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Traditional means of treating apple trees against pests. Treating apple trees against pests in spring

To get rich and healthy harvest The garden must be properly cared for. In the spring, trees weakened and damaged by winter frosts awaken, and pests, hungry after winter, attack them. It’s easier to deal with them right now, before they start multiplying vigorously.

Spring spraying and whitewashing will protect apple trees from the invasion of pests and diseases.

Early spring treatment of the trunk and branches of apple trees

Rules for preparing apple trees for processing:

  1. The branches and trunks of apple trees are cleared of exfoliated bark and lichens damaged by pests, and dead branches are cut out. For stripping, use a sharp garden knife. The damaged bark is stripped back to healthy wood. To avoid infection with fungus healthy trees, the knife should be regularly disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate or fire. Cut branches, bark, last year's foliage, if left over from the fall, must be carefully collected and burned.
  2. Cuts and wounds on apple trees are disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate(30 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water) and covered with garden pitch. The tree trunk circle is dug up.
  3. To repel pests and protect apple trees from fungal diseases and prevention sunburn the trunks are whitened.

Now you can move on to treating trees with protection products. Regular and timely spraying will protect the garden from diseases and pests during the ripening period, when the use of chemicals is unacceptable.

Spring treatment includes spraying:

  • Insecticides – means against pests.
  • Fugincides - remedies for diseases.

Some drugs cannot be used on blossoming foliage, so treatment is carried out before the buds swell.

Spraying apple trees is carried out in four stages:

  1. Before the kidneys awaken (March).
  2. During the period of bud swelling, but before flowering (March-mid-April).
  3. During the formation of flower buds.
  4. After flowering ends (after 3 weeks).

To avoid damaging the foliage, the garden is processed before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m.

Spraying until the buds awaken

Carry out when the air warms up to +5°C. The first spraying destroys fungal pathogens and pests overwintering on the tree.

Drugs used:

  • Iron or ;
  • Bordeaux mixture;
  • Urea (urea);
  • Farmayod;
  • Raek;
  • Horus;
  • Speed;
  • Abiga Peak;
  • Nitrophen.

After spraying is completed, it is advisable to install hunting belts on the trees.

Spraying during bud swelling, but before flowering (along the green cone)

Produced in March-mid-April. Spraying of trees is aimed against weevils, copperheads, apple aphids, scale insects, apple blossom beetles, mites, scab and fruit rot.

Drugs used:

  • Copper or ;
  • Bordeaux mixture or suspension of colloidal sulfur;
  • Chlorophos;
  • Speed;
  • Horus;
  • Spark;
  • Fufanon;
  • Decis Profi;
  • Tanrek;
  • Kinmiks.

Against the apple blossom beetle there is a simple, safe, but effective remedy. They lay down an oilcloth under the tree, wrap the fabric around a long stick and tap it on the branches. Fallen pests are collected and destroyed.

Spraying during the formation of flower buds

Destroy aphids, sawflies, flower beetles, codling moths, etc. Spray before flower buds bloom.


  • Spark;
  • Decis Profi;
  • Bitoxibacillin;
  • Fufanon;
  • Kinmiks;
  • Tanrek.

The drug Iskra is effectively used to destroy cabbage.

Spraying after flowering (after 3 weeks)

Treat against pests (moths, aphids, codling moths, ticks, weevils, leaf rollers) and diseases with the same preparations as for the previous spraying.

A good remedy for codling moths: cook apple compote, pour into small containers and attach to trees. An adult codling moth will fly to the smell and can be collected.

Spraying rules:

  • Spraying is carried out in calm, dry weather, preferably in the afternoon.
  • During flowering, apple trees are not sprayed so as not to scare off pollinating insects.
  • Some drugs can be mixed. Read the instructions on the packages.

Tired of fighting pests?

Are there cockroaches, mice or other pests in your dacha or apartment? We need to fight them! They are carriers of serious diseases: salmonellosis, rabies.

Many summer residents are faced with pests that destroy crops and damage plants.

It has the following properties:

  • Gets rid of mosquitoes, cockroaches, rodents, ants, bedbugs
  • Safe for children and pets
  • Powered by mains, no recharging required
  • There is no addictive effect in pests
  • Large area of ​​operation of the device

Preparations for spring treatment of apple trees against pests

Copper sulfate

A long-proven means of protecting apple trees from fungal diseases (athracnose, scab, curl, phylosticosis, moniliosis) and pests, it disinfects and heals damage on trees. This is an inexpensive but quite effective drug.

The disadvantage of copper sulfate is its high acidity. It is neutralized by adding an alkaline agent, that is, a spray mixture is prepared based on copper sulfate.

Mixtures based on copper sulfate:

  • Burgundy blend– first mix copper sulfate with soda ash in a 1:1 ratio, measure out 100-150 g of the resulting mixture and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. The Burgundy mixture does not form a film on the leaves, but it is not as effective as the Bordeaux mixture.
  • Bordeaux mixture or Bordeaux mixture- a mixture of copper sulfate and quicklime. The recipe for preparing the mixture has a number of features, so you should strictly follow the instructions on the package. Early spring treatment is carried out with a concentrated mixture (for 300 g of vitriol - 400-450 g of quicklime), and subsequent ones - with a more gentle solution (for 100 g of vitriol - 150 g of quicklime).
  • Mixture with laundry soap–150 g of laundry soap and 20 g of copper sulfate are diluted in 10 liters of water. This is the most gentle remedy for apple trees, but does not always live up to expectations.


Increases resistance to diseases (scab, lichen, black cancer, etc.), destroys mosses, lichens and replenishes iron deficiency, which leads to underdevelopment of fruits and reduced yield.

To protect trees from burns with iron sulfate, the concentration of the solution should be no more than 5% (500 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water).

Iron sulfate has disadvantages: it does not help with bacterial diseases and does not penetrate deep into the tissues of trees, causes burns on foliage and young shoots, the duration of the protective effect is only 2 weeks.

IN inkstone no lime is added. Novice gardeners who have not carefully read the instructions confuse it with copper sulfate.

Urea (urea solution)

Destroys leaf roller caterpillars, aphids, copperheads, other pests, as well as their larvae, infectious diseases (scab, spotting, rust), feeds apple trees with nitrogen. 500-700 g of urea are diluted in 10 liters of water.

Treatment is carried out before the buds swell, as soon as the air warms up to 5-7°C. Treatment with urea delays flowering for 10-15 days, which is used by gardeners during spring frosts.

Solutions of various concentrations are used for treatment:

  • first early spring spraying– 500-700 g of urea and 50 g of copper sulfate per 10 liters of water;
  • second spraying (a week after the end of flowering) – 50 g per 10 liters of water


Used to control sucking and leaf-eating pests. Optimal temperature air for spraying - 10-12°C. The drug is effective for 30 days after treatment.


Destroys caterpillars, ticks, sawfly larvae. Since insect eggs are resistant to the action of karbofos, the treatment should be repeated after 7-10 days. Easily destroyed by exposure to sunlight.


Destroys sawfly larvae, fruit mites, flies, gall midges, caterpillars and other sucking insects. The safest insecticide for warm-blooded animals. The disadvantage of the drug is its short-term action e, spraying after 10-12 days is recommended to be repeated.

20-30 g of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. To better wet leaves with a waxy coating, surfactants OP-7, OP-10 (2 g per 10 liters of solution) are added to the solution. Chlorophos with Bordeaux mixture incompatible, as exposure to alkali destroys it.

Colloidal sulfur

Protects against powdery mildew, scabs and spider mite. In cloudy weather, processing is useless. 30-80 g of the drug are diluted in 10 liters of water and laundry soap. Use ready mixture need it right away. The protective effect lasts 12 days.

Other drugs

There are also such preparations for treating apple trees:

  • – destroys moths, aphids, ticks, scale insects, copperheads, leaf rollers, and moths. To prepare a solution for 5 ml of the drug, take 5 liters of water. Spray in the morning or evening time in the absence of wind. The leaves should be wetted completely, but the liquid should not be allowed to drain from them.
  • Nitrophen– destructive to plant mites, scale insects, caterpillars, leaf rollers, insect eggs, as well as scab, mosses, and lichens. Processing is carried out until the buds open. Apple trees are sprayed with a solution prepared from 200 g of nitrophen and 10 liters of water, disinfection of the soil in tree trunk circle- from 300 g and 10 liters of water.
  • Farmayod– used against fungal diseases. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of the product in 10 liters of water. The duration of the protective effect is 3-4 weeks.
  • Raek– used against powdery mildew and scab. 2 ml of the drug is diluted in 10 liters of water. The duration of protection is 20 days.
  • Hom used in the fight against scab and moniliosis. 30-40 g of the drug is diluted in large quantities water, and then bring the amount of liquid to 10 liters. Apple trees are treated in the morning or evening in calm and clear weather, the air temperature should not exceed +30 °C.
  • Horus– destroys pathogens of scab and fruit rot. 3 g of the product is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Trees are processed at air temperatures from 3°C to 10°C, but not higher than 22°C. The duration of action of the product is 7-10 days.
  • Score– effective against fungal diseases. 1 ml of the drug is dissolved in a small amount of water, then the amount of liquid is adjusted to 1 liter. After spraying it is effective for 2-3 weeks.
  • Spark Double effect – used against aphids, codling moths, leaf rollers, and moths. 1 tablet of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water. Harmless to warm-blooded animals.
  • Decis Profi– insecticide with wide range actions. 1 g of the drug is dissolved in 10 liters of water. For spraying, the weather should be calm, cloudy and dry. The prepared solution cannot be stored.
  • Tanrek– used against pests, incl. weevil, apple blossom beetle, mites. Preparation: 3 ml of the product is dissolved in 1 liter of water, then the amount of liquid is adjusted to 10 liters. The protective period is 1 month. Temperature does not affect the effectiveness of the insecticide.
  • Kinmiks– used against gnawing and sucking pests, both adult insects and larvae. The contents of 1 ampoule are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Valid for 3 weeks.
  • Bitoxibacillin is a biological insecticide effective against codling moths, fruit moths, leaf rollers, white butterfly caterpillars, and silkworms. Dilute 20-40 g of powder in 10 liters of water. Ready solution do not store longer than 3 hours.
  • Abiga Peak– fugincide with a wide spectrum of action. 50 g of the product are dissolved in a small amount of water, then added to a volume of 10 liters. The period of protective action is 20 days, resistant to washing off. Safe and effective, therefore suitable for preventive treatments.

When spraying, keep in mind that copper-containing preparations slow down plant growth. Spraying solutions are prepared strictly according to the instructions; trees are treated using protective equipment.

Caring for a garden requires a lot of effort, time and Money, but the gardener’s efforts will be rewarded handsomely with a rich harvest.

In order to reap a rich harvest from your own apple trees, you must try to protect them from pests and various diseases. Gardeners with considerable experience use a carefully developed system for processing this garden culture, as a result of which they manage to preserve all the fruits. It should be taken into account that in spring period A tree like an apple tree is very fragile, and any unpleasant circumstances can knock it out of control. Every gardener needs to know how to treat apple trees in the spring against pests and diseases, and only then will he be sure that his crop is protected in the most reliable way.

  • From diseases;
  • From pests.

The first step is to remove infected branches and areas of bark from the apple tree. Then you need to treat the wounds on the plant. To do this, first use copper sulfate dissolved in water, and then garden var. After this, the trunk is treated with a special garden whitewash, which will prevent infection with diseases and also protect against some harmful insects that have survived the winter. Then the tree should be sprayed.

As a rule, it is necessary to carry out the treatment with a sprayer several times, or rather:

  • before the buds swell;
  • at a time when the buds will swell;
  • after the plant has flowered.

The first spraying is usually carried out in the first spring month. It should be noted that at this time the tree should still be dormant, and the temperature outside should be at least 5 degrees. It is impossible to spray when the plant has open flowers, since in this case insects will not pollinate them. It is recommended to start processing apple trees no earlier than after lunch, and there should be no wind, not rainy weather. But what can be used for spraying?

How to spray copper sulfate on an apple tree

This proven remedy can protect or cure moniliosis, phyllosticosis, scab, curliness and other diseases. But it is worth remembering that copper sulfate has high acidity, which can be corrected by mixing it with an alkaline component. To treat such garden crops, various solutions are made based on this substance. For example:

  1. . Consists of quicklime and copper sulfate. To make a more saturated solution suitable only for the very first treatment of garden crops in the spring (before the buds open), combine 450 grams of lime, 300 grams of copper sulfate and 10 liters of water. For subsequent treatments, a weak solution is needed: 150 grams of lime and 100 grams of vitriol.
  2. Burgundy blend. Consists of copper sulfate and soda ash(1:1). For 10 liters of water, take from 100 to 150 grams of this mixture. It is less effective than the first mixture, but after its use a film does not form on the leaves.
  3. Solution with laundry soap. For a bucket of water, 150 grams of soap and 20 grams of vitriol. It is impossible to burn foliage with this solution, but it is not particularly effective.

Urea and iron sulfate for treating apple trees.

Iron sulfate fights a variety of pests and diseases, and also nourishes the plant with iron. But the use of such a product may lead to a poor harvest or the fruits may be underdeveloped. For spraying, you need a mixture of 3 to 5 percent, not higher, otherwise the foliage will burn.

With the help of urea you can fight various harmful insects(aphids, honey beetles, leaf roller caterpillars, etc.). A saturated solution (0.5 kg of substance per bucket of water) is used for the 1st treatment in the spring, while a little copper sulfate is poured into it. 7 days after flowering, use a weak solution (50 g of substance per bucket of water).

Unique processing tools:

To prepare a solution from diesel fuel, take 500 grams of the substance per bucket of water. Used before the buds open in the spring to get rid of rot.

Colloidal sulfur fights powdery mildew and scab. From 30 to 80 grams of the substance are dissolved in a bucket of water. For a stable suspension, you can mix laundry soap into the mixture. A lime-sulfur decoction is made for fungal diseases and mites by combining a couple of liters of water, 400 grams of sulfur and 600 grams of slaked lime.

Modern preparations for treating apple trees in the garden against diseases and pests.

The stores offer a large selection of chemicals. Here are the most popular and effective:

  1. Preparation No. 30. Fights against harmful insects due to the film formed on the surface of the plant. This remedy is quite harmless. It is recommended to use once every 3 years.
  2. Nitrafen. This product is a fungicide and an insecticide at the same time. Use until the buds swell.
  3. Dnok. Exterminates pests and eliminates various diseases (rust, clusteroporosis, scab, moniliosis, coccomycosis, etc.). Apply only once a year.
  4. Actellik. Kills pests within a few hours after treatment. It is an organophosphate insecticide.
  5. Aktara. Use immediately after the tree has finished flowering. Destroys scale insects, aphids, whiteflies, etc.
  6. Topaz and Speed. Use both before and after flowering. Fights fungal diseases.

Treating apple trees for scab.

Of course, the summer resident must choose for himself how to treat apple trees in the spring against pests and diseases, since on the spot it is easiest to figure out which product is right for you. But rely in your decision on our advice, and then you will definitely be able to cope with the task of protecting your garden. With this we say goodbye to you, we wish you success and all the best, until we meet again!

Caring for fruit trees in the garden consists of a number of activities, including spraying apple trees in the spring, feeding them and pruning the crown. Proper care will help increase and stabilize plant productivity, as well as maintain their health. However, the maximum positive effect can only be achieved if you monitor the garden throughout the year.

No matter how hard you try to care for your trees, your efforts may be in vain if you do not promptly protect the apple tree from pests and diseases. Save Orchard possible by treating plants with biological or chemicals. However, before carrying out the treatment, you need to decide what to spray the apple trees with in the spring, and also take into account that the procedure is carried out in 3 stages.

If you don’t know which product to choose to properly carry out spring spraying garden apple trees, study the features of the use of biological and chemical drugs.

Trees can be treated with chemicals such as Kinmiks before buds open. Otherwise, the drugs will burn young and tender organs. Before treating apple trees for pests in the spring chemicals, it is necessary to trim the crown of the tree, clean its trunk of old bark and lichens and remove damaged parts of the crop.

Many people spray trees with copper sulfate, as this fungicide can prevent rotting, fungal disease, and also disinfect plant wounds.

Nitrofen is often used, which, like Kinmiks, is complex preparation. It destroys insects and their eggs, fungi that cause many diseases, and prevents the development of powdery mildew, scab and various spots.

The first spraying can also be carried out with urea or urea solution. This tool will provide reliable protection apple trees from flower beetle, honeyweed and weevil. Urea can also resist scab, spotting and a number of other diseases and enrich the soil with nitrogen, which increases the yield of apple trees.

Second phase

How to spray apple trees during this period? Iron sulfate is often used, which is not able to completely defeat pests, but destroys about half of the larvae of the copperhead, disinfects and accelerates the healing process of tree wounds, defeats scab, moss, rot and saturates the soil with iron.

Colloidal sulfur, which is often used not only to protect apple trees and shrubs from pests and diseases in the spring. A solution of colloidal sulfur can defeat ailments of a fungal nature and plant mites. It is compatible with most other fungicides and can be used in parallel with them.

Third stage

The last stage of spraying apple trees occurs in May. It is carried out after the apple tree has finished blooming. The main purpose of treatment during this period is the destruction of apple moths, moths, aphids, mites and others harmful to fruit trees, insects.

Caring for an apple tree in the spring involves treating it with products of different nature and mode of action. Therefore, when deciding what to spray fruit trees with, you need to study the differences between each of the drugs.



Chemical agents demonstrate the greatest effectiveness in combating pests and fungal diseases, but they are dangerous to human health. Therefore, you must be very careful and follow all instructions for use when using.

"Kinmiks" - systemic drug chemical nature.


Combined products consist of chemical and biological components. Therefore, by using such preparations, you protect the plant both from various pests and fungal diseases.

Precautionary measures

Treatment of apple trees on the site in the spring against diseases and pests should be carried out according to certain rules. Firstly, you should observe the quantitative ratio of substances when preparing solutions and monitor the shelf life of the drug. Only in this way will the trees treated be healthy. Secondly, you need to prepare a solution for treating apple trees before use, not earlier. Thirdly, the processing of crops must be carried out in a protective suit, regardless of the composition of the drug. Under no circumstances should a flowering apple tree be treated, because then its harvest may not be expected.

Video “Processing fruit trees”

From this video you will learn how to properly treat fruit trees from diseases and pests.

Apple trees are grown on almost every summer cottage. This is understandable, because their fruits contain a large amount of vitamins and microelements. Only 300 g of apples must be eaten per day to provide the body with a daily dose of vitamin C. These fruits have a general strengthening property, so they are recommended to be included in the diet of people with weak immunity, who have undergone operations and serious illnesses.

Treatment of apple trees after flowering

After flowering, apples also need care, if, of course, you want to get the next year good harvest. After all, after flowering, pests may appear on the tree, which need to be dealt with in a timely manner.

  1. Scab is a disease that affects leaves, stalks, flowers and petioles. Oily spots appear on the leaves near the veins. The disease can then spread throughout the entire tree. To get rid of scab, collect diseased leaves and burn them. It is also recommended to dig up tree trunk circles in the fall.
  2. Powdery mildew affects the tips and inflorescences of shoots. White appears on leaves and flowers powdery plaque. During the disease, the leaves begin to fall and lag in growth, curling along the veins. The shoots of the apple tree become bent and stop growing. Be sure to cut out and destroy diseased shoots and burn fallen leaves.
  3. Rust appears immediately after flowering and affects apple tree leaves and shoots. Red spots appear on the leaves round shape with yellowish tubercles. They turn yellow and fall off. As a rule, apple trees become infected with juniper rust, so do not plant these plants next to each other.
  4. Common cancer affects the trunk and forks of individual skeletal branches. This disease can occur in open and closed form. In a closed form, tumors and swellings appear on the bark. Open form manifests itself in the form of deep and non-healing wounds on the bark. To cope with cancer, you need to approach this issue comprehensively: carry out a set of agrotechnical measures, whitewash or coat the trunks of apple trees with lime milk, cut and burn diseased branches, disinfect wounds and damaged areas of the bark with a solution of copper sulfate (20 g per 1 liter of water), cover the cleaned wounds from garden pitch.
  5. Mosaic affects the leaves, on which small, oddly shaped spots appear, colored yellow or cream. Merging, the spots affect the entire leaf, which leads to deformation and falling. The disease can only be overcome by destroying infected plants.
  6. Paniculosis manifests itself in the form of growth large quantity shoots in the form of brooms with yellow or red leaves. You can fight this disease in the same way as mosaic.
  7. Rosetteness manifests itself in the form of convergence of internodes. Small leaves appear, which are collected in the form of rosettes on upper shoots. If you do not treat rosette, your apple tree will die and will not bear fruit. Usually the disease appears due to an excess of phosphorus and lime, and a lack of zinc. To prevent the development of the disease, feed the apple tree with zinc sulfate and treat the cuts oil paint, adding zinc to it.

How to spray apple trees after flowering?

After flowering, apples simply need to be sprayed to prevent the appearance of pests and diseases.

  • Apple trees can be treated with various preparations. After flowering, spray the crowns with zinc sulfate - this will prevent the development of rosettes. Treat apple trees with preparations that contain sulfur and copper - this will protect the plant from rust.
  • Spraying the plant with Bordeaux mixture or copper sulfate, copper chloride, polychome or polycarbacin (4 g per 1 liter of water) will help protect the plant from scab. You can also spray apple trees with a solution of colloidal sulfur (8 g per 1 liter of water).
  • To protect trees from powdery mildew, after flowering, be sure to treat them with fungicides, sodium phosphate (10 g per 1 liter of water) or Skor (according to the instructions).
  • A tincture of tobacco or shag (400 g per 10 liters of water, diluted 10 times and add 40 g of soap) is perfect against copperheads and aphids. The entire plant is sprayed with the infusion. You can also use tinctures of decoctions of dandelion leaves, wormwood, tomato, yarrow and potatoes.

Caring for apple trees after flowering

After flowering, it is recommended to cover the apple trees with catching belts, which are made from burlap or three layers of wrapping paper (20 cm wide). The belt is tied in two places: below and above. The edges of the belt need to be opened a little. The traps are inspected once every 10 days and any caterpillars and codling moth pupae that have fallen from them are removed.

It is also necessary to water the apple tree after flowering. IN summer period do this in the evening using the sprinkling method. This helps the crown develop and rids it of pests. It is not recommended to water apple trees on a hot day to avoid burns. At one time you need to pour 30 liters of water onto one 2-year-old tree. The frequency of watering is determined by the weather.

As soon as the outside temperature reaches above zero, gardeners immediately get to work. It’s okay if snowdrifts prevent you from getting to the trees, because time doesn’t wait. Before the apple trees wake up, there is so much to do! Spring is the most beautiful time of the year, but hard workers have no time to look around; it is during this period that they need to prune their pets, loosen the soil, fertilize it, and protect it from pests. After all, the future harvest depends on the work done.

Pruning an old apple tree

Many gardeners believe that trees that are more than 15 years old need to be replaced with young, early-bearing varieties. But what to do if it’s an old, but so dear and tasty apple tree? In this case, it is worth recommending anti-aging pruning. An apple tree in the spring is usually pruned to 3-4 year old wood, but if it has not had any growth for two years, then the semi-skeletal and skeletal branches should be shortened and some of them removed fruit formations. For very old trees, branches should be pruned to 7-9 year old wood.

Old apple trees cannot be shortened by fruit or ringlets; you should focus on the zone of dormant buds located in the lower part of the shoot. Already next year, restoration processes will appear, the tree will rejuvenate. There may be too many branches that thicken the crown; they should be thinned out. Already in the second year after pruning, fruits will appear on the apple tree, and in the third it will delight you with tasty and juicy fruits.

Pruning a young apple tree

Even the smallest trees need crown formation. Caring for young apple trees in the spring involves preventive pruning, which will help regulate not only growth, but also fruiting, because overloading often deteriorates the quality of the fruit. Annual seedlings usually do not have branches, so they are pruned at a level of one meter from the ground. If there are side shoots, then they need to be removed at a height of half a meter from the ground. It is necessary to immediately remove branches that form with the trunk sharp corner, because in the future they may break off under the weight of apples.

Biennial seedlings are pruned in the same way as annual ones. The strongest-looking side shoots are left, forming a wide angle with the trunk, which in the future will become the skeleton of the tree, and all the rest are removed. The length of the lower branches should be about 30 cm, and those higher - even less. The guide should rise above the other shoots by about 20 cm. In the first years of its life, the apple tree needs formative pruning, because only a tree with a well-groomed, well-lit, compact crown can bear a good harvest. Before 5 years, it is better not to experiment with shortening branches. Branches are pruned to a minimum, otherwise the apple tree may be delayed in development.

Feeding fruit trees

You can’t even count on a good harvest if you don’t know how to care for an apple tree in the spring. Professional gardeners Fertilizers are applied annually to regulate growth processes, develop immunity against pests and create a rich harvest. As soon as the snow melts and the ground melts a little, you need to dig up the soil and add a little to the tree trunk area. ammonium nitrate. It is best to fertilize with a solution of 30 g/10 l of water. Of course, you can pour saltpeter balls directly onto the snow or ice crust, but there is a high probability that the fertilizer will be washed away and the tree will get only crumbs.

Caring for apple trees in the spring involves applying nitrogen fertilizing. No need to buy special ones organic fertilizers, you can use the usual bird droppings, manure or peat. These products have a good effect on the growth and fruiting of apple trees, but it is better to dilute them with water to protect the plant from diseases such as black cancer and root burn.

In May, during the flowering period of trees, urea or some other organic fertilizer should be applied. The solution is prepared at the rate of 25 g/10 l of water, infused for about 5 days. They especially need fertilizing annual seedlings. Caring for young apple trees in the spring involves fertilizing three times a day with an interval of half a month. This will help the tree grow, form beautiful crown. Don’t forget about complex fertilizers; they contain all the components necessary for full development apple trees

How to plant a seedling?

Fruit trees can be planted both in autumn and spring. If the warm season is preferable, then you should remember that it is better to plant the seedling before the buds open. This way it will take root faster, survive the transplant less painfully and grow faster. To prevent the apple tree from getting sick, it needs to be constantly watered; lack of moisture leads to various diseases and slowing down plant growth.

Initially, you should select and prepare a place for the new resident of the garden. Tall trees are placed no closer than 3 m from the boundary, and medium-sized trees - 2 m. Groundwater should lie at a depth of 1.5 m, or lower. If the water passes higher, the tree may periodically flood. To prevent this from happening, it should be placed on a hill (about 1 m). It is best to plant seedlings in a place where they have not grown before fruit and berry crops. After uprooting the garden, the area can be replanted for two years. meadow grasses, they will change the soil.

Caring for apple tree seedlings in the spring immediately suggests that immediately after transplantation you need to prune, because it is broken and it is not able to provide nutrition to the entire above-ground part of the plant. If the soil is good, then the depth and diameter landing pit can fluctuate between 50-60 cm. On waste soils, a depth of 70 cm and a diameter of a meter are allowed. Before planting, seedlings should be soaked in a bucket of water for a day to restore water balance. Broken roots should be cut off with pruning shears or a sharp knife.

How to replant a tree?

Before you decide to transplant an apple tree to a new location, you need to think carefully about whether it is worth doing at all. Planting a plant is a risk of injury and stress, which can be detrimental to weak seedlings. It is better not to touch sick trees at all; there is a high probability that they will die. Apple trees over 15 years old can more or less tolerate replanting. So, the decision has been made, let's get to work.

Before moving to a new place, you should prepare a trench, which should be twice as deep and wide as the plant lump. The ground needs to be dug up, all weeds removed, and the bottom of the hole filled with fertilizers and limestone. Three strong pegs should be prepared to support the tree. Apple trees should be transplanted before buds open. in early spring. You need to dig up the tree carefully, grabbing a large lump along with the root system. The trunk can be wrapped soft cloth, and pack the roots in a net.

It is not recommended to keep a dug tree for a long time; it should be planted as soon as possible. Otherwise, it may get sick and take a long time to take root. The earth ball must be placed in the hole so that the root collar remains above the soil. The roots are sprinkled with loose soil, which is compacted well. After a while you will have to add more soil, because the tree will settle. A balance must be maintained between the root system and the ground part, so after replanting it is recommended to trim the crown.

Pest protection

Even high-quality pruning And good fertilizer do not guarantee bountiful harvest, because there are still pests of the apple tree. In spring, tree processing is carried out in several stages. When the buds open, nothing can be done, because the process of pollination and formation of ovaries may be disrupted. You should also pay attention to wintering conditions and the type of insects that most often infect the plant.

The first treatment of apple trees in the spring occurs in March, when the buds have not yet blossomed and sap flow has not yet begun. During this period, the crown should be trimmed and the trunk should be cleared of lichens and dead bark. It is also necessary to spray with chemicals, treat the soil near the trunk and whitewash the trunk with limestone solution for complete destruction insects that overwintered on a tree.

In April, when buds have already formed, but flowering has not yet begun, it is recommended to protect the plant from the apple blossom beetle with trapping belts and spray biological drugs. During the period of bud formation, you can remove pests manually, as well as remove weeds near the tree. Spraying is not recommended as it will harm pollinating insects. Caring for apple trees in the spring also requires treatment after flowering. In the second half of May, the tree should be sprayed with products against leaf rollers, codling moths and other insects that spoil fruits and foliage.

How to spray apple trees in spring?

All preparations for treating fruit trees have a common name - insecticides. They are contact and systemic. The first act on the insect through direct contact. They are unstable, washed off by rain, and even in dry weather they lose effectiveness after 7 days. Contact insecticides are used in early spring, when it is necessary to poison insects remaining after wintering. The second type of preparations is used in April, when re-processing trees. Systemic insecticides last about half a month; they penetrate the plant, as a result of which the pests die from poisoning. The drugs do not affect the quality of the fruit in any way, because they quickly decompose.

How to spray apple trees in spring? The most common means include benzophosphate, which affects leaf-eating pests. Its advantages include minimal impact on pollinating insects and good protection, which lasts about a month. "Trichlorol-5" can be used from early spring until the beginning of flowering. “Oleocuprite” kills copperhead, aphids, mites, and scale insects. You can also use Karbofos and Preparation No. 30.

What are the benefits of dwarf trees?

How to care for an apple tree in spring largely depends on the type of plant. IN Lately many gardeners praise dwarf varieties, they say, there is less hassle with them, and they bring more harvest. Is it really? It would be more fair to talk not about their advantages, but about the features of caring for these miniature garden inhabitants. Compared with tall varieties they begin to bear fruit much earlier dwarf apple trees. Care in terms of pruning is much easier because they are low and lightly branched. Their fruits are large and can be removed quite easily. Even a novice gardener will be able to protect such apple trees from pests and cover them for the winter. Problems can arise if the tree grows in waterlogged soil. Because it has a shallow root system, the plant may fall over. Also, dwarf varieties often break at the grafting sites.

Pruning a dwarf apple tree

Miniature trees have their own peculiarity in the formation of their crown. It can be pyramidal, semi-bush, with vertical or horizontal cordons. The pyramidal type is formed by leaving six buds and removing all the rest, leaving a 10-centimeter bare spike at the top. Over time, when a side shoot from the upper bud begins to develop, it should be tied to the top. The rest of the crown is formed by skeletal branches; their length after pruning should not exceed 30 cm. The pyramid shape is created by tying the branches.

How to care for a semi-bush apple tree in spring? For an annual tree, about 35 cm of the trunk is measured, and the rest of the crown is formed like that of ordinary apple trees - according to a sparse-tiered or whorled-tiered pattern. In addition, you can create horizontal and vertical cordons. Such crowns assume the presence of only fruit branches on the trunk.

How to care for a columnar apple tree in spring?

Owners of small personal plots stand in front of difficult choice- which fruit trees plant, and which ones should be abandoned? The problem was solved by columnar apple trees, which take up little space, do not create shade, and annually produce a lot of tasty, juicy apples. Such varieties are also attractive due to their early fruiting: already in the fifth year after planting, a full harvest can be harvested. From one tree the size of a man, you can take a kilogram of apples in the second year, and mature plant gives about 10 kg.

Columnar trees also include the popular tree. Planting and caring for such trees are somewhat specific. The top cannot be cut off; on the contrary, the apical bud must be protected, because this variety does not create side shoots. Columnar apple trees have a superficial root system, so it shouldn’t grow around them weed, drowning out the columnar rootstock.

It is recommended to ration the harvest: in the first year, all buds should be cut off, and in subsequent years, two flowers should be left in each cluster. Columnar apple trees need protection from severe frosts, so it is better to plant them in places sheltered from the wind. For the winter, you can cover the root system with straw, spruce branches, and fallen leaves.


Following all the recommendations will bring results very soon. Regardless of the variety, all apple trees need fertilizing, watering, protection from pests, periodic pruning, and insulation for the winter. Well-groomed trees have healthy beautiful view and bear fruit well every year. There are no lean years; there are owners who do not take care of their green pets.