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Modern kitchen furniture for a small kitchen. Interior design of a small kitchen: tips and solutions

Often a small kitchen becomes a source of discomfort and irritation for the housewife, so the issue must be resolved, and radically. Repair will be the most correct way out of the situation. When starting such a difficult task, you must first of all choose small kitchen interior so that he visually expands it and provides as much free space as possible.

The first step is to start with proper redevelopment, which is considered the most important stage process. It differs significantly from the layout of a traditional room, since the main problem for a small kitchen there is an acute shortage of space.
So let's get started. In modern styles small kitchen You can use any bold ideas that help you arrange the space in the most optimal way. Literate small interior kitchens allows rational and comfortable use workplace. Here suitable option there will be a refusal standard table. Don’t immediately worry that there will be nowhere to eat.

The point of this idea is to adapt modern design folding type, which, if necessary, easily expands into a full-fledged dining table.

In addition, many people prefer to use this design solution in the interior as a bar counter. Its installation will make the kitchen more stylish and spacious. It will be very convenient to order a bar counter with built-in cabinets and drawers. This option will help to conveniently place the necessary things, but then the tabletop of the structure must be a little wider so that it serves as a table.

When decorating a small kitchen, try to actively use the space near the window and the window sill.

Interior of a small kitchen - color palette and pattern

Design professionals prefer to visually expand space using illusion. Here is an example of several useful tricks for tricking the eye.

  1. The color of the kitchen must be neutral. This visually expands the boundaries of the room. For example, a deep, rich color reflects well the light flow from the window and from the chandelier. It is also worth paying attention to kitchen furniture with a glossy surface, which has similar properties. According to the advice of designers, when decorating kitchens you should not use more than two colors. A simple combination of shades is the key to increasing space. At the same time, it is not recommended to pay attention to the complex pattern, and if you really like it, try to make it very pale.
  2. Designers recommend completely abandoning heavy curtains in a small room. It is better to purchase light tulle, Roman or roller blinds. Remember, the more light there is, the wider the kitchen will appear!

Learning to select textiles, creating the interior of a small kitchen

When using drawings and patterns, you need to be very delicate. In principle, it is advisable to limit ourselves to the so-called “strokes” in the form decorative pillows stools and furniture upholstery. This way the interior of a small kitchen will not be overloaded.
When placing the cornice, try to hang it as high as possible above the window to visually raise the ceiling line. If your choice is a combination of tulle and curtains, hang them so that they do not cover the window, but only frame it. You should avoid printed textiles; it is better to choose a textured pattern.

Storage systems and appliances in a small kitchen

When organizing your workspace, it is important to select and place the storage system correctly. In a small kitchen, such a surface is often combined with a window sill, and the stove and sink are selected with storage space below. If space allows, you can make a multifunctional “island” in the middle of the room, serving as a table and storing dishes.

Another modern solution- "galley". With its help, space illusorily expands. Layout implies location wall cabinets and niches on both walls of the kitchen in parallel.

The smart choice would be built-in appliances, specially designed for small spaces. Typically, such devices are smaller in size, they can even be hung on the wall (ovens and microwaves).

Interior of a small kitchen - photo

In fact, only modern large new buildings can please their owners with the scale of the premises and a spacious kitchen, among other things. In old houses, “Khrushchev” buildings, standard mass-produced houses of 1950-2000. in most cases, this room has very modest dimensions of up to 10 square meters. m, and often even 4 or 5 square meters. m. The height of the ceilings in these houses is most often 2.4 - 2.75 m. Owners of Stalin windows are luckier - the kitchens in them have an area of ​​up to 15 square meters. m and height up to 3.5 m.

In addition, such houses often have their own design features. Particularly specific houses are old pre-revolutionary buildings, in which partitions and beams are often made of wood and need strengthening, and “Khrushchev” buildings, with their thin walls 40 mm, poor hydro-, heat-, sound insulation and geysers.

Therefore, renovating a small kitchen not in a new building causes obvious difficulties - after all, you need to not only do Beautiful design, but also, if necessary, insulate, update, replace, redesign, move, demolish, build... By the way, the opinion that repair small kitchen- budgetary, does not always correspond to reality. After all, to save space you often need to use non-standard ideas and individual “made to order” solutions. The best way To save money in this case, do most of the work yourself.

But don’t be scared ahead of time and don’t lose your enthusiasm, because you have a lot of work ahead of you, at times nervous and, nevertheless, very interesting.

May you be inspired big windows or beautiful view of which, the presence of a loggia, a non-standard niche, the location of the kitchen on sunny side or simply that this is your favorite home.

What can and should be done during the repair process?

In the process of capital or cosmetic repairs for a small kitchen you can/need:

  1. Strengthen, level and finish partitions;
  2. Demolish and/or erect walls;
  3. Install sliding doors;
  4. Level and refinish the floor and ceiling;
  5. Align window openings, expand/narrow/, insert new windows if they do not already exist;
  6. Strengthen, insulate, soundproof walls and floors if necessary;
  7. Re-wire the electrical wiring;
  8. Replace batteries;
  9. Replace/move/hide/play up all communications in the interior: old pipes, gas pipeline, gas water heater, ventilation duct.

At the same time, the main task in renovating a small kitchen is to preserve and optimize its space as much as possible.

To renovate a small kitchen, you need to go through the steps in the following sequence:

  1. Generating ideas, drafting, planning;
  2. Selection and purchase of construction/ finishing materials;
  3. Removing old coverings from walls, ceilings and floors;
  4. Redevelopment with demolition/construction of walls/creation of an arch, etc.;
  5. Preparatory work: leveling the floor (creating new screed), installation of electrical wiring, sewer and water pipes, leveling the walls with putty, priming the ceiling and walls;
  6. Finishing – decorating the ceiling, installing switches and sockets, installing flooring.
  7. and installation of plumbing fixtures and appliances.

Floor repair

  • First you need to level the floor, it is better to do this with a thin layer of screed. Keep in mind that not every floor will withstand a thick and heavy layer of cement-sand leveling coating. typical house. How to effectively level the floor in a small and low kitchen with a minimum screed thickness, see this video by Alexey Zemskov:

  • : tiles made of ceramics, porcelain stoneware, stone, commercial/semi-commercial linoleum and moisture-resistant laminate;
  • If the room area exceeds 7 square meters. meters or renovation is carried out in a combined space, then you can separate the dining and work areas or kitchen and relaxation areas. To do this you need to do a combination flooring, combining different materials or one material from different collections.

Wall repair

During the renovation process, old walls often need to be leveled first. How to do this while preserving as much as possible centimeters and even millimeters of a small-sized kitchen?

  • The simplest and effective method– alignment along the beacons, but then the layer of plaster may be too thick. Therefore, differences of up to 60 mm in partitions are better to be leveled with several layers of starting putty.

If the wall protrudes locally in one place, but in general it is straight, then in order to save costs and precious centimeters, you can simply knock off the protrusion with a hammer drill and then level the wall with putty.

  • You can sheathe the walls thin sheets drywall. If you want to insulate and soundproof the kitchen, re-lay and hide communications, then sheets of plasterboard need to be installed on the frame, but this will significantly reduce the size of the kitchen. Therefore, to save space, it is better to place the gypsum board on glue, having previously cleaned and primed the walls. Perhaps this method can be called optimal;
  • If you decide to demolish and erect concrete walls, then get ready for tedious, noisy and very dusty work, preferably with at least 2 assistants, or better yet, entrust this part of the work to a team of repairmen. How to do this, watch the video:

  • But to build plasterboard walls on metal frame you can do it yourself;

  • If you live in an old building or a Khrushchev building, you need to find out what the partitions in the apartment are made of. Walls made of wood need not just be leveled, but reinforced with metal corners and finished with reinforcing mesh;
  • As for finishing, washable ones are most often used in the kitchen. vinyl wallpapers on a non-woven basis, but you can also paint the walls water-based paint for rooms with high humidity;
  • For the most part are chosen ceramic tile, mosaic or glass panels– wear-resistant and durable materials with increased resistance to moisture and the ability to be easily washed.

Wallpaper for a small kitchen is desirable in light colors, but if you want to add color and brightness to the interior, then do not give up on this idea and decorate only one wall with colored or photo wallpaper, thus highlighting the eating area.

Ceiling repair

Renovating a small kitchen necessarily includes finishing the ceiling, taking into account its height and size.

  • If your apartment has a height of more than 2.7 m, then in principle you can choose any suspended ceiling: plasterboard, tension, rack, clapboard. In addition, you can additionally insulate and soundproof the ceilings. Let's even say small decor– molded rosette, ceiling moldings and decorative beams, such as in this design project, which was implemented in two-room apartment In Volgograd:

  • If the ceilings are not high, and even need major leveling, and the neighbors above periodically flood the kitchen, then in this case the most best option- which are not afraid of flooding and correct operation will last up to 20 years. And most importantly, they are easy and quick to install, while “eating” a minimum of height;

  • When repairing the ceiling, you can new way and install lamps, for example, spotlights in work area, and hang a beautiful chandelier above the table;
  • Whatever ceiling you install, do not forget to remove old finishing and prime the base with an antifungal primer deep penetration. And if mold has already appeared, get rid of it immediately.

How to obtain permission for redevelopment?

Way to beautiful kitchen with redevelopment lies through the BTI, housing inspections or OSBB, treat this issue with understanding, be patient and go through the following steps:

  1. We go to the BTI for the technical passport of your apartment;
  2. In the received technical passport We draw a sketch of the redevelopment and submit it to the city housing inspection for approval. Keep in mind that load-bearing walls cannot be demolished;
  3. Then we wait for official permission and begin repairs.

There is a second way to easily and quickly decide on a redevelopment option. There are catalogs at the housing inspection office and on the Internet standard projects, in which you can find a suitable and permitted scheme for renovating apartments for a house of any series. In this case, a work permit is not required. However, after the completion of the renovation, the housing inspection is obliged to check and approve the results of the redevelopment.

Renovation combining with a living room or balcony using the example of 3 apartments

Renovating a small kitchen often involves a large-scale redevelopment with the demolition of the wall between the living room and kitchen and subsequent zoning of the room to create a studio apartment.

Here is an example of successful reconstruction, renovation and design of a small apartment with. The author of the project is young designer Maria Dadiani.

Here is an example of a union narrow kitchen with a living room in an old house with a ceiling height of 2.7 m in St. Petersburg.

Combining with a balcony is also great way enlarge the kitchen by a couple square meters, you get a kitchen that looks like it has a bay window. But such redevelopment is not permissible in all houses. Here's how a rather large one with an adjacent semicircular loggia of 2.5 square meters was rebuilt. m and parallel arrangement of furniture.

The renovation and arrangement have not yet been completed, but it is already clear that the kitchen will turn out to be very functional and thoughtful.

It is prohibited to move batteries onto the balcony, so the owners installed heated floors in this area.

Pay attention to the good location of the refrigerator - it is close to both the working and dining areas.

Repair with changes to the wall and entrance

If you don’t want to completely tear down the walls, but you like the idea of ​​combining the kitchen and living room, then you can:

  • Demolish the old partition and install a new one in a different place, of a different size and type, made of plasterboard on a metal frame made of profiles or channels;
  • Replace a regular doorway with an arched one;
  • Instead of the usual swing door install a sliding system.

Let's start in order and look at an example of a very successful combination of a small kitchen () with a living room, which are separated by a small partition erected - a plasterboard bar counter. The owners of this bright apartment V Scandinavian style live in Belarus.

By combining two rooms, the entrance to the kitchen can simply be moved and closed sliding door according to the type of wardrobe, that is, on guide profiles installed at the top and bottom. How did Elizabeth and Vitaly do it in their bright kitchen in Provence style with a footage of only 5.7 sq. m.

There is another way to visually enlarge the kitchen - by creating an arch. An arched opening instead of a door looks very cool in kitchens classic style, country, shabby chic, Provence. Here is an example of renovating a small kitchen with a wide arch, St. Petersburg.

Repair with space optimization: niche, window sill, geyser and communications

The kitchen can be enlarged not only at the expense of the living room, but also at the expense of the adjacent bathroom or hallway, forming a plasterboard niche for a refrigerator or cabinet with a built-in oven and microwave. Here is an example of a small combined kitchen in an ordinary Khrushchev building with a niche for a refrigerator.

There is another idea on how you can optimize kitchen space to the maximum during the process of renovating a small kitchen, if its area is less than 6 square meters. meters. The window sill can be used as a cutting table - for this it is replaced with a tabletop, and a small cabinet is placed near the radiator. It is clear that in this case the furniture will have to be made yourself or ordered individual project. You can also make a sink in place of the window sill - to do this, you will have to provide a box under it in which the communications will be hidden. An example of such a modification is shown in the photo below.

But how to renovate a kitchen with a gas water heater and pipes? How to improve the interior with communications?

Keep in mind that:

  • It is not possible to move the heater from the kitchen to the bathroom, but vice versa, it is possible, but only after agreement with the gas workers;
  • You can move the speaker into the hallway, but not in every case, since the transfer conditions must meet certain requirements. The easiest way is to coordinate the transfer of the water heater to a distance of up to 1.5 meters from its “home” location;
  • Hide in the closet gas equipment It is also undesirable because there should be a space filled with air around the column. Often, owners “build” a speaker into a cabinet without a bottom or top, as well as with indentations on the front and sides. The inside of such a cabinet is sheathed/treated with fire-resistant materials.

If you don’t want to go through the authorities, but need to do repairs, then the best solution is to resign yourself and fit all communications into the interior or hide what can be hidden, and decorate or simply update what remains in plain sight.

Here is an interesting example of how gas and water pipes with gas water heater can fit harmoniously into an ordinary small kitchen.

And here are also the interiors of kitchens with a gas water heater and pipes.

But the window between the bathroom and the kitchen is much easier to decorate. The frame needs to be painted and the glass replaced, the main thing is to choose matching colors and texture, and then it will easily fit into the interior, such as in this Provence style kitchen. Designer: Elena Evteeva, design bureau "Remarch".

We are drawing up a project for a future kitchen in 3D - how to properly plan the design for a small-sized kitchen

Renovating a small kitchen should begin with drawing up a project. Generally speaking, for visual increase space, you need to use ideas that provide expansion of areas, and functionality is ensured by the harmonious arrangement of furniture.

That is why renovations in a small kitchen do not begin until all the nuances and details are clarified on paper, or better yet, in 3D visualization programs.

Since we decided everything renovation work(or almost everything) if we do it ourselves, then we’ll draw up a design project ourselves. How can I do that? Here free programs, in which you can create a photorealistic project, and the principle of operation is intuitive - even a beginner can figure it out:

  • Planner 5D;
  • Autodesk Homestyler;
  • KitchenDraw;
  • PRO100;
  • Sweet Home 3D;
  • Roomle (English).

So, do-it-yourself renovation of a small-sized kitchen is planned in accordance with the following requirements:

  1. Furniture planning and finishing of a small kitchen are carried out at one stage. Here it is necessary to provide for the installation location of the stove and sink, which are connected to communications.
  2. The gas stove must be placed within a gas hose of standard dimensions (it is not advisable to lengthen it). In the case of an electric stove, you should also not lengthen the electrical cable, since it may overheat and cannot withstand increased loads.
  3. When displacing the sink, care must be taken to hide the newly made pipeline.
  4. The stove and sink are not located next to each other - splashes of water should not fall on the hot cooking surface. So such convenience for the housewife can result in equipment breakdown.
  5. Plate with gas burners should be located at least 30 cm from the window - this will not allow an accidental draft to blow out the fire.
  6. The length of the curtains is also taken into account - this is important for ensuring fire safety.
  7. When planning renovations in a small kitchen, you should also not clutter the space above. hob cabinets - it is better to use this area to place a hood, especially if it is a kitchen-living room.

What colors would be appropriate in a modest-sized room?

  • Classic color scheme in light colors visually increases the space and perfectly reflects light. White color will always be relevant, but any one can become the basis pastel shade– gray, blue, pale pink, beige.

White trim and baseboards – great idea! After all, they are suitable for any style, any walls, floors and ceilings in absolutely any color scheme.

  • You can renovate a small kitchen and bright colors– in this case, the accent will be the fronts of the furniture, the apron or one wall, but the predominant color in the decoration/furniture should still be light.

Many of us live in apartments where very little space is allocated for the kitchen; the same thing happens in private houses.

Owners of small kitchens always wonder: how to make it functional, beautiful and spacious in appearance? This is exactly what this article will discuss.

Visual enlargement techniques

The main thing to do in a small kitchen is to create the illusion of space. Let's start with this. We have all heard that dark colors visually reduce the space, and light ones increase it.

IN modern designs small kitchens use the same principle. Nobody reinvents the wheel.

Light colors do a very good job of visually increasing space, but you don’t need to limit yourself to them. Since dark tones go well with light ones, the main thing is that everything is in moderation.

Here's another tip and solution for a small kitchen. The point will be about windows. The light background of the kitchen increases the space, and a large amount of light enhances this effect.

Therefore, the main thing is that the windows let in as much light as possible. For this, it is best to use light, translucent tulle or nothing at all.

Also for quality lighting you need to use a large number of small lamps.

This is very worthy modern idea for a small kitchen, there is no need to bypass it.

A particularly strong effect of increasing space from lamps can be obtained when they are installed next to mirrored glossy surfaces.

Now we can talk about beauty. To do this, it would be a shame not to use well-known styles. After all, they contain a lot of trial and error experience, and their templates will make our work much easier. I'll just talk about those styles that are ideal for small kitchens:

Japanese - distinguished by its simple-shaped furniture, with strict straight lines, combined with original lamps.

But this is what you need for a small kitchen. Also a good feature Japanese style– a combination of natural materials with perfectly balanced light and dark tones.

High-tech - combines all the ideas of 2017 for a small kitchen. His distinctive features is the use large quantity glass and gloss minimum quantity accessories. All accessories must be hidden.

Minimalism – the name speaks for itself. Everything you need and to a minimum. This applies to both kitchen furniture and color shades used in kitchen design.

Space is worth its weight in gold

Now we have already reached the furniture, here the criteria for its selection are obvious. There is little space, which means we need to make the most of all the space in our small kitchen, and choose only furniture that combines several functions.

So, from large table will have to refuse. Well, maybe just leave the folding one. The best solution To save space, use bedside tables with an L-shaped tabletop.

And put it somewhere in the corner of the kitchen under the window, which will create a pleasant corner where they can calmly talk about have a wonderful life two people drinking fragrant tea.

If the family is small, it is better to take a smaller refrigerator, because the space above it can also be used.

And the lack of space in the refrigerator means that food will run out faster and you will need to buy it more often. This means they will be fresher, which is a plus.

Also, to stick to the small kitchen design in modern style, you need to choose the right lockers.

In our case, the cabinets should not be very convex. It's better to take wider ones than thick ones to save common space kitchens.

For a small kitchen, it is better to use one type of furniture. The one that, like puzzles, fits into one whole. If you use different types of furniture placed along the walls, you can get the effect of piling up.

There are hundreds of ways to visually increase the space of a small kitchen. But here we have considered only the basic principles. And those who know the very principle of action can develop indefinitely.

Photo of the interior of a small kitchen

Owners of small kitchens in small apartments As a rule, they believe that nothing interesting can be created in a minimal area, since there is cramped space everywhere, lack of comfort, and the eternal problem with the arrangement of kitchen furniture and various household appliances. But for every problem there is a solution, which is what we will talk about in this article.

Remember: a tiny kitchen is not a death sentence. The right design a small kitchen is a step towards solving the problem of lack of space.

A creative approach to arranging a modest-sized kitchen is sure to bear fruit. Adviсe experienced designers They will help you turn a nondescript, uncomfortable room into a corner where you and your household will enjoy being.

Study photos of small kitchens equipped according to all the rules. You might get some interesting ideas. Pay attention to these tips. Change your usual way of looking at things - and your kitchen will sparkle in a new way!

Single space

Small, nondescript furniture, modest accessories, boring colors, a clutter of small details visually reduce the space, splitting it into unnecessary zones.

How to proceed:

  • Combine the details of the kitchen set with a worktop with a glossy surface;
  • Choose large-area facades;
  • Remember: no sharp transitions between parts of the kitchen wall.

The illusion of a single space visually expands the boundaries of the room.


Do not clutter the room. Place furniture in one line. Boxes, crates, kitchen utensils hide it under the table, put it in cabinets and niches.

Use for wall cabinets"dead zones":

  • Under the ceiling;
  • Above the doorway;
  • Above the refrigerator.

Small kitchen style

Your task is to create an interior without unnecessary details, pretentiousness and many small accessories. Several styles satisfy these requirements:

  • Japanese. Strict lines, grace, combination of light and dark tones, furniture simple shapes. Natural materials. Original lamps. Textiles of simple textures and colors.
  • High tech. Glass, metal, gloss. Cool tones. Clear lines, innovative developments in furniture design. No fancy accessories. Maximum comfort.
  • Minimalism. Strict forms. There are a minimum of objects on the surface. No bulky parts. An interesting combination of colors is allowed. Walls of unusual shades, including light ones, are welcome.
  • Modern. Interesting furniture and accessories. Bold color combination. Designs of any shape. An abundance of non-traditional materials, glass, mirrors, gloss and metal. For young couples or one person.

Do not use the following styles:
  1. Palace, baroque. Requires space. Fancy details, a minimum of straight lines. Heavy, expensive fabrics. Bulky furniture.
  2. Country. An abundance of accessories, small parts, cabinets and boxes. The color scheme narrows the space. There is no way to create a single line in furniture design.
  3. Classic. Requires spacious premises. Heavy, rich textiles in rich tones made from thick velvet fabrics are a must. Inappropriate color scheme.
  4. Mediterranean style balances on the verge of “for” and “against”. On the one hand, delicate, light tones and azure color. On the other hand, there is an abundance of details and the use of wood. Lots of small lockers. Splitting the façade into zones. You can't do it without a talented designer.

Furniture for a small kitchen

When choosing furniture for your work and dining areas, adhere to the following rules:

  1. Choose modern ones kitchen sets. Their stylish design, the presence of systems that open and close cabinets and drawers provides convenience for the housewife in a cramped kitchen.
  2. Small furniture creates a cluttered effect. Fronts and drawers of the largest possible size create the illusion of a single space.
  3. Choose facades with glossy surfaces. This will visually expand the space.
  4. If possible, arrange furniture in an “L” shape. The space in the corner, where a sink can easily fit, will not be wasted.
  5. Use glass in the interior. The glass table is almost invisible in a small space.
  6. Round or oval table takes a lot less space than square.
  7. The color of the headset should be in harmony with the color of the walls. For a tiny kitchen, a combination of shades of the same color is ideal.

The ideal solution is cabinet doors that open upwards and not to the sides. This design is more expensive. You will quickly appreciate its advantages.

Colors and designs

Many owners already know what colors to use small spaces. Let's remember the rules:

  • Give preference light colors. Leave deep dark colors for spacious rooms;
  • Use gloss. This is how maximum light is reflected;
  • A background with a small, sparse pattern looks advantageous;
  • A smooth, patternless base visually adds centimeters;
  • Large patterns, ornaments, and inserts are not acceptable.

Bright spots attract attention and narrow the space. Don't look for sharp contrasts. A red square on a white background is worse than a light orange oval spot on a cream-colored wall.


Little tricks will help you “stuff” your kitchen without winning back free centimeters:

  • Use the built-in household appliances. The fewer protruding parts, the better.
  • Think carefully about whether you need a large refrigerator. Is there a chance to abandon the bulky model? Take advantage of this opportunity.
  • An excellent solution is two-in-one household appliances. Microwave with function oven allows you to get rid of a bulky oven that eats up about a meter of space.

Floor and ceiling

To finish the floor in a small kitchen, use the same color as in the adjacent rooms. The illusion of infinity is created.

Tiles laid diagonally “stretch” the space well.

The less various materials and textures, the better. Do not combine more than two textures when decorating a small room.

Tensioner glossy ceilingperfect solution. Reflected space, gentle highlights are the result of using a light glossy material.


Choose a nice, soft shade. It doesn't have to be simple and boring:

  • White - not very good, pearl - good;
  • Beige - not very good, caramel - good;
  • Green – not very good, pistachio – good;
  • Boring pink is not very good, tea rose is excellent.

Funds allow - cover the walls textured paint with various effects. Both you and your guests will be delighted. Interesting textures set the tone for an interior in the Art Nouveau or minimalist style.


The basic rule: lightness in all details. Down with thick curtains in rich colors. Velvet, large prints, tassels and fringe are not suitable for small spaces.


  • Light translucent curtains;
  • Roman curtains;
  • Blinds in light colors.

Raise the cornice higher than it should be. The walls will appear higher by these 5–10 cm.


When decorating a modest kitchen, use moderation. Flashy, provocative details are not needed in a modest-sized kitchen.

Pay attention to these tips:

  • Figurines, photos and paintings on the walls, vases with flowers and small trinkets are inappropriate in a limited space;
  • Limit yourself to one or two reproductions. Place them off-center, at different levels;
  • Better one graceful flower composition in a flat bowl than lush bouquet flowers in a bright vase in the middle of the table.

Now you know what design is needed to turn a small kitchen into a comfort zone. Put these tips into practice and your friends and relatives will admire your design talent. And the kitchen will become your favorite place in your home.

Ideas for a small kitchen (photo)

A small kitchen also has the right to be beautiful

Finishing a kitchen requires considerable expenses, which not everyone, especially during a crisis, has at their disposal. Therefore, apartment owners often undertake to do it themselves. Apartment owners believe that the smaller the room, the less problems. In practice, the opposite happens.

Features of small rooms

Carrying out finishing and redevelopment in small room It’s a complex matter and, like everything else, it has its own difficulties. In addition, every owner wants the kitchen to be functional, but what smaller area, the more difficult it is to achieve this.

In order to at least slightly increase the kitchen area, the premises are redesigned. But this will require large expenses. If there are no such funds, then it is better to focus on the quality of the finish. It takes experience and special skills to complete the perfect one in a small space. It is important to rationally arrange furniture and household appliances, not forgetting creative approach to the process. Creation comfortable conditions will require not only material costs. You need to carefully consider the design of the room.

Ideas for renovating a small kitchen are not difficult to find. If you find it difficult to do this yourself, it is better to turn to professionals. They will offer you a choice of 3-4 room interior options.

Preparatory work

Plan all work in the room in advance

When starting a small kitchen renovation, every owner wants changes. But you need to know from the beginning what the result will be. To accurately implement ideas, it is better to draw up an event plan and a room diagram.

First, measure the parameters of the room. An error of 5 mm will subsequently negatively affect the placement of furniture and household appliances. Then draw a plan diagram on paper.

Professional designers lay out color sketches of furniture and electrical equipment on the plan to scale. To achieve desired result change the position of objects on the plan, but one should not forget about safety rules. Determine in advance the location of the outlets and their required number.

For a small kitchen, it is better to choose hanging cabinets. But think about how the doors will open in them, so that after the renovation there will be no difficulties with free space. Modern manufacturers have a choice of design options for cabinet doors.

It is better to design working surfaces in a single plane. This will make cooking easier and save a lot of space.

You can discard some electrical household items or try placing them in a different place. Be sure to install a hood above the stove, which will rid the kitchen of dirt and unwanted odors. If the stove is electric, then it should be separate from the sink.

After preparing the plan, repairs begin. And it should begin by clearing the room of furniture and electrical appliances. If planned major renovation small kitchen, then the communication systems are dismantled.

Joint renovation is a good idea

The geyser is not a hindrance

Next, they begin to free the surfaces of the walls, ceiling and floor from the previous finishing materials. If you can't remove the old wallpaper, wet the walls with water and let it soak in, then try again. Grease stains (if any) must be cleaned off. The freed surfaces are covered special solution to facilitate leveling and applying plaster.

Before starting to prepare surfaces for finishing, new communication networks (electrical, water and sewer) are laid. It is better to entrust these works to professionals, especially electrical wiring, since incorrect or poor quality work will create problems in the future.

Stages of doing a DIY repair: how to do everything correctly

When carrying out work, it is necessary to strictly follow the plan and observe the sequence; this will affect the quality and timing of the repair.

  • ceiling;
  • walls;

You need to start with a thorough examination of the ceiling. The ceiling covering should be smooth so that it can be easily washed. If, after removing the old material, defects remain, they are eliminated, and then surface finishing begins. This can be putty or plaster. Some people prefer moisture-resistant drywall. It is glued to a degreased and primed ceiling surface. Then you need to seal the seams between the slabs on the ceiling. To do this, use reinforced tape and putty. Before final finishing with wallpaper or painting, the ceiling surface is leveled and sanded so that it is smooth.

Although the ceiling is on a milestone, it should still be beautiful

Ceilings in a small kitchen in Khrushchev

  1. hide ceiling defects;
  2. give the room a modern look;
  3. protect furniture, appliances and wall surfaces from leakage from above.

Complete installation of suspended ceilings is carried out after finishing walls And then, in order to hide the gap around the perimeter of the room, after installing the ceiling, plinths (fillets) are glued. To glue the baseboard to suspended ceiling They use technology that will protect it from deformation and possible damage to the film. In this case it is better to glue ceiling plinth to Wall. Such fillets have a slightly wider lower part, which will hide the uneven edges of the wallpaper at the joints with the ceiling surface. It is better to glue the ceiling plinth with glue, or with finishing putty, adding PVA glue to it.

If the gap is large, then it is placed in it. This will complete the perfect renovation.

How to transform walls: real ideas for 5.6 sq m

After finishing the ceiling, they move on to the walls. Despite the fact that it is difficult to renovate a small kitchen, from a design point of view, there are several options for wall decoration:

  • painting;
  • gluing washable wallpaper;
  • tiling;
  • combined method.

But in any case, the walls should be leveled. This is important if the walls will be painted. There is no need to carefully level the surfaces under the tiles.

If you don't know how to lay tiles, hire a professional

When renovating a small kitchen, Special attention focuses on creating comfort. Walls completely tiled do not add comfort to the room. It's better to apply combined option. Lay a panel of tiles in several rows above the work surfaces and stove. It is better to paint or wallpaper the remaining part of the walls.

Beautiful floor: inexpensive budget options

Renovations in a small kitchen are completed by finishing the floor. The following mandatory requirements apply to the coating:

  1. non-slippery surface;
  2. low level of water absorption;
  3. resistance to mechanical stress.

Market building materials has coatings that meet all requirements. It's available in financially material for everyone. It is easy to install, even if you do the repairs yourself in a Khrushchev-era building without any special skills. But the surface of the floor must be flat so that it does not tear in places of potholes or protrusions. Best used for leveling floors concrete screed. Before laying the topcoat, you need to let it dry completely.

Ceramic (tile) tiles durable material. Experienced builders consider her kitchens. It is suitable for finishing coating when using a “warm floor” heating system.

Secrets of modern design

To ensure that the kitchen has a completely finished look after renovation, install the baseboard on the floor. This is done to protect the grooves from wet fumes. Experts recommend gluing the baseboard with liquid nails at the time of installation. This will help secure it securely without damaging the structure. Monitor the amount of glue applied. A small amount will not allow the plinth to stick, and an excess will cause drips. You can try to clean off the glue when it dries, but there is a risk of damaging the surface of the coating. Another option is to dissolve liquid nails with acetone.


The furniture is arranged, electrical appliances are in their place, new textiles are pleasing to the eye, which means the renovation has been successfully completed.