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Make a stained glass window. DIY stained glass at home

Hello, dear readers!

I won’t lie – I often like to “get away” from city life and spend a couple of weeks at my summer cottage.

I didn’t particularly bother with the arrangement of this place, but recently I wanted to change something in the appearance.

I decided to start with the windows. And you know, I really liked the result. Now my house stands out clearly from others.

Now I’ll tell you how to make stained glass on glass with your own hands. I will also tell you what materials may be needed for this.

Stained glass on glass is a great way to decorate the interior, giving windows and interior door inserts nobility and sophistication. And if earlier this was a very labor-intensive and expensive process, accessible only to a few craftsmen, today it is really possible to do it yourself.

A similar effect is easy to achieve through the use of stickers or glass painting techniques with special paints.

The use of stained glass in the interior

Many centuries have passed since stained glass glass was invented, and humanity still admires the narrow and long windows of temples and cathedrals, palaces and houses of the rich nobility of the Late Middle Ages. In those days, any glass was an expensive luxury, especially stained glass. They were made on the basis of a cellular metal pattern, into which pieces of smalt and colored Murano glass were inserted exactly corresponding to the pattern.

The word "stained glass" Latin origin, where vitrum means “glass”, but is now used to refer to colored designs on glass. Until now, numerous pilgrims and sightseers of historical monuments are impressed by the images of saints on glass that transmits light through colored cells.

Break stained glass with biblical scenes in Orthodox church or a Catholic cathedral was considered blasphemy, especially since they were created over decades.

Stained glass painting has long gone beyond the scope of religious buildings. Today, stained glass on glass is again in fashion, and a wide variety of subjects are used. Artists specializing in stained glass painting are offering more and more new techniques that reduce the cost of creating glass inserts shining with colors.

This special, highly artistic decor can give the interior of an apartment a more expensive and respectable look.

And today stained glass is widely used wherever it is appropriate:

  • window glass;
  • large shades of ceiling lamps;
  • false windows with lighting;
  • interior doors;
  • glass partitions for zoning large areas;
  • elegant table tops for small tables in the living room;
  • frameless glazing of interior spaces;
  • translucent screens between 2 adjacent rooms;
  • multi-level and suspended ceilings;
  • sliding cabinet doors;
  • fireplace screens;
  • table, floor and wall lamps;
  • *transparent inserts in ceilings;
  • inserts on wall niches;
  • art objects and souvenirs.


You can choose transparent or opaque stained glass, depending on the overall purpose.

If it is important that light partially penetrates into the room, but what is happening behind the partition cannot be seen in detail, choose opaque glass for stained glass:

  • stained glass screen in the bathroom (in the shower);
  • glass partition between kitchen and bathroom;
  • impenetrable interior doors with insert in the bedroom;
  • partition between toilet and bathroom.

Attention: It is worth considering that colored impenetrable stained glass only partially transmits light, so it is inappropriate in an apartment where there is already insufficient lighting.

But on south side a stained glass window made by yourself will become an appropriate light filter, for example, stained glass on glass, photo:

Advantages and disadvantages of stained glass inserts

Anyone who wants to make stained glass on glass with their own hands can master the art of stained glass painting. It is useful to master the technology of glass painting to decorate your personal space, and then you can use it as additional income.

And although beautiful stained glass is a real art, you don’t have to be an artist; many craftsmen use ready-made sketches for intricate drawings with clear boundaries on the glass.

Making stained glass yourself is a fascinating process, reminiscent of children's “coloring books”, where each cell of the picture is filled within the finished contours a certain color. And it also resembles a children's kaleidoscope with colored glass between the mirrors, where it is so fascinating to observe amazing patterns.

An important advantage is that each stained glass window is unique, even if a ready-made sketch was used. Any image is obtained as a result of the choice of one or another technique, method of application and selection of dyes and cell boundaries.

Obtaining a selected image of stained glass on glass – interesting activity, which even a schoolchild can master. It’s fun for the whole family to make, being careful when working with glass, the edge of which can be temporarily covered with masking tape.

If you work with acrylic paints, you don’t need any special equipment. The traditional technique of making stained glass windows from glass and metal requires a separate workshop. And some glass etching methods involve the use of chemicals.

Helpful advice!

Drawing on glass, with competent organization work and if you have a ready-made sketch, you can complete it quite quickly. And if you have artistic skills and a subtle taste, then making stencils and stained glass windows with your own hands is an excellent hobby or a way of creative self-realization.

In this case, you can try which stained glass windows will be most interesting:

  • drawn;
  • cut;
  • glued;
  • soldered.

The simplest methods of applying a design have their drawbacks - the design may not be durable. The simplest loose image has to be made between two glasses in a frame, kept as a souvenir so that it does not wash off.

But this applies more to children's creativity. And if you decide to decorate your apartment with real works of art, using special glass paints, the stained glass window should be elegant and attractive.

It is unlikely that “something” special will come out the first time; you will have to practice several times to practice mastering the technique.

Attention: Remember that any glass can break, including stained glass. Therefore, it is advisable to first consider whether there is a possibility that the insert will be broken. In some cases, it is better to use a ready-made folding film, which will prevent fragments from flying away, for example, if you do not carefully slam a glass door.

Varieties of techniques for performing stained glass painting

Stained glass on glass used to be done using the most labor-intensive method, when a metal pattern consisting of cells was made. Then a piece of glass of a certain color, cut exactly to the shape of each cell, was inserted into each free gap.

The most difficult thing was to make symmetrical images - the metal patterned mesh might not match in outline, and each fragment was cut separately. The glass had to be fixed, and also in such a way that there were no gaps allowing air and water to pass through.

The classic soldered method is still used today, but in living conditions Less expensive, labor-intensive and inexpensive stained glass glass painting techniques are applicable.

The most popular techniques today include:

  • frosted stained glass;
  • "Tiffany";
  • using the casting technique;
  • using the fusing technique;
  • using the Plastic Lead technique;
  • frosted stained glass;
  • film stained glass windows SGO;
  • bevel technique;
  • “etching” technique;
  • “bending” technique;
  • laser engraving;
  • painting with acrylic paints;
  • combined stained glass windows.

It’s worth taking a closer look at how to make stained glass on glass with your own hands using the most affordable methods.

1. We put together pieces of cut out colored glass to form a mosaic canvas. Each fragment of the composition is inserted into a metal stencil frame made of tin or sheet copper.

The metal parts will have to be soldered, but this has to be done without glass, so it is important to think about how to secure the glass in these cells. The finished drawing will resemble real expensive stained glass.

2. Pieces of colored translucent film are laid out on the glass, like an applique, in a pattern thought out in advance - along the contours drawn with a special disappearing marker.

Next, a special paint in the form of a dark border, or any resinous solution that sets quickly, is applied along the borders with a tube. The finished image is covered with another glass of exactly the same format and carefully glued along the edges.

Double glass with internal pattern quite practical, it is inserted into a frame or wooden window frame.

A similar method - inserts of thin colored glass (transparent, frosted or sandblasted) are also inserted between two glasses. Such double or triple colored glass for stained glass is the heaviest, so it is not recommended for furniture doors.

3. On sale you can find ready-made colored smalt, which in the form of fragments cut and polished along the edges is simply glued to the glass. Plastic crystals or artificial “pebbles” for embroidery with a flat back are also suitable, as well as small gems or flat beads.

They can be placed on glass with “liquid nails”, for example, in the form grapevine. This method is easy to decorate vases, glassware and souvenirs.

This method is suitable for those inserts that do not need to be cleaned - pebbles and smalt can be accidentally scraped off. However, such a Hand-made stained glass window sparkling with crystals on glass looks luxurious, especially with backlighting.

4. The design on smooth or sandblasted glass is applied with special paints that require heat treatment. After firing in the oven, a durable stained glass pattern is obtained that is not afraid of cleaning.

A similar method is imitation of stained glass painting, which uses acrylic paints without oven treatment. The pattern will be durable, but such glass should not be washed. Such stained glass windows are successfully used in windows with double frames with a pattern facing inwards, where the glass is not washed as often as on the outside.

Where can I get stencils for stained glass?

The beauty of the initial sketch determines the final result. And if you try to draw “something there” yourself, such a stained glass window is unlikely to be highly artistic. Even if you take more advantageous subjects - roses, peacocks or fish, it is important to maintain the proportions of the picture, color balance and overall composition.

The choice of plot should be justified by the functionality of the room. Fantasy flowers, angels, beautiful half-naked maidens, Amazons, and leopards are suitable for the bedroom. An elegant abstraction and symmetrical patterns that harmonize with the overall theme of the room are suitable for the living room.

If you are looking for stained glass windows suitable for a bathroom, select stencils with aquarium fish, something with a marine theme.


Any abstract image or neutral theme, for example, a firebird, is suitable for the partition of a passage corridor.

The image for a certain interior style is selected in accordance with the characteristic theme for such a design:

  • sakura branch - for Japanese style;
  • "rocalia" curls - for Rococo;
  • the stroke of the whip is typical of Art Nouveau;
  • intricate abstraction – Art Deco, etc.

It is best to use ready-made stencils, which can be purchased:

  • in art stores;
  • from artists who master this technique;
  • print popular “pictures” from the Internet (the uniqueness of your stained glass windows will suffer).

For those who know how to draw, it is best to take your favorite illustrations as a basis, choose a suitable plot and develop your own sketch.

Attention: It is important to consider the scaling of images, since transferring a small sketch onto a large glass will result in distorted proportions and a lot of empty space. Therefore, a small sketch is first drawn into squares - for a better enlargement of the drawing.

Sometimes at the completion stage you have to add elements to fill the voids. Ready-made stencils for life-size stained glass windows do not require modification. Traditionally, stained glass designs look beautiful, combining a thin graphic frame and floral ornament.

Tip: Do not rush to fill the stencil design with paints. If you have a choice, experiment with color in your drafts. Sometimes replacing the background or central elements not only changes the overall impression of the picture, but also creates an aura in a room with stained glass windows. For example, cool blue or purple flowers should be replaced with warm shades for the living room or cold ones for the bathroom.

What paints should I use for stained glass?

1. A solution based on nitro varnish NTs-2141 (or similar, other marking). You will need artistic oil paints and solvent. IN separate container dilute the nitro varnish with the addition of a solvent (less than half).

A pea-sized amount is added to the finished emulsion. artistic paint or a drop of pigment for construction work. We check the intensity of the paint on the glass; if it is not enough, add more.

The glass must first be degreased by wiping it with a solvent such as acetone. A high-quality varnish for bending should be transparent, spread well, and not form bald spots on the glass.

2. A solution based on BF-2 glue. The emulsion is diluted with a solvent and any alcohol-soluble dye. For example, they use ballpoint pen paste - blue, purple, green and red.

The glue and solvent are mixed in a glass jar, into which the dye is added drop by drop to the required saturation. We try it with a brush on the control glass.

3. Gelatin-based and fabric dyes. Gelatin (5-6 g) in the form of a paste is brewed with hot water, into which diluted liquid paint is gradually introduced.

You can first draw an image, then outline the boundaries, but it is better to first make a “decoration” grid. Such a pattern requires fixing - after the bend has dried, the glass is coated with colorless nitro varnish.

Helpful advice!

Stained glass painting with silicate paints is used by artists for heat treatment. Using special chemical components to create a mirror or matte surface. Some techniques are not available for home painting, for example, engraved stained glass, which is created using special equipment.

The simplest method is to use ready-made stained glass or mirror self-adhesive.

DIY stained glass windows. Create your own stained glass window at home

This page is dedicated to those who decided to try making stained glass windows with their own hands. Here you will find a description of manufacturing technologies, materials and tools used.

Below is an illustrated step-by-step instruction, which will allow you to make stained glass with your own hands using the chosen technology.

Tiffany stained glass windows are made from fragments of colored glass.

Filled stained glass window. You create your masterpiece using glass paints and contour paints.

The first step to making stained glass with your own hands

To make stained glass windows with your own hands, you need to decide on the technology. Then study the materials and tools you will need. And finally start manufacturing.

Technology selection


Real stained glass windows are made from pieces of colored glass. They are both the most beautiful and the most difficult to make. Currently, the most popular manufacturing technology for colored glass is Tiffany technology.

Do-it-yourself stained glass windows using Tiffany technology will exceed all your wildest expectations. Detailed description.

Film stained glass

Film stained glass is a kind of applique. Only instead of colored paper, film is used. The leaders in quality sold by us are films from English manufacturers Decra Led and Rega Led.

To simulate a seam, self-adhesive tin tape is glued between the fragments. The work done by the hands of professionals turns out very beautiful, despite the fact that the film is inferior in appearance to glass.

Filled stained glass windows

Filled stained glass is glass on which the outline of the design is applied with thick paint and is 1-2 mm wide and high. The contour forms areas into which thinner paint is subsequently poured.

Making Tiffany stained glass with your own hands

Required tools and equipment:

  • Roller glass cutter. Rotating head, roller with automatic wetting.
  • Nippers, at least two types, for breaking off small and long parts.
  • Machine for processing glass edges. We chose Kristall 2000.
  • Light table. Height 80 cm. Tabletop – glass, lamps under the tabletop throughout the entire area. Not necessary for small items.
  • Soldering iron
  • Black felt-tip pen with thin tip
  • Protective glasses
  • Skillful hands

Materials required for work:

  • Glass selected according to the sketch. Typically, for 1 m2 of stained glass, with parts having a curved shape, at least 2 m2 of glass is required.
  • Special copper or brass foil.
  • Tin POS-61.
  • Soldering acid.
  • Patina. Depending on the desired color of the seams - black or copper. To obtain a copper seam you can use water solution copper sulfate.

Sketch and drawing development

When developing a sketch, you should remember that glass is a rather fragile material, which means it is quite capricious in processing. For example, using a glass cutter it is impossible to cut a part with internal corner. For such parts, a special jigsaw is required, but due to its high cost, it is not considered here.

After the sketch is ready, you should make a drawing, which some call “cardboard”. It is a sheet of paper or film with a life-size outline of a stained glass pattern.

If you will be working on a light table, the paper should be transparent enough so that the outline of the design is clearly visible through the art glass when the lamps under the table top are turned on. If the contours of the parts are transferred to the glass in another way, the transparency of the paper does not matter.

At self-assembly Be sure to follow all safety rules. Work only with safety glasses.

Cutting fragments from art glass

When cutting out a part, if it has a curved shape, the initial pieces of glass are chosen in such a way, if you are not a professional, that they extend beyond the contour of the part by at least 4 mm on each side.

By running the glass cutter roller across the glass, you make a scratch, which is supposed to break the glass. The cutting pressure should not be too strong. If the line along which you intend to cut the glass has one or more bends, you should lightly tap under the scratch left by the glass cutter.

If possible, the part that needs to be obtained should be firmly fixed on the table surface, and the likelihood that it will remain intact will be greater. The inner radius in the parts is cut out in several stages. In order to maintain the dimensions and not end up with a product that ultimately does not fit into the space prepared for it, you should start from the perimeter of the product.

The internal details of the future stained glass window should be divided into fragments. Each fragment should also start from the perimeter. The parts located inside the fragments are cut out in place, after soldering the external ones.

Parts processing

Processing the edge of the part After the part is cut out, it must be processed on a Kristall machine. The edge of the part is processed so that sharp corners do not damage the copper tape. With this procedure, you can correct the shape of the part.

Before soldering, the end of each part, around the entire perimeter, should be wrapped with copper or brass tape.

The finished, turned and wrapped parts are laid out in accordance with the drawing and, to begin with, they are grabbed in several places with tin. Before soldering, the seams are wiped with soldering acid.


After the last part is prepared for soldering and placed in its place in the overall composition, you can begin soldering the stained glass. Try to distribute the tin evenly across the seams, achieving a smooth, convex seam. It is necessary to solder on both sides.

The Tiffany stained glass window, made by your own hands, is ready.

DIY stained glass windows

I would like to remind you that classic stained glass is piece of art of a figurative nature, made from pieces of colored glass. Filled stained glass is an imitation, but with the right approach, it looks very decent.

The main advantages of stained glass windows are the relative ease of manufacture and almost any shape of parts.

To make a stained glass window you will need:

Designed independently on opaque paper.

2. Contour.

The outline is used to simulate a seam between stained glass parts. As a contour, a special contour paint with a thick consistency or a special contour tape is used. Contour paints are available various colors. Such as: black, copper, gold, etc.

3. Base.

Filled stained glass can be made on any hard surface. But the main surface is, naturally, glass. The base can be a simple piece of glass, a glass or a vase.

4. Stained glass paints and varnishes.

When choosing paint, it is important to consider how you will apply the stained glass paint. Both thick stained glass paints and glass varnishes can be poured onto a horizontal surface. From a surface located at an angle to the horizon, liquid paints and varnishes can spread.


Glass varnishes are used when the product must remain more transparent. Paints such as Gallery Glade, produced by Plaid, are much thicker than varnishes and allow you to work even on vertical surfaces. Using thick paints you can achieve the effect of glass relief and create multi-colored stains.

5. Paint distributor.

Since any liquid has its own surface tension, paint often has to be forcibly distributed over the surface of the part being poured. The distributor has the appearance of a pencil, with a tip sharp enough to be able to drive the paint into the very sharp corner poured fragment.

How to make stained glass with your own hands, draw on glass

Previously, only cathedrals, theaters, and mansions of rich people were decorated with stained glass, but times are changing even today this type art is accessible to everyone.

Stained glass can be used to decorate doors, loggias and balconies and various interior items. Colored glass and various paints are used as materials for stained glass windows.

There are several ways to make stained glass:

First way

Use pieces cut from a single colored sheet of glass. Each piece is part of your composition. The cut pieces of glass are fixed into a pre-made metal stencil; after attachment, the stencils are soldered, resulting in a stained glass image.

Second way

The stained glass window is made from colored smalt glass and two sheets of transparent glass. A design is laid out from smalt on a transparent sheet of glass, and covered with a second transparent glass on top. Stained glass is fixed into frames made of wood or metal.

Third way

Stained glass is laid out from ornamental details (cast glass), then the fragments are fastened together with resin.

Fourth method

Transparent glass is painted with paints. After applying the design, the glass is fired in a furnace at a temperature of 540 - 5600C.

Fifth method

Multi-colored smalt is placed on a transparent sheet, attaching them to the surface of the glass using synthetic glue.

Sixth method

Imitation of stained glass - painting on glass with paints that do not require heat treatment.

But, unfortunately, most of these methods are not entirely suitable for home use, and are mainly used in specialized stained glass workshops.

To create stained glass at home, the sixth method using paints for painting on glass is suitable.

So how to make stained glass at home with your own hands?

To do this, we will need paints that can be used to paint on glass. Fortunately, a variety of products for decorative design so large that finding such paints is not difficult.

Below we have provided just a few addresses of stores where you can purchase paints for glass painting. Not so long ago, paints for painting on glass appeared, the use of which does not require high-temperature treatment.

It is enough to apply them to the surface and wait until they dry.

We will need:

  • drawing;
  • sheet of glass;
  • glassograph;
  • contour paste in a tube (it imitates the lead tape used in
  • stained glass windows, and allows you to determine clear contours for the drawing);
  • paints for painting on glass;
  • brushes (soft, high quality, it is advisable to wash them first so that the lint does not come out during the work)

Glass painting process

Clean the surface to be painted using warm water with soap or alcohol-based cleaner.

Using a glass pencil (glassograph), apply a design to a previously dried surface. If it is difficult for you to apply a design directly to a glass surface, you can make the design you like on white paper, which we then place under the glass.

Helpful advice!

Using contour paste that imitates lead (for convenience, it is usually available in tubes), we separate areas of the pattern that are different in color

We are waiting for our outline to dry completely

Apply the paint with gentle, light movements of the brush; if a more intense color is needed, then apply the paint in several layers. After waiting for the previous one to dry.

Stained glass is one of the types of artistic painting; nowadays it is becoming increasingly popular. Stained glass on glass is absolutely safe and can be done with children. It is made using acrylic paints. To perform this job, you do not need to have any special skills or abilities. The required colors can be purchased at any art or hardware store. Painting can be done not only on transparent surfaces, but also on wood, plastic, ceramics, metal or plaster.

Just the facts

The name "stained glass" comes from the Latin word vitrum - "glass", which implies transparent patterns, paintings or drawings made on glass or from colored glass.

Stained glass on glass dates back to ancient times. Most often it was used in temples and churches. In the churches of Germany and France, the first narrative stained glass windows were used, made in bizarre forms, from different colors, enough large sizes. The stained glass windows depicted religious events, the life and everyday life of saints. This is the so-called painting on glass.

Stained glass appeared in Russia only in 1820 and they were first called transparent paintings. Just at this time, the revival of this art form began in Europe after a long period of oblivion.

Necessary tools for acrylic painting

If you don't know how to draw stained glass on glass, we will tell you. You need to prepare the following tools:

  • the most suitable sketch made on paper;
  • which is supposed to be painted;
  • pre-selected shades (it doesn’t matter which company you choose, the main thing is that at least 12 hours pass between applying layers, and 3-4 days before the first wash);
  • solvent, it is advisable to choose one company with paints;
  • ferrule;
  • stained glass outline;
  • cotton buds;
  • toothpick or thin stick;
  • synthetic brushes.

Once you have everything ready for work, you can proceed directly to creating your masterpiece.

Making stained glass with acrylic

So, let's start making stained glass on glass carefully and without rushing.

Glass is laid out on a pre-prepared sketch, the edges are aligned so that the drawing is in the right place. The glass must first be washed and degreased; for this you can use ordinary vinegar or alcohol.

To make the line made by the contour thinner, a special metal tip is put on it. Using an outline, the design is applied to the glass. Movements should be fairly confident, clear and fast, with light pressure on the bottle. In order for the paint to flow better and the contour to be a little more voluminous, the tip must be held at a large angle to the glass. The outline must be applied carefully enough so that there are no breaks in the drawing, since then it will need to be filled with liquid paint, and it may blur through the gaps.

After the application of the main contour is completed, you must wait until it dries. Then we start filling it out. The technique of filling the outline is so simple that you can do it even with a child. To do this, select the necessary shades of acrylic paints. When working, you need to remember that only enough paint should be applied to the surface so as not to exceed the height of the contour. If the paint has flowed a little onto the outline, there is no need to worry; after drying it will become transparent, and your mistake will no longer be so noticeable.

When making stained glass, artists often want to achieve smooth transitions or various shades. To do this, you need to mix or shade several colors. This can be done with a regular toothpick. One of the colors is applied with a slight distribution towards the center. Then a second color is applied from the center to the edges, which is necessary for mixing. Then, using a toothpick, the paint is mixed and leveled so that it is evenly distributed over the element to be painted. If air bubbles appear during application, they can be easily removed with the same toothpick.

Little tricks

  • While working, don’t worry about being too pale and not looking the way you would like. After drying, it will darken a little and become much more transparent.
  • To make the paint apply more evenly, you can lightly tap the glass from below - it will spread better.
  • It is very convenient to work with acrylic paint not only on horizontal planes. You can also use it to decorate and even make a stained glass window on the door glass without removing it from the frame.
  • To make the design look a little more voluminous, use a sponge when applying a pure white color.

Advantages and disadvantages

Stained glass on glass is created quickly enough, and the work will not have any similar ones. The biggest advantage of such a painting will be its practicality. Painted stained glass windows, unlike soldered ones, can be used for large surfaces; moreover, they do not require cutting out individual pieces of glass and attaching them to the sketch. Therefore, when painting glass with acrylic paints, you get a durable and solid image. In addition, stained glass made with paints can be inserted into a double-glazed window, which will save much more heat than if soldered stained glass is inserted into them.

Glass painting fits much more easily into any apartment interior, while soldered stained glass windows require carefully selected furnishings. In addition, painted glass perfectly transmits light, creating a slight kaleidoscope effect.

Other types of stained glass

Stained glass on glass using paints is the easiest to do at home, but there are other types and methods of such work.

The most common of them:

  • classic soldered stained glass;
  • Tiffany stained glass;
  • fusing;
  • frosted stained glass;
  • Plastic Lead stained glass windows;
  • stained glass windows made using casting technique;
  • film stained glass window made using SGO technologies;
  • faceted stained glass;
  • bending;
  • combined stained glass;
  • stained glass window made by etching;
  • laser engraving.

If you decide to decorate glass with stained glass, then before starting the main work, practice on small glasses, so to speak, get your hands on a little.

Stained glass is experiencing a renaissance. Colored glass paintings are increasingly used by designers to decorate interiors in a variety of styles. Such a painting can decorate a room, become its accent, and set the tone for the entire interior. But previously, making stained glass was labor-intensive and expensive, but modern techniques allow you to create masterpieces on glass yourself.

Styles and techniques

There are many styles of stained glass, because stained glass itself dates back to the Middle Ages. It has changed over time to reflect cultures different countries and eras, the emergence of new techniques made it possible to diversify the materials used. Nowadays, several styles are used to decorate rooms.

  1. Classical. Assumes a symmetrical design, floral motifs or geometric pattern. Performed in warm, pastel colors. Appropriate in classic interior with clear lines, good quality, heavy furniture.
  2. Gothic. This is the style of Catholic churches medieval Europe. Twilight, upward direction of narrow lancet windows and high towers with spiers, dark red, scarlet, gold, green, blue, purple colors. It uses religious motifs or scenes from the life of medieval knights, castles, exploits, dragons, unicorns. Gothic stained glass will give the space a touch of mystery and fabulousness. It was during the Middle Ages that the most famous stained glass windows, recognized as masterpieces, were created.

    Stained glass in Gothic style - a fairy tale and mystery in your home

  3. Modern. Perhaps a universal style for any interior. The main motives of this style are marine, the idea is the priority of form over content. This style is characterized by smooth, fancy lines that somehow repeat the shape sea ​​wave, grace, sophistication. Pale, muted colors, halftones, blue-green tones. Art Nouveau goes well with modern technology and goes well with a high-tech interior.

    Stained glass in Art Nouveau style is appropriate in any interior

  4. Abstract. Involves a geometric pattern and bright, cheerful colors. Does not conflict with almost any interior, except for the most orthodox one. Brings a special emotionality into the space. In abstract stained glass it is important to maintain a balance between form and color and then it will never get boring, charging you with optimism and encouraging creativity.

    Stained glass in an abstract style is suitable for any interior and will never get boring

  5. Egyptian. Dim paintings in sandy-brown tones. The drawing reproduces Egyptian hieroglyphs, gods, pharaohs and scenes from their lives.
  6. Antique. The paintings resemble antique mosaics with ancient Greek scenes. Characterized by the presence of many small details. Suitable for rooms in a minimalist style.

    Stained glass in antique style is often a complete work

  7. Byzantine. It is distinguished by the use of not only colored, but also transparent glass, which makes the image seem to be hanging in the air. Such stained glass windows resemble glass painting and are suitable for rooms filled with light.

    The use of transparent glass in the Byzantine style creates the illusion of the design floating in the air

  8. Vanguard. The subject of the drawing can be anything. But thanks to modern execution techniques, it is given a sense of volume. The image is multi-layered, with three-dimensional details, on transparent or frosted glass, glossy, shining. This stained glass window sets the tone for the entire room and makes it trendy.

    Stained glass in an avant-garde style can contain voluminous details

Stained glass in the interior creates a powerful accent, so it is important not to make a mistake when choosing a style. It should be in harmony with the overall style of the room or set it. Then the rest of the interior items will complement and play with it without creating dissonance.

You can decorate any glass or mirror surface. This will give the interior uniqueness, originality and a feeling of luxury. It is appropriate to place a stained glass window in any room.

Where to place stained glass in an apartment

  1. Window. Stained glass will give the bedroom a feeling of coziness, and the nursery - a fabulous feel. Stained glass in a window can be used as protection from the sun, hide the bathroom from prying eyes, and add festiveness and comfort to the kitchen.

    A floral pattern on the balcony window will create the illusion of a country house

  2. Doors. You can decorate completely glass doors, and glass inserts. It is better to do the drawing in the same style on all doors.

    It is better to keep the pattern on all doors in the same style

  3. False windows. This glass picture is backlit and is often installed in bathrooms or on staircases.

    A stained glass window will help avoid the feeling of a closed space and additionally decorate the room

  4. Ceiling lamps. Large glass shades or acrylic inserts in the ceiling will give the interior originality.

    The Gothic interior will be decorated with a stained glass ceiling

  5. Glass partitions. They can be transparent or matte. Such partitions are often installed between the kitchen and the bathroom or the toilet and the bathroom. Stained glass allows light to pass through, but does not allow you to see what is happening behind it.

    Stained glass - good decision for room zoning

  6. Furniture fronts, glass countertops. Decorating furniture with stained glass - good way give it personality. Even old furniture decorated with stained glass looks expensive and luxurious.

    Stained glass inserts are appropriate for both living room and kitchen furniture

  1. As already mentioned, the plot of the drawing should correspond to the general style and atmosphere of the room.
  2. Dark colors and horizontal lines suitable for spacious rooms with high ceilings, they visually reduce the space.

    Dark tones of stained glass create an atmosphere of mystery, but visually reduce the space

  3. Stained glass on the mirror - a good choice For small rooms. It will create a perspective of space and visually enlarge the room.

    Stained glass on the mirror will create a sense of perspective and expand a small room

  4. Abundance bright colors and colorful images can become boring over time. Take this into account when choosing an ornament.
  5. For the bedroom and nursery it is better to choose calm bright hues, conducive to rest.

    For the bedroom it is better to prefer calm tones

  6. It is appropriate to decorate the kitchen with a landscape or still life, and the bathroom with a marine theme.

    Scenes with fish are suitable for the bathroom

But not every stained glass window can be done independently. There are several types of execution techniques.

Types of equipment

  1. Classic or typesetting. The most complex and ancient technique. Colored glass fragments are inserted into metal frames, assembled into a pattern and soldered. The technique requires special tools and skills. Used for large structures and only by professionals.

    Stained glass using the classic technique is indispensable for large areas

  2. English or film. The pattern is formed on glass from stained glass self-adhesive film. Each fragment is cut out separately and glued to the place determined by the stencil. The pasted fragments are framed with lead tape. With certain skills, you can make such a stained glass window yourself.
  3. Fusing. Stained glass is made without a metal frame by sintering multi-colored fragments into a monolithic pattern. It is impossible to make such a stained glass window at home; a special oven with a high temperature is required.

    Stained glass using the fusing technique amazes with the brightness of colors and integrity of the composition

  4. Tiffany. This technique is similar to the classical one. Pattern fragments are cut out of colored glass and bordered with copper tape. The finished elements are assembled into a pattern and soldered together. This technique is difficult for beginners, but it can be mastered and used at home.

    Stained glass using the Tiffany technique successfully replaces the classical technique

  5. Sandblasting. It involves processing glass using a stencil with sand fed under high pressure. The treated areas become matte, and the pattern becomes airy. It cannot be used at home; it requires special equipment.
  6. Cast. Each element is cast or blown from glass separately. After this, the fragments are assembled into a picture using reinforcement or mortars. Not used at home.
  7. Etching. By etching glass with hydrofluoric acid, deep relief patterns are created. Using this strong acid at home is hazardous to health.
  8. Painted stained glass window. The pattern is copied onto the glass and outlined. After the contour of the void has dried, it is painted with stained glass paints.

    Using the painted technique you can create real paintings

  9. Contour filler. As with the painted technique, the outline of the design is first prepared. After it dries, the voids are filled with a thick layer of paint. If necessary, the paint is leveled with a brush or wooden stick.

    The pouring technique most successfully imitates classical styles

Video: making English film stained glass with your own hands

Most accessible to self-made painted stained glass and contour pouring technique. They do not require special knowledge, materials or tools, and can imitate almost any other technique. To make such stained glass windows you only need special paints, accuracy and patience.

Video: do-it-yourself stained glass using the Tiffany technique

What you need to make stained glass

Before you start work, prepare everything you need. For painted and filled stained glass you will need paints.


Special stained glass or acrylic glass paints are used. They all have their own characteristics.

Acrylic paints

The composition includes three main components: pigment, water and acrylic polymer emulsion. Sold in tubes or jars.

Acrylic paints are sold in jars and tubes

Acrylic paints dry quickly, after which they become durable and resilient. After drying, they are resistant to temperature and humidity changes. It is very difficult to scrape off a dried coating, as well as to remove it with sandpaper.

Acrylic paints dry quickly and are easy to work with at home.

The color of the finished coating is matte and bright. It is not subject to fading and does not fade over time. Paints of different colors can be mixed with each other. The brush should be washed with water immediately after use; if it becomes dry, you will have to use a solvent.

There are two types: fired and unfired. After application, those fired are heated in the oven, harden and become resistant to external influences. The firing temperature is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging.

Stained glass paints can be fired or unfired

If the paints are not fired, after a week they will dry and harden in the same way as when fired, but before this point there is a risk of smearing them. Paints on water based, that's why they get divorced from her. Brushes can also be washed with water.

Unfired paints dry in 1 to 3 days, depending on the manufacturer. The drawing requires fixing by applying a layer of nitro varnish.

These colors are more vibrant. They are thicker due to the synthetic solvent they contain. They fit well and are more convenient to work on vertical surfaces.

Homemade paints

Some craftsmen prefer to use paints own production. They are easy to make yourself from what is sold in construction stores.

  1. Based on nitro varnish. NTs-2141 or another similar one is used. Nitrovarnish is diluted with solvent 647 in a ratio of 1 to 0.4. Artistically tinted oil paint or construction color. The dye is added little by little until the desired color intensity is achieved.
  2. Based on BF-2 glue. The glue is diluted twice with acetone and tinted with any alcohol-based dye. This could be ballpoint pen paste or other paint. The emulsion is stirred into glassware, try it on glass. If necessary, add paint until the required intensity is achieved.
  3. Gelatin based. 5–6 grams of gelatin brew 200 ml hot water until it reaches a paste consistency and add fabric dye. A drawing made from such paint requires fixing with nitro varnish.

In addition to paints, you will need an outline for the work. This is a special thick paste for outlining the borders of a pattern. It imitates metal frames for pieces of smalt in painted and filled stained glass windows.


Relief contours are made on a water basis and are sold in tubes. With their help, the drawing is outlined, which is then filled with paints. Can also be used to create a three-dimensional drawing.

Stained glass contours can be used to create a three-dimensional pattern

At home, contour paste can be prepared using PVA glue. To do this, you will need 50 ml of tableware PVA, 20-30 ml of natural black ink (the best is Dutch), 30-40 grams of silver or bronze powder.

Mascara is added to the glue with constant stirring, and then powder until a creamy consistency is obtained. This paste is prepared as needed and is not stored. Stir each time before use. Masters apply it with a brush, forming a roll; for beginners, it is more convenient to use a pastry syringe.

Required Tools

To make stained glass using different techniques, a special tool is required. In drawing and pouring techniques you will need a minimum of it:

  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • glass marker;
  • tassels;
  • wooden sticks or toothpicks.

And of course, making stained glass is impossible without a stencil of the design. Let's take a closer look at how to do it.

Stencil for stained glass

A suitable stencil can be purchased at a specialty store or from a stained glass artist. But it’s much more interesting to make a stencil yourself by choosing a suitable sketch.

Do not choose a sketch with many details and voids; such a design will look sloppy on the finished stained glass window.

The image can be downloaded from the Internet and simply printed at the required scale, taking into account the size of the future stained glass window. Or take a picture or postcard you like and enlarge it to the required size.

Photo gallery: samples of stencils for creating stained glass yourself

Floral motifs never go out of style and are suitable for any room The stencil details are numbered for easy painting of the stained glass window. The lattice complements the flower and gives the design a finished look. Birds are another timeless subject for stained glass

Number the parts of the drawing with the same color. This will help you avoid making mistakes when coloring.

How to enlarge a drawing

  1. Draw the pattern into cells with a side of no more than 1 cm.
  2. Number the resulting grid vertically and horizontally.
  3. Take measurements from stained glass.
  4. Transfer the dimensions onto paper.
  5. Mark the sheet according to the number of cells in the picture.
  6. Draw a grid on the sheet in accordance with the markings.
  7. Cell by cell, transfer the image from the postcard onto paper on an enlarged scale.
  8. The finished drawing can be adjusted and colors changed.

If you have drawing skills, you can create the pattern yourself. To do this, transfer the dimensions of the future stained glass window onto a sheet of paper and mark the contours of the pattern location. Draw with a simple pencil so that you can correct inaccuracies.

When choosing an image, keep in mind that when enlarged, its proportions may suffer. If necessary, draw the drawing not in squares, but in rectangles.

Draw in the details, you should get a complete picture. Outline the finished drawing ballpoint pen or a thin marker.


Having prepared everything you need, you can begin making stained glass. Make sure that working surface was level, and remember that if handled carelessly, the glass may break.

Making stained glass: step-by-step instructions

  1. Place the glass on the prepared stencil so that their edges coincide.
  2. Thoroughly degrease the glass with alcohol, acetone or vinegar. Dry the surface with a dry, lint-free cloth.
  3. Transfer the outlines of the design from the stencil onto the glass with a special disappearing marker. If you have experience in drawing, the lines can be applied directly with a contour or contour paste.

    Drawing a contour requires accuracy and a precise eye.

  4. Let the outline dry, otherwise the drawing will smudge.
  5. Now all that remains is to fill the voids of the drawing with paints. This is done with a thin brush or straight from the tube. Tubes of ready-made paints are equipped with a convenient spout.

    Paints are applied to stained glass with a brush or using a tube attachment.

  6. Paint is applied from the edges to the center. It’s okay if paint gets on the outline during work - touch it up with a wooden stick or toothpick. After drying, special paints become transparent and the outline appears through them.
  7. If the design involves color transitions, lighter or darker tones are applied after the base ones. They can be mixed or shaded with the main ones using a toothpick.
  8. Bubbles formed during the work are also removed using a toothpick.
  9. Let the finished painting dry completely. Some paints require additional coating with nitro varnish, please pay attention to this. This information is indicated on the packaging.
  10. All that remains is to insert the stained glass into the frame.

    Stained glass can be inserted into the frame

To protect yourself from cuts, you can first cover the edges of the glass with masking tape before work.

Video: master class on making stained glass using poured technique

Having mastered the painted and poured techniques, you can try yourself in the English film or fusion technique. This will require a lot of expense, materials and skills, but it's worth it.

Photo gallery: several ideas for placing stained glass windows in the interior

Abstract drawing suitable for high-tech style Floral ornament will decorate the living room windows Stained glass on the bathroom window will add a special atmosphere and protect from prying eyes Geometric pattern for the living room it is easy to use stained glass film The stained glass windows of the landing windows are made in the same style Bay windows are well suited for stained glass The ceiling insert can be decorated with stained glass film

Creating stained glass windows is a creative and exciting activity. Even children can make the simplest stained glass windows. And let your work not be similar to the masterpieces of world painting, but they will bring originality and a piece of your individuality to your home.

The oldest example of stained glass art that has survived to this day dates back to the 7th century BC. No matter how strange it may sound, the process of creating colored glass is so simple that even children can learn how to create stained glass with their own hands.

Stained glass styles

Over the long period of existence of this type of creativity, the technology for creating glass drawings with your own hands has significantly improved. New types and technological features have appeared.

Having studied all the techniques, you will be able to choose the one you need, each time planning new interesting stained glass windows.

Classic way

The classic technology of creating stained glass with your own hands has survived to this day. The master draws sketches on the main glass, cuts them out, and using these blanks prepares the details of the future composition from colored glass. The particles are inserted into a pre-prepared forged frame.

After installation of colored glass is completed, the iron partition is sealed for greater strength. Ready product is a beautiful picture of large geometric elements with a clearly defined metal outline.

In ancient times, wide openings of buildings were decorated in this way. Stained glass was especially often used to decorate windows in Christian and Muslim churches - the ideas for the designs were taken from biblical and Koranic motifs.

The beauty of the classic method is that it allows you to connect parts large sizes with your own hands. Unfortunately, the design turns out to be quite bulky and heavy, so it is not recommended to use it to decorate the ceiling. In addition, rough metal does not make it possible to create a pattern from small curved parts.

Tiffany stained glass

The improved technology was developed by the founder of the Tiffany jewelry company, Louis Tiffany, at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries.

He proposed a fairly simple solution, thanks to which the stained glass windows began to look different. Instead of using lead rods, Louis began wrapping glass parts with thin copper strips with his own hands. As a rule, the strip protrudes slightly above the plane of the part.

After drawing up the drawing, the parts are treated with flux to prevent rust and are soldered together. The protruding edge of the copper tape is leveled above the surface of the glass, creating additional protection from parts falling out of the frame.

Thanks to Tiffany's technique, stained glass windows turned into real works of art! Thin filigree patterns consisting of small particles allow you to achieve a smoother color transition and a more natural image.

Tiffany stained glass can be used to create almost any product due to its lightness and beauty.

Fusing glass

The amazing fusing technique allows you to create the most various products- from glass inserts in doors and furniture to painted dishes. But this method is too labor-intensive to make large stained glass windows with your own hands.

The peculiarity of the technique is that colored elements are laid out on top of the main transparent glass. The workpiece is sent to the oven, where under the influence high temperature the parts are fused into each other. This way you get colored glass without an iron partition.

Another disadvantage of fusing is that it is difficult to find a kiln in which large products can be placed.

Pseudo-stained glass

Modern technologies have given people the opportunity to create stained glass windows with their own hands without learning the labor-intensive process of forging, metal working and glass cutting.

All you need is a piece of clear glass certain size and a special film with colored patterns that transmits light. There are several types of film:

  • self-adhesive - a sticky layer is applied to one side of the material;
  • a film that needs to be attached to the glass using a special colorless glue.

Film stained glass windows help save on interior decoration, while maintaining an interesting appearance glass

In addition to the film method, the use of special stained glass paints is also widely used. Transparent gel-like mixtures are applied to the workpiece in the form of a specific pattern. After they harden, the glass takes on the appearance of a transparent stained glass product.

This technology is so simple that Lately Children's creativity kits began to appear, allowing you to create painted stained glass windows with your own hands.

Tiffany stained glass: master class

Tiffany stained glass is very easy to create even at home. Prepare colored glass fragments, a glass cutting knife, thin copper foil, soldering iron, grinder, flux, soldering tin.

  • Create a blank sketch - the more T-shaped connecting lines in the drawing, the tighter the stained glass parts will hold.

  • Print 2 copies of the sketch in full size. Number the parts on each sketch and cut one of them along the joint lines.
  • The second whole sketch is covered with tape and inserted into a wooden working frame.

After working on the sketch, you can begin preparing the parts.

  • Attach the cut out parts of the first sketch to the fragments of a certain color.
  • Take the glass cutter and start cutting out the colored element, holding the tool at an angle of 45 degrees relative to the surface. Try to cut the part in one continuous line, respecting constant force pressure, otherwise you may experience chips and cracks.

  • After the glass cutter, microcracks formed in the glass. With just a tap, you can separate your piece.
  • Use a sander to smooth and roughen the edges of the glass before the next steps.

  • Now wrap the piece with copper wire. Use folia - a special thin long copper material with one adhesive side.

  • Fold and smooth the protruding edges of the foil onto the product.

  • Install the finished element in the overall picture using nails driven around it.

  • When all the parts are in place, remove the nails and flux the gaps between them.

The preparatory stage is completed - you can start soldering!

  • Place the tip of the tin wire over the joint and heat it on top with a soldering iron. In this way, gradually process all the seams with your own hands. Don't keep the soldering iron in one place for too long - you can overheat the foil and glass, and melt too much tin.

  • After completing the soldering of the pattern, remove wooden frame and bring the iron blanks to the sides of the picture.
  • Using tin, solder them to the image where they touch the seams.

Leave the product to cool in a dry, ventilated area for an hour or two. When it reaches room temperature, rinse the painting thoroughly with a sponge, water and non-greasy detergents.

Now your creation can be hung on the wall or placed on a shelf.

Filled stained glass: master class

Try making stained glass windows with your child - your child will surely enjoy the process of non-standard drawing. The main thing is to follow safety rules: after all, your main material - glass - can lead to injuries and cuts.

Prepare stained glass paints - they are easy to find in large office supply stores - and a small square piece of glass. Pre-insert it into a frame with rounded corners to protect the child from sharp edges.

Using dark paint, draw thin lines of the sketch on the glass with your own hands. The most commonly used color is black. You have formed defined hollow areas. Near the black color, but not on it, drop a few drops of the colored shade - it should spread on its own throughout the cell.

You can create beautiful stained glass windows with your own hands to decorate a candlestick by watching the following video.

Using this technique you can decorate a glass photo frame, a cabinet door or a window in a nursery.

In this article we will look at do-it-yourself film stained glass, what are its features, advantages and disadvantages. Stained glass craft has been developing since ancient times and as soon as the technique of patterned colored glass has not been improved. There are already a lot of technologies and each of them has its own application.

Firstly, the construction industry continues to use the method of gluing together pieces of various colored glasses using metal soldering. This technology is unchanged in designer decoration premises. But it wasn't always like this.

Stained glass windows have not been used in decoration for a very long time residential premises and were used only in cathedrals and temples, so artists did not immediately raise their hands to the “sacred”. And only towards the end of the 19th century did crafts with a creative bias begin to develop high revs, because chemical industry gave new paints, materials and technologies. Many artisans, in particular the artist and later famous glass designer Louis Comfort Tiffany, showed great interest in experimenting with the creation of artistic paintings with various materials on all sorts of previously unimaginable surfaces. He created a method of stained glass that is still used today, named after him - Tiffany stained glass.

There are specialized workshops that make custom stained glass, although the technique of creating stained glass from pieces of glass is also available at home, subject to the availability of the necessary materials.

The work requires professional tools - a blowtorch, grinding equipment and a diamond glass cutter. Also, as consumables, you need to stock up on colored glass, copper tape, tin wire and soldering acid.

According to the sketch of the design, markings of the design are applied to the glass using a marker and cut into pieces, the pieces are then polished and all the parts are covered with copper, then assembled like a mosaic on flat surface and soldered. This work is very difficult for beginners; beautiful work may not turn out right away.

Special paints for stained glass windows have also appeared, which imitate colored mosaics on glass. The advantage is ease of getting started. All you have to do is remove the glass and start drawing. You can create an artistic painting with paint no worse than on paper - play with paint colors, mix several colors, draw with dots and thin curls. But such paints are used in small works, it is quite difficult to distribute them, they dry quickly and leave streaks. Therefore, for the extensive details of the design, a very neat type of stained glass art with colored self-adhesive film is used.

This type of stained glass requires the purchase of a special translucent film for stained glass and aluminum or lead strips.

Simple lesson

Film stained glass is also not an easy task and is not cheap. But considering the fact that this creative art is used in decoration, and also due to its service life, it will delight your eyes for quite a long time, it is worth at least once to make yourself beautiful, for example, for a window. The master class will help you quickly and easily make such beauty.

To work, we will need glass, a strong stationery knife so that it can cut lead wire and film, a roller, preferably a rubber one, scissors, lead tape, a sketch of a drawing, a set of color film.

First, let's prepare a drawing, you can draw it yourself, remember that you still have to cut out the details on it, so it's better not to get carried away with small details. The easiest way is to print ready-made traditional stained glass templates. Some examples will be provided at the end of the article.

Now we take the glass, clean it of dirt with microfiber and glass cleaner on both sides. If lint or stains remain under the film, they can ruin the entire look.

We stick lead tape along the contour of the picture, then turn it over. Using our stencil, we cut out pieces of film from colored tape and paste them with reverse side. We paste tape over it again, we get a kind of double-sided stained glass window, as shown in the photo.

Ideas for creativity

There are several ways to cut the film into mosaic pieces. If it is transparent, place a drawing under it and trace it with a pencil or thin pen. Also, for stained glass, you can use some additives of opaque film, then these details are cut out from the picture as if through stencils, or transferred through carbon paper. Film stained glass is also convenient to use with illumination from below. At home, the glass should be placed on a frame with a stand on an elevated surface, and a lamp should be placed underneath.