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A device for drilling wells with your own hands. Drinking water supply at the dacha: how to drill a water well yourself

Water on summer cottage or in a private home - a necessary resource that is impossible to do without. However, organizing a public water supply is often impractical. Due to the remoteness of land holdings from each other, centralized water supply is an expensive proposition. It is easier and cheaper to use an individual water source. True, you first need to organize it. Own well will provide its owner with confidence that economic needs plot and housing will be satisfied. At the same time, the owners will not have to pay for water supply, counting every cubic meter of water spent. Digging a well is difficult and expensive, but drilling a well yourself is possible if you are familiar with the drilling technology and the type of well construction.

Types of wells and their features

Before drilling, the site area must be examined, determining the level of occurrence groundwater. The amount of work that will need to be done to make the well water-bearing will depend on this parameter. The type of well is chosen taking into account the depth of the water-containing formation.

If water is found at a depth of 3-12 m, choose the “” type. At a depth of up to 50 m, a sand well is used, and an artesian well, if the water lies in the ground at least 200 m. Almost every summer resident can do the first two types manually, but an artesian well will require a drilling rig and professional drillers.

Drilling a sand well by hand

This type of source involves pumping water from a depth of up to 50 m. A sand well is called this because it “gives water” from a water-containing sandy layer of soil, the depth of which is usually just fifty meters. This depth does not guarantee the purity of the water, so it is recommended to periodically check the contents of the well at the sanitation station for the presence of organic and chemical compounds.

To organize a sand well, a classic scheme with a pump is used. And to purify water from suspended matter and debris, use a filter installed at depth. The filter needs to be cleaned regularly. The service life of a sand well is about 15 years.

Organization of the “Abyssinian well” well

This is the simplest needle hole to make. It is shallow, so care must be taken to carefully select a place for it.

There should be no septic tanks, garbage heaps, cesspools or sewage pits nearby. Due to the shallow depth harmful substances may leak into the source, contaminating it.

If the ground does not contain pebbles or other hard rocks, drilling a well can be done in the area around the house or directly in the basement of the house. The well in the basement is convenient to use even in cold weather. Equipping a home well manual column and a pump so that you can use water, regardless of the availability of electricity.

Drilling an artesian well

Provided that there are already wells of this type in neighboring areas, there is a high probability of water occurring in a limestone formation in this area. In other cases, drillers are ordered to test a well to determine the depth of water. An artesian well can provide water to several areas at once. Often drilling is ordered together in order to save money and get the desired result.

The choice of well type depends on the type of soil and the planned amount of water consumed. An Abyssinian well and a sand well will provide a low flow rate. And if the flow rate is 10 cubic meters per hour or more, you will need to install an artesian well. It is better to drill any well away from potential pollutants and close to the house so that there are no problems with laying the water supply.

Drilling equipment and tools

When drilling artesian wells, professionals use drilling rigs. For smaller wells, a regular tripod with a winch is suitable. It will lower and raise the drilling tool, consisting of a core pipe, drill rods, a drill column, and a drill.

Special equipment, without which it is problematic to make a well, is a drilling tool that will help you go deeper into the ground (auger), a tripod and a winch. To drill a well with your own hands, you will need a metal auger. An ice screw, which is used for winter fishing, can act as an auger. The main thing is that the drill is made of high-strength steel. This is the most cheap option drilling a well. In addition to the tripod, you will need pipes different diameters (water pipes, hoses, casing), valves, caisson, filters, well pump.

Drilling work: stages

1. First you need to dig a hole or pit, the dimensions of which are 150 by 150 cm. To prevent the recess from crumbling, its walls are lined with plywood, boards, and pieces of chipboard. Another option is to dig a trunk with a diameter of 15-20 cm and a depth of 1 m with an ordinary drill. This is done so that the pipe is more stable in a vertical position.

2. A strong metal or wooden tripod (called a drilling derrick) is placed directly above the recess, securing a winch at the junction of its supports. Towers made of logs are more common. A drill string with one and a half meter (if drilling independently) rods hangs on a tripod. The rods are threaded together into one pipe and secured with a clamp. This design is used for lifting and lowering equipment.

The pump is selected in advance in order to determine the diameter of the future well and core pipe. The pump must pass freely into the pipe. That is why the difference between the diameter of the pump and the internal diameter of the pipe should be at least 5 mm.

Lowering and lifting drilling equipment is the drilling of a well. The rod is rotated while simultaneously hitting it from above with a chisel. It’s much more convenient for two people to do this: the first one turns the gas wrench, and the second one hits the bar from above, breaking through the rock. Using a winch simplifies the process: it makes lifting and lowering equipment into the well much easier. The rod is marked during drilling. Markings will be required for orientation. The markings help determine when it is time to pull out the rod and clean the drill. It is usually recommended to do this approximately every half meter.

3. To make it easier to overcome different layers of soil, special drills are used.

  • spiral drill (otherwise, coil) – for clay soils;
  • drill bit for loosening hard soils;
  • drill spoons for sandy soil;
  • The bailer helps lift the soil to the surface.

4. It is easier to go through the sand layer with a spoon drill, adding water while drilling. If the soil is hard, use a chisel. Drill bits come in cross and flat types. In any case, their purpose is to help loosen hard rocks. They overcome quicksand using the shock method.

For clayey soil, you will need a coil, a bailer and a spoon. Coils or spiral drills penetrate clay soils well because they have a design similar to a spiral, and the pitch of the spiral is equal to the diameter of the drill. The size of the lower base of the drill is from 45 to 85 mm, the blade is from 258-290 mm. Pebble layers containing gravel are pierced, alternating with a bailer and a bit, with casing pipes. Sometimes you can't do without pouring water into the hole. This can significantly simplify the task of drilling a well. The option of drilling a well using a pump is also worth considering.

Soil drilling process

5. If the rock brought to the surface has become important, then the aquifer is already close. You need to go a little deeper to cross the aquifer. Drilling will suddenly become noticeably easier, but you cannot stop. You need to find a waterproof layer with a drill.

Well construction and pumping

Once the required depth has been reached, the next stage begins - arrangement. A filter column consisting of a pipe, a settling tank and a filter is lowered into the finished well. You can make it yourself from a filtration mesh, perforation and casing pipe, or use a ready-made, store-bought sand filter for a submersible pump.

To strengthen the pipe, the space behind it is filled with 5-mm crushed stone or coarse sand. The backfill must be above the filter level. Filter - essential element any well. The main function of the filter is protection from sand and large impurities. In parallel with backfilling, water is pumped into a pipe with a sealed upper end. This manipulation helps to flush the annulus and filter. After washing, a natural barrier is formed for large impurities. Zhelonization of the well with a bailer attachment or screw pump means that water is pumped out of a fresh well until the water becomes clean and clear. This stage is called buildup. For it, electric power is most often used. centrifugal pump. The advantage of this mechanism is that it can pump high-density liquid media. A regular household pump is also acceptable, but it will require more effort and time. If there are problems with the power supply, it is possible to use a hand pump.

After pumping, the pump is lowered to a depth on a safety rope (see picture above). A water pipe or hose with a diameter of 25 or 50 mm is connected to it. The choice of diameter depends on the capabilities of the well - the amount of water that can be pumped out of the well in a certain period of time.

If a metal pipe is used, the pump is not fixed. Instead, a waterproof cable coming from the pump is attached to the pipe.

Well pump. Peculiarities

To select a pump correct power, you must take into account such parameters as:

  1. well flow rate, indicators of its depth;
  2. casing diameter;
  3. distance of the well from the house.

The required pump power directly depends on these parameters. For shallow depths (up to 9 m), a self-priming surface pump, in other cases a submersible well pump will do a good job.

After the pump is immersed, a pipe is brought out into the wellhead, equipped with a caisson, welded to its head. A valve is installed on it, which will open the way for water to the top and regulate the flow. If the water intake rate is excessive, the low-productivity well will quickly dry up, and the pump, running idle, will fail. Pipes are connected to the caisson, which will serve as a water supply to the room. They require waterproofed and insulated trenches. You can read about how to choose a pump for a well, and about how to choose a pump for a well.

Well operation

Wells of all types need timely cleaning. Signs that an aquifer well requires service may include: jerks in the water outlet, the presence of air jams, impurities (silt, sand). If you miss the moment of maintenance, the productivity of the well may no longer be restored. To restore normal functions, the well is purged with a water or air compressor. More radical methods cleaning - acid or electricity. However, these methods are risky and are best left to specialists.

Tips for those who make a well themselves

Before starting work, it would be a good idea to ask your neighbors what the water level is in your area. If there are wells nearby, take a look there.

A water level above 5 m is good news, because the only tools needed for drilling are a garden auger.

A small-sized drilling rig or mechanical drilling device - “handbrake”, can be rented. This way you will have the opportunity to use convenient equipment and not pay a lot of money for it.

You cannot lower the water pipe into the well all the way to the bottom. It should not reach the deepest point by about half a meter. This way the water will go up better.

The pipe leading into the well must have on the surface ventilation holes, otherwise, without air access, the water will quickly become musty. It is convenient to equip the pipe with a hinged cover so that there is constant access to the well.

The most convenient well for equipment is solid plastic pipe.

After the well is operational, be sure to submit your water for examination. Water is recognized as drinking water if its transparency is at least 30 cm, the nitrate content is no more than 10 mg/l, there are less than 10 E. coli in 1 liter, and the maximum rating of smell and taste is 3 points.

Disadvantages and advantages of manual well drilling

Advantages: low cost; no need for bulky special equipment to enter the site; due to the relatively shallow depth, homemade wells pumps faster, takes less time; If there is no electricity, water can be obtained using a hand suction pump.

The main disadvantage of self-drilling is the limited depth and lack of specialists who can help maintain a homemade well. Thus, after reading this article, we hope that you will not have any questions about how to drill a well with your own hands.

Digging a well yourself is not the most simple work, but quite profitable. For this you need to acquire certain tools and equipment. Without them, this work cannot be done. These are various, winch, tripod. You also cannot do without an assistant who will help you remove the drill from the well.

When deciding on a specific location for a well, it is advisable to choose the lowest point on the site. It must be taken into account that this place should be as far as possible from places of soil contamination. Otherwise, in order to ensure normal drinking water, you will need to make an artesian well.

Equipment and tools for well installation

  1. Drilling tools: drilling core, drill rods, core pipe.
  2. Winch.
  3. Tripod.
  4. Metal auger or ice screw made of high-strength steel.
  5. A bailer for lifting soil to the surface.
  6. Pipes of different diameters - casing, water pipes and hoses.
  7. Caisson.
  8. Water filters.
  9. Valves.
  10. Borehole pump.

To overcome soil layers of different densities, you will need special drills:

  1. Spiral drill or so-called coil. Used for drilling clay soil.
  2. Spoon drill. Suitable for sandy soil.
  3. Drill bit. Used for loosening hard soils.

Manufacturing a drilling rig for drilling a well

Figure 1. Drilling tripod installation diagram.

The easiest way to mount a tripod for drilling a well is proposed. To make it you will need:

  • 3 beams 15-20 cm in diameter and 4-5 m long;
  • thin pipe.

The tripod is mounted as follows:

  1. Lay the beams on the ground as shown in Fig. 1.
  2. Drill holes through them through which a thin pipe will be inserted.
  3. Insert a pipe through the holes of all three beams and secure them in different directions, forming a tripod.
  4. Attach the winch to the tripod.
  5. Make a cylinder block at the top of the tripod so that the mechanical winch cable can move easily.
  6. Attach the drill to the cable and start drilling the well.

Do-it-yourself well drilling

The simple drilling process looks like this:

  1. 2 people turn the auger, holding its handle, clockwise until it is completely embedded in the ground.
  2. The drill is pulled out with a winch until the cable is completely pulled out, after which the drill is pulled out manually and cleaned from the ground.
  3. This operation is carried out until the aquifer is reached.

Let's look at how this is done in more detail.

Figure 2. Scheme of the well drilling process.

  1. First of all, a hole measuring 150x50 cm is dug out. To prevent the recess from crumbling, its walls should be lined with either boards, plywood, or chipboard. You can also dig a trunk with a regular drill to a depth of 1 m, 15-20 cm in diameter. This is necessary to ensure that the pipe remains vertically stable.
  2. Place the tripod directly above the recess and secure the winch at the junction of its supports.
  3. To determine the diameter of the well and column pipe, you first need to select a well pump. Its movement through the pipe must be unhindered, that is, the diameter of the pump must be 5 mm less than the diameter of the pipe.
  4. Drilling a well is the process of lowering and lifting drilling equipment. The rod rotates while simultaneously hitting it with a chisel. One person spins the bar, the other hits it from above, thereby going deeper into the ground. The winch makes this climb and dive easier. When drilling, the rod should be marked. This will help determine when it is time to pull out the rod and clean the drill. Experts recommend doing this procedure every 0.5 m.
  5. To drill a sandy layer of soil, a special drill-spoon is used. In this case, water must be added during the drilling process. If the soil is too hard, a drill bit will help break through it. Such drills can be of two types - flat and cross. Their main purpose is to help loosen hard soil. Quicksand sands can be drilled by impact. For soil in which clay predominates, a coil drill, a spoon drill and a bailer are used. The coil does an excellent job of passing through clay soils thanks to its spiral design, the spiral pitch of which is equal to the diameter of the drill itself. The lower base of the drill is 45-85 mm, and its blade is 258-290 mm. Pebble soils with gravel can be penetrated by alternating a chisel and bailer with casing pipes. Quite often it is necessary to pour water into the hole. This makes drilling a well much easier. You can also drill a well using a pump.
  6. If the soil that is being delivered to the top becomes wet, then you are approaching an aquifer. To cross the aquifer, you need to go a little deeper. Drilling will become much easier, but under no circumstances stop. It is necessary to use a drill to hit the waterproof layer. In Fig. Figure 2 shows the process of drilling a well.

How to choose the right pump for a well

When choosing a pump for a well, you need to consider the following parameters:

  • well depth;
  • diameter of the casing pipe used;
  • How far is the well from the house?

If the well depth does not exceed 9 m, then you can choose a surface self-priming pump.

If the depth exceeds 9 m, then choose among submersible well pumps. When the installation of the pump is completed, a pipe should be brought into the wellhead equipped with a caisson and welded to the head of the caisson. Next, a valve is installed on the pipe, opening and regulating the flow of water.

If the rate of water intake is excessive, then the water in an unproductive well will quickly run out, and the pump running idle will deteriorate.

Pipes for water supply to the room are connected in the caisson. The trenches under them must be waterproofed and insulated.

Recommendations from do-it-yourself well construction experts

  1. Before starting work, you should find out the level of groundwater in your area; if there are any wells or wells nearby, look into them.
  2. If the water level is no deeper than 5 m, then to drill a well, it is enough to use a garden drill.
  3. A compact drilling rig can be rented. You can do this yourself using good equipment, without overpaying a lot of money for it.
  4. Do not lower the water pipe to the bottom. It should be about 50 cm higher than it. This way the water will rise upward better.
  5. Ventilation holes must be made in the well pipe on the surface, otherwise the water will become musty. You can make a hinged cover on the pipe for access to the well.
  6. For well ideal solution There will be installation of a plastic pipe.
  7. When the well is ready, give the water sample to experts for analysis. You can drink water whose transparency is more than 30 cm, the nitrate content does not exceed 10 mg/l, there are no more than 10 E. coli in 1 liter of water and the taste and smell score is 3 points.

Pros and cons of drilling a well manually

The main advantages of drilling a well manually are: it affordable price; no need for large special equipment; homemade wells, due to their small depth, are easily pumped and do not tighten; If there is no electricity, water can be delivered using a hand pump.

Disadvantages include: limited drilling depth and a shortage of specialists who can help maintain a homemade well.

Well care

Each well needs care and timely cleaning. When the pressure of water weakens, which can be supplied in jerks, with air, with sand, it is time to take care of cleaning the well. This must be done in a timely manner, since the well may lose its effectiveness, and then the well will have to be built in another location.

To blow sand out of a well, water or air compressor. If this method does not help, then there are more radical methods - using acid or a short circuit. Since this is quite risky, it is better to entrust well cleaning using such methods to professionals. Otherwise, you may simply ruin the well.

Before drilling a well with your own hands, you need to find out the depth of the water horizon, the structure of the soil, and calculate the design characteristics of the water supply system. These characteristics are required before starting work:

  • a submersible pump of the required power must be placed in the casing;
  • the hole in the ground should be 50-100 mm wider than the outer diameter of the casing pipes;
  • the number of rods used to extend the tool must be sufficient for the expected depth of the water layer.

Before drilling a well manually, it is necessary to prepare a filter, casing, pump, and caisson. If you do not lower the casing at the end of drilling, the walls will begin to crumble and collapse, and repeated penetration with a bit will be required. If there are not enough rods to build up the working tool, the bit is often left at the bottom. Top part crumbles, the tool gets stuck, and there is a need to repair the well before the start of operation.

Which tool to choose for self-drilling a well

By choosing a sand well as a source of water intake, the owner of the site provides a 15-25-year resource, reducing the construction budget. Current legislature allows free use of subsoil at a depth of 20-25 m for water supply to the cottage, so there is no need to install a meter. The only drawback self-construction is the lack of a well passport, which is necessary to confirm the depth of the aquifer.

Before drilling a well into sand, exploration of the area is necessary. The best option is exploratory drilling or vertical electrical sounding, providing 100% guarantee of water availability. The second option is cheaper, produced from the surface, and takes much less time.

Manufacturers produce several types of drilling kits:

  • auger drill with a set of rods - a set for 7 m depth costs 10-12 thousand rubles, depending on the diameter of the auger (77-160 mm), pipe (20 or 25 mm), number of augers (3 or 4 pcs.);
  • manual drilling machine - non-volatile equipment that increases the drilling speed on loams to 40 m/day;
  • manual rotational drilling installation - a tripod with a manual winch, hole diameter 7.6-20 cm, depth is not limited, depending on the configuration costs 30-120 thousand.

All of the above devices are possible in soft rocks. Large boulders and rocky soil are insurmountable obstacles in this case. Screw technology is simpler, less labor-intensive, but requires more space. Cable-percussion drilling is cheaper, but more labor-intensive.

The cost of mobile drilling rigs with gasoline, electric drive starts from 80 thousand, which is not economically viable for carrying out independent work. In this case, ordering a service from a specialized company will cost less; the contractor will provide a well passport, warranty obligations. The well will last longer, SanPiN and SNiP standards will be met.

Drilling technology

You can make a well manually with the simplest tool, the working part of which resembles a fishing drill. The tip is made of cutters, which are cut by an angle grinder and bent into the form of blades. Pieces of files and cutters with pobedit tips are welded onto the cutters to increase the destructive ability of the auger.

The speed of drilling wells increases when using a bailer, which is a piece of thick-walled pipe with a jagged edge, mechanical (grab), pneumatic or piston grip. The soil excavation technology is as follows:

Auger operating diagram: 1 – well, 2 – flanges, 3 – drilled rock, 4 – bit.

  • a column of rods with a bailer at the end is lifted by a winch using a cable on the winch;
  • falls freely onto the face;
  • rotates manually until completely filled with rock;
  • after immersion to the height of the bailer (usually 0.6-0.8 m), the column is removed from the well;
  • soil is removed from the pipe part of the tool;
  • the operation is repeated until the desired depth is achieved.

The well must have a flow rate that satisfies the needs of the family, therefore, after reaching the aquifer (upper water or sandy layer), it is necessary to deepen the hole by 3-5 m. This will increase the dynamic level and ensure uninterrupted water supply to the system.

It is not possible to make a well yourself in 95% of cases - with the manual method of destroying rock, an assistant is required. Professional teams use flushing drilling technology, when the destroyed rock is removed by the pressure of water pumped into the well. Home master usually uses dry drilling technology, so the column along with the working tool has to be periodically raised to the surface to clean the drill and bailer.

At the initial stage, the weight of the rods is insignificant; as the depth of the wells increases, it is unrealistic to lift the column alone. The work is performed with a partner, ensuring the safety of the process.

Abyssinian technology differs from traditional wells:

  • diameter limited to 33 mm, depth 10 m;
  • the column is driven into the ground (needle hole);
  • Only surface pumps are used to lift water.

The well is made from thick-walled metal pipes using special device using the following technology:

  • using a hand drill to a depth of 0.7-1.2 m, a conductor is made to set the direction with constant control of the vertical;
  • a pointed tip with a filter (perforated pipe) is installed at the installation site;
  • the first casing pipe is screwed onto it;
  • a headstock is put on it - a massive part with an internal hole;
  • Cables are attached to the headstock on both sides;
  • a bar with rollers for the cable is fixed in the upper part;
  • a table is rigidly fixed in the middle part of the pipe;
  • the headstock is lifted by cables to the upper level;
  • falls on the table, driving the pipe into the ground;
  • rises periodically upon reaching the ground;
  • after driving in the first pipe, the next one is screwed onto it;
  • the operation is repeated to the desired depth.

A tube well has zero repairability, since it is impossible to remove the casing column driven into it from the soil.

The resource runs out after silting or clogging of the filter; backflushing usually helps restore productivity 3-5 times. The advantage of the Abyssinian well is the ability to install a water supply source in the basement, basement, or technical underground. This ensures the absence of thermal insulation and external plumbing.

Secrets of self-drilling sand wells

When the aquifer is reached, the water intake system must be flushed. The technology is called rocking and occurs in the following sequence:

  • the achievement of the aquifer is controlled by the nature of the soil removed from the working tool (drill or bailer);
  • when the water is reached, the column of rods with a chisel is pulled to the surface;
  • a pump is lowered into the well and the sediment is pumped out;
  • after the appearance clean water the pump is removed from the hole in the ground;
  • the drill/bit is lowered to the bottom again;
  • the tool is raised and lowered to lift heavy sediment;
  • after the third pumping of suspended matter, a natural filter (gravel, granite screenings, shungite, crushed stone) is periodically poured into the wellbore.

As a result, the well receives backfilling of the bottom with ore material, sand and clay are removed, which ensures high quality water.

After the drill is buried 1.5-2.5 m, it becomes difficult to rotate the tool on your own, so all kinds of gripping devices are used, for example, pipe wrenches with handles extended by pipes.

Wellhead equipment

For the manufacture of autonomous system To provide water to a cottage, it is not enough to drill a hole in the ground and install a casing inside it. To seal the shaft and protect the aquifer from melt and rain water, caps are used, attached with studs to the casing.

To supply water to the house, the pipeline must be buried below the freezing mark. Therefore, the use of a caisson is the best option. The design is a 2-2.5 m well with a casing in the center, covered with a slab covered with earth.

Industry produces ready-made designs made of polymers with sealed sleeves for casing, cables, external water supply lines. A pit is made at the mouth, the caisson is put on the casing pipes, the water main is diverted from the well at a depth of 1.5-1.8 m. The caisson has a diameter of 1-1.5 m, which allows water treatment systems to be placed inside the chamber, shut-off valves, pump equipment.

A budget option for a caisson is a well made of reinforced concrete rings 1 m in diameter. However, in this case it is difficult to properly seal the seams between the rings; surface water may leak into the structure. In addition, the factory caissons are equipped comfortable stairs, hatches that are decorated in landscape design dummies of boulders, stumps, animal figures.

To increase rigidity polymer structures Before backfilling, the outer walls are concreted with a thickness of 10-20 mm. To compensate for heaving forces pushing the caisson to the surface, the tanks are anchored into the ground or to the lower concrete slab.

The economic effect of self-drilling wells is 50-70%, but there is no documentation on the source of water intake or warranty obligations. There are risks in making dry wells, since the sand horizon is not present everywhere.

TO hand technology Well drilling is usually resorted to when it is necessary to provide a dacha or a private house water supply Sometimes a well is chosen for this function, but a water well is still preferable - it has a number of advantages:

  1. Long service life;
  2. Aquifers lie deep underground, which helps produce cleaner water;
  3. The rate of water replenishment at wells (the so-called flow rate) is much higher than at wells.

There are several drilling technologies and borehole structures themselves. The process of drilling water wells with your own hands is much simpler than it might seem at first. The methods described below do not require the purchase and use of expensive, complex equipment or special highly specialized knowledge. Manual drilling Wells are quite strong for every man.

Types of wells


The uppermost layer is the upper waters - they lie approximately 10 m from the surface. Sometimes they are used to provide water, but this is not recommended. For safe use Such water requires constant sanitary checks - high water is rarely suitable for drinking, more often it is used for technical needs.

Well on sand

Typically, wells are drilled to a non-confined formation - it lies approximately 5-20 m from the surface and is much safer for drinking than water from the upper formation. A well in a non-confined formation is called a sand well. Before you start drinking water, it is still recommended to check it with the involvement of a sanitary organization, but obtaining positive conclusion much more likely.

A free-flow formation has no pressure, and for safe operation filtering is required fine particles soil. The flow rate of such a well is approximately 2 cubic meters. m/day.

Well for limestone

The highest quality water is obtained from it. The depth of such wells for limestone can range from 7 to 50 m. The composition of the aquifer includes: loam, limestone and water-resistant rock. It is precisely such wells that contain water of very high quality and therefore, to ensure the supply of drinking water It is better to drill water wells with your own hands in limestone.

The formation has its own pressure - this helps to raise water to the surface. The debit is equal to 5 cubic meters. m/day However, before using the water, it is recommended to carry out a sanitary check. Important advantages such a well in front of all others is:

  • long service life;
  • simplified water supply system, thanks to the presence of its own pressure at the well;
  • stable daily debit;
  • no need for a sand filter;
  • high quality and purity of water.

An artesian well is located in interstratal waters and provides the highest quality and unique purity of water. The depth of such a well lies from 30 to 50 m deep, so it is almost impossible to drill it manually.

And it’s not worth trying to drill a water well in such a formation yourself, since artesian waters are considered a valuable natural resource and are protected by law.

Drilling depth

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the depth of the planned well, for which you need to know at what depth the aquifer lies. To do this, it is necessary to conduct geological research or at least ask the neighbors operating the well about the depth of their well. Even today, there are folk experts, dowsers, who are able to find the closest location of water from the surface of the earth.

Based on their depth, wells are divided into three main types:

  1. Shallow- no more than 3 m. It is recommended to drill such a well if the water from it will be used only for technological and operational needs.
  2. Medium deep– no more than 7 m. Such a well is created if the extracted water will be used both for technical and drinking water, but with questionable quality;
  3. Deep– more than 7 m. This type of well is made when there is a need for large quantities drinking water.

Methods for self-drilling wells

Hydro drilling

Hydrodrilling is carried out by pumping water into a drill string (pipe) at the bottom of which there are special holes. Water erodes the soil below and rises up into the pit into the gap between the drill pipe and the walls of the well. Most of the soil raised with water settles in the pit, and the water itself enters the second pit in purified form.

The drilling pump pumps out purified water from the 2nd pit and supplies it to the pump. As a result of the closed cycle, water consumption is relatively small.
As the well deepens, the drill pipe is extended with additional threaded pipes.

When the drilling work is completed, the casing is lowered into the well. The casing pipe is equipped with a filter in drilled holes or cuts and is located at the end of the casing pipe. Typically, the filter is about 1 m long.

Auger drilling

This type of drilling is carried out using a steel pipe equipped with welded blades in a spiral. Such a drill is also called an auger; it is convenient for drilling soft or medium-hard soils, but is contraindicated in the presence of stony or rocky soil.

Drilling technology using an auger drill is as follows:

  1. By rotating, the drill is driven into the ground.
  2. When the auger goes into the ground to its full depth (or the rotation force becomes very large), it is removed and the soil is cleared from the blades. To facilitate the rotation of the drill, you can pour water into the well.
  3. The pipe is extended from above to the drill and it is lowered into the ground again;
  4. The procedure continues until the aquifer is reached.

Mostly, auger drilling is used in professional drilling rigs, but work can also be carried out with manual augers. Working with such a drill is not easy; the process itself requires certain skills and knowledge.

Needle hole

Alternative name: Abyssinian well is, rather, not a drilling method, but the direct driving of a pipe through which water will flow into the ground. The tool is a rod with a cone-shaped tip, the maximum diameter of which is greater than the diameter of the pipe being driven.

Pipes for needle wells are thick-walled water pipes, the diameter of which varies from 25 to 32 m. A prerequisite for such pipes is tightness, since they are driven into the ground once and for all. If pipes are joined by welding, the welder must have sufficient qualifications to ensure tightness. If pipes are threaded together, sealing and sealing is required threaded connection.

Design of the Abyssinian well:

  1. Needle;
  2. Filter - drilled holes in the bottom of the pipe for the aquifer;
  3. Wire and a small stainless steel mesh over the drilled holes, which must be welded to the pipe so that they do not come off when hammered.

The wire must be made of stainless steel in order to avoid electrolytic corrosion when using wire made of copper or brass.

In order not to break the upper end of the pipe when driving it into the ground, you can use an eccentric or wedge device placed on the pipe. It consists of a ring with an internal cone, into which another conical split ring with an external counter cone or separate conical plates are inserted. The ring is put on the pipe and wedged on the cones so that its downward movement becomes impossible. Next, take the headstock (it is also heavy and a large ring with two handles) and by hitting the wedged ring with the headstock, the pipe is buried in the ground.

Shock-rope method

The shock-rope method of creating wells has earned its popularity due to its simplicity and accessibility. However, this is a rather slow process, since this method requires a lot of physical effort. It can be used with almost any type of soil.

The drilling technology is simple and straightforward, and the process occurs as follows: a tripod is installed, at the upper end of which there is a pulley. A rope has the ability to slide along the pulley, at one end of which a drilling tool is installed; the second end is used to lift the tool manually. The tool is sharply thrown into the well, releasing the rope, and then the tool is pulled to the surface by the rope, where, upon reaching a penetration depth of about 0.5 m, the tool is cleaned.

The following tool is used for such drilling:

  • drill-glass, otherwise called Sheetz projectile - designed for working with viscous, highly adhering soils;
  • The bailer is a piece of pipe with a spring-loaded flap valve, which opens during impact and closes when rising upward, preventing soil from spilling out. Used when working with loose rock;
  • a spoon drill is a piece of pipe with petals bent at the bottom. Used for loose or loose soil;
  • a drill bit with a plate in cross section is used to penetrate rock layers.

With the shock-rope method, the casing can be installed and lowered as the well deepens. In this case, the pipe must be metal, since a plastic pipe can be damaged from the inside by a drill bit.

Types of casing

The diameter of such a pipe must be selected by checking the parameters of the well and the size and type of pump intended for use. Pipe materials are quite varied and not all of them are safe for use.

Pipe materials:

  • asbestos pipes– contain a very strong carcinogen and are therefore very harmful for use;
  • galvanized pipes - have a negative effect on the human body, there is a risk of poisoning;
  • steel pipes– economical and practical option, however, over time they rust to the point of through corrosion;
  • stainless steel pipes do not carry anyone harmful influence the human body and, among other things, help to significantly increase the life of the well. The disadvantage of such pipes is the unattractive price of stainless steel and the complex technology of its welding;
  • HDPE and PVC pipes(plastic) is one of the most commonly used materials, which has earned such respect due to its availability and low cost. However, they are only suitable for shallow wells (no more than 15 m), since they do not withstand heavy loads and can be damaged from the inside by a submersible pump.

Some nuances

  1. It is advisable for a drilled well to undergo pumping, during which water is poured into the gap between the well and the casing pipe and pumped out of the pipe. The option of pumping through a pipe and pumping out between the pipe and the ground is possible, but this method can disrupt the aquifer.
  2. Next, it is necessary to daily pump out the entire volume of water from the well to increase flow rate and increase water transparency.
  3. To operate a well, it is necessary to use a filter. It is optimal to mount the filter directly to the pump inlet.
  4. The service life of a well depends on the regularity of water intake and the amount of water pumped out.

It is very important to have a personal source of clean water on your personal plot, since central water supply not always available. Good decision is drilling water wells. It is not necessary to involve specialists and an industrial drilling rig - drilling water wells is accessible to everyone. Let's try to figure out how to drill a water well with your own hands.

The most common are two types: filter and artesian. The first is drilled to a depth of 30 m and reaches the upper aquifer. The pipe diameter is selected around 130 mm. The water from it is usually used for watering flower beds and gardens. Due to the high probability of siltation, the service life of such a well is relatively short.

Artesian is drilled to a depth of 20 to 200 m: the purpose of such drilling is to reach the calcareous water layer. The pipe diameter is chosen a little larger - up to 160 mm. Costs increase significantly, but the service life of the well also increases to 50 years.

About existing drilling methods

You can drill a well in various ways.

  1. The auger method is used for drilling shallow (up to 30 m) wells in soft, loose soils.
  2. Rotary - the method is based on the rotation of the drill.
  3. Percussion-rope drilling involves punching through the soil with a bit that is raised and lowered on a rope.
  4. Core - a drill is used in the form of a ring, which, rotating, destroys the soil.

The auger method is the simplest for manual drilling.

Necessary equipment and tools

A water well can be obtained using various equipment, the choice of which depends on the type of soil and the drilling method. The tool must be made from durum varieties carbon steel.
Construction of a water well can be done using the following types of drill heads:

  1. Spiral drill – used for clay soils. Drill length – 260-290 mm, diameter – 45-85 mm.
  2. Chisel-shaped drill: its tip can be flat, have the shape of a cross or a peak. Used for percussion drilling in hard rocks.
  3. A spoon-shaped drill is an eccentric metal cylinder with a spiral or longitudinal slot. It has proven itself well when drilling in sandy-clayey soils and loams. The length of the drill is approximately 700 mm, the diameter of the lower part is from 70 to 200 mm. Allows you to increase the depth of the well to 400 mm in one step.
  4. Bailer - designed for working in loose soils using the impact method. A regular bailer is made from metal pipe up to three meters long. The outer diameter is from 95 to 220 mm, the inner diameter is in the range of 25-95 mm. There are also piston type bailers.

The drill (auger) can be made from a regular fishing ice ax. Additional cutters made from sharpened parts of files need to be welded to it.

You must also have:

  • metal pipes for lengthening the tripod legs;
  • tool for earthworks: shovels, garden carts;
  • pump with water hose;
  • goats;
  • timber guides for centering the pipe in the well;
  • gas key No. 3;
  • a mesh for sifting gravel and fine gravel.

Manual drilling: preparatory stage

To find out how deep a water well should be on your property, you don’t need to contact a geodetic company: it’s easier to ask the owners of wells near neighboring houses. The aquifer passes at the same level, and the deviation can be no more than two to three meters. If the water is not deep, the problem can be solved without a drilling derrick: for this you need shortened rods 1.5 m long. For deep drilling, a rig is needed.
Step-by-step preparation for drilling using a tower can be presented as follows:

  1. It is necessary to dig a hole, the depth of which is 2 m or more, the dimensions are 1.5 × 1.5 m. This is necessary so that the top loose layer does not crumble and does not interfere with drilling.
  2. The soil should be strengthened wooden shields, knocked down from boards.
  3. If the top layer of soil consists of dense rocks, a pit is not needed. It is enough to clear and level the work area, and then make a recess of about 500 mm to install the drill.
  4. In the absence of industrially manufactured equipment, you can build a tower yourself: logs, metal channels, pipes or angles are suitable for this.
  5. A drilling rig is installed at the drilling site, and a column is suspended from the derrick in the center of the well, which is a set of rods that can be extended (using adapter couplings) during operation. A drill head is installed at its end.
  6. We prepare the casing pipes: in their walls we drill perforations with a diameter of 5 mm above 500 mm from the bottom edge, evenly distributing them along the pipe over a distance of 2 m.

Water well drilling technology

Drilling is a cyclical process in which the auger must be periodically cleared of soil, for which it must be completely removed from the well. Gradually moving forward, they reach the aquifer, resulting in the formation of a water well.

The technology can be described step by step as follows.

  1. After installing the drill, it begins to rotate. As it gradually deepens, it creates greater resistance and in order to overcome it, it is necessary to involve a sufficient number of assistants. You can soften the movement of the drill using water: it must be added in small portions.
  2. After making several revolutions, the drill is removed and cleaned. The soil, as it accumulates, is removed.
  3. Gradually going deeper, it is necessary to build up the drill with the help of additional bends. The handle should be moved higher after it reaches the ground. In order to start working with a highly reinforced handle, it is necessary to use sawhorses. Instead of a handle, in some cases a gas wrench No. 3 is used.
  4. Work continues after the first aquifer is reached. This can be seen in the wet soil extracted from the well. To prevent the auger from being drawn in, the wet slurry should be removed in small portions at this stage.
  5. The well must be deeper than the top layer of clay, otherwise the penetration of surface groundwater into the well cannot be avoided.
  6. Before you start rotating the auger, the drill rods must be moved up and down several times, thus cleaning the well.
  7. A rigid, thick-walled polyethylene pipe is lowered into the finished well, and the gap between it and the soil wall should be filled with fine gravel. Welded metal pipe can be used, but it is not resistant to corrosion.

Another method involves using a tripod: using a winch, a glass is lowered into the casing pipe to the bottom of the well. Making reciprocating movements, it picks up soil, which is then removed out. Gradually the well deepens to the required level.

To keep the water well clean, it is necessary to use a powerful centrifugal or vibration pump to “swing”. During this process, the fine gravel will compact and settle, so it must be added gradually.
The rocking takes a long time, and a lot of water is consumed, to drain which you should dig a ditch towards a slope or natural reservoir.
After the water level in the well is sufficient for its normal operation, a permanent, less powerful pump is lowered into the pipe. Before each turn on, it is recommended to raise and lower the pump several times: in this case, solid sediment will be captured and removed from the well. This will slow down the silting process. Water wells, as practice shows, can last more than 15 years. To increase this period, periodic cleaning of the well is carried out.

To determine whether the resulting water can be used as drinking water, it is necessary to conduct an analysis in a sanitary-epidemiological laboratory.

Construction of the above-ground part of the well is possible in the form of a well in which it is installed necessary equipment, or in the form of an above-ground column.

At the end there is a video showing one of the options for finishing the work and bringing water into the house.