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Caring for mother-in-law's tongue flower at home. Signs about the mother-in-law's tongue flower

Quite popular among lovers of home flora. This flower came to us from the distant and hot African continent. Today there are more than 60 varieties of Sansevieria in the world, ranging from an indoor flower to a plant nesting in the branches of tropical trees. In our country, the flower is better known under the name " pike tail"or "mother-in-law's tongue."

It is unpretentious, can grow in poor light conditions and easily adapts even to unfavorable conditions environment.

Description and care

Depending on the subspecies of mother-in-law, the tongue may differ in leaf color, shape, height and rosettes. This plant is characterized by heavy, dense leaves, most often bright green.. They may have numerous yellow lines and small black spots in the center.

The size of sansevieria can reach one and a half meters, but there are also very dwarf babies that do not grow up to 20 centimeters. In tall plants, the rosettes are most often hidden in pointed leaves; if it is small, then the leaves often bend outward, forming the shape of a flower.

Mother-in-law's tongue practically not picky about its contents. Loose soil and a large clay container are enough for him. Please note that it is clay, since the plant has a very powerful root system that can easily penetrate plastic or plastic. The pot must be wide enough and stable, since the leaves of sansevieria are very dense and heavy, which can lead to a shaky position of the flower.

If you are the owner of a tall plant, then a couple of weeks after transplanting it is better to play it safe and tie your mother-in-law’s tongue to a support. Periodically check the container with the flower, the root system develops very quickly, and if the flower becomes crowded, it may die.

To prevent water from accumulating in the plant pot, use gravel as drainage. The lighting in the room where Sansevieria grows should be as bright as possible, since it is used to basking in the sun in hot Africa.

Otherwise wide leaves pike tail may lose its bright, rich color, and the plant will stop blooming. By the way, mother-in-law’s tongue got its name precisely because of the external similarity of the shape of the leaves to this human organ.

Mother-in-law's tongue is an excellent air purifier in the apartment. Among other houseplants, Sansevieria has the most developed oxygen filtration system due to its wide, dense leaves. The flower is also capable of absorbing electromagnetic radiation from a computer, TV, etc. household appliances. It is also commonly believed that mother-in-law’s tongue cleanses the room of negative energy and attracts good luck and prosperity to the house.

Superstitions: can you keep it at home?

Widely known among the people magical properties Sansevieria. There are many different folk tales associated with this flower. It is believed that if conflicts often break out in your home, animals suddenly begin to show aggression towards their owners, children do not obey, and there is no understanding and care between you and your loved one, then mother-in-law’s language will become great solution all these problems.

Besides that the plant has excellent wound healing and antiseptic properties, it is capable of cleaning the energy background in the house.

It is believed that mother-in-law's tongue attracts material wealth and good luck to the apartment. You can not only improve relationships with loved ones, but also improve your well-being. Tall plant with its own long leaves forms a kind of magical antenna that concentrates positive energy.

Those who want to restore harmony in relationships with their significant other should have a tall plant, with rosettes-bowls. They accumulate love energy in the room.

Mother-in-law's language is not easy able to absorb negative energy in the home, it also helps a person get rid of bad thoughts, adjusting his aura in a positive way. The mystical abilities of the plant are quite extensive. The flower also carries protective properties. He protects the house from enemies and prevents evil tongues from spreading gossip.

If you don’t have good team relationships at work, place a pot of sansevieria next to your workplace. It will draw out all the negativity from your ill-wishers, after which their desire to harm you will significantly decrease.

At first glance, or rather, hearing, one gets the impression that the plant carries negative properties. We have all heard about the behavior of the mother-in-law in the family, about her sharp tongue, love for gossip and stories. In the case of Sansevieria, everything is different. The name of the flower is indeed due to its resemblance to the sharp tongue of the old pepper shaker, but... magical properties are aimed at maintaining harmony and order between households.

Why does Sansevieria bloom?

Mother-in-law's tongue can bloom at any time of the year, everything will depend on proper care of the plant. Despite the unpretentiousness to external environment, if the flower is left for a long time without water and grows in insufficient light, it it may not bloom at all.

There are widely known cases when Sansevieria begins to bloom in winter or late autumn. It is with this untimely event that people associate a variety of signs and superstitions.

For example, it is believed that if a flower blooms in a cold winter time, then this will become a harbinger of severe conflicts and disputes in the family. If the plant is at work, then relationships in the team will also not develop in the best way.

Oddly enough, the cause of all disagreements will be excessive guardianship and care of one person for another. If it occurs to you to take a colleague under your protection or begin to tightly control or your significant other, stop. It is important to have a sense of proportion in everything; without noticing it, you can take up someone else’s personal space, which will only cause aggression, but not gratitude.

If you are expecting guests to arrive or loved one, and mother-in-law’s tongue suddenly bloomed in the house, then most likely it will be a messenger with bad news. In former times it was believed that blooming sansevieria can display on clean water liars, but how exactly she does it, the information has not been preserved.

There is also a folk superstition about what will happen if mother-in-law’s tongue blooms in spring or summer. In this case, the plant indicated the possibility of an early wedding of one of the family members living in the house or their relatives. Sansevieria flowers in the warm season could foretell the birth of a child or the receipt of good news.

In any case, the fact that the flower has gained color indicates positive energy in the room, harmony and stability in people’s lives.

Mother-in-law's indoor flower is called a real absorber of evil, negativity, and envy. The worse the situation around, the more nervousness there is in the atmosphere, the more magnificent, longer and more powerful the plant grows. In fairness, it is worth noting that this plant also has a power limit.

The flower received the unofficial name “mother-in-law’s tongue” because of its long and sharp dense leaves. In families where it is customary to treat parents with respect, the plant is called “pike tail”. If you want romance, you can remember ancient names– devil’s tongue, Indian sword, snake skin. The official name of the flower is Sansevieria. While housewives and interior designers argue whether it is possible to keep it at home, let’s consider signs, superstitions, observations of flower growers and rules for caring for the plant.

  1. Decorative properties pike tail are excellent. Dark green, striped, straight and tall leaves, very beautiful. The interior gets a touch home comfort without losing rigor. Ideal for popular this moment loft style. The plant densely fills any proposed volume.
  2. The plant can decorate not only window sills, but also revive dark corner kitchens, hallway, corridor. You'll have to leave the lights on, but with modern LED lamps additional lighting does not require large expenses.
  3. If someone is very angry with you, they will have to leave. This may not always help family happiness, but, of course, helps to create personal happiness. People who willingly stay indoors with a pike tail most likely do not wish you harm and are even friendly towards you.
  4. The plant perfectly cleans the air in the house. Grease, dust, burning odors disappear as if by magic, leaving no traces. A pike tail will not eliminate the need for cleaning completely, but it will significantly reduce the need to fuss with cleaning.
  5. U flower pot there won't be any midges.
  6. The pike tongue flower brings happiness. Not everyone knows that the plant can bloom, look at the photo. A small white inflorescence appears rarely, hiding among the stems. The appearance of a flower means that your cherished desire is close to fulfillment. You can secretly admire the hidden flower - few will see it, but with those who see this miracle on their own, you can lift the veil of secrecy.

Signs associated with the pike tail

  • The pike tail actively grows, produces new shoots, but does not grow high. The average leaf height is 30-40 cm. This means that there is a very favorable atmosphere around. Despite the fact that there are plenty of reasons for negativity, people are distinguished by their goodwill and great patience.
  • Tall leaves, without side shoots - strong passions and sharp emotions are boiling.
  • The higher the leaves, the stronger the degree of negativity. In public spaces, where people annoy each other by the very fact of their existence, the leaves can be more than a meter high. Fleeting negativity - the best feeding for a plant.
  • The flower withers, withers - the negativity goes off scale so much that the plant cannot assimilate it. To bring a pike tail to this state, someone must constantly be hysterical or deeply depressed. Transplant the plant into a larger pot and provide watering. Mother-in-law's tongue is almost insensitive to light and grows well even on the north side away from the window, in the recreational halls of hospitals and in windowless corridors with artificial lighting. Increase the number of bad energy absorbers.
  • If the plant withers in the family, it is quite possible that it is required drug treatment depression to one of the family members. If in the office, you work in a microfinance company or in another too stressful place. Change jobs.
  • Dried leaves on top are the influence of someone’s strong envy.
  • The leaves are breaking - you are looking for support in an unreliable place or counting on an unreliable person.
  • In order to get rid of obsessive thoughts, carefully cut off a sheet of mother-in-law’s tongue, rinse, dry with a towel or napkin and give to someone who is suffering from anxiety. The leaf should be placed under the pillow so that it protects dreams.
  • Mother-in-law's tongue in the bedroom will help to some extent protect against rash actions and not the most suitable partners.

Plant care

Surprisingly, the plant requires almost no care. A sufficiently large and deep container with soil and occasional abundant watering. Excess water will accumulate in the drainage layer and nourish the plant. The deeper the layer of soil, the higher and stronger the leaves will rise. On average, the plant requires watering about once a week. The fleshy leaves store water, and the thick skin prevents evaporation. The flower will survive a month without watering, although with difficulty.

No spraying is required, there are no insects in the pot. Feeding 2 times a year is standard for indoor plants. Throughout the year you can feed the flower with sleeping tea. The soil is slightly acidic, sandy, can be used peat soil, any neutral or slightly acidic ready-made soil.

If the plant is installed in a room without windows, additional lighting will be required. Diffused artificial light will be sufficient.

Remove dried leaves and weed once a year.

Piketail is an ideal plant for the office. In a regular Ikea trash can with drainage layer in 10 cm from shards, sand and tea bags, it is possible to grow a plant 1.5 meters high with a dense forest of leaves and shoots. It looks very beautiful and especially decorates accounting departments, management offices, and meeting rooms.


Mother-in-law's tongue is a plant with character. If you like the perseverance, directness, and irreconcilability of the pike tail to lies, envy, and negativity, be sure to get yourself a sprout and grow a beautiful and proud plant. But if compromises are closer to you, you yourself are not against guile, manipulation, soft power and careful behind-the-scenes management - the flower is not for you. Choose another plant for your home that absorbs negativity, but is softer. It might be worth getting geraniums, tradescantia, and indoor violets.

The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is a worthy candidate with which to start floriculture. He has high decorative qualities, unpretentious, purifies the air and produces a lot of oxygen. But this does not mean that the plant does not need care at all. Moderate light, watering and fertilizing will allow you to grow a beautiful and healthy flower.

Plant characteristics

“Mother-in-law’s tongue” is one of the names of the Sansevieria plant from the Agave family. In nature, it lives in the subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, America, and is found in savannas. The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is also common in household use. His beautiful leaves, collected in a rosette, can be flat and long, oval and thick, wide, sword-shaped, round, spoon- or pencil-shaped. Most often the leaves are oriented upward, but there are species that bloom in different directions or grow parallel to the ground. Sansevieria leaves usually have a point at the tip, but if this is broken off, growth will be impaired.


In total, there are about 200 varieties of the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower. The most common species is Sansevieria three-lane with flat oval leaves. They have a characteristic pattern - a light green stripe on a dark green background.

In the flower shop you can find other varieties of sansevieria, for example, Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii with green and yellow stripes.

Or Sansevieria Zeylanica, whose leaves are variegated dark green.

If you prefer plants with short leaves, pay attention to Sansevieria trifasciata Laurentii Compacta.

Fans of exotic colors will appreciate Sansevieria trifasciata Hahnii with silver stripes.

In cases where a very tall plant is required, you can purchase the species Sansevieria robusta, whose length reaches 180 cm. Its leaves are green, pointed, growing straight upward.


The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower comes from hot regions, and at home it also needs sun. The plant feels good in excess light, but in summer it will need shading on southern windows.

Amount of light required variegated varieties, determined by the natural color of the leaf. If the share yellow color large, less light is required, otherwise the leaf will lose its variegation and become a normal green color. But if there is too little light, the flower will slow down in development. In any case, the sansevier needs to be protected from direct rays, otherwise the colored areas will get sunburn. Ideal place- a window sill that allows light to enter in the evening.


The plant does not require strict temperature conditions. It feels comfortable at night at +16 ... +20 °C and during the day at +21 ... +28 °C. It will also withstand greater temperature variations, but in this case the microclimate must be leveled by watering. If the flower lives in the cold, for example in an office building, then it is important to reduce the frequency of watering.


Sansevieria does not like spraying, does not tolerate well when water gets inside the outlet, and this can even rot. But the plant survives drought well.

The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower is watered lightly and only after the soil has dried out. For some time he feels great without water. As mentioned above, at low temperatures, water the plant less often, the same applies to sansevierias placed in the shade.

Wipe the plant from dust from time to time. Use a cloth or a special broom.

Top dressing

The need for fertilizer is determined by the season. During the wintering period, feeding should be abandoned. From May to September, the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower needs to be fertilized every two weeks, using fertilizers for cacti and succulents, or mineral compounds. If the variety is variegated, make sure that the fertilizer does not contain a lot of nitrogen: this provokes increased production of chlorophyll, and the colorful beauty will turn into ordinary green. During other periods, apply fertilizer once a month.


The need for replanting depends on the growth rate of the flower. In young plants it is higher, and they need to annually change the pot to dishes with a diameter 2 cm larger. Mature plants can live in one pot for several years.

When transplanting, choose shallow containers. Sansevieria does not need a large volume of soil; its roots are located on the surface.

A young “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower should be replanted every year, an adult – once every few years.

When choosing soil, give preference to soil that is low in nutrition, light, and that dries out faster. Ideally, this should be a specialized mixture for cacti and succulents. But you can mix equal parts of soil from leaf and turf soil, as well as sand, and get a suitable substrate. Before planting the plant, it is better to calcine the soil that you mixed yourself.


Sansevieria can be propagated by lateral layering, dividing the rhizome or leaf cuttings.

Side shoots are developed mainly in low-growing rosette plants. It is better to plant them in the spring when transplanting the mother plant. To do this, use a sharp knife to carefully cut off the shoot, capturing part of the rhizome. The separation points on the mother and young bushes should be sprinkled with powder made from activated carbon. After this, it is enough to place the plants in separate pots. In order for sansevieria to take root faster, it is better to keep it warm with moderate watering.

Rhizome division is the most preferred type of propagation of the “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower. With this method, all species characteristics of the plant are preserved. The rhizome is separated in early spring in an adult plant. Remove the sansevieria from the pot, disinfect the knife, and divide the root into 3-4 parts depending on the size. Each division should have its own growth point. Treat all cuts with crushed coal, then plant the plants in a sandy substrate. Rooting takes place with moderate watering. If you did everything correctly, the plant will have new shoots, and when this happens, you can transplant the young bushes into a new pot.

Tall species of sansevieria of uniform color are propagated by leaf cuttings. Species characteristics, however, are not preserved - the plants will be monochromatic and without stripes. Take an old strong leaf, disinfect a knife or pruning shears, cut the workpiece into several pieces 4–5 cm long and lay them out in the direction of leaf growth so as not to forget where the top and bottom are. The cuttings need to be air-dried for 24 hours or treated with crushed activated carbon. Then plant the sections with the bottom part in wet sand for about a third of the length. In order for the cuttings to take root better, they need to be covered. glass jar, add water to the tray and place in a warm place. Rooting will take 1–1.5 months.


The “mother-in-law’s tongue” flower rarely gets sick, but if the rules of care are grossly violated, it can develop defects.

  • When overwatered and at low temperatures, dark spots appear on the leaves.
  • If there is not enough light or in a too crowded pot, the leaves turn yellow.
  • Insufficient lighting also leads to the fact that the plant weakens, its leaves become soft, stretch out and deviate vertically, or bend in half.
  • When water gets into the center of the rosette, the plant rots at the base, the leaves become soft and turn yellow.
  • When freezing, overwatering or lack of light, the tips of sansevieria leaves may wither, turn yellow and dry out.
  • If the plant is not watered for too long, the leaves lose their elasticity.

Basically, defects can be corrected with proper care.

In all other respects, the plant is quite unpretentious and survives where others give up. With proper care, the flower will retain its attractive colors and strict shape.

In Japan, there is a funny tradition according to which you should say “Bless you” to a sneezing cat. In this case, the person will never have toothache, or at least in the near future he will not have to go to the dentist.

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Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Mother-in-law's tongue flower - signs and superstitions

Almost every indoor plant has its own list of signs and superstitions. Some help with financial matters, others help improve family relationships. Green pets can clear space from negative energy and protect their owners from the machinations of ill-wishers.

Sansevieria, known to many as “mother-in-law’s tongue,” has precisely these abilities. Folk omens claim that this plant creates an atmosphere of goodwill and extinguishes conflicts.

Is it possible to keep mother-in-law’s tongue at home: what do the signs say?

Sansevieria - evergreen native to Africa with long or short lanceolate leaves of a dark green hue, decorated with white, yellow streaks or borders. Often used by designers to create flower arrangements in residential premises, offices and winter gardens.

A distinctive feature of the plant is the absence of a stem. The leaves grow straight from the root and can be flat or rolled into a tube. In some varieties they come out of the ground like a fan, in others they are located strictly vertically or stick out in different directions from the outlet.

The variety of colors and shapes has given rise to many names under which Sansevieria is known to lovers indoor floriculture. Among them are the following:

  • cuckoo tail;
  • pike tail;
  • devil's tongue
  • Indian sword;
  • leopard lily.

The most famous name for Sansevieria is mother-in-law's tongue.. This is the name given to a flower with erect leaves. They can reach a meter in length and end with a sharp sting.

According to signs and superstitions about mother-in-law’s tongue, this plant is recommended to be placed in a home for the following purposes:

  1. Cleaning space from germs and viruses.
  2. Protection against harmful fumes emitted by synthetic materials.
  3. Normalization of intra-family relations.
  4. Development of creative abilities.
  5. Protecting household members from gossip.

To stop conflicts between employees, mother-in-law's tongue is recommended to be cultivated in offices. In the presence of sansevieria, children become more obedient and attentive, adults restrain negative emotions, and the animals do not show aggression.

Mother-in-law's tongue has bloomed - what do the signs promise?

All plant varieties have medicinal properties. The juice of the leaves is poisonous and not suitable for internal use. It is used for treatment skin diseases, instilled into the ears for otitis. Tinctures are prepared from rhizomes to boost immunity. Dry plant people suffering from headaches are set on fire and smoke is used to fumigate them.

Sansevieria (scientific name), popularly known as mother-in-law's tongue, pike tail, is an evergreen herbaceous perennial succulent plant that lacks a stem. Sansevieria belongs to the Asparagus family. The plant lives in subtropical forests and savannas of Africa, Asia and America. Proper care behind the flower mother-in-law's tongue at home will make it easy to grow this plant.

This indoor flower valued by flower growers due to its unpretentious cultivation. Since the flower looks quite attractive, it is often used in interior design. The pike tail is suitable for keeping not only for beginning gardeners, but also for those people who throughout their lives have not been able to grow a single indoor plant. This is explained by the fact that Sansevieria occupies a leading position in all available ratings regarding its growing endurance.

But, despite this, the flower still has some needs, so before purchasing sansevieria, you need to familiarize yourself with some agrotechnical techniques for growing at home.

Location and proper lighting

Since in natural environment habitat Sansevieria grows at large quantities sunlight, then it is best to provide the plant with bright lighting, for this it is recommended to place it on the southwest or southeast window sill.

If used for cultivation bright varieties then they need more more light indoors, since in shaded areas the leaves begin to mother-in-law's tongue fade, become almost monochromatic, and growth slows down. Of course, Sansevieria will not die if it does not have enough light, but the flower begins to develop worse.

If indoor plant post on south side, then sunburn may form on the leaf plates, so with this placement the pike tail needs additional shading.

To prevent the flower from growing at an angle, it must be periodically turned in a circle..

Air humidity and temperature

Rules for caring for mother-in-law's tongue at home imply compliance temperature regime indoors, as well as the level of air humidity. In summer, the flower can be kept at any air temperature, even +30 degrees is suitable. With the arrival of winter, Sansevieria can tolerate a short-term drop in air temperature to +5 degrees, but it is recommended to keep the indoor plant at a temperature not lower than +16 degrees. If the temperature is lower, the root system may begin to rot.

As for air humidity, mother-in-law's tongue prefers dry air; the plant does not need to be sprayed, especially when keeping it at low air temperatures. Periodically, the sheet plates can be simply wiped from dust with a damp cloth or sponge.

Features of plant care

Sansevieria requires minimal attention when kept at home. You just need to comply simple rules care, and the pike tail will feel good.

Flower watering mode

Sansevieria is a drought-resistant flower, so it should not be overwatered. It is necessary to water the pike tail regularly, but in moderation:

  • In summer and spring, the plant is watered once a week, immediately after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried. In cloudy weather, plants are watered even less often.
  • In winter, Sansevieria is watered no more than twice a month, immediately every other day after the soil dries.

For irrigation, you can use rain, distilled or settled water room temperature. It is also necessary to ensure that watering is not too frequent, especially when keeping the plant in cool conditions. Water should also not get into the sockets, as this can cause softness and lethargy of the leaves, as well as their yellowing and rotting at the bases.

Fertilizer application frequency

In winter, this unpretentious houseplant does not need to be fertilized at all, and in the period from late spring to September, fertilizers are applied a maximum of twice a month. To do this, it is best to use special fertilizer for succulents and cacti. It is also allowed to use simple mineral fertilizers.

It is important to note that for varieties that have colored decorative stripes on leaf blades, the fertilizer dilution dosage should be reduced by 3 times. Otherwise, the leaves will become a solid green due to excess chlorophyll production.

Sansevieria pruning procedure

Prune this houseplant is quite easy. It is only necessary in this case to observe the principles of moderation, since excessive pruning of mother-in-law's tongue can cause a slowdown in the growth of a houseplant. During this procedure, only old, heavily damaged leaf plates that have lost their decorative effect are removed, and rotten and yellowed parts are also trimmed. The ends of the leaves do not need to be cut off.

Soil composition and transplantation process

It is recommended to replant this indoor flower in early summer or spring. Sansevieria has a good growth rate, so young plants will have to be replanted every other year, and mature ones once every three years. If the root system begins to protrude from the pot, this indicates that it is time to replant the flower.

A new container for the plant should be selected with thick walls. It is best to use a shallow but wide pot for this, since pike tail has a powerful superficial root system. It is imperative to place at the bottom of the pot good layer drainage, for which you can use expanded clay, broken brick fragments or pebbles.

Immediately after purchasing sansevieria, the earthen lump must be removed, since store-bought soil is most often oversaturated with peat and too depleted. After this, the root system must be examined for rotting or mechanical damage.

On top of the drainage, the thickness of which should be at least 1/3 of the entire pot, it is necessary to place soil. For this, it is best to use low-nutrient and quickly drying light soil. You can also take special soil mixtures for succulents and cacti, or mix in equal quantities:

  • Leafy soil.
  • Sod land.
  • Coarse river sand.

When the substrate for the plants is ready, it can be planted in a pot. Root system it is pressed down a little with earth, after which the plant is watered abundantly. After the transplantation procedure, tall specimens must be tied to some kind of support, since the powerful leaf plates can overweight, causing the flower to turn over with the pot.

Pike tail propagation methods

Sansevieria can be propagated at home by dividing the rhizome, leaf, side shoots, and seeds. Propagation by seeds takes a long time and is also less efficient. Features of reproduction methods:

Possible diseases and pests

Basically, no problems arise when growing any of the varieties of sansevieria. But some difficulties may still arise, which most often appear due to improper care.

If dark spots appear on the leaves, this indicates excessive watering at low air temperatures in the room in which the indoor flower is kept.

Yellow leaves indicate a lack of lighting or a too cramped pot. If the tips of the leaf blades begin to turn yellow, wither and dry out, then this also indicates insufficient lighting in the room, excessive watering, and also too much water. low temperature indoor air.

If the leaves become soft and bend in half, then they simply stretch out in search of additional light, unable to support their own weight.

If the leaves begin to curl, this indicates that the flower has not been watered for a long time.

If whitish spots have formed on the leaf plates, this indicates the presence of spider mite. To combat this pest, the leaves of the plant must be regularly wiped with a damp sponge or a special insecticide must be used for treatment. To avoid the appearance of spider mites, the air in the room must be regularly humidified.

Thrips may appear in the form of light spots, which are located on the surface of the leaves, and their larvae are most often found with reverse side leaves. Special insecticides are also used to combat this pest.

If the plant begins to bloom, and the flower stalks begin to bend and turn yellow, then this indicates the presence mealybug. This pest can only be removed by hand, after which the leaf plates are wiped with a damp sponge. It is also recommended to use insecticides if there are too many pests.

Folk signs and superstitions

There is one belief that says that the flower pike tongue could hurt the family, that's why he got it popular name. Unpleasant signs of the mother-in-law's tongue flower:

  • If this houseplant is placed in the bedroom, then this threatens quarrels in the love bed, and also promises betrayal. In this case, the spouses may lose interest in each other.
  • If you keep sansevieria in the kitchen, this will provoke problems at home.
  • A flower in the living room promises financial quarrels.

Speaking about whether it is possible to keep the mother-in-law's tongue flower at home, it is not recommended to have this indoor plant for young families - those who have lived together for less than 1 year. There is an opinion among people that this plant negatively affects the family life of the spouses, and scandals and quarrels begin in the house over all sorts of trifles.

However, avid skeptics say that the pike tail is not able to influence family life. And experts in the field of psychology believe that during the first year of marriage, a couple is just getting used to each other, so it will be quite difficult to avoid minor quarrels and conflicts of interest.

Many also believe that a gift of sansevieria has a negative impact on homely atmosphere, which causes frequent squabbles and quarrels.

There are also superstitions and signs of Sansevieria if it is in the workplace. In this case folk signs This plant is credited with the ability to protect a person from various gossip and excessive attention from envious people.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the plant, which is called sansevieria, also has great benefits. The flower is often used to treat otitis media, cystitis, inflammation of the oral cavity, and also for skin lesions. But experts do not recommend using sansevieria treatment methods during pregnancy, since it contains substances that have an abortifacient effect.