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Construction of a house from expanded clay. How to build a house from expanded clay concrete blocks with your own hands

Expanded clay concrete has not yet been sufficiently mastered by domestic builders, but has long been popular in Europe. A house made of expanded clay concrete blocks is an economical and reliable structure that is quite possible to build yourself. Before starting work, you should study the capabilities of the material, masonry techniques, and make a preliminary calculation of the cost of construction.

Lightweight concrete is produced by adding concrete mixture expanded clay - hollow balls of foamed and fired clay. Blocks with this filler not only have small specific gravity, they can be exposed machining, they are not destroyed when hammering nails.

Good heat and sound insulation is characteristic of all types of porous concrete, but expanded clay also has other positive properties. It almost does not absorb moisture, is stronger and harder than foam and aerated concrete. The voids in the blocks are used for reinforcement or framing.

Pros and cons of houses made of expanded clay blocks

The main advantages of expanded clay block structures include:

  • absolute environmental safety – due to the absence of toxic components;
  • resistance to fire, insects and rodents;
  • moisture resistance;
  • durability;
  • low thermal conductivity of walls - 1.5 times lower than that of aerated concrete;
  • low weight - due to this, a massive foundation is not required and overall costs are reduced;
  • simplicity and speed of installation - one mason lays almost 3 m 3 blocks per shift, while saving mortar is almost 60% compared to brickwork;
  • possibility of using dowels for installation of finishing.

Difficulties in using expanded clay blocks arise when their manufacturing technology is violated, which causes the density and geometric parameters to become unstable. To calculate the foundation you need to know exact weight structure, which can only be determined on the basis of real initial data.

To avoid negative phenomena during construction, you should familiarize yourself with negative sides expanded clay block buildings:

  • the impossibility of using a lightweight foundation - the house turns out to be lighter than a brick one, but heavier than a foam block one;
  • the formation of cold bridges during the masonry process - the walls need external thermal insulation;
  • the walls are not left without exterior finishing more than 2 years - this reduces the durability of the house;
  • Expanded clay concrete is not used for foundation works– it is inferior to concrete in density and strength;
  • increased costs for transporting blocks due to their large dimensions.

Calculation and purchase of materials for construction

Before construction begins, you should develop or purchase suitable project, developed by design bureaus in compliance building codes and rules. Customers choose houses in the construction of which expanded clay concrete blocks are used, taking into account the following conditions:

  • total area;
  • number of storeys;
  • layout, number of rooms.

The layout of the building must include the dimensions of walls and openings. For them, structural insulating blocks with a density of 700 - 1,200 kg/m 3, the dimensions of which are 190x190x390 mm, are most often used. Partition expanded clay blocks differ only in width - it ranges from 90 to 120 mm.

To build a house from expanded clay concrete yourself, you need to determine the required volume of building materials. To do this, sum up the lengths of all walls and load-bearing partitions. The final number is multiplied by the height of the ceilings and then by the thickness of the wall. If you need to calculate the piece quantity of expanded clay blocks, the resulting volume is divided by the volume of one element (0.014 m3). When calculating the dimensions of the openings, it is better not to subtract or purchase material with a 20% margin.

When purchasing expanded clay blocks, check:

  1. Availability of product certificates.
  2. Production conditions (it’s better not to buy handicrafts).
  3. Surface quality - there should be no obvious defects or depressions.
  4. Dimensions.
  5. Density (weigh one element and divide the mass by the volume).

For one-story houses With wooden floors you can buy solid ones, and a three-story cottage (to reduce pressure on the foundation) is often built from multi-slotted blocks - their side faces are joined using tongues and grooves, without mortar.

Building a house from expanded clay blocks with your own hands


If you plan to build a basement, then the foundation is built from concrete blocks; if there is no basement, it is used strip foundation- a simple and durable option. To do this, first dig trenches 0.5 m deep and place them in sand cushion. Then wooden formwork is made (it must be waterproofed), reinforcement is laid and concrete is poured, which is compacted every 0.2 m.

After the solution has hardened (3 days), the formwork panels are removed, and the upper and side planes of the concrete strips are waterproofed with mastic and roofing felt. The gaps between the foundation and trenches are filled with sand. Shrinkage of the structure continues for about 12 weeks, after which they begin laying the walls. It is easy to make such a basis for an expanded clay concrete structure yourself, but you should first conduct geological studies to determine the bearing capacity of the soil.

Laying expanded clay concrete wall blocks

1. The foundation surface is leveled with a three-centimeter layer cement mortar(check the plane by level). After hardening, lay 2–3 layers of roofing material, sandwiching them with mastic.

2. Laying begins from the corner, forming a row along a stretched cord along the perimeter, and then the next row. Check the quality of installation as often as possible with a level and plumb line - this is necessary due to the small technological taper of the blocks.

3. In double-row masonry, both rows are lined up simultaneously, connecting them together. From interior wall Every second block is released into the outside (the length of the release is equal to ½ the length of the block). To avoid the formation of cold bridges, the end facing the outer row is insulated with a 40 mm thick polystyrene foam gasket. Single-row masonry with subsequent insulation is often used.

4. Use regular sand-cement mortar, which fills both vertical and horizontal joints. In this case, the seam thickness is 12 mm.

5. The strength of the walls is increased by using reinforcement with a diameter of 8 - 10 mm - it is laid on a laid out row along the perimeter every 2 - 3 rows.

The masonry of the walls of the 1st floor of the house is completed by installing a reinforcing belt made of solid brick or reinforced concrete to redistribute the load from the floor over the surface of the block. The second version of the belt is a regular solution using a mesh (diameter 4 - 5 mm, mesh 70 x 70 mm). The armored belt must be thermally insulated, since its thermal conductivity is higher than that of a hollow one.

Expanded clay concrete blocks in the construction of a 2-story house are used in such a way that the thickness load-bearing walls was at least 0.39 m. Some manufacturers produce blocks measuring 590x400x200 mm - they provide strength, and for thermal insulation in this case, a thin roll of insulation is sufficient.

Exterior finishing options

The role of the cladding is to prevent the destruction of walls due to temperature fluctuations. For this purpose, the following materials are preferred:

  • facing brick;
  • fake diamond;
  • plaster;
  • siding;
  • thermal panels are a modern, environmentally friendly and inexpensive material.

Under facing material Insulation is installed in two layers - most often basalt wool (brands Knauf, Rockwool, Izorok) up to 10 cm thick. A windproof screen and a waterproofing layer are placed between the layers of thermal insulation. Such a system will not allow home heat to escape and will protect the expanded clay concrete from moisture. Aluminum foil is used as a parabarrier.

For interfloor ceilings expanded clay concrete house hollow ones are usually used reinforced concrete slabs factory-made with a length of 0.21 - 0.63 m, a thickness of 0.16 - 0.22 m, a width of 0.99 - 1.19 m with the designation PC and PNO. These panels are distinguished by good sound insulation, durability, and stable technical characteristics.

Interior decoration

Usually the first finishing layer of the wall is cement-sand or gypsum plaster. First, using dowels and self-tapping screws, a reinforcing mesh is installed - galvanized or polymer. The surface is pre-coated with concrete contact to increase adhesion or a special one is selected plaster mixture, adhering well to expanded clay concrete. After plastering, the walls are covered with plasterboard, clapboard, wallpaper or ceramic tiles.

How much does construction cost

To determine how much a house built on its own from expanded clay concrete will cost, calculate the estimated cost of each material, multiplying its market price by the estimated quantity. The calculation includes:

  • expanded clay blocks;
  • reinforced concrete lintels for openings;
  • reinforcing mesh and round reinforcement;
  • lumber for formwork;
  • thermal insulation of walls and roofs;
  • parabarrier film
  • cladding;
  • masonry mortar;
  • concrete for the foundation;
  • roofing felt, waterproofing, mastic;
  • reinforced concrete floors;
  • wooden beams for rafters and sheathing;
  • roofing;
  • plastic windows;
  • nails, screws.

The calculation also includes transportation costs and services of lifting and transport equipment, the price of project documentation (about 25,000 rubles). Average cost of DIY construction one-story house(8 x 7 m) made of expanded clay concrete with siding and a metal tile roof is about 800,000.

If the walls are laid by a construction company, then just building the frame of the house will cost 80,000 rubles (with a thickness of 0.39 m). Price of the full complex construction work with interior finishing - 13,500 rubles/m2. A house with a turnkey attic measuring 8x9 m at these prices costs 1,850,000.

Expanded clay concrete blocks, which have become popular in foreign countries, are increasingly being used in construction low-rise buildings in the vastness of our country. Have you been dreaming of your own private home away from the noisy city? Today is the time to make your dream come true. In this article we will tell you how to build a house from expanded clay blocks with your own hands in short time, at minimum costs, both material and physical.

Application of expanded clay concrete

A house made of expanded clay blocks does not need special care and different long periods operation. For the construction of summer houses or country houses Multi-slot and solid expanded clay concrete are mainly used. If you are planning to build cottage with a light wooden ceiling, it is better to raise the walls from solid blocks. For buildings with two or more floors, both types of blocks are used.

Multi-slot blocks have grooves and ridges on both sides, which allows installation according to vertical seams without using a solution. This type of masonry is called a butt joint and is designed to improve the thermal conductivity of the wall by reducing the number of cold bridges.

The design of your future home should be ordered from a highly qualified specialist. At the time of discussion various nuances You should pay special attention to the fact that the house will be built from expanded clay blocks. A well-drafted project indicating all dimensions will help to avoid various unforeseen situations that worsen the quality of the structure.

Advantages of expanded clay blocks over the use of other building materials:

  1. Ecological cleanliness.
  2. Resistance of blocks to various external influences.
  3. Increased technology.
  4. Low water absorption rates.
  5. Expanded clay concrete has excellent thermal insulation properties.
  6. The small mass of the products does not require a powerful foundation.

Calculation of the required number of blocks

You can save construction costs if you know how to calculate expanded clay blocks for a house. To make the most accurate calculations, you need a house design. From it you can determine the dimensions of the building. The length of the external and internal load-bearing walls should be summed up. The result is the length of all the walls of the house, which must be multiplied by the height of the premises. To continue the calculation, you need to know the thickness of the designed walls and the dimensions of the blocks used for construction. The last figure obtained in the calculations is multiplied by the designed wall thickness. The result is the volume of all the walls of the house.

When purchasing expanded clay blocks, start from the volume received and be sure to add up to 5% to it for unforeseen situations. This could be a fight or a marriage of individual elements.

Construction technology

Let's consider the technology of building a house step by step.


If the project provides basement, the foundation must be built from concrete blocks. For an ordinary house A strip foundation is laid from expanded clay blocks.

  1. The construction site should be thoroughly cleared of debris and leveled.
  2. Dig a pit, the depth of which depends on the type of soil and level groundwater in the construction area.
  3. Place a cushion of coarse sand and crushed stone in layers of 30 cm at the bottom of the pit.
  4. Install reinforcement cage and formwork made of wooden panels.
  5. Using a concrete mixer, prepare a solution from fine crushed stone, sand, cement and water. Pour the foundation.

When laying the foundation for a house, it is necessary to immediately lay pipes for water supply and drainage. Don't forget about the device ventilation holes along the entire perimeter of the building.

The foundation should be left to harden for at least two weeks, and preferably three months. During this time, the foundation will sag under its own weight, which will improve the quality of the construction of the entire building. To prevent moisture from entering the basement and foundation, you need to install high-quality waterproofing.

For ease of work, stretch the cord from corner to other corner. Start laying the walls from the corner. After placing the corner block on the base, check its vertical and horizontal orientation. Having completed the laying of the first row, begin laying the second. Be sure to bandage between rows.

The height of the seam between the blocks should be 10 mm. There should be no empty gaps between the blocks, so it is necessary to carefully coat all seams with the solution.

If you want your home to be warm and cozy, we recommend that, along with laying expanded clay blocks, parallel laying of insulation and external decorative element. This can be facing bricks, special blocks or other materials.

When using brick for cladding a building, it is necessary to tie the inner and outer layers of the masonry with fiberglass rods or mesh. Special attention pay attention to the laying of blocks forming window and door openings.

Check each row of masonry horizontally and vertically.

Reinforcing the walls every four rows will help give greater rigidity to the building structure. To do this you will need reinforcement or masonry mesh. Having completed the laying of the walls, you need to install a reinforcing belt made of reinforced concrete or ordinary brick on top.

Roof construction

The better the quality of the rafter system, the more reliable the roof structure will be. Expanded clay blocks should also be used for laying gables. Do not forget about the need to carry out thermal insulation and waterproofing works before installation roofing material. Particular attention should be paid to the installation of chimneys.

A house made of expanded clay blocks can be faced with the most different materials. The cheapest way is to finish the building with sand and cement plaster. You can make a regular one or decorative plaster and paint the building any color you like.

It will look aesthetically pleasing and noble a natural stone. The most important thing is that its characteristics include excellent frost resistance.

Economical cladding - thermal panels made of polyurethane foam and clinker tiles. Excellent environmentally friendly material perfectly retains heat in frost and life-giving coolness in hot weather.

So we told you how to build a house from expanded clay blocks to make it warm and reliable. About how to do internal lining buildings made of expanded clay blocks, installation floor coverings, rafter system, the supply of communication systems and other works you can read in our next articles.


We bring to your attention a video in which you will learn how to correctly lay the corner of a house made of expanded clay concrete.

The Dachny Sezon company designs and builds houses made of expanded clay concrete on a turnkey basis. We build light, durable and warm cottages for seasonal and permanent residence according to individual and ready-made projects. The company performs the entire range of work - from preparing documentation to removing waste after putting the house into operation.

Expanded clay concrete block is a molded cellular concrete obtained by mixing Portland cement, sand and expanded clay of small fractions (granules up to 5 mm). Thanks to semi-dry pressing technology, a strong, frost-resistant and durable material is formed. wall material, having low water absorption and thermal conductivity. It is environmentally friendly because it does not contain aggressive impurities (for example, lime or aluminum).

Due to the increased moisture resistance, when building a house from expanded clay concrete blocks, there is no need to apply plaster that reduces moisture absorption. Laying is done using a thin layer of ordinary cement mortar. When performing work, it is necessary to use special adhesive mixtures No.

Order turnkey house construction

The website of the Dachny Season company presents a large selection of house designs made from expanded clay concrete blocks. The catalog contains various options configurations, floor plans, photos ready-made cottages, built in Moscow and the Moscow region. You can also choose additional options, for example, internal and external finishing, installation of gutters, wiring of in-house utility networks and immediately calculate the turnkey price. The basic package does not include balconies, terraces and porches.

Advantages of cooperation with the company “Dachny Season”:

  • internal redevelopment - FREE,
  • staged payment - 1% - 14% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 20% - 5%,
  • timber from the direct manufacturer,
  • technical Supervision,
  • 15 years of experience in the field of low-rise construction,
  • free delivery of materials within 100 km from the Moscow Ring Road,
  • Warranty for all types of work - 7 years.

You can also order inexpensively from us individual design houses made of expanded clay concrete or separately purchase any project from the catalog without performing construction work. For consultation, please call: +7 (499) 650–50–18.

We have been building cottages and country houses from expanded clay blocks for more than 10 years. We employ qualified and experienced builders who have already learned all the advantages of using this unique material. We can build structures intended for housing according to any individually developed schemes or drawings. We also work with standard ( standard projects). You can contact us even if you have no project at all.

Expanded clay – excellent material, combining high strength, thermal efficiency and affordability, used in the construction of low-rise buildings. Can be used for construction residential buildings, and for utility buildings with a height of 1 to 3 floors.

Many developers have come to the conclusion that for country houses and cottages the most effective material Expanded clay has become the material used for construction today. Expanded clay concrete blocks are made in a specific shape and combine well with metal structures and reinforced concrete products. The method of building a house does not differ from an exclusive method and is similar to masonry ceramic bricks. The low weight of the blocks allows you to reduce the load when constructing large reinforced concrete structures which are used for floors. And the existing voids make it possible to make a hidden frame, which provides additional reinforcement in the walls.

In Europe this type buildings have long been widely used in the construction of private houses due to the enormous heat savings. In our country, this type of construction has been familiar for a long time, but its use in practice is only now beginning to gain momentum. Below we will learn more about the composition, possible sizes, advantages over other materials and nuances during construction.

Composition and classification

Expanded clay concrete, unlike other types of concrete, is distinguished by its porous composite. In addition to cement, sand and water, expanded clay plays a significant role in the composition (this is fired clay and, as a result, foamed). Externally, expanded clay resembles fine crushed stone, coarse sand or gravel.

Compound ready mixture For expanded clay concrete block with a specific gravity of 1500 kg per 1 m 3 we present it in the form of a list:

  • Expanded clay calculated at 510 kg, which is 34% of general composition(burnt fusible clay rocks in the form of fractions of 5 - 10 mm.);
  • Cement not lower than M400 grade per 430 kg, which is 28.6%;
  • Sand in the amount of 420 kg, which is 28% (large or medium fraction, creating the skeleton of the block);
  • Water in the calculation is 140 kg, which is 9.4% (it is advisable to use water without impurities).
  • To reduce the weight of the mixture, I reduce the percentage of cement and sand. And in lighter mixtures with a specific gravity of 1000 kg per 1 m 3 or less, sand may be completely absent.

    The dimensions of expanded clay concrete panels are determined in accordance with GOST 6133-99:

  • Installed Dimensions panels for walls – 90(190,290,390)x190x188 mm, 288x138 (288)x138 mm;
  • The established dimensions of the panels for partitions are 190(390.590)x90x188 mm.
  • Vary by purpose the following types blocks:

    1. Structural - specific weight 1400-1800 kg per 1 m 3 (use for load-bearing structures of houses or technical structures - overpasses and bridges);

    Expanded clay concrete is inexpensive, but at the same time durable and strong construction material, with high thermal efficiency and sound insulation abilities. The use of expanded clay concrete is widespread in all areas of low-rise construction; both residential and commercial structures with a height of 1-3 floors are erected from it.

    This article examines in detail the technology of building a house made of expanded clay concrete. You will also find out what advantages and disadvantages it has. this material and how to make it at home.

    For front finishing, we recommend choosing facing brick. Between layer brickwork and the surface of the insulation must be left with a ventilation gap 1 cm thick. The interior finishing is done in several layers - the first is gypsum plaster, and plasterboard is attached on top of it or wallpaper is glued.

    2.1 House cost, reviews

    If you decide to build a house with your own hands, then the amount of costs for building materials, project documentation, transportation costs and rental of crane equipment will vary between 500-800 thousand rubles per project one-story building with an area of ​​70-80 squares. The project of a similar house ordered from a construction company is estimated at around 1.5 million. The price includes all work - you already get the full finished building with interior decoration.

    Read reviews about expanded clay concrete houses from the owners of such housing.

    S. V. Nikiforov, 29 years old:

    My father and I built a house made of expanded clay concrete blocks in 3 months. Everything was done with our own hands, we spent 600 thousand for a 7*8 m building. We are happy with the result - the housing turned out to be good-quality, warm and cozy. Among lightweight concretes, in my opinion, expanded clay concrete is best choice for low-rise construction.

    D. V. Baryshkin, 38 years old:

    I live in expanded clay concrete house more than 10 years. The building was recently insulated mineral wool, as a result, heating costs decreased by almost 30% - they started turning on the boiler much less often, so the house now keeps heat perfectly. I have heard more than once that heavy objects cannot be mounted on expanded clay block walls - I have a 150 liter boiler hanging, there are no problems.