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Indications and contraindications for narzan baths. Carbon dioxide waters in spa treatment

Narzan baths - one of the leading methods of treating cardiovascular diseases.

The therapeutic effect of Narzan baths depends on the totality physical and chemical properties narzan, the presence of mineral salts in it, including biologically active trace elements, and carbon dioxide in a free and bound state. While taking a Narzan bath, mineral salts dissolved in Narzan irritate the nerve endings of the skin and the surface network of tiny vessels - capillaries. As a result, active mediator substances are produced, among which histamine and acetylcholine are especially important. At the same time, small bubbles of carbon dioxide in the narzan bath settle on the skin in the form of a pearl shell and thereby enhance the effect of salts on the skin. A certain amount of carbon dioxide from narzan penetrates through the skin and mucous membranes into the bloodstream. The main effect of narzan baths is through a neuro-reflex effect. Millions of nerve endings - skin receptors - perceive chemical and temperature irritations of carbon dioxide, and the central nervous system transforms, differentiates them and organizes a response in the form of the most advanced activity of cardio-vascular system and metabolic processes.

Water temperature in a Narzan bath

In the past, patients bathed in the “cold boiling water” of Narzan. Then, in the first decades of our century, doctors willingly prescribed cold baths - 26-25 ° C, and sometimes even lower temperatures. There is more carbon dioxide in cold Narzan, and cold water acts energetically. Further observations convinced us that in diseases of the heart and blood vessels, such treatment is harmful and often dangerous. Now, depending on the nature of the disease and the general condition of the patient, they prescribe narzan baths are cool- 32-33°, indifferent narzan baths- 34-35°, warm narzan baths- 37-38°. Their action is different. Thus, indifferent narzan baths have a calming effect on the nervous system, lower blood pressure, and relax muscles. Warm and hot narzan baths activate the heart, cause blood vessels to dilate, the pulse quickens, and relieve pain. As can be seen from the above examples, the temperature of the water in the bath determines different physiological and healing effect.

Duration of Narzan baths

Observing the effect of Narzan while the patient is taking a bath and during its immediate aftereffect, it was found that the reaction of the nervous and cardiovascular systems at the beginning and at the end of taking a Narzan bath is different. Positive effect gradually increases, the skin turns pink, a feeling of warmth and comfort appears, the pulse quickens, blood pressure drops slightly. What happens if the patient remains in the narzan bath longer than the prescribed time? This is where a paradoxical phenomenon occurs - the negative phase of action. A feeling of chills appears, the skin turns pale, blood pressure begins to increase, and sometimes even mild dizziness and fatigue appear. Depending on the age and nature of the disease, the negative phase of action carbon dioxide baths occurs at different times. That's why The duration of Narzan baths is determined individually. It is necessary to strictly follow the doctor’s instructions and not sit in the bath for “extra minutes.”

Number of Narzan baths

Among many patients there is a desire to receive more procedures. If such a desire is more or less harmless at other resorts, then when treatment with narzan baths in Kislovodsk this should not be done. For example, for a course of treatment radon waters the patient benefits from taking 18-20 and even more baths, and when treated with narzan baths, negative reactions appear after 12-14 baths, and in older people suffering from atherosclerosis, even after 8-10 baths. All these facts are confirmed by scientific research.

Beneficial effects of Narzan baths First of all, it affects general well-being. Appears good mood, a feeling of vigor, a desire to move, sometimes even some excitement. But all these sensations do not arise immediately. While taking a bath and in the next hour and a half, there is a desire to take a nap and even sleep, which should be done in the rest room or in the ward. Scientific observations have shown that decreased breathing and heart rate, decreased blood pressure and other favorable changes that occurred during the bath can be observed for another 3-4 hours after it.

In progress treatment with narzan baths the nutrition of the muscle of the heart itself improves, it switches to a more economical rhythm of work, and this is of decisive importance in the recovery mechanism. In the same time carbon dioxide baths have a positive effect on hematopoiesis and endocrine glands. But be careful! As an energetic balneological procedure, baths can also cause harm. They should not be taken in cases of significant circulatory disorders, when persistent edema, congestive liver and kidneys have appeared, in cases where fresh myocardial infarctions or blood clots have formed in the vessels, as well as in hypertensive crises. With significant atherosclerosis of the cerebral and coronary vessels, when the symptoms of atherosclerosis are accompanied by dizziness or frequent prolonged attacks of angina, carbon dioxide baths are absolutely contraindicated. 1) Based on materials from

But it may also have preventive and therapeutic effects on the human body. Perennial world practice confirms the healing effect of various hydrotherapy procedures on the human body. Therapeutic baths, as a rule, simultaneously have a chemical, mechanical and thermal effect on the human body. In addition, some medicinal baths can be considered as a procedure. Unfortunately, medicinal baths There may also be contraindications for use. In order for these procedures to bring only results, the decision to prescribe specific types of baths must be made by the doctor.

Types of therapeutic baths:
Based on the degree of immersion of the body in water, baths are divided into:
General (the body is completely immersed in water).
Half-baths (the body is immersed in water only up to the waist).
Local (hands or feet are immersed in the water).

By chemical composition medicinal baths can be very diverse. Below are the most common ones.

  • Hydrogen sulfide baths. These hydrotherapy procedures use mineral waters enriched with hydrogen sulfide, which has a variety of effects on the human body. Hydrogen sulfide baths help improve metabolism and remove toxins from the body. Have a beneficial effect on skin and muscle tissue. Hydrogen sulfide baths are prescribed for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cardiovascular system, some gynecological problems and skin diseases. Hydrogen sulfide baths have a specific rotten smell.
  • Turpentine baths. Turpentine baths became widespread in the middle of the last century. For this procedure, add a turpentine mixture to the water. These baths help improve blood circulation and enhance the body's protective functions. Assign turpentine baths at various diseases musculoskeletal system, nervous, genitourinary and cardiovascular systems, as well as to reduce excess weight.
  • Nitrogen baths. Baths, the water in which is enriched with nitrogen, have been used to treat and prevent many diseases for about 50 years. Nitrogen baths do not irritate the skin as much as others mineral baths. Nitrogen baths help normalize the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and digestive systems, and help cope with joint diseases.
  • Carbon dioxide baths. The water in such baths is saturated with carbon dioxide. True, there are natural fillers for such baths - carbonated mineral waters, for example Narzan. Narzan baths are a very popular procedure in the resorts of Kislovodsk (Stavropol Territory) and Shmakovka (Primorsky Territory). Carbon dioxide baths improve blood circulation and have an effect on internal organs and brain, enhance metabolic processes in the body. Carbon dioxide baths are prescribed for various diseases of the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine and nervous systems, as well as diseases of the skin and joints. In addition, when taking baths with mineral waters, the body is saturated with various useful substances(, and others depending on the type of mineral water). Unfortunately, carbon dioxide baths, like other types of baths, are contraindicated for many diseases, and therefore can only be prescribed by a doctor.
  • Iodine-bromine baths. These baths help replenish the deficiency in the body and prevent many chronic diseases associated with a deficiency of these chemical elements. For various diseases thyroid gland, endocrine, nervous, cardiovascular and other systems and organs of the body, iodine-bromine baths can be both indicated and contraindicated. This type of therapeutic bath has a beneficial effect on brain function, improves metabolic processes in the body, helps cope with some gynecological diseases and skin diseases. Iodine-bromine baths are also prescribed for various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Oxygen baths. Oxygen baths are a very popular type of hydrotherapy, which has a wide range of preventive and therapeutic effect on the body. When taking these baths, active oxygen penetrates the body not only through the skin, but also through Airways, since it accumulates in high concentration above the surface of the water. Oxygen, entering the blood, is distributed throughout the body, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of almost all human organs and systems. Oxygen baths help normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems and improve metabolism. In addition, these water procedures help fight overweight and cellulite.
  • Salt baths. For this procedure, add sea or regular water to the water. salt. Salt baths help cope with the consequences of injuries, reduce joint and muscle pain, improve metabolism, help reduce excess weight, and are useful for stress. Baths using salt have a positive effect on many human systems and organs, but may be contraindicated, therefore, they should be prescribed by a doctor, like other medicinal baths.
  • Herbal baths. IN herbal baths ah, decoctions, tinctures, extracts, dried and freshly collected parts are added to the water medicinal plants. For data water procedures use pine needles, chamomile, sage, nettle, valerian, oak bark, calamus roots, Linden blossom, citrus fruits, and many other plants. The variety of fillers for such baths, as well as the range of their actions, is very wide. A separate article will be devoted to a more detailed description of herbal baths.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

Narzan - mineral water With medicinal properties, which enjoys a long-term proven reputation and in some cases is recommended as a method of general complex treatment. The water is obtained from a source formed by the melting waters of the huge glacier of Mount Elbrus. The exact channel along which they pass The groundwater, is still unknown, but it is believed that this, perhaps tortuous path, explains the saturation of Narzan with mineral components that give it unique medicinal properties.

Kislovodsk rightfully bears the title of the pearl of Russian resorts, because people from all over Russia come here to undergo treatment mineral water from the source. Indications for the use of the sanatorium-resort method of treatment are determined by the attending physician, who decides on the advisability of its prescription and the method of its use. Modern industry has long established the production of water from famous springs in hermetically sealed bottles. Now, to undergo treatment, you just need to go to the pharmacy and purchase the required drink.

The origin of the name “Narzan” is etymologically associated with a word in the Kabardian language, literally translated, meaning “drink of heroes.” This mineral water was appreciated by the Russian Tsar Peter I. The optimal indications for use, dosage, subtleties of the healing process and how to drink it correctly in order to obtain the desired therapeutic effect, it became possible to determine only after medical research.

Mineral water "Narzan"

The basis for the development of the source was the report of a physician sent by Peter I to the current North Caucasus region in order to find healing springs similar in effect to the water resources of Carlsbad.

He didn't have to do a long search. Detailed description The spring was created only at the end of the 18th century, and in the 19th the development of a natural treasury was carried out, and preparations began for its large-scale exploitation.

Kislovodsk was founded as a resort in 1803, and 99 years after its founding, Narzan was awarded first prize at a French competition. Until 1928, only one variety was considered known, but subsequently other mineral waters, identified as carbonic, were explored in the Kislovodsk region.

Indications for use are determined by the ratio of ions and the degree of mineralization of each of the identified subgroups, but their therapeutic effect receives consistently positive reviews:

  1. General (from the banks of the Berezovka and Podkumok rivers) mineralization is about 2 g/l, carbon dioxide 1.2-1.4 g/l, partly for drinking, but mostly for external use;
  2. Dolomitny (Kislovodsk deposit) carbon dioxide 2 g/l, and mineralization about 5 g/l, hydrocarbonate, containing sodium, magnesium, sulfates and calcium;
  3. Sulfate (from great depths, 350-400m), high level carbon dioxide, active iron, a little arsenic, mineralization 5.2-6.7 g/l.

“Dolomite Narzan”, “Sulfate Narzan” and “Narzan” are mineral waters classified as Kislovodsk deposits, containing magnesium, sodium, calcium, sulfate-hydrocarbonate.

Indications for use and use in medicinal purposes they differ somewhat, depending on the degree of mineralization. In Dolomite there is a high concentration of sodium and chlorine, and increased concentration carbon dioxide, it has a more pronounced therapeutic effect and is drunk as prescribed by a doctor in certain cases.

Indications for use are determined by the concentration of magnesium, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, iodine, bromine, fluorine and even lithium, which are found in medicinal waters. The price depends not only on a certain type of water, but also on the region in which it is sold, in what container it is packaged, and what trade markup retail and pharmacy chains have decided to charge.

Healing properties and general prerequisites for use

Narzan is prescribed by a doctor depending on the type. Each type has not only general medicinal qualities, but also certain properties due to the characteristics of its composition. Mineral water with a high calcium content is indicated for use during pregnancy, children with diabetes and during periods of increased growth, because it promotes not only the improvement of the condition, but also the growth of bones, teeth, hair, and nails.

During pregnancy, calcium in a woman’s body is very intensively spent on the formation of the fetus, and if there is a shortage of it, the building element is taken from the body.

As indications for use in urolithiasis, in healing process The properties of Narzan can be used to regulate and normalize metabolism in the body, strengthen the immune system and evacuate toxins and waste from the body. However, this issue can only be resolved by a doctor. Hydrocarbonates, sulfates, chlorides, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, other chemical elements in large quantities, give the opportunity to recommend different types to resolve problems:

  • cardiovascular system (coronary artery disease, post-infarction and post-phlebitis conditions, hypertension, rheumatic carditis, myocarditis, varicose veins);
  • Gastrointestinal tract (colitis, gastritis, enterocolitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers, chronic digestive disorders);
  • biliary system (chronic diseases of the liver and gallbladder, hepatitis, cholecystitis, pancreatitis in remission);
  • urology (cystitis, prostatitis and impotence;
  • ENT and respiratory organs (sinusitis, sinusitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, bronchial asthma, etc.);
  • VNS and central nervous system (neuritis, neuropathies, polyneuritis, damage to nerve endings due to osteochondrosis and joint pathologies);
  • gynecology (endometritis, menopausal syndrome, post-inflammatory infertility, parametritis and ovarian dysfunction).

The range of problems resolved with the help of Narzan, as an auxiliary method in the overall complex of therapeutic measures, is much wider than in the above list. Indications for the use of mineral water can be used even for insomnia, and its therapeutic effect will vary depending on the characteristics of use and frequency. When cold, an hour before meals, it will enhance the secretory function of digestion and stimulate all processes.

Warm water, on the contrary, will dull the feeling of hunger and reduce intestinal irritation. Washing and bathing trigger skin regeneration processes and help improve its condition. They promote rejuvenation, cessation of inflammation and purulent complications.

Medical resort "Narzan" in Kislovodsk

Therapeutic effects can be achieved following medical recommendations, but do not think that Narzan is a panacea that heals by drinking it daily instead of plain water.

At the resort, clean mountain air, comprehensive procedures, lack of stress and diet play a role. Narzans in pharmacy sales also require correctly selected treatment.

Proper use of mineral water

Narzan, which is mined in Kislovodsk springs, often has little in common with the products that end up on store shelves. It is imperative to pay attention to all the indicators on the label in order to obtain the expected therapeutic effect for a particular disease. Drinking mineral water with this name can be bottled from the Kumsky spring, the waters of which are mixed with Kislovodsk in a certain proportion.

Indications for use are determined not by the label on the bottle, but by the qualitative composition of the water, the concentration of sodium, chlorine, magnesium, calcium, chlorine, sulfur, iodine, bromine, fluorine in it. For teeth and bones, doctors recommend water with a high calcium content for pregnant women, children, and patients with joint pathologies. Sulfate water is good for obesity and diabetes.

To avoid mistakes and not get a negative effect instead of the expected benefit, the dosage of Narzan should be agreed with your doctor. In particular, this applies to diseases of the cardiovascular system, hypertension and pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

There are a number of contraindications in which the use of mineral water from an indication for use turns into a factor that can provoke an exacerbation or worsening of the condition due to the large amount of a certain substance contained therein. chemical element. Only a pediatrician or a specialized doctor who treats the disease can decide how to drink for children.

Self-medication in such cases is fraught with consequences, despite the fact that the water is sold in a pharmacy, and all the information is indicated on its label. required parameters, starting from composition and ending with indications. The main thing is the correct dosage and use. Gastrointestinal pathologies require removal of gases from the bottle; pancreatitis is treated only in a state of remission, and only with warm narzan, in a minimal amount.

Mineral water drunk in large quantities “for benefit and prevention” can provoke the onset of hyperkalemia, cause exacerbation of pancreatitis, or transition from chronic renal failure to severe form. You can independently determine the indications for the use of Narzan only for use in inhalations, and even then, if you are not particularly zealous and carry them out correctly. Some rules are common to everyone:

  • Narzan is found only in Kislovodsk; it is a water unique in its composition, generated by the peculiarities of its climatic and geographical location;
  • reference Narzan is considered table water and does not have a special taste or smell;
  • for preventive purposes, you can drink no more than 250 g per day;
  • to relieve alcohol intoxication - no more than 300-350 per day;
  • for chronic gastritis - 3 times a day, in small sips a quarter of an hour before meals;
  • chronic cholecystitis, pancreatitis, biliary dyskinesia - in small sips, warmed;
  • highly carbonated, with different tastes- also medicinal, and children should be given it in limited quantities, with medical approval (natural gases are added using a special factory setting directly from the source).

The main indications for use for medicinal purposes are gastrointestinal and cardiovascular diseases, but this is only part of the therapeutic method. In other cases, the decision on admission is made by the attending physician, who is guided by anamnesis, history of the development of the disease, and chronic pathologies present in the body. You should not drink Narzan daily in large quantities instead of plain water or table mineral water, especially if the medical examination was carried out a long time ago.

Contraindications for use

Excessive amounts of minerals in the body can not only cause undesirable consequences, but also intensify the acute stages of diseases. Any metabolic processes in the body are determined by the presence of biological substances, which in some reactions are calcium, magnesium, sodium and sulfates. Therefore, it is strictly not recommended to drink Narzan during periods of exacerbation. chronic disease, or in its acute phase. It is better not to resort to mineral water if:

  • oncological diseases;
  • active stage of tuberculosis;
  • acute periods of articular pathologies;
  • liver cirrhosis;
  • exacerbation of urolithiasis and stones requiring removal;
  • metabolic problems;
  • lung abscess;
  • some mental disorders.

Conditional contraindications include the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy.

Like anyone medicinal product, Narzan cannot be used in any quantity, because it has its own indications and contraindications. It never occurs to anyone to drink liters of medicine or simply take it at will.

Healing mineral water should also be used purposefully, in a certain dosage. For its administration, methods have been developed that have been tested through many years of clinical experience and scientific research.

Taking a bath is usually considered a personal hygiene procedure; it can also have a preventive and therapeutic effect. Various hydrotherapy procedures have a positive effect on the human body. Narzan baths are becoming increasingly popular and cure many diseases.

Narzan baths are baths filled with mineral water and saturated with carbon dioxide. This procedure is the leading treatment method various diseases at the Kislovodsk resort.

Thanks to carbon dioxide, the formation of histamine-like substances in the skin affects hemodynamics. Carbon dioxide entering through the skin is carried by the blood throughout the body and affects the nerve center and cardiovascular system. Another way carbon dioxide affects the body is inhalation. Inhalation takes place more intensively when the water temperature increases. Excreted from the body through the lungs.

Staying in such a bath is about 10-30 minutes - this time is enough for carbon dioxide to act on the internal organs through the skin.

The main reactions to the cardiovascular and nervous system when carbon dioxide enters the body:

  • Activation of regeneration processes.
  • Strengthening the function of the sebaceous and sweat glands.
  • Improving blood supply to the heart muscle.
  • Increased skeletal muscle tone.
  • Strengthening kidney function.

Narzan baths have a calming effect on various departments nervous system and the patient easily falls asleep. In addition, the functions of the sweat and sebaceous glands, the tone of the skeletal muscle are enhanced, and redox processes are activated.

Carbon dioxide baths reduce the need human body in oxygen by 18-20%, help adapt the body to physical activity. A person’s breathing becomes deep, and lung capacity increases.A course of baths can improve performance and reduce depression.Carbon dioxide affects the skin and penetrates the respiratory tract, which leads to irritation of nerve endings. When bubbles settle on the skin, a gas cover is formed, i.e. thermal insulation layer.


Narzan baths tone up the heart and normalize blood pressure!

Taking narzan baths is often recommended for treating joints. This procedure has a positive effect on many human organs. Main indications for the use of narzan baths:

  1. Cardiovascular pathologies.
  2. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system (chondropathy, osteopathy, soft tissue pathologies).
  3. Diseases of the nervous system.
  4. Violation of the metabolic process.
  5. Skin diseases.
  6. Gynecological diseases.
  7. Thyroid gland dysfunction.
  8. Pathologies digestive system(gastritis, colitis, enterocolitis, etc.).
  9. Narzan baths are recommended for mild cases of diabetes mellitus, obesity.

Narzan baths help with arrhythmia, hypertension, hypotension, ischemia, etc. Such procedures help stabilize metabolism. When carbon dioxide penetrates through the skin, blood vessels dilate, blood pressure normalizes, breathing becomes easier, etc.

Taking into account the patient’s condition and concomitant diseases, the doctor may recommend sanatorium-resort treatment using narzan baths. It is advisable to use such baths with other methods of treatment, then the effect will be higher.

Preparation and procedure

The bath is prepared by a doctor, taking into account the amount of hydrostatic pressure, temperature, duration - all this is selected individually for each patient.Before and after the procedure, you should not eat food so as not to burden your stomach.

It is recommended to take a shower before taking a bath and wash off the sebaceous secretions and sweat that have accumulated during the day. It will not be superfluous to carry out peeling. This preparation will greatly facilitate the penetration of carbon dioxide into the skin.

The water temperature in the bath is about 32-36 degrees.

Carbon dioxide baths can have more low temperature and with good tolerance, a skin reaction is observed in response to a carbon dioxide bath. As a result, the vessels dilate and blood flow accelerates, against the background of which heat transfer occurs, which a person may not feel.

During the procedure, carbon dioxide bubbles will settle on the skin and do not need to be brushed off. The duration of the bath is from 5-20 minutes. It all depends on the patient’s condition, his age, weight and other factors. During one session, a nurse is always with the patient and monitors the process.

More information about medicinal baths can be found in the video:

The Narzan bath technique is aimed at reducing the temperature and the period of stay in water during the course, while having a training and hardening effect. The carbon dioxide concentration is 1-1.4 g/l. The number of therapeutic baths per week varies from 3 to 5.After a bath, you do not need to dry yourself with a towel, but only lightly blot the moisture from your skin without making sudden movements. It is recommended to avoid after the procedure physical activity and rest for 1.5 hours.


However, it is not always possible to use narzan baths. There are certain pathologies when such procedures are contraindicated:

  • Mental illnesses.
  • Bronchial asthma.
  • Fungal diseases.
  • Diseases of joints and bones in severe form.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Kidney and liver diseases.
  • The use of baths is prohibited during pregnancy for more than 5 months, in case of acute infectious and oncological diseases.
  • If the patient has acute pain in the heart area, impaired blood circulation, as well as an exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases, then narzan baths are strictly contraindicated.
  • The use of baths after surgery, stroke or crisis is not recommended.
  • It is prohibited to take carbon dioxide baths for neuroses with severe agitation, during menopause, for vascular diseases, thrombosis.

If you have a history of any of these diseases, you should definitely consult a doctor.

When prescribing treatment with narzan baths, an individual approach is required.

When choosing the temperature and degree of dilution of the baths, you should clearly understand the goal that they are trying to achieve by their purpose. If you keep in mind the training factor in the effects of baths, you should prescribe cool baths from whole narzan; with gentle therapy, use warm baths from diluted narzan. Usually in Kislovodsk the treatment method is such that they move from warm and indifferent baths to taking baths of a lower temperature, greater concentration and duration.

It is known that at the same bath temperature, the degree of its irritating effect is directly dependent on the size of the body surface immersed in water and the duration of stay in it. The body's reaction to a bath also depends on the degree of its saturation with carbon dioxide.

For a long time, starting from the 80s of the last century, doctors at the Kislovodsk resort were guided by the patients’ thermal sensation when setting the bath temperature. At the same time, they believed that narzan baths at a temperature of 32-33° were indifferent, and therefore prescribed them to patients with heart defects. N.M. Voronin proved the viciousness of the dosage method, which is based on the patient’s subjective feeling, and not on his general clinical condition.

I. A. Valedinsky believes that the use gas baths indifferent temperature (34-35°) is a typical treatment for heart patients.

The method of the main type of treatment in Kislovodsk is as follows: first, narzan baths are prescribed diluted (1/3-3/4 narzan), that is, either in half with fresh water, Or 3/4 narzan and 1/4 fresh water, at a temperature of 36°, duration - 5-7 minutes. Then, after one bath, the temperature is gradually reduced by 1°, bringing it to 34°, and from diluted baths they move on to whole baths. The maximum duration of a patient's stay in a narzan bath should not exceed 12 minutes. The duration of narzan baths is determined by the response, which is taken into account by changes in pulse rate, the dynamics of arterial and venous pressure, the magnitude of the stroke and cardiac output, as well as the patient’s sensations.

In the cardiology clinic named after. V.I. Lenin S.M. Polonsky and his colleagues established a maximum of 14 narzan baths per course of treatment with mandatory appointment every other day. S. M. Polonsky points out that when more than 14 narzan baths are prescribed and taken, a fatigue reaction occurs. It must be emphasized that this number of baths is optimal, and often in case of a weakened state of health or adverse side reactions to narzan baths, it is necessary to limit oneself to a smaller number (10-8 baths).
In the cardiology clinic named after. V.I. Lenin also studied the method of treatment with “double baths”: two days in a row followed by a day of rest.

It was found that compacted therapy with narzan baths gives a negative result in patients with mitral defects.

As a gentle method of using narzan baths, D. M. Stepukhovich, A. A. Pashkevich, V. V. Sitel and S. V. Goltsev proposed the treatment of patients with cardiovascular insufficiency of I - II degrees with diluted narzan baths while taking medications. With this treatment method, the authors achieved so much good results that some of the patients, after taking several diluted narzan baths, were then transferred to whole narzan baths.

The required number of diluted baths at a temperature of 36-35° and lasting up to 8-10 minutes is up to 10 per course of treatment, when taken every other day.

Ya. I. Mints proposed in cases requiring training of the cardiovascular system and increasing the tone of the nervous system, the following option: first, prescribe whole or diluted narzan baths at an indifferent temperature (34-35 °) with a duration of stay in the bath of up to 10-12 minutes, and then, gradually reducing the temperature of the bath, at the same time shortening the time spent in it, bringing it to 6-8 minutes. This option for short, cool baths is especially recommended for patients with hypotension, depression, and low metabolism.

Thus, by changing the conditions for taking Narzan baths, we get various options narzan therapy, corresponding to the health status of each patient.

With the wrong method of narzan treatment, the patient sometimes experiences a sharp exacerbation various kinds pain in joints, muscles and along the nerves; general health also temporarily deteriorates. The pain intensifies on the part of the heart and palpitations appear. General nervous excitability also increases and sleep deteriorates. Typically, such an exacerbation occurs during the period of taking the seventh or eighth narzan bath. As a rule, with an appropriate regimen, moderately pronounced side effects soon disappear, and the patient’s health improves. Sometimes, with sharp exacerbations of painful symptoms, a temporary break in narzan treatment leads to a decrease or disappearance of undesirable effects.

When prescribing a regimen for a patient in connection with taking narzan baths, it is necessary to take into account a number of points. First of all, it is recommended on the day of the Narzan bath to avoid any excursions that can cause fatigue, especially fatigue of the heart muscle. Terrenkur can be carried out no earlier than 3-4 hours after the bath with a reduced dosage.

On the day of taking a Narzan bath, it is not recommended to take tiring physiotherapeutic procedures and sunbathing, because in this case the beneficial effect of narzan baths is reduced. On the day of taking a Narzan bath, local low-impact procedures (Darsonval, galvanization, massage) are acceptable. The pleasant sensation that the patient experiences in the bath often leads to the desire to linger in it for a longer time than the time prescribed by the doctor. In this regard, the vigilance of operating personnel is important. When. When the negative phase of the balneological reaction occurs with a feeling of chilling, it is necessary to interrupt the bath ahead of schedule.

The process of immersion in the bath and exiting it should be done without sudden movements. It is recommended to wipe the body with a sheet by applying it, without the usual rubbing and irritation. After taking a Narzan bath, you need a short rest (15-20 minutes) in the rest room, and then in bed for one to two hours. For patients with a high diaphragm, it is more beneficial to rest after a bath in comfortable chair in a sitting or semi-sitting position.

For patients with heart defects, narzan baths are currently prescribed for a duration of 5-10 minutes, half-diluted, temperature 36°, and whole baths - 35°; a course of treatment usually involves 10-12 baths, prescribed every other day. Narzan baths at a temperature of 34° can only be used in certain patients with heart defects, who are of good or overweight and who are not afraid of moderate cold procedures. Narzan baths are prescribed to patients with heart defects only in the absence of a decline in nutrition and under the control of weighing, after determining the ROE, measuring body temperature, determining the number of leukocytes in the blood and the leukocyte formula. Body temperature should be measured in patients with heart defects throughout their stay in Kislovodsk. All this is aimed at promptly recognizing an exacerbation of the rheumatic process, requiring immediate cessation of bath treatment.