, peat and humus. We fertilize it with one tablespoon of superphosphate and the same amount of wood ash. If you don’t have time to bother with preparation, we buy soil with pre-mixed fertilizers intended for tomato seedlings.​
  • ​Sevruga​
  • ​Amur dawns​

​. Bush up to 50cm high. Ultra early ripening. Sweet tomatoes weighing up to 110g. Excellent taste.​

​Tornado F1​ ​This type of frame is quite popular for organizing a greenhouse business. It is strong and durable.​​Drip irrigation.​

Standard requirements for tomatoes

​Second - watering is carried out 1.5-2 weeks later, a few hours before planting the tomatoes in the greenhouse.​

  • ​These are the most popular varieties that are most often used in greenhouses for growing tomatoes.​
  • ​If you need sweet varieties of tomatoes for a greenhouse, then the clear leader among them is a hybrid​
  • ​fill the free space with soil dumped when forming the holes;​

​Before planting, water the soil mixture with a solution of a useful product - guamate, diluted according to the instructions attached to it. The solution should have the color of beer and a temperature of approximately 35-40ºC.​

​. Large-fruited. Mid-season variety. With proper care, the plant can produce vegetables weighing up to 1500g.​

Technology for planting tomatoes in a greenhouse

​. One bush produces 30 red fruits suitable for pickling.​

Stage #1 - growing tomato seedlings

​Early sun​

​. Universal hybrid. The plant is 1.5 - 1.8 m high. Mid-season. Bright red round tomatoes weighing up to 90g.​

​True, we should not forget about such a property of metal as corrosion.​

  • ​Sprinkler​
  • Advice. Seedlings need to be watered lightly warm water, temperature 20 degrees.​

It is also worth paying attention to exactly when tomato seedlings are planted in the greenhouse. For some varieties there is a specific time for such actions.

​Titanic F1​

  • ​We water the first time and immediately tie the bushes to the trellises after 10-12 days. We take our time with watering in order to hold back the growth of the stems in height.
  • ​We plant the seeds immediately in boxes/bags/boxes according to the “back to school” principle, i.e. densely in furrows up to 1.5 cm deep. The distance between sowing furrows is 5-7 cm.​
  • ​Lightweight and durable greenhouse structures with polymer coating are confidently displacing outdated glass and film predecessors from suburban areas. They have a lot of advantages, but sometimes ignorance of the specifics of the material turns the advantages into significant disadvantages. Therefore, if you plan to plant tomatoes in a greenhouse with plastic glazing, you should take it into account technical features. A thrifty owner should not forget that tomatoes:
  • ​Large-fruited tomato varieties are very popular. They are huge in size and have amazing taste. They are also called beef tomatoes. The following sweet tomato varieties fall into this category.​
  • ​. The bush produces 54 tomatoes. They are dense, yellow-orange. Plant height up to 50cm.​
  • ​Verlioka F1​
  • Advice. Because over time metal carcass may rust, you can prevent this phenomenon and paint it, thereby increasing its service life.​
  • ​Intrasoil.​

In order to prevent the seedlings from stretching to one side, they need to be rearranged with the other side every day. This applies to the method when seedlings are grown in a box.​

​. Produced by the domestic company “Ilyinichna”, it stands out among the rest due to its combination of large fruits up to 200 g with excellent taste. The first fruits can be harvested 113 days after germination. Ovaries form well in unfavorable greenhouse conditions. It weakly forms stepsons, which reduces the amount of work required to care for plants. Greenhouse tomatoes of the Titanic variety accumulate a record amount of sugar (6% or more), having an attractive red skin color with a pinkish tint. Plants have genes that allow them not to become infected viral diseases, spores of Fusarium and Cladosporium fungi. In addition, the variety tolerates infection with root-knot nematodes without reducing yield.​

​The video tutorial will clearly help you master the procedure:​

​We place the containers on stands placed on the windowsill (bricks, bars, stacks of old notebooks, etc.). It is necessary that air flows freely to the root system.

Abundant and regular ventilation is necessary. Natural “ventilation” in buildings covered with solid polycarbonate sheets is lower than in “frame” greenhouses with glass or film. Therefore, for good growth of tomato bushes and fruit set, you need a structure not only with side windows, but also with top windows. It is advisable to have at least three windows. It is even more desirable that at least one of them be equipped with a device that automatically opens the ventilation hole in the event of “overkill” with the temperature inside the structure;​

Stage #1 - preparing the greenhouse and planting tomatoes

​Eagle beak​


​. Determinate type plant. Valued for its vigorous and early fruiting. Productivity is average. Smooth, round fruits.​

​Installation of such a frame requires preparation of the foundation. To do this, the supporting planks of the structure must be concreted into the ground to a depth of 50-40 cm.​

  • ​Each tomato variety has its own watering instructions.​
  • ​In another case, it is best to build a greenhouse that would have an even distribution of sunlight.​

​No one will argue that it will be cheaper to grow tomato seedlings yourself than to buy ready-made ones. If you want to start a greenhouse business, then it would be more rational to save your money at the initial stage cash, which over time can be invested in the development of a business project.​

Studying in detail the process of forcing seedlings and the procedure for preparing a greenhouse provides many advantages. Compliance with agrotechnical standards will ensure productivity and help prevent diseases. In any matter, it is better to understand thoroughly in order to get desired result and not learn from your own mistakes and mistakes.​

​The seedlings will grow in the box for about 30 days until two or three of their own leaves appear. During this time, they only need to be watered 3 times so that the seedlings do not stretch out too much. The first time we water it with a small amount of water, when all the seedlings appear “into the light”. Further according to the situation: in one or even two weeks. The soil should be moist, but not waterlogged.​

  • ​Required preventative protection from destructive late blight and other vegetable pests that reproduce in an enclosed space as actively as cultivated plants. Therefore, before planting seedlings, the greenhouse is regularly treated to destroy fungal spores, putrefactive microorganisms and larvae of voracious insects;
  • ​. Achievement of Siberian breeders. Suitable for open and protected ground. Medium-sized plant up to 150 cm high. Large crimson fruits similar to the beak of an eagle. One plant can produce up to 8 kg of tomatoes.​
  • ​. Plant up to 50cm high. Red flat-round tomatoes, weighing up to 200g. No need for pinching or gartering.​
  • ​Caspar F1​
  • ​The metal frame is wind and cold resistant. It does not deform under the influence of sunlight and high temperature. Unlike wood, it does not absorb moisture.​

Note: If you have questions about how to properly plant tomatoes in a greenhouse, you can first consult with a specialist in this field, who will tell you what actions should be taken and what actions should not be taken.​

Here you also need to take into account that it is necessary to harden the seedlings. To do this, in the greenhouse in mid-spring, the windows are regularly opened day and night.​