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Planting lavender with cuttings and seeds: cultivation and care. Lavender: planting and care

It is impossible to remain indifferent when passing by lavender bushes. This is not because they look stunning in appearance, pleasing the eye with their purple color, but because the aroma of lavender exudes an incredibly enchanting scent. Inhaling the magical smell, an idea is already ripening in the gardener’s head: to plant lavender bushes on his property. First, before planting, you need to figure out: garden lavender - planting and care in open ground - is it difficult? Is she capricious in care and what diseases is she susceptible to? This is important because the gardener has finally decided to grow these flowers in his garden.

Varieties and types of lavender with descriptions and photos

The plant is a perennial, a member of the Lamiaceae family. When it comes to lavender, an image of lilac flowers appears before your eyes. But, in fact, her color palette is very different. Lavender can be: blue, pink, white, and other colors. It looks like a shrub, growing up to 50 cm in height. The flower resembles a spikelet in appearance.

Features of English lavender

This type is the most famous and widespread. The leaves of the plant are narrow, and the inflorescences are in the form of spikelets. English lavender has good adaptation to growing conditions in the central zone of the Russian Federation. Often, it does not need to be transplanted from open soil to a greenhouse for wintering. Flower growers prefer the following varieties:

  • Alba, which has white inflorescences and grows to a height of half a meter;
  • Rosea - this bush, whose height is 40 cm, produces flowers of a pink-purple hue;
  • in the Manstead variety the bush grows up to 40 cm, and the flowers are bright blue;
  • plant related to Hidcoat Giant - takes up little space in the flowerbed, reaches a height of 60 cm;
  • Hidcoat Blue bush is low - up to 40 cm, the inflorescences are lilac-blue.
Lavender Munstead - compact winter-hardy variety Lavender Hidcote Blue - flowering period July-August Lavender Alba is a spreading shrub with densely spaced shoots, up to half meters high. Lavender Rosea is a compact evergreen shrub with many shoots.

French lavender

This plant has wider leaves, and the spikelets of inflorescences are shorter in length (this distinguishes it from English lavender). This culture is capricious in its care. It does not tolerate low temperatures, which is why it is most often used to decorate houses. The most famous varieties of broadleaf lavender are:

  • in the Yellow Vale variety, the flowers have a dark lilac hue, the bracts have a crimson hue, and the leaves have a yellow-green color;
  • A distinctive feature of Regal Splendur is its dark lilac flowers;
  • the newly emerged species Rocky Road has large flowers in a shade of blue + purple;
  • Tiara's peculiarity is that it has large flowers of a bluish tint, and the bracts are a beige tint;
  • Helmsday has flowers in a shade that combines burgundy and lilac tones.

Breeders have also developed other varieties of lavender that can be cultivated, but they are not planted as often.

Variety Tiara - frost-resistant with large flowers RockyRoad - a new variety of broadleaf lavender

Dutch lavender (hybrids)

Dutch lavender includes a group of very beautiful hybrids, presented in a wide range color scheme. Important Feature- their pungent aroma. They occupy a niche between English lavender and other species of the genus.

This culture big size, which has narrow silver-colored leaves and large elongated flowers on long peduncles. The flowers are very heavy, so the peduncles bend under their weight. Hybrid lavender blooms in mid-summer. The well-known varieties of Dutch lavender include the following:

  • A distinctive feature of the Alba variety is snow-white flowers;
  • the Arabian Knight bush is represented by flowers of dark blue or dark lilac color;
  • the owner of light purple flowers is the Sawyers variety;
  • represented by large lilac-lilac flowers of the Grosso variety;
  • Richard Gray is small size a bush with flowers of a dark purple hue.
Sawyers - flowering period from April to October Regal Splendour - shrub reaches a height of up to 70 cm Richard-Grey - compact bush, drought tolerant Grosso - the most popular variety for the production of lavender oil

Jagged Lavender

The Mediterranean gave the world serrated lavender. This is a plant that loves warmth very much and is quite compact. It has delicate cut leaves of a silver shade, and fragrant flowers large in size, giving their flowering in the middle of the summer season. This type of lavender is afraid of cold weather. The most popular type of scalloped lavender is Royal Crown, which pleases the eye with lilac-colored flowers.

Planting lavender in open ground

Taking into account the growing conditions of the plant in wildlife, you need to choose a specific place to plant it. It should be: in an open area, with good moisture removal. Lavender needs Sun rays a lot. She loves dry times, since during such a period the plant is enriched with essential compounds, and lavender emits a strong aroma.

Lavender does not like tall plants that grow nearby. If they are nearby, lavender will react to such proximity by turning the color of its leaves gray-green and flowering will deteriorate.

The shrub hates being replanted. If the location is chosen well, lavender grows well for 25 years. That is why this particular plant must be planted according to the “once and for all” principle, so as not to cause problems with transplants.
Container (balcony) lavenders, reaching 4 years of age, lose their attractive appearance. This is because their roots do not grow continuously. Their development is limited by the volume of the pot (or container) in which the lavender grows. That is why, after a certain period of time, they need to be replaced with young ones.

Royal Crown Hidcote Giant

Lavender is not demanding on soil nutrition. But, all the same, it is advisable to plant this plant on moderately fertile loams and sandstones, which have neutral or alkaline acidity (pH in the range from 6.5 to 7.5).
Lavender is not demanding of fertilizers or watering.

It can withstand occasional rainfall. Maybe, with the help of its strong roots, it can extract the right amount of water and nutrients from the ground. In the case when lavender is grown on the balcony, fertilizers are necessary. You can't do without them.

To prevent the shrub from becoming damp (soaked), it is advisable to immediately plant it in a higher place. This could be a hill, a raised bed or a slope. The planting hole must have drainage, and coarse sand or crushed stone should be poured there.

A dry and sunny place is suitable for lavender. This flower does not tolerate too much moisture.

Lavender is planted in the ground on the site using different methods. Experts are convinced that just one method is not enough. You don't even have to use just one plant. To be on the safe side, they purchase and plant different ways several pieces at once.

The planting itself should be carried out either in early spring (as soon as the snow has melted), or in the fall - at the end of September until the first frost sets in.

The easiest way to plant is to purchase ready-made lavender. Why?
Argument 1. Lavender that was purchased is propagated by cuttings to preserve the variety in case the wintering was unsuccessful.
Argument 2. In the case of its normal development and wintering, next year It will be possible to carry out the propagation procedure by layering. To do this, pin 2 shoots into shallow grooves and then sprinkle them with soil.

Miracle Berry - 3-5 kg ​​of fresh strawberries every 2 weeks!

Miracle berry Fairytale collection is suitable for a window sill, loggia, balcony, veranda - any place in a house or apartment where the light of the sun falls. You can get the first harvest in just 3 weeks. Miracle berry Fairytale harvest bears fruit all year round, and not just in the summer, like in the garden. The lifespan of bushes is 3 years or more; from the second year, fertilizers can be added to the soil.

It is worth taking note: the plant grows only 1 stem from the root. It will not be possible to use the usual division of a bush to propagate lavender. In the case when in the spring the plant is trimmed to 10 centimeters, hilled up as high as possible, soil is poured deep into the bush, almost all the stems will turn into layering. By early autumn, they will have acquired roots and can be replanted.

This method has a minus. It’s a pity, but not all the plants that were purchased will take root well and overwinter. The reasons can be very different: lack of lighting, very acidic soil, diseases, poor-quality planting material, violations of plant care rules.

For propagation, experts advise asking friends or amateur flower growers for a zoned variety that tolerates wintering well.

Lavender cuttings

Using reproduction in this way, one gets a large number of planting material. But the gardener must have at least the most minimal skills related to rooting issues. You also need to have a winter garden (this is perfect option). Maybe it’s a cold greenhouse or a balcony so that there is no frost there. And the temperature should be from 5 to 10 degrees above zero.

It is characteristic of lavender that rooting of semi-lignified cuttings is best done. Unfortunately, in the first winter they do not tolerate low temperatures well. To help the plant, it is necessary to provide it with conditions in the winter garden (if there is one) before planting lavender in the spring season.

When there is no such garden, they try to “accelerate” the growing season of lavender after winter by carrying out cuttings earlier than expected, 30 days. This is done with the aim of helping young plants, so that by the beginning of cold weather (autumn), the plants become stronger, and without problems wintered in open soil.

How to carry out the process:
  1. at the beginning of spring, the bush that was chosen for cuttings is watered with water (warm), slightly pruned, and sprayed with Epin solution;
  2. after this, you need to cover it with agrill every evening, as well as during cold days until a warm temperature is established;
  3. Then the gardener watches the bush. As soon as the spikelets appear, cut cuttings from 8 to 10 cm long, clear the lower leaves, place them in a rooter, and then plant them in sand + wood shavings in a 2:1 ratio. You can also plant in sand or clean perlite. If it is a common container, use a 6x6 cm pattern. If it is pots, then plant cuttings 1 in each pot.

In order for cuttings to take root successfully, a greenhouse is best suited. There it is necessary to create conditions: provide ventilation, spray the plants for 5-6 weeks.

Worth paying attention!

They speed up the rooting process by providing the cuttings with lower heating. Because if the temperature of the soil and the environment are the same, the root system does not develop quickly.

Practice has shown that the roots of plants that were grown from seeds grow much faster than the roots of cuttings. This is why the cuttings will need to be handled in small quantities when they are planted in containers.

Growing lavender from seeds

Gardeners find the process of planting lavender from seeds quite difficult. Despite this, this method has irreplaceable advantages:

  1. Thus, using seedlings, you can annually “repair” frozen plantings on the site.
  2. Seedlings tend to adapt more easily even in difficult climatic conditions that are not entirely comfortable for lavender.
  3. When the seeds of lavender grown in this way appear, the new generation will have even more developed resistance to low temperatures. Over time, it will thus be possible to increase the cold resistance of different varieties.

It is interesting that the seeds of annual lavender "Normandy" are the seeds perennial lavender, which is a heat-loving plant. It is also known as multi-cut (L. multifida). Is different rapid growth. In the first year it can please the gardener with its flowering. If wintering is organized according to all the rules, this type of lavender can also become a container perennial.

Poor germination of fresh lavender seeds has been observed. It is for this reason that one-year seeds with good germination are used for planting. Also, using stratification or soaking, you can increase the degree of germination.

How to soak seeds before planting

Innovative plant growth stimulator!

Increases seed germination by 50% in just one application. Customer reviews: Svetlana, 52 years old. Simply incredible fertilizer. We heard a lot about it, but when we tried it, we surprised ourselves and our neighbors. The tomato bushes grew from 90 to 140 tomatoes. There is no need to talk about zucchini and cucumbers: the harvest was collected in wheelbarrows. We have been dachaing all our lives, and we have never had such a harvest....

The seeds are placed in a container with warm water and left overnight. Another option: pour in 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide in a glass with 100 ml of water, add the seeds there, and leave them there for 3 hours.

Stratification is carried out in different ways:

  • sprinkle the seeds with sand and place them in the refrigerator (on the bottom shelf) for 30 days, after which they are sown;
  • they sow the seeds in a pot, after which they dig it into the ground (in the garden), but in March they bring it into the house;
  • Seeds are sown in a bowl and placed in the refrigerator until shoots appear, etc.

As soon as the seedlings have appeared, you need to create a temperature for the lavender seedlings from +15 to +20 degrees. In addition, you should ensure:

  • good lighting;
  • neat dosed watering;
  • picking in the phase of 2 leaves;
  • pinching at a height of 5 cm;
  • as well as hardening before planting (it is recommended to do this in mid-May).

When conditions are good, you can expect the strongest seedlings to flower as early as 1 year.

Lavender care

Lavender - no capricious plant. Despite this, it is necessary to care for the bush so that it is strong and beautiful. Those gardeners whose lavender looks great probably take good care of it.

How to water lavender

Lavender loves moisture in moderation. This means that it needs to be watered as soon as it becomes clear that the soil has dried out. Typically, in summer, watering frequency is 2 to 3 times a week. In the off-season this figure is once every 7-10 days.

Loosening and fertilizing the soil

Usually, the land in which lavender grows is monitored. It has been noticed that if the soil is loose and saturated with oxygen, the plant grows well, and the inflorescences turn out to be very beautiful.

We must take note!

Lavender is a bush whose roots are not as deep in the soil as other bushes. When a gardener loosens the soil, he must handle the tool as carefully as possible so as not to touch the roots and not destroy the entire plant.

Lavender loves fertilizers. She can very quickly absorb fertilizer, which will soon affect her growth and color. Suitable for use and mineral complex fertilizers, and organic stimulants.

How to prune lavender

Lavender bushes are distinguished by the fact that they have a random shape. To ensure a well-groomed appearance of the flower bed, periodically, the crown of the bush needs to be trimmed.

Pruning is performed depending on what genus and species the bush belongs to. But there are general rules pruning for all types of plants:

  • Inflorescences must be trimmed after the first flowering.
  • Do not touch the woody column of the plant; only young shoots should be cut.
  • The cut part should not be more than 5 cm.

Preparing for winter

The bushes should be provided with reliable shelter, because they will have to withstand very low temperatures wintering in open soil. Of course, if the region has a warm climate, you don’t have to worry about it.

Experts say that lavender is frost-resistant, even when the thermometer drops to -25 degrees. When the temperature is even lower, you need to take care of insulating the bush. It wouldn't hurt to provide heat in case there isn't enough snow in the winter.

When the end of the season comes, it is necessary to prune the bushes. Branches (preferably pine or spruce) are placed on top of the bed. The usual type of insulation, in the form of a layer of leaves, in in this case, will not work. Lavender will begin to rot under such a “shelter”.

It turns out that caring for lavender is not as difficult as it might seem at first. If you use compost and mulch, you will not need to weed, loosen, or fertilize the soil. The gardener will only need to prune the bushes at the right time so that they become strong and delight the eye with abundant flowering.

Beneficial properties of lavender and its uses

Lavender is a multifunctional representative of nature. Man has long studied its properties and found use for them in various areas of his life.

The plant, possessing incredible attractiveness, is already a magnificent decoration of the garden area. During summer months it blooms and smells fragrant. In winter, it will delight the inhabitants of the house with picturesque landscapes. What could be more beautiful than green bushes wrapped in snow flakes on a frosty winter day?

Lavender flowers are indispensable helpers in everyday life. Moths will not be able to harm things, since lavender flowers will reliably protect them from the harm of this insect. You just need to dry the plant, pour it into a cloth bag and put it in the closet with your clothes.

  • Excellent spices are made from this plant. They are ideal for meat dishes and soups.
  • Lavender tea is a good relaxing remedy. With its help, you can get rid of headaches and migraine attacks.
  • If you dry lavender, you can create an unusual ikebana by decorating your home.
  • Lavender flowers are used to make hand cream and fragrant hair balm.

Video: Lavender - planting and care in open ground in the Moscow region

Garden lavender: varieties with photo names

Variety Arctic Snow Variety Blue cushion Lavender Blue Ice Christiana

Beautiful inflorescences and delicate aroma have helped lavender to win a place in the hearts of many gardeners who cannot imagine their garden without it. decorative culture. It requires serious self-care, but in exchange it gives a lot of positive emotions while it blooms. In addition to the fact that it can be used in cooking as a spice, its aroma is widely used in perfumery and the cosmetics industry. And everyone can grow this miracle on their own plot.

Lavender fairy tale

Evergreen lavender is small bush, in which small flowers are collected in spikes. You can see its beautiful blooms at the end of summer - at this time the garden turns purple, white, lilac or blue.

Lavender loves sunlight, warmth and moisture. But at the same time it is quite resistant to cold winter tests and is indiscriminate in soil types. In nature, it can be found in the mountainous areas of the Caucasus, Crimea or the coastal part of the Alps, as well as in southern Russia.

Lavender for landscape design is a whole topic for discussion. Thanks to its stunning flowering, it is used for landscaping large-scale garden plots and parks. But it will look no worse in more modest territories like garden beds and alpine slides.

The decorative nature of lavender is one of its strengths

The main trump card of the heroine of our story is a deep, rich color that is noticeable from all points of the site. Waiting for the magical moment of flowering is not so difficult - lavender is unpretentious, starting from the moment of planting and further care. Rock gardens, rockeries, and various garden compositions are all excellent opportunities for using lavender.

If you want lavender to “work” all year round, purchase its narrow-leaved variety, which, in addition to beautiful blooms in summer, will delight you with beautiful gray-green foliage colors in winter.

To create a green lavender hedge, use several types of lavender - this way the result will be varied and more attractive. Lavender is also used as a background plant, and low-growing varieties allow you to create a real carpet where the flower shows all its colorfulness.


Nature has invented and created about thirty types of lavender, which differ in shape, size and shades when flowering. Among all this splendor, four frequently encountered ones can be identified: landscape design kind.

English lavender is well known not only in its homeland, but also far beyond its borders. This hardy species has grey-green foliage and small blue or purple flowers. It contains a lot of essential oils. The height of the bush reaches 75 cm. This species is used not only in landscaping parks and household plots, but also as a spice or medicine.

Dutch lavender is a real giant, growing up to two meters in height, forming a ball-shaped crown. It has narrow leaves of a dark green color, as if silvered, and the flowers are collected in large inflorescences. These inflorescences can have white, blue and purple shades. Dimensions and decorativeness determine its use in gardens and parks.

French lavender (otherwise known as broadleaf lavender) - common in France and Western Europe. This is one of the earliest flowering species (begins to bloom at the end of April), as a result of which its flowering can be enjoyed throughout May and all summer. This is possible thanks to the exceptional frost resistance of French lavender. Most often it can be seen in European parks.

Woolly lavender - native to Spain, has hairy leaves and spike-shaped inflorescences. This species loves the sun and warmth very much, and with prolonged rainfall it begins to wither. Despite this peculiarity, it is loved by many gardeners.

Photo gallery of lavender species

French broadleaf lavender Frost-resistant English lavender
Hybrid Dutch lavender Heat-loving woolly lavender

Landing place

The right location is an important condition for successful cultivation this culture. Since lavender loves sunlight, the area for planting it should be well lit, ventilated and at the same time be away from water, be it any pond or high standing groundwater. It is best to choose a place on a hill.

The soils chosen are moderately fertile with low acidity and loose. To optimize growing conditions, peat or compost is added to the hole before planting, and in case of high acidity, lime or ash is added. To ensure good circulation of air and moisture, drainage is installed.

Lavender is propagated using seeds and cuttings. Let's look at both of these methods:

Planting cuttings is a simple task. Take several cuttings and dig them into moist soil to a depth of 5-7cm, then cover and arrange regular watering. When the weather warms up, the cuttings open and their rapid growth begins.

Planting lavender with seeds is more difficult than with cuttings and layering, but this activity only attracts experienced gardeners

Planting seeds is more difficult. The seeds are stratified and planted in a box with soil. For them to germinate, the box is placed in a warm and well-lit place. After germination, lavender is planted in the ground. This usually happens at the end of May. With this method of planting, flowering occurs only in the second year, but it is abundant.

Plant care

Lavender is considered unpretentious plant, but that doesn't mean complete absence care For example, you need to be able to water it correctly. Watering is carried out when the soil is completely dry, but care is also taken to ensure that there is no excessive waterlogging. For lavender, this is even worse than drought.

Lavender does not like organic matter and nitrogen-based fertilizers, so it is better to use potassium preparations.

If the plant has stopped developing, it means that the chosen place does not suit it in some way. Replanting, which is done in early spring or autumn, will help.

Twice a year mulching is carried out to promote abundant growth of new shoots. At the end of the season, small pruning is carried out. Before the onset of cold weather, lavender is covered with pine needles or spruce branches. The leaves are not used for this purpose - the lavender may rot under them.

How to propagate?

To increase the number of lavender bushes on a site, use seeds, layering, cuttings and dividing the bush. Cuttings and layering are much easier than seeds, so let's start with them.

To propagate lavender from cuttings, simply cut off the young shoots and dig them into moist soil. To propagate a plant by layering, bend the branch to the ground, secure it and sprinkle it with humus. After some time, this branch will take root.

Bushes are divided in autumn. Before this, the bush is cut to a height of 10 cm and covered with earth, filling the space between the stems. In spring, soil is added. As a result, by autumn they get strong growth on the bush. It can be dug up and divided.


Since in the wild lavender settles on the slopes of hills and mountains on light sandy soils, it should also be planted on the site. open place in loose soil. Lavender does not bloom in a shaded place, and on heavy soils it is prone to rotting.

Even severe frosts will not hinder its development, but excessive soil moisture will. Rather, it will tolerate drought more easily than excess moisture, so high-quality drainage and periodic drying can be a good help in combating this problem during the rainy seasons.

Regular watering of lavender is necessary only in the first months of its development and growth. Pruning should be small; severe pruning will seriously damage the plant.

Lavender cannot stand proximity to weeds, which take nutrients from the soil and deplete it. Over time, this can lead to its death, so regular weeding should be included in your to-do list.

Combination with other plants

Lavender has a rich color and a pleasant, subtle aroma. It is independent enough to be used in single plantings, but in group plantings it does not get along well with all representatives of the green world.

Sage and catnip are excellent companions for lavender. In spring, daffodils and lilies of the valley are added to them, and in summer - mirabilis and sweet peas.

If you want to create a great combination of color and aroma, then rose is the best choice. Purple lavender flowers pair well with yellow and orange rose buds.

As a background, lavender pairs well with flowers such as purple coneflower or red dahlias.

Lavender is unique in the flower world. With proper and careful care, it gives aesthetic pleasure when contemplating flowers and a delicate, unique aroma. This is an excellent decorative plant for landscaping both large garden areas and ordinary garden plots.

Lavender is a beautifully flowering perennial plant native to the Mediterranean countries; its cultivated forms are successfully grown throughout the world. Bright purple flower will serve with a delicious aroma wonderful decoration borders, rockeries or alpine slides. The plant looks most impressive against the backdrop of rocky terrain. How to grow lavender in a warm temperate climate? Proper planting and regular care will help you get a beautiful and vibrant flower garden.

Choosing a site for growing lavender

The plant is heat-loving, so it prefers open, sunny meadows, protected from cold winds. Lavender will take root well in partial shade, but the color of the petals will be noticeably paler, and the flowering will not be as abundant and long-lasting. You can place a flower bed along the walls of the house or among boulders, so the flowers will receive more warmth and will grow more readily.

The composition of the soil must be given Special attention. The soil should be well-drained and light; stagnation of moisture in the roots can be detrimental to the plant. For this reason, some gardeners plant lavender at some elevation, building a mound and lining it on the sides with cobblestones or decorative borders. This technique is often used if groundwater is located too close to the surface.

How to grow lavender on summer cottage? Soil acidity is of particular importance; it can be determined using a special test. The optimal indicator is from 6.7 to 7.3 pH. If the substrate is too acidic, then lime can be added when digging the ridges, and lime gravel can be used as drainage.

Planting lavender in the garden

The plant is propagated in three ways:

  • sowing seeds,
  • rooting cuttings,
  • rooting of cuttings.

Growing lavender from seeds is a troublesome and time-consuming task, so novice gardeners are advised to purchase seedlings from a specialized store or nursery. When purchasing a plant, it is important to know that lavender prefers a warm climate; you should choose a variety that is winter-hardy and less demanding of the conditions.

Lavender - how to grow a beautiful bush from a small seedling? First you need to dig a planting hole; its size should be twice as large as the volume of the root system or earthen ball. Planting should be done in the spring, when the soil is sufficiently warm and the threat of frost has passed. Most often, gardeners choose the first half of May for this. To provide good drainage Large pebbles, expanded clay, and pieces of foam are placed at the bottom of the pit.

Before removing the seedling from the shipping container, the soil is well moistened and the plant is left in a damp substrate for 50-60 minutes. Then, the pot is placed on its side and, tapping on the walls, the roots are carefully removed along with the soil. It is recommended to clean the roots from the soil, inspect them and, if necessary, remove dried and rotten fragments. Before planting, the stems of the plant are cut, but not more than ¼ of their length. This procedure stimulates the growth of new shoots and ensures good air circulation, preventing the appearance of fungal diseases.

Having finished preparatory stage, you can start planting. The drainage layer is sprinkled with a small amount of soil and only after that the roots of the plant are placed. Next, the seedling is sprinkled on all sides with garden soil, carefully compacting it. If several specimens are planted on a site, then a distance of 90 cm should remain between them.

Features of lavender care

Knowing how to grow lavender, a gardener must take good care of the plant. Only in this case will lavender reward its owner with lush blooms.

Watering and fertilizing

IN abundant watering the plant does not need it; on the contrary, it can destroy the flower. If the summer is moderately warm and it rains regularly, then there is no need to moisten the soil. In dry weather, you need to control the level of soil moisture. Complete drying of the top layer is acceptable, as long as the plant does not look drooping and withering.

Excessive watering can cause lavender bushes to stop growing, especially in the first year of life.

It is recommended to regularly weed and loosen the soil. To make your work easier, you can cover the flowerbed with a thin layer of mulch, for example, decorative wood chips. She'll slow down weeds, will protect the soil from temperature changes, and, in addition, will organically fit into the natural landscape.

Exquisite lavender - how to grow a bush with bright greenery and beautiful flowers? In this case, the gardener cannot do without a complex of fertilizers. It is enough to fertilize only twice a season: in early spring and in mid-July. Suitable for the first feeding cow dung, mixed with bone meal, then you can use a liquid solution of minerals to grow flowers in open ground.

Pruning lavender bushes

Bush pruning is carried out annually in the spring. Professionals advise giving the bushes a ball shape; for this, the branches can be shortened by 1/3. Radical pruning can destroy the plant, so you need to act carefully and slowly. It is better to use a small pruning shear or sharply sharpened garden shears as a tool. A timely and, most importantly, correctly carried out procedure stimulates the growth of new shoots and has a beneficial effect on flowering.

For the first 2 years, you should not hesitate to remove emerging inflorescences; at the initial stage, it is important to get a strong and healthy plant, with a well-developed root system.

Preparing lavender bushes for winter

Knowing how to grow lavender, all that remains is to protect it from the winter cold. Experts claim that the plant can withstand frosts down to -25 °C. However, if the winter is expected to be cold and with little snow, it is necessary to take care of shelter. After the leaves fall, the flower garden area is cleared, the garbage is raked into a heap, and the lavender branches are shortened a little. Then fir branches are laid on the bed, and as soon as snow falls, a snowdrift is formed. Dry foliage cannot be used as a covering material; in such conditions the plant may rot.

How to cut flowers for a bouquet?

Lavender - incredible beautiful flower with inflorescences in the form of spikelets. A vase of cut flowers can decorate any interior and fill the room with a delightful aroma.

It is best to cut lavender for a bouquet when the lower flowers have just begun to open. The stem is cut with a sharp knife at the very base, not far from the foliage. If there is a need to dry the plant, then the extracted bushes are tied with a rope and hung in a dry, ventilated room with their tops down. A darkened attic is best suited for this. After 10–12 days, the plants will dry out and can be removed.

Lavender diseases

Even knowing how to grow lavender, some inexperienced gardeners make mistakes and over-moisten the soil on which the flower garden is located. As a result, the plant begins to suffer from a dangerous fungal disease - root rot. It is not immediately possible to recognize the disease, when the plant becomes noticeably paler and looks drooping; the root system, as a rule, is already severely affected. You can try to save the plant with the help of chemicals (fungicides), but it is much easier to prevent a disease than to treat it.

Video on how to plant lavender

In the large Yasnotkovy family there are a lot of plants that have amazing decorative properties, an extraordinary aroma, and other useful properties. If a summer resident wants his garden to be decorated with lavender, planting and caring for it in the open ground is a key point on the path to success.

A perennial essential oil crop up to 60 cm high with spike-shaped blue or purple inflorescences has become a symbol of Provence. Lavender is grown in the Mediterranean, and in Russia there are its plantings in Crimea and Black Sea coast Caucasus.

Can a heat-loving plant take root in middle lane? How to tame a crop for a gardener in Siberia or the Urals?

Among the plants related to lavender, there are many that, as a result of cultivation in personal plots, are completely assimilated, becoming part of the native flora. And some of them are well-known wild plants. These are motherwort and oregano, thyme and catnip and lofant.

For the southern heat-loving beauty, the climatic conditions of our country are not always comfortable. Still, planting lavender in the ground is possible. The main thing is to choose the right place, time and follow the rules of care.

Timing for planting lavender in the ground

Of all the varieties of lavender, Lavandula angustifolia or narrow-leaved lavender is recognized as the most frost-resistant and unpretentious.

Under cover, it can survive frosts down to –35 °C, which is quite comparable with winter temperatures not only in the central part of the country, but even in the Urals or Siberia.

Lavender is propagated by seeds and vegetatively using parts of an adult bush, rooted cuttings or layering.

In the first case, like many other decorative perennials:

  • at home, small seeds are sown for seedlings in early spring;
  • when stable heat sets in, you can sow seeds in the beds;
  • Lavender is planted in the ground in the fall to obtain plants for next year.

Vegetative propagation helps to bring flowering closer. In this case, seedlings with their own root system enter the soil in the second half of summer or autumn. Specific dates directly depend on climatic and weather conditions.

In the middle zone, planting lavender in open ground and its care are subject to rules common to all regions. Seeds should fall into warm soil when the sprouts are not threatened spring frosts. And before that, in order to speed up germination, they are stratified in a refrigerator.

In the central part of Russia, such conditions for sowing develop by the second half of May. In regions to the north and east, the soil warms up even later. Unfortunately, our summer is short for lavender. Seedlings very often die without surviving the winter. Therefore, planting lavender in open ground in the Urals, for example, is preferable to seedlings obtained as a result of winter or early spring sowing, or seedlings obtained from an adult bush.

Planting lavender seedlings in the ground

At the end of February or March, when the stratification period is completed, the seeds are sown on the surface of a mixture of fertile garden soil and sand. It is useful to pre-sterilize the substrate and remove large inclusions.

The crops are sprinkled with a thin layer of sand and placed in a home greenhouse. Germination occurs in the light at a temperature of 17–22 °C. To maintain moisture, the soil is periodically sprayed with warm water, and the container is ventilated to avoid mold. The first shoots should be a signal that the plants need additional. When the seedlings grow stronger, they are planted at a distance of 5 centimeters.

Before planting lavender in the ground, it is convenient to use peat pots. The plants develop well in them, their roots are protected from rotting and do not suffer during transfer to the garden.

At the end of May, it is time to plant and care for lavender in the Moscow region. For plants, choose dry, ventilated and well-lit places, the soil of which has a pH level no higher than 6.5–7.5. The area is dug up with a bayonet, simultaneously adding soil loosening agent, humus and, if necessary, dolomite flour.

The seedlings are carefully transplanted, leaving at least 70–90 cm of free space between the plants; this will definitely come in handy for the growing bushes. During planting, the tillering point is slightly deepened, then the soil is compacted and thoroughly watered.

Autumn sowing of lavender is practiced only in the southern regions, where the seeds do not freeze out, and fragile sprouts can immediately begin to grow without fear of the spring cold. After planting the seeds in the ground, the beds are watered, and with the first frosts they are covered generously with snow.

Planting lavender in the ground using cuttings, parts of a bush and layering

If there is a mature plant, Can:

  • divide it, obtaining seedlings with growth points and a root system;
  • obtain cuttings that, after rooting, can be easily planted in the ground;
  • create conditions for the formation of stem layering.

The lavender bush intended for division is carefully earthed up before wintering, and the shoots are cut off at a height of 10 centimeters. In the spring, hilling is repeated, stimulating the formation of young shoots. The bush prepared in this way is dug up in the fall and divided into independent parts. Lavender is immediately planted in the ground; in the fall, the plant has time to acclimatize and prepare for winter.

In spring and summer, lavender shoots are used for cuttings. 8–10 cm sections of stems are planted in wet sand, deepened by 2–3 cm. In a greenhouse over the summer, the cuttings form roots. For further home care of lavender, it is planted in open ground in May or early June.

To obtain layering, selected strong shoots in the spring are bent to the ground and dug in, securing metal pin at a depth of several centimeters.

During the summer, the cuttings are looked after by weeding the soil nearby and watering the places where roots form. In autumn, such seedlings are separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place in the garden.

Caring for lavender after planting in open ground

Lavender is planted for its fragrant blue-purple inflorescences. But on young plants in the first year of life, all the buds are cut off without waiting for flowering. This will strengthen lavender plantings in open ground, and make caring for them easier and more effective. Throughout the life of the bushes, they must be weeded and watered.

Lavender is a hardy crop, but it needs moisture to bloom lushly. In hot weather, watering should become abundant and frequent.

Mature bushes form a thick, dense cushion on the soil surface. It is problematic to loosen the soil under them, but keeping the area around them clean is very important. A layer of peat mulch will help preserve moisture and airiness of the soil.

Spring-autumn hilling helps maintain the density of the crown. It stimulates the formation of young shoots, which gradually replace aging branches. Pruning plants serves the same purpose. It is carried out after flowering and during it. For bushes aged 7–10 years, anti-aging pruning is recommended. During work, all shoots are shortened to 5 cm in length.

To fertilize lavender, mixtures with a predominance of potassium are used, which stimulates the formation of buds. Apply in spring in moderate quantities.

Southern crops, including lavender, are at risk of freezing in Russian conditions. To prevent this from happening, before frost, the bushes are covered with spruce branches, non-woven material or other air-permeable, “breathable” types of protection, and then sprinkled generously with fallen snow.

Video about amazing lavender

Lavender is a very famous perennial evergreen plant, captivating with its elegance, beauty, and delicate aroma. In addition to its beautiful appearance, lavender is used in various industries and in everyday life. Many countries have long been suppliers of lavender; it is grown on an industrial scale. In French province Provence lavender is business card, 80% of this plant used in the world is grown there.

Lavender essential oil has long been used to treat many ailments. And lavender tea is an ancient cure for headaches. The uses of lavender oil are very wide. Due to its numerous beneficial properties, the plant is used in the treatment of various ailments.

Due to the fact that the perennial is a heat-loving plant, unable to survive the cold period of the year in the middle zone, breeders have adapted many varieties for the Russian climate. Lavender can now be grown in areas with cold winters, making it a great addition to many gardens.

Lavender is a perennial spicy medicinal herbaceous plant, subshrub, shrub of the Lamiaceae family.

In its natural environment, lavender grows on the Mediterranean coast, on the Canary Islands, in southern Europe, in India and Arabia, in northeast Africa. On the territory of Russia they are found on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus. Many species and varieties are adapted to areas with different climates.

The root system is powerful, taprooted, woody. The stems are branched, spreading, erect, tetrahedral. The leaves are elongated, narrow, linear, oblong, with a whole or serrated edge, opposite, sessile, with curled edges.

In nature, lavender flowers are colored blue or purple colors, many varieties have more varied colors. Tall thin peduncles rise above the bush, at the end of which 6 - 10 flowers are collected in false whorls and form spike-shaped inflorescences. The plant blooms in the second half of summer. After flowering, lavender seeds are formed - a dense, dry, oval-shaped seed of a dark brown color.

The spicy, tart smell of lavender makes this plant in demand in the perfume and cosmetics industry. Lavender essential oil has good medicinal properties, it is used for various ailments. Many people grow lavender in open ground not only as a garden decoration or as a raw material on an industrial scale, but also as a medicinal herb.

When does lavender bloom?

To ensure abundant bright flowering, it is necessary to follow a number of rules for caring for the bush. Lavender shows its flower at the beginning of summer and until autumn. At the moment when lavender blooms, the bush becomes covered bright colors, becoming like a “fluffy” balloon. In a group planting flowering plants they create an amazing and spectacular appearance of an elegant “bedspread”, and the delicately spicy aroma from the flowers fills the garden space for a long time. Every year, from spring until autumn, the perennial is able to decorate the flower garden. Since ancient times, the magnificent characteristics of lavender have been appreciated.

Types and varieties

Lavender is a plant that needs no introduction. Many gardeners are happy to grow these beautiful bushes, which, in addition to their wonderful elegant aroma and delicate flowers, have medicinal properties.

The genus contains approximately 25 - 30 species, but only two of them are cultivated: angustifolia and broadleaf lavender. Many varieties of lavender were obtained precisely from them. Thus, the “butterfly” lavender variety has the most pronounced aroma. Many species are found only in warm areas, such as multicut lavender, which is not grown in Russia. For central Russia, only the narrow-leaved species is suitable, since it is able to survive harsh winters; other species are more heat-loving.

The wide use of the plant makes it truly unique.


Lavender serrated

The height of the perennial shrub is no more than 1 m, the width is up to 1 - 1.5 m.

The leaves are elongated, up to 4 cm long, oblong. The variety got its name due to the characteristic serrated edge of the leaf.

Serrated lavender blooms violet from June - blue flowers, collected in a capitate inflorescence at the ends of the stem. A fairly heat-loving species, it will not survive the cold season without shelter; it can withstand temperatures down to -15 C. It prefers open sunny areas with well-drained calcareous soil.


French lavender

Another name is French lavender. It is the most sought after species among flower growers. An evergreen subshrub up to 1 - 1.3 m high. The plant is very fragrant, but the aroma is not as refined as that of angustifolia lavender. Spike-shaped inflorescences are loose, up to 10 cm long. The color of the flowers is very diverse, there are blue, white, indigo, pink, and lilac flowers. Broadleaf lavender blooms earlier than other representatives of the genus: the flowering period is April - June; a second wave of flowering may occur in early autumn. It is a drought-resistant species, able to survive frosts down to -16 C, and requires additional shelter for the winter.

French lavender is considered the ancestor of decorative varieties.


English lavender

The height and width of the bush is up to 1 m. The leaves are narrow, dense, lanceolate, small, gray-green in color, with slight pubescence. A more frost-resistant plant compared to the broad-leaved species. During flowering in July - August, English lavender is covered with small flowers of blue, blue, lilac shades, collected in 6-10 pieces at the tops of the stems in spike-shaped inflorescences. The fragrant aroma is very spicy and pleasant.


Lavender multicut

It is a perennial herbaceous shrub native to the Mediterranean. It does not winter in central Russia; it is used in cultivation as an annual plant. Ferns openwork leaves gray-green color. The flowers are on long peduncles 40 - 60 cm high, collected in spike-shaped inflorescences of blue-violet color. Multicut lavender forms the first flowers 1.5 - 2 months after the seeds germinate. The bush continues to bloom throughout the season until late autumn. Multicut lavender is quite unpretentious in care.


Lavender angustifolia

Other names are English true, lavender officinalis, spicata, true, lavender angustifolia. An evergreen and highly branched subshrub, grows up to 60 - 100 cm in height. As it grows, it forms a spherical crown up to 1 m wide. The leaves are opposite, sessile, narrow, large, linear, about 2 - 6 cm long and up to 6 mm wide, oblong, gray-green, with whole, rolled edges. Lavender angustifolia blooms fragrant fragrant flowers throughout the month, usually from July to September. It is a fairly cold-resistant species, can withstand down to -20 C, but requires shelter in snowless winters.

The root system is taprooted, woody, branched in the upper part. Flowers are up to 1 cm in length, collected in false whorls of 6 - 10 pieces. They form loose or dense, intermittent racemose inflorescences up to 4 - 8 cm in length, mostly blue and purple shades. The peduncles are tetrahedral, the upper internodes are long, up to 30 - 45 cm. They can live in one place for up to 20 years. Prefers open sunny areas, raised above the soil level, and easily gets along in urban environments.

Plant care

The bush itself can easily do without special care, although in this case the shape of the plant and its decorative effect will suffer. Flower growers identify several basic rules for the care and maintenance of bushes. If you do everything correctly, the plant will be voluminous, retain its spherical shape, and will delight you with its bright blooms every year.

Caring for lavender involves periodically loosening the soil around the stem to ensure constant air circulation in the root zone of the plant and get rid of weeds. Water as the soil dries out. In hot, dry weather, watering is increased, since the lack of moisture reduces and shortens the flowering time. On the other hand, excessive watering creates stagnation of moisture in the soil, which can cause rotting of the roots and yellowing of the stem.

In order for blooming lavender to reveal its full potential, it is necessary to plant it in the most open, sunny areas of the garden. In shady areas the plant develops quite well, but the decorative properties of the plant may suffer and there will be no lush flowering.

To enrich the soil with additional nutrients, the soil under the bush is covered with rotted leaves and compost. Care should be taken to ensure that the soil around the trunk remains open, otherwise the roots may rot.

When preparing lavender for winter in the fall, the bush is pruned, leaving 10 - 15 cm above ground level. During cold periods, the flower requires additional shelter; in severe frosts and winters with little snow, the bush may die. Gardeners recommend planting lavender in large pots or containers; in the fall it is easier to move them to a warm room for the winter, and caring for lavender in a pot is easier and more convenient.

Periodic pruning of the bush is necessary to give the plant the desired shape. Without pruning, the bushes will become elongated, have few branches and will have few flowers.

Fertilizer application

To maintain growth and lush flowering, the bush requires comprehensive mineral fertilizer, which can be purchased at any gardening store. Fertilizers are diluted according to the instructions and introduced into the soil before flowering begins. To enhance the growth and development of green mass, the plant needs nitrogen fertilizer, which is added at the beginning of bush growth in the spring. Under the influence of nitrogen, development processes are stimulated, so they are applied only once. If you re-apply in the summer, the growth of the bush will increase; it will not have time to prepare for the winter period of the year.

Many gardeners, instead of applying fertilizer, cover the soil under the bush with a thick layer of compost mulch. Thanks to this, the plant receives nutrients throughout the season.


Only correct pruning lavender is capable of forming a neat, beautiful bush, otherwise the plant will stretch out and take on an ugly shape with a bare lower part and sparse gray leaves.

In April, when young shoots 15–20 cm high are planted in open ground, randomly located shoots are cut off to stimulate the growth of the bush. After this, the bush is left alone for a year, and next spring Last year's dry inflorescences are cut from the bush.

If the bush is healthy and well-groomed, it is allowed spring pruning up to 15 cm above the ground, which in turn will help the plant reproduce young shoots. This will affect the maintenance of the decorative appearance. It is not recommended to trim the bush below 10 - 15 cm, as this may cause the death of the plant.

The main rule of pruning with proper care is not to cut off too much. It is better to remove as little as possible than to overdo it and ruin the bush. Trim lavender flower stalks better in spring, and not in the fall, as many do. Faded inflorescences help the bush survive winter period time.

Many people make the mistake of pruning the bush immediately after flowering; as a result, the flower forms new shoots that can suffer with the onset of cold weather.

Diseases and pests

The lavender plant is quite resistant to diseases and pest attacks. The appearance of pests and diseases occur due to improper care. Due to diseases, the bush is exposed to gray rot. This fungal disease is expressed in the formation of gray-brown spots on the stem and the appearance of a gray fluffy coating. Rot leads to the death of leaves, flowers, fruits, and with severe infection the plant can die completely.

Affected areas of the plant are cut off and burned as far as possible from the planting sites. The bush is treated with 1% Bordeaux mixture, as a last resort, the use of a fungicide is allowed. The occurrence of gray rot indicates a violation of the rules of care. First of all, it is necessary to reconsider the watering regime; most likely the soil is very waterlogged and there is stagnation of water.

Among the pests, the plant is attacked by pennies, which spoils decorative look bush, eating big holes V leaf blades. The insect is collected by hand, and the affected leaves are removed from the bush. The pennitsa lays eggs on the stem, covering them with foam, which is easily washed off with water. The jagged appearance can be spoiled by the rainbow beetle, which eats the leaves of the bush. The insect is collected by hand from the plant.

Planting and propagation

Of all the types of lavender in central Russia, only angustifolia lavender can survive in open ground, and only if there is good shelter for the winter period. Lavender propagation occurs in three ways: seed and vegetative methods, using cuttings, dividing the bush and layering. Stratification of lavender seeds is a mandatory process before planting. Growing lavender from seeds is a rather labor-intensive process, as a result of which it is rarely used.

Lavender is often used at home for interior decoration, as drawings and images on dishes, furniture, textiles, and in flower arrangements.

In the southern regions they grow at home and in greenhouses various varieties lavender. Some varieties, for example, multicut lavender, which is extremely heat-loving, can now be grown in any climate zone.

How to plant lavender?

When choosing young bushes ready for planting in specialized stores, you should choose varieties adapted to the local climatic zone. Experienced flower growers It is advised to plant lavender on the site in early spring, when the night frosts have stopped. Planting in autumn is possible, but only for southern regions and no later than 2 months before the onset of cold weather.

Immediately before planting, the bush is immersed in cold water for 1-1.5 hours.

Since the plant loves elevation, before planting lavender, it is necessary to make beds at a height of 20 - 40 cm above ground level, or on a hill.

To stimulate young bushes to grow and branch, their upper part is cut off before planting. Overgrown roots and lower leafy branches are removed. For seedlings, prepare a hole 20 - 30 cm deep. The distance between plants should be equal to the height of an adult bush. To create denser plantings, the distance between seedlings is reduced.

Lavender seeds remain viable for many years, but under the condition proper storage. After ripening, they are collected and sealed in a dry, airtight container. In mid-autumn, you can sow lavender seeds directly into open ground without prior stratification.

How to grow lavender in the country?

First of all, you need to choose a place for planting: it should be open and protected from the wind. In shady places it will not be possible to achieve bright, rich flowering.

How to grow lavender at the dacha so that it does not freeze in winter and delights with its presence for many years? For residents of the cold climate zone flower growers advise planting bushes not in open ground, but in large flowerpots, which are brought indoors with the onset of cold weather.

When planting lavender in open ground, you should follow the watering regime: waterlogging of the soil is extremely dangerous, it will lead to the death of the plant.

How to grow lavender in the country so that it realizes its full potential? One of the main conditions for care is to apply fertilizing in a timely manner, which will stimulate the bush to rapid growth green mass, abundant and long flowering.

For creating a neat lawn, border, flower bed, flower bed edging, hedge and alpine slide, the crown of the bush should be formed, otherwise it will take an indefinite shape.

When growing lavender seedlings, flowering should not be expected until next year.

Seeds for seedlings are planted in late February - early March in small containers with soil. Seeds are sown in shallow holes at a distance of 2 - 3 cm from each other. Cover the container with a transparent lid, provide constant lighting, periodic watering, and a temperature of +15...+21 C. Under such conditions, the seeds will germinate in 1.5 - 2 weeks. During this time, it is necessary to ventilate the containers daily. As soon as the shoots appear, the ventilation time is increased. The grown sprouts are planted separate pots or in flowerpots at a distance of 5 cm from each other.

Young shoots tolerate transplantation well. In May, such sprouts are planted in a permanent place in open ground.

How to grow lavender at home?

To grow lavender at home, you need to select a container with holes in the bottom for removal. excess moisture. A pot with a diameter of 25 - 30 cm and a volume of up to 2 liters is suitable. The bush will grow to its full size in about 3 - 5 years. During this time, the bush is annually transplanted into larger pots.

The flower must be provided with the opportunity to quickly and good drain excess water. To do this, place at the bottom of the container drainage layer: You can use any suitable material, for example, expanded clay, pebbles, broken bricks, nut shells, shards. Make sure that the drainage does not cover the drain holes.

Before you try to grow lavender at home, you should create the right environment for it. The soil should consist of a mixture of sand and peat; it would be useful to add crushed eggshells to the soil. Before planting lavender seeds in pots at home, they are subjected to stratification.

The main task when caring for lavender at home is to ensure proper periodic watering, the required level of air humidity, and as much sunlight and heat as possible. Water young seedlings daily in the morning or evening throughout the growing season. There must be water room temperature, settled. The soil should be slightly moist; excessive watering can ruin the plant. The bush really likes it when water gets on the green parts of the plant when watering.

To stimulate growth during the first 2 - 3 months, young bushes are fed weekly with liquid fertilizer (2 grams per 1 liter of water). Good level Humidity can be maintained with an electric humidifier or by manually spraying cold water around the flower pot. Light-loving lavender requires a lot of light, so it is better to give it a place on the windowsill on the south side. Young shoots should be provided with conditions so that they are exposed to lighting for at least 10 hours a day; in extreme cases, phytolamps can be used. With the onset of spring, you should take the pot with the plant out into the open air for a couple of hours a day, each time slightly increasing the “walk” time.

Since the flower overwinters indoors, the bush is pruned after the flower stalks have dried. In winter, the flower needs rest. At this time, watering is reduced, and the pot itself is placed in a cooler place. If the container with the plant is on the windowsill, you should take care that the heat from the central heating radiator does not dry out the soil. If the lavender did not rest in winter, but began to grow, with the arrival of spring, the growths that have grown over the winter must be cut off.

How to plant lavender with seeds?

Before sowing lavender seeds, they must be subjected to pre-treatment - stratification. For proper stratification, the seeds are poured into a pot with wet sand, covered with a lid and put in the cold, kept for 1.5 - 2 months at a temperature of +5 C. Lavender is planted twice a year - in early spring and mid-autumn.

In October, the collected lavender seeds are sown in the ground and sprinkled with a layer of earth up to 4 mm high. If the soil is dry, then the bed needs to be moistened. In winter, the planting site is covered with a large layer of snow, thereby causing natural stratification. After lavender seeds are planted in the ground before winter, the first shoots can be expected no earlier than May, in some cases even later, when the night frosts have passed.

For spring planting, seeds previously kept in the cold are used. To grow lavender from seeds at home, prepare a container with loose, drained peat soil and sow the seeds. If after 2 - 3 weeks the seedlings have not appeared, the pot with the seeds is placed in the refrigerator for one month for re-stratification. In May, as soon as the night temperature does not drop below -5...-7 C, the seeds are sown in open ground at a distance of 1.5 - 2 cm from each other.


Propagating bushes from cuttings is quite simple. For this purpose, lignified annual shoots are suitable, which are divided into 10 cm, rooted in moist soil by 2 - 7 cm, covered with a transparent cap and watered regularly. The ambient temperature should be within +15...+20 C, good lighting and sufficiently humid air are necessary. When warm weather sets in, lavender cuttings are opened, after which they take root and grow very quickly.

You can quickly propagate the bush using layering. To do this, in the spring, 2 - 3 branches are pressed to the ground, deepened into holes up to 5 cm high, fixed with brackets and covered with soil. After some time, the branch will take root. Separate the new bush from the mother one in the fall, after pruning.

The propagation method by dividing the bush is as follows. Before preparing for winter, the bush is pruned, leaving 10 - 15 cm above ground level, carefully hilled up, densely covering the bushes with earth. In summer, the bush grows well and produces a lot of young shoots that take root well. At the end of the season, the bush is dug up, divided, cutting with a knife, then the divisions are planted in new places.

Preparing for winter

Some types of lavender are considered frost-resistant. They are able to withstand temperatures down to -25 C. However, experienced gardeners in any case advise covering the bushes for cold weather. Preparing lavender for winter begins at the end of the season, after low pruning of the bushes, on which tree branches are laid. The most suitable branches for these purposes coniferous trees. You should not fill the beds with fallen leaves; the bushes under them may begin to rot and rot.

Lavender in the interior

You don't have to have a garden to grow lavender. It will decorate and delight any home with its appearance and aroma. A bouquet of dry lavender will fit perfectly into any bedroom, providing a serene, restful sleep, and will also fill the room with the subtle aroma of summer. Lavender will add a lively touch to the interior, because in the apartment a pot of lavender looks like a small green island.

In many cultures, the lavender flower is considered a symbol of beauty, tenderness, love and sophistication. In addition to the bouquet and flower pots, the interior is often decorated with fragrant linen bags with crushed fragrant herbs inside. Such sachets emit a pleasant floral aroma and are often used by housewives to scent rooms and cabinets. Many people decorate the room with a lavender wreath of dried flowers. Various accessories with pictures lilac flower, be it furniture or textiles, look harmonious in any interior.

Useful properties and use in folk medicine

Lavender contains essential oils that contain tannins, linalol, coumarins, herniarin, amyl alcohol, citral, bisabolene, cedren, acetic, valeric, butyric, caproic acids. Lavender essential oil is obtained from flowers, since they contain the highest content, about 0.8 - 1.2%. Oil from the inflorescence has anticonvulsant, sedative, diuretic effects, as well as antiseptic and bactericidal properties.

Use of lavender in folk medicine has a wide range of purposes. Flowers are used to treat diseases of the cardiovascular system, nervous disorders, diseases of the digestive tract, kidney diseases and the genitourinary system. Medicinal properties Lavender is undeniable and has been proven in centuries-old practice; there is no doubt about its beneficial effects on the human body.

In cosmetology, lavender oil is used for hair: its effect literally from the first use gives positive results. Lavender oil for the face is considered an unsurpassed and safe remedy for combating age-related skin changes, skin rashes, and allergies.

Uses of lavender

In folk medicine, dried and freshly picked lavender is prescribed for internal and external use. For various infectious diseases, insomnia, various nervous disorders, respiratory diseases, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the female reproductive system and other ailments, infusion and decoction of lavender are prescribed.

Lotions and essential oil are prescribed for various skin diseases, insect and animal bites. Lavender is very useful for hair: it helps restore brittle, damaged hair, and in combination with other methods it helps to cope with scalp diseases. Essential oil is used for massage and rubbing. While bathing, it is useful to add an infusion or a few drops of lavender essential oil to the water.

Plants are also used in everyday life: lavender gets rid of moths. For this purpose, dry twigs are laid out on the shelves of the closet or rag bags with crushed dried flowers are placed. The fragrant spicy aroma also repels insects such as mosquitoes and flies.

Beneficial features

Due to its calming and relaxing properties, lavender tea is recommended for sleep disturbances and nervous exhaustion. Baths and massages using essential oils, as well as aromatherapy, help with headaches and have a mild, hypnotic effect, which helps reduce tension and relieve muscle pain.

Lavender essential oil

Thanks to healing properties lavender, the use of essential oil based on it has a wide range of uses. In appearance, the oil is almost transparent, with a barely noticeable yellow tint. Thanks to its good compatibility with other essential oils, fragrant, aromatic compositions are created for wide use, both in everyday life and for medicinal purposes. Lavender oil for the face is most often used in cosmetology in the production of masks, creams, gels and other products. The use of lavender essential oil for hair can be a salvation for diseases of the scalp, dandruff, damaged hair structure, hair loss and fragility.


Lavender essential oil is not an allergen, but this does not mean that you should neglect precautions. A sensitivity test must be performed before use. It is not recommended to use essential oil during pregnancy. breastfeeding, hypotension, as it affects hormonal levels and blood pressure. When taking iron and iodine-containing medications, it is better to avoid essential oils. The smell of lavender is very fragrant and spicy. Not every person can calmly tolerate such a strong aroma; some people feel sick from the thick smell. In this case, the use of essential oil should be discontinued.

Use in cooking

Lavender truly universal plant. In addition to cosmetology, medicine and perfumery, in many countries it is used in cooking. It is added when preparing almost every dish - meat, salads, sauces, desserts, drinks. In Russia in cooking this spicy herb They are not used very often; they mostly drink tea with lavender. It gives the drink a pleasant spicy and fragrant aroma; in addition, this tea is very beneficial for health.

Lavender tea

Lavender tea is considered a universal remedy for maintaining health in the treatment of many ailments. Tea with lavender is drunk for headaches, nervous exhaustion, and excitability. It helps to relax and get rid of insomnia. Many women note a decrease in nausea and pain during menstruation.

Classic lavender tea is prepared from two tablespoons of dried flowers and one glass of boiling water. It is necessary to infuse the drink for 10 - 15 minutes. You should not get carried away with such drinks, otherwise local allergic reactions, as well as indigestion. The daily norm of such tea is no more than 2 - 3 cups per day.

Application in landscape design

Lavender in the garden has an impressive, compact and neat appearance; it looks good both in mono plantings and in compositions with other garden ornamental plants. In landscape design, lavender is used to create flower beds, rock gardens, rockeries, paths, and hedges. Lavender angustifolia is perfect for edging flower beds and borders. Multicut lavender serves as a good background and frame for flower beds. Several varieties and species can be combined in one color composition, which will give the garden an original and unusual look.