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Blooming hoya. What is the best way to root Hoya Linearis? Hoya diseases and treatment methods

Hoya(lat. Hoya) - a tropical liana named after the gardener of the English Duke of Northumberlain, who worked most of his life in a greenhouse tropical plants, Thomas Hoy.

Belongs to the Lastovnevy family, growing on the west coast of Australia, Polynesia, southeast and southern Asia. In nature, it prefers tropical areas, lives in open forests, clinging to trees.

Plant species

Hoya beautiful (Hoyabella)– grows in Indonesia and Myanmar. Distinguished by small leaf blades, the flowers have white corollas and crowns, the color of which varies from pink to dark red.

Green Hoya (Hoyachlorantha)spectacular plant, having elongated leaf plates and velvety flowers of white, brown or greenish tint.

Hoya imperialis (Hoya imperialis)- lives in Malaysia and Indonesia. The leaf blades are long and wide, the flowers are large, red-pink in color.

Hoya fleshy (Hoyacarnosa)– grows in China, India, Malaysia, Japan, Vietnam. The flowers are collected in a tassel, have light pink corollas and dark red crowns and anthers. The most popular species in home floriculture.

Hoya cup-shaped (Hoyacalycina)- is the homeland New Guinea. It is distinguished by the longest leaf blades, reaching a length of 20 cm.

Hoya concave (Hoyalacunosa)– grows in Malaysia. The leaf blades are small, diamond-shaped. The flowers have a bright aroma reminiscent of perfume.

Hoya multiflora (Hoyamultiflora)– common in Thailand, Laos, China, Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Malaysia.

What types and forms of hoya are there, see the video below:

Proper care at home

Indoor Hoya or wax ivy- a climbing plant whose shoots can reach 7-8 meters in length. With proper care, it blooms for a very long period - from early spring to late autumn. Refers to house plants that do not require careful care.

Choosing the right place

Hoya loves good lighting, but direct rays of the sun in large quantities, especially in summer, can damage leaf burns.

Optimal place there will be east and west sides of the house.

If the plant doesn't have enough light, you you won't see his flowers.

Hoya absolutely doesn't like changes place, this can make her get sick and throw off all the leaf plates. Therefore, you can move a plant only as a last resort, especially if it is flowering or has filled with buds.

Optimal temperature

In summer, warmth is required at least 18-19 degrees, but hoya winters well at temperatures even of 10-15 degrees. The only exception- hoya is beautiful - it is heat-loving and does not tolerate low temperatures, dropping its leaves because of this.

Watering and air humidity

Watering should be plentiful, but rare. Besides, Hoya doesn't like constant moisture in the pot and tray, so you need to water it after the earthen ball has dried.

Water must be drained from the pan in a timely manner. Some gardeners do not use it at all. In winter, watering is done even less frequently, waiting 3-4 days after the soil dries.

Use softened water for irrigation; you can settle tap water, boil it, or use melt or rain water. Water temperature about 18-20 degrees (room).

An important procedure care is bathing the flower. It can be carried out in spring and autumn - before and after flowering.

IN summer period It is not advisable to bathe blooming hoya. Warm water (40 degrees) is poured into a basin and the plant and pot are completely immersed in it. The duration of bathing is 30-40 minutes. This procedure accelerates the onset of flowering and hardens the hoya.

In summer, the plant is sprayed, especially on hot days.

Top dressing

During the growing season(spring-summer-autumn) the flower is fed every 2 weeks. For this they use mineral fertilizers. Moreover, they are guided by the principle - it is better to underfeed than to overfeed.

Many knowledgeable flower growers use the complex from sodium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Can be used ready-made compositions for flowering succulents.


Young flowers are replanted once a year in the spring, adult hoyas - once every three years. To get abundant, long-lasting flowering, the pot must be cramped. In order for the shoots to grow better, take a spacious container.

There should be holes in the bottom of the pot; pebbles, pebbles, expanded clay, and broken bricks are placed on the bottom of the container for high-quality drainage.

Hoya is not particularly picky about the composition of the soil; it can grow in any soil. Experts brought optimal composition: soil for plants (2 parts), fine expanded clay (1 part), peat or sphagnum (1 part), vermiculite or perlite (1 part). Many gardeners use soil for orchids.

The main thing is that must be remembered– the soil for hoya should be breathable.


Reproduction is possible by cuttings or layering.

Reproduction by layering
The good thing is that a new plant can bloom in the year it is planted. A branch of an adult flower is cut slightly, covered with moistened moss and covered with a polyethylene film.

After the roots appear, this branch is cut off and transplanted into a separate pot. You can immediately put such a branch in a new container and secure it with moss, then simply cut off the shoot from the plant after rooting has taken place.

Cuttings- the most common method of reproduction. There should be at least two internodes on the cutting, but ideally 3-4. The shoot is the cutting donor and must be from last year, that is, 1-1.5 years old.

Rooting can be done in three ways:

  • In water. It’s easy and simple - place the cuttings in a container of water and wait for the roots to appear.
  • In the substrate. To do this, mix 3 parts soil, 1 part perlite, 1 part fine expanded clay.
  • In sphagnum moss. Mix moss, vermiculite, fine expanded clay or polystyrene foam, taken equally.

For tips on propagating hoya from cuttings, watch the video:

Features of care

To form new shoots, branches are pinched after the appearance of the fourth leaf. Shoots that have grown too long are pruned to stimulate flowering.

Faded flower stalks are not cut off, the peculiarity of hoya is that in a year new inflorescences will appear on them.

Possible problems and pests

Often when improper care The following problems may arise with hoya flowers:

  • Redness of leaf blades. The cause may be too much heat or too much light.
  • Pale leaf color, twisting And drying out talk about the abundance of lighting.
  • Yellow spots on leavessunburn or lack of light.
  • "Leaf Fall" may be caused by overwatering.
  • Slow growth, a change in color to a paler color indicates an insufficient amount of nutrients. The flower is replanted or fertilized.

The main pest of wax ivy is root nematode. When attacked by a pest, the plant stops growing and developing, affected areas form on the roots - yellow at the beginning, then turn brown.

For destruction root nematode, the plant is sprayed with an insecticide (Phosfamide, Mercaptophos, Lindane), the roots are washed warm water(50-55 degrees), transplant into another pot and soil.

Hoya or wax ivy is easy to care for and has a number of useful properties . The plant helps relieve nervous tension, stress, and improves mood. Hoya leaves are used in the treatment of headaches, boils and purulent pimples.

Hoya(Hoya, Wax Ivy) is part of the Lastovnevye family (Asclepiadaceae) and unites approximately 200 species of evergreen vines and shrubs. Hoya has gained wide popularity among indoor plant lovers thanks to its unique decorative qualities. These evergreen vines are characterized by long and abundant flowering. Very beautiful flowers are collected in large inflorescences and elegantly hang on luxurious stems from tall flowerpots or from hanging baskets in the form of a luxurious ampelous form.

Wax ivy is also great for vertical gardening. You can often find a frame on the wall of an office or residential space, completely covered with shoots of flowering and climbing plants. hoya vine. Growing wax ivy at home is quite simple and care for it ornamental plant does not require constant attention and compliance with complex rules. Photos of indoor types of hoya and simple tips You will find information on plant care later in this material.

Over time, the shoots of domestic hoya will gradually become lignified and more and more aerial roots and tendrils will appear on them, with the help of which the vine clings to the support. After some time, the shiny leaves turn matte and have an oval or heart-shaped shape with a pointed tip. Some species have fairly fleshy leaves and look like crafts or decorations made from wax. That is why this common name in our time appeared - wax ivy.

- ampelous hoya in hanging flower pots

Flowering occurs in spring and summer. But often at home, hoya blooms twice a year, delighting the owner with large, bright inflorescences that emit a very pleasant smell. Interestingly, the flowers of this indoor plant abundantly secrete nectar, which collects between the petals in the form of thick translucent drops. The star-shaped five-petal flowers themselves are collected in an umbrella-shaped inflorescence, which appears during the flowering period on strong rod branches. The flowers look very impressive and look like handmade crafts made from foamiran, polymer clay, cold porcelain or salt dough.

- photo: what hoya flowers look like

Home species of Hoya:

Hoya carnosa. This plant can be classified as one of the most popular indoor varieties in our country. The length of the hanging shoots of carnose can reach a length of up to six meters. This climbing vine will look great as a hanging decoration for a room. The leaves are dark green and arranged oppositely. Looking at glossy surface leaves, it seems that the leaf blade of Wax Ivy is heavily rubbed with wax. At home, this unpretentious type of hoya blooms well. White fleshy corollas of carnosa with a reddish center are collected in a luxurious inflorescence. But depending on the variety, the color of the “stars” may be yellowish or pink. And the flowers of Hoya Carnosa Tricolor (Hoya Carnosa Tricolor, Tricolor) exude a very pleasant scent. a dizzying aroma that will not leave anyone indifferent. The dark green leaves of this variety of Hoya carnosa are decorated with light veins and pinkish spots. In a floristic composition, along with this species, such bush-like and tree-like plants will look interesting houseplants such as chlorophytum with hanging long leaves, ficus benjaminata, dracaena magrinata, decorative asparagus, indoor species of thuja, yucca domestica, dieffenbachia and schefflera.

Hoya beautiful (Hoya bella)- indoor culture with long hanging shoots and small leaves. You can grow it as a hanging plant in a hanging basket, or as a bush-like plant, installing a support for the stems in the pot as it grows. When creating a green area in the interior, phytodesigners use this plant as an interesting background for such flowering indoor plants as house primrose Primrose, phalaenopsis or dendrobium orchid, eucharis Amazon lily, hibiscus Chinese rose, gloxinia, gerbera with daisy flowers, New Guinea balsam.

Hoya longifolia
with very beautiful fleshy elongated leaves. The leaf blade of some varieties is decorated with a pattern of wide light green stripes and narrow dark green stripes. During the flowering period, inflorescences with white pubescent flowers appear on the shoots.

Hoya majestic (Hoya imperialis) with large, leathery, oval-shaped leaves on creeping shoots. During flowering, very beautiful flowers with a subtle aromatic scent appear. Flowers with dark red petals and a pronounced yellowish crown are collected in a large umbrella-shaped inflorescence.

- formation of hoya curling around the arch support


Location and lighting.

The most favorable location is the southwest or southeast side of the room. Hoya loves bright, but diffuse light. Ampelous forms will also grow actively in partial shade on a stand in the back of the room. climbing vines on vertical supports they will also feel great without active lighting. But species with pubescent leaves of light green color prefer bright lighting, but without direct sunlight hitting the foliage.

Temperature regime.

There are heat-loving species (for example, Hoya beautiful, whose leaves fall off at low temperatures). But most species love reduced temperature in winter 14-16°C and do not die even when the temperature drops to 10°C. Most comfortable temperature in spring and summer 18-26°C.

Air humidity.

The optimal humidity level is high (55-60%). But even at a moderate level of humidity, most species will grow and develop normally if you regularly spray the plant on hot days. When spraying with warm, soft water, try not to get it on the inflorescences. On hot summer days and during heating periods, place a container filled with water next to the pot.


Water for irrigation is settled, warm. In autumn and winter, water very sparingly. In summer, for most species, watering is moderate with light drying of the soil. Plants with thin, light green leaves can be watered more often, while plants with fleshy, large leaves can be watered less often.

Earth mixture and fertilizing.

To prepare an earthen mixture, you can mix leaf soil, humus, peat and coarse sand in a ratio of 2:1:1:1.

In winter there is no need to fertilize. IN growing season Most species can be fed 1-2 times a month. Plants with thin leaves light green in color can be fed once every two weeks with a half dose of complex fertilizer with a high phosphorus content. For fertilizing, choose fertilizers with a nutrient ratio of NPK + Mg (10:11:18:2).



Peculiarities of propagation of fleshy Hoya:

Beautiful inflorescences of different types of hoya:

Dear indoor plant lovers! If you already have experience growing these wonderful decorative flowers, please share your tips and observations with our novice gardeners. We will be happy to post your photos and video materials on the website - contact email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. To the main page


This plant is also called hoya, an evergreen vine of the family Persian family. There are more than 200 species in nature. Hoya can bloom beautifully at home, which is a rather rare quality for climbing flowers. It can be given various shapes due to its good plasticity. It can be ampelous (hanging), bushy (upright growing), or entwined around a vertically installed support, depending on the type. The inflorescences look like small stars with a contrasting center, beautifully collected in umbrellas.

Growing and care

In order for the vine to develop well, it is important to choose the location wisely, it is advisable to make the soil substrate balanced in composition, watering and fertilizing must be carried out in a timely manner.

Lighting and temperature

It is better to place Hoya on western or eastern windows, there is enough light and the likelihood of getting burned from direct sunlight is minimal. The liana can bloom only in good lighting.

The optimal temperature level for development and flowering should be +22 C. B winter time– about +15 C, if this figure is higher, then the flowering will not be so lush.

Important In order for the place to be spacious, the vine does not like frequent changes in location and drafts.


General recommendations for watering different varieties Khoyas are very easy to follow. From March to October, provide abundant watering as the top layer dries 1-2 cm. From November to February, the frequency of watering is reduced to once a week . Stagnation of water is excluded, the soil cannot be over-moistened. It is advisable to take soft water for irrigation, room temperature, it needs to be defended for about a day.

Every spring, to speed up growth, you can lower the pot with the vine completely into water, top part removed after 40 minutes, and the root after 1.5 hours. The water temperature should be about +400C. You cannot “bathe” hoya during the flowering period.

On hot days, it is necessary to spray the plant to provide it comfortable indicators humidity.

However, there are differences in the required level of moisture depending on the species. So the southern one needs constantly moist soil. If the leaves have an edge (linear, Thompson, serpentine), then it is better to provide shade and a constant level of humidity without drying out.

Top dressing

In spring and summer it is necessary to apply balanced complex mineral fertilizers; it is better to buy ready-made compounds in the store.

Liquid formulations containing magnesium and phosphorus are very suitable for hoi during the flowering period; they are applied 2-3 times a month.


The soil mixture should contain turf, leaf soil and humus in equal proportions. More sand, compost and charcoal are added.

Specialized soil for violets is suitable from ready-made store mixes.

Pests and diseases

Hoya is quite resistant to various diseases and pests.

However, powdery mildew may appear on it

Pests sometimes settle on the leaves and trunk of hoya, these include:

External manifestations: a white coating covers all or part of the leaf plate, and it can be located on the inside or outside. As the disease progresses, the leaves become brown with black spots and dry out.

Control measures: the infected plant must be isolated, cut off all affected leaves, strip the stems to healthy tissue and treat with a fungicide. Garlic tincture and copper sulfate solution also help. You also need to monitor humidity and temperature.

Externally: leaves dry out and fall off. Insects look like seals Brown located along the trunk.

To get rid of scale insects mechanically, a cloth or cotton swab, soaked in a saturated solution of laundry soap, you can also use medical alcohol. For general treatment, you can use karbofos, but the room must have good ventilation.

On sheet plates, especially with inside a whitish coating appears with a structure reminiscent of cereals. Over time, the leaves dry out as aphids suck the juices from the plant.

There are quite a lot of measures to combat this insect, these include insecticides (Admiral, Aktara), biological substances (Akarin, Aktofit) and folk remedies (pour 700 ml of water, 2 tablespoons of soap and 150 ml of vegetable oil into a spray bottle). It is necessary to treat the flower with one of the selected products; if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

Light brown and white spots appear on the leaves. The stem may be covered with a coating similar to a thin cobweb. Hoya droops and stops growing.

You can fight ticks with folk remedies, treating once every few days with a soap-alcohol solution. You can use chemicals - take 20 drops of Actellik and dilute it in 1 liter of water.

Reproduction and transplantation

At home, it is advisable to use two methods of propagation: cuttings and layering. Seeds can also be used to grow healthy specimens, but good seeds are difficult to find.


From a well-developed khoya, you need to cut several pieces of the stem. Each one should have at least 2-3 nodes. The lower cut is treated with a root-forming substance. Water and soil substrate are suitable for the formation of roots.

The container with water needs to be covered with foil, several holes made according to the number of cuttings and placed in a slightly shaded warm place, the humidity can be maintained by putting polyethylene on the shoot, air access cannot be limited.

The composition of the soil for rooting is light but nutritious. A mixture of sand and peat in a ratio of 1:2 is suitable. The soil must be constantly moist.

After about three weeks, roots will appear and each cutting can be planted in a separate pot.


In order to receive separate shoot An incision is made on one of the shoots. This place is wrapped in moss and secured with twine and polyethylene. When roots appear, you need to cut off the shoot and plant it in the soil; to obtain denser growth, it is advisable to plant 5 shoots at once.


It is advisable to replant young plants every year in the first three years of their development. This frequency of changing capacitance and ground contributes to better growth and development.

If the hoya is more than 4 years old, then it needs to be replanted once every three years.

When replanting, the pot should always be larger than the old one so that the root system can continue to develop and not stop growing.

How to choose a plant in a store?

In the store, pay attention to:

  • density and color of the leaf plates - they should be intensely colored, dense, without spots, marks or holes;
  • how well the plant is developed;
  • cleanliness of the stem and leaves from pests - a clean stem and leaf plate without plaque, cobwebs, or growths are the key to the health of the hoya.

Once Hoya has appeared in the house, it should not be replanted immediately; it is advisable to let it acclimatize for two weeks, then replant it in a prepared soil substrate. When transplanting, it is advisable to carefully examine root system for the absence of pests.

Types and varieties

For home breeding Several types of hoya are suitable, these include:

  • Fleshy, waxy - this variety requires support. The flowers are white with a pink central part. The leaf blades are oval-shaped, thick and hard.
  • Beautiful is a branched shrub with small leaves located on hanging shoots. The flowers look like small stars with a purple rim; up to 9 flowers are collected in one umbrella.
  • Multi-flowered (multiflora) – curly look, leaves are oblong, inflorescences are yellow with narrow petals.
  • Majestic - a shrub, there is a small edge on the stem and flowers, the inflorescence is red inside and has a yellow-green tint on the outside.
  • Kerry - the leaf plate is similar in shape to a heart; the stems need support to which they are tied. The flowers can be from a light yellow to lemon shade, they are collected in a spherical umbrella. Interesting feature of this species - the shade of the flowers depends on the light intensity, than more light, the more intense it is.

Beautiful wax stars of flowers with delicate aroma decorated with long, curly shoots with fleshy green leaves. This is a Hoya, caring for it at home is easy. The article describes the secrets of growing and varieties of flowers, watering features for abundant flowering and other tricks that will help you grow a beautiful, abundantly flowering plant.

The length of this stem climbing plant can reach ten meters. The decorative nature of hoya is due to its long flowering period. Young shoots stand out against the background of green foliage with a brown-violet color. The flowers are collected in large umbrellas and smell pleasant. Most varieties have oval leaves that are quite large - up to 8 cm long and up to 5 cm wide. But there are also miniature plants, for example, Hoya bella.

More than 50 species of this flower are found in nature. Some of them are grown in greenhouses and homes.

The most famous varieties of hoya are:

  • fleshy;
  • beautiful;
  • imperial;
  • variegated;
  • linear.

Fleshy Hoya waxy ivy is a picky, climbing succulent with dense leaves that blooms continuously from early spring until late autumn. This species has many varieties, among which there are plants with multi-colored leaves - green with cream color border or with a yellowish center.

Basic requirements for cultivation

Hoya is a light-loving plant. When grown in room conditions, it blooms profusely only on southern windows. However, on sunny summer days the plant must be shaded so that burns do not remain on the leaves.

The more light there is for the hoya, the faster it will bloom. If buds appear, it cannot be rearranged.

It does not like drafts, changes in air temperature and strong cooling; at a room temperature below +10°C it can die.

  • Hoya loves light, well-drained, fertile soil.
  • For normal shoot growth and flowering, regular fertilizing is necessary.
  • The soil in the pot should be kept moist, drying out before the next watering.
  • Hoya will benefit from a warm shower and regular spraying.

Special requirements include the selectivity of some plant species to soil acidity and air temperature. There are hoyas that cannot grow normally if the room is less than +20°C.

Home care

When choosing a plant for a room, you need to consider its size. Some hoyas grow quite large - these are real woody vines. Other types are compact and will not take up much space on the windowsill.

The plant can be grown as a hanging plant, hanging the pot high, or install a support by twisting the stem around it. How younger plant, the more flexible its stems are; with age, the shoots become woody and can break when tied to a support.

There are no special problems in caring for Hoya. All efforts pay off with beautiful flowering, which, with proper maintenance, can be quite long-lasting.

Features of content depending on the season

Ivy can bloom in winter. If the gardener wants to enjoy such a spectacle, then the plant begins to be prepared in September. Place the pot in a bright, cool place and reduce watering. It is best to place the flower on the eastern windowsill. In December and January, the flower is almost not watered - drought stimulates flowering. During this period, the room temperature should be about 15°C.

Some varieties do not like cool air, for example, Hoya multiflora drops flowers and leaves when the temperature drops below +20 °C.

Typically, Hoya uses winter as a dormant time; it benefits from reduced watering and lack of fertilizer. Most often it blooms in spring and summer. During this period, the plant requires regular watering, spraying, fertilizing and good lighting.

Watering Hoya

In summer and spring, during the intensive growth of hoya, it is watered and sprayed abundantly. In autumn and winter, spraying is stopped and watering is reduced. Water the plant as the earthen ball dries with settled, warm water.

To stimulate flowering, watering in summer is done by soaking in warm water for 1–2 hours. To do this, place the flower pot in a large plastic bucket. From the shower, water the hoya from above with water at a temperature of about 30–35°C. When the water in the bucket reaches the top of the pot, barely covering the ground, turn off the tap. After 1 hour, the plant can be removed from the bucket and placed in its original place in the room.

Soil composition and pot selection

Hoya does not like large flower pots. In small ones, on the contrary, it grows very quickly. IN natural environment habitat, this plant leads an epiphytic lifestyle, settling in the crown large trees or on the rocks, where nutrient medium very little. Therefore, when choosing a pot, you need to give preference to small containers with soil that allows water and air to pass through well.

The material from which the pot is made does not really matter; plastic, clay or wood will do. The substrate for planting must be loose. Prepare your own mixture of peat, perlite, coconut fiber and tree bark. For nutritional value, add a little leaf humus. Most types of hoya prefer neutral or slightly acidic soil. But there are varieties that require a high limestone content, for example, H. curtsii, H. serpens.

Fertilizer application

The fertile substrate in which the plant is planted is already a good fertilizer. But after just a year of cultivation, hoya begins to lack essential elements. nutrients– nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium. This may be expressed externally by a slowdown in growth and a change in appearance leaves.

  • With a lack of nitrogen, the leaves turn pale green or yellow and then fall off.
  • A lack of phosphorus is expressed by reddening of the veins of the leaf or its edges and tops.
  • With potassium deficiency, the edges of the leaf blade dry out and curl.

In the warm season, hoya is fed during watering once every two weeks with complex fertilizer for flowering indoor plants. The ratio of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in it should be the same. If signs of a lack of any element are noticed, you can find a supplement with its predominance.

Planting and transplanting

Hoya does not like frequent transplants. If the need arises, you can do a transplant once every 2 or 3 years.

Since this plant easily forms aerial roots, planting it can be very simple. A long shoot of an adult plant is placed in a pot of soil and pinned with wire. When the shoot produces roots, it is cut off from the mother plant.

When transplanting into fresh soil, the new pot should not be much larger than the previous one; the hoya will not bloom until its roots fill the entire space of the earthen coma.

Be sure to put good drainage at the bottom of the pot to drain the water after watering. The soil should be well-drained and fertile; you can use a mixture for succulents.

Features of reproduction

The plant is propagated by seeds, layering or cuttings. For cuttings, use last year's branches, which should have 2 or 3 nodes. They can be rooted in water or substrate. Hoya Kerry, with heart-shaped leaves, takes root well from leaf cuttings.

Several branches are planted in one pot to make the plant look more decorative during flowering.

  • The two lower leaves of the cut cuttings are torn off.
  • Wash under running water to wash off any sticky juice that has accumulated.
  • Dip in Kornevin powder.
  • Then they are planted in perlite or vermiculite - a moisture-intensive substrate in which the cuttings quickly take root.
  • After planting, set up a mini-greenhouse, covering the flower pot with seedlings with a plastic bag. Place in a bright and warm place.

The first roots will appear within two or three weeks. If you plant a plant in a clear plastic cup, it will be visible. The rooted hoya is transplanted into a small pot.

Plant diseases and pests

Hoyas suffer from insect pests:

  • scale insects;
  • whiteflies;
  • mealybug;

When the first signs of damage are detected, the plant is treated with an insecticide. If spider mites have settled on the leaves, treatment with an acaricide or garlic infusion will help.

Why doesn't hoya bloom and the leaves turn yellow?

If incorrect growing hoya, difficulties may arise - the leaves will turn yellow, curl and fall off.

There are several reasons for this:

  • cold air in the room;
  • excess sun;
  • lack of moisture or excessive watering;
  • dry air environment;
  • poor drainage;
  • cold water for irrigation;
  • lack of nitrogen in the soil.

Some gardeners, in order to achieve the formation of inflorescences, place a pot of hoya several times in spring or early summer in warm water at a temperature of 30–35°C and water it 2 or 3 times a week with settled warm water.

To flower, the plant needs the following conditions:

  • good lighting;
  • age 2–3 years;
  • cramped pot;
  • shoots at least 30 cm long;
  • fertilizing with phosphorus fertilizers.

In winter, watering is reduced and the hoya is kept in a bright place with a temperature of 15°C. It blooms on old peduncles, so they cannot be cut off. When the plant blooms, they stop fertilizing it and try not to turn the pot so that the buds do not fall off.

The Hoya flower is a favorite indoor plant among modern designers. And it’s not in vain that, thanks to the home vine, it’s easy to turn any home into a green paradise. And the aroma that depletes the plant can drive any gardener “crazy.” Many lovers of indoor plants are interested in hoya care at home photo. Behind Lately, the popularity of this flower has only grown, and more and more people want to grow it at home.

Description of the plant, photo

Hoya, an evergreen vine, most popular in ornamental gardening. Wax ivy in its natural habitat reaches a length of 10 meters. Young shoots are brown with shades of purple.

When spring comes to the earth, the hoya is covered with delicate velvet flowers in the shape of white stars, and along the edges Pink colour. The flowering itself is accompanied by a strong aroma that intensifies at night. Hoya, during flowering, releases a colossal amount of nectar, thanks to this feature, it received the name honey plant.

H. pink velvety

The exotic beauty blooms from the beginning of May until September, delighting with its unique flowering. The “plush” petals of hoya are dark red, cherry red, yellow, orange, purple or almost black, star-shaped, it all depends on the variety and type, evergreen vine. The bud itself blooms and pleases the gardener for about three weeks. Then it fades, and a new flower appears in its place.

The leaves of the plant are dense and matte, resembling almonds or hearts. Looking at them, one gets the impression that they are made of bright green wax with small splashes of gray.

At home it blooms only in well-lit places. And over the years of human cultivation, it is absolutely not necessary for her to be in the fresh air. The main thing is to wipe off dust from its sheets in time and spray it regularly.


The plant is a large representative of evergreen shrubs and vines. Exotic beauty, originally from the tropics. Grows in the southern regions of China and Indonesia. Often, the plant can be found on the coast of Western Australia. The flower loves the sun and prefers places with a sparse population of trees.

He chooses for growth, rocky slopes or a large tree with a strong trunk, on which she can cling with her long shoots and receive protection from direct sunlight. But if there are no rocks or trees nearby, then the plant will send out long shoots on the ground.

Important. Hoya got its name in honor of the gardener who grows flowers. Since ancient times it has been called the flower of friendship.


When this flower appeared in people's homes, it was regularly cultivated for growing at home. Today, there are more than 300 varieties of this plant. In turn, they were all divided into several types, namely:

  • ampelous;
  • shrubby;
  • in the form of ivy.

In the homes of lovers of this beauty, two varieties are most often found: beautiful hoya and fleshy one. A distinctive feature of this plant is its low-maintenance home vine, which does not require painstaking care.

H. Fleshy

X. carnose


X. beautiful

The main thing is bright habitats without direct rays of the sun, but dark places are not suitable for her either. You should not place Hoya on window sills; in the fall, when the heating is turned on, the plant will become sick and may die.

Important. The flower is not a member of the poison ivy family. This is an absolutely harmless flower that gives joy and comfort to its owners.

Types of hoya from the gardener's home collection.


The plant lends itself well to propagation at home. There are three ways to get new shoots, namely:

  • seeds;
  • layering;
  • cuttings.

How to propagate a plant from cuttings

Cuttings are carried out from spring to autumn. But if it was not possible to root the sprouts during this period, then you can do it in winter. A two-year-old cutting with five leaves is selected and cut just below the node. Then it is placed in a container with water and a growth stimulator. Place of cut, sprinkle with crushed activated carbon or gets covered up garden varnish.

After three weeks, the first roots will appear, the sprout is ready for planting. It is planted in pre-prepared soil or specially purchased for this purpose. A plant obtained in this way will produce its first flowers no earlier than four years from the moment of planting (watch the video).

By layering

Thanks to breeding in this way, the hoya will bloom in the year it is planted. And to get shoots from a well-developed shoot, make a circular incision about seven centimeters wide. Then, the incision is wrapped in damp moss and covered with oilcloth on top.

After two weeks, the root will appear. It is necessary to give another week to strengthen the emerging root system, then the young shoot is carefully separated from the parent flower and planted in a separate pot.

Or use another method, placing another pot next to the growing hoya. WITH parent plant, the largest sprout is selected and buried in a new pot, secured with an ordinary hairpin or a piece of wire.

When the first leaves appear on the buried sprout, the branch is cut off from the parent plant. This type of reproduction does not require additional care.


The problem with obtaining plants from seeds is that seed material is difficult to find for sale. If this is successful, then the grains are planted directly in moist soil consisting of deciduous soil and moss. The pot with seeds is placed in the sunny side, watering is carried out three times a week.

The first baby sprouts appear in a month. When there are more and more of them, young plants are planted in individual pots.


Hoya needs to be replanted no more than once every three years. To quickly grow the crown, plant it in a large pot. And if the task is to obtain a large number of flowers, they are planted in a small container. It doesn’t matter which pot was chosen, the main thing is presence good drainage.

Before planting, prepare a nutrient substrate. In equal parts, take sand, peat, turf soil and humus, mix everything. Then prepare the pot, the first layer is broken brick, which helps to avoid stagnation of water, the next layer is prepared soil up to half the pot. Next, the root is installed and the rest of the soil is added, and the top is compacted with a spatula.

From spring to autumn, the plant is watered twice a week. Water abundantly, but there should be no stagnation of water in the soil. In winter, they get by with one watering every two weeks. The water is settled and ensured that it is at room temperature.

For a plant, it is not advisable to allow water to overflow. Because this has a much more detrimental effect on the flower than dry soil.

Important. If the plant is young, it is replanted annually, for four years, in the spring.

When a hoya is purchased in a store, it is not replanted for the first three weeks. Thus, they give time to adapt to new living conditions. Watch the video: how to transplant a hoya.


Hoya produces its first flowers in the third year of life. Entry into this period depends on the type of plant and its strength. But sometimes, even in the fourth year, the plant does not throw out flowers. The reason may be in the pot, too big gives an impetus to the formation of the crown, but the flowers, on the contrary, will not develop.

In this case, transplant it into a smaller pot (plant the plant in a smaller container), reduce the amount of watering, and in winter stop watering altogether, only occasionally spraying the leaves. And they temporarily stop feeding. If the plant is replanted annually, then feeding is not needed at all.

The plant is moved to a brighter place, avoiding direct sunlight. And pruning is performed only on those shoots that are more than four years old. These manipulations will force the plant to produce flowers.

Important. For long flowering, you need to maintain daylight hours and temperature conditions in winter.

As soon as the vine blooms, it is not recommended to touch the buds. And after flowering, it is not advisable to touch dry inflorescences, since new buds will appear in their place next year. It is not advisable to spray Hoya when it is blooming. And frequent transplants injure the plant, so it is not advisable to perform such a procedure.

Crown formation

Hoya is a plant that requires the formation of a crown. To make the vine lush and branchy, it is plucked when the fourth leaf appears. Shoots that grow a meter long are cut in half. This will make the crown lush and contribute to an increase in flowers. Each shoot is attached with threads to a wall or window. Another way is to make a ring of wire and secure the ends in a pot. When the shoots begin to grow, they immediately braid the ring.

Pests and diseases

The first sign that the plant is sick is yellowed leaves. The problem may occur due to abundant watering or incorrect lighting. When the cause is eliminated, the damaged leaves are removed with scissors. Because uninvited guests may appear on them, in the form of pests or pathogens.

The appearance of mold on the ground indicates that the water for irrigation is hard and should be replaced with soft water. And to make it at home yourself, take two tablespoons of peat, put it in a small rag bag and put it in a container of water. After a day, take it out, now the water will be soft and suitable for irrigation.

The top layer damaged by mold is removed, a little new substrate is added and carefully dug up, trying not to damage the hoya root. In the future, care for the plant as usual. There are times when mold comes back. If this happens, the plant is transplanted into another pot, first inspecting the root for damage.

Another disease that hoya often suffers from is rot. The reason is watering cold water. In this case, all diseased leaves and stems are removed, and the resulting wounds are covered with garden pitch or crushed activated carbon.

There are several pests that attack hoya:

  • scale insect;
  • multi-tail;
  • spider mite

The scale insect settles on the leaves and stems, sucking the juice from the plant and slowly leading to its death. To get rid of pests, they are collected by hand. The plant is washed with a solution of laundry soap. For 1 liter of water add 1 tbsp. l. grated soap. Then rinse with warm water.

Aphids, all visible pests are collected from the plant by hand, and the flower is washed soap solution and rinsed with warm water. Prepare a soap bath exactly as described above.

Houseplants, like humans, have immunity. Therefore, it needs to be strengthened so that the flower can easily withstand seasonal temperature changes.

An effective way is to pour broth from boiled potatoes in their jackets. It contains a large number of potassium, which helps strengthen the plant's immunity. This mixture does not contain chemicals and helps hoya perfectly. For preventive purposes, water the decoction once a week with the onset of cold weather.

Why do the leaves dry out?

Hoya is unpretentious to grow, but there are problems that can cause the plant to die if measures are not taken in time.

The first call indicating that a flower is not comfortable is drying leaves. The appearance of dry spots on the plant. The reason is an abundant amount of light or its lack. They carefully examine the location of the flower and change the location to more comfortable conditions.

Frequent fertilization or watering with cold water leads to drying and curling of the leaves. Another reason is dry air or the plant is cold. For hoya, the optimal temperature is +20°C, less, leads to the death of the plant.

If the temperature is much higher, monitor the moisture level in the plant pot. At increased dryness, increase the amount of watering to prevent its diseases. To make the plant pleasing to the eyes, it is enough to eliminate all the problems described above.

Growing problems

There are several problems when growing hoya:

  1. Falling off of buds during flowering. This happens if the flower is moved to another room, the pot is moved, or it is sprayed with water. As soon as the plant returns to its original location, the problem disappears. Well, if you sprayed the buds with water, then it is no longer possible to stop the flowers from falling off. During flowering, the plant is watered occasionally and not sprayed.
  2. Slow growth and pale leaves. This is a signal of nitrogen deficiency. The problem can be solved by feeding flowering plants. Purchase it in specialized stores. Or in nurseries that breed Hoya.
  3. Spots on the leaves appear due to low lighting, watering with cold water or an overdose of fertilizing. When all of the above problems are eliminated, the plant begins to please the eyes again.
  4. Lack of flowering. Poor soil, poor lighting, large pot or improper pruning. By eliminating these problems, Hoya will once again begin to delight with its flowering.
  5. Leaves or even shoots fall. There was severe waterlogging and lack of good drainage. If it is warm outside, the plant is taken out into the fresh air, and in the future it is not allowed to become waterlogged. And to guess with watering, use an ordinary pencil, which is used to check the soil for dryness; watering is carried out only when the first three centimeters of the soil are dry. If smaller plant don't touch.

Is it possible to keep Hoya in the house?

The flower is associated with big amount legends. Many of them are negative. He is blamed for the misfortunes happening in the house and is called the main cause of discord with men. There is a group of people who are convinced that the plant is an energy vampire that absorbs human health.

Hoya is not a harmful plant. It feeds thanks to its own root system. Next to it, other indoor plants get along, and even sensitive people feel comfort in the presence of a flower.

Another legend says that hoya brings misfortune to homes. There are people who claim that with the appearance of a flower, problems and quarrels began in the house. And as soon as they got rid of it, everything returned to normal. Of course, it’s easier to blame an innocent plant for your troubles than to reconsider and change your attitude towards things around you and loved ones.

The stupidest belief is that an exotic beauty scares away men. There are people who claim that hoya drives away not only gentlemen, but also adult sons from their homes. Human relationships are built only by people, as well as influenced by them. Adult sons leaving their native nest want to be independent and create their own family.

But, there are people who claim that the plant brings joy and love to family relationships. How to understand this pun? The plant does not bring changes in human relationships.

Hoya is intended to decorate a home and brings joy with its flowering, nothing more, and people and their actions will forever remain the builders of cozy human relationships.

Humanity is designed in such a way that they need faith. It has always been easier to shift one's troubles onto others, and even onto a plant. During the existence of this flower, a lot of research has been carried out and they all claim that hoya does not poisonous plant. The only thing that can irritate me is strong aroma, exuding a million blooming buds.

Although hoya smells nice, it should not be kept in bedrooms, offices or for people with allergies. Initially, after purchasing this flower, it is placed in a spacious room, so that during flowering the aroma does not irritate, but pleases the owners. Well, if the smell is strong, you can partially remove the flowers from the shoots, this will help neutralize the strong aroma.


You can learn more about the flower using the forums. These communities help novice hobbyists avoid mistakes in growing. And many experienced flower growers describe in detail all the conditions for growing a flower.

On the forums you can get useful advice and for those who are just planning to get a hoya, which variety will be best for breeding and all the features of this flower.


Hoya is very beautiful. It can change the interior of any home. Due to its unpretentiousness, green treasure is often used in decoration office premises. When the exotic beauty blooms, the sight takes your breath away, and it is impossible to describe how much the room in which the hoya grows is transformed.

It is not only possible, but also necessary to have a Hoya if you want to diversify your own home and create comfort in it. And you shouldn’t believe the legends about her. Beautiful flower in the form of a vine can bring only joy and admiration to the house, and its unpretentiousness in care will help even an inexperienced gardener grow this miracle.