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Growing ampelous dichondra. Dichondra: growing from seeds, planting and care with photos

Dichondra is a gorgeous perennial and evergreen plant belonging to the Bindweed family. It grows successfully in Australia, North America and East Asia. Tropical and subtropical climates with marshy areas are ideal for it. Dichondra has become quite popular among many gardeners. Its decorative creeping branches with dense foliage are widely used to decorate many tree groups, balconies, and gazebos. The dichondra variety is especially popular. Silver Falls» ( on the picture). The leaves have a round, kidney-shaped shape small size- about 2.5 cm, and petioles - 3 cm in length. Small flowers with a diameter of 3 mm can be purple, white and light green color. Just look at the photo of this decorative beauty. Creeping stems can reach 1.5 m in length, for which dichondra is very successfully used as an ampelous and ground cover plant.

Plant varieties

Today there are about 10 varieties of creeping vines. The most common types grown at home are:

  • Dichondra silver, which is famous for its unusual silvery leaves and rather long stems. It is recommended to grow this variety in containers. It is drought resistant and light-loving plant has another name - dichondra . For its unusual decorativeness, ease of cultivation, as well as resistance to various diseases and pests this species was awarded a medal.
  • Dichondra "Emerald Falls". The leaves of the plant have a rich green color. This shade-loving vine grows well in shaded areas. It is readily used as a ground cover material.

Take a look at the photos of these two amazing varieties. Dichondra “Silver Falls” is grown in several ways: seeds, cuttings and layering. The last two methods must be used during pruning, which is done to give the bush a decorative appearance.

How to get dichondra seedlings

The cut stems are planted in the soil substrate and covered with non-woven covering material. The process of growing by layering is quite simple. It is necessary to deepen the stem 2-3 cm into the soil and press it well on all sides, then water it with a growth stimulator. Very soon the first roots and young shoots will appear, which will exactly repeat the parental characteristics and characteristics. For successful rooting, young shoots planted using this method need room temperature maintenance and proper care. Therefore, the layering is covered with a covering non-woven material to create a small greenhouse. Cuttings take root best in a well-lit room on windowsills.

Dichondra "Silver Falls" is very successfully propagated by seeds. This cultivation is based on the use of seedling method. Sowing of seeds is carried out in the middle of winter.

The depth of planting seeds should be no more than half a centimeter. Sowing is done in containers or pots in a pre-prepared moistened substrate, which must be saturated with sodium humate or a growth stimulator. The planted seeds are covered with polyethylene. Within a week the first shoots will appear. For this it is necessary good lighting and room temperature. Since the formation of seedlings at the initial stage of the growing season is quite slow, the time for planting seeds should be in advance. The maximum expected decorative effect of a plant is achieved no earlier than 3 months after planting. Dichondra “Silver Falls” is planted at a distance of about 30-40 cm from each other. If the plant grows in a pot, then it is necessary to use a more compact planting.

Plants grown from seeds are readily used to decorate lawns. Lawns decorated with dichondra are very resistant to damage and are highly frost-resistant. Seeds are sown along the lawn on moist and loose soil and always in a sunny area. Then they are lightly trampled and watered. Until the seeds germinate, it is necessary to monitor the soil moisture. Approximately one square meter 10 g of seeds are needed. Planting seeds is best done in spring or autumn. Nitrogen fertilizer is ideal for feeding.

With the onset of winter, adults potted plants It is recommended to bring them into winter gardens or cool rooms. Plants planted in the garden are dug up and, together with a lump of earth, placed in the basement, where they are stored until spring and remain in dormant anabiosis. In the first months of spring, dichondra awakens and produces young shoots with roots. They should be separated from the mother bush and planted in open ground already as independent plants.

Growing a wondrous vine

The conditions for keeping dichondra “Silver Falls” are quite simple and accessible to everyone, since this plant is unpretentious. Caring for her is a pleasure.

For full and active growth, moist soil with an acidic structure is quite suitable for it. If the plant is planted in containers, it must be provided with good drainage.

Timely watering of both the root system and the surface part of the plant is very important. The main thing is not to overdo it so that there is no stagnation of water, otherwise the plant may die. This applies to bushes grown at home, since in nature dichondra grows quite successfully in swampy areas.

If a long-acting fertilizer was not applied when planting the plant, then it is necessary to summer time apply combined fertilizing twice a month.

Dichondra silver waterfall is quite resistant to diseases and damage by various pests. But if it is planted next to petunia or other annuals that have a number of diseases, then its immunity will begin to weaken. Dichondra needs regular pruning. This will give its shape a decorative and unique look. Therefore, competent care is needed here.

You can learn a little more about the Silver Falls variety from the video.

Very often this plant is used to form compositions in the form of a waterfall. This is best done in raised beds, hanging containers or pots. Decorative bush goes very well with other plants in group plantings. They practice planting this vine on balconies and verandas. Dichondra is complemented and contrasted by petunias and begonias growing right inside the bush. The correct combination of these plants will highlight the contrast color scheme live composition. Dichondra "Silver Falls" is grown in well-lit places, since shaded areas can lead to loss of color saturation of dense and decorative foliage.

But it is better to plant emerald dichondra in partial shade, under trees, or under roof eaves. A climbing vine can also be allowed to grow along garden paths or fences.

Due to the fact that the plant is endowed with a superficial root system, the growing season of dichondra occurs quite rapidly. A bush planted in a hanging flowerbed can reach a height of one and a half meters, but in containers its length can be only 1 meter. By paying proper and careful care to a plant such as Dichondra Silver Falls, you will be able to enjoy its beauty and exquisite decorativeness in your garden.

Florists and landscape designers like to use for herbal compositions hanging plants that can create a unique decorative effect. The most striking representative of living nature, creating an evergreen continuous cascade, is dichondra. Emerald bright green or silver-ash waterfall created by long cascading branches with small leaves round shape, captivates with its charm.

In nature, dichondra is a perennial herbaceous evergreen plant that prefers swampy or simply well-moistened places. It thrives in the tropical and subtropical climates of East Asia, America, New Zealand and Australia. Creeping stems can reach one and a half meters in length and, creeping along the ground, create a continuous decorative carpet.

Growing dichondra in landscape design and indoor floriculture is mainly used for hedges and vertical gardening. It is planted in hanging pots or baskets, with the ability to grow and spread into beautiful cascading waterfalls of greenery. It is often used for background landscaping, perfectly shading bright flower arrangements with its lush greenery.

Dichondra belongs to the bindweed family and has ten different species. Flower growers cultivate mainly two types of ampelous beauty, called emerald and silver waterfalls, using them to decorate garden beds and in home floriculture.
Climbing vines have been discovered in nature for a long time. Although the simple appearance of plants growing naturally did not immediately attract the attention of designers and use in artificial cultivation, they began to use it more recently. In Russia, this strange plant was first presented at an exhibition only in 2004. Thanks to its originality and sufficient unpretentiousness, dichondra immediately became quite in demand among professional flower growers and amateurs.

The main decorative value is long climbing vines, with a large number of small, densely covering the stems, leaves with a silky edge. In the summer, barely noticeable dull flowers periodically appear, which are not an aesthetic decoration of the plant.

The best living conditions

The herbaceous shrub naturally grows in climate zones with high air temperatures and chooses well-moistened places. Therefore, abundant watering and frequent irrigation of foliage have a beneficial effect on the splendor of shoot growth. The optimal temperature is from 16 to 26 degrees.

The plant loves a lot of sunlight, especially for varieties with silver leaves. Due to lack of sun, foliage may lose its unique decorative shade. Growing dichondra in indoor floriculture requires its location on southern, well-lit windows. A plant with green foliage is not so demanding of sunlight, so it can be grown in slightly shaded areas. An intense lack of light can lead to stretching of shoots and shredding of leaves, this exposes the branches and makes the plant less decorative.

Dichondra is undemanding in terms of soil composition and can grow well on any soil. To create the best conditions, use loamy and well-drained soil with a slightly acidic reaction. The plant does not like stagnant moisture; this can cause rotting of the surface roots.
To give the bush a beautiful and regular shape, regularly pinch out the regrown stems. This procedure makes the bush more lush, giving impetus to the formation of new shoots, and rejuvenates it.

Dichondra will not be able to overwinter in cold weather conditions in open space, because by nature it is a heat-loving plant. Therefore, for the winter it will need to be moved indoors, and with the onset of warmth, taken out again into the open air.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction methods include: growing dichondra from seeds, cuttings and propagation by layering. Vegetative propagation methods are easier to implement, but require the presence of a mother plant. If it is not possible to keep the vine indoors during the winter, then dichondra emerald waterfall should be grown from seeds annually, in seedlings, and then planted in open ground.

Today it is very easy to create a shady terrace using a plant tent. For this purpose, there are many varieties of plants with climbing stems on sale. Among them you can find real diamonds. For example, flowers of ampelous dichondra (Dichondra) have not yet been fully appreciated by gardeners only because of their low prevalence. But in fact it is absolutely unpretentious plant, which grows not thanks to, but in spite of any conditions that the grower and nature create for it.

Planting and care are not difficult even at home. The earlier you sow, the more likely it is that by the beginning summer season a real green screen for a balcony, loggia or veranda will already be ready. With the help of well-placed pots and mixes from other flowering plants you can create a real flower garden with different color accents. The photo shows dichondra ampelous in various options its combination with other representatives of the flora:

Essentially this is hanging plant, intended for landscaping areas, forming a background for flowering plants, covering the soil in alpine hills and flower beds. Two varieties are widespread: “Silver Falls” and “Emerald Falls”. Their main distinctive features, the rules of planting and care during the process of growing from seeds are described in this article.

Meet the dichondra flower and its photo!

So, get acquainted, this new guest in the collection will provide a lot of opportunities for phytodesign. The dichondra flower and its photo can be viewed on this page, and tips on growing it from seeds are also given.

It’s worth starting with the fact that the history of the popularization of culture in the country dates back only a decade. For the first time, graceful round leaves forming an unforgettably beautiful living waterfall were presented to amateurs at a specialized exhibition in 2004. The debut did not go unnoticed - dichondra was awarded medals of the highest standard for originality, unpretentiousness and universal purpose.

But let’s return to the origin of the species, which belongs to the vast family of bindweeds. The first representative of this species was discovered at the end of the eighteenth century in East Asia. Several decades later, similar plants were brought from America, Africa and Australia. But initially, apparently, no corresponding bet was made. The grass, unremarkable in its natural growing conditions, did not cause great delight among botanists. A little later, the attention of florists was attracted by the opportunity to form a soil cover when creating rock gardens. This is how the story of the popularity of the inconspicuous hanging culture began.
And today, despite numerous works in the field of selection, dichondra flowers make it possible to form dense flowing waterfalls of emerald or silver-colored vegetation. However, flowers cannot be expected; this is an exclusively deciduous plant.

The branches are distinguished by their grace and amazing length. At proper care the lashes can hang down 6-8 meters. They are densely covered with small rounded leaves. The foliage color can be bright green or silver, depending on the variety.

A quick set of deciduous mass allows you to create an imitation of a waterfall or a running green stream on your garden plot in a matter of weeks. There are many ways to use this representative of the flora. In the photo, the ampelous dichondra is presented in various types practical application:

"Silver Falls" or "Emerald Falls"? You can also combine!!!

Currently, two plant hybrids are widespread. This is Silver Falls Latin name Silver Falls and "Emerald Falls", the Latin name for Emerald Falls. the first variety is distinguished by its refined and unusual appearance. The fact is that its leaves and lashes have an exclusively silvery tint, which, when the sun’s rays hit it, glares and creates the impression of flowing water. This is a wonderful backdrop for the colorful buds of flowering plants such as lilies, asters, dahlias, petunias, nasturtiums and many others.
Dichondra "Emerald Falls" is a more familiar green foliage and vines that creates the most comfortable conditions inside its entwined gazebo or balcony. Withstands prolonged direct exposure to sunlight. But at the same time she loves it when, when leaving, she is regularly sprayed with settled warm water from a spray bottle. After the procedure, pleasant freshness appears and the turgor of the leaves increases. But light shading won't hurt either.

Which variety to choose for phytodesign personal plot or decorating a balcony in an apartment? You can combine both types, alternating them or creating amazing compositions. By the way, an excellent result is obtained by planting dichondra along the edges of the flowerpot, in the center of which bindweed, petunia or dahlias will grow.

To cover the soil in the garden, it is better to choose a green shade. But for an alpine hill, silver dichondra will be very useful. It will create the impression of running streams of water between beautifully planted plants and placed stones.

Growing ampelous dichondra from seeds at home: planting and care

Please note, before growing dichondra at home, you need to familiarize yourself with botanical features plants. The fact is that the flower does not tolerate dry air and constant elevated temperatures. For her correct height and development requires regular pruning, spraying the foliage with water and sufficient sunlight.

It is practiced to grow ampelous dichondra from seeds, since it is extremely difficult to purchase layerings and cuttings of the plant due to its low popularity among gardeners. And the rooting process occurs much more slowly than we would like. Therefore, propagation by seeds is in the best possible way get a beautiful plant.

Dichondra seeds are planted in January-February, depending on the time required mature plant for landscaping. Here you should know that the flower reaches its full glory 4 months after germination. Those. To obtain a flowerpot for taking out onto the balcony at the end of May, sowing is required at the beginning of February. For sowing, soil is prepared in a mixture of 3 parts sand for every 3 parts fertile soil. Seeds must be planted to a depth of 5 mm. After watering, the container is wrapped in a plastic bag to retain moisture and sent to a warm place where the temperature is kept at 25 degrees Celsius. This speeds up the seed germination process as much as possible. After the first shoots have appeared (this can happen after 10 - 12 days), it is necessary to completely remove plastic bag and place the container with the seedlings in a bright place.

As 3-4 true leaves are formed, the picking procedure is carried out. You can transplant immediately to permanent place growing in pots. Initially, 3 shoots are enough to form 1 bush. As they grow, they bend down to the ground and produce roots and new shoots. Thus, in 2 months you can form a dense bush with high decorative value.

Planting and caring for dichondra does not represent special difficulties, the only thing worth paying attention to is the air temperature. It should be between 18 and 26 degrees Celsius. This is the most favorable conditions For rapid growth and plant development.

In nature, the ampelous dichondra is a representative of the swamp flora, so the humidity of the surrounding air is very important for it. When spraying foliage once a day, growth accelerates by approximately 25%, and spraying in the morning and evening leads to a twofold acceleration of the growth process.

Watering should be done with caution. Excess moisture in the soil is detrimental to the plant. But you shouldn’t allow the soil to dry out either. In the process of caring for dichondra important point is the timely application of mineral and organic fertilizers. From liquid organic matter, we can recommend “Ideal” - it is applied once every 2 weeks. At intervals of 1 time per week, apply a complex mineral fertilizer with a predominant nitrogen content, important for the rapid growth of leaf mass (Agricola).

Pruning is required to create a lush crown. Pruning is also required when preparing dichondra for wintering in a city apartment. It is advisable to root new cuttings in February to rejuvenate the plant.

Do not leave pots with this type of hanging crop outdoors for the winter. Be sure to bring it into your house or apartment and you will have the opportunity to get a sufficient number of cuttings for subsequent propagation. Bushes do not lose their decorative value with proper care for 5 - 7 years.

Dichondra is perennial a herbaceous species that belongs to the Bindweed family. In nature, dichondra is found in fairly wide areas of America, Australia and East Asia. The plant lives in swamps and tropical rainforests. Dichondra takes its name from Greek language. It is literally translated as “two grains” and is due to the special structure of the fruit.

Dichondra has beautiful creeping stems, upland-like, that can be easily rooted. The leaves are round and opposite. Petioles reach a length of 3 cm. Blooms small flowers about 3 mm in diameter. Color - purple, greenish or white.

When grown in room conditions the most common dichondra is silvery (creeping), which has two varieties - dichondra emerald waterfall and dichondra silver waterfall.

Location and lighting

The level of illumination for dichondra depends on the color of its leaves. So dichondra with green tint leaves can grow well in the shade and in the sun, but with a silver tint - only in a well-lit place.


At any time of the year, the temperature in the room should vary from 18 to 25 degrees. In winter it should not be below 10 degrees, otherwise the plant may die.

Air humidity

Dichondra can grow in rooms with low air humidity, but will respond well to regular spraying of the leaves.


The pot in which dichondra grows must contain a generous layer of drainage, since it does not tolerate stagnant moisture in the soil. Watering should be plentiful, but it is important to ensure that root system didn't rot. If the substrate dries out, the plant will be able to spend some time without water. After watering, the dichondra will quickly recover.

The soil

Dichondra is not at all demanding on the substrate. Universal soil for decorative foliage plants will be optimal for planting.

Feeding and fertilizers

Dichondra needs feeding 2 times a month. The feeding period is from April to September. To do this, use fertilizer for decorative foliage plants. In winter and autumn, the plant is dormant and does not need feeding.


Dichondra - annual plant, so every spring the cutting process is carried out.

There are several ways to propagate dichondra: seeds, layering and stem cuttings. Seeds are sown in the ground in late winter-early spring, the container is covered with glass and left at a temperature of 22-24 degrees. The greenhouse is periodically moistened and ventilated. In 1-2 weeks the first shoots will appear. They grow slowly, and they will become similar in structure to an adult plant only after 3-4 months.

More simple method is the propagation of dichondra by stem cuttings. The shoots are about 5-6 cm long. They need to be rooted in an improvised greenhouse.

Reproduction by layering is the simplest of the propagation methods. To do this, take the shoot and press it to the damp ground in several places at once. Rooting occurs within approximately 7-10 days. After the appearance of an independent root system, the stem is divided into shoots.

Diseases and pests

Dichondra is very rarely affected by both pests and viral and fungal diseases.

Dichondra “Silver Falls” (video)

Articles on the topic

Ampelous dichondra is one of the most beautiful ornamental plants, which are ideal for decorating balconies, verandas and personal plots. It is used to create shading in gazebos, decorate flower beds and as ground cover plant upon registration alpine slides and flower beds.

In natural natural conditions this crop grows in tropical and subtropical rainforests in East Asia, South America, Australia and New Zealand.

In decorative floriculture, it is ideal for decorating areas, hanging planters, lawns, creating decorative sculptures. Decorative foliage serves as a good background for flowering flora when creating compositions.

IN winter gardens using it to create compositions with the effect of a waterfall, stream or river. When it touches the soil surface, it quickly takes root and continues to grow as a ground cover.

Used to decorate lawns located in shaded areas or among trees where it is not possible to use other ground cover.

Growing and caring for it is not difficult, which is why gardeners love it.


This is an evergreen perennial hanging crop that grows in well-moistened places. Curly shoots reach a length of one and a half meters. They serve beautiful design flowerpots or used as a lawn plant.

The long stems are densely covered with small leaves with silky pubescence. The leaves are round or kidney-shaped. Depending on the grade, platinum sheets can be colored silver-green or deep green.

Flowering occurs throughout the summer. The liana blooms with small, almost imperceptible flowers, painted white, pale blue or light green.

Varieties of dichondra

Under natural conditions, the number of varieties of this shrub is unknown. For decorative use florists and landscape designers grow two species.

  • Emerald Falls. The stems of the plant reach medium length. The leaves are small, emerald green. Flowering lasts throughout summer period. Periodically, small bright yellow-green flowers bloom on the plant.

Under natural conditions, the liana grows in New Zealand, where it is considered weed. It is often grown as a lawn plant because it does not require periodic mowing. It is also used to create garden sculptures, design of fences and vertical surfaces.

Liana Emerald Falls does not require creation special conditions for growing. It grows well in shaded and well-lit areas. sun rays areas. To give the dichondra a well-groomed appearance and freshness, it should be sprayed periodically.

Dichondra emerald waterfall: growing from seeds.

Growing dichondra is not difficult. Before planting, you should prepare the soil area. The soil is dug up and moistened. The soil for dichondra should be loose, nutritious, and well-permeable to moisture and air. Seeds are sown in open ground and lightly covered with soil on top. Until seedlings emerge, soil moisture should be maintained. After germination of young plants, care consists of timely watering and fertilizing with mineral fertilizers.

Silver waterfall is propagated by layering and seeds. Reproduction by layering is the easiest way. To do this, in early spring or autumn, cuttings are cut from an adult plant and rooted in water. Roots appear in 7-10 days. After this, young plants are planted 3-5 shoots in small containers. After 2-3 weeks, the dichondra is planted in a permanent place in flowerpots or flower pots. Reproduction by layering makes it possible to obtain healthy plants with high decorative qualities.

Dichondra ampelous: growing from seeds

Sowing of seeds is carried out in January-March. This depends on the time of planting dichondra in open ground. The decorative qualities of the shrub are fully manifested 4 months after seed germination.

The conditions for growing dichondra are quite simple and do not require additional effort.

Dichondra ampelous is one of the most unpretentious and easy-to-care plant varieties, which is why gardeners most often choose it for seed breeding. The seeds of the plant have good germination.

While creating the right conditions they sprout quite quickly.

Before sowing, soil should be prepared consisting of an equal amount coarse sand and peat. In order to ensure germination, nutritious, light, well-permeable soil is required.

Before planting the seeds, the soil is placed in small containers and thoroughly moistened with a spray bottle. The seeds should be placed on the surface and covered with a thin layer of soil or sand, then covered with glass to maintain temperature and humidity levels.

Within 10 days after germination, the glass is removed and the containers are taken to a bright room with no high temperature.

At the end of May, seedlings are planted in open ground.. If there is no threat of frost, then replanting can be done in April.

Young bushes are planted in separate holes at a distance of 15-20 centimeters from each other. As dichondra shoots grow, they weave through the free space and form a spectacular carpet.

To care for a plant, gardeners do not require special knowledge or skills. In order for dichondra to please with its attractive appearance for a long time, Some simple rules should be followed:

  • Despite the fact that the plant easily tolerates a lack of moisture, it is necessary to water the plant in a timely manner. This will help prevent drying out. lower leaves and loss decorative qualities;
  • Ampel dichondra is fed once every 10-15 days using mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • the plant needs periodic pruning, which helps not only ensure the required length of shoots, but also stimulates the growth of dichondra in width, creating the desired density. During pruning, you can create a variety of compositions.

Ampelous dichondra in garden design

The plant is used to form waterfall compositions, which are placed on elevated areas, flower beds, hanging flowerpots or containers.

Looks good in group planting With ampelous begonia, petunia, lobelia or geranium. The silvery leaves of dichondra will create a wonderful background for flowering plants.

Single crop plantings can decorate areas around the house or hide the walls of buildings. For these purposes, the Green Waterfall dichondra is planted, which is not afraid of shading and can be used as a ground cover plant among trees and shrubs.

Dichondra is used to decorate balconies, loggias and verandas, for planting along garden paths and hedges.

Dichondra plant