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Flower with waxy leaves and flowers. Air temperature in summer and winter

Hoya - interesting flowering plant for decoration and landscaping of premises. The climbing flower is usually grown in an ampel format. But it is not easy for it to achieve popularity - due to prejudices, people often do not want to keep the plant in the house. How justified are their fears, is it really impossible to grow a flower in a living room and how beautiful hoya looks in the photo in home interior- you will learn from the article.

Hoya, also called wax ivy or waxweed, was brought to Europe in the 18th century. Exot quickly gained recognition among connoisseurs of beautiful plants. It has very long shoots, often 2-3 m long. The leaves of the crop are hard, dense, dark green in color. The flowers also look unusual: they look like wax figures. During flowering, hoya has a very spicy aroma, similar to the smell of liqueur.

Most often, the culture is used to decorate vertical surfaces. It is held in high esteem by many gardeners. Fortunately, the plant has several types for different tastes. They differ in the shape of the flowers and the shade of the leaves.

At the same time, over 300 years of cultivation, a collection of prejudices about the negative properties of the plant has accumulated around hoya. Wax ivy is called:

  • a catalyst for quarrels and unhappiness in the family;
  • the culprit of female loneliness;
  • cause of death (during the flowering phase).
  1. In nature, ivy literally grows with its shoots to the bark of a tree, feeding on its juices. It can block the foliage of another plant from the sun and cause its death.
  2. It has been experimentally proven that other crops grow poorly next to common ivy at home.

Attention! Signs of ivy were transferred to other climbing indoor plants and to wax ivy in particular. Although in fact they are not relatives. Florists have long checked that there is no negative impact Hoya has no effect on neighboring flowers. The plant feeds only through its roots.

What effect does hoya have on humans?

Sometimes rumor develops a theory, calling the flower a vampire in relation to human energy. This is also similar to common ivy. For example, according to the sign, the waxweed brings quarrels to the family. There are many supporters of this opinion. They even claim that peace and harmony returned to the house after getting rid of the hoya.

However, there are many opposing points of view. People do not notice changes in behavior or deterioration in the atmosphere in the family with the appearance of the plant. Most likely, this is a question of your own attitude towards life. What does a person do if relationships with loved ones have deteriorated? Understands himself or looks for a reason from the outside: the evil eye, the influence of other people or indoor plants? This is probably why people have a completely opposite belief: hoya in the bedroom - to strong family. From the same series there is a sign about men. They say that wax ivy scares them away from its owner. Therefore, it is not recommended for unmarried women to grow it in the house. Hoya can "kick" out of the home and married man or sons in the family.

Attention! Wax ivy is not the only crop that popular rumor has nicknamed “husbands.”

Is wax ivy harmful to health?

Regarding human health, prejudices towards hoya can be reduced to two categories:

  • the plant brings illness into the house;
  • If you fall asleep in a room with waxweed in bloom, you can die.

Scientists have determined: no toxic substances not in foliage, stems, roots and flowers. You won't be able to suffer serious damage to your health while sleeping in a room with hoya - the aroma of the flowers is absolutely harmless, unlike lilies. These flowers actually absorb oxygen. Therefore, in a few night hours they will saturate a closed room carbon dioxide, which, of course, will not please your lungs.

At the same time, the pleasant smell of hoya is quite piquant and strong. IN large quantities it may cause slight dizziness. Therefore, it is not recommended to place the flower in small indoors: offices, bedrooms, etc. In a spacious living room it will smell completely harmless to others.

Advice. Of course, it is undesirable for people suffering from allergies to flowers to be near blooming waxweed.

Hoya in everyday life and decor

Wax ivy is an easy plant to plant and care for. Even a beginner can grow it. At the right technology the plant will delight you every year beautiful flowering for a long time. Among the popular varieties of culture:

  • Hoya is fleshy. climbing plant with large leaves and inflorescences of 20 flowers. Their color is pale pink, but there may be other variations.


  • Hoya bella or beautiful. low growing shrub with small leaves and star flowers. The color of the flowers is white with a crimson center.

Hoya bella

  • Hoya is majestic. Liana with long leaves. The umbrella inflorescences consist of 6 red flowers.


Flower growers agree: wax ivy is worth growing. The plant has excellent decorative properties. They decorate the walls and vertical structures. It can also be grown as a shrub. The halo of bad rumors around hoya has been scientifically dispelled. Therefore, if you want to decorate your home, do not pay attention to prejudices.

Many amateur gardeners prefer liana-like plants. They are great for indoor gardening and with their decorativeness they give the room in which they are located a unique coziness. In addition, all vines are representatives of the tropics, which means that the flowers of these plants should be brightly colored and very large.

There are many representatives of these plant species suitable for cultivation at home. But probably the most popular indoor vine is Hoya. If it grows indoors, it becomes its main highlight, delighting both owners and guests with its splendor. Everyone without exception falls in love with her. IN last years You can see the magnificent hoya flower in almost every apartment where there are indoor plants.

What kind of plant is this

To learn more about this vine, you should consider the features of its growth and development, as well as the subtleties of caring for it. Hoya flower owes its name to the former gardener of the Duke of Northumberland, the Englishman Thomas Hoy. This happened due to the fact that the first to describe this type hanging vines botanist Robert Brown named this plant after his friend.

Hoya is a typical representative of the genus of climbing evergreen plants with creeping shoots. Its leaves are leathery, moderately fleshy, whole, ovoid-oval in shape. The inflorescences are located in the axils, and the flowers are collected in umbrellas.

Hoya - very unusual ornamental plant, which should be grown in warm rooms where the air can be dry, as this vine tolerates it well. The only thing that is required for its trouble-free development is the presence of supports that can have different kind: moss posts, trellises or trellises, all kinds of arches. They are necessary so that it is possible to tie liana-like shoots of hoya to them.

The variety of species of this vine

One of the representatives is majestic hoya. This plant comes from the forests located on the Malay Peninsula. It is a climbing shrub with pubescent shoots. This representative of the Hoya plant has leaves that are quite large, up to 20 cm long, oval-oblong in shape with a slight point at the apex. They are smooth and leathery to the touch. Flowers are collected in 6-10 pieces in hanging umbels. The flowers are dark red, with greenish-yellow hues on the outside. They are located on short and pubescent pedicels.

Another representative is Hoya multiflorum. It also comes from the forests of Malaysia. In all external data, it is similar to the majestic hoya, the only difference is that the blossoming gorgeous flowers have a yellow color. Considering the representatives of this species, one cannot help but say a few words about the fleshy hoya. It originated from Australia, where it grows in forests located on rocks. The length of these vines can reach 6 m. The leaves on the pubescent stems are very fleshy, and the flowers are white or flesh-colored.

How to choose the ideal place for hoya?

This indoor vine can be called a fairly unpretentious plant, but if it doesn’t like its place of residence, it may not bloom. Therefore, the closest attention should be paid to the location of the flower in an apartment or office. When choosing a place for her future residence, it is necessary to pay attention to such factors as:

  • good lighting, because only in such conditions will the problem-free formation of buds occur;
  • lack of direct sunlight, since with excess ultraviolet radiation the plant turns yellow and the buds begin to fall off.

Hoya prefers care at home in such a way that it is first chosen for her perfect place permanent residence. They can be either eastern or western windows. This is necessary for better development and timely flowering. If this option turns out to be unrealistic for the gardener (all windows in the apartment face north or south), fluorescent lamps should be used. Such lighting is also necessary in winter, even if the plant is ideally positioned.

Features of caring for a magnificent liana

Despite the fact that liana-like plants are quite unpretentious, hoya care at home, albeit small, still requires. To organize it correctly, you should take into account some subtleties.

  1. During active growth (spring and summer), the most optimal temperature will be within 20-25 degrees. In winter, 10-15 degrees is quite enough.
  2. Lighting for Hoya should be bright enough, but direct sunlight should be avoided. summer time. It is best to place this flower against a wall in a southern room. It will entwine the entire wall like an ampelous plant. But you should take into account the fact that, having once determined your place of residence, it is not recommended to change its location. If a flower is rearranged, it will not only lose all its buds, but even drop its leaves. This is a plant that prefers permanent places, therefore it is completely unsuitable for summer landscaping of loggias, balconies or terraces.
  3. Humidity for hoya is not significant, but in the summer it is advisable to spray it.
  4. Watering should be moderate and done only after the soil is sufficiently dry. In winter it is reduced to meager quantities. This plant tolerates a lack of moisture quite well. In addition, this factor greatly influences good flowering.
  5. The soil under this vine should be fertilized by adding the necessary minerals at least 2 times a month throughout growing season. IN winter time the plant does not need feeding.

Hoya propagation

There are two methods most effective reproduction this ivy. Both of them deserve attention, as they are capable of making the amateur gardener happy with a magnificent plant.

  1. Hoya propagation in spring or autumn periods can be produced by cuttings taken from the shoots of the previous year. Each of them must have at least two pairs of leaves and two nodes. Such hoya cuttings will grow new shoots, firstly, much more successfully than long cuttings with multiple nodes, and secondly, much faster than if you take a cutting with one node for planting. The cut must be made not under the node itself, but much lower. This measure of preparing the cuttings for planting is necessary due to the fact that roots appear only at the internodes. They should be rooted in a substrate of peat and sand or in water. Temperature environment During this process it should not be below 20 degrees. After the cuttings have given roots, they should be planted in several pots.
  2. Another great way to get a new plant is through spring layering. In March, a small part of the shoot is pinned to the ground. For better rooting, you should use stimulants designed for root formation.

Features of propagation of hoya by seeds

But the propagation of hoya by seeds is quite rare, since at home they practically do not ripen. You can call the one lucky who became the owner of hoya seeds. Which of them in the right way grow ivy (hoya means)? Only well-ripened and dried seeds are taken for sowing. The soil must be well permeable. You can add sphagnum moss to it. Seeds of the current year of ripening are used only, completely fresh, in order to increase the percentage of germination.

After the seeds are sown in the ground, the sprouts hatch very quickly and have two leaves on a short stem. But successful germination does not provide any guarantee that they will grow complete plants. Young vines may well die for one of two reasons: waterlogging or dry soil. The main conditions necessary for seedlings to grow successfully in mature plant, are: optimal humidity, good lighting and warmth.

Seedlings are transplanted into separate containers only when they have good root system and a few leaves. This usually happens three months after sowing the seeds.


For a plant such as hoya, home care includes correct transplant. It must be done in the third year. A prerequisite for this procedure is good drainage. The soil for liana-like plants should consist of 1 part sand, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part peat mixture, 1 - humus and 2 - turf. You can add a small amount of charcoal to it.

Crown formation

Caring for a plant such as hoya at home also implies the mandatory formation of a crown. In order for the vine to be branched, it should be pinched after the 4th leaf is formed. If the shoots have grown very long, they are cut off. This promotes very good and intense flowering. The stems of the plant must be secured with threads to the wall or window. You can also use a ring made of wire for this purpose, the ends of which are fixed in the pot.

Hoya problems and diseases

This vine, if properly cared for, produces magnificent flowers with unforgettable aroma. But if time passes and the inflorescences are in no hurry to appear, it is worth considering whether the plant is being cared for correctly. In particular, you should pay attention to such factors as the location of the flower, feeding and watering. A nuance will definitely be found that will answer the question of why hoya does not bloom in your house.

In order to Hoya domestica pleased the gardener with its splendor and did not bring any problems, you should learn some secrets that are characteristic of this flower.

  • For long flowering must be maintained in winter light and temperature regime.
  • In order to avoid the buds falling off, do not touch the ivy while it is blooming.
  • Faded inflorescences are not cut off because buds will form on them the next year.
  • The plant does not tolerate frequent replanting or spraying during flowering.

If you know and follow these little secrets, then hoya can produce at least 10 flowers per inflorescence.

Should we believe the superstitions associated with khoya?

Basically, only in offices can you find such a wonderful plant as hoya. Room option Its cultivation frightens many people due to the superstitions associated with this ivy. There has long been a legend among people that wax ivy is capable of surviving males (husband, adult sons) from the house. But there are also unconfirmed facts that hoya can pacify envy and relieve feelings of resentment. Many consider it a plant family happiness and are advised to grow it in the bedroom. To verify the veracity of this information, you should plant a hoya and see what happens.

Very Important Notes

When growing hoya at home, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • the strong smell that the flowers of this plant emit can cause headache;
  • hoya leaves fade and curl due to bright sun or low temperatures;
  • if the air at home is very dry and hot, this plant may begin to lose leaves;
  • in a plant such as hoya, flowering depends on humidity, so it should always be controlled to prevent flower buds from falling off;
  • The air should not be allowed to be very dry and hot.

Sometimes the aroma is felt during the day and differs from the night one, for example, Hoya lakunosa smells like cloves during the day and incense at night, but all this is only possible if the plant receives proper care, without favorable conditions Hoya cannot bloom.

Why doesn't it bloom at home?

    How to make a plant bloom?
  • The plant does not need a large pot; in nature, hoyas are content with small ones; a small amount of humus is enough for them.
  • Fertilizing with complex fertilizer can be carried out in spring and summer, and with frequent replanting and changing the substrate, fertilizing is not necessary.
  • By autumn, watering the plants is reduced, and in winter they are not watered at all; sometimes you can spray dusty leaves.
  • Winter temperatures for hoya are very important, the plant rests, +18 - + 20 degrees is enough, the temperature can drop to +12 - +15.
  • In spring, the temperature regime is changed to warmer - +22 - +27 degrees.
  • Plants are placed as close to the light as possible, avoiding direct sunlight.
  • Watering, spraying and a warm shower will help you quickly break dormancy.
  • You can resume feeding, but in moderation.
  • Hoya pruning is not necessary, only sanitary pruning is possible. Flowers are formed on young shoots and shoots of two, three, four year growth.

With proper care the plant can bloom in the third year of life; entry into the flowering period depends on hoya species- each species has its own growth force and time of entry into the flowering period; flowers, depending on the species, are varied in shape and color, but are necessarily collected in inflorescences from 10-20 flowers to 50 and have a characteristic center fleshy “star”.

When does it start to bloom?

Hoykas usually bloom in May-June, The flowering period of the inflorescence is approximately five days, but to our satisfaction, simultaneous flowering does not occur; flowering is delayed, and its duration depends on the size of the plant and the number of peduncles.

There is no need to pick off faded inflorescences; flowers will form on them again, and darkened flowers can be carefully removed.

Water the plant in buds or flowers carefully, and cancel the shower altogether; flowers and buds easily fall off if handled carelessly. They can also fall off when the direction of lighting changes, so you should not move or twist the pot.

Watering can be replaced by spraying; the soil must be loosened if necessary.

If in your opinion the plant is rather weak, feed it with complex fertilizer for houseplants, but not more than 2 times a month.

In the second half of summer, re-blooming is possible.

It must be remembered that hoya is an inhabitant of humid subtropical forests, and the higher the air temperature, the more moisture the plant needs.

Watering and spraying must be increased as the temperature rises, dry, hot weather Hoya will not tolerate it.

You need to start in the second half of September preparing the plant for winter holidays , reduce watering, do not fertilize, and then move the hoyas indoors for wintering, these may be insulated balconies and loggias, rooms on the north side of the house, stop watering, regularly inspect the plants to see if pests have appeared and patiently wait for a new spring flowering.

U wax ivy or hoya there are more and more fans, the variety of species encourages collecting, flower growers are responsive and generous people, they are happy to exchange, sell inexpensively, or even simply give cuttings, leaves and young plants if there are too many of them. How nice it is to know that amazing plant, thanks to you, it brings joy to someone else’s soul.


Next you can see a photo of Hoya blooming:

Hoya, or wax ivy, is blooming liana, which is most often grown in room conditions. The evergreen plant has thin and long shoots that are attached to supports. Outlandish star-shaped flowers are distinguished by their elegance and uniqueness, which is why hoya is grown at home. However, to see the vine bloom, it must be properly cared for.

The best plant varieties

Wax ivy is often used in ornamental gardening, he belongs to the genus evergreen shrubs and lianas. The plant is widespread in India, China, the tropics of South Asia, and is also found on the coast of Australia. This liana grows in rare forests, where it finds support for shoots in the form of wood or stones.

IN wildlife Hoya reaches a length of more than 8 meters, but at home this plant is characterized by its smaller size. The flowers are very beautiful, they can be white, yellow, red or even black. Their scent attracts pollinating insects, and the inflorescences secrete nectar.

Waxy or fleshy Hoya (Hoya carnosa) has been cultivated by gardeners for many years. The leaves of this vine are small, oval-shaped, and have a light waxy coating.

The flowers are white, with a pink crown inside. The plant is very hardy, is not afraid of drought and heat, and it is also unpretentious and survives in shaded places. The varieties of this type of wax ivy are presented in the table below, and it also shows other equally beautiful hoyas.

Name Peculiarities
Hoya carnosa The species is represented by such varieties as “Crimson Queen”, “Compacta”. The first one has dark green leaves, decorated with a thin beige border. Particularly beautiful is the small hoya, which has twisted leaves and small white-pink flowers.
Hoya bella This plant is particularly beautiful; its shoots are highly branched and hang down. Therefore, such a vine is often found in hanging planters or braids. The inflorescences are umbellate, pure white with a purple crown. It is important to know that this hoya is thermophilic and does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature.
Hoya imperialis The species is characterized by curly, pubescent shoots. The flower is large, dark red. It exudes a pleasant aroma and attracts attention
Hoya picta The flowers resemble candy canes. They are painted in apricot or orange colors
Hoya wayetii The plant is characterized by small pinkish-burgundy inflorescences, the leaves are narrow and oblong
Hoya Kerry (Hoya kerrii) Liana leaves heart-shaped, long lashes must be tied up. The flowers are pubescent, pale pink. But varieties with canary and cream inflorescences are often found
Hoya longifolia The leaves of this species are thin and long, resembling knife blades. The flowers are light, pubescent, and have a faint aroma.
Southern Hoya (Hoya australis) This hoya has long shoots that resemble wood in structure. Umbrella inflorescences, white petals with a crimson crown
Pale Hoya (Hoya acuta) climbing vine with yellow flowers with mint or lemon scent. It is unpretentious and is often used for room decoration

For successful cultivation home vines you should know the most important rules that will help you support exotic plant in good health.

Wax ivy, regardless of the chosen type, will decorate the room with unusual bright flowers. In addition, it is available to all lovers of indoor flowers.

Hoya: varieties (video)

How to properly care for Hoya

Despite the unpretentiousness of wax ivy, the soil for this plant must be balanced and breathable. You can take ready soil for orchids or prepare a mixture yourself from the following components:

  • leaf soil (2 kg);
  • turf (1 kg);
  • humus (800 g);
  • river sand (500 g).

Any pot for the vine is suitable - both clay and plastic. The main thing is that it has been done drainage holes and moisture did not stagnate in the soil. For a small vine, a container with a volume of up to 1 liter is sufficient. In the future, the plant should be transplanted into a wider pot as it grows.

The optimal temperature for wax ivy varies from 17 to 25 °C in warm months; in winter it can be reduced to 15 °C. Liana can be planted in winter garden or greenhouse, since it can withstand short-term drops in temperature without the risk of foliage falling.

It is known that Hoya does not tolerate straight lines. Sun rays, which is why it is recommended to grow it in a room whose windows overlook south side. Growing a plant requires the presence permanent place for him, since moving the vine is fraught with the loss of flowers.

The shoots of domestic vines often grow very long, so this is a mandatory procedure. Choosing the shape of the bush allows you to get a lush and beautiful plant, the main thing is to have time to do this after the end of flowering. Shape Hoya is better just using thin garden shears.

Wax ivy thrives in a humid environment, so the foliage should be periodically sprayed with warm water from a spray bottle. In spring and summer, hoya is watered abundantly as the soil dries out. However, liquid should not be allowed to stagnate in the soil. In addition, the contact of drops of water on flowers and buds contributes to their deterioration. appearance, so the plant should be moistened carefully.

In spring and summer, the vine is fed complex fertilizers for indoor plants no more than once a month. In winter, no food is added and irrigation is stopped. If you do not have plant fertilizers available, watering is allowed onion skins, thanks to the infusion, hoya will grow and develop intensively.

How to transplant Hoya (video)

Technology and timing of transplantation

Young vines need to be replanted annually, it is best to do this in the spring. Adult specimens should be moved to a new pot no more than once every 3 years.

Pour the substrate into the prepared container, and also prepare a support for the plant in advance. Replanting a hoya is quite easy; it is important to water it well and place it in a place with good diffused light . If you purchased a new plant, you should not replant it right away. Place the vine in separate room and watch her. You need to make sure that the ivy is free from garden diseases or pests. In addition, a state of rest helps the hoya cope with stress after a change of environment.

Methods for propagating wax ivy

The easiest way to propagate home vines is by cuttings. Under favorable conditions, they take root and grow without problems.

Carefully cut a branch with a pair of leaves, and the cutting should have at least 2 nodes. Roots and leaves are formed in them. Next, place part of the plant in a dark vase and leave it in a warm, bright place. But do not forget to add fresh water, as moisture evaporates quickly. Strengthened young plant can be transplanted into a pot with a special substrate.

Propagation of wax ivy by cuttings gives excellent results. But you should be aware that they should be short, since parts of the hoya that are too long are prone to drying out. It will be easier to root the vine if you maintain the room temperature at least 22 °C, and you also need to regularly spray the cuttings with water from a spray bottle.

Some gardeners are interested in how to propagate hoya with leaves. The fact is that the petioles at the base of the leaf contain a certain number of roots. When placed in a nutrient substrate, this part of the plant takes root in the soil, but shoots are rarely sprouted. You can additionally stimulate the leaf by adding plant cell-based hormones to the water for irrigation.

You can also grow hoya from seeds at home. Fresh seed should be slightly dried and placed in a well-permeable substrate. For example, you can prepare a mixture of soil and sphagnum. It is important to know that grains should be sown quickly, otherwise they will lose their viability.

As a rule, seeds germinate 1 week after they are placed in nutrient medium. Seedlings should never dry out, which is why they are regularly moistened with warm water. Young plants require a sufficient amount of light, so it is best to place the sprouts in a spacious container on the windowsill. 3 months after germination, the vines can be transplanted into separate pots. At this point, the hoyas have powerful roots and leaves.

About the characteristics of flowering vines

Hoya flowers look like artificial decorations and are very beautiful. However, you should not pick them, as this may result in a lack of ovaries next year. As a rule, you can see inflorescences in spring or autumn, when the room is cool, but there are exceptions.

In some cases, the plant does not please the owners of the house with bright flowers. This may be due to the following factors:

  • frequent movement of hoya;
  • a lack of fresh air;
  • improper watering.

Why doesn't the vine set flower stalks? First of all, you need to remember the last time the plant pot was moved. In some cases, after purchasing or moving, hoya does not bloom for 2 years. The room intended for wax ivy must be free, otherwise the flower will lack fresh air. In addition, you should not water the plant too often.

Signs and beliefs associated with hoya

Superstitious people believe that hoya cannot be grown at home, as it attracts misfortune and loneliness. In the old days, some flower growers believed that the pronounced aroma of wax ivy flowers could cause human death. However, this judgment is fiction, even in small room the smell of hoya can only cause headaches. The sap of the plant is poisonous, but the home vine is incapable of seriously harming health.

How to make hoya bloom (video)

Caring for hoya is simple and understandable even for beginners, and keeping this plant in the room is useful, because it cleanses the air of toxins. The main thing is that ivy is inaccessible to children and pets. Planting and growing a vine yourself is not difficult if you study the rules easy care for her.

Hoya care at home, features of reproduction and flowering. The plant, originally from India and Southern China, is loved by many for the originality of its flowering and growth, as it is a real indoor vine. This evergreen can reach up to 6 meters in length, has a fragile stem, dense leaves and white umbrella flowers.

Soil and fertilizing

Adult Hoyas can grow in the same pot enough for a long time, therefore the soil for growing them must be loose and well-permeable to air. An ideal substrate would be one consisting of:

  • Leaf soil - 2 hours.
  • Peat – 1 hour.
  • Sand – 0.5 hours.
  • Sod land – 2 hours.
  • Vermiculite – 0.5 tsp.

From March to August the plant must be fed with liquid mineral fertilizers. Frequency – once every two weeks.


The plant is replanted every 2-3 years, combining this procedure with pruning long, non-flowering shoots so that the main growth is directed towards the formation of buds and flowers. Choose a spacious dish for the hoya and prepare special mixture for replanting, consisting of sand, leaf soil and peat in equal quantities. Loosen thoroughly ready mixture and place in a pot, having previously placed drainage in the form of large stones or expanded clay.


IN summer period During flowering, Hoya should be watered at least once every three days, since the top layer of soil does not require drying out. In winter, when Chloe sheds its flowers and buds, watering should be reduced to once every 10 days. However, monitor the room temperature and do not let the flower dry out. Water for irrigation should be soft and settled; to improve it, you can add a little citric acid.


Western and eastern windows are ideal for hoya. Since for flowering and development the plant needs bright and rich light. However, direct sunlight can quickly weaken the plant and leave it burned.

On northern windows, with a lack of sun, the flower may stop growing and not bloom at all. Therefore, place your hoya in a bright, well-ventilated place without drafts and enjoy its flowering. During this period, it is not recommended to disturb the plant or move it from place to place, as ripe buds may fall off.


The temperature regime for hoya, as for many other indoor plants, is divided into summer and winter periods. In summer, the optimal temperature will be 23-25C, in winter it can be lowered to 14-16C.

The flower does not require active moisture, however, to maintain the freshness of the leaves, it can be sprayed periodically, carefully directing streams of water only to the stem and leaves, excluding flowers and buds.


Hoya can propagate both through seeds and cuttings.

First way

To propagate by cuttings, you need to select a shoot containing two leaves. One is too few, more than two is too many. It can be rooted both in water and in a specially prepared substrate of peat and sand in equal parts. If the temperature is maintained at 20 C, roots can appear after 10 days. After this, the plant is planted in separate pot and are cared for as an adult.

Second way

After flowering, seeds form in the pods of the plant, which must be collected fresh and slightly dried before planting.

Prepare well-ventilated soil for the seeds from leaf soil and sand, adding a little sphagnum moss. The seedlings will be ready to sprout in sufficient time short time, but to strengthen and take root, it is better not to touch them for 3 months, maintaining a warm, light and humid microclimate. Having gained strength, the seedlings will be ready to be transplanted into separate soil and dishes.

Follow these simple rules and get ready to enjoy flowering for yourself. beautiful liana at home.

Hoya photo