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How long do flies live in an apartment? How long do flies live and why do they rub their legs?

Annoying house flies have been annoying people since ancient times. They belong to a synanthropic species, that is, they are ecologically connected with human settlements, in wildlife do not meet. A long time ago, the ancestors of Tsokotukha began to live next door to people; their current relatives can no longer exist in any other way.

Flies have lived on almost the entire planet for millions of years. The oldest representative of the Diptera order was found in China; its age is 145 million years.

There are 2 subspecies of flies found in Russia:

  • ordinary room;
  • southern room.

The house fly poses a hidden threat to humans, being a carrier of helminths and pathogens dangerous diseases: cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, anthrax, diphtheria. By infecting food, insects make it dangerous to eat.

Annoying, ubiquitous insects greatly spoil the lives of humanity. Therefore, many are interested in the question: how long do flies live? The insect lives on average 3 weeks, but enemies and unfavorable natural conditions reduce the average life span of a fly to 6-10 days.

Flies have many enemies, but their colossal fertility saves the species from destruction. The reproduction rate is amazing: for summer season can produce offspring weighing 40 tons (in a comfortable habitat in the absence of enemies). Throughout the year, in a favorable climate, 20 generations of insects are replaced, and after summer period – 7-8.

There are approximately 150 eggs in a clutch; in total, flies lay 600-2000 eggs in their entire life. For masonry, insects use rotting organic waste, manure, sewage, and food. After a day, larvae appear, resembling thin threads in appearance. They penetrate deep into organic waste, providing food, moisture, warmth, protecting from destructive sun rays and enemies.

Stages of development

Life cycle flies have several stages:

  1. Egg – development lasts 8-50 hours.
  2. The larva, or maggot, develops in 3-25 days, undergoes 3 molts before becoming a pupa. In just a week, the size of the larva increases 800 times.
  3. Pupa – the period lasts 3-6 days. Lowering the temperature slows down pupation.
  4. An adult insect (imago) lives from 10 days to one or two months. 36 hours after emerging from the pupa, the adult is able to reproduce.

On average, development from egg to adult form of an insect lasts 20 days.

Lifespan of flies

It is impossible to answer unequivocally how long the common fly lives. Many factors influence the lifespan of a fly. For example, the state environment. Favorable temperature is 23-25°C with air humidity 80%. With an average lifespan of 3 weeks, a long-lived fly would live 8-9 weeks in such resort conditions.

When the ambient temperature drops below 10 °C, the pupae, the adult fertilized individuals, hibernate, surviving the winter in a state of suspended animation. In the spring, surviving females will give birth to numerous new generations of flies.

Control measures and prevention

The presence of carriers of diseases dangerous to humans in the house cannot be ignored. Use available effective methods insect control:

  • Equip windows with screens to prevent insects from entering the room.
  • Do not leave food accessible; cover with lids, gauze, and napkins.
  • Keep the kitchen clean and wash dirty dishes, remove the trash, close the trash can with a lid.
  • On personal plot or in the country, store garbage in containers with tightly closed lids.
  • Treat regularly cesspool bleach.
  • Use sticky tape, insect traps.
  • At large quantities For insects, use fumigators, repellents, and insecticides. When working with medications, follow the instructions.

The average lifespan of a fly is 3 weeks. At this temperature, a fly can live up to two months. Most comfortable temperature for flies is room temperature: 20-23 degrees. The fact is that flies are carriers of many different diseases.

Flies are ubiquitous insects that transmit cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and helminths. However, most flies do not live to be ten days old and become food for predators. One fly lays up to two thousand larvae during its short life.

The housefly (lat. Musca domestica) is an insect of the family of true flies, a common synanthropic organism, practically no longer found in the wild. The mouthparts are licking and sucking; house flies are not capable of biting through the skin and drinking blood, unlike similar autumn flies. The female lays 70-120 white eggs at a time, about 1.2 mm in length. In total, during its life, a fly can lay from 600 to 2000 eggs, depending on climatic conditions.

How long do flies live?

Larvae houseflies have a length of up to 13 mm, white, legless, pointed on the side of the mouth opening, truncated at the back. They live in feces and other rotting semi-liquid media. The pupal phase lasts from 3 days. Adult insects usually live from two weeks to a month, but can live up to two months. Houseflies are carriers of diseases, especially intestinal infections, as well as worm eggs. Using nets and other devices, flies are prevented from entering living spaces.

Quick answer: flies live from eight days to several months. April 17, and I already have flies in my house! This year there are a lot of flies, by the way. Flies are not the most tenacious insects that a person can encounter in his home. Typically, flies rarely live more than 10-20 days. This is due to the fact that these insects have a lot of enemies, ranging from humans to spiders that weave traps from cobwebs.

House flies are the most common insects, and, interestingly, they are almost never found in the wild. Every person knows what they look like, but not everyone is ready to answer the question of how long flies live. Before answering the question of how long flies live, let's take a closer look at them. The eyes of the fly are large, faceted, and their color is brown. The distance between the eyes of female flies is slightly greater than that of male flies. The fly's eye does not distinguish small details well, however, they can distinguish the slightest blinking of light. Female flies are slightly larger than male flies, but it is quite difficult to determine this with the naked eye.

How long can a fly live in a jar?

Often, special ones are used to kill flies. chemicals- insecticides. The lifespan of a fly depends on the air temperature. The most optimal temperature for these insects is room temperature (21-24 degrees Celsius). The lifespan of a fly becomes longer if it hibernates in winter. In this case, the fly in a state of suspended animation can overwinter, and when it becomes warm, having warmed up, it can come to life again. Moreover, not only adults, but also larvae can hibernate.

Where do flies come from?

But during these 20 days, these insects, to put it mildly, lay up to 2000 eggs. And after 50 hours, these eggs become flies similar to each other, like the Chinese in our markets. Both house flies and stray flies have their pros and cons. The life of a fly, no matter what it is, depends on temperature, humidity and the stability of these two indicators.

Life cycle of a housefly

But this is when favorable conditions life (and a combination of circumstances), which include an air temperature of about 25 degrees Celsius and the lack of means for exterminating flies by humans. The life of a fly is short. Yes! The fly is still an annoying infection, but it lives for about twenty days in good conditions. climatic conditions(at least at home) and manages to leave more than enough offspring.

But horsefly, a more harmful fly, can live up to 6 months. On average, flies live from two to three weeks. House flies live longer than their wild counterparts. The average life cycle of flies is 15-30 days (depending on environmental conditions), and after 10 days from birth the fly mates.

Houseflies live up to 25 days

It would seem that the insect is not at all dangerous to humans, but this opinion is fundamentally erroneous. So, if an insect sat on a piece of bread, which you subsequently ate, then this may threaten an intestinal infection. The life of an adult fly does not exceed three weeks. Flies can get used to them. Sometimes the apartment becomes a permanent refuge for flies. At the same time, it is quite difficult to remove them. Any fly in the house is dangerous. It is capable of carrying such terrible diseases as polio, helminth eggs, cholera, paratyphoid, and worms.

Flies can live in an apartment for up to 20 days, but only if the temperature is 23 - 25 degrees. Any fight against flies begins with the location of their habitat and reproduction.

Recently I had a problem dealing with flies in my apartment. I decided to write this article and tell you what methods I used to control flies in my apartment. A fly flies into the restroom. Up to 60 types of microbes can be found on a fly, including the causative agents of typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, dysentery, tuberculosis bacillus, and polio virus.

In those cities where they persistently fight flies, the incidence of dysentery has decreased significantly. Destroy flies - restless travelers that cause harm to human health!

Like other insects, flies do not live long. Unlike many other species, the housefly does not bite at all, since it is in no way adapted for this (autumn flies are famous for this). Three days later, a fly is born from the pupa, which is already capable of reproducing 36 hours after birth.

This is a simple question that interests many. In the warm season, flies are constantly in the field of vision of a person - on the street, in the country, in the apartment. And there is also a constant constant struggle against them with the help of insecticides, Velcro and other means.

How long do flies live in an apartment? Average term life of a housefly – 20-25 days. The most favorable conditions for them are considered to be conditions with a temperature of 23-25°C and a humidity of no more than 80% - a standard microclimate in residential and office premises.

IN ideal conditions and in the absence predatory insects the fly can live up to 80 days. But, given the actions of man and food addictions Spiders have a maximum lifespan of about three weeks.

As the temperature drops, the insect's metabolism slows down, and the fly goes into hibernation. With the onset of warmth, they begin to wake up and appear as if from nowhere. In fact, when it gets colder, flies try to hide in balcony cracks and other secluded places, where some of them will safely overwinter.

A fly's life or inside and out

If we consider the full cycle, how long a common fly lives from the moment of laying eggs to its death, then the picture turns out to be a little different. The female is capable of laying about a hundred eggs of a characteristic oblong shape at a time (the clutch of a fly is difficult to confuse with anything else). After a day, larvae emerge from the eggs and begin to grow actively, while eating leftover food or substances of organic origin.

The larvae try to hide deeper - where it is warm, humid and there is a lot of food. The sun's rays have a detrimental effect on maggots, which is also one of the reasons to leave the open air. After 25 days, the larva turns into a pupa, and after another three days a fly is born from it.

True, at this time the insect practically does not fly, since the wings of the fly must dry out.

Interesting. One female is capable of laying about two thousand eggs. For mating, she chooses a male with the opposite genetic code. Externally, the female is slightly larger than the male, but it is difficult for a non-specialist to determine this.

How many days does the Drosophila fly live?

The appearance of fruit flies indicates that fruits or vegetables in the house or apartment have begun to deteriorate. It is interesting that fruit flies do not appear on their own. Their eggs are brought along with food from the store, and when favorable conditions occur (read: when rotting begins), they begin to develop.

An adult fly lays eggs on the fruit while it is still growing. Here is such a “caring” female... The lifespan of Drosophila directly depends on the ambient temperature.

At 25°C the fly lives 10 days, when the temperature drops to 18°C ​​- 20 days. Under ideal conditions (plenty of food and low temperature) a fly can live and actively reproduce for about two and a half months.

How long do flies live without food?

The question itself is meaningless - a fly cannot remain without food unless it is placed in sterile conditions. Insects will always find food for themselves, and flies are able to consume it in liquid and solid form.

Usually the fly lives close to the place where it was born; the radius of its habitat is approximately one hundred meters. Best places for the breeding of flies - garbage dumps, compost heaps. Rotting waste creates the most favorable environment for the reproduction of insects.

Flies are dangerous for person that, that they are carriers of dangerous diseases. Crawling over unattended food and eating it, flies leave behind pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, including worm eggs.

How long does a common fly live?

Good day! This year seems to have become a kind of benefit for flies different sizes And varying degrees harmfulness.

Fighting them became a real challenge. They crawled out of all sorts of cracks, and how many more dried corpses I found in the most unexpected places!

It’s even scary to imagine how many birth cycles they had during this season. Do you want to know how long he lives? common fly? What conditions are favorable for their intensive reproduction? Now I’ll write everything down in detail.

How conditions affect the life cycle of flies

Flies are not the most tenacious insects that a person can encounter in his home. The average lifespan of flies is only 20-25 days and largely depends on environmental influences.

The most favorable conditions for the existence of insects are created at an air temperature of 23-25 ​​degrees and a humidity of no more than 80%. In this case, individual flies can live up to 60-80 days if they die a natural death.

When the air temperature drops, the activity of insects decreases and they enter a “hibernation” mode, in which they can successfully exist until the onset of heat. This is why people wonder where these pests come from in winter.

Typically, flies rarely live more than 10-20 days. This is due to the fact that these insects have a lot of enemies, ranging from humans to spiders that weave traps from cobwebs.

Given these circumstances, one could assume that flies as a species would have ceased to exist long ago if they had not had the opportunity to reproduce so rapidly. During her short life, one female can lay up to 2000 eggs, which after 10-14 days turn into adults and have the ability to reproduce.


How long do flies of different species live?

The average lifespan of a fly is short - only 2-4 weeks, sometimes a little more if the living conditions are as favorable as possible. But during its short life, this insect manages to breed several generations of offspring, so sometimes it seems that the same individuals live for an unimaginably long time.

Musca domestica, house fly

Flying insects of this species live only where a person lives, or in maximum proximity to him. They are practically never found in the wild. On the territory of Russia there are 2 subspecies of house flies - common and southern.

The development speed and lifespan of insects is very dependent on the ambient temperature. The range of 23-25 ​​°C is optimal for it; at this temperature, an adult can live up to 8-9 weeks, while the standard life expectancy is only 3 weeks.

The house fly goes through several stages of development:

  1. Egg. Develops from 8 to 50 hours.
  2. Larva (maggot). She molts three times before becoming a pupa. This takes her from 3 to 25 days.
  3. Doll. The insect goes through this stage in about 3-6 days.
  4. Imago (adult insect). Lives from 2 weeks to a month, sometimes up to 2 months. 36 hours after the transition from the pupal stage to the adult, the fly is capable of reproduction. During her life she lays about 2000 eggs.

In addition, when the temperature drops, adults, larvae and pupae are able to fall into hibernation, additionally living in a dream for several more months. Under favorable conditions, insects of this species reproduce continuously throughout the year.

Autumn burners

Autumn flies, like Musca domestica, belong to synanthropic species (coexist with humans), although there have been cases of their reproduction in places where wild animals gather.

In appearance and in their lifestyle, zhigalkas are very similar to their indoor relatives. The difference is that live flies can bite humans, while houseflies are not capable of biting through human skin.

The population of autumn firebirds reaches its peak in late summer - early autumn. The lifespan of an adult autumn fly is 3-8 weeks, but flies of this species are also capable of hibernating.

Flesh and carrion flies

Flesh flies and carrion flies can also be easily confused with a housefly; they look similar in appearance, but the housefly is smaller in size than its wild relatives. The life of adult blow flies is very short - usually only 5-7 days. Their carrion relatives live up to 3 weeks.

Dung fly (Scathophagidae)

This insect lays larvae in manure, so it can often be found in barns. She rarely flies into an apartment and by pure chance, since there is nothing attractive for her in a person’s home. Lifespan is about 30 days.


Drosophila flies (fruit flies, wine flies) number about 1,500 species, among which there are wild and synanthropic flies. These small harmless insects often settle in apartments and gardens. Life expectancy is 3-4 weeks (not counting the time spent on the development of eggs, larvae and pupa).

Sciarids - flower flies

Sciarids, also known as detritus gnats or fruit gnats. Sciarids are often confused with fruit flies due to small sizes. In everyday life, owners of greenhouses and indoor plants. Adult sciarids live for several weeks, and development from egg to adult takes approximately the same amount of time.


How long do flies live and why do they rub their legs?

All the facts given below will apply to the common housefly.

general information

Age. In fact, flies do not live very long; their average lifespan is between one and four weeks. If the temperature is kept at 20-25 degrees and there is enough food, then individual individuals are able to not die for two months. It's about, of course, about the imago - an adult insect!

Weight. Many people are concerned about the body weight of this insect, so the second question to which we will answer: how much does a fly weigh.

According to many sources of information, in order to collect a full gram, you will need to catch at least 70 adults. Thus, the weight of each of them will be equal to an average of 14.29 milligrams.

However, if he discards external factors and allow the flies to reproduce freely, then the offspring of one female can amount to about 75 tons per year.

About nutrition. To the question of what flies eat, the answer is simple - almost everything that has an organic basis. However, they are big gourmets and prefer sweets.

They eat liquid food most easily because oral apparatus flies have a proboscis that is not capable of gnawing food. When flies have to make do with solid organic matter, they first soften it with saliva and then suck it up.

The taste buds of a fly are on its legs, so when crawling over food, the fly tastes it.


About limbs. The legs of insects also raise many questions, from the most naive, how many legs does a fly have, to the rather serious and interesting ones. The fact that a fly, like other insects, has six legs is taught in school, but the question of why flies rub their legs, asked by a curious child, can confuse more than one dad.

It turns out that this is a standard hygienic procedure. Flies, flying from sewage to food, collect various debris on their legs and, naturally, get dirty. In order to clean their paws from the dirt stuck to them, flies wipe their paws one against the other, and thus clean themselves.

First they rub their forelimbs, then they use them to clean the head, and then their hind limbs - the wings.

Now to the question of how the fly stays on the ceiling.. Many authors believe that insects cling to the smallest protrusions on the surface with hooks on their legs that are barely visible to the naked eye. But this is a wrong point of view; how else can we explain the tenacity of flies to absolutely flat surfaces, for example, glass.

It turns out that there is a very simple explanation for this phenomenon. The fact is that the protrusions on the legs of the fly are not hooks at all, but tiny capillaries. Through them, insects secrete a kind of sticky liquid onto the surface, which then holds them light body on a vertical or horizontal surface.

If a fly decides to launch from a ceiling or wall perpendicular to the surface, like a rocket, then the tensile force generated by this adhesive composition will not allow them to do this. Therefore, insects are forced to take off tangentially, similar to an intercontinental airliner.

About brains. Now let's think about this topic: does a fly have a brain? It would seem, why does such a small creature need it? However, in the head of an insect there are about three hundred thousand neurons, which, of course, is nothing compared to our twenty billion such cells, but still...

This number of active cells is enough for a small creature to active work and fulfilling your most pressing needs.

About the eyes. Looking at the eyes of a fly, many wonder about their vision. In fact, we do not see the usual proteins and pupils inherent in mammals, and often we cannot understand how a fly sees.

In fact, they, like many other insects, have so-called “faceted” vision. The eye consists of many tiny sectors. each of which is responsible for displaying a small area of ​​space.

Then the tiny fly brain, discussed in the previous chapter, puts the pieces of information together, and the fly represents the whole picture around it.

Each sector of the eye is responsible for its own area of ​​the surrounding world. This eye arrangement allows the fly to see a 360-degree image, and in color. And the optimal frame rate for her is not 24 per second, like a human’s, but as much as 300.

About the heart. Does a fly have a heart, and in which egg is hidden the needle that will kill it like the famous Koshchei? In the same sense as humans, flies are heartless. But still, the organ that moves their blood through a single straight artery also exists in these insects.

This phenomenon is explained by the fact that, unlike mammals, the blood of insects does not carry out the function of delivering oxygen to the most important parts of the body. Roughly speaking, flies breathe through their skin, not their lungs.

About a fly's dream. Interest Ask whether flies sleep shocked even scientists. Regardless of the structure of the brain, insects are also forced to rest. Moreover, it was found that young flies that have just emerged from the pupa sleep more soundly and longer than their relatives who have lived for a couple of weeks.

Tests have even shown that coffee has the same stimulating effect on these insects as it does on humans due to its antihistamine properties.

Generation or life cycle

Now let's talk about the development of the fly from a scientific point of view. The life cycle of a fly follows the path complete transformation insects The complete development cycle of insects includes four stages: egg, larva, pupa and adult.

Egg. Flies are capable of laying up to one hundred and fifty eggs at a time. During his short life the female is capable of laying more than six eggs. It is also interesting how flies lay eggs.

They are able to place them in any food that has begun to spoil, which is why it is so important to monitor the accumulation of garbage and remove it from the apartment in a timely manner. Fly eggs are very difficult to see, as they are less than one millimeter in size.

Larvae. The eggs incubate very quickly, and literally the next day small larvae - maggots - appear. They emerge from the egg very tiny, but during development they are capable of growing more than eight hundred times.

The entire process of maggot development lasts a little more than a week under favorable conditions: optimal temperature at 20-25 degrees Celsius and high humidity air and the substrate in which they develop.

Maggots are highly sought after by amateurs fishing, but in a housefly they are small and are not suitable for baiting a hook. Usually the bait is supplied by other types of flies, the so-called meat flies.

Pupae. The next stage of fly development is the pupa. The larva stops feeding and increasing body weight and size and gradually pupates. Anglers call pupating maggots caster and are also used for bait.

The caster is similar to the larva, only it has a harder shell and a brownish body color. The fly also spends about one week in this stage of development. At low temperatures, the fly larva is not able to pupate. Therefore, fishing maggots can be stored in the refrigerator for six months or more.

Imago. A week after pupation, last stage how flies appear. As stated earlier, adult individuals live on average for about twenty-four days, and they are able to lay eggs almost every two or three days. So these same 75 tons per year come out!


Everyone has probably wondered where flies come from in the spring. The fact is that when the autumn cold sets in, these insects are able to fall into suspended animation and remain in this state for five to six months without harm to their health. In suspended animation, fly pupae and larvae are able to withstand cold.

Do flies bite?

People often say that with the onset of autumn cold weather, usually peaceful house flies become extremely biting and cause a lot of trouble. It turns out that a completely different species of these insects flies into our homes - the autumn fly.


In summer, this creature lives in fields and meadows, feeding on the blood of domestic and wild animals, and cold weather drives it to our warm homes.

So don’t blame the housefly, the bites are caused by a biting burner that looks like it.


How long does the life of an ordinary fly last?

Houseflies are the most common insects. But despite this, it is quite difficult to find them in the wild. They live where there are people. Everyone knows what houseflies look like, but the question of how long a fly lives will probably confuse many.

Reproduction of flies

Flies have a very well developed reproductive system. Theoretically, one pair of insects has the ability to create offspring in just one season, the weight of which can exceed 40 tons by autumn.

Of course, this does not happen in nature, because there are many factors that influence the lifespan of a fly. As a rule, individuals live about 25 – 30 days.

The process of reproduction of flies consists of laying eggs in various organic wastes or in food. One female is capable of laying approximately 2,500 eggs during her short life. At one time, there are about 150 eggs in a clutch, the size of which is less than a millimeter.

Development process

Insect larvae appear literally one day after the female lays eggs. Their appearance resembles white thin threads. This stage of development is called “nutritional” and lasts approximately 5–7 days.

During this time, the larvae penetrate deep into organic waste in search of moisture and warmth. This also protects them from animals and the harmful effects of sunlight.

After a week, the size of the larva increases 800 times, the body acquires a brownish tint. At the end of the feeding stage, pupation occurs, in which the insect remains for about 5–7 days.

The adult, which is capable of reproducing on its own, emerges after about two weeks. Its size after “birth” practically does not change. However, for the first days after their appearance, flies cannot fly - their wings are very weak.

What affects life expectancy

The most favorable conditions for the life of flies occur at an air temperature of 22 - 26 degrees. Air humidity should not exceed 80%. Under these conditions, a fly can live for 2–3 months if it is not destroyed by humans first.

When the temperature drops, the activity of flies decreases sharply - having entered hibernation mode, they can remain in it until the arrival of spring.

Many people are interested in how long do flies live in an apartment? Most often, the lifespan of these insects does not exceed 10 days, or even less.

After all, a person has many ways to deal with them. Destruction must be carried out immediately when flies are detected, otherwise, given their excellent reproductive ability, it will be more difficult to get rid of them over time.

Prevention and methods of control

To ensure that there are no flies in the house, you need to follow some rules that are accessible to everyone:

  • Nets installed on windows will become a serious barrier to flies.
  • The trash can must be emptied daily.
  • Food left on the table must be covered with a lid, napkin or gauze. This makes it inaccessible to insects.

Today there are many simple means to fight flies. These are sticky tape, DDT, fly agaric and others. For example, if a fly drank a liquid containing poison from a container with a fly agaric, it will certainly die after a short time.


Life expectancy of a fly in an apartment

This is a simple question that interests many. In the warm season, flies are constantly in the field of vision of a person - on the street, in the country, in the apartment. And there is also a constant constant struggle against them with the help of insecticides, Velcro and other means.

The average lifespan of a housefly is 20-25 days. The most favorable conditions for them are considered to be conditions with a temperature of 23-25°C and a humidity of no more than 80% - a standard microclimate in residential and office premises.

Under ideal conditions and in the absence of predatory insects, the fly can live up to 80 days. But, taking into account human actions and the feeding habits of spiders, the maximum lifespan is about three weeks.

When the temperature drops, the insect's metabolism slows down and the fly goes into hibernation. With the onset of warmth, they begin to wake up and appear as if from nowhere. In fact, when it gets colder, flies try to hide in balcony cracks and other secluded places, where some of them will safely overwinter.

A fly's life or inside and out

If we consider the full cycle, how long a common fly lives from the moment of laying eggs to its death, then the picture turns out to be a little different. The female is capable of laying about a hundred eggs of a characteristic oblong shape at a time (the clutch of a fly is difficult to confuse with anything else).

After a day, larvae emerge from the eggs and begin to grow actively, while eating leftover food or substances of organic origin.

The larvae try to hide deeper - where it is warm, humid and there is a lot of food. The sun's rays have a detrimental effect on maggots, which is also one of the reasons to leave the open air. After 25 days, the larva turns into a pupa, and after another three days a fly is born from it.

After 36 hours, the adult is already capable of reproduction. True, at this time the insect practically does not fly, since the wings of the fly must dry out.

One female is capable of laying about two thousand eggs. For mating, she chooses a male with the opposite genetic code. Externally, the female is slightly larger than the male, but it is difficult for a non-specialist to determine this.

How many days does Drosophila live?

The appearance of fruit flies indicates that fruits or vegetables in the house or apartment have begun to deteriorate. It is interesting that fruit flies do not appear on their own. Their eggs are brought along with food from the store, and when favorable conditions occur (read: when rotting begins), they begin to develop.


An adult fly lays eggs on the fruit while it is still growing. Here is such a “caring” female... The lifespan of Drosophila directly depends on the ambient temperature.

At 25°C the fly lives 10 days, when the temperature drops to 18°C ​​- 20 days. Under ideal conditions (plenty of food and low temperature), a fly can live and actively reproduce for about two and a half months.

How long can they live without food?

The question itself is meaningless - a fly cannot remain without food unless it is placed in sterile conditions. Insects will always find food for themselves, and flies are able to consume it in liquid and solid form.

Usually the fly lives close to the place where it was born; the radius of its habitat is approximately one hundred meters. The best places for flies to breed are garbage dumps and compost heaps. Rotting waste creates the most favorable environment for the reproduction of insects.

Flies are dangerous to humans because they are carriers of dangerous diseases. Crawling over unattended food and eating it, flies leave behind pathogenic bacteria and microorganisms, including worm eggs.

For this reason, people actively fight insects with all available methods - covering windows with nets, hanging fly traps (despite the disgusting appearance, this is one of the best means fly control), install lamps with bait.

So the duration of a fly’s life is a very relative concept. If a person does not kill her, then either birds or spiders will catch her. But even within the 20 days allotted to it, the fly will be able to leave serious offspring.


What is the lifespan of flies?

Annoying house flies have been annoying people since ancient times. They belong to a synanthropic species, that is, they are ecologically associated with human settlements and are not found in the wild. A long time ago, the ancestors of Tsokotukha began to live next door to people; their current relatives can no longer exist in any other way.

Flies have lived on almost the entire planet for millions of years. The oldest representative of the Diptera order was found in China; its age is 145 million years.

There are 2 subspecies of flies found in Russia:

  • ordinary room;
  • southern room.

The house fly poses a hidden threat to humans, being a carrier of helminths and pathogens of dangerous diseases: cholera, dysentery, tuberculosis, anthrax, diphtheria. By infecting food, insects make it dangerous to eat.

Annoying, ubiquitous insects greatly spoil the lives of humanity. Therefore, many are interested in the question: how long do flies live? The insect lives on average 3 weeks, but enemies and unfavorable natural conditions reduce the average life span of a fly to 6-10 days.

How does reproduction occur?

Flies have many enemies, but their colossal fertility saves the species from destruction. The speed of reproduction is amazing: during the summer season, a male and a female can produce offspring weighing 40 tons (in a comfortable habitat in the absence of enemies).

Throughout the year, in a favorable climate, 20 generations of insects are replaced, and during the summer period - 7-8.

There are approximately 150 eggs in a clutch; in total, flies lay 600-2000 eggs in their entire life. For masonry, insects use rotting organic waste, manure, sewage, and food.

After a day, larvae appear, resembling thin threads in appearance. They penetrate deep into organic waste, providing food, moisture, warmth, and protecting from harmful sun rays and enemies.

Stages of development

The life cycle of a fly has several stages:

  1. Egg – development lasts 8-50 hours.
  2. The larva, or maggot, develops in 3-25 days, undergoes 3 molts before becoming a pupa. In just a week, the size of the larva increases 800 times.
  3. Pupa – the period lasts 3-6 days. Lowering the temperature slows down pupation.
  4. An adult insect (imago) lives from 10 days to one or two months. 36 hours after emerging from the pupa, the adult is able to reproduce.

On average, development from egg to adult form of an insect lasts 20 days.


It is impossible to answer unequivocally how long the common fly lives. Many factors influence the lifespan of a fly. For example, the state of the environment.

Favorable temperature is 23-25°C with air humidity 80%. With an average lifespan of 3 weeks, a long-lived fly would live 8-9 weeks in such resort conditions.

When the ambient temperature drops below 10 °C, larvae, pupae, and fertilized adults hibernate, surviving the winter in a state of suspended animation. In the spring, surviving females will give birth to numerous new generations of flies.

Control measures and prevention

The presence of carriers of diseases dangerous to humans in the house cannot be ignored. Use available effective insect control methods:

  • Equip windows with screens to prevent insects from entering the room.
  • Do not leave food accessible; cover with lids, gauze, and napkins.
  • Keep the kitchen clean, wash dirty dishes, remove trash, cover the trash can with a lid.
  • In your garden or dacha, store garbage in containers with tightly closed lids.
  • Regularly treat the cesspool with bleach.
  • Use sticky tape and insect traps.
  • If there are a large number of insects, use fumigators, repellents, and insecticides.
  • When working with medications, follow the instructions.

But let's return to our housefly. We know how it curls around the lamp, how, thanks to the suction pads - the ends of the legs are equipped with them - it quickly and confidently runs along the smooth walls. The fly behaves at our table like an unceremonious guest with an excellent appetite. However, where is her cradle and where do mother flies hide when the time comes to lay eggs?

The fly has already interested us so much that I’m simply embarrassed to tell the truth. The mother prefers it as a cradle for laying eggs - who would have thought! - pig manure. If it is not there, the fly is content with horse food, or even some other food, as long as it is available. In bad weather and cold, flies are attracted to warm stables and barnyards, where there is always fresh manure. As a last resort, any moldy or rotting piece will satisfy them.

Since in residential premises neither pig manure, there is no rot, then everything connected with the reproduction of the fly genus, as a rule, does not catch our eye, with the exception of short weddings celebrated with diligent buzzing.

After about a day, and if it’s hot, even earlier, the laid eggs ripen and pale larvae hatch from them. It is they who dig into the rotting mass on which the mother prudently laid her eggs. Here the larvae thrive and thrive. After six days, their growth ends, and the weight of the larvae during this time increases by about 800 times!

Imagine a baby who weighs three kilograms at birth, and in less than a week turns into a monster weighing 24 centners!..

Thus, using the example of the growth and development of flies, we are once again convinced that this group of living forms is very different from higher animals.

Growing larvae are usually not visible under a crust of rot or manure. If you remove the cover from them, they quickly writhe and rush deeper into the depths. This is how the larvae hide from the eyes of greedy birds, for whom they represent a tasty morsel, and in addition, they make their way closer to warmth and moisture. In the light and outdoors They will soon die from drying out.

When the larva has grown, its outer jacket swells and expands, becoming an elongated brownish barrel that hides the pupa.

All life seemed to be gone from her. However, under a strong cover, mysterious forces are at work. They made a pupa out of a sluggish worm, and now they are turning it into a perfect, winged insect. This takes about a week: the restructuring ends, the fly opens the cocoon and comes out into the light.

Many winged insects live only a few days, even hours. On this last one life stage others are even deprived of oral structure and are completely unable to eat. Where can one go about getting food when the whole life lasts for several hours: as soon as the eggs are laid, the insects fade away.

The housefly is not one of these ephemeral, short-lived creatures. Coming out of the cocoon, the fly begins to lay eggs within three days, and even after two months it is still able to continue this activity. Of course, she needs plenty of food, and we are convinced every day that the fly is not at all inclined to abstain from eating. Either he feasts on fruit juice, then he drinks the remains of sweet tea from the bottom of the mug, then, sitting down on a dry piece of sugar, he diligently feels it with his proboscis, introducing saliva into the sugar, and as soon as the sugar dissolves, he immediately sucks it up. Quite often you can see a fly feasting on food, which it is even difficult to imagine that someone might find it an attractive and tasty dish.

A housefly lays about a hundred eggs at a time, and over a thousand during its life. If larvae hatched from all these eggs and, developing, gave birth to new flies, which, in turn, multiplied in the same way, then one couple of our acquaintances would produce 500 thousand in the second generation, 250 million in the third, 125 million in the fourth billion flies.

With the speed with which one generation follows another in flies, the offspring of the original couple would eclipse the sky within a few months. Everything around would be filled with flies, we would suffocate among them. Nothing like this, of course, happens: most flies do not have time to develop fully and die already in the larval stage or become a victim of one of countless enemies, or bad weather, or an accident. It is enough, however, to imagine the number of offspring under favorable conditions to understand what a scourge flies can become. They turn into such a scourge somewhere near farmyards, when dirt and heat contribute to their reproduction, especially in hot places and during the hot season.

Where do flies go in winter?

Autumn - hard time for our house flies. They do not like the increasing cold at all. In addition, already at the end of summer the fly tribe is exterminated by a devastating pestilence. On the glass of windows and on the walls of the house you can often see dried flies with mutilated legs. All these are victims of the so-called “fly mold”. Entangled in a thin network of mushroom threads, the flies are firmly attached to the surface.

The fungus that kills the fly initially lived unnoticed in its internal organs, then, developing, sucked the juices clean. The fungus sprouts from the fly corpse and, dispersing reproductive spores around, infects and kills other flies.

But it is known that even the most ferocious plague epidemics never exterminated all people. And not all flies die from autumn mold. Those that survive will maintain the fly family throughout the winter.

Different animals adapt to the cold season in different ways. Many birds, avoiding winter, fly south; others somehow survive on the meager food that they now manage to get. Only the crossbill, which has chosen coniferous seeds as food, manages, if there are enough cones, to hatch and raise chicks in winter. Roe deer and deer often die from starvation. The groundhog supports itself with supplies collected during the summer. Insects behave in a similar way honey bees; They winter safely where people do not take away most of the honey they store in the summer.

Dormouses, frogs and lizards do not eat anything in winter and fall into a long and deep winter hibernation. At this time, their metabolic processes are minimized; the existence of these animals is supported by the fat body accumulated before the onset of cold weather. Many insects overwinter in securely protected, secluded places in the pupal stage, which is a dormant period.

They thought that flies did the same thing. However, from the pupae that we managed to collect under open air, many types of flies were bred, but not house flies. This fly is extremely sensitive to cold, and in countries with a harsh climate, before the water has time to freeze and snow has fallen, the housefly is already drawn to warm rooms, especially barns. Here, next to animals, in manure, reproduction can occur in winter. True, now it does not go as quickly as in the summer heat. Consequently, flies are among those insects that spend the cold season without hibernating for a long time.

IN big cities there are almost no conditions for winter breeding flies Even in rural areas diseases and bad weather destroy them in droves. Why is it that in the spring, before you have time to look around, there are so many flies everywhere?

The riddle is explained simply: although our flies are domestic, they are not such homebodies as one might think, judging by their name. They are very prone to changing places and are able to fly quite far. When suitable weather arrives, they quickly leave their wintering place.

Two American naturalists were not too lazy to apply paint to the backs of two hundred and fifty thousand - a quarter of a million! - house flies. In a wide area on different distances From the place where this cloud of winged insects was released into the wild, traps were set, collecting many marked insects. It turned out that thousands of them flew away to a distance of one kilometer, and there were also some that moved even 20 kilometers away from the starting point!

Thus, it is not difficult for these light-winged creatures to get out of barns in the countryside in the spring and quickly spread throughout the city, as we are clearly convinced of every year.

Literature: Karl Frisch. "Ten little uninvited guests", Moscow, 1970